
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fatah map shows all of Israel as Palestine


Fatah is planning to mark its 43rd anniversary this year with a new poster that presents all of Israel as Palestine.

Designed specifically for the occasion by Abdel Mun'em Ibrahim, the poster features a map of Israel that is entirely draped with a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf.

It also carries a drawing of a rifle as a symbol of the "armed struggle" against Israel.

The poster, which has been endorsed by the Fatah leadership, has already been posted on a number of Fatah-affiliated Web sites.

The underlying message of the poster is that Fatah, like Hamas, does not recognize Israel's existence.

The emblem is in violation of Fatah's declared policy, which envisions an independent Palestinian state alongside, and not instead of, Israel.

By including a rifle in the poster, Fatah is sending a message to the Palestinian public that it has not abandoned the option of "armed resistance," despite current peace talks with Israel.

Founded in 1965, Fatah has celebrated its anniversary over the past 14 years with major rallies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But it's not clear at this stage if Hamas would allow Fatah to hold a big rally in the Gaza Strip...

A picture's worth a thousand words.


Kalashnikov, Arafat and a Judenrein Levant and M.E. - what a trinity!

And this from Fatah, the "more moderate" of the two leading factions; such are the terms of the "debate" as are on offer by the Arab and Persian Muslim world and by their proxies and dupes in the MSM and other quarters as well.

Before any of you begin to hyper-ventilate, perhaps you should take a look at the map here:

or at any one of the numerous "official" Israeli maps which do not indicate the Green Line or the Occupied (um, "disputed") Territories. . .

Jeff, hyperventilation has nothing to do with it. You're essentially offering up an equivocation of absolutely massive proportions. Israel is not suggesting, neither overtly nor covertly, that an "Arabrein" Levant be held up as a goal to be achieved in the future. (For example, somewhere around 20% of Israel's citizens are in fact Arab, the greater part of them Muslim with participatory rights as citizens.) By contrast, a Judenrein Levant is precisely what is in Hamas's founding document as an overtly stated goal, essentially its formal constitution, and that's what Fatah here is reflecting as well.

Certainly there are disputed regions or territories and those disputes need to be addressed. But that's entirely different than desiring to wipe a nation off the face of the planet, along with their peoples as well.

Imagine Missouri and Kansas having a dispute over some parts of their border, with Kansas attempting to resolve those disputes conscientiously and Missouri talking about wiping Kansas off the face of the planet in order to incorporate all of Kansas into Missouri, and not merely talking about it but placing such language within their Constitution as well, their most formative and founding documents. Then, purportedly in order to formulate some terms of the debate, someone like Jeff comes along and tells those nasty Kansas citizens to be "reasonable" and quit "hyperventilating."

Yes, hyper-ventilating! First it's a Fatah drawing, then its Hamas, then its a "Judenrein" Levant.

Fatah has recognized the State of Israel within the 1967 borders. Do they have to swear they love Israel too? What "Palestine" has Israel recognized?

Even Hamas, which refuses to recognize Israel, does not speak about a "Judenrein" Palestine.

By all means, focus on the posturing of Hamas, rather than what Israel is actually doing every day. . .

Jeff, that's a road map, not a political map, and it's clearly labeled "Israel and the Occupied Territories." And the inset, which is political, clearly shows a differently colored West Bank.

"Fatah has recognized the State of Israel within the 1967 borders. Do they have to swear they love Israel too? What "Palestine" has Israel recognized?"

Fatah has done no such thing. They simply come up with a new definition of what Israel is. There is no Palestine to recognize yet, but the official Israeli position is that one should exist. Israel exists, sorry.

Even Hamas, which refuses to recognize Israel, does not speak about a "Judenrein" Palestine.

By all means, focus on the posturing of Hamas, rather than what Israel is actually doing every day. . .

Actually, they do speak of such a thing, if you care to notice. "Posturing" of Hamas? That's one way of putting it...

The PA can either show it's ready for the state the entire world is trying to force into their arms, or they can keep trying to have Israel's pie as well, in which case they may just end up with nothing.

> in which case they may just end up with nothing.

On the other hand, they're currently getting $1+ from every living human being.

Well as the world knows this situation involves everyone on this planet.
Isreal has guns and tanks and missles and nukes and the Samson option. Muslims have OIL, guns and want nukes. So, as I see it, give the Muslims tanks and missles and nuke also. Now who ever launches WMDs will be hit with WMDs . End of problem. No more OIL no more Muslims No more Isrealites. Then we who are left will say Oh Boy, now we have the world with peace in the Middle East and now we can go back to Calvary Armies and only be able to fight those you can get places by horseback and sailing ships. Or just lets all launch what ever is left and then there will be no one to fight ,but ourselves who are left. Believe me we will and then maybe the animals will take over the fighting and hatred as we all will be gone anyway.
Or, we can be righteous to one another and have an ongoing Love and concern for all others and save all the death from happening.
We have fooled ourselves that these problems of hatred can be fixed in human terms. No way we can do this unless we change our very souls.
Look, this hatred has been going on since Abraham.
But, basically it has been the hatred of a Tribe that just wants to be left alone.
If the Arabs think they can rid the Isrealites from Palistine they are sadly mistaken. God never lies and he will not brake a promise he made to them or the Arabs.
Read the promises to both brothers (sons of Abraham) one has a very, very small land to live in. While the other has OIL and all the Money you could imagine.
Isrealites don't have much, but themselves.
The Arabs could endow all of their people with food and land and money and they would have homes to live in, instead of camps in Occupied Jordan as a homeland as promised them by the 1919 mandate that Jordan was to be their Homeland, but the Brits gave it to the king of Jordan as a reward.
Why don't these rich royals help there own?
Greed !
Isrealites take care of their own , but not these Arabs. After all they lived Tribal and would Kill any Arab tribe to gain their poccessions.
The Word from God,Yahew,Elohim destroyed all those you opposed the Isrealites, didn't he?
So, when they come in force, which they will do, he will act again, such as in all the earlier times since 1948. Think for just one minute. How did a tiny Army win all those battles?
The God of Abraham made a promise and he will keep it.
America will now start suffering much for they have turned their backs on them also.
I am right in this and speak for God on these things. History must be learned and not ignored. This conflict will kill so many that Blood will flow like a river and the world will be destroyed if we as humans don't stop this bull shit Now.
sharky Professor of the Christ

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