
Thursday, December 20, 2007

This relationship blog has one take on the issue...

UNICEF has another. Their picture of the year:


Captioned: The image hardly fits our idea of the happy couple's wedding picture - but this haunting photograph taken in Afghanistan graphically captures life for millions of girls given in marriage while under age.

It's true that UNICEF is doing a good thing here, highlighting this picture because they want to bring attention to this problem.

But it's also true that underage marriage/slavery is common in Iran, Saudi Arabia and in other, relatively wealthy oil-rich states. There's also the fact that underage marriage is also practiced in Sudan and Mauritania, where Islam-sanctioned slavery is also encouraged.

So why are they specifically highlighting Afghanistan? I'd guess because it proves their standard claim that war (involving America) and poverty are the cause of all evils.

It also confirms their belief that quiet, peaceful advocacy for children's rights, based on "respect for the dignity and worth of each individual, regardless of race, colour, gender, language, religion, opinions, origins, wealth, birth status or ability" will stop Islamist bullies like the 'husband' pictured here from raping and enslaving children.

It isn't and it won't.

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