
Monday, June 2, 2008

Dave "Pokey" Cutler

Happy 60th Birthday Israel! Not! -- according to the certifiable, seriously deranged "protesters" outside Boston's Gann Academy yesterday. Resembling the last scene from Rosemary's Baby, around a half dozen assorted screwballs with scrawled, homemade hate signs appeared at the entrance to the school. Aided by their allies, the staunch anti-Zionist goofballs of Neturei Karta -- the self-styled messianists who consider Israel a secular abomination -- verbally and physically assaulted entrants to the event. Aside from the regular storm troopers like P.F. Soto, David ("Massachusetts Green Rainbow Party" Rolde), and David Cutler, there was a new recruit, no doubt recently released from Bridgewater State Hospital. He kicked and took a swing at me while I was photographing the "Aktion." A Waltham cop witnessed the assault, but failed to take him into custody. Too bad, the little weasel might have received the medication he so badly needed. Meanwhile, David Cutler tried to emulate the attack on Ted Landsmark in 1977 at Boston City Hall as he tried to spear me with his Palestinian flag. I kid you not.

Old Man Punch n' Kick

It should be noted that the Neturei Karta’s "Foreign Minister" (you can stop laughing now), Rabbi Moshe Hirsch, received regular cash payments from Yasir Arafat (revealed when the IDF raided Arafat's compound in 2002.)

It should also be noted that the Rolde, Soto crowd was ejected from the SABEEL conference at Old South Church last winter when they protested Bishop Desmond Tutu's appearance. It seems that they hate Bishop Tutu because he opposes the genocide in Sudan! Go figure.

Silly, you might say, but what was truly disturbing about the day's events was not the freak show outside the school, but the sad seating of Brit Tzedek v’Shalom inside the school. Here is an organization that has never shirked from demonizing their fellow Jews, equating them with Nazis and running interference for Palestinian hate groups. When I asked one of their representatives what their policy on Iran’s development of nuclear weapons, I was told that they did not have a policy. Terrific! I understand that the CJP and the JCRC believe in the "big tent" approach, but, please, that shouldn’t include groups that want to burn down the tent.

If inclusiveness is what they’re all about, why not provide an information table to Jews for Jesus or Hamas, for that matter? At least Jews for Jesus, as far as I know, does not promote an agenda that wants Israel to disappear.

Dunkin' Donuts poster-boy, David Rolde

One last observation. The security for yesterday's birthday party was the most intensive I’ve ever seen. Metal detectors, designated parking areas, three pre-screenings and a fully armed SWAT team stationed on the school's second floor. I would guess that the private security agency and the Waltham Police special details represented at least 50% of the expenses for the day.

Why, when Arabs and their Jewish supporters hold an anti-Israel event, do they spend virtually nothing on security? When virulently anti Israel groups want to make their point, they go directly to Coolidge Corner, Newton or other predominately Jewish neighborhoods. They go there because they know that their safety is guaranteed and Jews who want to see Israel survive will be timid. Why are Jews so reluctant to counter their lies with simple information at those protests? When was the last pro-Israel event held in a predominately Arab or Middle Eastern neighborhood of the city? Can you recall a protest in Watertown or Quincy against the Arab genocide in Darfur? Enough said.

Solomon's Edit: This was the lamest group of protesters in years. Perhaps their lack of numbers contributed to their meanness. Nevertheless, families had to file past this small cadre of the BO brigade in close proximity in order to reach the camel and pony rides, moon-bounce and warm pretzels. I'll have some more pictures and video up later this evening which I'll likely add to this post.

Update [Solomon]: OK, here's some video that gives you the idea of what some families had to walk by ask they came in (if you parked down the street the shuttle bus would take you straight in without ever hearing these people -- they were literally talking at passing cars) with a truly classic line: " Nobody pays us to stand out here. We care! People covertly take our photographs, too, then put them on their blawwgs!" Booga booga Elaine. Note the shouting of "Israel is terrorism!" as a family with a small child walks by.

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» No Wonder It Was So Quiet in Here... at the blog Solomonia

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On Sunday the Montreal Jewish community marked Jerusalem Day by its traditional annual ritual: The March to Jerusalem. Along the 10 km route which ambled among Cote St. Luc's and Hampstead's neat streets with their fine houses and well-tended flower beds, a group of Naturei Karta was standing in demonstration mode, holding signs that denounced Israel and Zionists as the great heretics against Hashem. These signs were punctuated by Palestinian flags.

Having grown in Israel, where the Jerusalem Naturei-Karta were in the habit of flying black flags on Israel's Independence Day, where they refuse to pay taxes and their lingua franca of choice is Yiddish , I am left quite unfazed by such demonstrations. I categorize them as the kinds of social or cultural manifestations which I will never be able to understand (something along the lines of Reverend Wright's "God Damn America" position). I mean, how can you possibly explain a sign that recommends: "Jews submit to the nations of the world, from Canada to Palestine"? Who, in their right minds, would choose dhimmitude over independence and freedom?

Well, they have a right to their opinion. In Israel, they are not half as docile as they are here. There they are not beyond throwing rocks on cars driving on Shabbat, vandalizing bus stops where an ad shows a woman's bare body in a bikini, or, as happened to someone I personally knew, empty a bucket of dirty water over a woman who dared to walk in the streets of Me'a Shearim holding her fiance's hand. So there might be something to be gained from Jewish independence after all, right? I can't imagine them behaving in this aggressive way in Montreal. So much, then, for their exhortation on behalf of Jewish subjecthood.

As my eight-year old daughter and I were walking by this ridiculous parade, I heard one of them yelling in our direction: Pritzes!

"Pritze" is a Yiddish corruption of the Hebrew word "Prutza" which means, a whore.

This past Sunday, June 1, the New York Salute to Israel Parade happened.

The GREAT AtlasShrugs2000 has a video report and pictures.

Scroll down to Atlas Vlogs the Keffiyeh at the Israel Day Parade


Some of the pictures will shock you and remind us why Israel must stay strong.

The NK (NOT North Korea) and some assorted supporters of "peaceful islam" and absoulte nazi filth were on hand to receive scorn from the marchers and counter-protesters from across the street.

Happy Nakba PaleSWINE, and many, many more!

Just saw this on LGF, from where I THINK I first heard about Solomina.

Another GREAT zombietime photo essay on

Israel in the Gardens 2008

San Francisco, June 1, 2008

"Israel in the Gardens" in an annual festival held in San Francisco's Yerba Buena Gardens to commemorate Israel's independence day. It draws tens of thousands of visitors every year -- and is always a magnet for anti-Israel protests as well. This year's event marked Israel's 60th anniversary, so I decided to see for myself how it all would play out.

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