January 2009 Archives
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Well, yes, by now those of you who surf the blogosphere have discovered that Pajamas Media is shutting down its blog ads network. Jeff posted the letter we all received here. I wasn't going to bother commenting, but after surfing around a bit with some of the reaction, I'm compelled to comment.
What does that mean here? Well, nothing really. It just means the ads and the PJM button you see over there on the right will be going away come April 1 (at latest -- probably sooner). It saves me a bit of a decision which I've been grappling with for a long time -- ever since PJM changed their rate sheet and increased the minimum amount of traffic you need to get any money for sporting the ads. I've often wondered whether it was worth keeping the PJM ads, or getting rid of them and taking back the space for alternative revenue-making or even just more total control over my space.
I'll tell you a little secret -- most quarters I don't get quite enough traffic to get a check anyway, and when I do, believe me, the amount isn't earth-shattering. When they changed their terms some time back I went with the "non-exclusive" option (which allows me to add other display ads if I choose) -- the trade-off being that I would get half of what I would have had I gone for the exclusive option. Well, half of nothing is still nothing (or half of little still very little), so it's been a no-brainer. Still, I've always figured to stay with it, since I think being part of the network has had some value and a certain cachet -- contrary to what some of PJM's detractors have said. It's a trade-off. I display their ads, and in return I'm part of a project that's investing millions in the blogosphere. Everyone gets something, though the exchange isn't necessarily a straightforward one.
Continue reading "Pajamas Media Ads Go Away: Why Buy the Cow, etc..."California is discovering the hard way that TANSTAAFL (there ain't no such thing as a free lunch) when it comes to green economics. Hopefully Washington (and Massachusetts) will learn the same lesson fast fro other peoples' errors. Breaking windows doesn't help the economy: Stephen Moore: California's 'Green Jobs' Experiment Isn't Going Well
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was all smiles in 2006 when he signed into law the toughest anti-global-warming regulations of any state. Mr. Schwarzenegger and his green supporters boasted that the regulations would steer California into a prosperous era of green jobs, renewable energy, and technological leadership. Instead, since 2007 -- in anticipation of the new mandates -- California has led the nation in job losses.
The regulations created a cap-and-trade system, similar to proposed federal global-warming measures, by limiting the CO2 that utilities, trucking companies and other businesses can emit, and imposed steep new taxes on companies that exceed the caps. Since energy is an input in everything that's produced, this will raise the cost of production inside California's borders.
Now, as the Golden State prepares to implement this regulatory scheme, employers are howling. It's become clear to nearly everyone that the plan's backers have underestimated its negative impact and exaggerated the benefits. "We've been sold a false bill of goods," is how Republican Assemblyman Roger Niello, who has been the GOP's point man on environmental issues in the legislature, put it to me...
It's not like the disaster couldn't be predicted. They were told. The activists ignored it.
Here's an NPR interview with Benny Morris from a few days ago. Morris does a great job throughout. [h/t: Cinnamon Stillwell]
I wonder if Michael Krasny would have given Morris the full hour alone had he known he wasn't getting the Berkeley version. You can get a sense of NPR's audience by the questions that come in from callers toward the end.
Did we mention this good news? Congratulations to Michael Steele on his election to RNC Chair. I was going to do up a little poster with that 'Completely Different' thing on it (lifted from Steele's acceptance speech), but my Photoshop skilz have abandoned me this morning, so never mind. Here's video, via Hip Hop Republican:
Friday, January 30, 2009
A couple of days old, but so revealing (and revolting) it must be seen to be believed. Actually, it's all too believable, of course. MEMRI: To Mark 'Holocaust Holiday,' Egyptian Cleric Amin Al-Ansari Revises History, And Comments On Footage of Prisoners Being Tortured in Dachau, Mauthausen, and Belsen, Saying: 'This Is What We Hope Will Happen But, Allah Willing, at the Hand of the Muslims'
The MEMRI video requires free registration (the transcript is open access at the link above), but here is a Liveleak version:
On a channel called "Mercy TV".
This guy has no idea what he's talking about, as you'll see, calling Americans soldiers German...but he knows what his audience wants...what will make them feel good. Think about that.
It's getting to be so this sort of thing is so commonplace it's barely remarkable anymore. It's Almost Supernatural has the story: Fatima Hajaig's anti-Jewish comments on YouTube
Kudos to the SA Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) for releasing a recording of SA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fatima Hajaig's, revolting antisemitic remarks. The recording was played on e-TV last night (and 702 Talk Radio this morning) and the footage has since been uploaded to YouTube. It includes an interview with SAJBD Chairman, Zev Krengel...
...[Hajaig:] "They in fact control [America]. No matter which government comes in to power, whether Republican or Democratic, whether Barack Obama or George Bush. The control of America, just like the control of most Western countries, is in the hands of Jewish money and if Jewish money controls their country then you cannot expect anything else."
Here's the video:
It's something worse than that, though...more of a Jihadi's veto. I remember going to Speaker's Corner in London...could it have been almost 25 years ago now...that's this place in the park where it's traditional to grab a soap box and...speak. I was listening, or rather, trying to listen to some dude go on about Esperanto -- yeah, exciting -- when some little guy just came along, stood in front of him and every time the speaker opened his mouth, this guy would just start shouting, "Blah blah blah blah blah!" Every time...he wouldn't stop. Eventually the Esperanto dude just had to walk away. He certainly lost his audience quick enough. Who knows what we missed...Esperanto dude was speaking English, after all. (BTW, I also saw some Muslim guy get mad at the crowd of mostly Muslims gathered around him and start yelling, "You are all Jews! You are all Jewish!" I believe he meant it as an insult. It was the first time I'd seen someone use the word that way in public -- but that's another story...or maybe it's the same story.)
Anyway, that's what I thought of when reading about Lord Ahmed's 'veto by threat' of the invitation of Geert Wilders to come speak to members. Which is funny, since Lord Ahmed was the guy who invited noted antisemite Israel Shamir to address the same body.
Now see: Muslim Lord cows House of Lords into submission for daring to want to invite Geert Wilders
From a man, Michael Yon, who knows the Middle East from an infantryman's perspective: How Can the World Be Blind to Israel's Existential Threats?
It is amazing to me that there is so much confusion over who the terrorists are, who wants war, and who wants peace.
I heard Benjamin Netanyahu, the person who could soon become Israel's new prime minister, speak this week at the Jerusalem Conference. The most pressing point that he talked about was that under no circumstances should Jerusalem be divided. Many believe that if Jerusalem were to divide, the terrorist group Hamas would set up a headquarters here, which would result in Iranian agents -- who also wish to see genocide against the Israelis -- setting up shop within the confines of Jerusalem.
It is amazing to me, as an American who travels the world on a near-constant basis, that there is so much confusion over who the terrorists are. Hamas is a terrorist organization that condones and facilitates suicide bombings and will kill every Jew on the planet if they have the chance. Meanwhile, Israel is an energetic democracy with a vibrant press. I could sit right here in Jerusalem and write bad things about Israel and Jews, and nothing would happen. Maybe I wouldn't get invited somewhere or would be called an anti-Semite, but that would be it. Neither the Jews nor the Israelis would harm me, though they likely would write bad things about me. I came to Israel with no press accreditation and at the airport they knew that I was a writer. Yet they let me in and have allowed me to freely roam the country. Today I was in very close proximity to Mr. Netanyahu. Mr. Netanyahu talked about how, in this very hotel, Rehavam Ze'evi had been murdered just a few floors above our heads. The security seemed incredibly lax by American standards. Bernard Lewis and other extremely smart people were there.
Israel is a free country that abides by the rule of law. By contrast, if a writer were to go to Gaza or Iran, for instance, and start writing bad words, he might wind up on the news, dead. Israel allows Christians and Arab Muslims to worship freely, while Hamas wants to see us all at the bottom of the sea. Hamas, supported by Iran, is clear about their goals: they want to wipe out Israel completely, utterly, with finality. But it's not just Israel that Hamas wants to kill; they want to kill all Jews everywhere. Complete genocide...
They're encouraging their supporters to support Simon. Good indicator of J-Street's dedication to truth and the continuation of the Jewish State.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Very positive! At the Investigative Project (via LGF): FBI Cuts Off CAIR Over Hamas Questions
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has cut off contacts with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) amid mounting concern about the Muslim advocacy group's roots in a Hamas-support network, the Investigative Project on Terrorism has learned.
The decision to end contacts with CAIR was made quietly last summer as federal prosecutors prepared for a second trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), an Islamic charity accused of providing money and political support to the terrorist group Hamas, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
CAIR and its chairman emeritus, Omar Ahmad, were named un-indicted co-conspirators in the HLF case. Both Ahmad and CAIR's current national executive director, Nihad Awad, were revealed on government wiretaps as having been active participants in early Hamas-related organizational meetings in the United States. During testimony, FBI agent Lara Burns described CAIR as a front organization.
Hamas is a US-designated foreign terrorist organization, and it's been illegal since 1995 to provide support to it within the United States.
The decision to end contacts with CAIR is a significant policy change for the FBI. For years, the FBI worked with the national organization and its state chapters to address Muslim community concerns about the potential for hate crimes and other civil liberty violations in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
But critics said the FBI improperly conferred legitimacy on CAIR by meeting with its officials, even as its own investigative files contained evidence of CAIR leaders' ties to Hamas.
Last autumn, FBI field offices began notifying state CAIR chapters that bureau officials could no longer meet with them until CAIR's national leadership in Washington had addressed issues raised by the HLF trial, according to people with knowledge of the notifications.
Australian activist sorry for anti-Semitic remarks
A human rights activist living in Australia has apologized to the Jewish community over his high-profile anti-Semitic remarks.
Maqsood Alshams, who had organized a conference on Palestine to be held Thursday at the New South Wales Parliament House, called off the event Wednesday after a furor erupted over his anti-Semitic remarks, including describing Jews as "motherf------ bastards."
Maqsood, a Bangladesh-born asylum seeker who founded the Asia Pacific Human Rights Institute, wrote the remarks in private e-mails.
"I am ashamed to say they were made at a time when I was intoxicated and angry," Alshams said. "Of course, there is no excuse for such remarks."...
So they let this guy in the country and this is what they get? Nothing says Human Rights more than getting plastered and dissing the Jews.
My Right Word has posted CAMERA's Critique of Bob Simon's "60 Minutes" Program. It is a good resource. (Previous: CBS Strikes Again: Worst 13 Minutes I've Seen on the Middle East in a Long Time)
Sorry for the difficulties, we seem to have been experiencing some database short-circuits. Oh those MySQL upgrades... Hopefully the fix will stick this time. Here, have a look at what Dear Leader has been planning for us (via The Marmot):
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
This is a video that's been circulating that purports to show Hamas men executing a bunch of Fatah members sometime during the past few weeks. I've been forwarded it a couple of times now, but have hesitated to do anything with it out of concern for provenance -- which I have been unable to confirm.
This short video shows a large group of men laying on the ground in line in front of a wall and being machine-gunned by several people. It is quite graphic, so consider that your warning. If anyone can confirm the source and/or the background, please use the comments.
We all know that Hamas has been executing and knee-capping (shooting in the legs) Fatah members both in this recent conflict and prior, but we're not going for 'fake but accurate' here...
Again: Disturbing video warning:
Update: I've heard from CAMERA that experts have told them that these are not Palestinians. On the other hand, I've heard from someone else (who got the video originally from a good source) that these are Hamas members doing the shooting, but that this is video from the time period of the initial Hamas takeover, not from recent weeks. See 2007 posting at Tundra Tabloids.
From Charles Jacobs, in full:
Alan Dershowitz calls it "Hamas' CNN strategy." When Palestinians fire a rocket that kills a Jewish child, they win. When the Israelis fire back and inadvertently kill an Arab child, Palestinians win even more. "Look at my dead babies!" they cry to CNN, which eats it up and rings the cash register. Dead Arab children seem to be the life blood of BBC ghouls. Well, certain sorts of dead Arab children.
You see, the stipulated motive for this anti-Israeli outcry on the part of the media and the "human rights" activists -- the "deep concern" for murdered and maimed Arabs -- is a disprovable fraud. Look at the math.
Since the establishment of the State of Israel, hundreds of thousands of Arabs and Muslims have been butchered, most of them by Arabs and Muslims. Israel's "contribution," including all the wars and the two Intifadas has been quite small -- in proportion to Arab deaths -- yet it disproportionately fires up the media and the "human rights" establishment.
In Iraq, on average, scores of Arabs are killed, assassinated daily. Every week one reads how a Sunni blew herself up and killed 40 or 60 Shiites. Babies included. Guess what: This is not headline news. Nobody makes posters of these dead Arab babies. CNN cameramen don't get excited over this particular carnage.
Algeria: In 1992, civil war broke out. Psychopathic Islamists with machetes hacked to death 110,000 Algerian civilians. No tears flowed down the cheeks of Western "rights activists." No pictures of these dead Arabs -- babies, children, women and men -- appeared on posters in European or American streets. No marches to protest on behalf of these murdered Arabs. Maybe it would be seen as Politically Incorrect to show a non-Western culture as barbarian. Can that possibly outweigh the souls of the dead Algerians? To "rights groups" -- yes it does.
The Syrian dictatorship killed 10-20,000 civilians in the town of Hama, in 1982. No photographers were allowed of course, but there were images of the dead on the internet. Yet you never saw any of that on a "human rights" poster.
In Darfur, the jihadis are slaughtering and enslaving African Muslims. Darfuris do get some notice, but only because the PC "Save Darfur" movement bends over backwards to hide the war's cause: age-old Arab imperialism. But guess what: the hard anti-Israeli left, with its Islamist allies, defends Khartoum and calls the Save Darfur movement a Zionist plot. (A Zionist plot to cover up Arab imperialism in Africa?)
All this does not begin to account for the millions of non-Arabs and non-Muslims murdered, enslaved, subjugated and/or dispossessed by jihadis -- in this century alone. Christians in Iraq, Sudan, and Egypt murdered and enslaved. Somehow their dead children don't evoke pain in the hearts of the anti-Israel crowd.
This is a fraud: These folks are not deeply concerned about Arab deaths. Their tears flow only when Jews (fighting back) cause these deaths. It's not about human rights. It's not about dead children. It's Western guilt, now focused on Jews.
What does it take to survive a crisis?
... In any emergency, people divide into three categories, Leach says. First, there are the survivors like the 155 people on US Airways Flight 1549, who manage to save themselves in the worst situations. Second, there are unavoidable fatalities: people who never have a chance, like so many of the 200,000 people in Southeast Asia who were swept away by the tsunami of 2004. Third, there are victims who should have lived but perished unnecessarily.
After examining countless disasters and categorizing the ways people respond to life-threatening situations, Leach came up with what might be called the theory of 10-80-10. First, around 10 percent of us will handle a crisis in a relatively calm and rational state of mind. The top 10 percent are leaders, like a few passengers on the US Airways flight who took charge and guided others off the plane.
Leach says the vast majority of us--around 80 percent--fall into the second category. In a crisis, most will "quite simply be stunned and bewildered." We'll find that our "reasoning is significantly impaired and that thinking is difficult." We'll behave in "a reflexive, almost automatic or mechanical manner." We'll sweat. We'll feel sick, lethargic, numb. Our hearts may race. And we'll experience "perceptual narrowing" or tunnel vision. We'll barely hear people around us. It's OK--it's not necessarily fatal--and it doesn't last forever. The key is to recover quickly from brain lock or analysis paralysis, shake off the shock and figure out what to do.
The last group--the final 10 percent--is the one you definitely want to avoid in an emergency. Simply put, the third band does the wrong thing. They behave inappropriately and often counterproductively. In plain terms, they freak out and can't pull themselves together...
Then there are the people who don't fit into any category. I have a friend who was run over by her own car (she was dropping off the kids, left the car running and forgot the emergency brake). She walked away from the experience, embarrassed by the whole thing, shooing off the emergency responders. She told me that she was unhurt because of the angle the car rolled over her, or something like that. I still suspect that she's some sort of Hancock-type in hiding. Some stories of survival or heroism in crisis are just too remarkable. Like the story of Dave Karnes
Monday, January 26, 2009
I got multiple emails this morning from people who apparently still actually watch 60 Minutes that they did an absolutely horrific piece on Israel last night. The episode can be watched here. I watched. It's amazing. The absolutely most one-sided brain-dead report I've seen in a long while. It manages to be less intelligently informative than the average BBC report. Even Al Jazeera would make more of a pass at providing its viewers with information.
Bob Simon narrates. What is it with ex-hostages? (Simon was held captive during the first Iraq War.) Do the Islamists carry Stockholm Syndrome in a bottle or something? Simon was also the person perhaps most responsible for promulgating the Al Dura myth in America, also on 60 Minutes.
Let me sum it all up for you: It's the settlements. You see, there's a country called Palestine just waiting to exist if only the Jews would get out of the West Bank and stop bothering the peace-loving Arabs. Gaza isn't really discussed, nor Hamas, nor the PLO, nor Arab refusal to accept a Jewish State in any borders, nor what the excuse before 1967 was, nor the pressures from the rest of the Arabs...nothing...just mean Israelis, their apartheid wall (oh yes, it's all about the apartheid)...this report isn't just bad, it's evil.
I don't know what to tell you to do. Sell your CBS stock? Snub Bob Simon at the health club? There is a comment section.
Update: Oh, I keep meaning to mention this. Mustafa Barghouti's political party, the guy this show, and seemingly every Western news agency keeps sitting in front of a camera to showcase the so-called "reasonable" Arab position (though there's little reasonable about it -- he's this decade's Hanan Ashrawi) -- won 2.7% in the last Palestinian Council election. He represents next to no one. You want to know who actually wins elections? Hamas. CBS should put some of those guy on the air. Instead, they're not even mentioned.
Here's a very good collection of video from various recent anti-Israel (pro-Hamas) rallies by The Investigative Project. It's a good one to circulate amongst those of your friends who may not have been paying attention:
Tom Mountain is kind enough to send along his latest
Having declared themselves "anguished by the events unfolding in Israel and Gaza" and "recognizing the needs of all peoples...for dignity, peace, safety, and security," sixty local religious leaders, professors of theology, peace activists, and assorted luminaries banded together last week to call for "an immediate end to the Israel's military campaign in Gaza." The group of prominent Muslims, Christians, and Jews issued the joint statement to anyone listening, and chided the United States "to intercede to help reestablish a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel." For some balance, they urged Hamas "to end all rocket attacks on Israel."
This ecumenical group, apparently not significantly "anguished" by the preceding six years in which Hamas indiscriminately fired thousands of rockets into Israel, chose this particular time -- at the height of the successful Israeli counterattack on Hamas -- to vent on "the painful history of the Palestinian conflict" and declare that "violence only begets more violence, hatred, and retaliation," thus putting Israel and Hamas in the same category.
Moral equivalency at its worst.
Among the signatories to this declaration of anguish are the leaders of the Episcopal Church, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church and the Unitarian Universalists. In other words, the leftist anti-Israel wing of American Christianity.
Reverend Rodney Peterson, executive director of the Boston Theological Institute signed the document. A few years ago Rev. Petersen took to the airwaves to promote his Presbyterian General Assembly's divestment campaign against Israel. At the time both the reverend and his church were very upset that Israel had erected that long security wall to prevent terrorist infiltration.
Reverend Peter Weaver of the United Methodist Church likewise lent his name to the petition. The UMC was also heavily involved in the divestment campaign against Israel. Last year the church published a long list of companies- mostly defense and construction companies -- to boycott because they worked with the Israel Defense Forces. Bishop Thomas Shaw, head of the Episcopal Archdiocese of Massachusetts, is featured prominently in the petition. A few years back the Bishop put on his "loudest, most colorful robes" to stand in protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in Park Square against "Israel's oppression of the Palestinians."
The United Church of Christ is also a signatory. It was just over a year ago that the UCC's Old South Church hosted Archbishop Desmond Tutu's anti-Israel forum, parade, and outdoor rally in Copley Square. Pax Christi, the "activist wing" of the Catholic Church, is prominently featured as well.
