October 2009 Archives
Saturday, October 31, 2009
It's nice to see some Israeli military people speaking out publicly on how they fought during Cast Lead. That's been one voice, a knowledgeable voice with real, direct authority, that's been missing all too often. Usually we see political people, academics and hasbara-types. Many of them are very good, but they are not enough, and no one can tell the story better than the people who were there and who made the decisions. Goldstone is bringing them out. More please. Here's Ken Timmerman at Newsmax: Israeli Colonel Refutes Damning U.N. Report
The United Nations and much of the world media have blasted Israel for alleged war crimes during its incursion into the Gaza Strip in January, but one Israeli tank commander is mounting a spirited defense, using declassified video footage from Israel Defense Force drones and commercial media.
The video clips show the extraordinary efforts the IDF made to avoid civilian casualties, at times steering bombs away from their intended targets, because the target had moved into a crowd of civilians.
They also provide graphic testimony of war crimes committed by Hamas. In one scene, an armed Hamas fighter can be seen grabbing a child by the arm holding the child in front of him as he crossed the street.
"He knows that our snipers shoot them when they are in the open, crossing the street," says Col. Ben-Tzion Gruber. "So they grab children as human shields. He knows we don't shoot when there are children around."
In another scene, a Hamas fighter can be seen launching a rocket from the roof of a house, and then calling in neighborhood children to serve as human shields so he can leave before Israeli jets bomb the house. In yet another, a Hamas fighter actually hides behind three children as he shoots at Israeli troops.
In a remarkable sequence filmed by The Associated Press on the ground in Gaza on the Palestinian side, armed Hamas fighters piled into an ambulance with the huge letters "UN" painted on its side as Israeli forces advanced into the street where they had prepared an ambush.
"How many Hamas terrorists will fit into a United Nations ambulance? Count them," Gruber told an audience on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, as he pointed to the fighters and their weapons.
Seven armed fighters piled into the back of the ambulance, some of them carrying bulky antitank weapons.
Shortly after Hamas took over Gaza 2 1/2 years ago, they fired all 500 ambulance drivers and 7,000 teachers in U.N. employ, replacing them with people loyal to them who allowed Hamas to use the ambulances to carry troops and munitions and the schools as rocket launch-sites, Gruber said...
There's a compromise in the stand-off. Here's Dan Miller at PJM, which makes it sounds as though it was a loss for Honduras and a victory for leftist (including American) bullying: Zelaya Wins, Honduras Loses (Maybe ...)
Due to tremendous pressure applied by the United States Department of State, Zelaya is on the road to reinstatement as president of Honduras.
In its continuing efforts to denigrate constitutional government and the rule of law, the State Department -- represented by Mr. Thomas Shannon, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs -- has forced an agreement on the Honduran government which may or may not result in reinstatement of former President Manuel Zelaya.
Although the formal text of the agreement has not been released, it appears clear that the question of his reinstatement will be submitted to the Honduran Congress and that the Honduran Supreme Court will have a voice in the matter...
Go to the link for the points of the agreement and more analysis.
Meanwhile the Wall Street Journal bills this more as a win for tiny Honduras and a way for the US to back down from a huge error and still save face: Honduras 1, Hillary 0
A Honduran compromise provides Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with an elegant diplomatic exit.
The big news in Honduras is that the good guys seem to have won a four-month political standoff over the exile of former President Manuel Zelaya. Current President Roberto Micheletti agreed yesterday to submit Mr. Zelaya's request for reinstatement as president to the Supreme Court and Congress, and in return the U.S. will withdraw its sanctions and recognize next month's presidential elections.
Mr. Zelaya, whose term would have expired in January, isn't likely to be reinstated, given that the court has twice ruled against his right to remain in office. The Honduran Congress, which voted in June to remove Mr. Zelaya, will then use that high court's opinion to decide if he should be restored to power.
There is a risk that Venezeula's Hugo Chávez and other Zelaya allies will try to buy support for their man and stir other trouble. But Hondurans who have rightly stood up to enormous U.S. pressure to reinstate Mr. Zelaya aren't likely to be intimidated now...
From what I've seen (and it is little), the Journal's take seems to be correct. The agreement seems to be hazy enough for everyone to claim some sort of victory. What an embarrassment our own policy has been (and at times how petty our own politicians have been -- are you listening, John Kerry ?). Hopefully we can move on from this embarrassment with the proper end result. Just don't forget what happened, and whose policy choices brought us there.
Friday, October 30, 2009
U.S. Army Sgts. Peter Bitter and Michael Resendez, left, and fellow Soldiers fire a Javelin anti-tank missile during exercise Yudh Abhyas 2009 in Babina, India, Oct. 23, 2009. The Soldiers are assigned to Bravo Troop, 2nd Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division. Yudh Abhyas is a bilateral exercise hosted by the Indian army and is designed to promote cooperation between the U.S. and Indian militaries through training, cultural exchanges and the building of joint operating skills. (DoD photo by Sgt. 1st Class Rodney Jackson, U.S. Army/Released)
The following is the English translation of dissident Human Rights Watch founder Robert Bernstein's Q&A with the Israeli newspaper Maariv that appeared today. I have edited the format for readability's sake and to correct some typos. No substance has been altered. This guy's spirit is dead in HRW today:
1- Why did you write the op-ed in the NY Times last week? what was the 'straw that broke the camel back' from your point of view?
