
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Daniel Pipes tries to take a count: explanation of what I meant by Muslims who "support militant Islam": these are Islamists, individuals who seek a totalistic, worldwide application of Islamic law, the Shari'a. In particular, they seek to build an Islamic state in Turkey, replace Israel with an Islamic state and the U.S. constitution with the Koran.

As with any attitudinal estimate, however, several factors impede approximating the percentage of Islamists.

- How much fervor: Gallup polled over 50,000 Muslims across 10 countries and found that, if one defines radicals as those who deemed the 9/11 attacks "completely justified," their number constitutes about 7 percent of the total population. But if one includes Muslims who considered the attacks "largely justified," their ranks jump to 13.5 percent. Adding those who deemed the attacks "somewhat justified" boosts the number of radicals to 36.6 percent. Which figure should one adopt?...


The glass half empty/half full conclusion:

...Negatively, 10-15 percent suggests that Islamists number about 150 million out of a billion plus Muslims - more than all the fascists and communists who ever lived. Positively, it implies that most Muslims can be swayed against Islamist totalitarianism.


The real answer lies in how many Muslims believe and follow the Koran. Those that follow the Koran, are in the West's eyes, extremists. When in fact, they are just good Muslims.
You're either a practicing Catholic, or not. Same for Muslims.
Judging by the chirping crickets heard from the direction of American Muslims, regarding terrorism and radicals, I think the numbers are much higher than many think.
And I don't believe that practicing Muslims will ever tell a pollster the truth.
Lying to non-Muslims is part of Islam. Al-taqiyya.

"Al-taqiyya and dissimulation are words used for a practice of
Muslims blatantly lying to non-Muslims. All but some of the most
fundamental Muslims consider the act of Al-taqiyya or lying to
non-Muslims to be a good work. This is very important when one
remembers that, in Islam, salvation is determined by good works.
This means that a Muslim lying to a non-Muslim is that Muslim
doing a good work to earn salvation."

Todkk is right.

the koran says that whenever a muslim country is occupied, or muslims fall under attack.....Jihad is permissible . so do the counting.Jihad is in the core of by fighting, money, thought and writing.....
actually...its obligatory to every muslim to carry jihad whenever there is an attack.
ofcourse the scholers can give fatwas to stop Jihad if they see that in their benefit, So the first thing to excpecet when launching a new war on muslim countries is jihad or militant islam.......

on the other hand there will still be factions that will carry jihad weather there are fatwas to stop Jihad or not.

The main reason for Jihad is Palestian, without peace ......

so this thing will keep going on foreever, america cant find solutions in the middle east because of its full support for some countries the dont comply with UN resolutions

On the other hand ...Todkk is wrong in taqiyah,
I will leave that answer open for him to look more into this field ..... or believe his nonsense.

so mR. pipes goofing around numbers, its obvious that numbers can make a good or bad balance sheet, its depends on how to use numbers.....

"The main reason for Jihad is Palestian, without peace ......

so this thing will keep going on foreever, america cant find solutions in the middle east because of its full support for some countries the dont comply with UN resolutions"

just to put more density to this thing I mentioned.

Imagene how unjust america is in the palestenian case, ( even in the presedential debates, For example Paline and Biden, they never mentioned palestian, palestenians, any thing related to the word palestian, even when the mentioned the elections that hamas won, they didnt refere to the word if they are scared to use this word or feel its harmfull to their campaign, all in all palestian wasnt mentioned, although Israel was)

so in this case the same america that is unjust in the palestenian case, which is the main reason for militant islam, remeber that most militants islamist are on the borders of israel......and if afganstan or saudia arabia had borders with israel...then alqaeda its self wouldve been attacking........

the same country america is invading to other muslim what does MR. pipe excpect?

I myself dont think that america which is a good country and has a nice hertiage will support the palestenians even if the comong presedent of america is from Gaza....... but what I am sure is that it wont be popular in the arab world and islamic world...and even now world wide..... its really sad.

( obama and mc cain seem not to go along on all cases...political, economical, social.....except the palestenian the bar of hate is expected to increase )

"arabian" FRAUD,

A real "arabian" would type Qu'ran, NOT koran.

If Israel, or as you call it "PaleSWINE" were the problem, then muzlims would be living in peace with their non-muzlim neighbors in the rest of the World.

Are muzlimes living peacefully with non-muzlims elsewhere in the World?

- Sudan (current day slavery)
- France?
- Sweden?
- Britain (Londonistan - "magnificent 19"?
- Netherlands?
- Algeria?
- Pakistan -(near nuclear war with India)

Then the glowing examples of sunni .vs. shiite rampages.

FAKE muzlim "arabian", please tell your pals that if the US or India or Israel suffer a nuke attack, Mecca (kabba), Medina and Qom will be obliterated in retaliation.

If you think the US can't do it, look up Hiroshima and Nagasaki for reference.

The US has had 60+ years of R&D in making their weapons systems more effective.


America and the west killed as much people as was killed throught the whole history.

so its good for Mr.pipes to count how many were killed by islamist militants and how much by america and the west........ including sabra and shatila and qana massacare that maerica doesnt condemn.

on the other hand most problems in the muslim countries is because of the colonoist era divisions and fake borders that are not practical..... we need as muslim countries to draw new borders I agree with that.

and the shiite and sunni killing is because of america strategy in iraq that prooved its wrong.....and the vacume of power left after saddam that all factions are fighting to take.

its like Israel war on lebanon that gave iran and hizbullah more power in lebanon and legitimacy.

and your nuclear retaliation thing........ Just Do IT

I would like to refer Arabian to the booklet, "Big Lies."
By David Meir-Levi
Until Arabs start producing anything other than turmoil, I stand with Israel. And the Palestinians have allowed themselves to be used as a political pawn, for over half a century, BY THE ARABS.
The Arabs can absorb them. Israel should cut off all aid, close it's border. Egypt can deal with the caos.

Arabs hate Israel because they embarrassed them upon the formation and prosperity. Arabs living there,have the highest standard of living, than any surrounding Arab countries.

The United Nations should be defunded and sent packing. The are the most ineffective, corrupt organization on the planet. It's only purpose seems to be to counter American greatness, as well as it's closest allies.(Israel)

"arabian" FRAUD,
A real "arabian" would type Qu'ran, NOT koran

Eddie - Educated Gulf-State Arabs learn American English and slang, and they use our phrases and spellings when they talk to us, just as we would use 'lift' and 'colour' after being in Britain for a while.

arabian - you said "and your nuclear retaliation thing........ Just Do IT" - could you clarify this? You're not saying just bomb mecca, are you?

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