Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Disgraced City Councilor Chuck Turner went on the offensive yesterday with a rally on City Hall Plaza, and Solomonia operatives had the joint surrounded. Video and photos courtesy of Hillel Stavis and others.
Let's start with some video. Here's Chuck, and this is very important, explaining why his fly was unzipped when the press showed up. I kid you not. I don't think he ever got around to explaining what the deal was with that cash he was pawing, but this, this demanded a full coming clean (sorry, he's a little out of focus -- the others are better):
Chuck's opening remarks:
And the crowd went wild:
Photos (My apologies for the quality of some of these. It's the subject that counts.):
Chuck's anti-Israel divestment allies made a strong showing in solidarity. It's a certain "class" of people that support Chuck Turner in his hour of need. Let's remember ourselves to a few:
No Boston function would be complete without a little dash of Dan the Bagel Man
Recently run off an anti-Zionist activist list for being too obvious about her antisemitism, ladies and gentlemen...I give you...PF Soto!
Elaine Antonia always has the cleverest of disguises! Is that you under there Elaine?
Once upon a time, he was a Jew before he decided to "join the human race" (his words)...labor organizer and anti-Zionist activist, Jeff Klein
Former Gubernatorial (and I do mean guber) candidate on the Green-Rainbow ticket, she's not sure that's Chuck in those FBI photos, last seen in Ghana asking the UN to come oversee American elections...say hello again to Grace Ross!
His Hamas and Hizballah support banner must be on the reverse side of this one. David Rolde is looking almost sane here, but we know better.
The American Friends Service Committee sends its support. Well of course!
It's a frame up!
Insert generic crowd shot here.
By the way, the hero who blew the whistle is profiled by the Globe, here: FBI informant in bribe cases says more suspects are likely to surface
Via Universal Hub, some photos here. Uh oh, in photo 3, is that the spitter? Sure looks like. (Note to self: Fix the videos in that old post.)
Update: Note that the New England Committee to Defend Palestine (NECDP) also endorsed the rally.
Turner's signature appears on this letter at the Hizballah web site that repeatedly puts "Israel" in quotes.
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Run Grace, run! According to the Boston Herald, Green-Rainbow Party candidate Grace Ross is considering another run for Massachusetts Governor! Former gubernatorial candidate Grace Ross said unfair treatment of City Councilor Chuck Turner could prompt ... Read More
Hey, thanks for the nice photo! With Agent Stavis around I never have to bring a camera. . .
Seriously, Stavis should get a life. Not everything is about Israel -- except in his world, apparently.
Jeff can always find his photo on the wall at the Post Office.
Chuck's chief avocation, rallying support for Hezbollah (and any other Jew-killing group) was, of course, missed by the MSM. Jeff Klein knows this full well and herein lies his fanatical support of Boston's two-bit crook. At least Wilkerson went for the big money.
So long as Chuck remains a Jew hater, Jeff will rally to his cause. Long after the Arabs have made peace with their Jewish neighbor, Jeff and his ilk will continue their war against the Jews. You see, if even one Jew persists in claiming his/her aboriginal rights and pride, it will drive Jeff bonkers. According to his sicko philosophy, Jewish existence prevents him from fully becoming a "citizen of the world." Every last one must be cleansed to satisfy his deranged, post-Marxist codswallop.
Incidentally, I love the entrapment argument: "I was walking past this bank and I just had to walk in and hold it up - the nerve of these institutions! Displaying money in public!"
Israel sucks.
Just because you cherry pick a few of the most ignorant assholes out there to represent to pro-Palestinian cause does not justify the oppression that Israel brings.
God given aboriginal rights? Yes, let's converge from around the world and kick people out and expect no one to put up a fuss.
You're all just a bunch of whiners who feel entitled.
Ignorant assholes?? I resent that! From Stavis it's a complement.
Re "aboriginal rights":
How about we give Britain back to the Italians? The Roman Empire ruled there for about the same duration as the biblical Kingdom of David.
Or maybe allow the Celtic Welsh and Scots to "return" to Britannia, establish new settlements and expel those Anglo-Saxon interlopers to refugee camps in Holland and Germany. Britain was a Celtic homeland for thousands of years years before those nasty Germanic people took over -- and anyway there are lots of other English-German speaking countries in the world. . .
Or let's return Turkey to the Hittites, Spain to the Basques and South Russia to the Scythians -- or maybe it's the Greeks? And Stavis's house to the Wampanoags.
Wow, Jeff Klein has crawled out of his hole in the ground and onto this esteemed blog -- why, Jeff, what brings you here?
BTW, Sol, standing next to Jeff Klein (on his left) is the ubiquitous and perennial John Spritzler -- you may want to add that to the caption.
Marc, whoever you are, you are a silly ignoramus. A real problem with the worthless people like you is that they blurt out some nonsense, spew out some garbage, and then decent, honest, and knowledgeable people have to go through the trouble of proving your statements and accusations to be wrong.
However, since you are a nobody, really, I, for one, am not going to waste my breath on you. I will just offer you one piece of advice -- open your tiny puny mind just a little, and do some reading.