ANSWER TO QUESTION 1 - Actually it has been brewing for a long time. I had been trying to do a long piece because many of my views about human rights in the Middle East are different from those being expressed by Human Rights Watch. The Goldstone Report made me feel I should get something out, so I wrote the NY Times op-ed piece.
2- What was your vision when you founded Human Right Watch and does the organization follow your vision in the recent years?
ANSWER TO QUESTION 2 - My vision, I should say our vision because it was supported by a wonderful board - was to go into closed societies and try and help people in those societies who wanted free speech. I was a book publisher so that was an especially important principle to me and it's a key part of the Declaration of Human Rights. But, of course, other basic human rights are also vitally important. - freedom of religion, equal rights for women, to name just two. When governments of closed societies asked us what we were doing about our own country we would explain that the United States had many faults but because we were an open society we had many organizations and other ways to try and bring change. But after a while we decided we would do some work in the United States but try to not replicate what was being done by others.
I also believe there can be times to do some work in open societies but, now focus is on the Middle East. I think Israel is a country where most people believe in human rights. But at this time many Israelis, and I share their view, do not believe that HRW in the issues it chooses, its tone, and even its interpretations of law are not helping to bring Arabs and Israelis together.
I had a lot to learn when I began feeling uncomfortable with HRW positions on Israel-Palestine issues in 2005 and certainly still do have a lot to learn, but almost from the beginning HRW has cast me as pro-Israel. I think that is the easiest thing to do - say someone is pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian. I like to think I am pro-human rights. Now that I have stated publicly, very sadly incidentally, that I am in disagreement with HRW, this will play out and others can decide if my views make sense.
3- You told me that you were amazed by the reaction, from general people and mostly from people inside HRW. Can you explain? (you said, 'they think they are God' - off the record)
ANSWER TO QUESTION 3 - I was amazed and encouraged by the reaction to my op-ed. Because so many of the positive comments have come, not from those considered hard liners but from people who think a lot about human rights, I have been particularly encouraged.
4- What do you think about the Goldstone report? Is it part of the big problem you were talking about with me? And if so, why does he, and other human rights organizations, focus mostly on Israel?
ANSWER TO QUESTION 4 - I think the Goldstone Report is deeply flawed. I was surprised Judge Goldstone, who I know and admired, took the job. He had to head a commission created by the United Nations Human Rights Council, which I think any fair-minded person would say had to clean up itself before it dared to criticize anything.
When I read Judge Goldstone's op-ed in the September 17 issue of the NY Times and he said "While Israel has begun investigating into alleged violations they are unlikely to be serious and objective" I felt he was just "judging" too much.
5- What do you think should be Israel's response to the Goldstone Report as well as to some of the HRW reports?
ANSWER TO QUESTION 5 - I can't tell Israel what to do. I do not think any country would want to put up with a war of attrition, which can explode into real war any time. However I certainly don't know the best way to stop it. I fault HRW for not taking a position on the war. The fact that Hamas-Hezbollah and Iran have declared it is their intention to try and wipe out Israel and all Jews seems to me, to be incitement to genocide, especially when it is backed by rocket attacks.
Caroline Glick picks up on the news of the planned disruption of Dore Gold's appearance at Brandeis (first reported here) to spin some of her usual interesting commentary: Silencing dissent in America
Former ambassador to the UN Dore Gold should probably buy himself a flak jacket. Gold is scheduled to debate Richard Goldstone at Brandeis University next Thursday and the anti-Israel forces are organizing quite a reception for him.
Goldstone, who chaired the UN Human Rights Council's commission charged with accusing Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, has become a darling of the anti-Israel Left in the weeks since his report accusing Israel of committing both war crimes and crimes against humanity was published last month. And anti-Israeli leftists don't like the idea of someone challenging his libelous attacks against Israel in a public debate at a university.
In an email to a campus list-serve, Brandeis student and anti-Israel activist Jonathan Sussman called on his fellow anti-Zionists to disrupt the event that will pit the "neutral" Goldstone against Gold with his "wildly pro-Zionist message." Sussman invited his list-serve members to join him at a meeting to "discuss a possible response."
As the young community organizer sees it, "Possibilities include inviting Palestinian speakers to come participate, seeding the audience with people who can disrupt the Zionist narrative, protest and direct action." He closed his missive with a plaintive call to arms: "Fk the occupation."
Apparently the aspiring political organizer never considered another possibility: listening to what Gold has to say.
It seems rather unfair to pick on a small fry like Sussman. A brief web search indicates that Gold's would-be silencer divides his time fairly equally between publishing rambling, Communist verses to paramours and calling for the overthrow of the US government.
