
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Never let an opportunity go to waste I guess:


Arab Cartoonists Use Swine Flu Theme to Mock Israeli Leaders, Jewish State

The swine flu epidemic has provided new fodder for newspapers in the Muslim and Arab world to continue their broadsides against Israel, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which monitors anti-Semitism in the Arab media.

Large-circulation daily newspapers are exploiting the swine flu epidemic with editorial cartoons that demonize the Jewish state and its leaders. One theme of the anti-Israel cartoons related to the swine flu is ironically picturing Israeli leaders with faces of pigs, reflecting the disdain for the pig in Islamic culture.

"Once again, the Arab press is not just content with reporting the news of a serious and potentially deadly global epidemic," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "They are exploiting the swine flu epidemic in an effort to rile up anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment in the Arab street. And they are using the most powerful tool in their arsenal - the visual, the cartoon - to incite hatred for the Jewish state and its people."...

See more.

1 Comment

The PaleSWINE FLU is afflicting the entire Middle East.

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