
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Not exactly breaking, but good anyway: Shot duck survives 2 days in refrigerator - Raises head when hunter’s wife opens door

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Neither gunfire nor two days in a refrigerator could slay this duck.

When the wife of the hunter who shot it opened the refrigerator door, the duck lifted its head, giving her a scare.

The man’s wife "was going to check on the refrigerator because it hadn’t been working right and when she opened the door, it looked up at her," said Laina Whipple, a receptionist at Killearn Animal Hospital. "She freaked out and told the daughter to take it to the hospital right then and there."

The 1-pound female ringneck ended up at Goose Creek Wildlife Sanctuary, where it has been treated since Tuesday for wounds to its wing and leg...

Reminds me of:


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