Sunday, November 25, 2007
Jeff Jacoby: Let's hear it for good news from Iraq
All of the Democratic presidential candidates have been running on a platform of abandoning Iraq. At the recent debate in Las Vegas, they refused to relax their embrace of defeat even when asked about the striking evidence of improvement. They continued to insist that "the surge is not working" (Bill Richardson), that "the occupation is fueling the insurgency" (Dennis Kucinich), and that the "strategy is failed" and we must "get our troops out" (Barack Obama).
Blind opposition to war that seems lost is understandable. But can Democrats be so invested in defeat that they would abandon even a war that may be winnable? With developments in Iraq looking so hopeful, this is no time to cling to a counsel of despair.
Listening to the Democrat debates can be a bit surreal. It's like listening to a bunch of folks in a time-warp whose info is months out of date. I always get this feeling of "these people can't be serious."