
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

One of the Muslim Brotherhood's American fronts is losing its chairman. Robert Spencer speculates:

First the estimable Ahmed Bedier jumped ship. And there are rumors that others have been deep-sixed also, but I haven't been able to get confirmation. And now this. What on earth does Parvez Ahmed mean, that CAIR hasn't been proactive or open and transparent enough? What would Muqtedar Khan have preferred that CAIR do rather than whine about anti-terror efforts?

We may soon see the development of a new Muslim advocacy group, with a more sophisticated, less clumsy, less ham-handed approach than CAIR has taken to the stealth jihad...

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M. Zuhdi Jasser on the Parvez Ahmed resignation: CAIR Chairman Resignation Needs Careful Analysis ...f Dr. Ahmed had cited disagreement with the Islamist ideology of his co-directors at CAIR I would have taken note. If Dr. Ahmed had cited CAIR's... Read More

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