
Friday, August 7, 2009

Everyone's talking about the shocking video:

Much more, including background at Gateway Pundit: RAW VIDEO!!.....TEA PARTY PROTESTERS ATTACKED-- 1 Black Conservative Seriously Hurt in St. Louis!... 6 Arrested Including SEIU Members

Also, see Michelle Malkin's post which includes an excerpt about SEIU (Service Employees International Union) from her book: SEIU and the "persuasion of power;" Update: St. Louis thuggery on tape.

Also, inappropriate touching in Tampa.


Obama told the Senators they would hit the protesters back harder. The SEIU, like ACORN is funded by, and works for, the Federal Government. This is Fascism. We must not be intimidated by an oppressive government.

Is this posted in proximity to the SEIU Union Thugs Attack Protester at Carnahan Town Hall Event post for thematic purposes?

I was aware Obama desired dialog with Iran's Mullahocracy and Ahmadinejad. However, I wasn't aware their interests coincided on the level of their respective domestic campaigns. Perhaps that's why Obama was reluctant to criticize the recent crackdown in Tehran?

There is a Mussolini-esque flavor to Obama's style though. Heavily invested in rhetoric, posturing, resistant to genuine forms of openness and transparency, pronounced cooptations of the press ... an extremely large sector of the population that is compliant and, in general, behind the curve, never quite catching up to what is occurring ...

Oops, I had intended to reference the Iran Reportedly Kills Seven Lawyers post.

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