
Monday, July 21, 2008

Andrew Bolt has an excellent post showing the latest data -- no world-wide temperature increase, maybe cooling in fact, and increased ice cover: As I was saying on Insiders this morning...

THESE are the seven graphs that should make the Rudd Government feel sick.

These are the seven graphs that should make you ask: What? Has global warming now stopped?

Look for yourself. They show that the world hasn’t warmed for a decade, and has even cooled for several years.

Sea ice now isn’t melting, but spreading. The seas have not just stopped rising, but started to fall.

Nor is the weather getting wilder. Cyclones, as well as tornadoes and hurricanes, aren’t increasing and the rain in Australia hasn’t stopped falling.

What’s more, the slight warming we saw over the century until 1998 still makes the world no hotter today than it was 1000 years ago.

In fact, it’s even a bit cooler. So, dude, where’s my global warming?...

[via: Tigerhawk]

Charles has an update casting doubt on this story: Global Warming Myth of Consensus Explodes. I think rumors of the story's demise are a bit exaggerated at this point, though. As I read it, the story was not that the American Physical Society had reversed course completely, merely that there was an admission that debate continues and that there is a significant minority that do not accept the current convention -- it's not the equivalent of "Holocaust denial" to doubt the current climate change narrative.

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