
Friday, August 24, 2007

Interesting how these family ties go together, similar to how things have been with some of the Imams running the show in the Boston Muslim Community: Muslim Charity’s Overseas Speakers Dominated by Hamas

...Baker’s brother, Jamal, is a Hamas representative in Yemen who had lived in Sudan. In fact, three of the men on trial are related to Hamas leaders, [FBI Agent] Miranda said. Mufid Abdulqader is the brother of Hamas political bureau leader. Khalid Mishal. And Ghassan Elashi’s cousin is married to Hamas political leader Mousa Abu Marzook

HLF also arranged conference calls in addition to bringing speakers in to the U.S. Some of the calls featured leaders of militant groups who praised Hamas actions and platform after the U.S. tagged it as a specially designated terrorist organization in 1995.

One conference call included 64 Islamic centers throughout the country and raised more than $18,000, Miranda said.

On another, a Pakistani named Qazi Hussein Ahmed said “the Muslim people stand by the people who are struggling [against occupation] …under the leadership of Hamas. We in Pakistan stand with the Palestinian people … stand with the Hamas.” They will never accept any recognition of Israel” by the unjust Muslim regimes.” Hussein said.

He is the leader of Jamaat-e Islami in Pakistan.

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