
Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Ahmad Bahr refers to Jews as being related to apes and pigs not once but twice in this short clip. He's also willing to fight to the last "Palestinian" in order to "regain" Jerusalem. Presumably, he will forget the deal when it comes time to fall on his own sword.

MEMRI TV: Speaker of Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmad Bahr Refers to Jews as "Brothers of Pigs and Apes"

Ahmad Bahr: Jerusalem, which was first conquered by Omar and then liberated by Saladin, was lost by the Muslims, who strayed from the path of Allah. This was the reason that the brothers of apes and pigs had the audacity to defile and occupy it, and then to burn its pulpit, in complete disregard of everyone.


The liberation of Jerusalem will not be achieved by means of glittering slogans, cheap arrogance, and degrading concessions. It will be achieved by realizing the divine path in the souls of the Muslims, and by raising the generation of the coming victory to lead the battle against the brothers of apes and pigs. By Allah, Jerusalem will be restored only through Jihad. The foundations of the monstrous entity will be shaken only by the love of martyrdom for the sake of Allah. By Allah, even if all Palestinians die for the sake of Jerusalem and Palestine, and if they all attain the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Allah, this would be a small and cheap sacrifice for the sake of Jerusalem.

Update: BTW, you and I are helping pay for this guy through USAID:

...As the primary donor to the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), USAID supports the development of the foundations, structure and infrastructure of a modern, democratic parliamentary body. All the PLC members and 80 percent of the PLC staff have received training to improve knowledge and skills through USAID assistance. USAID has also helped to improve legislation during the drafting process...

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1 Comment

a civilized world cannot degrade their intelligence to such a dungeon level. i love banana's and white meat with olive oil oops...

shadow groups like alkaeda and the likes can only be contained by other shadow groups...all we need is usaid...(gentiles)

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