The problem is that Sussman's planned "direct action" against Gold is not an isolated incident. On college campuses throughout the US, Israelis and supporters of Israel are regularly denied the right to speak by leftist activists claiming to act on behalf of Israel's "victims," or in the cause of "peace." In the name of the Palestinians or peace these radicals seek to coerce their fellow students into following their lead by demonizing and brutally silencing all voices of dissent...
The excuses were tired on day three of this Presidency. Mr. Obama campaigned on his opposition to the War in Iraq -- a position with no responsibility and no consequence whatsoever -- he opposed the successful surge -- and lied about it and paid no political price...we could see he had no strategic sense and no realistic plan...so here we are. Still dithering and pointing fingers long past decision time.
Krauthammer's a must-read, as always: Blaming Bush At Every Turn Is Getting Old
Old Soviet joke: Moscow, 1953. Stalin calls in Khrushchev. "Niki, I'm dying. Don't have much to leave you. Just three envelopes. Open them, one at a time, when you get into big trouble."
A few years later, first crisis. Khrushchev opens envelope 1: "Blame everything on me. Uncle Joe."
A few years later, a really big crisis. Opens envelope 2: "Blame everything on me. Again. Good luck, Uncle Joe."
Third crisis. Opens envelope 3: "Prepare three envelopes."
In the Barack Obama version, there are 50 or so such blame-Bush free passes before the gig is up. By my calculation, Obama has already burned through a good 49. Is there anything he hasn't blamed George W. Bush for?
The economy, global warming, the credit crisis, Middle East stalemate, the deficit, anti-Americanism abroad -- everything but swine flu.
It's as if Obama's presidency hasn't really started. He's still taking inventory of the Bush years. Just this Monday, he referred to "long years of drift" in Afghanistan in order to, I suppose, explain away his own, well, yearlong drift on Afghanistan...
Nothing left to lose, "the hair" is hanging with his natural constituency: Traficant, columnist, promises to testify in Germany for alleged Nazi
James Traficant's release from jail reminded us all of his -- in retrospect -- charming eccentricities: The hair, the grandiosity, the "beam me up."
His first column in newest issue of the American Free Press -- described by the Anti-Defamation League as an "anti-Semitic, conspiracy-oriented publication" -- is a reminder of what, to some, where always less charming features of his career.
"I encourage you to subscribe to AFP and read my weekly column," he writes in a column that runs online opposite a piece calling for a new investigation of 9/11. "I plan to address the influence and power of AIPAC and its control over our very lives. The reason to abolish the Federal Reserve system; the reason to abolish our Communist progressive income tax; the absolute need to repeal the 16th Amendment to the Constitution; and my proposals to save and create jobs; to stop the hemorrhaging of our federal debt, to reverse our massive trade deficit and stop illegal immigration."...
It goes on. He'll be traveling to Germany to testify on behalf of John Demjanjuk. I'd say the mask is off, but I'm not certain he was ever wearing one.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
There are so many silly editorials in the Globe they're generally not worth commenting on, but this one was so jaw-droppingly absurd that it sets a new low in absurdity (and it's highly on-topic). I read this and had to look at the front page to make sure someone hadn't substituted a regime rag from some Islamist paradise for my Globe (yes, I still see the Globe print edition on occasion): Israel must end provocative digs
AS A DISPUTE over land and statehood, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is combustible enough. But recent clashes over the site in Jerusalem that Jews call the Temple Mount and Muslims call Haram al-Sharif are injecting religious passions into one of the world's most dangerous confrontations. Extremists on both sides are playing with fire. But since Israel is the dominant power, the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bears primary responsibility for smothering that fire before it erupts into a much larger conflagration.
The current crisis originates in Palestinian fear and anger over archaeological excavations near, but not underneath, the Al Aqsa mosque. The digs are under the control of an ultra-nationalist Israeli group intent on justifying a Jewish claim to Jerusalem by locating remnants of what is called the City of David. Those excavations have weakened the foundations of nearby Arab houses and led critics across the Muslim world to warn of a plot to cause the collapse of the Al Aqsa mosque...
Does the Globe simply not know history? The "Jews are undermining the Al Aqsa Mosque" meme has been used for decades...maybe centuries...to incite murder. It never needed any basis in fact and doesn't have one now. At least they note that archaeologists are not digging under the Temple Mount, but they're happy to play right along and advise appeasing the unappeasable, stoking sympathy for the bloodthirsty. In fact, it's the Muslim Waqf that has been digging beneath the Mount, and intentionally destroying and discarding the treasures buried there. Perhaps they would consider denouncing that instead.
The digs aren't under the control of "ultra-nationalists...intent on justifying a Jewish claim to Jerusalem" because they have nothing to justify. It's a simple fact, and they are simply doing science and exposing the buried record -- something we should all be grateful for.
This is typical of the lefty Globe mindset. When the other side pushes, their prescription is to roll over and show their bellies, when the truth is that's just what the wolf wants the porcupine to do. They threaten and step over the line, you step back and redraw it...they step again. It never ends, particularly with totalitarian movements, represented in Islamist form in this case. (See: Ronald Reagan, A Time For Choosing.)
