
Friday, September 7, 2007

Hamas spin off CAIR and the ADL have been trading public barbs lately. Personally, I'm glad to see the ADL speaking out about CAIR, rather than keeping the far more safe head in the sand multi-culti approach I'd expect from them. After the ADL cast a few barbs CAIR's way, CAIR responded with An Open Letter from CAIR to the ADL which contained the usual attempt to cloak itself in conveniently defined condemnations of terror. While I would have liked to have seen ADL answer in some depth, I can understand their not wishing to have their own agenda and positions guided by responding to CAIR, so instead they kept it simple: ADL Responds To Open Letter From CAIR; Releases Photo Of Group's Leader Speaking Next To Hezbollah Flag

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), in response to an "open letter" from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) suggesting that their organization has "acted numerous times … to condemn terrorism," today released a photograph of CAIR's executive director speaking at a podium next to a known anti-Semite and the flag of the terrorist group Hezbollah.

Glen S. Lewy, ADL National Chair, and Abraham H. Foxman, National Director, issued the following statement:

"The Council on American-Islamic Relations has once again squandered an opportunity to unequivocally condemn terrorists – such as Hezbollah and Hamas – by name and to address its past affiliation with the Islamic Association for Palestine, whose ideology is rooted in virulent anti-Semitism.

The August 29, 2007, "Open Letter from CAIR to ADL" is yet another weary tactic by CAIR's leadership to divert attention from its troubling roots and disingenuous record. CAIR Chairman Parvez Ahmed and Executive Director Nihad Awad continue to willfully ignore legitimate questions. Attacking ADL will not make the real issues go away.

An organization that purportedly seeks to enter into dialogue with ADL should firmly denounce the anti-Semitic rhetoric and support for terror organizations that regularly occur at rallies, instead of sponsoring and joining them.

ADL's 94-year history supporting the civil rights of all in this country, including Muslims, and our record of teaching respect for all religions through interfaith and diversity education programs is unparalleled. Unfortunately, CAIR has shown that it is not a legitimate partner in this vital work."

In the attached photo released by ADL, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad is shown delivering a speech under a Hezbollah flag during a rally on April 20, 2002 in Washington, DC. To his right stands Imam Abdul Alim Musa, the anti-Semitic head of Masjid Al Islam mosque.

CAIR responds by saying the flag wasn't held by a CAIR official (though the guy is standing within spitting distance), the organizer is a "popular group" (ANSWER) and ignores the Abdul Alim Musa issue entirely.

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