Thursday, October 23, 2008
Woman Robbed, Attacked With Knife At Bloomfield ATM

PITTSBURGH -- A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, apparently because of her political views, police said.
According to WTAE's news exchange partners the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, was using an ATM at Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street in Bloomfield just before 9 p.m. on Wednesday when a man approached her and put a knife to her throat.
Police spokeswoman Diane Richard said the robber took $60 from Todd, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim's car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter "B" into her face, Richard said...
Video report at the link.
Update: LGF notes that TMZ is skeptical. You can see that the B is backwards, and not carved, but scratched...I'm withholding judgment.
Update2: I had pulled this post until more info became available...there have been just too many of these types of hoaxes in the past, but since it's been linked (at Michelle's, and she also doesn't think the story is 100%) I'll put it back up.
Ed Morrissey is less skeptical.
I thought the story was a good counter to the media silliness over supposedly dangerous McCain supporters, but this particular incident needs more investigation.
Update 10/24: She made it up.
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Yes, the attack was a hoax by a disturbed person. Sad.... Read More
The B is not backwards if she was on the ground and he was standing above her head. How silly of a reason to say this is not real. The left-wing media will never admit the wrong doings of their Obama supporters and its sickening. Even Obama campaign and McCain campaign have commented on this and the McCain campaign has spoken with the girl. Clearly it is true. Now stop acting like liberals never do anything wrong. This poor girl was attacked and the media is trying to cover it up... pathetic.
Anyone stop to think the B could stand for BUSH.
Was she knocked unconscious cause that's the only way a B carved that carefully? Her wounds do not appear to be that severe for her to be knocked unconcious. One should be fighting shouting screaming frantically if someone comes near your face with a knife. No redness in either eye if that photo was taken shortly after the incident. Lots of questions here to be answered here. The B looks too superficial like it appears it was done with a fingernail or a key certainly not a knife. Check the photo carefully folks.
How many folks call him "B"arrack (it's Obama) it appears most things related to him goes by "O"bama? An "O" would much easier to carve in my opinion. He won't get my vote but I see him getting 341 electorial votes from the Electorial College.
The "B" is carved backward because she was looking in the mirror when she put in on her own face.
According to Hot Air: "the man then sat on her chest, pinning both her hands down with his knees and used what she believed was a dull knife with a roughly 5-inch blade to carve the B". Uh...huh...
During the last election, October 2004, some Democrat in Florida tried to run over Katherine Harris with his car. Somebody keyed my husband's car around the same time - he thinks it's because he had a "Kerry haters for Kerry" sticker on it. People were stealing signs, they were beating each other up, they were losing friendships, all over the issue of which bureaucrat should maintain our infrastructure for the next four years.
For approximately one year before a presidential election, the only stories that are considered to be 'timely' are stories about the election. It's covered 24/7. Newspapers took investigative reporters off the terrorism beat and had them chasing Sarah Palin. Then they had to chase Joe the Plumber. The newsmedia's obsession with this thing probably pushes some people (who weren't compos mentis to begin with) over the edge.
Carving a symbol into a victims skin, backwards, sounds like the "attack" on the late Morton Downey.
The truth has become known; she was LYING through her teeth. Police has proven without a doubt she was lying; the video camera at the ATM showed no such activity and she is now an admitted liar.So, try to potray a Black man as violent and try to link him to Obama as a supporter, what a sick mind. Unfotunately too many people wanted to beleive this garbage.
Soooooooo SAD for that girl to make this up. She should be ASHAMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She said an African American man carved a B on her face. Well as an AA girl this really really hurts.
Why did she have to say a black man did that? Lord have mercy. She really wanted to hurt some people and she did mostly us African Americans.
There is enough trouble out there? WE WANT TO BE UNITED IN THIS COUNTRY WITH EVERY RACE. Come on guys we all need to speak out against this. But I forgive her.
I knew it was a fake from the start.
What a moron..
I bet you feel like an idiot right now. I'll bet you voted before getting all the facts, too (if you bothered voting at all).
she indeed did make it up and if u cant see that than u are not the brightest crayon in the box.
Most people who decided to vote McCain are the ones who are harboring grudges and ill-will.
If you all or anyone else truly believe this unfortunate woman was attacked by some 6'4 black boogyman at an ATM, just got to: the WTAE.TV 4 station/site & hear/see for yourselves.
Obama's NOT going to stop being president just because you all are angry and mean. Four years is a long, long time to be pissed off. This is much the same anger most people who didn't vote Bush in 2004 felt. The law of averages.
Now... just curse me out -- I'm waiting...