The moral inversion of the Globe's stance is stunning. The Islamists lie, incite, threaten and commit violence in a predictable and oft-repeated pattern, and the Globe brain-trust manages to place responsibility on the Jews, completely switching right with wrong.
Read the rest (only two more paragraphs), if you must. I'm out, but you get the gist. For once I recommend reading the comments. This one goes too far even for some of the Globe's regulars (and don't assume all the deleted comments were from the usual Jew haters, either).
Suggest you hop over to Seraphic Secret. That's Robert Avrech's neck of the woods.
Synagogues in L.A. on alert after shooting that police are investigating as a hate crime
Hollywood Synagogue Shooting: LAPD Searches For Suspects in Shooting of Two Men
Interesting case out of Dearbornistan. This guy is being billed as a terror threat, but it sounds more like his following was a mob-style operation with a religious structure based on a bunch of guys who learned their Islam and their livelihoods in prison: Feds: Radical Islam group leader killed in raid
DETROIT - A leader of a radical U.S. Sunni Islam group killed in a shootout with federal agents near Detroit repeatedly told followers that the government was the enemy and they must be willing to take on the FBI -- even if it meant death, authorities said.
"You cannot have a nonviolent revolution," Luqman Ameen Abdullah said, according to a 2008 conversation secretly recorded by a confidential FBI source.
Abdullah, 53, was killed Wednesday at a warehouse in Dearborn, where agents were attempting to arrest him on charges that included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms. He was one of 11 people named in a criminal complaint after a two-year investigation.
FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said Abdullah refused to surrender, fired a weapon and was killed by gunfire from agents.
The 43-page complaint described Abdullah as an extremist who believed the FBI bombed New York's World Trade Center in 1993 and the Oklahoma City federal building two years later. Abdullah beat children with sticks at his Detroit mosque, the complaint claimed, and was trained with his followers in the use of firearms, martial arts and swords.
Neither Abdullah nor his co-defendants were charged with terrorism. But he was "advocating and encouraging his followers to commit violent acts against the United States," FBI agent Gary Leone wrote in an affidavit filed with the complaint.
'Simply shoot a cop in the head'
The FBI said Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was an imam, or prayer leader, of a radical group named Ummah whose primary mission is to establish an Islamic state within the U.S.
Abdullah told followers that it was their "duty to oppose the FBI and the government and it does not matter if they die" and to "simply shoot a cop in the head" if they wanted the officer's bulletproof vest, Leone wrote...
More at the link. Also, Debbie Schussel has some must-read background on what's going on over there in the Detroit area: What You Won't Hear About the Detroit Islamic Terror Raids: Priorities, Shmiorities; The CAIR Connection
[via JIDF]
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A progressive blogger figures out that some of J-Street's members and supporters aren't very pro-Israel at all.
Praise be:
Hat Tip The New Republic, which has several interesting pieces on J Street, all worth reading, especially since they come from the liberal perspective:
Welcome, Matthew Yglesias, to the Zionist Fold. A Correction and an Apology
I especially love the title of this one:
If I Were Barack Obama, The People I'd Be Most Tee'd Off About Would Be J Street. And Maybe He is.
Now let me clarify. I think it would be great to have other groups beside AIPAC, representing American Jewry and other supporters of Israel. It would be great to have include Arab-Americans, Palestinians, the far left, but the Walt-Mearscheimer view of Israel we don't need and we definitely don't need advocates of the "one state solution," ie those who'd like to see the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state.
So I'm disappointed in J-Street bigtime. And I'm glad Matthew Yglesias, whose column I'd mentioned in an earlier post here on Solomonia, is honest enough to have reported his findings.
...to Iraq.
I kid you not.
From an absolute must-read piece on Harry's:
..."It might sound outrageous to suggest that the Friends of Sabeel want it made easier for Palestinians to kill Jews. But in June 2006 Baroness Tonge wrote complainingly in a letter to the Independent 'It should come as no surprise to anyone that suicide bombers in Iraq are Palestinians. Israel's security wall is forcing them to export themselves to another arena [...]' (my emphasis). Lest we forget, Baroness Tonge is a Patron of Friends of Sabeel UK and a very special friend of Christian Aid."...
Next Thursday, Dore Gold will be debating Richard Goldstone at Brandeis (see the event calendar). This doesn't sit well with the campus radicals at Brandeis who are considering an organized disruption of...Dore Gold's presentation (you didn't think they were going to boo Goldstone did you?). Here's an email forwarded to me from an anonymous source (edited to remove extraneous forwarded email line breaks):
To: sds sds@lists.brandeis.edu
Subject: Goldstone Forum Action Planning - Wed. @ 10!
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 15:32:19 -0400 (EDT)
As many of you know, Brandeis will be hosting a forum next Thursday, 11/5, to discuss the Goldstone Report, a report from the United Nations which determined that Israel used excessive force in its occupation of Gaza. Believe it or not, this was poorly received within the Zionist community.
Thus Brandeis is hosting a forum between the report's author, international jurist Richard Goldstone, and former Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Dore Gold. Full details here: http://brandeis.edu/now/2009/october/goldstonegold.html.