The Islamic clergy is well represented. There were about a half dozen directors or trustees of the Islamic Society of Boston Culture Center (ISBCC). Especially Salwa Abd-Allah of the Muslim American Society of Boston and the ISBCC. The ISBCC, otherwise known as the Roxbury Mosque, is the Islamic center that sued The David Project, Boston Herald, FOX News and anyone else that brought attention to its ties to Saudi Arabia, Wahabism or the fact that an ISBCC trustee, Walid Fitahi, called Jews the "murderers of prophets," or that the ISB's founder is in federal prison for operating as a money runner for Al-Qaeda.
Nine rabbis are featured prominently in this declaration of ecumenical declaration of Muslims, Christians, and Jews, especially Rabbi David Gordis. Yes, that Rabbi Gordis, former president of Hebrew College, Prozdor Academy, etc. So was Rabbi Arthur Green, the Rector of Hebrew College's Rabbinical School.
As an aside, on the many days that I dropped my kids off at Prozdor, I never fathomed that the presiding rabbi was so concerned with "a lasting peace that addresses and promotes the national aspirations of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples." (Emphasis added -- for good reason). Anymore than I could envision a rabbi, whose job it is to train rabbinical students, joining the aforementioned Christian and Muslim personalities to urge "Israel immediately to end its military campaign in Gaza" as well as "a lifting of the blockade on Gaza as to all non-military goods."
As if to rub it in, Alan Solomont, chief Democratic fundraiser for President Barack Hussein Obama, signed the petition. So did Rabbi Barbara Penzer, past president of the Massachusetts Board of Rabbis.
We shouldn't be surprised by Muslim clergy and leftist Christian ministers for initiating such an egregious misguided petition. But there is something monumentally inappropriate when sixteen self-proclaimed "Members and leaders of the ...Jewish communities of Greater Boston" lend their names, titles, and the prestige of their pulpits to a public declaration equating Hamas terror rocket attacks against Jewish civilians with the Israeli counterattack designed to stop them.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Great speech by a Spanish politician speaking from the Left about the Left: Pilar Rahola
Pilar Rahola is a Spanish politician, journalist and activist. She is a passionate defender of the United States and Israel and an indefatigable fighter against anti-Semitism. All these despite being ideologically from the left. Her articles are published in Spain and throughout some of the most important newspapers in Latin America. She is the recipient of major awards by Jewish organizations.
I came across this speech and felt that it was worthwhile placing it in my blog...
Read the translation at the link.
Friday, January 23, 2009
At City Journal, Bruce Bawer (author of the essential While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within), discusses the shameful Dutch prosecution of outspoken parliamentarian Geert Wilders: Submission in the Netherlands
...With Hirsi Ali abroad, the torch passed to Geert Wilders. At times, it seems that he is the last prominent Dutch figure willing to speak bluntly about the perils of fundamentalist Islam. The same people who demonized Fortuyn have done their best to stifle Wilders. In April 2007, intelligence and security officials called him in and demanded that he tone down his rhetoric on Islam. Last February, the Minister of Justice subjected him to what he described as another "hour of intimidation." The announcement that he was making a film about Islam only led his enemies to turn up the heat. Even before Fitna was released early last year, Doekle Terpstra, a leading member of the Dutch establishment, called for mass rallies to protest the movie. Terpstra organized a coalition of political, business, academic, and religious leaders, the sole purpose of which was to try to freeze Wilders out of public debate. Dutch cities are riddled with terrorist cells and crowded with fundamentalist Muslims who cheered 9/11 and idolize Osama bin Laden, but for Terpstra and his political allies, the real problem was the one Member of Parliament who wouldn't shut up. "Geert Wilders is evil," pronounced Terpstra, "and evil has to be stopped." Fortuyn, van Gogh, and Hirsi Ali had been stopped; now it was Wilders's turn.
But Wilders -- who for years now has lived under 24-hour armed guard -- would not be gagged. Thus the disgraceful decision to put him on trial. In Dutch Muslim schools and mosques, incendiary rhetoric about the Netherlands, America, Jews, gays, democracy, and sexual equality is routine; a generation of Dutch Muslims are being brought up with toxic attitudes toward the society in which they live. And no one is ever prosecuted for any of this. Instead, a court in the Netherlands -- a nation once famous for being an oasis of free speech -- has now decided to prosecute a member of the national legislature for speaking his mind. By doing so, it proves exactly what Wilders has argued all along: that fear and "sensitivity" to a religion of submission are destroying Dutch freedom.
At The Corner, Mark Steyn asks: Britain to Follow Netherlands?
Finally, Daled Amos has an excellent post about the creeping manner in which similar government-induced sensitivities are coming to America: Congressman Conyers and Islam
John Conyers, D-MI, is likely to become new chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Last year, just for practice, he held a mock impeachment hearing of President Bush in anticipation of the real thing.
But Conyers has other plans as well--especially on behalf of his Muslim constituency. Just take a look at his House Resolution 288:..
Read the rest. This is how freedom dies. Slowly, cloaked in good intentions, a sheep's skin tied firmly over it.
A group called the International Free Press Society has taken up the Wilders cause. A petition has been started: In Defense of Geert Wilders. It includes a warning to the Dutch government that a prosecution of Wilders will result in a backlash against Dutch business. I'm less than comfortable with calls for boycott of what's still a friendly state, but I suppose it needs to contain some teeth to have any meaning. The authorities have to know there are consequences in the actions they are taking.
[h/t: Larwyn for the links.]
Differences: Fantasy and Reality. Campaigning and Governing. Obama and the Obama Left spent the campaign chastising the Bush Administration for Guantanamo and the treatment of terror suspects. It was a long campaign. You might think that somewhere along the way, they may have thought in a serious manner about what they were going to do in case they got their wish and had to hit the ground running. You would be wrong.
George Bush had to deal with events and reality, while the Left has had nothing to do but take the part of America's critics. Now that the ball is in their court, we see that Obama actually had no idea what he was going to do if he won, now that he's given his government a year to figure it out. That's called a lack of an exit strategy.
But, you say, no matter the reality, this order makes us look better to our international critics. So this is what it's about now? We pander to our enemies, trash the man in charge who has to make the real decisions to keep us safe from the people who want to kill us, and then try to declare ourselves the heroes. So much for hanging together.
I have a great deal of respect for the people who actually make the hard decisions and bear the scorn of their critics and none at all for the mouth-warriors at the edges of the board room all of whom, to hear them tell it, would have done it better. We've had a bunch of yammering critics around the edges complaining, whining, enabling our enemies, and trashing the responsible parties (even threatening them with prosecution!)...and now that it's time to say, "OK, you got your wish. What are you going to do?" they say, 'Give us a year and we'll get back to you.'
This whole issue is emblematic of the fantasy world that Obama has been campaigning on and that his supporters have been living in, while showing what the much vilified George Bush has actually been dealing with in the material world.
Clarice Feldman has a good piece today at PJM on what the new administration is facing, and its supporters haven't been: Guantanamo: A 'False Choice Between Our Safety and Our Ideals'? And then there's this new report: Gitmo detainees rejoin fight against U.S.
...Terrorism suspects who have been held but released from Guantánamo Bay are increasingly returning to the fight against the United States and its allies, the Pentagon said Tuesday.
Sixty-one detainees released from the U.S. Navy base prison in Cuba are believed to have rejoined the fight, said Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell, citing data from December. That's up from 37 as of March, he said...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Like Demi and Ashton, I pledge to try to end slavery in my lifetime
- by publicizing the fact that pro-slavery and pro-genocide Muslim Brotherhood affiliates are gaining positions of influence in the US government.
Patrick Poole reports: Genocide Henchman Leading Muslim Outreach to Obama:
As Bashir was waging his holocaust against the Christians during the 1990s, one of his closest advisors and top aides was Abubaker Ahmed al-Shingieti, who from 1993 to 1995 served as spokesman for Bashir's government (as he was identified in a 1994 New York Times article). According to al-Shingieti's own published résumé, he later served Bashir as director of public affairs for the presidency from 1995 to 1998, as the genocidal jihad against the Christians was at its height and Sudan was the hub of the international Islamic terror network. As reported by the New York Times, eight individuals charged in the New York landmarks bombing plot in 1993 were traveling on Sudanese passports.
As a result of those arrests, Sudan was added to the U.S. State Department list of state sponsors of terrorism in August 1993. That was not long after al-Shingieti's boss began sheltering Osama bin Laden, who lived in Khartoum from 1992 to 1996. With the close advisory role that bin Laden had with the Sudanese president and other high-ranking officials, it is highly likely that al-Shingieti would have had regular direct contact with bin Laden, as well as a host of other terrorist leaders who regularly visited Khartoum during al-Shingieti's tenure.
This is particularly relevant as al-Shingieti will be heading the U.S. Muslim outreach to the Obama administration as the president of American Muslims for Constructive Engagement (AMCE), a collaborative effort by U.S.-based Muslim Brotherhood front organizations to infiltrate our federal government...
Non-celebrity Ryan Mauro describes the Radical Islamic Networks in America.
Of course, who listens to non-celebrities these days? Demi and Ashton need to make another film.
"I promise to be a servant to our President." Whoah. That's just creepy. Get me re-write on the phone! Michael Graham: This pledge a bad act
...Demi Moore and her boy toy Ashton Kutcher have put together a YouTube video called "The Pledge," in which a cast of celebrities and semi-celebs pledge their service to Obama...
...Yes, yes; helping hungry people and being a better parent are good things. But weren't they just as good a year ago? Eight years ago? Did Eva Longoria really have to wait post-Bush to plant those 500 trees? Had Karl Rove stolen her shovel?
And what happens to these pledges if - Chris Matthews forbid - Obama loses in 2012? Will these celebrities go back to beating their kids, flushing their commodes and drinking their Fiji from a bottle?
America was a nation worthy of our pledges and our passion long before Moore started dating high school kids. And Obama's success didn't make America great. It's a reflection of our nation's greatness.
Demi Moore should speak the truth, admit she's really just a servant of her plastic surgeon, and leave us mortals alone.
Also excellent is Andrew Breitbart: I Pledge to Ridicule Celebrities Who Refuse to Recognize We Are At War With People Who Want to Kill Them, Too (via Graham)
The Flea pledges to resist the Borg.
Billed as simply, "Gaza In Context: Background and Prospects From the Current Crisis", Harvard's Center for Middle Eastern Studies recently presented its spin on the recent Gaza war. By the lecture's title, a casual observer might be led to think that an objective, dispassionate analysis of the conflict was in the offing. Think again. At the end of the two hour session, Harvard had registered its candidacy for MIHU (Most Israel Hating University) to compete with Columbia, UC Irvine and Florida Atlantic University. Keep in mind that Harvard is home to one of the world's most vicious Israel-critics, one Sara Roy, whose vitriol is made all the more effective by her claim to be a daughter of Holocaust survivors.
Ostensibly speaking on the human rights legal aspects of the Gaza war were Professor Duncan Kennedy and Naz K. Modirzadeh. Professor Kennedy is not primarily an expert in international law, his area of expertise being contract law, housing law, torts and (why are we not surprised?) "Left Wing Law and Economics."
Ms. Modirzadeh is a Senior Associate in Harvard's International Humanitarian Law Research Initative, one of the ever- growing apologists for Islamic Shari'ah Law at Harvard. Ms. Modirzadeh has written:
"Much of substantive Islamic law is either consonant with human rights (rules relating to economic, social, and cultural rights, for example), or have no obvious bearing on human rights."
Such scrub-a-dub excusers of Islam's harsh, medieval legal code are legion at Harvard, at the top of which sits Sheikh Noah Feldman who apparently sees the application of Shari'ah Law and its concomitant oppression of Muslims and non-Muslims as a bright, shining beacon for the world.
The title of the lecture was the bait. And the switch was fast in coming. No sooner was the lecture under way than Ms. Modirzadeh set the tone for the talk:
"(the conflict) takes place against the backdrop of occupation"
followed by
"Civilians (Palestinians) seemingly being directly attacked"
And guess who is the "occupier" (read "oppressor") is and who the "occupied" ("victim")? You see, the dominant paradigm in the Israel Arab conflict for virtually every institution of higher learning around the world is that of Israel's "effective" occupation even though polemicists like Ms. Modirzadeh are forced to concede Israel's evacuation of the Gaza strip in 2005. Protecting its civilians from deliberate, targeted missile and mortar attacks which have gone on almost daily for over 6 years is simply another manifestation of Israel's "effective occupation." According to this tortured logic, a country which has been attacked must permit the attacks because any military response is legally and morally suspect because such defense is tantamount to "occupation." Not only is Israel prohibited from entering Gaza to silence the rocket attacks, but as the "effective" occupying power, it is legally and morally obligated to protect all the citizens of Gaza.
The switch resplendent.
The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs puts the lie to the argument here. Most jaw-dropping in both speakers' presentations was the cursory, virtually non-existent mention of Hamas or Islamic Jihad and their war against Jewish civilians. While holding Israel to absurd legal and moral standards, Hamastan got a virtual free pass on humanitarian rights violations Out of nearly two hours of indictments against Israel and its supposed deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza, Hamas' self-admitted and unapologetic war on Jewish civilians amounted to roughly 5% of the presentation.
Human rights law pertaining to the concepts of proportionality (if someone punches you in the nose, you don't burn down his house) and distinction (targeting combatants not civilians) was presented to the audience with relentless examples of supposed Israeli violations.
But what the two presenters omitted -- intentionally, I believe -- was the third principle of human rights law triggered by armed conflict (jus in bellum) -- the principle called Perfidy. This principle has to do with deliberate deception in the conduct of war.
As Article 28 of the Fourth Geneva Convention makes clear, the presence of civilians "may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations." The article also makes clear that Palestinian attempts to use civilian shields are unlawful.
It is obvious why the polemical professor and his associate would not want to inform their audience of this important precept. They might have to acknowledge the incontrovertible perfidy of their clients, the Gazan Palestinians. Such omission is morally reprehensible, academically dishonest and entirely predictable in the current university culture. And yet, considering Harvard's place on top of the heap of prestigious colleges, one would expect a bit more honesty and fairness. No such luck.
Both presenters brought up the alleged use of "white phosphorous" by the IDF in Gaza, a substance that has been banned for use against civilians by the Geneva Convention, but which is permissible to use as an illuminant on the battlefield. Recently, the International Committee of the Red Cross exonerated Israel in such use. When I challenged Kennedy on this point, he refused to comment. And when I brought up the fact that Hamas had deliberately loaded mortar shells with the banned substance and fired them at Jewish civilian population centers, they also declined to comment.
To accompany their tendentious talk, Harvard's Center for Middle Eastern Studies handed out an "information" sheet about Gaza (reproduced below):
Just a few notes on the handout:
- According to the handout, Egypt "administered" Gaza from 1948-1967, while Israel "militarily occupied " it from "1967 to the present" (Egypt did maintain a military presence in Gaza). Despite the fact that no Israeli soldiers, police, bureaucrats or, for that matter, not a single Jew (with the exception of a brief visit last year by Jeff Halper, the Israel-hating putative Jew) has set foot in Gaza since the pullout in 2005, Harvard considers Gaza "occupied."
- Among the "Human Rights" organizations cited are B'Tselem (the group that considers the Palestinian homicide bomber prior to his actual detonation a "non-combatant"), Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, organizations that have branded Israel one the greatest human rights violators in the world while only occasionally citing Palestinian terror groups.
- Note the map caption "Israel's navy stopped an Iranian ship off the coast, carrying aid and food." Considering the amount of advanced missilery and other weapons supplied to Gaza by Iran during the past 7 years including the 50 tons of weapons seized on the Iranian ship, the KarineA in 2002, Israeli action is completely justified.
- The map contains no markings or reference to of the hundreds of qassam or katyusha missile launching sites, especially in the northern Gaza strip.
The incredible shifting death-toll -- and how is one to classify a "civilian" when a "uniform" consists of an AK-47 and a t-shirt?
...Palestinian civilians, meanwhile, have accused Hamas of forcing them to stay in homes from which gunmen shot at Israeli soldiers during the recent hostilities in Gaza, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported Thursday.
The Italian paper also quoted a doctor at Gaza City's Shifa Hospital as disputing the number of Palestinians said to have been killed in the campaign.
"It's possible that the death toll in Gaza was 500 or 600 at the most, mainly youths aged 17 to 23 who were enlisted by Hamas - who sent them to their deaths," he said...
...The Gaza doctor was further quoted as saying: "Perhaps it is like Jenin in 2002. At the beginning they spoke about 1,500 dead, and at the end it turned out to be only 54 - of whom 45 were militants."
He was referring to the Israel Defense Forces battle with Palestinian militants in the West Bank town that took place during Operation Defensive Shield at the height of the second intifada.
And then there's this:
...Brig. Gen. Eyal Eisenberg said the civilians were sent by Hamas to transfer weapons to gunmen during the offensive. He also accused the Islamist militant group of booby-trapping many of the civilians' homes.
"Entire families in Gaza lived on top of a barrel of explosives for months without knowing," Eisenberg said...
At Ynet:
...A Tal al-Hawa resident told the newspaper's reporter, "Armed Hamas men sought out a good position for provoking the Israelis. There were mostly teenagers, aged 16 or 17, and armed. They couldn't do a thing against a tank or a jet. They knew they are much weaker, but they fired at our houses so that they could blame Israel for war crimes."
The reporter for the Italian newspaper also quoted reporters in the Strip who told of Hamas' exaggerated figures, "We have already said to Hamas commanders -- why do you insist on inflating the number of victims?"...
In JPost:
...Cremonesi interviewed Gazans who echoed Israel's insistence of how Hamas gunmen used civilians as human shields. One Gazan recalled civilians in Gaza shouting at Hamas and Islamic Jihad men, "Go away, go away from here! Do you want the Israelis to kill us all? Do you want our children to die under their bombs? Take your guns and missiles with you."
"Traitors, collaborators with Israel, spies of Fatah, cowards! The soldiers of the holy war will punish you. And in any case you will all die, like us. Fighting the Zionist Jews we are all destined for paradise. Do you not wish to die with us?" the religious fanatics of Hamas reportedly responded.
Other Palestinians told Cremonesi of Hamas operatives donning paramedic uniforms and commandeering ambulances. A woman identified as Um Abdullah, 48, spoke of Hamas using UN buildings as launch pads for rockets.
Cremonesi reported that he had difficultly gathering evidence as the local population was terrified of Hamas.
Hitler Jungend. Shades of Downfall.
Also see the Augean Stables: Jenin Redux: Casualty Figures Reconsidered and Stephanie Gutmann: Can We Trust the Casualty Numbers? Probably not, if they come from Hamas.
Update: Just to emphasize, the IDF is standing by an overall casualty number of about 1300, a majority being Hamas fighters.
From the new Whitehouse.gov:
...Under the Obama-Biden plan, a residual force will remain in Iraq and in the region to conduct targeted counter-terrorism missions against al Qaeda in Iraq and protect American diplomatic and civilian personnel. They will not build permanent bases in Iraq, but will continue efforts to train and support the Iraqi security forces as long as Iraqi leaders move toward political reconciliation and away from sectarianism...
So we'll continue to be there as long as "necessary," and Americans will continue to die there, but our commitment will be small. So we're going to keep a minimal, light, low-footprint, force there. Does that sound familiar? I thought that was the big problem over the past few years. But look at it this way, at least it'll be easy to pull out -- or at least off the front-pages -- the moment things get tough again and we find the need to cut and run.
We don't build big bases to help KBR's stock, or because Republicans like to play with military toys, we do it because that's what long-term strategy calls for, and we do it because we sacrificed lives and treasure to get to the point of being able to do so.
Obama is now continuing the Bush policy, but he's handcuffed our options by his pandering to the "Iraq is a disaster, we need to pull out NOW"-wing of the left mainstream of the party who declared Iraq lost and an unrecoverable mess in the face of the evidence.
Crittenden: Everything Old
...Wow. Man of action. Dramatic shift from the Bush policy of dragging the thing out as long as possible, I guess. Good thing Bush ended the Iraq war and had the exit plans and Afghanistan review in the works. That should make it easier...
Obama: "I woulda done it differently...now that it's done."
At a rally of 10,000 Muslim men in England last week, Lauren Booth called to Israel: "You are the criminals that we detest!"
Booth, sister of the wife of UK Middle East envoy Tony Blair, spoke at an anti-Israel rally held last Sunday, Jan. 11, in the large town of Blackburn, 35 kilometers north of Manchester. An estimated 10,000 people, mostly young Muslim men, were in attendance.
