
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The controversy over the Balen Report is still ongoing? Amazing. Either it tells that the BBC is biased against Israel, which everyone knows, or it says it's biased in favor of Israel (in which case they're embarrassed about having produced such rank stupidity), OR it says nothing much of interest either way in which case the entire exercise -- both producing and defending the report -- have been a waste of time: BBC spends £200,000 of licence fees on legal fight to suppress report on anti-Israeli 'bias'

The BBC has spent hundreds of thousands on a legal fight to block publication of a report on alleged bias in its Middle East reporting.

The Law Lords today ruled that a campaigner who is pursuing a battle to force the broadcaster to make the report public can continue his fight.

But this means the BBC will probably have to spend thousands more as the case is set to rumble on for months until a final decision is reached.

The corporation is understood to have already used about £200,000 of licence fee cash trying to prevent it having to release the Balen Report.

It was judged at the House of Lords that solicitor Steven Sugar's case had been wrongly blocked by legal rulings at earlier hearings.

Law Lords, by a 3-2 majority, overturned a previous High Court judgement, which now gives renewed hope that the document will seen by the public...


It's too late to call BBC to account.

The damage is done. Or should we say it's reappearing, as in the 1930's.

A reviewer of an English play already rather disgustingly entitled "Seven Jewish Children" reports that Jews are being "bred" to hate "others".

I don't know what to say about this other than I'm nauseous.

That said American mass media is beginning to reflect real judenhass, viz to wit Bill Moyers, Mearscheimer and Walt, Jimmy Carter among others left and right - the very UN is a platform for hate.

And look at today's doom-laded article on the Israeli elections, which they claim "dash" hopes for peace - as if attaining peace were truly up to the citizens of Israel.

There's a huge blind spot apparently about the philosophy of all too many people not only in the Middle East but around the world regarding Israel's very existence yet the voters of Israel are to blame now if peace doesn't break out?

So how far is it from an article like this to urging the US to abandon or even attack Israel for having "voted against peace"?

I'm exaggerating? Look at history.

Somehow Time managed to ignore the context of this election, shortly after Israeli withdrawals from territory resulted in two wars - or the fact that right winger Menachim Begin signed the peace deal with Egypt - and his counterpart Sadat had been an admirer of Hitler who had a change of heart but was subsequently murdered by a member of the Muslim Brotherhood for having made said peace deal with Israel - but what else is new. The Jews are responsible ipso facto.

ADL did a survey of Europeans recently, which apparently indicates that many people there blame the Jews for the current global financial crisis.

I'd say all this is unbelievable except for the fact that European Jews were basically wiped out within living memory and Israel is threatened with destruction every day of the week.

I NEVER resubscribed to Time magazine again after a May 30, 1977 cover story on the election of Menachem Begin as Prime Minster of Israel.

The Time article explained "Menachem Begin (rhymes with Fagin)".,9171,914950,00.html

I only subscribed to Newsweek after that.

Of course now I subscribe to ZERO dead-tree magazines.

So, when people say "anti-Israel bias", what they really mean, is "not properly regurgitating the pro-Israel propoganda". Better watch out, BBC, Goebbels will be sending in the Gestapo any minute now...

Shame on the BBC. People can choose to supply donations to Gaza and their Terrorist controlled Iranian proxy regime if they like. The BBC should was basicly bullied into almost running an appeal for Gaza with charities that have given no consideration to the thousands of Israeli victims of rockets or 300 plus suicide bombing attacks directed at civilians. The Islamists were pushing very hard for this broadcast as they know it would be used as a very powerful propaganda tool in the West to further demonize Israel's defensive war and garner additional support. It had absolutely nothing to do with humanitarian aid.

Also, many of the dead were not Women and Children but militants, and even so the BBC loves to claim them as innocents? That is a great line to pull on the heartstrings but why do so many people simply accept the Hamas version of events/deaths/casualties? (see Jenin massacre). Many of the incidents shown on TV are staged, and the casualty figures are usually shown later to have been utterly fictitious and Journalists are intimidated into telling lies. It is also well documented that the children in Gaza are indoctrinated, born, and breed for Martyrdom and to Kill as many Jews as possible on the way. I am sure you know of the popular Hamas Bunny on TV that has instructed kids to kill Danes over the Mohammad cartoons and in another great episode, he says quote: "I'm going to finish off the Jews. I'm going to eat the Jews!". Doing that to children is about as low as one society can get and a mirror image of the Nazi label people like to throw on Israel (which is quite ironic indeed).
As toxic as the Islamic culture is at this time in history I would never teach my daughters this or have them indoctrinated with such hate from birth. Of course there are innocient victims but they are victims of Hamas terrorists that hide themselves and their weapons in civilian sites, including schools and hospitals and UN buildings

Begin - Fagin???? I cannot believe they did that.

Well I wasn't reading Time at the time (too busy I guess). But that is such a naked example of racism it's difficult to stomach.

Please note Time Warner AOL now owns CNN.

As to Mr. Svein - give us a break. There's a huge difference between promoting antisemitism and inciting violence in the Middle East and "not regurgitating Israeli propaganda".

Yours is a false argument, a red herring, frequently run up the flag pole in order to deflect argument from the topic at hand, a very serious topic, which is racism.

I'm getting used to encountering this, it's very common and arises frequently and sadly I must say on the Left, which supposedly stands for civil and human rights, minority rights and is theoretically opposed to racism on ideological grounds.

Therefore it's very interesting when people like Chavez or Ahmadijenad, when accused and rightly so of antisemitism, are defended by comments like "Well what about the evil Israelis who did or said (supposedly) xyz".

Well I'll tell you. The actions of the Israeli government or (supposed) comments made by Jewish or Israeli individuals in no way either excuse nor have anything to do with antisemitism, which is racism and bigotry against Jews period and there is no way anybody should try to defend it, also period.

Furthermore attempting to blame Israel for antisemitism is a little after the fact don't you think? Jews have been getting murdered, raped, robbed and exterminated en masse for more than 2000 years. This simply can't be explained by the existence or any actions of Israel.

In fact the creation of modern Israel was directly due to frightening antisemitism in the 19th and 20th centuries, though the Jewish connection to Zion (Jerusalem) and the land of Israel has never been broken and people have written and prayed and sung about this for ages.

Nevertheless it is doubtful that the nation-state of Eretz Israel would have been created had not Jews been getting murdered en masse, been victims of awful prejudice, not only in Europe but in the Middle East.

So I would be very grateful if people would stop trying to excuse antisemitism by blaming Israel or individual Israelis or Jews or the Jewish community in general for what is in fact a disease that needs a cure. And the only cure is inside people's minds and hearts.

Finally, and excuse me if I'm boring you, the BBC, the Guardian, Time Magazine, etc etc etc, are absolutely guilty, by demonizing Israel and Jews in general, of helping to incite and sustain the Arab/Israeli conflict. I sincerely doubt this would have lasted all these decades without support from the West, which should be trying to reconcile the warring parties and come up with some RATIONAL and creative ideas to help the Palestinians instead of just jew-baiting and reinforcing fear and bigotry in the Middle East as well as the West.

Anybody in doubt about the British media, just check out some of their cartoons. Many are openly antisemitic. This cannot be defended and it shouldn't be.

Note: I'm also appalled by Islamophobic or anti-Arab stereotyping.

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