
Monday, July 14, 2008

Sudan president faces war crime charges

I wonder why Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir's oil tick friends can't protect him, as they have in the past. Maybe they're losing influence?


It's a gift for all the people that tried to believe that there is no conspiracy theory facing the Muslims, especially the arabs who are the main victims. Conspirisize ( globalize)!

Now we will wait for Americas puppets in lebanon and the "investigations, to accuse the syrian president and regiem of the assassinations in lebanon. so the new middle east is created through those Courts, or political shops.

Although I hate the iranian regiem, but it nows how to deal with these kind of accusations.

Why, arabian, you sound somewhat peeved. Is this good news upsetting you?

"The matter was so serious that a member of staff who “blew the whistle” by making an internal complaint against Mr Moreno-Ocampo — and who was then sacked by him — is to receive nearly £20,000 in “moral damages”, as well as compensatory damages approaching £100,000. Damages and costs are to be paid not by the prosecutor but by the International Criminal Court itself. "

according to the telegraph, Mr. Moreno-ocampo , is incapable of controlling himself......

god doesnt hit with a stick!

"The story began nearly two years ago when Christian Palme, 56, a media spokesman in the prosecutor’s office, submitted an internal staff complaint alleging that Mr Moreno-Ocampo had engaged in "improper conduct” with a female journalist from South Africa while on an official mission to the country. Mr Palme claimed that the prosecutor "had taken that journalist’s car keys and would not return them to her unless she agreed to sexual intercourse”. "

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