Sources in England report that the rally was totally ignored by national media, including the BBC, despite the fact that it was "probably the largest Islamic protest march in the UK since the Bradford book-burnings against Salman Rushdie and free speech twenty years ago." So writes far-right politician Nick Griffin...
...Griffin later filed a complaint with the local police constable...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Dr. Sami Alrabaa, a professor of sociology and an Arab/Muslim culture specialist, who one commenter called a "walking, breathing, positive proof that sanity is still flickering in the dark cavern that is contemporary Arab mass culture" wrote this about Hamas' actions in the Middle East:
Hamas prefers war as an alternative to progress:
Especially Islamists, they rejoice at the on-going maiming and killing in Gaza, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. None of those Hamas-sympathizers has ever condemned the atrocities inflicted upon innocent people, arbitrarily killed in these countries by suicide bombers in the name Islam.
In Arabic we say, Ja'ja'a bila taheen" (It is all noise without flour). We Arabs are most boisterous, shrill people, but less effective or inclined to seeking pragmatic, workable solutions.
According to a clandestine survey by Bielefeld University conducted in Syria and Egypt (2006), over 70% of the population in these countries want peace with Israel. They are "sick and tired", as many put it, of the belligerent discourse of the Islamists and the biased and instigatory propaganda of their national media. They, of course, don't dare say that openly.
Khaled, who wants to be identified by his first name only, told me, "Our leaders and their affiliates suffer from some kind of personality disorder. They keep us busy with Israel to distract from their failure to establish democracy and remove poverty. They also support radical organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah as tools to keep that distraction alive."
Fatima said, "Israel left South Lebanon and Gaza. Yet, for Hezbollah and Hamas this is not enough. What do these people want? They are making the life of their people and ours miserable. We feel hijacked by these murderers. We want peace."
Hamas and its affiliates are among the bloodiest in the history of mankind. They do not value human life. They deliberately provoked the Israeli offensive and were aware that that would cause death to hundreds of civilians living in areas where Hamas had stored its rockets. Hamas leadership has been banking on images of death and destruction as a means to rally support in Arab, Muslim, and Western streets...
Dr. Alrabaa has also recently published a book titled "Karin in Saudi Arabia" about our peacemaking moderate allies:
In Saudi Arabia, you can marry and divorce a woman in her absence. All you need is a religious man and two male witnesses. This is exactly what happened to Karin; she was married in her absence. Muna never saw any marriage or divorce papers. ...
...Very few atrocities like the ones I'm reporting reach the international media. In March, 2002, the Saudi Morality Police prevented school girls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing the correct Islamic dress. As a result 15 girls were burned alive." My stories are a pattern that happen day in day out.
When you study Islam; the Quran and Shari'a, and live in Saudi Arabia for a while, you find out that the Saudis are in fact applying the Islamic law. "The woman who commits adultery must be stoned to death."(Quran, 36:18). "And (as for) the man who steals and the woman who steals, cut off their hands as a punishment for what they have earned, an exemplary punishment from Allah; and Allah is Mighty, Wise." (Quran 5:38). For more details, check out Islam is a Violent "Faith" and "Understanding Muhammad" by Ali Sina.
The book also shows that not only the Saudi regime and its religious fanatic establishment are oppressive, but also other groups in society: Saudi men oppress and ill-treat women, and Saudi men and women oppress abuse foreigners.
When I delivered the manuscript of this book to friends outside of Saudi Arabia, asking them to read it over, their response was uniform: they shook their heads in disbelief. Nobody in the civilized world seemed able to fathom the extent of the arbitrariness and atrocities to which victims in Saudi Arabia are subjected. To them, it was incredible. Some remarked that I was telling stories about the actions of monsters from another planet. They could not believe that any human could act as a Saudi corrupted by power does.
These are the moderate Saudi allies that we rely on (and empower) in an effort to bring peace to the Middle East. Is it any wonder things are such a mess?
To learn more about the culture our un-pragmatic State Department calls 'moderate', read Dr. Alrabaa's book, available through Amazon.
I agree with Crittenden (who has a good roundup of reaction) and Surber -- The One's speech was singularly lame (although I disagree it had absolutely no moments...the 'unclench your fist' bit was a good one, but other than that...).
...His speech was very revealing. He tried to be large but he kept being petty. He could not move the audience back enough to see the big picture.
Worse, it was also a rambling speech because it had no central theme. And that reflects not a thoughtful man with great vision, but rather a man who is suddenly thrust into power who hasn't a clue. He is clever, but not wise...
...Some stock American History 101, some standard bootstraps and strong America rhetoric, and a string of other platitudes and sniping entirely unsupported by anything he has said or done or said he will do ... because once you get past the vague "hope" and change" promises, everything else has either been put on hold, sent back for reconsideration, or as is the Obamist wont, abandoned in favor of someone else's ideas. Then there was the fact that much of it was also entirely divorced from anything representing the realities of Washington and the world...
I'm all for the historicity of the moment, and happy that it's been shown what some of us already knew -- that a black man is perfectly capable of being elected president -- but as to the substance, no, as they put it at Hot Air, grading on a curve. And can we please put this kind of crap to bed now: Inaugural benediction: Pray that "white will embrace what is right"
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Via LGF, a very cool site for those who want to say Thank You to George W. Bush for the domestic security we've enjoyed since 9/11. I signed.
Some of the people closest to Barack today need not apply.
[This post continues the series of excerpts from John Roy Carlson's 1951 work, Cairo to Damascus (link to in-print paperback
). All posts in the series will be collected on this page. New visitors will also want to check out my posts collected from Carlson's important earlier work, Under Cover. See the top post of each collection for a short introduction to the material.]
pp. 433-435:
The day before Stefan and I arrived I interviewed Kamil Mruwi, a short, energetic, impatient man with a clipped and brittle manner. Mruwi was editor of the Lebanese newspaper, El Hayet.
"Now that the Jews have a State," I said, "how do you propose to defeat it?"
"The Jews' problems have just begun. The Arabs are a patient people. We will not always be in a shooting war with the Jews but we will be in a state of war with them forever. The Jews can be destroyed by a boycott of their trade. Who will buy their products? Not America, and not England. The Jews can only survive through trade and export to the Arab countries -- and Arabs will not deal with the Jews. The Jews will starve. War will come. Maybe not for five or ten years, but when it does, the Jews will be swept into the sea like a tidal wave. They will disappear like Sodom and Gomorrah. You will see."
Stefan [Carlson's Nazi companion. -S] arrived itching to spend the money the Mufti had given him.
"How about meeting those Germans you wrote me about?" I said, after greeting him.
We took a tram to the German Hospital on rue George Picot...A group of give men got off the tram and walked toward us. We shook hands. All were originally escapees from various British prisoner-of-war camps who had fought with the Arabs. I was interested in their leader, Gunther Elmar von Hardenberg, once a major in the Wehrmacht. We were soon seated together at lunch while Stefan went off with the other Nazis...
..."What is your association?" I asked.
"The Association for Christian German War Refugees. Whenever a new German comes to Beirut I screen him personally, then register him with the Beirut police as a friend of the Arab cause. The police issue an identity card and all is in order."
Von Hardenberg was in his thirties, a tall, lean, handsome man. He showed me a photograph of himself receiving a second Iron Cross. "I was against Hitler, who wanted to attack Russia at the same time as attacking the West," he said. "We militarists knew Russia better than Hitler." Von Hardenberg had succeeded in escaping to Rumania with a group of anti-Hitler Nazis and eventually was captured by the British. Sent to Palestine as a prisoner, he claimed he was given a free hand to travel among the Arab States. "We Germans have to work with somebody," he said. "We cannot work with the Americans and we do not like the Russians or French. It is possible to work with the English..."
I saw von Hardenberg many times. He told me of frequent trips that German officers were making to Beirut, and stated that they were finding positions in various Arab armies. These Germans belonged to a secret group called Deutsches Hilfskomittee for den Nahen Osten, German Aid Committee for the Near East, of which he was chairman, von Hardenberg told me.
"Is it with the Lebanese army that the Germans are finding positions?" I asked.
"No. Lebanon is not militarist."
"Then I would say it was Egypt."
"It is Syria," von Hardenberg answered. "There are already many Germans working with the Syrians as trainers and technicians."
Saturn's Hyperion: A Moon with Odd Craters
Explanation: What lies at the bottom of Hyperion's strange craters? Nobody knows. To help find out, the
robot Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn swooped past the sponge-textured moon in late 2005 and took an image of unprecedented detail. That image, shown above in false color, shows a remarkable world strewn with
strange craters and a generally odd surface. The slight differences in color likely show differences in surface composition. At the bottom of most craters lies some type of unknown dark material. Inspection of the image shows bright features indicating that the dark material might be only tens of meters thick in some places. Hyperion is about 250 kilometers across, rotates chaotically, and has a density so low that it might house a vast system of caverns inside.
[h/t: Cinnamon Stillwell]
A Solomonia friend who's also an ex-Mossad operative sends in this short report:
We stopped off in Madrid for 3 days to decompress. On Saturday night, there was a demonstration that can't be described as other than anti-Semitic in the Playa Del Sol, near our hotel. There must have been 10,000 people there, chanting awful stuff about how Jews took the Nazi examples and applied them in Gaza,etc,etc. There was not a single counter-protester to be seen. The crowd was about 50% Arabs, 50% Spaniards. It was organized by the PA, our "peace partners." Ha!
I can tell you that I was scared sh*t, and I don't scare easy, but I felt I just had to experience something like this. Trust me, nothing you see in Boston is anywhere near this stuff.
Fear not, our new President promises to bring us more in line with European opinion.
IDF officers are being warned to check in with legal authorities before travel in Europe over concern of the abuse of International Law, yet have you heard boo over things like this: Khaled Abu Toameh: 'Hamas torturing Fatah members in Gaza'
Hamas militiamen have rounded up hundreds of Fatah activists on suspicion of "collaboration" with Israel during Operation Cast Lead, Fatah members in the Gaza Strip told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.
They said the Hamas crackdown on Fatah intensified after the cease-fire went into effect early Sunday morning.
The Fatah members and eyewitnesses said the detainees were being held in school buildings and hospitals that Hamas had turned into make-shift interrogation centers.
Hamas has also renewed house arrest orders that were issued against thousands of Fatah officials and activists in the Gaza Strip shortly after the military operation started.
A Fatah official in Ramallah told the Post that at least 100 of his men had been killed or wounded as a result of the massive Hamas crackdown. Some had been brutally tortured, he added.
The official said that the perpetrators belonged to Hamas's armed wing, Izaddin Kassam, and to the movement's Internal Security Force.
According to the official, at least three of the detainees had their eyes put out by their interrogators, who accused them of providing Israel with wartime information about the location of Hamas militiamen and officials...
The Telegraph's Tim Butcher is at it again. It's that story-line that's always good for column-space: The IDF, because, apparently, they had nothing better to do and no other targets, wantonly attacked British war graves in Gaza. And wuddayaknow? There were no legitimate targets there at all...oh no, never. A witness says so! Israel shelled UK war graves in Gaza
Representatives of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission expressed their "distress'" after The Daily Telegraph sent them photographs [Crack investigating there, my British friends! You really know how to 'dig up' a story! -S]of the latest damage at Gaza War cemetery.
The damage is much worse than that caused by Israeli forces in 2006 in an incident that briefly soured British-Israeli relations and led eventually to the Jewish state paying £90,000 in compensation...
...The staff who tend the cemetery, normally an oasis of calm and well-maintained order in the otherwise chaotic Gaza Strip, had to flee for their lives.
"I sent all the others away because the shelling got too heavy," said Ibrahim Jerradeh, 71, who was made MBE after tending the grave since 1958.
"Only when it got really close and started to hit the cemetery did I leave."
"There were no people here, just graves, so why does Israel fire on this place?" he said.
"It is just a graveyard for all people, why cannot Israel respect that?"...
So there was no one in the cemetery...but the staff had to go home when the shelling got close. Apparently they can take pictures, but they can't read their own quotes over there at the Telegraph. Amazing how, in report after report, the IDF keeps targeting places where no targets are...odd that. A real logic puzzle it is.
This is pure incitement on the part of Butcher and his paper, and we've seen it before: 'Gunmen' Blow up British Cemetery Monument in Gaza. Same old,l same very old, from Old Blighty.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Of course the ACLU is jumping to the defense of "unindicted co-conspirators," the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) -- see background: Hamas at the Inauguration, and Robert Spencer's piece about Ingrid Mattson's appearance: Obama selects a Muslim with ties to Hamas to pray at the inauguration.
I have my own issues with the potential overuse of the "unindicted co-conspirator" thing, but of course, the ACLU goes too far:
...The following can be attributed to Hina Shamsi, staff attorney with the ACLU National Security Project:
"There is absolutely no direct evidence that ISNA has any ties to terrorist organizations, including Hamas, and any implication to the contrary is nothing but guilt by association created by the U.S. government through its illegal and false accusations. In fact, after the government made its original public smear, it admitted to ISNA's lawyers in private that the government has no evidence of wrongdoing by the organization...
Odd. What's this:
That's a $10,000 check from NAIT (ISNA and NAIT are affiliated [edit: According to a source, NAIT is ISNA's financial apparatus.]) made payable to Mousa Abu Marzook, who went from being a big Hamas fundraiser with ties to the Holy Land Foundation, to being the current Deputy Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau in Syria.
That's from the comments at this IndyMedia thread, where there's also a revealing PDF of other evidence.
The ACLU is on the other side.
This is in Hebrew, but you'll get the point. It's dated Jan. 18, 2009, and was forwarded to me as an example of Hamas firing from between UN buildings (a school). If anyone can put a firmer finger on it, that would be great. I don't see it on the IDF English sites:
Sick stuff (in other words, the usual)...From Palestinian Media Watch (in full):
Hamas children's propaganda film reinforces illusion of war victory
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
On the first day of its ceasefire with Israel, Hamas has added a new element to its propaganda campaign claiming that it won the war in Gaza. An animated film for children on Hamas TV depicts Israeli soldiers as cowards who are afraid to enter Gaza. They cry, "Mommy, Mommy," as they head into battle, where they are all killed by Hamas gunfire.
The video ends with an Israeli soldier's blood splattered on the screen, accompanied by a caption that reads, "Whoever dares, let him come! Gaza is his certain death."
Observers have reported that hundreds of Hamas fighters were killed in the conflict, while Israel lost 10 soldiers in combat and three civilians in rocket attacks. However, in the attempt to present this war as a victory, Hamas TV reported today that Hamas lost only 48 fighters and killed 80 Israelis, including 49 soldiers.
This film aims to reinforce the victory myth that Hamas is trying to sell to its people.
This is a few days old but is really making the rounds now. Thought some of you would enjoy seeing it...not everyone in Europe is out to lunch: Una piazza che non ci saremmo aspettati (English follows the Italian at the link.)
Dear friends,
we didn't expect what you see now in the picture. This is the square of the Italian Parliament in Rome, Piazza Montecitorio: you can see the Palace on top of the square, and in front a lot of Israeli flags.That was Wednesday night, January 14, from 6,30 to 9,30 pm. What you cannot see here, is the extraordinary number and variety of members of the Parliament, about 100 from all political sides, that took the stage during our marathon: for about three hours we have been speaking about the role of Israel, its right to self defense, its moral height, its fight in name of all of us, of our civilization and values, against the wild hate of the Islamic jihad represented by Hamas. It seems to me that for the first time in the too long history of the arab Israeli conflict, apart from a minority of crazy leftists and fascists that took the street on anti-Semitic slogans, we have obtained a huge consensus about one critical point: this is not an episode of a local conflict, there is nothing in it that reminds the land for peace theme that has characterized the Palestinian issue. This is an episode of the attack agains the western world, and Iran has a lot to do with it.
...he loves him. He also seems to get, better than Gandhi, that's for sure, the limits of non-violence. Remarkable:
The Dalai Lama, a lifelong champion of non-violence on Saturday candidly stated that terrorism cannot be tackled by applying the principle of ahimsa because the minds of terrorists are closed.
"It is difficult to deal with terrorism through non-violence," the Tibetan spiritual leader said delivering the Madhavrao Scindia Memorial Lecture here.
He also termed terrorism as the worst kind of violence which is not carried by a few mad people but by those who are very brilliant and educated.
"They (terrorists) are very brilliant and educated...but a strong ill feeling is bred in them. Their minds are closed," the Dalai Lama said.
He said that the only way to tackle terrorism is through prevention. The head of the Tibetan government-in-exile left the audience stunned when he said "I love President George W Bush." He went on to add how he and the US President instantly struck a chord in their first meeting unlike politicians who take a while to develop close ties.
Martin Kramer exposes the looking glass world of Hamas logic by unearthing an old interview with Ahmad Yassin: Civilians should be protected, unless...
Read and don't weep for the deceased Yassin.
Well, there's been a lot of ugliness exposed (though rarely by the MSM) on the streets in recent weeks. Daniel Pipes reports on one such event, and the participation of a number of Muslim groups, including the Council on American Islamic Relations:
...Called the "Mass Protest Against Israel's Attacks on Gaza," its institutional sponsors included, as indicated at ChicagoIndyMedia, the national offices or local affiliates of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, American Friends Service Committee, Council on American-Islamic Relations, International Solidarity Movement, Muslim American Society, and Muslim Student Association.
And here are some photographs from the event...
This video is a couple of years old already, and I'm sure I've posted it before, but Larwyn emails a pointer and I thought it worth a reminder:
Via LGF and Mere Rhetoric:
Al Arabiya reporter Hannan al-Masri is live on the air in Gaza when she is told that Hamas has just fired rockets from inside the Al Arabiya studio building, news which apparently strikes her as quite humorous.
Turn on close captions by hovering the button on the lower right and clicking CC:
That's how you wind up a casualty, darlin'.
Hey, whatever you say...
[h/t: Stavis]
Sunday, January 18, 2009
...I made one. (See the box at the upper right). Vote early, vote often. Maybe "CNN" will pick up on it.
Here's a video with clips from Hamas TV, featuring children singing a song of praise for Qassam rockets, followed by a visit with creepy child host Saraa and Assud the giant Jew-eating rabbit in his hospital room, shortly before the whiny carnivorous bunny died from his IDF-inflicted injuries.
Quite good to see (via BICOM):
Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), will deliver a prayer at the National Cathedral during the National Prayer Service on January 21st. The event is part of the festivities for the inauguration of Barack Obama, which occurs January 20. A convert to Islam, Mattson directs the Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary.
ISNA has close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamist group, and was named an un-indicted co-conspirator in U.S. v Holy Land Foundation, a case that uncovered covert financing of the terrorist group Hamas. Since her election as ISNA president in 2006, Mattson's apologias for the radical Wahhabi sect of Islam have gained a much wider audience...
See also:
Politico: Obama prayer speaker comes from group feds say is linked to Hamas
Discovered over the remains of an old Arab village cleansed in 1948, no doubt. After all, if they can "discover" one in Tel Aviv, why not under 5500 feet of water?: Huge gas reserves discovered off Haifa
Three massive gas reservoirs have been discovered 80 kilometers off the Haifa coast, at the Tamar prospect, Noble Energy Inc. announced on Sunday.
The Tamar-1 well, located in approximately 5,500 feet of water, was drilled to a total depth of 16,076 feet. The thickness and quality of the reservoirs found were greater than anticipated at the location.
Charles D. Davidson, Noble Energy's chairman, president and CEO, said in an announcement that his company was "extremely excited by the results. This is one of the most significant prospects that we have ever tested and appears to be the largest discovery in the company's history."
Speaking on Army Radio Sunday morning, an exhilarated Yitzhak Tshuva, owner of the Delek Group Ltd, one of the owners of the well, called the discovery "one of the biggest in the world," promising that the find would present a historic land mark in the economic independence of Israel...
[h/t: Ari T]
Here's the latest excellent piece from Ben Dror Yemini, from the original Hebrew:
About Gideon Levy, Robert Fisk and the far left as the propoganda depatment of HAMAS and AL-KAIDA
Ben Dror Yemini 17/1/2009
On December 28th 2008, a few days after Hamas violated the cease fire agreement with Israel, increased its missile fire on Israel and by doing so forced the Israeli government into the operation we are witnessing, Al Hayat published that the government of Gaza is going to impose Sharia law.
