
Sunday, August 5, 2007

You think I'm kidding? No joke. In the final graph of this editorial chastising the Administration for its request for a massive military give-away to various Gulf-State thugs and apartheid-states, The Mideast needs more guns?, comes this:

...The primary US goal in the Mideast -- the encouragement of stable, democratic regimes that will live in peace with each other and Israel -- is best served by negotiations backed up by the United States' long-term commitment, endorsed by both political parties, to a military presence in the region. In a part of the world still struggling to establish the rule of law, arms peddling simply invites more demonstrations of the law of unintended consequences.

Of course, our presence there has supposedly been one of those reasons "why they hate us," but I guess all's fair when you're criticizing a Bush Administration policy.

1 Comment

Consistency is the hobgoblin of wiser heads?

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