
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I'll be contributing little items over at the Pajamas Media local coverage during the day as I hear anything interesting (or not) going on around these parts. That basically means I'm listening to the radio and maybe surfing some local sites looking for tid-bits. I'll be voting myself later in the day.


My impressions: pretty heavy turnout for a primary, jovial, rage-free voters -- I'm predicting heavy Obama support.

My request for a Republican ballot didn't meet with the usual mystification, which I'll speculate is due to Paulbots supplementing the usual near-zero Republican contingent.

You can only imagine the angst of this Texan whose primary vote isn't until March 4!

If the Conservatives ever want to defy the MSM herding us into support of a flawed candidate, we're going to have to get Texas voting first. The Northeast is not our brand of republicanism.

I feel like I'm watching the Titanic hit the iceberg over and over and over. It's kind of horrifying!

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