The Israeli operation is postponing the implementation, but very soon new punishment measures ranging from chopping of hands, lashings and executions, will be introduced in Gaza. The Taliban has made a comeback in Gaza. Hamastan is not alone in its desire for Sharia law. The chant heard in demonstrations in London and other locations is "Allah Akbar." This shouldn't come as a surprise. 40% of Muslims in Britain support the implementation of Sharia law in Britain.
The big question is however, what are the likes of Robert Fisk, Naomi Klein and Gideon Levy doing with this crowd. "We are against Sharia law" they will tell us. That's true -- they are against it. "The disagreement with Hamas should have been solved in another way" they will excuse themselves. "Israel should have accepted the results of the Palestinian people's vote" because that is democracy -- accepting the Palestinians' right to elect the own leadership.
They add that "if only Israel wouldn't have blockaded Gaza. If only Israel was generous towards the Palestinians, especially those in the Gaza Strip, and allowed them free passage, work, schooling, medical treatment etc. etc. If only Israel would have done one of the above, this whole conflict would have been avoided. Hamas wouldn't be forced to fire rockets at Israel and all the bloodshed would never happen."
Global opinion seems to think in the same way, the West as a whole and especially the Zionists are the oppressors. Israel massacres Palestinians. Globalization and national statehood exploit the wretched and these oppressed people must retaliate.
These are the main claims of the lie industry and they should be exposed.
There's a cease-fire? Really? Just thought I'd note, in case you happen to notice that not much is going to change here in the matter of interesting linkage, that it's still the same war it was the day before, and "cease-fires" such as they are in this thing for the past century or so, are just checker-moves in the diplomacy game. The smart people pull up the rug and look at what's underneath.
Anyway, not being from New York, I generally think of him derisively as "Mayor Low Fat," but this CNN interview with Michael Bloomberg is really quite good. Of course the comment thread at YouTube is quite dismissive -- Bloomberg is a Jew, after all:
An Arab stone-thrower, hoisted by his own petard...whacked by his own stone...Darwinized in situ: Eye for an Eye: Arab Attacker Killed by his Own Rock
A Palestinian Authority Arab who stoned cars in Samaria was killed by one of his own rocks, police have concluded. A Jewish man held in connection with the death has been released.
The Arab teenager hurled heavy stones at Israeli-owned vehicles along a Samaria highway last Tuesday evening. He managed to hit one car, which was driven by a resident of the nearby town of Emmanuel.
Fearing further attacks, the driver fired a single shot in the air to frighten away the stone-thrower. He then contacted local security officers to report both the attack and his own response.
A short time later, Israeli paramedics received a report of an Arab teen found unconscious and badly wounded next to a highway. The teen suffered a serious head injury that appeared to be a bullet wound. Medical personnel rushed to the scene but were unable to save the young Arab, who died a short time later.
Police originally believed that the resident of Emmanuel who reported firing in the air had in fact fired at his attacker, killing him. The man was arrested and questioned. However, an initial forensic report showed that the attacker had not been killed by a bullet, and the detainee was released.
A final forensic report, released over the weekend, showed that the attacker was killed when a stone he threw hit the car driven by the man from Emmanuel. The stone hit the car's tire and bounced back at high speed, hitting the attacker and leaving him with a fatal head injury.
Physics is a bitch.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Well, there's a shaky cease-fire being announced, but it doesn't sound like much, nor should it be. A hair-trigger is called for.
A reader sends along a link to this Hebrew forum thread. An Israeli from Tel Aviv had to take a drive to the south, and he asked for advice from forum dwellers before he left. This note is his report back about what happened (thanks to Centrist for another great translation):
At 12:40 I left Tel Aviv and drove, at high speed, in the direction of Beer Sheva. I entered the city, turned to the right. I reached a T-junction just before the square with the aircraft at its center. I was waiting for the red light to change when I heard on radio 2 network "A warning siren in Beer Sheva" [He had been informed by forum posters about the radio station to tune to for warnings in the area. -S]. I got out of the car. I looked around and saw no one getting out of their cars and heard no siren. As I got back into my car, the siren went off. There was a 6 second delay between the time I heard the announcement on the radio and the time I heard the actual alarm. I killed the engine and dashed off like crazy towards a row of houses nearby. I entered into a courtyard, saw a door and went in. Inside a man was standing. I said: "Sorry to barge in like that. May I?" He said: "Yes, of course, get into the fortified room (Mamad), hurry up, fast."
I went into the shelter with a family of complete strangers, a grandfather, a grandmother, a young man and his crying little daughter. A few seconds later we heard a very loud boom that shook the entire house. The child started crying frantically.
Three minutes later we left the room. Into the home a man burst in, holding his 16 year old daughter who was hysterical. They had been outside, lying on the ground, and heard the very loud explosion very close. The family managed to quiet down the girl. We gradually settled down in this man's house, a man I don't know at all.
Amid all that mayhem, I forgot to ask the family's name. I just thanked them. If one of them happens to read this forum, a huge thank you.
It is a miserable sort of existence they get to live, these people in the south of Israel. Hearing about it is hugely different from experiencing it first hand. It is a feeling of utter powerlessness waiting for a rocket that no one knows where or when it will get you. Some people just lay down in the middle of the intersection. If the rocket had fallen there, nothing could protect them.
When the father of the family where I had taken shelter heard I was from Tel Aviv, and that it was my first time in the city, he said: "You see now what is like? Tell them, tell your friends, your friends in Tel Aviv, tell them so they'll have an idea what it is like for us, down here."
I want to thank this family, into whose home I barged, where I lived a fraction of the nightmare they have to live with, day in day out. It only toughens my opinion; let them flatten Gaza. There is no way, simply no way these terrorists can be allowed to continue to possess these missiles.
Great report from Zombie: January 10, 2009: The Intifada is globalized as the Gaza War becomes a world war
On January 10, the war between Israel and Hamas became a global conflict. No longer confined to the Gaza Strip, the fighting spread to cities around the world: what were billed as "anti-war" demonstrations from Los Angeles to Copenhagen and beyond were in fact overtly pro-Hamas demonstrations, and on Saturday, January 10 there was a unprecedented eruption of violence and extremism in dozens of European and American cities, surpassing anything seen at anti-war rallies in recent years...
A great compilation of the threats the West faces from within. Read it all.
How can you trust the press when they don't even report on their own limitations? A revealing look at Augean Stables: BBC Silent about being Terrorized in Gaza: Discretion or Cowardice? Note Richard's description of being "saved from a lawsuit" by the BBC when they cut out his plain, basic truth comment that Alan Johnston is able to continue to report from Gaza because he's "openly pro-Palestinian."
The MSM is really the enemy in time of war, favoring the worst actors and hamstringing nations that actually respect human rights. They won't tell you the truth about what they see and the limitations they operate under for fear of losing access, safety, and, perversely...credibility.
In a related matter, Bruno Stevens is back on the job in Gaza: Augean Stables: Pallywood Alert: Bruno Stevens on the Gaza Beat
Friday, January 16, 2009
In spite of the absolutely frigid temperature on Wednesday night, well over 1000 people came out to Copley Square, Boston to show their support for Israel's actions in Gaza. When I say frigid, I mean frigid...it was coooooold.
The rally hit all the right notes, got down to business with a couple of folks songs (how you play guitar on a night like that I'll never know), the signing of the Star Spangled Banner and HaTikva, and four excellent speeches by CAMERA (and our own friend) Dexter Van Zile, The David Project's Anna Kolodner, and CJP/JCRC's Ben Sigel.
I wish I had my own video, but it was too dark and just too damn cold to stand in one place with a video camera. Snippets are below, however. The organizers distributed red caps for everyone to wear to symbolize the 15 seconds residents of Sderot have to get to shelter when the Red Alert sounds. First some video, then some stills. Supporters who have been disgusted by the many outpourings of hate we've been witness to should get some enjoyment out of these images:
JCRC has put up a couple of videos:
Here's our own Hillel Stavis confronting some of the approximately 30 aging Communist counter-protesters and their Jew-hating friends (most of the usual suspects were there):
Here's another video from the corner where, after the main rally broke up, some of the Israel supporters were confronting the Hamas supporters. Good to see some enthusiasm from some of the young Israel supporters there (for once many of the supporters were well under retirement age):
Here's Stavis' video of some of Dexter's speech. You can't really see him, but you can maybe get an idea of the size of the crowd:
Bebere was there and has a nice short video of a sea of Israeli flags. (Via Universal Hub)
Continue reading "1000+ Pro Israel in Boston: Baby It's Cold Outside"My article is up on Pajamas Media.
Here's short summary: Are the police taking sides in Anti-Israel protests?
Yes and no. Yes the police put more pressure on pro-Israel activists during these rallies, because they know how agitated and violent the pro-Palestinian groups can be. Israel-supporters will respect police authority, while leftist and Islamist activists do not.
No: the NYPD and US authorities help pro-Israel groups by exposing the underground Islamist networks that fund terrorism and sponsor these anti-Israel protests. Yes, the NYPD has worked with CAIR in the past, but they used what they had learned about Islamist groups in America to expose the machinations and influence of groups like CAIR in the document "Radicalization in the West: The Home-Grown Threat.".
By exposing the criminal roots of Islamism in America, federal, state and local authorities are giving pro-Israel, pro-Democracy and pro-American groups the ammunition they need to dismantle these organizations.
Read more
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A press release from Citizens for Peace and Tolerance:
Concerns raised about potential Hamas fundraising event in Boston
Boston, Mass - 01/15/2009
Dennis Hale, President of the Boston based Citizens for Peace and Tolerance (CPT) - an interfaith group of Christians, Muslims and Jews - warned today that an upcoming Muslim American Society of Boston (MAS Boston) fundraising event advertised to donors as humanitarian aid to Gaza may instead channel funds to the terror group, Hamas.
"The January 17th fundraiser is collecting money for the Gaza operations of Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), a group previously accused of transferring funds to Hamas," Hale said.
Hamas is an Islamic supremacist organization that belongs to the Palestine branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is considered to be the origin for most of the modern jihad movements. Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state and uses terrorism and murder to achieve its goals. It is an openly genocidal organization that has explicitly and continuously called for the murder of all Jews worldwide. The founding charter of Hamas proclaims that peace will come to Earth only when all the Jews are killed:
" ... as long as Islam does not take its rightful place on the world arena everything will continue to change for the worst...The Last Hour [redemption] won't come until the Muslims fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them..."
"Virtually the entire civilized world, from Barack Obama to the government of Egypt, agrees that Hamas's refusal to recognize Israel's right to exist and renounce terrorism against Israeli civilians is the root cause of the horrible violence in Gaza and Israel," said Hale. "For the Muslim American Society to raise funds for a Hamas-linked charity in the heart of Boston is an affront to the traditions of liberty and tolerance on which this city was built."
Hale pointed to two clear financial connections between the IRW charity and Hamas:
- Islamic Relief Worldwide is a founding member of the Union of Good - designated by the U.S. Treasury Department as a terrorist entity. The Union of Good functions as an umbrella coalition for a network of Islamic charities led by the radical cleric Yusuf al Qaradawi. Treasury documents state: "The leadership of Hamas created the Union of Good in 2000 in order to facilitate the transfer of funds to Hamas."
- In 2006, IRW's Project Director in Gaza, Iyaz Ali, was arrested by the Israeli Security Agency and confessed to providing material support for Hamas as part of his work with IRW. The Israeli Prime Minister's Office asserts that "The IRW's activities in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip are carried out by social welfare organizations controlled and staffed by Hamas operatives."
"This is not the first time that MAS Boston, which has become the public face of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB), has generated controversy over its ties to Hamas fundraising," said Hale. Several MAS/ISB leaders, past and present, helped raise funds for the Holy Land Foundation - a recently convicted Hamas charity founded in the U.S. by Hamas second-in-command Mousa Abou Marzouq.
- MAS National founder Jamal Badawi, who is also a Trustee of the controversial Roxbury mosque, is an unindicted co-conspirator in the case against the Holy Land Foundation. Joining him on the co-conspirator list is Abdurrahman Alamoudi, founder of the ISB, presently in jail on terrorism charges.
- The current president of MAS Boston, Hossam al Jabri, is listed in FBI trial evidence as a large donor to the HLF.
- Since 2000, ISB/MAS have transferred thousands of dollars to the Holy Land Foundation and at least $168,000 to Islamic Relief Worldwide.
Citizens for Peace and Tolerance first raised concerns about the ISB and MAS in 2004, predicting that the organization's massive new building in Roxbury would be used to radicalize Boston's historically moderate Muslim community and to give aid to radical causes worldwide. "It gives us no pleasure to be proven correct in this matter," said Hale.
PRESS RELEASE 01/15/2009 Boston, Mass.
For Immediate Release
Citizens for Peace and Tolerance (CPT)
Contact: Dennis Hale
(781) 799-7245
It always seems to head in that direction, doesn't it? Commentary at Breath of the Beast and Augean Stables.
As a related aside, the next time you hear someone brush off what's going on in the Middle East as just "those people over there" doing what they've been doing for thousands of years, you might point out that Christians aren't exactly faring very well these days, either, nor are the streets of Europe.
It's not antisemitism, it's antizionism...or something like that, right. In any case, I'm sure our more nuanced friends will figure out a reason why it's the Jews' fault and not the racists who target them:
The government of Yemen will relocate a Jewish community for safety reasons.
A Jewish man from Yemen's Amran province was murdered last month, and members of the 266-person community have been the victim of verbal and stone-throwing assaults since the Israeli invasion of Gaza began, according to Yemeni press reports.
The Yemeni government has allocated buildings to house the Jews in the capital of Sana'a, and also will give each of the approximately 50 families being relocated two million riyals, the equivalent of about $10,000. The relocation is scheduled to take place Sunday.
The government said the houses and other property of the relocated Jews in Amran will remain theirs, and they can sell it if they wish.
The Amran Jews will join the 66 Jews who moved to Sana'a in 2006 after a Shi'ite rebel leader in the northern portion of the country evicted them from his province. The two communities are the only Jews remaining in the African [sic] country. About 50,000 Yemeni Jews immigrated to Israel in Operation Magic Carpet in 1949 and 1950
What it's like living under rocket fire:
First glimpse of exoplanet atmosphere from Earth
Taken together, the studies open a new frontier in the study of exoplanets, hard-to-detect celestial bodies circling stars beyond our own solar system.
Barely 300 exoplanets -- some of which may have conditions similar to those that gave rise to life on Earth -- have been identified so far, though astronomers assume that far more are waiting to be discovered.
A day of loss...now Ricardo Montalban. We remember him for Mr. Roarke, or hocking fine Corinthian leather...but he'll always be Kahn.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Patrick McGoohan has died. We are Prisoner fans around these parts (the font on the nav bar in the upper right is called 'Village.'). Via Ed Driscoll, you can watch the entire series online here.
As Ed notes, McGoohan will finally unmask the real #1. Godspeed.
Via Jonah Goldberg, this is a pretty good video presentation from the IDF:
I remember watching Lawrence Welk with my parents as a kid. I still see it on obscure PBS stations from time to time. It's strangely soothing. Welk more or less defines "milquetoast." Via Dean, check this out. You'll never guess the song:
At the end poor old Lawrence calls it a "modern spiritual." I'll say.
Ryan Mauro discusses Radical Islamic Networks in America:
...One other network that deserves to be mentioned is that of Jamaat al-Fuqra. This is a Pakistan-based terrorist group run by Sheikh Mubarak Gilani, a blatantly anti-Semitic extremist who does us the favor of not hiding his true colors. In 1979, he began creating large compounds in the U.S., using the front group he established called "The Muslims of America." It's uncontestable that this is a front-one compound at Red House, Virginia even named a street after Sheikh Gilani, and a video obtained by the Christian Action Network shows Gilani personally engaged in terrorist training, where he instructs those interested in receiving training to contact his group through the various compounds he made in the U.S. Although a number of members of this group have committed terrorism or other criminal acts, it is still not listed as a terrorist group.
The Christian Action Network is releasing a new documentary about this group called "Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around U.S.," which can be pre-ordered at ChristianAction.org. The film is premiering on February 11 at Landmark Theater in Washington DC at 7:30 PM, and it is free to attend.
FP: Tell us about more groups and if the federal government is aware of them.
Mauro: Well, the government should be aware of them, since several of them have been consulted by various government agencies and sometimes have been used for "sensitivity training" of FBI personnel and law enforcement. But let me first state that not all members of the following groups are extremists, but it is clear the leadership is not moderate, and the groups were founded by, and part of, Muslim Brotherhood.
Luckily, the Holy Land Foundation case proves the government is aware of this group's links to the Muslim Brotherhood and helps us to identify many of them, although there are too many to name and discuss here. The Holy Land Foundation was shut down by the government for financing Hamas, and its officials have been found guilty. Using the foundation's own documents, the government showed that HLF was set up by the Muslim Brotherhood as part of a "Palestine Committee" to support Hamas and to spread awareness about what they called "the savagery of the Jews." The memo said that among the members of the Palestine Committee were the heads of the Islamic Association of Palestine, a group that was shut down for supporting Hamas. Top officials from IAP also founded the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
The FBI wiretapped a meeting of Hamas members and supporters in Philadelphia in 1993 where two of the future founders of CAIR discussed how to disguise their agenda by sounding moderate and non-threatening. They said they needed to form a new political activist group, and CAIR was born the following year...
...The government has confirmed that the Muslim American Society was "founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States" and it is the one most obviously connected to the group. Their Executive-Director, Mahdi Bray, visited Egypt in February 2008 to express his support for Muslim Brotherhood. Bray also once was the political director for the Muslim Public Affairs Council.
The government, FBI memos and internal Muslim Brotherhood documents have specifically identified the International Institute for Islamic Thought, Muslim Students Association, Islamic Circle of North America, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Students Association, and North American Islamic Trust as Muslim Brotherhood groups, among many others.
It is worthy to note that these groups have not been kind to their moderate Muslim competitors who more accurately represent America's Muslims. Several CAIR officials have been served with a summons by counter-terrorism expert Dave Gaubatz and his associates due to allegations from clients, including Muslims, that the organization had engaged in fraud and racketeering. CAIR has also rallied against anti-extremist conferences organized by the Free Muslims Coalition and American-Islamic Congress, for example. No wonder CAIR has lost 90% of its membership since 2001.
FP: How extensive has the Saudi and Muslim Brotherhood effort in the U.S. been?
Mauro: It's so large and impressive that any attempt to accurately describe it sounds like conspiracy theory or alarmist propaganda, but there is overwhelming documentation of these networks...
FP: So why do we keep hearing that the Saudis are our allies and that they are fighting Al-Qaeda? How do you respond to that?
Mauro: Again, this comes from the narrow definition of what an ally is. Being an ally against terrorism is more than fighting Al-Qaeda. The majority of terrorists continue to be Saudis. The vast majority of terrorist fronts, especially in the U.S., are Saudi-funded. The vast majority of extremist literature and preaching comes from Saudi Arabia. This isn't a coincidence. And they can not be trusted to change their ways-after repeated promises to reform their education system...
...Keep in mind, the only reason Saudi Arabia is fighting Al-Qaeda within its borders is because the terrorist group began actively targeting the Royal Family in 2003. Prior to that, very few observers would say Saudi Arabia was a partner in fighting the group. By promoting radical Islam, though, the Saudis still create the pool from which Al-Qaeda recruits come from, and again, Al-Qaeda is just one small part of the enemy. Look at the Mumbai attacks. One of Lashkar-e-Taiba's schools was funded by the Saudis, and that's almost certainly the tip of the iceberg.
The lengths to which some people go to buy the line that the Saudis are a true ally boggles my mind...
I feel his pain..
For literally about the 25th time, I got another email in my inbox this morning from a well-meaning person forwarding me a desperate plea to go vote for some silly internet poll at a site called something like 'Israel v Palestine.' I'm not linking it. You're supposed to go to the site and click which side you support.
The email says that "CNN is pushing" this poll, but oddly enough, the multiply-forwarded email neither contains a quote from CNN, nor any link to CNN itself. The silly poll site linked in the email is NOT hosted by CNN. It does, however, contain lots of advertising. That is typical of scam email.
