
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Andover High's bane and full-time anti-Israel, anti-US Marxist activist, Mazin Qumsiyeh, is on his way to Brookline (Mass.) High School for a very special showing of the "Occupation 101" propaganda film (see previous: MAS Watch: Occupation 101 and the American Islamic University)...this note also came out on the Muslim American Society/ISB email list, distributed by the ISB's favorite pseudo-Nazi, Karin Friedemann.

Sunday September 16, 7pm

Martin Luther King Room, Brookline High School

(Building with pillars. Go in front door and go straight back to the MLK Room)

115 Greenough St., Brookline Hills T stop, Green D line

Meet Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
Palestinian-American Activist
Talk and Discussion


Join Dr. Qumsiyeh for dinner!
Discuss his ideas for achieving peace
Fugaku Restaurant, 1280 Beacon St

Unlike Andover, this one does not seem to be involving the students, but the sponsoring group, Brookline Peaceworks, regularly meets there. See, if you have "peace" in your name you can get away with murder.

Nevertheless, Brookline residents may want to ask some questions.

Activism must be paying OK these days, as one emailer points out Fugakyu is no cheap venue.

1 Comment

I find it interesting that Dr. Qumsiyeh would choose to go to Brookline, as the town has a large Jewish population. Then again, it's also a liberal town.

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