
Thursday, August 20, 2009

He's freed a man on "compassionate grounds" that, far from deserving compassion, deserved to be tossed out of an airplane 270 times. For that matter, I seem to recall reading that his prison conditions were far from austere. It's leftist panty-waist state gone mad.

Yes, I understand that there is some controversy over whether he was properly convicted, but that's not the reason he's being released is it?

Hero of the Libyan people:

NYT: Lockerbie Convict Arrives Home to Jubilant Welcome Local Lockerbie bombing victims angry over release

Even this Administration has the sense to...well, at least call it "a mistake." The ADL calls it A Travesty Of Justice.

Breath of the Beast: Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation- Scotland Knuckles Under.

Here's video of the hero's welcome:


I thought that scotland was better than the UK.

But it is clear scotland cravenly appeases islamofascism.

I plan on boycotting ANY and all things british, scottish.

Even FRANCE is better than the uk.

Oy! Not another boycott! Nappy's sure gonna miss single-malt Islay whisky.

The kerfuffle on Daily Kos, TPM, et al. about boycotting Whole Foods over CEO John Mackey's rejection of Obamacare is a real hoot. Endlessly entertaining after the failed couscous boycott at Trader Joe's. I guess it doesn't occur to the PC chi-chi liberals to boycott Price-Rite, say, because they wouldn't be caught dead in one, and nobody but themselves pays any attention to their drivel. It's an elitist thing; you wouldn't understand.

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