
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Uri Orbach has it just right (worth reading in full): Two states for one people turns out that the Palestinians are not really interested in two states for two peoples.

Actually, to be accurate, they are interested in two states, but disagreement prevails regarding the identity and entitlement of the second people. They don’t think the Jewish people deserves its own state. They are generous enough to accept one state that would be designated for Palestinians only, and another state that would be designated for the "Israeli people."

The Israeli people will bring together Jews, Muslims, and members of various other religions; a state and a half for one people, and half a state for the other people.

This is an excellent joke. Simply because there is no such thing as the "Israeli people."...

...This has always been the Palestinian approach: "What’s ours is already ours. What Israel already agreed to: A Palestinian state for the Palestinians – that’s in our pocket already. Yet regarding this annoying and bothersome matter of a state for the Jews – this won’t be happening. Why should it be that way? We want to be partners in Israel too."

And we haven’t yet mentioned the State of Gaza, which is yet another tiny and angry Palestinian state that suddenly appeared, and we shall have to engage in negotiations or a small war with it as well one of these days.

Therefore, here is a practical suggestion for role reversal: In the first phase, Israel would not recognize the Palestinians’ right for a state of their own. Why should they get a state? After all, the Arab nation has enough states. If, ultimately, for the sake of peace we will have to allow the establishment of a state with a Palestinian majority, it won’t be recognized as a Palestinian or Arab state. After all, many Jews and Israelis would still be living there.

First, we shall recognize the Jewish right of return to communities in Gush Katif and across Judea and Samaria, the land of our forefathers. Because this is our land too, nobody will be uprooted from his community, neither Jew nor Arab. We will find the technical solutions needed to manage our life together. Meanwhile, the Jewish State will exist safely in little Israel. Two states for two peoples.

Saeb Erekat really exposed the whole agenda when he said that the Arabs would never recognize Israel as a Jewish State. It puts the lie to any excuses about occupation or other land issues, and Israel makes a mistake in making any further concessions until this simple matter is settled.

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