Tuesday, September 15, 2009
CAMERA: Osama Bin Readin! (Terrorist Endorses Texts by Carter, Walt and Mearsheimer)
Some writers get all the luck!
How unfair is this? Osama Bin Laden (or someone who pretends to be him) has endorsed Jimmy Carter's Palestine Peace Not Apartheid and The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt.
According to an entry in the New York Times' blog Bin Laden (or some fascimile thereof) recently issued a tape in which he exhorts his listeners to read the texts mentioned above along with a few other books, stating: "After you read the suggested books, you will know the truth, and you will be greatly shocked by the scale of concealment that has been exercised on you."...
You think Amazon delivers to caves? (or graves)