I will stand corrected if someone can show me somewhere on CNN.com where this thing is actually being "pushed." Until then, read this: Spam poses as CNN story about Israel-Hamas conflict. It describes similar scams.
These scams are not only useless (by definition, there is almost no such thing as an "important" internet poll), and possibly dangerous because you are enriching, through your clicks, someone you do not know, and who may also be spreading viruses or other malware.
Never, ever, ever, forward this type of email unless you personally wrote it, can verify the original author, or have carefully checked it out. (this also goes for the weekly "Oh noes! There is a terrible virus on the way! Please forward this to everyone you know!"-type emails as well.) If it doesn't contain verifiable info for every claim made, and tries to send you to some oddball URL, your alarm bells should be sounding loud and clear. No, it is not OK to send it out anyway, "Just in case."
The scum who start this stuff are taking advantage of you and your desire to do good -- just like every grifter in history. Do the words Bernard Madoff mean anything to you? If you really want to help, circulate an email telling people to hit the tip-jar, or click the ad links, on their favorite BLOG. That would actually do some good.
To conclude with some good general advice: Whenever you receive an email that contains the words "Forward this to everyone you know!" or similar, STOP...THINK...keep brain and fingers connected...take your time. Never trust. Always verify.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
He was an honorary trustee of the Islamic Society of Boston and their Boston Mosque, and described as a very popular figure within the community. MEMRI has the latest from Qatar Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi's (Qaradawi) popular Al-Jazeera TV show, calling for the destruction of the Jews, denouncing their many perfidies, deriding their unwillingness to play good dhimmis, and calling for a boycott of Marks and Spencer and Starbucks (click screenshot for video -- requires registration):
Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on January 9, 2009...
Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi: "I address my first message to the aggressor Jews, those arrogant plunderers, who act arrogantly toward the servants of Allah in the land of Allah...
"In the past, the Jews spread corruption in the land twice, and Allah punished them both times, by setting as masters upon them people who tormented them, humiliated them, and made them bow their heads. This is what they did in history, and it is well known that Allah set as master upon them the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, who took them into captivity. He destroyed their homes, razed their temples, and burned their Torah, and took them into captivity in Babylon for 70 years. Then they repeated their deeds, so He set the Romans as masters upon them...
"The Jews have lived as dhimmis in our land for a long time, and no Muslim violated the covenant with them...
..."We Wait for the Revenge of Allah to Descend Upon Them [i.e. the Jews] -- And, Allah Willing, It Will Be By Our Own Hands"...
..."It Is America That Supports Israel, Whether Right Or Wrong... We Say to the West, And Especially To America, That Allah Will Not Let You Support... Inequity Against Justice"; "The USSR Collapsed Before [The West and America's] Eyes... According to the Law of Allah, They Should Collapse As Well, Unless They Pull Themselves Together"...
..."My Message to the Muslim Rulers In General, And to the Arab Rulers in Particular, Is That They Should Be God-Fearing With Regard to Their Nation -- The Peoples Have Spoken, But the Rulers Have Closed Their Ears"...
..."Marks and Spencer... Regularly Dedicates its Saturday Revenue To Israel... Starbucks Is Zionist.... My Brothers, Put the Boycott Against The Nation's Enemies Into Action"...
..."Oh Allah, Take This Oppressive, Jewish, Zionist Band Of People; Oh Allah, Do Not Spare A Single One Of Them; Oh Allah, Count Their Numbers, And Kill Them, Down To The Very Last One"...
Patrick Poole points out another local connection, old friend Salah Soltan (Salah Sultan): EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Qaradawi calls for the genocide of the Jews -- his friends in Central Ohio. Apparently Soltan, a some-time guest of the Islamic Society of Boston, is still resident in the United States?! In spite of his recent Calls for US Destruction (Again). Hello, ICE, come in, ICE.
Another free PJTV report with Joe the Plumber from Israel.
I can't understand why any blogger (or blog enthusiast), particularly, would complain about this guy and his lack of "credentials." Duh. That pretty much goes with the territory for all of us, doesn't it?
Should these mini-reports be your sole source of news on the conflict? Of course not. But we all like to hear the take of someone who we identify with -- who we feel views things in a way similar to the way we would if we were there, and Joe fits the bill to a T for millions of regular Americans. Do all those prissy media elites we usually get our news filtered by do us any service? Do they identify with us and we with them? Do they have our eyes? Say no. For example, here's the tweeded Beacon Hill Brahman dipshit of the Boston Globe, H.D.S. Greenway, using his column space in a Western newspaper disgustingly comparing Hamas in Gaza to Masada and Warsaw. No doubt Greenway and his colleagues consider themselves oh so much more educated and nuanced than poor, benighted Joe, yet Joe seems to have a far better grasp on reality than the entire Globe editorial staff put together.
I look forward to the next report.
On January 3, a Muslim (and presumably Leftist) crowd literally chases the Bobbies down the street screaming "Run you f*cking cowards! Allahu Akbar! Free, Free, Palestine!" Can this happen here? Don't think for a second it can't. It's all a numbers game. Are you taking notes American Law Enforcement (police, fire...ICE):
This via Gateway Pundit and IBA (who have more).
Monday, January 12, 2009
Once again, CAMERA's Christian Media Analyst, Dexter Van Zile, joined me and my video camera, this time for a talk about the current round of anti-Israel protests:
From the city that defines the American Left, home of your House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Zombie has another photo essay showing how they roll out west: Gaza War Protest and Anti-Israel Rally San Francisco, January 10, 2009
Charles correctly calls this one the "boneheaded hatred" photo of the day:
Hamas Rockets During Cease-Fire and From Schoolyard 8 Jan. 09:
Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields:
The IDF has actually set up a live video feed from the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza so people can actually watch with their own eyes when aid goes through. (The email I have says from three angles, though I only see two). What these people go through to prove their humanity is almost beyond belief.
For a couple of years now, Miss Kelly and I have been telling you the story of the relatives of Lashkar-e-Taiba (the Pakistani terrorist group 'credited' with the Mumbai attrocities) chief Hafiz Mohammed Saeed's kin in the Boston area and their immigration issues -- aka the 'Immigration Imams.' A couple of years ago we even started a petition to encourage ICE to go ahead with their job in the face of a campaign of vilification against the government. It's time for those of you who signed the petition to clap yourselves on the back. Today, The Times of India reports: In US, LeT chief's kin raised funds for jihad
...The US has been on its trail for some time now, but could not do much because the JuD had sprouted roots in almost all areas of Pakistani life. The Mumbai attacks resurrected US security agencies' interest in this outfit.
And the reason for that, sources said, was that Saeed's family had been making determined tracks to the US -- to live there as imams and preach and raise funds for jihad.
The evidence for that came in bits and pieces. The first to land in the US was Muhammad Masood, Saeed's brother, who arrived in 1987 on a J-1 exchange visitor visa. He lived in the Boston area, working odd jobs until he started teaching at the Islamic Academy of New England at the Islamic Center of New England in Sharon, Massachusetts. Masood was arrested in November 2006 and charged with visa fraud and other unnamed crimes.
The second family member to arrive was Abdul Hannan, Saeed's brother-in-law (married to Masood's sister). Hannan arrived in the late-1990s, coming to the US through another member of their organisation, Muhammad Khalil, who is serving time currently in a US jail. By 1998, Hannan himself was in jail, also in Massachusetts.
He was out by 2002, and for the next couple of years floated around another US state, Rhode Island, also as an imam, before returning, as imam to Massachusetts. Hannan was again arrested in November 2006 with his brother-in-law Masood. So far, there were two members of Saeed's family in US jails.
The third member, another brother of Saeed named Hamid arrived in the US in 2001 for a programme at Harvard University. He returned to the US later in the year and became an imam at the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester. In October 2007, Hamid was deported to Pakistan, on visa irregularities. But one of the reasons, said sources, was that the US discovered that he used to run a safe house for LeT terrorists in Moon Chowk, Lahore, and that his imam activities in the US were all about teaching jihad to youngsters there...
I'll let Miss Kelly take it from here with her typically well-linked post: Told Ya So! LeT Terrorist Group Raises $$$ in U.S.
From the Israeli MFA:
Recently, reports have been accumulating saying that Hamas elements are confiscating food donations sent into Gaza during the current operation. The reports point in particular to the confiscation of flour and its sale, often at outrageous prices.
Today (11 Jan.), in a Hamas internet forum, surfers complained about the confiscations of flour donations in Dir-al'Balech by Hamas elements. There is also a description of how Hamas transfers the donations to its own warehouses, and distributes them to only two bakeries in the city - Albana Bakery and Al-Tzalah Union Bakery - both of which belong to Hamas. (See following screen capture)
(I don't have the sceen capture.)
Excellent report from Palestinian Media Watch: PMW's Background Brief on Hamas #2: Bombs are "more precious" than children: Hamas children's education
IMAGINE A MUSIC VIDEO teaching kids that bombs are more precious than children. This is not fantasy - this is the message of an actual Hamas TV music video. After a five-year-old finds out that her mother wore a bomb belt to a suicide terror attack, she sings: "Now I know what was more precious than us." She then swears to follow in her mother's footsteps, as a suicide bomber.
This is just one example of the wide range of hateful and abusive messages on Hamas TV, designed to indoctrinate children to Hamas values. Children are taught to value violence, hatred and Islamic supremacy, and that seeking Martyrdom for Allah is the highest value, bringing "honor and glory."
PMW has created a five-minute compilation of key representative segments from Hamas TV that document this indoctrination of children.
In addition to the video featuring the daughter of a suicide bomber, this collection includes a music video depicting a boy's transition from childhood to adulthood, climaxing in his heroic Martyrdom death; a puppet show promising world Islamic supremacy, death of infidels and the conversion of the White House into a mosque; and a talk show segment featuring kindergarten kids marching in military formation, brandishing weapons and calling for Jihad and Martyrdom.
Also included are statements by Hillary Clinton from her news conference with PMW in the US Senate, where she criticized Palestinian schoolbooks and television that "profoundly poison the minds of these children."
This is the second in a series of PMW background briefings on Hamas ideology.
Click to see PMW's Background Brief #1: Extermination of Jews
(This originally appeared in Hebrew, here. Many thanks for the translation by Contentious Centrist. Chapter 1 is here.)
Israel will never kill as many innocent people as Europe has. So who are they to preach to us?
Ben Dror Yemini. Jan 10th 2009.
"Very soon. Allah willing. Rome will be conquered, just like Constantinople was. Today, Rome is the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital, which has declared its hostility to Islam, in order to prevent the reawakening of Islam -- this capital of theirs will be an advanced post for the Islamic conquests which will spread through Europe in its entirety and then will be turned to the two Americas, and even Eastern Europe."
The speaker proclaiming the need for such large swaths of territories then went on to say that all Jews must be exterminated.
Talks like Hitler, sounds like Hitler, he is Hitler compatible. These words were uttered by Dr. Yunis al-Astal, cleric, and member of the Palestinian parliament. The clear and direct rhetoric regarding Jewish extermination and world domination of radical Islam world, enunciated by Dr. al-Astal and other senior Hamas leaders are not done surreptitiously. They are recorded as they appear on Hamas TV broadcasts, and are available through MEMRI or PMW websites in Hebrew, English and other languages to anyone who is interested in learning about the true nature of Hamas.
Only in official Israel and its elaborate public relations apparatus, no one found it necessary to lay bare this message, along with many other well-documented pronouncements pertaining to Hamas' ideology. This is hardly an isolated failure. There are many more like this.
NATO also makes mistakes
The refugees believed they found safe haven. They were wrong. The air strike didn't spare their lives. Over 100 were killed. This is not an account of the tragic bombing of the UN school in Gaza. This is the story of the bombing of Korisa in the former Yugoslavia, the strikes carried out by NATO planes, which took place nearly 10 years ago on May 13th 1999. There are other accounts of this type of catastrophe. On April 12th NATO planes killed, accidentally of course, 12 civilians. April 14th saw the death of 70 refugees. On April 27, 16 civilians were killed. On May 1st, 23 civilians were killed when a bus was bombed. On May 6th, 16 were killed by a cluster bomb. On May 19th, a Belgrade hospital was bombed, 3 dead. May 30th saw 11 die when a bridge was bombed. On the very same day an old age home was hit and 20 residents were killed. The next day 11 more died. About the same time, the Chinese embassy was bombed, and a misdirected missile flew 30 miles off course and hit the Bulgarian Capital of Sofia. "It was a mistake, sorry" was the NATO spokesperson's standard response.
This is what happens during war. It is sad and lamentable. Europeans are not called upon to cast their memory all the way back to the bombing of Dresden; all they need is to look back to events that happened less than a decade ago, ere they start wagging their admonitory finger at Israel. Because Israel has not killed, nor will it kill, even a tenth of the number of innocent deaths incurred by European democracies in just wars.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
(This originally appeared in Hebrew, here. I'll have chapter 2 up tomorrow, with translation by Contentious Centrist.)
The confrontation in the Gaza Strip is not between Hamas and Israel, but rather between Al Qaeda, Iran and radical Islam, and the free world
Ben Dror Yemini (originally was published in Hebrew Maariv)
Some of Israel's most blatant critics have written that for every Israeli killed, about a hundred Palestinians were killed. A half-truth is worse than a lie, but this is not even a half truth. This is deception. Because months and years of rockets fired at a civilian population are not a matter for bloody accounts. It is a nuisance that no country, neither Syria nor Sweden, would tolerate. It is a provocation that requires a tough response. And if we are already going for bloody accounts, we should do the overall math. We can suffice with just the accounting in the Arab-Muslim world.
So, since the establishment of the State of Israel, close to 12 million Arabs and Muslims have been butchered, most of them by Arabs and Muslims. Israel's "contribution," since its establishment, is 60,000, and that includes all the wars and the two Intifadas. In other words, half a percent.
And more importantly, the confrontation is not between Hamas with its rockets and Israel. The confrontation is between Hamas, as one of the entities that compose radical Islam, and the free world. Its declared goal is to establish a world Islamic caliphate as part of an anti Semitic ideology that also calls for the annihilation of the Jews. Explanations will follow. And since political Islam has already annihilated millions without any announcement, we should take it seriously when there is an announcement about annihilation.
Atlas has photos of the pro-rally: RALLY: NYC HEARTS ISRAEL! AM YISROEL CHAI!, as does the Israeli Consulate.
Mary describes the hassling the cops were giving to the pro-Israel side in the face of pro-Hamas demonstrators: Freedom of Assembly? Tigerhawk also has photos of the friends of Hamas, as does Andrew Berman.
Meanwhile, in Boston: A Protest Where No One Shows Up, including: 'Are You Protesting Against Ben and Jerrys Cause the Owner is Jewish?'
And Toronto (via the Flea): "Jewish child, you are gonna f-ckin' die!"
Hamas battle tactics:
Hudson NY has been kind enough to post it. Some highlights:
Hamas is... a part of the Muslim Brotherhood (like the Muslim American Society (MAS) and Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), here in the US):
...The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a world organization, the largest Islamic Movement in the modern era. It is characterized by a profound understanding, by precise notions and by a complete comprehensiveness of all concepts of Islam in all domains of life: views and beliefs, politics and economics, education and society, jurisprudence and rule, indoctrination and teaching, the arts and publications, the hidden and the evident, and all the other domains of life...
An Islamic supremacist movement:
...The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinct Palestinian Movement which owes its loyalty to Allah, derives from Islam its way of life and strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine. Only under the shadow of Islam could the members of all regions coexist in safety and security for their lives, properties and rights. In the absence of Islam, conflict arises, oppression reigns, corruption is rampant and struggles and wars prevail...
It is universal:
By virtue of the distribution of Muslims, who pursue the cause of the Hamas, all over the globe, and strive for its victory, for the reinforcement of its positions and for the encouragement of its Jihad, the Movement is a universal one...
It is a Jihad movement that draws inspiration from before 1948:
Hamas is one of the links in the Chain of Jihad in the confrontation with the Zionist invasion. It links up with the setting out of the Martyr Izz a-din al-Qassam and his brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood who fought the Holy War in 1936...
It is an Islamic Jew-hating organization:
...the Hamas has been looking forward to implement Allah's promise whatever time it might take. The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim).
It is death-worshiping:
Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur'an its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief.
It is absolutely uncompromising:
The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine has been an Islamic Waqf throughout the generations and until the Day of Resurrection, no one can renounce it or part of it, or abandon it or part of it. No Arab country nor the aggregate of all Arab countries, and no Arab King or President nor all of them in the aggregate, have that right, nor has that right any organization or the aggregate of all organizations, be they Palestinian or Arab, because Palestine is an Islamic Waqf throughout all generations and to the Day of Resurrection. Who can presume to speak for all Islamic Generations to the Day of Resurrection?...
In Los Angeles: Gateway Pundit: LA Hamas Supporters Scream: 'Long Live Hitler- Put Jews In the Ovens'. Includes this video:
Infidels Are Cool has Video from London: another violent anti-Israel riot
and This ain't Hell has a good report with pics and video from Washington, DC: Pro-Hamas theater meets Free Republic
I was just listening to one of those Sunday morning talk shows -- whichever one David Gregory is now hosting (it's on the radio) -- and in the course of enthusing over the government's theft of about $1 trillion, heard Maxine Waters say "Well, a rising tide lifts all ships..." Since when do radical leftists use that kind of language? Oh, I know, since language, critical thought, and historical knowledge died. She'd never accept such a statement in relation to business prospering and raising all ships, but when it's the gub-mint giving away the cash...ooohh! Happy, happy!
Wed Jan 14
Copley Square, Boston (at the side of the public library)
Bring Flags (American and Israeli) and Posters
Sponsors (in formation): the Boston Israel Action Committee, Christians & Jews United for Israel, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston, CJP, The David Project, CAMERA, Young Israel of Brookline, Congregation Beth El-Atereth Israel, Congregation Shaarei Tefillah, Temple Reyim, Combined Israel Education Committee of 8 synagogues in Newton/Needham and surrounding areas.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Now this should be quite a show. An email from Walid Shoebat announces:
Walid has been invited to speak at one of the Oldest and most prestigious debating societies in the world The Oxford Union at Oxford University.
The Debate will be held on the evening of Feb 5th in Oxford in the UK.
The title of the debate is "This House believes Islam is incombatible with Western Liberalism"
Opposing the motion are
Baroness Warsi a Muslim women who is the youngest member of the House of Lords, her bio is on www.sayeedawarsi.com
Shaykh Faiz-Ul-Aqtab Siddiqi a leading Islamic scholar, General Secretary of the International Muslim Organization, principal of the Hijaz College and National covenor of the Muslim Action Committee. He is also a Barrister at law (trial lawyer in USA).
The third key note speaker will be an Oxford University undergraduate.
Supporting the motion will be
Homa Arjomand an Iranian political activist and co-ordinator of the international campaign against the Sharia courts. Won a major case to defeat Sharia law from being introduced to Ontario in the Canadian courts. She won an award for being "Humanist of the year" from the Humanist Association of Canada"
Nonie Darwish friend of Walid and leader of Arabs for Israel. Author of best seller "Now they call me infidel" website is www.arabsforisrael.com
Final speaker is Walid Shoebat resume not needed as friends you know what we do.
Our friends who live in UK and near enough to Oxford we welcome your support and attendance.
Here's the speech someone should have given at Thursday's community gathering: David Horowitz: The War Against the Jews
The unspoken truth about the fighting in Gaza, which began on December 19 2008 when Hamas rockets broke a voluntary truce, is that this is the frontline of a much larger war. This war began thirty years ago with the Islamic Revolution in Iran and is now global in scope. Its agenda is the extermination of the Jews and the destruction of the West...
As always, Steyn is a must-read:
...Forget, for the moment, Gaza. Forget that the Palestinian people are the most comprehensively wrecked people on the face of the earth. For the past sixty years they have been entrusted to the care of the United Nations, the Arab League, the PLO, Hamas and the "global community" -- and the results are pretty much what you'd expect. You would have to be very hardhearted not to weep at the sight of dead Palestinian children, but you would also have to accord a measure of blame to the Hamas officials who choose to use grade schools as launch pads for Israeli-bound rockets, and to the UN refugee agency that turns a blind eye to it. And, even if you don't deplore Fatah and Hamas for marinating their infants in a sick death cult in which martyrdom in the course of Jew-killing is the greatest goal to which a citizen can aspire, any fair-minded visitor to the West Bank or Gaza in the decade and a half in which the "Palestinian Authority" has exercised sovereign powers roughly equivalent to those of the nascent Irish Free State in 1922 would have to concede that the Palestinian "nationalist movement" has a profound shortage of nationalists interested in running a nation, or indeed capable of doing so. There is fault on both sides, of course, and Israel has few good long-term options. But, if this was a conventional ethno-nationalist dispute, it would have been over long ago...
