Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First of all, let me thank everyone for continuing to stop by even with the lack of posting. Nothing kills a blog like this faster than like, not posting anything. Thanks to Mary, too, for getting something up there even with her travel schedule.
Well, after all the posts on the ISM's "Free Gaza" boat ride, it just wouldn't do to allow the arrival of said chum-buckets in Hamastan go unmentioned. Who could imagine they'd ever actually make it? It also looks like the fact that the hundreds of thousands spent on the site-seeing tour with...thousands?...at best...spent on "stuff" for the Gazans themselves did not exactly endear the new arrivals to their hosts.
I must admit, though, as a publicity stunt, the trip appears to have been a rip-roaring success. Linda Gradstein's (pffft) Washington Post piece may as well have been an International Solidarity Movement press-release.
"Peace activist" and piano-tuner (and ISM organizer) Paul Larudee glad-hands with arch-terrorist Ismail Haniyeh. (More photos - via Israellycool)
Soccer Dad has a good round-up of info in the aptly named Blockheads vs. the blockade. LGF and Israellycool are also worth checking out.
What a swell bunch of guys. They are united by a common hatred of Jews.......
Shouldn't these "islamofascism advocates" enter Gaza via the usual route - tunnels?
The boats will leave today.
If they take the students that were denied exit visas to america or europe with them( those students who got full scholorship from american collegas), it will be better than the titanic voyage.(as a drama story).
lets pray they take them with them onboard.
"If they take the students that were denied exit visas to america or europe with them"
Actually, they were denied visas to the US.
"Citing security concerns, the U.S. State Department has revoked the visas it recently issued to three Gaza students who were awarded Fulbright scholarships to study in the United States.
It marks the second time in two months that the United States has gone back on its offer to the Palestinian students to take part in the American government-sponsored scholarship program.
The three students who had their visas revoked were sent a letter from the American Consulate in Jerusalem, dated August 4.
"The Department of State has revoked your nonimmigrant visa" because "information has come to light that you may be inadmissible to the United States and ineligible to receive a visa under Section 212 (A) (3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which prohibits issuance of a visa to aliens for security and related grounds," the letter said."