
Sunday, August 5, 2007

Pop quiz! Who said, regarding Israeli Jews, "the way they talk, walk, the way they greet each other... There is a vulgarity of character that is bone-deep and structural to the skeletal vertebrae of its culture." Was it: A) Adolph Hitler, B) Osama Bin Laden, or C) A Columbia University Professor from the Middle East department.

An outtake from Evan Coyne Maloney's excellent film Indoctrinate U provides the answer. Entertaining!

Bonus Question: How much money does Columbia try to extort from filmmakers to allow them on campus, and what are the conditions for being allowed to film there?

Update: Columbia's Hamid Dabashi (oops, was that a spoiler?) reviewing 300:

Leonidas' mission in Snyder's 300 is an act of suicidal violence -- a suicidal violence that if performed by white people in remote corners of history is heroic but if by Palestinians or Iraqis then it becomes sign of barbarism...

Leonidas and his men, of course, were a regular armed force meeting their adversaries on the field of battle in proper, "manly," fashion in defense of their homes. To compare them to the nihilistic, suicidal barbarity of today's terrorists, targeting children and shoppers in markets is perversion.

What Snyder actually portrays (for the whole world to see) is the best picture of the US army in action. That monstrosity that Snyder pictures marching towards Thermopylae is the American empire -- and that band of brothers that stood up to that monstrosity are those resisting this empire: they are the Iraqi resistance, the Palestinians, Hizbullah.

No comment. [via Campus Watch]

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"Is it a hug?"

What I'm wondering is whether either Evan Coyne Maloney or anyone he interviews knows that there was no Israel during Hitler's lifetime? (I lacked the patience to watch to the end, though.)

I'm guessing the people who answered "Hitler" didn't think things through too completely.

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