
Sunday, November 2, 2008

And whoever thought we'd be looking to a Canadian to help us not make a mistake this Tuesday: Manifesto destiny

Pop quiz... which of the following was said by a revolutionary communist calling for the overthrow of American democracy and which was said by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn in 1976?

a) "With 6 percent of the world population, the US consumes over one third of the world's energy resources. The corporate myth of limitless consumption is based on control of Third World resources. The ruling class encourages a wasteful and reckless dependence on petrochemical products: high horse-power and excessively heavy cars, plastics and synthetics and nitrogen fertilizers. The failure to develop good sources of energy (such as fusion or solar energy) is not based on priorities for a better life, but on profit."

b) "We can't drive our SUVs and, you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes on, you know, 72 degrees at all times, whether we're living in the desert or we're living in the tundra, and then just expect every other country is going to say OK, you know, you guys go ahead keep on using 25 percent of the world's energy, even though you only account for 3 percent of the population, and we'll be fine."...

You know where this is going.

While you're there, ask yourself why Barack Obama has refused to release so many of the records of his past, including his medical records. (And secondarily, why a bigger issue hasn't been made of this by the mainstream.)


OK - so what is the big deal about his medical records other than the fact he wouldn't release them? He looks like he's in pretty good shape? Are we going to find out him and Ayers are blood brothers with the same blood type?
so the communist said b and dorn and ayers said a?

The guy at that blog is still flouting the birth certificate nonsense as well.. and his big insight is that he took anti depressants in the 70's when he was in college? hello next to viagra and statins - anti depressants are the most consumed/prescribed drugs in this country.
and from what data is this clown surmising that he is schizophrenic? because one of his speeches supposedly seemed to meander and appear incoherent in continuity? Yeah, ok I get like that 5x a day if I haven't slept enough, missed lunch or have 20 things to do at once.... and the other possible explanation for absermindedness or meanindering thoughts? I don't know how about ADD... but by this clowns deductions well Einstein was a pretty dangerous dude - after he passed away they found a 50 grand or so UN Nobel Prize check in one of his textbooks... man that guy was probably schizophrenic no doubt...
Solomon - are you fin kidding me?

You wouldn't have to speculate about it if Obama would release his records.

If he went to see a therapist and talked about his innermost feelings then that's none of the mainstream media's business.... speculating that he was/is a schizophrenic based on nothing but a rambling speech is no fin crazy and trashy it's like out of the Scarlet Letter for cryin out loud.

Salem Witch trials is more like it actually.

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