
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Here's an informative and concise piece on Sarah Palin's denomination in Christianity Today. I was immediately struck by the quote from Andrew Sullivan that kicks off the article:

"She is a longtime member of the Assemblies of God. That's all you need to know."

That's how political blogger Andrew Sullivan recently summarized Governor Sarah Palin's faith background...

I've been hearing how unhinged Sullivan had become, but I haven't read him in an age, and I'm sure the blogosphere has long caught that quip by Sullivan and had its way with it, but forgive me as I had not heard it before. Imagine! "She's a Muslim. That's all you need to know," or, "She's a Jew. That's all you need to know." The rawest of bigotry against Christians is OK I guess.

In any case, the Christianity Today article is worth a few minutes, and also includes a long and occasionally interesting comment thread.

This seems related (regarding an extraordinarily cynical use of religious symbolism by the Democrats): Pontius Palin and Messiah Obama

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