
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Richard Landes continues to expose French journalist Charles Enderlin as the fool he is with a massive fisking of an Enderlin blog post (since removed in shame) here: Enderlin answers Bourret: Fisking Enderlin's Blog's Response (later removed). Enderlin's flailing on the matter is pathetic and, considering the damage he's done, rather disgusting. Richard also has a piece up at Pajamas Media that gives a bit more background, and takes note of a Financial Times article that recycles the Al Dura myth by making the obvious connection to Iran's Neda: Revisiting 'Al Durah' in Time of Iranian Media Control.

There is of course one major difference between the two images -- the events documented in the video of Neda Soltan actually occurred.

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and, as one commenter at PJMedia noted, the real picture of Neda has not provoked huge rallies around the world denouncing the Iranian mullahs as Nazis.

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