
Monday, June 2, 2008

A lengthy interview on a Cypress TV station:


MEMRI TV: Arab-American Psychiatrist Wafa Sultan Blasts Islam, the Prophet Muhammad and Sheik Al-Qaradhawi, and States: When You Criticize Their Prophet, It Is As If You Chopped Off Muslims' Noses

Following are excerpts from an interview with Arab-American psychiatrist Wafa Sultan, which aired on Al-Hayat TV on May 29, 2008.

Wafa Sultan: When I examined the Koran, the hadith, and the Islamic books under a microscope, I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible - impossible! - for any human being to read the biography of Muhammad and believe in it, and yet emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person...

...Do you remember the way that [the Prophet Muhammad] killed "Asmaa bint Marwan? His followers tore her body apart limb from limb, while she was breastfeeding her child. When they returned to him shouting "Allah Akbar," he said: "No two goats will lock horns over her." As you know, goals lock horns over the most inconsequential thing. For Muhammad, however, the killing of a woman while breastfeeding was too trivial a reason for goats "to lock horns over." Is this a prophet of God?...

...It makes me very sad that Al-Jazeera TV allows an insane and terroristic creature like Al-Qaradhawi to use it as a medium for the spreading of his poisons, his terroristic fatwas, and his babbling. The words he used against me incited many young Muslims - who have been brainwashed and blindfolded, and who have been programmed to hate - to rain curses and threats upon me, right after the show in which he discussed my appearance on Al-Jazeera...

...When Islam considers women to be deficient in reason, and I refute this assertion - in that case Islam attacks me, and I am merely attacking back. When Islam calls to kill whoever does not believe in it, and I refute this, in that case Islam attacks me, and I am merely attacking back. I do not attack Islam. I criticize it, but unfortunately, we, the victims of Islamic upbringing, view any criticism as an attack...


She is a syrian women, living in a seculer country called syria.....ruled by a baath party wich is closer to communism. neverthless she accuses islam of many things rather than accusing the failed bath party.

She is denied from appearing at respectfull tv channels that she used to appera at like aljaeera, and now she appears in this humble channel that nobody heard about. I feel sorry for the interviewr he is put in front of this crocodile.

now everyone reads a sentence from Islamic books will produce films or start criticizing what he doesnt know about.

like the dhimitude subject which is hijaked on google search sites where all sources are not objective

arab, you say google is hijacked but not the 4 commercial airliners of 9/11 or the UN or the UN Human Rights Council chaired by current day slaver Sudan?

How Islamoronic.


1. Can you rectify the google spin, then, by explaining to the ignorant what dhimmitude means, how it is practiced in your country, and whether it is compatible with democratic principles?

2. Was Sultan wrong about the story of the woman who was brutally killed while nursing her baby?

3. Are you suggesting that Sultan should criticize the Ba'ath regime rather then the religion of Islam? Are you upset by her priorities? Why do you think you can dictate to her, or anybody, what should, or shouldn't, be of grave concern to them?

Is there a chance of getting a straightforward answer from you to any of these questions?

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