
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sean Gannon defends his position in a follow-up letter in The Irish Times (previous: Real Collective Punishment). Note, btw, the title the paper gives the letter seems geared to give the opposite impression than the one Gannon intends: Charge of 'collective punishment' over Israel's blockade in Gaza

Madam, - Philip O'Connor of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (Opinion, August 21st) defends the assertion that Israel's blockade of Gaza constitutes "collective punishment" and a violation of international law, but fails to engage with a single one of my arguments to the contrary (Opinion, August 21st).

He contents himself instead with quoting an assortment of statements by UN, EU and Irish Government officials in support of his position, an appeal to consensus which calls to mind the adage "100,000 lemmings can't be wrong."...

Etc. Sensible conclusion:

...Palestinians must, like electorates the world over, take responsibility for their democratic choices - in this case the handing of power to a jihadist terrorist organisation that has murdered over 500 innocent Israelis as part of its campaign to "liberate all historic Palestine from the impurity of the Jews." - Yours, etc,


Irish Friends of Israel..

[h/t: DKK]


I cant find any mention of collective punishment on this link. can you post the text?

Sorry about that. Try it now. I believe I found the appropriate permalink.

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