No, not of the type you've been doing until now -- I mean the real scholars, the honest, bright and educated people who can actually teach you a thing or two.
Unless, of course, you are a hopeless idiot that you tried to paint yourself as here.
One minor correction, Jeff: Israel didn't require "giving back" to the land to the Jews. It was theirs from the 1st millenium BCE. Now, if you can find the Jebusite, Hivvite, Perusite or Canaanite people, then you might have a point. No other people since then have established sovereignty there. The Arabs, johnny come latelies, invaded Palestine in 638 ce but never established sovereignty there. For hundreds of years, Palestine was a backwater of the Ottoman Empire, never rising to a level more significant than a vilayet or a sanjak (Jerusalem). The "Palestinians" only became a "people" after 1964 - prior to that year every notable Arab in Palestine denied their own "peoplehood" as did every Arab country including Azzam Pasha of the Arab League. Ask any Arab prior to the 1960's and they would have told you that they were "south Syrians", "Lebanese" or simply Arabs. Even the Nazi-allied Grand Mufti of Jerusalem never considered himself a "Palestinian". Only when Jews exhibited the ability to turn the backwater into a viable state did the Arabs suddenly discover their nationalism. Of course, no Muslim entity can ever permit a dhimmi people to rule themselves.
Jeff has opened a new chapter in this debate:
He has gone from dhimmi to dhimmi-wit.
Stavis, you are the soul of wit, but you haven't the remotest clue about history or anything else. (And Seva, buddy, where have you been lately -- in the Promised Land?)
You think "The Arabs" invaded and populated an empty Palestine? Who do you think were the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians? It wasn't empty at the time of the supposed Israelite Exodus from Egypt either.
The first modern nationalist newspaper in Palestine was founded in Jaffa in 1911 -- by two Greek Orthodox Arab brothers. It was called Al-Filastin.
At that time the vast majority of Jews in Palestine, less than 10% of the population, were not Zionist and the Jewish state was just a fantasy in the minds of a handful of mostly Eastern European Shtetl- and urban-dwelling ideologues. Then, as at all times afterward, the Promised Land for the vast majority of European Jews -- when they could exercise free choice -- was the US (or at least Western Europe). Many of them are exercising that free choice right now to the number of 800,000 or so Jewish Israelis living in the US and Europe -- still counted as part of the Jewish population of Israel by the demographically-obsessed Zionist regime.
Most Arab and Persian Jews considered themselves already in their promised lands until Zionism destabilized their situation.
Stavis, did you ever read a book other than the bogus "From Time Immemorial"?
Jeff, your scholarship is astounding! Of course, you're referring to the newspaper started by Yusuf and Isa Daoud al Isa, which was simply one of a number of journals that sprang up in the wake of the Young Turk takeover of 1908. The paper's thrust was pan-Arabism, not nationalism. In addition, like so many papers in Beirut, Damascus and Cairo at the time, it carried a particularly nasty anti-Zionist message.
The native Jews (who had been a majority in Jerusalem since the first British census in the mid-nineteenth century)sought to re-establish their sovereign state without expelling Arabs. The Arabs, as evinced by their leadership, notably, al Husseini, not only wanted to expel their Jewish neighbors, but succeeded in killing lots of them whenever the opportunity arose.
Are you seriously trying to say that Jews had no national history in Judea, Samaria and Israel ? A person can hardly walk a mile from Rosh Hanikrah in the north of the country to Eilat in the south without stumbling across an ancient Jewish artifact that predates Arab occupation by a mere 1000 years. But you've never been one to let the facts stand in the way of your agenda.
And if you're seriously trying to draw a direct line of habitation from the Jebusites to the Arabs, the geneticists and demographers are all laughing at you. Arabs are from Arabia, Jeff. Got it now? Jews are from Judea. Got that too? Of course, the majority of Jews (except for Jerusalem)came to Palestine in the aliyot from Europe just as the majority of Arabs came there from Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, etc. as a result of the economic boom begun by the Jews. By the Arab leaders' own words they were south Syrians, etc. and vehemently denied the existence of an Arab Palestine. They were more interested in pan-Arabism in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and all the other lands (not nations) ruled by the Turks.
What's most amusing about your position stems from your intrinsic Marxist agitation against "nationalism". It would appear that your hatred of nationalism fades away only when the "Palestinians" are concerned. I especially love your buddies waving Palestinian flags while at the same time decrying that imperialist bogeyman. No contradiction there!
If you really care about your Arab brothers and sisters, your time would be better spent trying to prevent them from killing and torturing each other in Gaza and increasingly in the West Bank. Remember, in every poll taken among Arab Israelis (by the way where are the ancient Jewish communities of the Muslim world? Where are the Jews of Damascus, Beirut, Cairo, Baghdad, etc. communities that pre-dated the birth of Mohammed by hundreds if not thousands of years? I guess you're not too concerned over that ethnic cleansing) an overwhelming majority would not choose to move to a new Arab "Palestine." As Lenin would say, they would not vote with their feet.
But then, this is all about hating Jews and cleansing yourself of the stain, isn't it Jeff?
