
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Via Carl, here is the full video of Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at the UN today. Very well done. He actually waves paper that means something.

No, not all the Arabs walked out, but I did notice the Palestinian representative (a seat they hold that represents yet another bit of unmerited international welfare) walked out part of the way through. You know, just before Netanyahu got to all those outrageous parts about a Palestinian state and all that peace and security stuff.

The text of the speech is here.

You can click through the remaining parts using the video, but just in case, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.


He got 2 applause - 1 when talking about a Palestinian State
1 towards the end I forget for what.

The Palestinian chick (note taker they said?) looked pretty hot btw.
MSNBC zoomed to her as he was speaking. I don't think Fox did though although they mentioned that she left right before he got to the parts as you cited etc...
I believe she left after he was talking about Gaza etc...

Bibis gotta be an arrogant guy in person... he's a good looking guy etc.. and comes off a little bit that way. Wasn't there some report that he was cheating on his wife etc..?
For some reason I always think of Sharon as the real deal - the real thing in every way - and Bibi an imitation just more handsome/younger.

Maybe Bibi learned something from his last Prime Ministership and Sharon.
Btw, I don't think they were friendly?

I think it is VERY important for Israel to have a Prime Minister who speaks English VERY WELL. Ehud Barak was the WORST (eh, eh, eh, eh...). Netanyahu speaks well.

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