
Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This could equally be commented upon in the adjacent thread, but I like it here as well, h/t to Israel Matzav:

Darfur Muslim refugees demonstrating in support of both Israel (which has given them refuge) and the recent ICC decision against Sudan's al-Bashir (youTube)

That, following Egyptians Killed 4 Sudanese on Border, excerpt:

"Egyptian soldiers killed four Sudanese refugees near the Egypt-Israel border overnight Wednesday in full view of IDF troops, a shaken-sounding IDF soldier said in an interview with Channel 10, Thursday evening."


Open Letter to World Jewry, excerpt:

"My name is Akoon Mou Tsina. I am a refugee from South Sudan and am now being held in Eilat, awaiting deportation. A militia attacked my village, killing my mother and my sister. I have not seen any members of my family since 1998. I was captured by the militia and taken into slavery for three years. A pastor from a Catholic Church helped free me and took me to Egypt in 2002 when I was 17 years old.

"In Egypt, I was arrested four times without reason. The Sudanese Embassy kept security around the place where I was sleeping and arrested me once at night. If I had stayed in Egypt any longer I would have been deported back to Sudan because I talked to American journalists about my situation. I know if I am sent back there I will be in danger.

"In June 2006, I crossed the border into Israel and am being held in a detention center in Eilat. The first thing I want to say is thank you to the Jewish people and the Israelis. The Israeli soldiers have been very nice to us. In my opinion there is no better military in the world. Egyptian border soldiers shoot at us when we try to get out of Sudan; the Israeli soldiers never shoot us. The Jews in Israel and America have been very supportive of us, but now we need their help more."

Very moving.

Now I'm going to forward this to everyone who ever used the word "apartheid" in a conversation with me about Israel.

This is not an isolated example of Israel offering sanctuary to those fleeing the oppressive Islamist regime in Sudan. I personnally met a former slave from Sudan at a conference that I attended in Jerusalem in December. What the Middle East needs is more states like Israel.

Ben-David: Jimmy Carter seems to use the term "apartheid" in the way you describe: Carter's idea of peace is peace through surrender and appeasement. He is wrong about this and he is wrong to use the apartheid in that context.

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