Stavis, there is a nutty non-sequitur, a diversion or an untruth in every paragraph of what you write. But I don't see the worth in continuing a lengthy dispute before an audience of . . . Seva.
What else would anyone expect from a man whose hobby is to haunt rallies with a video camera in search of the enemies of Israel? You clearly need medication, not disputation.
Time to vacate the kitchen, Jeff.
Art from Sweden.
The Best mohammed t-shirts are from Sweden.
"A few of the most ignorant a-holes?"
Yeah, as opposed to the enlightened Palestinians, who in the last election voted en masse for Hamas, an anti-Semitic terror group (you know, similar to the one that just killed more than 100 human beings in India...).
Klein, you don't see the logical contradiction in arguing that land historically isn't returned, yet arguing that Israel must be returned to the Palestinians?
Oh, Jeff, you've hurt my feelings, you cruel heartless beast ... But it's OK, I'll get over it -- after all, I am living in the Promised Land, while you are living in the People's Republic of MA. I am that much closer to God Almighty, and you are too damn close to your petty thief buddy Chuckie Turner.
Give it to him, Hillel -- this creepster could use some education. But then again, what does he care about the facts or history? You may be wasting your breath on him as he ain't got no apparatus to process the information you so generously are providing at no charge -- hell, Harvard would charge him a pretty penny for it. They would probably lie, too -- after all, we all know who populates the Middle East Dept. there.
Jeffie, do us all a favor, and vanish, won't you? Lest I be forced to become nasty and vindictive and go after you. Remember the last time Sol was kind enough to remove the info I provided about you -- after you started whining to him about it? He may not be so generous this time around, so don't push your luck.
Just beat it, beat it, like the new Muslim Michael Jackson did way back when. Yeah, beat it -- for I know no sane chick that would beat it for you. Ooh, just the mere image of that makes me want to puke ... Damn my vivid imagination!
Jeff Klein,
Euro OCCUPIER of Native American land,
which country will "benefit" from your return when you pack up and end your OCCUPATION of North America?
How many members of your family will leave with you?
Jeff must know that wealthy Arab landowners, in the late Ottoman and British mandate period, sold what they thought were useless tracts of land to Zionists at exorbitant prices. The Jews drained the malarial swaps and turned wasteland into productive farmland. How does a Muslim think he can sell land to someone and later accuse that person of stealing his land?
Perhaps there is an answer in Arab-Muslim or Jeff-Marxist logic...
Furthermore, the census that Hillel cites in #9 was actually conducted by the Ottoman Turks who ruled Jerusalem in 1841, not by the British, making all the more striking that it reported that there were more Jews in Jerusalem that Muslims. How is it that more than a century-and-a-half later, we have people calling "East Jerusalem" an Arab city?
Oh yeah, because when Jordan illegally occupied it from 1948-1967, they kicked all the Jews out and destroyed 58 synagogues while Arab leaders never put any emotional or symbolic importance on Jerusalem until after the city was liberated by the Jews in 1967. Then we had a newly-created "Palestinian people" with their "eternal capital" in Jerusalem! Arafat was convinced by Soviet and Romanian communists that calling the cause of Palestine a "national liberation movement" would sell better in infidel lands--particularly Western Europe and the US--than speaking of the destruction of Israel. He need a "people" to do that, so the Palestinians were invented. There are numerous Arab quotes attesting to this fact.
In addition, Jeff's lack of any moral consideration is evident by the way he describes Arab and Persian lands as "promised lands" for the Jews prior to Zionists "destabilizing" the Middle East. The Jews lived as dhimmis under Islam--degraded, subject to second class status and relegated to a physical insecurity in Arab society.
He says this as though it is the most normal thing, in times of political change, for states (Arab countries) to criminalize an entire minority population (Jews) and for neighbors to savagely attack people who lived peacefully among them for centuries because their "honor" was threatened by the actions of that minority populations' co-religionists (European Zionists) elsewhere (in Palestine/Israel). Would Jeff justify Nazi attacks on Jewish property and anti-Jewish laws (or the harassment and violent attacks on communists) prior to WW2 because of the destabilization of the German economy and the wound to German pride resulting for the terms of the post-WW1 peace? Does he excuse the Japanese internment by the US in WW2 or feel that Americans have the right to pass anti-Muslim laws as a result of Sept. 11?
In Jeff world, it is fine for Arabs to have 22 countries--almost all which were inhabited by Christians and Jews prior to the Arab-Muslim conquests--in which a quarter of the people are poorly-treated religious or ethnic minorities--and women are no more than property--but it is intolerable for Jews to have one country in which they are the governing majority, doing the best they can to treat their Arab citizens fairly and humanely despite a war of annihilation waged against them by the surrounding Arab-Muslim countries, cheered on by many of Israel's own Arab citizens, who have full equality under the law.
Jeff, you are kidding yourself if you think that Seva is the only reader of these posts. Solomonia is a highly respected blog, and many people turn to it for reliable information without necessarily entering the fray. In the current discussion Mr. Stavis' assertions are verifiable and educational, while yours are unsubstantiated and lacking credibility.