Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Would you let this man treat your child?
This is rich. There is an effort afoot to have Yoram Blachar, president of the World Medical Association, removed from his post for no other reason than he happens to be Israeli: Doctors without limits
Hundreds of doctors belonging to World Medical Association are demanding its Israeli president, Dr. Yoram Blachar, be dismissed as Israeli physicians 'form part of a system in which detainees are tortured'
A petition demanding the dismissal of Dr. Yoram Blachar as head of the World Medical Association asserts that Israeli doctors turn a blind eye to the involvement of physicians in torture.
According to a report published in British newspaper The Guardian, more than 700 doctors from 43 countries have signed the letter in question, which bases the demand on an Amnesty International decision from 1996 which determined that Israeli doctors working with security forces "form part of a system in which detainees are tortured, ill-treated and humiliated in ways that place prison medical practice in conflict with medical ethics."
The signatories further assert that Dr. Blachar, who was appointed head of the WMA in 2008, has failed to respond to the allegation that some Israeli doctors condone or collaborate with a regime that uses torture against detainees.
Blachar has served as the head of the Israeli Medical Association since 1995. The WMA currently has 9 million members from over 80 countries.
Leading the charge is Dr. Alan Meyers, an assistant professor at Boston University's Department of Pediatrics. Meyers, who the Guardian identifies as Jewish, is quoted as saying Blachar's presidency "makes a mockery of the principles on which the WMA was founded in 1947, which was as a response to egregious abuses by German and Japanese doctors (in World War II)."...
It's no surprise that there are hundreds of physicians anxious to ostracize an Israeli colleague, there are idiots in every profession, but what's interesting is just who Alan Meyers is. We know a little about Meyers around here, as he's been a fixture of the self-loathing anti-Zionist scene for years as a member of Jewish Voice for Peace and Jews for a Just Peace (or whatever it is they're calling themselves these days). If there's a demonstration being held against Israel somewhere, you're likely to find Meyers there. He was there when two border guards were injured at the "non-violent" protests in Bil'in, and he was active in the staged barring of "health professionals" from Gaza back in August.
But what makes his involvement truly tragicomic, is his other obsession: The assassination of John Lennon: Yes, Alan Meyers has an entire blog dedicated to the thesis that the CIA killed John Lennon: CIA killed Lennon
This is a forum for discussing the CIA's assassination of John Lennon and what we collectively might do about it. Think that's nuts? Read Fenton Bresler's "Who Killed John Lennon?" and John Marks' "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: the CIA and Mind Control". The motive? Reagan's "transition team" was clearing the decks for slaughter in Central America...so, at the very least, let's set the record straight...
...It doesn't even matter whether or not Lennon had any intention of getting involved at the time of his murder; it was only necessary that the Forces of Darkness felt it was possible Lennon might take up the cause. Why not? If they did it right, Chapman himself would never realize he was being manipulated, so what did they have to lose?
So it's my contention that the bad guys got away with it, free and clear, and I'd like to see that corrected, if nowhere else then in the popular imagination. Even if there's not going to be justice, at least it might be possible to put the notion that some agency of our government was responsible for John Lennon's death on a comparable footing to that of the JFK matter...
Interested? Anyone out there know Oliver Stone - or Sean Lennon?
As usual, Israel picks only the finest enemies, enemies who succeed in discrediting themselves without the Israelis needing to lift a finger.
It's so perfect one might even think it was some sort of...conspiracy.
Imagine you're a moonbat,it's easy if you try.
A gullible, fulsome moonbat, with fellow-travelers up on high...
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."
-- Voltaire
What is truly scary to me is that, while the number is miniscule statistically, there are 700 doctors in the world who may be treating people who are not afraid to have their names associated with this moron.
Why should anyone be surprised? Right here in Boston, there is one Dr. Lana Habash, the "Palestinian" wife of notorious Noah Cohen (of the local anti-Israel "Jewish"/Muslim/Leftist/etc. lobby NECDP), who is a family doctor (http://www.healthcare.com/reviews/lana-habash/), and who has been supportive of Palestinian Arab suicide bombers - or for that matter, any attack on Israelis - civilian or otherwise. She says as much openly and publicly.
Did she pay the price for her behavior, which is utterly inconsistent with the Hippocratic Oath that she most definitely took? It sure don't look it, for she is still in practice while preaching hatred and violence.
Maybe somebody should have a heart-to-heart with the Medical Licensing Board ... But then again, she will cry "Foul!" and accuse the ubiquitous "Israel Lobby" of implementing the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ...
Seva, Pest of Zion