Many of us are concerned that this forum is inherently slanted, as it contrasts 'nuetral' international opinion with a wildly pro-Zionist message, excluding voices from the Palestinian community. In light of this, activists across campus will be meeting this Wednesday, 10/28 @ 10 PM in the Village C Lounge to discuss a possible response. Possibilities include inviting Palestinian speakers to come participate, seeding the audience with people who can disrupt the Zionist narrative, protest, and direct action.
Please come and help us coordinate a response!
Fuck the occupation,
[snip original event announcement]
I have a feeling Brandeis officialdom is aware of the situation. We await to see what action they take and what disciplinary actions are applied, if any. Hey Brandeis, your own email system is being used to coordinate disrupting your own events.
Of course they did: AlJazeera: 'OIC initiated Goldstone inquiry'
...Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu: Let me first start by completing the story of the history of the Goldstone report. What I would like to put on record is that the OIC was the initiator of this process.
On January 3, during the attacks on Gaza, we convened the executive committee of the OIC on a ministerial level. It was decided that the OIC group in Geneva should ask the Human Rights Council to convene and consider the possibility of sending a fact-finding mission to Gaza.
The OIC was instrumental in getting through this resolution and thanks to the good offices of Ms Pilay, the UN high commissioner, that she formed this fact-finding mission headed by Judge Goldstone.
On October 8, I visited Geneva and had a meeting with OIC ambassadors and the high commissioner. We revived the process again and the Goldstone report has been approved by the rights council...
Just more evidence that the UN generally, and Goldstone in particular, are nothing more, and never have been meant as anything more, than another front in the Islamic war against the Jewish State (or whoever their enemy of the moment will be next). They've failed on the battlefield, so they've moved to the halls of the UN. They'll fail there, too, but not before even more damage is done.
Kentucky Fried Chicken is pushing its new line of grilled products! Will they now change the name to KGC? It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it? Horrible! And this...score:
KFC's Colonel Sanders tricks his way into UN to pose for 'official' photo
A man impersonating the Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Sanders managed to dupe his way into the UN headquarters in New York and shake hands with a senior official.
Dressed in the fast food icon's familiar white suit and black bow tie, the actor evaded tight security to gain access to the restricted areas of the complex. [He sprinkled around a few free extra-crispy buckets to the cops, no doubt...]
He even posed for a photograph with Ali Treki, the new president of the UN General Assembly, before the alarm was raised and he was ejected.
A spokeswoman for Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, yesterday said that an investigation had been launched into the security breach, which was dreamed up by KFC as a promotional stunt.
"It should not have happened - that I will stress, and very strongly," Michele Montas told Canwest News Service, the Canadian news agency.
"There was some lapse in security and the individual in question was, on the initiative of one security guard, taken into the UN." [What I tell ya? Anyway, they let Qaddafi in, but they wouldn't let a Kentucky Colonel in? I'm outraged as an American!]
As part of its campaign to promote a new menu range, KFC is "lobbying" the UN for the fictional Grilled Nation to be accepted as a member state.
The fast food giant has written to Mr Ki-moon personally asking for grilled chicken lovers to be be represented at the assembly, in a letter dismissed by Mrs Montas as "absolutely void". [Sharp, these UN-types.]
A spokesman for Dr Treki, a former Libyan foreign minister, [This is perhaps the most disturbing part of the entire report.] denied that he held a meeting with the Colonel Sanders impersonator, claiming that he only shook his hand out of courtesy during the incident on Thursday...
I completely agree with the decision not to recognize Grilled Nation as a member, btw...Extra Crispy Nation on the other hand...now they're good people.
In related news, did you know Google Street View blurs face of Colonel Sanders at every KFC?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
[David Zangen is an Israeli Pediatrician. As you'll read below, he was with the IDF when they went into Jenin and appears in Pierre Rehov's documentary, The Road to Jenin. I had the privilege of meeting this exceptional character when I was in Jerusalem two years ago for Richard Landes' new media conference. Thanks to Richard for providing this text. It appears in Maariv today, translated into Hebrew. This is the original text. -MS
Dear Judge Goldstone,
My name is Dr. David Zangen, I am a consultant in Pediatric Endocrinology and diabetes at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem. Over 50% of my patient population is Palestinian from Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. I speak Arabic and initiated the first training program for Palestinian physicians in the field of Pediatric Endocrinology. The trained physicians were fully respected and were included as first authors on our studies that are published in world leading professional journals.
But, at the same time I happened to be the chief medical officer of my brigade during the Defensive Shield Operation in Jenin 2002. I was responsible for the medical treatment of our soldiers but also for enabling the hospital in Jenin to provide full medical services to the civilian population and I was personally involved in numerous medical treatments that Palestinians (including warriors) received from Israeli physicians.
During and after the operation the director of Jenin hospital was a source to what has been falsely called the "Massacre in Jenin where 5000 people were massacred" this same person Dr. Abu Rali has also claimed that one part of the Jenin hospital was destroyed by Israeli tank missiles "12 tank rockets were shot at the hospital ..." etc.
