
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Back in July and August we had a few posts on the death and despicable glorification of "Coastal Road" terrorist, Dalal Al-Mughrabi. Apparently her sister found her way here (I have no way of verifying, but the IP does trace back to Tunisia) and has left a comment on the thread including the MEMRI video in which she (Rashida) appears (video of Al-Jazeera's glorification of her dead terrorist sister). Lest you miss it, here is the comment in full:

Hello, that's me Rashida Moghrabi, and I would like to say that beside the honorable fact that am the sister of heroine Dalal Moghrabi, am also a strong believer in fighting to free Palestine and in wiping out the zionist state. I did mean what I said in the interview, I salute the soul of every Palestinian martyr who died fighting the occupation no matter how.

Do not expect us to accept occupation and the suffering and injustice, which my people are enduring. A generation after generation we will continue the struggle and be sure Palestine will be free. If the Israelis claim Palestine was their land three thousand years ago, well it is our 'Land of the Canaanite' long before and it will remain ours long after. And if the jews were clever enough they would have chosen America or England instead of Palestine to claim. It will be just wise if they go out of our homeland Palestine the easy way. Oh yes, May I get my wished-for martyrdom soon...but make sure I sincerely wish too that I'll take as many of my oppressors with me.

How many times do people have to tell us about their goals and motivations before we start to take them seriously?

1 Comment

We've come rather far in our tolerance of terrorism and incitement, haven't we?

Time was, a person shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater would be held responsible for the consequences. Ditto a person publicly inciting to violence -- remember Eugene Debs? -- or openly threatening to commit such violence themselves.

When a person openly threatens to carry out deadly attacks, against randomly-chosen victims, at an unspecified future date, I'd think that would be an arrestable offense in itself, at the very least.

Not that I expect any such law-enforcement efforts in Tunisia. Nor would I expect any outrage from the international community.

On the other hand -- Rashida Moghrabi, if you're reading this, I do hope that you learn to respect others' lives the way they respect yours. And if you are, in fact, evil enough to travel to Israel, and attempt to kill Israelis there -- well, you'll find that my brethren-in-arms will treat you a lot more humanely than you would ever treat them.

(That's after they catch you. And yes, odds are very strong that they WILL catch you. Israeli security guards are very good at what they do; they have no choice.)

In fact, I urge you to visit Israel for reconnaissance purposes, before making any of your nefarious plans. See for yourself what Israel has built, starting with nothing -- and compare it to what the Palestinians have built, starting with endless cash from all over the world. Speak to ordinary Israelis and see how they feel; then speak to Palestinians. See Israeli hospitals treating ill Palestinians, and then visit Palestinian hospitals (many of them stocked with Israeli supplies), where Jews are not welcome. Watch Palestinian television, and compare what you see to Israeli television.

I suspect your opinions on suffering and injustice will change dramatically.

-- DiB

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