
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A few more links:

Atlas at American Thinker: Obama, Hillary and Palin's Disinvite

... no one took the Soros-created J Street Project seriously, until Hoenlein gave them credibility. Hoenlein should have insisted that Palin appear and pushed back. He should have insisted that Obama send someone to represent him or suffer the consequences of an empty chair...

Caroline Glick: Your abortions or your lives!

...The lives of 6 million Jews in Israel are today tied to the fortunes of those women, to the fortunes of American forces in Iraq, to the willingness of Americans across the political and ideological spectrum to recognize that there is more that unifies them than divides them and to act on that knowledge to defeat the forces of genocide, oppression, hatred and destruction that are led today by the Iranian regime and personified in the brutal personality of Ahmadinejad. But Jewish Democrats chose to ignore this basic truth in order to silence Palin...

Jennifer Rubin: Palin Snub Rocks Jewish Community -- and the Presidential Race

The decision last week by organizers (the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations) of the anti-Iran rally in New York City to disinvite Governor Sarah Palin after Senator Hillary Clinton backed out in a huff has set off a torrent of negative reaction -- which the media, not surprisingly, has chosen largely to ignore. It also may have opened the door for the McCain-Palin ticket to attack Barack Obama for placing partisan politics above national security and support for Israel.

Many prominent American Jews and a number of media outlets are labeling the action disgraceful...

Roger L. Simon: Open Letter to My Fellow Jews: The Democratic Party is not your religion (or anybody's)

...No, those Democrats thought of themselves and their party first, the citizens of this country and the world later. When Republicans behave in a similar reprehensible manner, we should condemn them with all ferocity. But fellow Jews, stop being slaves to the Democratic Party. End this illicit love affair - not just for your own good, but for the good of humanity.

Phyllis Chesler: J Street Jews: The McCarthyites of our Era

Ah yes, my people, my nation, my burden, my glory, my J Street. The Jews of J Street have named themselves after an imaginary street in Washington, DC, a suitable name for the kind of imaginary but dangerous human engineering projects they have in mind both for America and for the Middle East. The J Street Jews would rather die at Ahmadinejad's hands -- as long as a Democrat is voted into the White House-than live under a Republican administration...

Finally, Gil Troy: Playing the partisan

...In fact, in addition to denouncing Ahmadinejad, Senator Hillary Clinton could have helped remind Americans of the many things that unite them, even during this campaign. Instead, Hillary Clinton played the partisan - and diminished her own moral standing in the process.

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