You should know, honored Judge that these statements have been proved and documented as straight lies not only by Israeli sources but also by the Human Rights Watch and the UN organizations counting only 52 dead people on the Palestinian side (23 on the Israeli side). These organizations and photographs of Jenin hospital following the operation showed no evidence for any destruction at the hospital buildings etc.
Continue reading "A Pediatrician's Open Letter to Judge Goldstone"Miss Kelly has an astute post on the way M. Bilal Kaleem, Executive Director of the Boston branch of the Muslim American Society (MAS), has shifted tack when discussing the arrest of local terror suspect Tarek Mehanna. First he took the usual victim line, that this has nothing to do with his own community, nothing to see here, no fault on our part...you know the drill. But Bilal didn't realize the ground had shifted beneath his feet on this one. These guys are too entwined in the local Muslim community at too high a level for too long to pretend that there wasn't something with that very community that at the very least allowed them to fester.
Someone must have noted that that line wasn't going to play this time, so a day later the message changed to "...Bay State Muslims should help 'root out' any radicals in their midst..."
Read Kelly's post here: What Made Bilal Kaleem Change His Mind?
Also, see the story of escaped co-conspirator Ahmad Abou Samra. Very important: "Masood Played a Key Role in Shaping Abou Samra's turn..."
[This is a guest post by a long-time anonymous contributor. -MS]
Jeremy Ben-Ami just told an interviewer for NPR that he loves Israel, but not unconditionally. How very sad for him.
I love America unconditionally - even when it breaks my heart. It is because I love this country so much that it has the power to break my heart when it upholds policies that I believe are wrong. I get mad, I get out and try to change things, but I don't condition my love for my country on my success in changing policies I disagree with.
I love Israel the same way I love America, unconditionally. Certainly there are some things that I wish were different. I make careful choices about where the money I send to Israel goes, and support organizations that I believe work for constructive change in Israeli society. But I am not willing to usurp the right of the Israeli people to make its own choices. I lack Ben-Ami's hubristic, arrogant assumption that he has the right to sit in America and tell Israel how to conduct its affairs. After all, I do not pay Israeli taxes, serve in its army or live where a katusha rocket may come crashing through my living room ceiling. Who am I to speak for those who do?
Unlike, Jeremy Ben-Ami, I do work to defend Israel from unjust and extreme criticism, despite the fact that I am as aware as he that Israel makes mistakes. My parents, spouse, and children also make mistakes. Some of them have made choices that I cannot approve. Sometimes I criticize those choices, other times I keep silent, but even when one of them makes what I consider a very, very poor choice, a choice that hurts me deeply, they have my unconditional love.
I do not always choose to criticize the nations that I love ay more than I always choose to criticize the people I love. Sometimes silence is the honorable course. Sometimes loving Israel is like having a brother who has just lost his girlfriend because he did something really, really stupid and when she called him on it he lost his temper and said something unforgiveable. The woman he loves is gone and at this moment, he does not need my opinion, he needs my love.
I suppose that if I loved in the conditional the way that Ben-Ami does, I would tell my brother that he is a jerk and that he should take a hike until he can keep his temper, make it up with his girlfriend, or learn to treat women better. Ben-Ami recently did pretty much that. Except that, unlike my brother, it was not Israel that was the miscreant. Last winter when Israel finally responded to many years of constant rocket fire from Gaza with a military incursion, Ben-Ami attacked the Israel action, claiming to be unable to discern "who was right or who was wrong."
I do not know whether Ben-Ami has a wife, a brother or a child. If or when he does, I hope that he will love them and his parents unconditionally. And not the way he loves Israel. He seems to me to know how to offer only a very paltry kind of. And for that I pity him.
No, not just Captain & Tennille. Our friend Darren Garnick in the Herald: Torturous interrogation technique isn't music to everyone's ears
In the iconic teen movie "Say Anything," a despondent John Cusack holds a boombox above his head and blares the song "In Your Eyes" outside the bedroom window of his estranged girlfriend.
When Cusack does this, it's cute and heartfelt. But when the CIA uses the same technique, it's cruel and heartless.
The Orwellian-named National Security Archive, the group that launched the Close Gitmo Now campaign, wants to put an end to the use of annoying music to weaken Americas enemies. The activists filed a Freedom of Information Act request last week demanding that the U.S. government release the full list of songs used as Muzak at CIA interrogation centers around the globe...
...Fast forward to Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, recording artists such as R.E.M., Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails, Bonnie Raitt and David Byrne are demanding to know if any of their songs were part of this musical injustice. What they are going to do about it, besides complain, is unclear.
Audio torture is all relative. For some detainees, it might be listening to the Sammy Hagar version of Van Halen. Others might break out into hives from the David Lee Roth version. I personally cringe at James Taylor's sappy "You've Got a Friend" and "American Idol's" old farewell ditty, Daniel Powter's "Bad Day."
According to Spin magazine, Gitmo inmates rioted when camp loudspeakers first blared Neil Diamond's "America," which also happened to be the theme of the 1988 Michael Dukakis presidential campaign. No word if there were any attempts to play "Sweet Caroline."...
