
Saturday, March 28, 2009


It's not just that it's wrong, inverting victim and perpetrator, it's that Nazi imagery again. It's the comparison of Jews to Nazis that steps the piece over the line of ordinary criticism. It's someone getting so angry that they immediately reach for the basest, most hurtful insult available, like seeing a Black person doing something you don't like and immediately reaching for the 'N' word and wondering why you're suddenly the issue and not the behavior you thought you were criticizing.

Maybe Pat Oliphant should go ply his trade in Gaza or Tehran...oh, but then it wouldn't be edgy and dangerous, it would simply be de rigeur. He'd be pandering to the dominant paradigm rather than subverting it, which, if he would stop and think about it, is probably why we get to things like the Gaza conflict in the first place. But if he got that he wouldn't have switched victim and perpetrator in the first place.

ADL Calls Oliphant Cartoon 'Hideously Anti-Semitic'
Yourish: But it's anti-Zionism, not anti-Semitism. Just ask Oliphant
Roger L. Simon: Oliphant does us a favor
Ron Radosh: The Washington Post Runs Oliphant's anti-Semitic Cartoon
Andy McCarthy: Pat Oliphant's Loathsome Cartoon
Best for last: Barry Rubin: The loathsome cartoon

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Not to be outdone by the cartoonists, The New York Times editorial department goes straight to coupling their ignorant analysis (as though peace is just a Benjamin Netanyahu concession away) with stepping over the line into some dangerous waters: ...He... Read More


that cartoon is an ignorant hate crime

Elizabeth - what she said.


The cartoon is hideous enough but what about the WaPo and the NYT?

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