Via The Corner and Larwyn...How many other journalists would have simply reported the claims of the family with nothing more than a wink? A day with our troops in Gaza
...We come across a local family in one of the buildings. Grandparents, a few young parents, some children and a few toddlers. Sitting on a rug, their legs are covered in blankets and two soldiers are standing guard nearby. "What about them?" I ask. "They're free to go if they want to, but they don't want to," said Eilon Perry, Givati's operations officer. "They informed us they would be staying in the house and we have no choice but to accept that."
The family suddenly notices the cameras, and immediately, the expression on their faces changes. "We have no food," they say in Arabic, as one of the youngsters suggests we interview him in English about their plight. Givati troops are extremely concerned about being portrayed as abusing innocent civilians. Perry points to a stack of canned goods, water bottles and other provisions. "We provided some of that and they cook and eat quite well," he said. The Palestinians seem to understand him and one of them smiles. It's a war -- they had to try...
By the editor, at The Times of Oman, above the fold (so I'm told). You want to appease this? You can't appease the irrational. Votes at the UN, people rioting on the "Arab street"...here's a good indication of what it's all based on. And I'm supposed to respect this at some level?
How Israel became a terrorist state
...It is illustrative to browse through the relevant pages of history to know the real history of the Jews in Germany. You would then come to know why Hitler had taken harsh measures against them. The entire economy of Germany, including banks, publishing houses, jewellery stores, light and heavy industries and almost all economic organisations of consequence, was under the total control of the Jews.
They muddied every aspect of the economy by perpetrating fraud after fraud on common people. This unprepossessing situation annoyed the German citizens no end and impelled Hitler to punish the Jews for their bad deeds...
From The American Spectator, via (and by) Red Planet Cartoons:
Via The American Spectator blog, perhaps a timely reminder...a bare taste of what the Israeli town closest to Gaza has been going through for years:
Also related: Israel and Its Own Civilians
...Less focus has been given to explaining that one of the main reasons that the death toll is relatively low on the Israeli side is that Israel goes to great lengths to protect its own civilians. Every building in Israel must be equipped with a bomb shelter and they have developed an alert system to warn civilians about incoming rocket fire. The IDF has a Homefront Command branch specifically dedicated to coordinating civil defense and educating the public about what to do in the event of a given attack. Furthermore, if any Israelis are injured, the nation has developed among the best emergency response medical services in the world. So, putting this together, if you have one side that puts its energy into protecting its own civilians and another side that tries to keep its civilians in harm's way -- even putting aside the variable that one party has a more powerful military -- it isn't surprising to see more casualties among the Palestinians than the Israelis.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Last night Temple Mishkan Tefilah in Newton seemed more like "The Massachusetts State Democratic Convention, The Sequel" than a rally in support of Israel which was what its billing announced. Originally scheduled as a mid-winter AIPAC meeting, the evening was highlighted by appearances, among others, by Governor Deval Patrick and Bob Haynes, the President of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO. The Master of Ceremonies was Steve Grossman, former President of AIPAC and former national chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
To a SRO crowd of approximately a thousand people, the speakers affirmed their commitment to the continued existence of the State of Israel and lamented the loss of civilian life, as Mr. Grossman put it, "both Palestinian and Israeli." The evening was obviously transformed into an evening of Israel support in the face of the too-many-to-count angry and, frankly, bloodthirsty demonstrations put on by International ANSWER, the Marxist front group that has bonded with Muslim extremists. ANSWER's street theatre, oddly enough, does not feature ecumenical deploring of violence "on both sides."
In front of everyone's seat at the venerable synagogue, originally founded in the South End in 1858, was a copy of the Conservative prayer book, Sim Shalom, which translated into English, means "make peace." In stark contrast to the worldwide, hateful, more often than not blatantly anti-Semitic, street throngs chanting praise to Adolf Hitler and a desire to see Israel "nuked," this evening was a replay of virtually every organizational Jewish Community meeting for the last -- believe it or not --15 years, when the so called Oslo "Peace" Process began with the famous handshake on the White House lawn.
Jews pray for peace while most Arabs, Muslims and their rapidly growing left wing supporters agitate for conquest and annihilation. Stepping out of character (the world has come to expect Jews to be endless supplicants, crying for mercy from their oppressors) and permitting themselves the forbidden emotion -- anger -- was not much in evidence last night. Only two speakers ventured into that dangerous realm, Bob Haynes, described almost embarrassingly repetitively as a "starker" (a tough guy) by Steve Grossman and to his credit, Barry Schrage, CJP's President. The long time labor boss minced no words in recounting his visit to Sderot and the outrage he felt at witnessing the "crude, homemade" (as the BBC relentlessly dubs the deadly rockets) explode a few hundred yards away while Barry Schrage reminded us that "We are all Sderot."
Mr. Haynes was cheered because he was expressing a sincere and normal human emotion -- anger. I was left with, as I'm sure many in the audience were as well, a void and a question: Where are the "starkers" among Jewish leaders?
Radical Islamists and their left wing supporters don't seem to have any problem recruiting legions of college students with no connection to the Middle East who will show up on a moment's notice to don their bloody, red keffiyahs and to shout murderous slogans.
I don't mean to denigrate the work of the Boston JCRC or CJP or the important congressional initiatives of Steve Grossman and AIPAC. Their efforts to isolate Iran and to pressure that genocidally ambitious regime to abandon its nuclear ambitions have been fruitful and admirable. But the war to defend The Jewish State has many battlefronts. One of them is on the street. The Jewish "establishment" is ill equipped to deal with the rampant and growing anti-Semitism that is evident in the current round of public demonstrations for Hamas, whose supporters recently chanted "We need bigger ovens," not in Damascus or Teheran, but in Fort Lauderdale.
Coming from a distinctly left wing heritage, most Jewish organizations have been left largely paralyzed by the anti-Israel venom spewing forth from putative left wing groups. We have been subjected to an eight year mantra of Islam's "hijacking" by fundamentalists (a debatable proposition given the many recent historo-critical works on the intrinsic themes of Jew hatred at the core of Islamic sacred texts). It's about time we recognize that a large part of the Left has willfully betrayed its core progressive principles and has allied itself with the world's most regressive movement, however "nuanced" its apologists claim it to be.
The very notion that Jewish leadership feels compelled to defend the proposition that Israel be permitted to exist should be an affront to every Jew on the planet and to every so-called Progressive while true fascist regimes like Syria, Iran and Gaza are never challenged with the same set of criteria.
Jewish leadership operates under the "big tent" platitude, which claims to embrace any and every putative "Jewish" group like Brit Tzedek v'Shalom whose tireless work on behalf of Palestinians has been punctuated by its "deploring" of the killing of Ahmed Yassin, Hamas' leader and chief enunciator of anti-Semitism and The Workmen's Circle whose support of the new Boston mosque, controlled by the Muslim American Society (a branch of the officially anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood) culminated in standing shoulder to shoulder with Mahdi Bray, the MAS leader who cheerleads for Hezbollah.
There is a hunger among ordinary Jews -- and millions of Christians -- who love Israel deeply and who don't feel compelled to even dignify the calumny of Israel's "right to exist" (which, of course, is the other side's coded language for "Our right to destroy The Jewish State") for expressing -- yes -- that forbidden emotion - anger...no that's not strong enough...fury at those who would put into action that language while betraying their own Progressive principles.
High level political work is indispensable for preserving Israel. Carefully scripted evenings will give the community encouragement and good feelings, but there is a grass roots movement out there that must be allowed to confront the hatemongers in the public square. Both approaches are valid and should be complimentary.
The old saw, "Two Jews, three opinions" may be a staple for Jewish speakers, but in the current lethal climate, I suggest we shelve the joke for the time being and concentrate on unity.
Solomon adds:
This photo gives an idea as to the size of the crowd:
(Photographer Mike Dao has a gallery of photos here.)
The crowd size I've heard is 1200+, with more turned away. I had to leave quite early (staying long enough for the singing of the Star Spangled Banner, HaTikvah, and the initial intro), but there was still a sizable line of people waiting to get through the extensive security almost an hour after the scheduled start time. It was packed.
Why oh why do we insist on holding these things inside of Synagogues? Israel has an enormous stock of non-Jewish support, but the community insists upon sending signals that support for Israel is a matter of charitable support for American Jews, rather than reinforcing the fact that support for Israel in this matter is an issue of vital secular/non-Jewish American interest in the war of the West in defense of itself against terrorist barbarism. Get out of the Synagogues -- not even necessarily on to the street -- just bring it to secular ground. Christians are being driven out of the Middle East...do you think someone might be interested?
There is an enormous Mosque in Boston now being run openly by the Muslim American Society -- the American branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, and a sister organization to Hamas. They've been involved with every major pro-Hamas street demonstration in Boston. Is it any wonder? They're not apologizing for Hamas. They're not distancing themselves from the people at these demonstrations calling for Israel to be dismantled. That's their agenda too!
It's insufficient to sit around talking to ourselves, mouthing the same old platitudes to make us feel good about each other and writing checks to people in suits. There needs to be far greater outreach, and far greater public engagement and visibility.
Not surprisingly, the Boston Globe's coverage of last night's event is a complete disgrace: Israeli, Palestinian supporters rally, try to make case in Newton. Typical idiotic, brain-dead, morally-dense equivalency, they report that "thousands of people gathered," and "balance" it by giving arguably more attention to 20 of the usual idiots storming the Israeli Consulate, "resulting in four arrests." The article doesn't even mention the presence of the the Governor (Say...the Governor was there, but weren't any Republicans of equal stature able to attend? I guess since it's not an election season the organizers' tax exempt status is safe...for now.) or the head of the AFL-CIO, but gives plenty of space to the grievances of a handful of radical miscreants.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Brilliant move on the part of Pajamas Media. The MSM is jealous. They've hired Joe to go to Israel and report for them. Richard Landes is going to hook up with him there (I'm jealous!) and hopefully shepherd him along (I wouldn't push too hard). Here's Richard talking to BBC tool about it. Here's the PJTV Middle East page. Can't wait to see what develops.
Here's a video made by what's described as a Palestinian Christian trying to explain what Hamas is all about. [h/t: Gaby]
Abraham Miller perfectly explains the role Western useful idiots play as Hamas stalking-horses...perpetuating the violence while they claim to be against it: Villains and Victims in Gaza:
...Then there is the constituency comprised of those groups who are so wedded to the embrace of victims -- real and imaginary -- that the most despicable violence is not an act of evil, but a cause for investigation; a statement written in desperate measures by desperate people. Once a group such as Hamas has been defined as a victim, then its acts have to be explored, dissected, explained, rationalized, put into a context, but never condemned. Victims are, by such groups' definitions, incapable of evil.
For four decades I have been attending forums on the Middle East conducted by liberal church congregations, colleges and universities, self-anointed peace and justice groups, and the usual gaggle of what are referred to as "the good people." These people and their groups are intrinsic to the terrorists' strategy. Their rationales for terrorist violence are vital to the continued use of violence. These so-called "good people" are the conduit to evil, and they are invariably self-proclaimed "progressives" or "liberals."
All terrorist groups want people who will ask, "Why?" They want people who have long ago forsaken moral judgments for moral relativism. They want the guy who will stand up at the PTA meeting and say, "9/11 is the result of our foreign policy," and not conceive of the possibility that he is uttering a cliché he could not intellectually defend, but think he is being profound.
It is not just that such people, by justifying violence, contribute to the continued perpetuation of violence, but also by being partisans for evil, they have given up the claim to be honest brokers for peace. In the case of liberal church groups, they have become so supportive of Palestinian terrorism that they would be incapable of being a broker for serious engagements or dialogues for peace. Does anyone think that the leadership of the Presbyterian Church, for example, exudes any moral authority when it comes to the Middle East? They are simply another militia, albeit one that justifies other people doing the killing they tacitly support...
We interrupt coverage of the Arab/Israeli conflict for a few moments to remind ourselves of some stuff that's gone on here at home: President Bush Tried to Rein In Fan and Fred
...the Bush administration warned in the budget it issued in April 2001 that Fannie and Freddie were too large and overleveraged. Their failure "could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting federally insured entities and economic activity" well beyond housing.
Mr. Bush wanted to limit systemic risk by raising the GSEs' capital requirements, compelling preapproval of new activities, and limiting the size of their portfolios. Why should government regulate banks, credit unions and savings and loans, but not GSEs? Mr. Bush wanted the GSEs to be treated just like their private-sector competitors.
But the GSEs fought back. They didn't want to see the Bush reforms enacted, because that would level the playing field for their competitors. Congress finally did pass the Bush reforms, but in 2008, after Fannie and Freddie collapsed.
The largely unreported story is that to fend off regulation, the GSEs engaged in a lobbying frenzy. They hired high-profile Democrats and Republicans and spent $170 million on lobbying over the past decade. They also constructed an elaborate network of state and local lobbyists to pressure members of Congress.
When Republican Richard Shelby of Alabama, then chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, pushed for comprehensive GSE reform in 2005, Democrat Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut successfully threatened a filibuster. Later, after Fannie and Freddie collapsed, Mr. Dodd asked, "Why weren't we doing more?" He then voted for the Bush reforms that he once called "ill-advised."
But Mr. Dodd wasn't the only Democrat to heap abuse on the Bush reforms. Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts defended Fannie and Freddie as "fundamentally sound" and labeled the president's proposals as "inane." He later voted for the reforms. Sen. Charles Schumer of New York dismissed Mr. Bush's "safety and soundness concerns" as "a straw man." "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," was the helpful advice of both Sen. Thomas Carper of Delaware and Rep. Maxine Waters of California. Rep. Kendrick Meeks of Florida berated a Bush official at a hearing, saying, "I am just pissed off" at the administration for raising the issue...
It's OK. Democrats are allowed to have short memories, because the people who are supposed to guard that memory, the press, let them get away with it.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I made this video back in August of '06 and I thought it might be timely to re-post it:
The international "community" has had years to speak out about this stuff. They've never spent much worry over it.
OK, I'm not big on web awards, especially because I'm rarely nominated for them, and that includes this year's Weblog Awards. Thing is, the notorious leftist Professor Juan Cole, anti-American, anti-Israel, apologist for the Mullahs of Iran...is nominated, and, rest-assured, he has many admirers. It would be a shame if he were allowed to win "Best Middle East or Africa Blog."
So I'm joining the call to ask folks to go on over and vote. I believe you can vote once per day.
Right now, Michael Totten is in first place, Cole in second, and Israellycool in third. Much love and respect to the other blogs, but no one else is close enough to matter.
Michael Totten has an excellent post here: Stop Juan Cole
Also, Martin Kramer: ABC: Anything But Cole (Kramer is also nominated, but not close enough to win.) Also, Kramer: Cole spills wine at Cana
Finally, LGF: Say No to Juan Cole
Do sanity and the credibility of the blogosphere a favor and go here to vote.
How you gonna keep 'em down on the madrassa, after they've seen boob-eees...
Personally, I think the Al-Aqsa TV tech on duty must have been a Zionist plant sent in to get people to actually register for MEMRI TV (which you have to do to see the video):
MEMRI TV: Hamas TV Blooper: Erotic Footage During Night Shift. WARNING: Clip Contains Nudity
The following excerpt was broadcast on the Hamas Al-Aqsa TV on January 7, 2009 at three in the morning. Presumably, the Hamas technician on duty got bored with the live image of Gaza at night, and decided to check out other satellite channels, focusing on the Polish erotic channel Patio TV,not realizing that the images were being aired live on Al-Aqsa TV. This lasted for about 6 minutes, until the image of Gaza at night was restored.
WARNING: This clip contains nudity.
Update: Thanks to Sam in the comments, here it is at LiveLeak:
Continue reading "HamasTV Blooper: Late Night Erotica"Here are several links from the Daily Alert proving out Hamas' use of a UN school to launch mortars and their intent to self-inflict civilian casualties:
Resident say Hamas militants staged attacks from cover of UN school
Residents of a Gaza neighborhood are confirming Israel's claim that Hamas militants had opened fire from the cover of a U.N. school where hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge.
Israeli forces fired back with mortars, and hospital officials says three dozen Palestinians were killed.
Two residents say a group of militants had fired their mortars from a street near the school, then fled into a crowd of people in the streets. The Israeli army says two of the dead were militants. It accuses Gaza's Hamas rulers of "cynically" using civilians as human shields...
Ottawa blames Hamas for civilian deaths at school
Ban Ki-moon condemns rocket attack from Gaza school run by UN agency
Finally, this MEMRI video from back in March tells you what you need to know about Hamas:
Today's must-read from Jeff Jacoby:
Demonstrators chanted "Nuke, nuke Israel!" and carried placards accusing Israel of "ethnic cleansing" and bearing such messages as: "Did Israel take notes during the Holocaust? Happy Hanukkah." To the dozen or so supporters of Israel gathered across the street, one demonstrator shouted: "Murderers! Go back to the ovens! You need a big oven."
The Arab-Israeli conflict induces strong passions, and the line that separates legitimate disapproval of Israel from anti-Semitism may not always be obvious. But it's safe to assume the line has been crossed when you hear someone urging Jews "back to the ovens."...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
From Citizens for Peace and Tolerance:
Reformist Blogger Linked to Boston Mosque Controversy "Disappears" in Cairo
Egyptian Moderate Punished for Fight Against Radical Islam in Hub
Boston, Mass - 01/06/2009
Dennis Hale, President of the Boston-based Citizens for Peace and Tolerance (CPT) - an interfaith group of Christians, Muslims and Jews - called on the American State Department and the international community to come to the aid of Reda Abdelarahman Ali, who was abducted by Egyptian authorities from his home in Sharkeya, Egypt last October.
Reda [pictured here] is an Egyptian follower of renowned Muslim reformer, Dr. Ahmed Mansour, who, as a member of CPT in Boston, protested against radical Islamist literature in an area mosque affiliated with the Muslim American Society's Boston branch, also known as the Islamic Society of Boston.
Reda, himself an Islamic reformist scholar and blogger, "has not been located since he was abducted in October," said Hale. His family and international human rights groups fear that he is being tortured and may be executed to cover up the case. Reporters Without Borders has taken up Reda's case, as has the Institute on Religion and Public Policy. The Egyptian High National Security Court ordered Reda's release two weeks ago, on the grounds that "arresting people solely on the basis of their religious beliefs is not acceptable." But Mr. Abdelarahman remains in custody at an undisclosed location, and his family has been denied access to him. His arrest appears to have been demanded by the religious authorities in charge of Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the center of Sunni orthodoxy in the Middle East.
Dr. Mansour, founder of the "Quranists" - an Islamic reform movement which supports democratic reform inside Egypt and advocates a progressive interpretation of Islam - fled to the United States where he established the International Quranic Center (IQC), to articulate a vision of Islam as inclusive and peaceful. In 2004, Dr. Mansour, while a fellow at Harvard's "Scholars at Risk" program, found Islamist hate literature in a Cambridge mosque and through CPT made the matter public, sparking a controversy which has not ended.
"The Quranists in Egypt may be paying the price for their leader's struggle against radical Islam in America," said Hale. "Dr. Mansour's family members say that during the latest wave of arrests and torture of Quranists, Egyptian interrogators demanded information on Dr. Mansour's work with Citizens for Peace and Tolerance. After Dr. Mansour went public with his concerns, the Islamic Society of Boston retaliated with a defamation lawsuit against him and his colleagues, which they fought and defeated. His followers in Egypt were not so lucky."
The Quranists, who see themselves as waging a "war of ideas" against radical Islam have been persecuted since 1985, including three waves of arrest and torture in 1987, 2000, and 2007.
Hale said, "we call on the human rights community in the Boston area to take up Reda's plight."
Boston, Mass.