Don't be fooled. These "artists" are really only interested if they're on the list because it would contribute to ITunes downloads (and possibly lead to a defamation suit..."You say our music is torture?!?"). Maybe they should substitute David Byrne's big white suit for those horrid orange jump suits. Remember the big white suit? "You want us to wear what? I'll talk!!"
Update: In fact, Garnick has come up with the official US Army music list used against Maniel Noriega (seriously): Gitmo's Boombox: Does an official "Music Torture" song list actually exist?. 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover? shudder.
Hillel has posted his first-hand account of his ejection and subsequent harassment from the J Street bloggers' panel at J Street Jive: J Street's Big Tent Comes Crashing Down. This is a must read (to believe). Everyone expects Richard Silverstein to behave in a maladjusted manner, but the behavior of official J Street is quite surprising. (Yesterday's post with video is here.)
Oh, and for the record, yes, Hillel is the author of JStreetJive. It's not exactly hard to figure out (a friendly question would have gotten the answer, as if it matters). Somewhere in his archives, Silverstein is insisting I deleted a tweet in order to mask my involvement with it. In fact, all I did was change my Twitter handle from @MartinSolomon to @SolBlog (it's shorter - Follow me!) and the permalink changed. Again, no big mystery or conspiracy.
Monday, October 26, 2009
This is a very well done post by David Bernstein at Volokh: Some Friendly (Really) Advice to JStreet
... During the Cold War, there were anti-Communists, and what one wag deemed "anti-anti-Communists." The anti-anti-Communists were people who purported to be against Communism, but they spent almost all their efforts denouncing the "right-wing" anti-Communists, and precious little effort fighting Communism. Similarly, JStreet risks claiming to be "pro-Israel," but really in practice being primarily a lobby against pro-Israel people who are further to the right, and spending precious little time battling truly anti-Israel folks on the Left. (Would that make JStreet anti-anti-anti-Israel? Or just "anti-pro-Israel"?) Most of its energy so far, from what I can tell, has been spent attacking "right-wing" Jewish groups and individuals, and even Israeli government policies, and precious little battling the extreme hostility to Israel one often finds on the progressive left.
Over the Summer, JStreet honored the so-called "Juicebox Mafia"-young liberal Jewish bloggers Ackerman, Duss, Klein, and Yglesias. Now, these youngsters may be Jewsh, progressive, and pro-peace, and in their hearts they may even be pro-Israel. But I've read many posts from them related to Israel over the years, and I can't remember a single one that actually defended Israel from an unfair charge emanating from the left. They attack Marty Peretz, attack AIPAC, defend Walt and Mearsheimer, and so forth, none of which necessarily means that they can't also be pro-Israel. But how does their pro-Israelness manifest itself? Certainly not in their blogging (Duss and Yglesias have vigorously, defended Human Rights Watch, for example, seemingly on the sole ground that it was under attack from pro-Israel people). And judging by their comments section, it's not like they don't have plenty of readers who are clearly not pro-Israel. So exactly why did JStreet honor them? (Yglesias is appearing on a JStreet panel Tuesday, "What does it Mean to be pro-Israel?" I'd like to see that one...)
Read the rest. I think Bernstein is a bit generous in holding out on judgment for a bit longer, but the gist of the thing is spot-on.
Meanwhile, more news from the conference: J Street branch drops pro-Israel slogan
J Street's university arm has dropped the "pro-Israel" part of the left-wing US lobby's "pro-Israel, pro-peace" slogan to avoid alienating students...
..."We don't want to isolate people because they don't feel quite so comfortable with 'pro-Israel,' so we say 'pro-peace,'" said American University junior Lauren Barr of the "J Street U" slogan, "but behind that is 'pro-Israel.'"
Barr, secretary of the J Street U student board that decided the slogan's terminology, explained that on campus, "people feel alienated when the conversation revolves around a connection to Israel only, because people feel connected to Palestine, people feel connected to social justice, people feel connected to the Middle East."
She noted that the individual student chapters would be free to add "pro-Israel," "pro-Israel, pro-Palestine," or other wording that they felt would be effective on this issue, since "it's up to the individuals on campus to know their audience."
Yonatan Shechter, a junior at Hampshire College, said the ultra-liberal Massachusetts campus is inhospitable to terms like "Zionist" and that when his former organization, the Union of Progressive Zionists (which has been absorbed into J Street U), dropped that last word of its name, "people were so relieved."...
It would be nice to see J Street actually combating this problem alongside some of the brave groups and individuals doing so, rather than going along with it.
NGO Monitor raps HRW over its priorities (such as they are): HRW and Its "Finite Resources" or Where is Mauritania? And Why Isn't HRW Reporting on Slavery There?
...Hmmm....Twenty Eight statements (and counting) in six months lobbying for the Goldstone mission and Zero reports on slavery in Mauritania in fifteen years? I guess the slaves of Mauritania will continue to suffer because as Ken Roth admitted in an interview in the Tablet, "'Why are we more concerned about the [Gaza] war rather than on other rights abuses?' Well, we've got to pick and choose-we've got finite resources."
