
Thursday, July 10, 2008


I've been planning a trip to the Middle East in August, and was hoping to visit Socotra, but since the Yemeni government is currently waging war against its journalists and citizens, that probably wouldn't be such a good idea.

Which is a shame. Socotra looks like a beautiful and unique place.


I'd absolutely love to visit Yemen, but it's not just not safe nowadays. (Not for anything having to do with the government, which is only a threat to its own citizens.) The risk of kidnapping has always been there, but it used to be that they'd ransom you, not behead you. And the Jewish community there is terrified and leery of visitors.

I'm sure Socotra is perfectly safe, though. No reason not go there.

Of all the places to visit in Yemen, I'd guess that Socotra is the safest. The NY Times article made it sound like a great trip.

However, there are no direct flights to Socotra, and you have to pass through the capitol. According to people who follow events in Yemen, the situation is really deteriorating there.

There have been random mortar and grenade attacks all over including the capital. Al-Qaeda in Yemen said that they're targeting everyone, including tourists. The travelers' newsletter on the site "Come Back Alive" notes that the country may be heading towards a civil war.

In a worst case scenario, it is an island, and if someone took over the airport, you could escape by boat, but then there's the problem of pirates in the area. The best way to travel around that area is to stick by the Yemeni coast, because the government offers some protection. If the government collapses, there goes that route.

I'm not totally opposed to going to unstable places, but if I do, I like to go with someone I trust who knows the area well. I don't know anyone like that in Yemen, so unless everything improves a lot in the next month, I'll probably have to wait.

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