For Immediate Release
Citizens for Peace and Tolerance (CPT)
Contact: Dennis Hale
(781) 799-7245
I think U.S. and Israeli interests are perfectly aligned on this one. Remember bin Laden's refrain about "the strong horse and the weak horse" -- the fact that people (particularly those targeted for jihadi recruitment) are always drawn to the strong one. That's the language jihadis understand, and no other.
One can always say a robust response to radical Islam's atrocities helps Hamas, al Qaeda, etc., to recruit. But recruiting is aided at least as much by successful terrorist attacks to which the response is too meek. The people sitting on the fence -- the ones who are sympathetic to jihadi aims but ambivalent about jihadi methods -- are attracted most of all by the prospect of being with a winner. Sure, a robust response that communicates the resolve to keep fighting until the jihadists are crushed may bring in a lot of new recruits; but it also scares off a lot of prospective recruits while killing off the experienced ranks of a terrorist organization -- making the organization, on the whole, a less dangerous killing machine. That's why it remains the right thing to do.
Some conflicts are deep ones, pitting survival against an incorrigible evil. Those conflicts cannot be resolved until one side wins and one side loses...
He says the 'refugee' problem, but it's more than that:
...How does the West respond to the obvious exploitation of Palestinian refugees? Soon after my meeting with Mr. Abbas's chief of staff, I met with the ambassador of one of the West's most enlightened countries. I asked: Why are the Palestinians not willing to help their own refugees? "I can understand them," he answered. "After all, they don't want the refugee problem to be taken off the agenda."
This reflexive "understanding" for the Palestinian leaders' abuse of their own people is the heart of the problem. For decades, the international community has actively assisted in building the terrorists' unique system of control -- over where Palestinians live and in what conditions, and over what they think -- by allowing terrorists to turn the refugee camps into the center of the Palestinian war machine. Instead of working to relieve the refugees' misery, the United Nations has dedicated an entire agency, UNRWA, to perpetuating it. For the rest of the world's refugees, the U.N. works tirelessly to improve their conditions, to relocate them, and to help them rebuild their lives as quickly as possible. With the Palestinians, the U.N. does exactly the opposite, granting refugee status to the great-grandchildren of people displaced in 1948, doing nothing to dismantle the camps, and acting as facilitators for the terrorists' goal of grinding an entire civilian population under their thumb. Nowhere on earth do terrorists get so much help from the Free World.
It is not only the refugee camps that the West has helped sustain. For years, Hamas in Gaza -- like Hezbollah in Lebanon, and like the Palestinian Authority under Yasser Arafat -- has been amassing huge stockpiles of weaponry, most of it under the noses of Western observers who are meant to prevent the import of such weapons. It's as if we are telling the terrorists: Go on, build your armies, prepare for war. We understand.
The same can be said about the use of children as human shields. Where was the West when Palestinian leaders were actively transforming their children's classrooms into indoctrination centers for martyrdom?...
This is a MEMRI two-fer. The religious leadership is in full bloody-fangs mode on Hamas television. Click the video to go to the video (requires registration), click the title for transcript:
Following are excerpts from a speech by Egyptian cleric Safwat Higazi, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on December 31, 2008.
Safwat Higazi: "Being killed is nothing new to us. It is what we desire and hope for. It is martyrdom, by Allah. This is Allah's victory coming to us. It is Paradise with the first drop of blood of the martyr...
I refuse to accept condolences or consolation over a martyr...We always see the mothers and wives of the martyrs in Palestine wailing for joy, and preparing another martyr, another man, to raise the banner...
"Being killed is nothing new to us. Martyrdom is nothing new to us. You threaten to kill us?! By Allah, you are threatening us with what we desire more than anything. You are threatening us with what our souls yearn for...
..."You [in Hamas] are the ones upon whom Jesus, son of Mary, will descend, preaching the religion of the Prophet Muhammad in your land. You are paving the way for the war foretold by the Prophet Muhammad: 'Judgment Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews. The Jews will hide behind stones and trees, but the stones and trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' You are the ones preparing the ground for this, preparing the ground for the return of the Caliphate in the path of the prophets."...
..."Allah is with us, and there is nobody with them. Allah is our God, and there is nobody with them. We say to them: We are not equal. Our dead go to Paradise, while your dead go to the Hellfire. We say to them: The Qassam rockets will serve as Ababil birds. [1] Indeed, they are Ababil birds. We say to them that while our martyrs celebrate in Paradise, your dead find themselves in the Hellfire. We say to you: Dispatch those sons of apes and pigs to the Hellfire, on the wings of the Qassam rockets."...
..."Jihad is our path - jihad for the sake of Allah, in all its forms. This is our strategic option, and not peace. Even 'if they incline toward peace...' Yes, in that case, we will incline toward peace. If peace is made with us - yes, we will make peace as well, out of strength and honor. However, jihad and resistance will remain our strategic option. Why? Because the Prophet Muhammad told us this. It makes no difference what kind of peace it is - they will never reconcile with us. They will ostensibly reconcile with us, but will they make real peace? Never."...
..."The [Jews], who are as smooth as a viper, and who lick their lips as [does] a speckled snake, will never live with us in peace and harmony. They deserve to be killed. They deserve to die. They are the ones at whom the Qassam rockets should be fired. You should not care if you hit a man, a woman, or a child. Just like they killed your children - kill their children. Just like they killed your women - kill their women. Just like they destroyed your mosques - destroy their places of worship. Destroy... everything over there."
This guy is a real pip:
Following are excerpts from a speech by Egyptian cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya'qub, which aired on Al-Rahma TV on January 2, 2009.
Muhammad Hussein Ya'qub: Our hatred, animosity, and rage toward the Jews grow. Our hatred of the Jews grows when we see them destroying our brothers. Rage boils within us...If only we could strangle the Muslims... [corrects himself] If only we could strangle the criminal Jews... If only we could strangle the Jews with our bare hands, and bite their heads off with our teeth, not with weapons. If only we could - but who would get us to them?
Apparently it's simply a transportation problem, then.
The IDF returned mortar fire on a mortar position in a UN-run school in Gaza today...and the arms there blew up.
LGF: UN School Used by Terrorists As a Weapons Dump
JPost: 30 reported killed in blast at UN school
At least 30 people were reportedly killed and 53 wounded in an explosion in a UN-run school in the town of Jabalya in the northern Gaza Strip, according to Palestinians. The IDF issued a statement saying the school grounds were used by terrorists to fire mortar shells at the troops. According to the IDF, among the dead were members of a Hamas launching cell, including operatives Immad Abu Askar and Hassan Abu Askar.
The infantrymen returned mortar shell fire into the school grounds, the army said. Defense officials told The Associated Press that booby-trapped bombs in the school triggered the secondary explosions which killed scores of Palestinians on the site...
Here's video from 2007 showing terrorists launching mortars from the same school (I'm sure we posted it at the time):
LGF also notes: UN Schools Notorious for Shielding Terrorists
Here is an IDF video statement:
("We're checking on it.")
An Israeli Soldier's Mother puts it into perspective.
My youngest children went to school today. Thousands of children in Israel did not. Some of their schools are protected, reinforced against missiles. That's the result of more than 8 years of ongoing missile attacks. Though my children's school isn't protected from a potential missile attack, it does have a bomb shelter; it does have a high fence circling it to prevent terrorists from entering (even more, perhaps than preventing children from straying off), and it has a guard that watches as children enter and exit.
In the last few days, the police must have decided that all this was not enough, and so they have stationed police near each of the schools, armed and watching. Our children are our lives, our most precious treasures. Whatever it takes to keep them safe, will be done. That is the message Israel has sent to its citizens...
Here's an IDF Vlog on the incident:
Some of the more naive or deceptive attendees at some of the Pro-Hamas events that have been going on over the past days like to try to claim that they support something called Gaza, but not Hamas itself or terrorism, and even that they are against violence, not necessarily Israel itself. There is ample evidence at the rallies themselves, both in the signage, the statements of the speakers and the chants that this is not true ("From the River to the Sea...", "60 Years of Occupation", "Resistance is Justified", "We are all Hamas", etc...). We all know what face "resistance" takes -- what it means -- right? It means terror and the intentional targeting of civilians. That's what it is.
I thought the following quotes from a couple of the organizers of last Saturday's event were revealing as to showing rather clearly what these demonstrations are about.
One of the organizers, Tom Arabia, writes right on the group's FaceBook page:
...It's not a moral question so much as an objective fact that without justice for Palestinians and with the continued existence of Israel, there will be no peace
On the group's Google Group discussion, in a discussion about dumping a member who is tepid about their extremist views, the Somerville Divestment Project's John Spritzler (who already said at the rally, from the stage, that the SDP supports "armed resistance") says:
...Israel should not exist...
To the point. It's not about how Israel fights, or what weapons it uses, or how long it waits, or the nature of its terrorist enemy, or whether it has good or bad PR...it's about existence. That's what we're seeing.
Of course. Evening Standard: Synagogue set alight during rise in anti-Semitic attacks in London
THE number of anti-Semitic attacks in London has risen sharply following Israel's land assault on Gaza, Jewish community groups said today.
Their leaders have compiled a dossier of attacks against Jews which will be handed to seniors officers in the Metropolitan police.
The attacks include claims of:
● An attempt to burn down a synagogue in north-west London.
● An assault on a Jewish motorist who was pulled from his car and punched.
● A gang of youths chanting anti-Semitic slogans as they tried to enter restaurants and shops in Golders Green.
The Community Security Trust, which is responsible for the safety of Jews in Britain, has also noted the emergence of anti-Semitic graffiti in Jewish areas across London. Slogans sprayed on walls include: "Kill Jews" and "Jews are scumbags."
The trust has now logged 24 anti-Semitic incidents - most of them in London - in the past week. Police are said to be stepping up patrols in Jewish areas...
At the conclusion of an article about Hamas' cowering behind civilians:
...The sources also said that senior Hamas officials have been spotted more than once wandering around the maternity ward of Gaza City's Shifa Hospital and even using the hospital to hold press conferences, on the theory that it offers a safe haven from Israeli fire. For the same reason, Hamas forces have taken refuge near buildings that serve as headquarters for various international organizations, such as the Red Cross and the United Nations.
Using a hospital to render yourself immune from attack is not only a war crime, it makes the hospital a legitimate target.
Hamas is also seizing medicine allowed into the strip for use in its own facilities, for its own fighters (of course!): Hamas opens hospital for gunmen
Hamas has set up an independent hospital in the Gaza Strip to treat its operatives wounded in fighting with the IDF - and, according to Israeli estimates, it is pilfering a significant portion of the medicine allowed into the Strip, senior defense officials told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.
Despite this estimate, the Defense Ministry said Monday that it would continue facilitating the transfer of food and medical supplies into Gaza. The humanitarian convoys, defense officials said, played a key role in garnering international legitimacy for the IDF's operations in Gaza since it showed the world that Israel distinguished between Hamas terrorists and Palestinian civilians.
On Sunday, Military Intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin told the cabinet that Hamas was using mosques, public institutions and private houses as ammunition stores.
On Monday, the Defense Ministry facilitated the transfer of 49 trucks carrying basic foods into the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing. Since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead, the IDF has allowed some 450 trucks into the Gaza Strip...
Raed Jarrar, an anti-American, pro-Saddam mouthpiece who never should have been allowed into this country in the first place, has won a big settlement: TSA, JetBlue Pay $240,000 to Settle Discrimination Suit
Transportation Security Administration officials and JetBlue Airways are paying $240,000 to settle (.pdf) a discrimination lawsuit against a District of Columbia man who, as a condition of boarding a domestic flight, was forced to cover his shirt that displayed Arabic writing.
According to a civil rights lawsuit, TSA and JetBlue demanded Raed Jarrar to sit at the back of a 2006 flight from New York to Oakland because his shirt read "We Will Not Be Silent" in English and Arabic...
This via Jammie, where Jarrar assures in the comments he'll be sending money to Gaza.
That's a big payoff for a guy who set out to provoke. I wrote about the incident briefly here: New John Does: Jet Blue and TSA Employees, and a lot more in-depth, here: A Tale of Two Iraqis (if you choose to read only one, that's the one), and finally, he's mentioned in this post: AFSC's Slanders (Jarrar works for the American Friends Service Committee).
Car rams gates of Toulouse synagogue
A burning car was rammed into a synagogue door in southwest France as the interior minister convened Muslims, Jews and police in Paris to warn against contagion from the Gaza conflict.
Damage to the synagogue in a Toulouse neighborhood was limited to a blackened door, and there were no injuries even though a rabbi was giving a course to adults inside, said an official of the regional prefecture, Anne-Gaelle Baudouin.
Police called to the scene found remnants of a Molotov cocktail in the car and a car nearby with three unlighted Molotov cocktails, Baudouin said...
A couple of important items in this Haaretz story: Egypt's Mubarak to EU: Hamas must not be allowed to win in Gaza
Hamas must not be allowed to win its conflict with the IDF, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Monday told a delegation of European foreign ministers in a closed conversation.
The comment occurred even as Hamas, for the first time since the fighting began, sent representatives to Cairo to discuss a cease-fire. Following a meeting with Egyptian intelligence officials, Hamas officials said they had received an Egyptian proposal and would consider it...
...The European foreign ministers, headed by Karel Schwarzenberg of the Czech Republic, whose country currently holds the European Union's rotating presidency, came to Jerusalem after visiting Cairo, and briefed Livni on their meeting with Mubarak. Inter alia, they reportedly told her that Mubarak had said Hamas "must not be allowed to emerge from the fighting with the upper hand."
Regarding Israel's demand that Egypt halt arms smuggling from its territory into Gaza as part of any cease-fire agreement, the ministers said Mubarak denied that any such smuggling takes place. He insisted that the weapons arrive not via tunnels from Sinai, but in barrels thrown overboard from ships passing near Gaza's coast...
I think that last bit is a little exaggeration on Mubarak's part -- clearly there are weapons coming in through the tunnel and everyone knows it -- but they may also be using boats. Remember that next time you hear someone blaming the Israelis for bothering Gaza fishermen. They have good reason to.
Monday, January 5, 2009
CAMERA debunks another claim made all too often in recent days (including by Nancy Murray in Graham's audio below) -- that Israel broke the ceasefire by launching an attack on Hamas in November. This is not true:
...how does CNN deal with articles like this one from the Associated Press published on June 25, just after the truce started, and headlined Palestinian rockets threaten truce? The AP article in its lead paragraphs reported that:
Palestinian militants fired three homemade rockets into southern Israel yesterday, threatening to unravel a cease-fire days after it began, and Israel responded by closing vital border crossings into Gaza.Despite what it called a "gross violation" of the truce, Israel refrained from military action and said it would send an envoy soon to Egypt to work on the next stage of a broader cease-fire agreement: a prisoner swap that would bring home an Israeli soldier held by Hamas for more than two years.
The answer is CNN deals with such articles and facts by ignoring them.
And Rick Sanchez, his co-anchor Jim Clancy, and the CNN fact-checkers ignored much more - there were many such violations, including dozens of rockets and mortars fired into Israel during the so-called ceasefire. And there was also sniper fire against Israeli farmers, anti-tank rockets and rifle shots fired at soldiers in Israel, and not one but two attempts to abduct Israeli soldiers and bring them into Gaza. Here are some of the details:...
The rest is here.
Perfectly explained by now defunct Hamas terrorist Nizar Rayyan:
...There was no flexibility with Rayyan. This is what he said when I asked him if he could envision a 50-year hudna (or cease-fire) with Israel: "The only reason to have a hudna is to prepare yourself for the final battle. We don't need 50 years to prepare ourselves for the final battle with Israel." There is no chance, he said, that true Islam would ever allow a Jewish state to survive in the Muslim Middle East. "Israel is an impossibility. It is an offense against God."...
From various lists (this one is from JCRC):
Rally to Support Israel
7:30PM on Thursday January 8th
at Congregation Mishkan Tefilah
300 Hammond Pond Parkway, Chestnut Hill
Join with the entire community to stand in support of Israel. click here for directions
Sponsored by JCRC, CJP, ADL, AJC, AIPAC, BIAC, The David Project, Hadassah, The Hillel Council of New England, SAIAT and others.
Statement by Boston Community Leaders
In Support of Israel's Right to Self-Defense and a Lasting Peace for Palestinians and Israelis
In the last several years, Israel, one of America's most reliable friends in the world, has seen its civilians subjected to some 10,000 rockets and mortar bombs launched by Hamas from the Gaza Strip. Neither the United States nor any other responsible country could afford to stand by idly while its citizens were subjected to such assault; neither the United States nor any other country would do so.
Robert J. Haynes, president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, can testify to the menace: "Having been in Sderot when missiles were landing, I know the terror those families feel, but I can't imagine the fear and anxiety of wondering daily where or when the next fatal missile will drop. Israelis have been terrorized every day since they left Gaza. They have a right to defend themselves and respond to such violent provocations. Even if you know nothing about the specifics of this conflict, you can understand the very basic desire of a people to ensure safety and security for their families. We should support them in their efforts to attain that safety and security, which will ultimately come at too high a price."
Our community is united in supporting Israel's right to self-defense against Hamas's attacks on its civilians, and to act to stop those attacks. Our community and all friends of Israel share a deep concern for the tragic civilian suffering in Israel and in the Gaza Strip alike. But there should be no doubt that the responsibility for this suffering falls squarely on the shoulders of Hamas, a terrorist organization that has placed its avowed goal of obliterating Israel ahead of the welfare of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.
We hope and pray that Hamas will cease its assault on Israel, and will agree to permit Israel to live in peace in the region. We hope and pray that those in the Middle East who seem committed to a path of violence will choose a different path, one that leads to two states living peacefully side-by-side. Until that occurs, we firmly support Israel in its effort to halt the cruel and incessant attacks against its people, attacks that are an impediment to the cause of peace that we hold dear.
For more information, resources and ways to support Israel vist the Israel Action Center Website
Hey guys, the ghetto walls are down. Noticed?
Just outright lying on Fox by one of the most notorious Arab spokesliars. BTW, she's also one of those international lawyers who go around causing Israel as much trouble as possible and wasting everyone's time in the process.
In case you're wondering, yes, qassams have warheads. I met a guy who had a ring made from one of the ball-bearings they put in to cause human damage.
Life interferes with blogging, so forgive the series of links for your browsing:
Continued live-blogging at Israellycool and The Muqata. Jack has another link roundup.
I'm placing a bunch of quick links below at the bottom of the day's posts.
I was fortunate last night to get an invite to appear on WRKO 680AM's Pundit Review show with Kevin Whalen. Kevin wanted to discuss Saturday's Pro-Hamas Rally here in Boston and to talk about the Gaza situation generally. I ended up speaking to Kevin and taking a few calls for about 20 minutes during the 9:30-10 slot. Kevin had a great show last night (and not just my segment), as he does every week, and has already posted the audio here: Boston blog in the spotlight: Solomonia
Many thanks to Kevin for having me on, and for the positive notice.
This morning, WTKK 96.9FM's Michael Graham (Can I talk about them both in the same post? I know how you radio guys are.) links to the same post from his blog: Signs From People Who Are Smarter Than You. I was too late in getting the message to appear on his show, but he gave me a nice shout-out regardless.
Update: Michael has posted the audio of his interview with the execrable Nancy Murray (Cambridge Peacenik, ACLU employee...when there's a Jew involved, Nancy's there with a sign denouncing them...). Michael handles her well: Another Massachusetts Hamas Defender Speaks Out!
If you missed my conversation with Israel-bashing, Muslim American Society pal Nancy Murray (at podium, above), you can hear it on our "On Demand" page at 969wtkk.com. My favorite part is when she defends Hamas by pointing out that "they're not firing missiles, Michael. They're firing rockets."
Oh, ROCKETS. Well, that's completely different, Nancy. I'm ready to push Israel into the sea now, too.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Yesterday, Saturday (planned so in part to prevent religious Jews from being able to counter-protest), was a large Pro-Hamas demonstration at Copley Square Boston. The announcement circulated on a number of lists (Facebook page here), including distribution by the Muslim American Society (MAS)/Islamic Society of Boston. The announcement itself is revealing:
No more US Tax Dollars for Israeli War Crimes!
End the Genocide in Palestine!
End the Israeli siege of Gaza!
End the 60 Year Occupation of Palestine! [How many years? -S]
We support the right of Palestinians to resist!
speakers confirmed:
Deema Faisal, poet, Palestine Cultural Center for Peace
Ian Lavallee, an Iraqi Veteran Against the War
Representative of Somerville Divestment Project [Ended up being John Spritzler who made it clear in his speech that they support armed "resistence" -S]
Salma Abu Ayyash, Palestinian Activist
Gabe Camacho, AFSC
Jeff Klein, Dorchester People for Peace (prefers not to be introduced as Jewish because he is not.) [That's in the original announcement and is not my edit. -S]
Hannah Nesbit Allen, Hampshire College Divestment Project
Representative of UMass Boston Antiwar Coalition
Turnout was extensive, as the following pics and video will demonstrate, and a wide variety of groups show the Left/Islamist alliance is bearing fruit. Tables with literature were there for the usual collection of socialist 'workers' groups, and International ANSWER was again a major sponsor. Kaffiyehs, Palestinian Flags, masks and hijabs were everywhere, and the crowd was angry.
Thanks to Hillel Stavis and Ethan Beardsworth who were in attendance and provided the following pictures and video.
Stavis was on hand to have a talk with a few participants. Here he speaks to Antisemitic Jews (yes, there is such a thing) of the Neturei Karta, a confused sign holder, and one older fellow who, for the record, denies he is an antisemite:
I know I shouldn't be, but going through Stavis' videos, I was once again surprised by the level of outright ignorance and denial of fact displayed by the Leftists in attendance. I'm willing to allow the possibility that there may be someone who really knows what's going on and has simply integrated that data and come out with a conclusion that I might find crazy, but that simply wasn't the case. They simply don't allow the facts to interfere with their view of how the world is supposed to work. They have a determined ideological destination and exclude inconvenient facts to arrive at it.
The Islamists are far more straightforward. They know what their goal is -- destruction of the Jewish State -- and their use of human rights language is transparently a cynical coopting of it as a weapon.
The two groups come together for a shared goal.
Here is a short video of the group marching that gives an idea of the size and nature of the crowd:
For those who have been following things around here for awhile, rest assured that all your favorite personalities were on hand: The ACLU's Nancy Murray, David Rolde, Jeff Klein, Howard Lenow, Marty Federman, PF Soto, Khury Petersen-Smith, Salma Abu Ayyash, the Somerville Divestment Project's John Spritzler (who unequivocally assured the crowd that his group supports armed resistance), etc., etc...
Here are a number of photos. Sorry for the small size of some of them:
Hamas brags about their creation of martyrs, and sends children out to kill, or using them as human shields...but when some are unintentionally killed, who gets the blame?
Jews as Nazis is a perennial favorite. Not only is it massively bizarre and inaccurate according to the facts, but the only reason that the comparison is made is that Jews are involved. They wouldn't say it otherwise. That's antisemitism.
Hard to see, but over Jeff Klein's shoulder is a large banner supporting Gaza hung from the Community Church of Boston -- one of those "churches" that use a religious title but that are really just political projects. One of the old Socialists in the first video is a member.
ISM tool Max Escobar Geller was a crowd stand-out.
Update: Mike Dao has a gallery of photos from the event here.
Jillian C. York (who also has good photos of the event) notes:
...At one point a small altercation broke out, but it was quickly quelled. Later, as some Muslims in the crowd quietly stepped aside to pray Asr, one leader of the group took it upon himself to yell "Allah Akbar." A Muslimah near me, sensing the rift his words might cause, picked up her megaphone and shouted even louder: "Hey hey ho ho, aid to Israel's gotta go!" The crowd quickly joined in and drowned out the polarizing cries...
Hey dude, don't harsh my cognitive dissonance.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Cementing the UN's reputation as an utterly useless, no, worse than useless organization, comes U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who worries that Israel's ground offensive "complicates the international community's efforts to achieve a cease-fire" according to the CNN article. (I ignore the comments of the execrable antisemite, U.N. General Assembly President Miguel D'escoto Brockmann, in the same article.) Gee, y'think?
What on earth is the point of this organization other than to get us to waste our time and money trying to limit the damage it does?
Keep watching Israellycool for live blogging updates, as well as The Muqata. Jack has a link round-up here. Meryl is also keeping it going with short takes.
And, as a reminder the IDF has a YouTube channel, a YahooGroup and a Blog. (Update: And on Twitter.)
Now is the next dangerous step. It looks like the world is giving Israel every chance to get this thing right and will not be successful in bailing Hamas out with a premature cease-fire. The Israelis still have a ticking clock -- the clock in Lebanon ran out, let's hope it doesn't this time.
There was a massive Pro-Hamas demonstration in downtown Boston today. As soon as I have the photos and videos from Solomonia operatives who were there I'll try to get a post up, either tonight or tomorrow.
Must-see TV tonight, 9pm Eastern on Fox: Escape From Hamas:
What is stronger than hate and bloodshed?
While Israel and Hamas engage in "all-out war" in the Gaza Strip, a FOX News documentary tells an extraordinary story of faith, courage, violence, betrayal and conversion.
Correspondent Jonathan Hunt's investigation goes deep inside Hamas, through a series of stunning exclusive interviews with the son of a founding member of the Islamic terrorist group. Mosab Hassan himself became the leader of the radical Islamic Youth Movement, fought Israeli tanks and troops in the streets, celebrated suicide bombings and recruited young men to the cause.
But that all changed when Mossab says he realized the true nature of Hamas and radical Islam, during a stint in an Israeli prison. He converted to Christianity and now -- despite an Al Qaeda death sentence hanging over him -- he speaks out for the first time about Hamas, an organization he says betrays the Palestinian cause, tortures its own members and will never honor any ceasefire with Israel.
We know that these 'peace' protests are organized by groups allied with ANSWER and the Muslim Brotherhood.
We know that the Brotherhood is a 'fraternal' and criminal organization that has been under investigation by the US government.
Could a person who commits a crime like this could be prosecuted under RICO statutes..?
From WIKI:
Racketeering charges have already been filed against MB affiliate CAIR
Friday, January 2, 2009
More International ANSWER signs, more Jihad and Hamas support in America. John at This Ain't Hell was on the scene of a large pro-Hamas demonstration in D.C. and has pics and video. He just missed getting the attack on tape: Muslim attacks Jewish counter protester in DC
Antwerp, now London: Gaza: Gang on rampage in Golders Green
A gang of pro-Palestinian demonstrators rampaged through the heart of the Jewish community on Wednesday evening, attacking businesses and assaulting a motorist.
Police and the CST have increased patrols and security following the incidents in Golders Green, North-West London, amid concerns of further trouble during Shabbat.
The group of around 15 men had been demonstrating in support of Palestinians in Gaza but then made their way along Golders Green Road, attacking the man as he got into his car.
They attempted to gain access to a number of kosher restaurants and Jewish businesses, and at one point entered Solly's restaurant, but were thrown out by staff and diners.
Despite officers arriving in the area quickly, the gang was able to escape on the Tube...
The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) released a statement today in response to a Rasmussen poll of American opinions of the Israel-Hamas conflict, which showed a majority of Democrats opposed to Israel's defensive actions in Gaza while nearly two-thirds of Republicans supported Israel's actions. RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said:
The latest Rasmussen poll (conducted December 30, 2008*) highlights the continuing deep division between rank-and-file Democrats and Republicans regarding support for Israel's right to defend herself. As Israel takes military action to defend herself from the continuous assault of rockets and mortars coming from Hamas-controlled Gaza, that divide is especially note-worthy.
The Rasmussen poll shows that there is a huge split between Democrats and Republicans on whether Israel should have undertaken the current military action against Hamas. Democrats opposed the Israeli action 31%-55% and Republicans supported Israel's course of action 62%-27%.
This is not an isolated instance. We saw a similar split between Democrats and Republicans when Israel fought Hezbollah forces in Lebanon in the summer of 2006...
Things are bad in Europe. Particularly disturbing is the thought that Europe has virtually legislated against the basic Human Right of self defense -- not that we're that far behind: Atlas: Arab European League Rioters Tear Through Jewish quarter of Antwerp after anti-Israel demonstration carry Hamas flags
So this is what the world community has wrought. This is where "peace and justice" have left us. No Jew is safe, anywhere...
The only reason J-Street has a voice is because of the money they have to spend for PR. Even Reform Movement head Rabbi Eric Yoffie can see that when the chips are down they're showing their true colors. If you can get by the hand-wringing, the piece is worth reading: On Gaza, Sense and Centrism
...if some Jewish hawks are devoid of sympathy for Palestinian suffering, not a few Jewish doves have demonstrated an utter lack of empathy for Israel's predicament. J Street, a new Washington lobbying group and a major voice of the dovish pro-Israel community, has spoken out sharply against Israel's actions in Gaza. While it claims to represent the moderate American Jewish majority, in this case it has misread the issues and misjudged the views of American Jews.
It is not easy for me to write these words. I welcomed the founding of J Street and know many of those involved in its leadership. Furthermore, I am a dove myself. I support a two-state solution, believe that military action by Israel should be a last resort and welcome an active American role in promoting peace between Israel and her neighbors. But I know a mistake when I see one, and this time J Street got it very wrong...[snip]
...A second J Street statement was worse by far. It could find no moral difference between the actions of Hamas and other Palestinian militants, who have launched more than 5,000 rockets and mortar shells at Israeli civilians in the past three years, and the long-delayed response of Israel, which finally lost patience and responded to the pleas of its battered citizens in the south. "Neither Israelis nor Palestinians have a monopoly on right or wrong," it said, and it suggested that there was no reason and no way to judge between them: "While there is nothing 'right' in raining rockets on Israeli families or dispatching suicide bombers, there is nothing 'right' in punishing a million and a half already-suffering Gazans for the actions of the extremists among them."
These words are deeply distressing because they are morally deficient, profoundly out of touch with Jewish sentiment and also appallingly naïve. A cease-fire instituted by Hamas would be welcome, and Israel would be quick to respond. A cease-fire imposed on Israel would allow Hamas to escape the consequences of its actions yet again and would lead in short order to the renewal of its campaign of terror. Hamas, it should be noted, is not a government; it is a terrorist gang. And as long as the thugs of Hamas can act with impunity, no Israeli government of the right or the left will agree to a two-state solution or any other kind of peace. Doves take note: To be a dove of influence, you must be a realist, firm in your principles but shorn of all illusions...
The IDF has a YahooGroup for news:
Direct dispatches from the Israeli Defense Forces, Israel Police, Border Police, PM Office and FM Office. The news as it happens - directly from the source - no middleman.
Update: Even handier, they have a blog: IDF Spokesperson
[via: The Flea]
Rather than put down innumerable individual headline links, here's a collection of commentary and news about what's going on. Haven't been following things so closely? Here are some good places to start:
Charles Krauthammer: The Necessity of Israel
Late Saturday, thousands of Gazans received Arabic-language cell-phone messages from the Israeli military, urging them to leave homes where militants might have stashed weapons. -- Associated Press, Dec. 27
WASHINGTON -- Some geopolitical conflicts are morally complicated. The Israel-Gaza war is not. It possesses a moral clarity not only rare but excruciating.
Israel is so scrupulous about civilian life that, risking the element of surprise, it contacts enemy noncombatants in advance to warn them of approaching danger. Hamas, which started this conflict with unrelenting rocket and mortar attacks on unarmed Israelis -- 6,464 launched from Gaza in the last three years -- deliberately places its weapons in and near the homes of its own people...
Jonah Goldberg: The Squeegee Men of the New World Order (not exactly on Gaza, but on the general dumbing down of our view and acceptance of terrorism)
Michael Gerson: Israel's Proportionate Response
There is no question -- none -- that Israel's attack on Hamas in Gaza is justified. No nation can tolerate a portion of its people living in the conditions of the London Blitz -- listening for sirens, sleeping in bomb shelters and separated from death only by the randomness of a Qassam missile's flight. And no group aspiring to nationhood, such as Hamas, can be exempt from the rules of sovereignty, morality and civilization, which, at the very least, forbid routine murder attempts against your neighbors...
Via Dave, who continues his excellent ongoing coverage, here is a video from early December showing what life is like in the Gaza "concentration camp". You'll get the point upon seeing the well stocked food market right at the beginning:
Michel Gurfinkiel: Gaza: A Matter of Proportion - 'A noted French intellectual registers profound disappointment with President Nicolas Sarkozy's reaction to the Gaza situation.'
Continue reading "Solomonia Gaza Roundup"Thursday, January 1, 2009
Speaking of warning your targets ahead of time, the IDF has been checking off Hamas leadership targets, including big fish Nizar Rayyan, ably described by Omri, here: Israel Kills Top Hamas Nutjob Nizar Rayyan
...Rayyan wasn't just "one" of Hamas's military leaders. He was the head of weapons production and the leader of Hamas's suicide brigades. He was also as mad as a hatter...
Even in his case, the IDF gave the family a warning. They ignored it:
...Army Radio reported that according to Palestinian sources, his family was warned before the attack but did not leave the building...
As we've seen many times, the Palestinians have mastered the cynical use of the human shield. It didn't work this time.
They're disguised as doctors and nurses, and the IDF continues its policy of calling Gaza civilians ahead of bombing strikes: Diskin: Hamas dealt a 'serious blow'
Hamas has been attacked in a manner in which it has never been attacked before, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) head Yuval Diskin told the security cabinet Wednesday, a week after the same forum approved Operation Cast Lead.
According to Diskin, Hamas's ability to govern has been seriously harmed, and the organization's leaders are in hiding. He said that some are hiding in hospitals, disguised as doctors or nurses, while others are hiding in mosques.
Diskin said that Hamas has turned some of Gaza's mosques into command and control centers, assuming that Israel would not bomb them. He also said Hamas has stockpiled weapons in mosques...
...The cabinet was also told that the IDF has made some 100,000 phone calls to Gaza residents since the beginning of the operation, warning them to leave their apartments or homes before an impending attack.
I guess the mosque thing hasn't been working out so well.
Here's a two-fer from MEMRI. Iran shows appropriate solidarity with Hamas by teaching their children to hate the Jews and sacrifice themselves. (n both cases, click the image for the video -- requires registration.)
MEMRI: Iranian TV Program Teaches Toddlers About Martyrdom
TV host: "Tell me, children, you are all wearing kaffiyeh scarves. What are you trying to show? That you are friends of the Palestinian children, and that you are all worried because of what is going on...We all loathe those enemies. We all loathe them. We are furious at them. We identify with the Palestinian children...I am willing to sacrifice myself. I am willing to sacrifice my arms, my legs, and all my limbs, my family, and my property, in order to achieve my goals...
And here are some Hamas ladies letting you know about their aspirations. Oddly enough, Hamas and their supporters complain when women become part of the statistics, yet among their own they aspire to it:
Transcript: Hamas Women Vow to Become 'Martyrdom-Seekers' and Blow Themselves Up Among 'the Apes and Pigs'
Jack has a good roundup of links on the Gaza invasion: Gaza Update 5.5
Well worth shuffling through.
CAMERA's Dexter Van Zile has a (trust me) generous report on the most ubiquitous face of the Boston anti-Israel movement, David Rolde: Meet David Rolde, A Man of Peace. David, former Green Rainbow Party Secretary, is always there when Jews are involved, and has appeared on our pages numerous times.
Here are a couple of updates from Palestinian Media Watch that I wanted to get on the record. You may have seen them already, but just in case...
Hamas expects to fight by their own rules, but they expect to be protected according to ours...
Hamas celebrates targeting Israeli civilians
Along with today's TV propaganda in which Hamas depicts itself as a victim, Hamas continues to portray itself as the heroic killer of Israelis.
A video on Hamas TV this morning blended pictures of Hamas fighters shooting at Israel with pictures of injured Israelis and medical evacuation scenes.
In addition, the visuals include pictures of skulls dripping with blood, captioned: "Let them taste violent death".
Other narrations and texts include: "Send them to Hell! Tear them to pieces!" "Send them to Hell, Qassam missile!"
The making of Pallywood is noticed even from the Arab side:
PA daily: Media are manipulating Gaza news Cameraman to mourning mother: "Hit your face, cry, do some action"
A Palestinian journalist has complained that the media and others are manipulating the images going out to the world:
"A mother of one of the martyrs stood by the door of the intensive care unit while crying... relatives and those around her were telling her what she should say to the television cameras: 'Say your son [before he died] prayed and went out.' Another tells her: 'Curse the Arab leaders'... The journalists [in the hospitals] are going overboard in their insensitivity and taking advantage of the [difficult] moments, with the explanation that they are showing this to the world. One cameraman told a mourning mother: 'Hit your face, cry, do some action.'" [Al-Ayyam, December 29, 2008]
During the past week, America -- and the world -- have seen raucous and occasionally violent street demonstrations over the ongoing Israel-Palestinian war. Almost always initiated by Muslim groups along with hard Left groups, these exercises in street theatre chillingly reflect the situation on the ground in Gaza and Israel. On the one hand, Jewish groups are saying, "No More Terror -- Israel Must Survive" while -- without exception -- the Left-Muslim coalitions are saying "Save HAMAS and Destroy Israel." And when you stop to think about it, that's been the 100 year history of the conflict.
Jews want to be left alone inside a democratic state (complete with a sizable Arab population) without territorial ambitions while the Left dreams of World Revolution and the Jihadists seek to destroy or convert all infidels, especially the obdurate and more ancient Jews. Not quite a match made in heaven, but it will do for the moment (at least from the Left viewpoint).
Most of the demonstrations have been organized by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition: Act Now to Stop War & End Racism. Founded in 1991 by the ubiquitous, perennial, bizarre Marxist-Leninist octogenarian, Ramsay Clark, former Attorney General under Lyndon Johnson, A.N.S.W.E.R., in turn, arose out of the New York based World Workers Party (WWP) founded in the late 1950's. "Red" Ramsay's group never misses a chance to rally for any and every moonbat, putative "revolutionary" cause including Iran's mullahocracy and even the North Korean, nuke-crazed robots.
Currently, A.N.S.W.E.R.'s pet Marxist-Leninist project is the destruction of Israel. Funded in part by The Ford Foundation and George Soros, this musty collection of "fringe of the fringe" leftists have found new life by allying with jihadist groups. Some of the constituent formative groups associated with A.N.S.W.E.R. are IFCO (a hard left "pastoral" organization that is funded by Sami Al Arian's Palestinian Islamic Jihad), The Muslim Students Association (MSA), an outgrowth of The Muslim Brotherhood (HAMAS affiliated) and The Korea Truth Commission (do we need to know more?).
Deceptively describing itself as an "anti-war" group to maintain its eligibility for 501 (c) 3 status as a non-profit, A.N.S.W.E.R. has taken to the streets shouting for the destruction of Israel and its Jewish population. December 30th was tagged an "International Day of Action" by the group, purportedly to "Take action to show solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza and to demand an immediate end to the murderous attacks carried out by the Israeli military against the people of Gaza."
ANSWER's activities in the streets, however, depart radically from their stated objective. From Boston to Anaheim to Vienna to Chile, the well-funded fanatics have been uniformly parading with chants and signs that shout:
"Palestine Shall be Free From the River to the Sea."
That fast-growing slogan means only one thing: Israel must be destroyed and the Jews must be wiped out.
Muslim American Society members in Fort Lauderdale have been caught on film shouting at Jewish counter-demonstrators: "We must build bigger ovens."
Mahdi Bray, a staunch supporter of Hezbollah and one of the leaders of the MAS [The people behind Menino's Boston Mosque. -S], is photographed marching arm in arm with a hooded HAMAS look alike.
In Boston, an ANSWER member displays a sign that reads: "Globalize the Intifada"
And in New York, a supporter proudly carries a sign that all too cleverly says: "Death to All Juice"
At least we have arrived at a certain place of clarity. The masks of the "Revolution" are off. The unalloyed Jew hatred of the hard Left is out in the open at last.
Had someone told Sam Marcy, the founder of the Worker's World Party in 1959 that the heirs to his Marxist wet dream would be genocidal woman-hating, gay-killing, religiously-crazed zombies, he probably would have succumbed to incredulity. Then again, he might be looking up from his current abode smiling with approval.
Happy New Year to everyone! Thanks to all my visitors and emailers for all your support over the past year. There'd be no point to this site if not for you. May you all have a healthy and happy year.