Well our friend Hillel Stavis has been busy today. He is in attendance at the much-discussed J Street Conference down in Washington, and specifically, he was just in attendance at blogger Richard Silverstein's blogger panel. The panel consists of radical leftists and anti-Zionists too out in left field to get the official imprimatur of J Street itself...but not so radical that they wouldn't give the group a room...and kick out their enemies when requested.
Here's the short of it. Hillel will be writing something up himself when he has the chance and then we'll get more detail.
Stavis, a paid conference attendee (after all, Jeremy Ben-Ami stated that they welcome those who disagree), was in the back of the room filming (as were many others). Some time in, apparently recognizing a member of his enemies list, Silverstein springs up and can be seen in the video crossing the room to get security. He then approaches Stavis, who is doing nothing and causing no disruption whatsoever, to tell him security is going to kick him out.
He is then approached by a J Street official, Amy Spitalnick, Press and New Media Associate, who can be heard telling him he has to leave. The video ends at that point as, Stavis tells me, she grabbed at the camera. As a side note, long-time readers will be interested to note that Spitalnick was involved with the Tufts University Hillel at the time they were involved in protesting Daniel Pipes' appearance there.
When Stavis complained about his treatment to J Street officials he did receive an apology from some underling or other, but not from Spitalnick herself.
This is interesting for what it says about the "progressive" mind-set. Also note that while J Street doesn't want an official affiliation with this panel, they were not above giving them space and using their own paid staff as enforcers. More to follow.
Update: I feel like an editor in the old days of correspondents rushing to phone booths...
It gets better. Stavis tells me that Mr. Silverstein was sitting in front of him at another (formal) J Street panel. Hillel approached Mr. Silverstein and asked him if he would like to sit down and discuss matters calmly...Whereupon RS motored immediately to a security person and insisted that Mr. Stavis was a fraud, that he wasn't who he said he was (cuckoo, cuckoo...who exactly does he think Stavis is?)...the guard asked for Stavis' conference badge and ID. Everything checked out. So of course our Mr. Stavis insisted he do the same for Silverstein.
I'm also told he approached Spitalnick for an apology (for the panel incident as well as his continued harassment). She demurred in a most unfriendly manner.
I look forward to Hillel regaling us with further details of all these incidents, but I just couldn't resist getting something down about them.
Update2: Thanks to Michael Goldfarb for linking: Elie Wiesel Mocked at J Street Conference
The "independent" blogger panel at J Street's conference can only be described as clownish. The panel consisted mostly of crackpots and self-described anti-Zionists and "one-staters" (J Street director Jeremy Ben-Ami calls the one-state solution a "nightmare," but it seems to be the dream of many of the organization's supporters). Though J Street tried to distance itself from the panel by describing it as an "unofficial" and "independent" event, the bloggers used one of the rooms otherwise reserved for conference events, a podium in the front had a J Street placard on it, and a J Street banner hung on the back wall of the room. Ben-Ami came in to "check up" on the panel, and a J Street flack ejected someone from the room at the behest of one of the panelists. If this wasn't an official event, I don't know what official means...
Update3 10-27-09: (I'm duplicating the text of the post above to keep things in one place for those arriving directly to this post):
Hillel has posted his first-hand account of his ejection and subsequent harassment from the J Street bloggers' panel at J Street Jive: J Street's Big Tent Comes Crashing Down. This is a must read (to believe). Everyone expects Richard Silverstein to behave in a maladjusted manner, but the behavior of official J Street is quite surprising. (Yesterday's post with video is here.)
Oh, and for the record, yes, Hillel is the author of JStreetJive. It's not exactly hard to figure out (a friendly question would have gotten the answer, as if it matters). Somewhere in his archives, Silverstein is insisting I deleted a tweet in order to mask my involvement with it. In fact, all I did was change my Twitter handle from @MartinSolomon to @SolBlog (it's shorter - Follow me!) and the permalink changed. Again, no big mystery or conspiracy.
With respect, Kathy Felgran [see comment here], I understand your motives are pure but much of your history is highly suspect, especially the part about planting trees to cover villages that had been destroyed.
I think this isn't factual. After the war of 1948 which resulted in two large population upheavals - that of Palestinian Arabs and that of Arab Jews - there were indeed ruined towns and there were ruined lives and many killed - on both sides of the issue.
However the rebirth of Israel long predates 1948 and although it is assuredly true that the land wasn't empty it was severely underpopulated, it was not a lush paradise - read the travel notes of people who were there in the 19th century, and it was empty to the point that the Sultan imported tens of thousands of people from throughout the Empire (at this time the region was known as part of Syria) and subsequent Arab leaders found the idea of Jewish immigration eminently sensible.
My grandfather was sending money to the future Israel in the early 20th century and they weren't planting trees to cover destroyed Arab villages then, they planted whole forests where the land had been laid bare and raw for centuries.
Continue reading "In response to Code Pink"Sunday, October 25, 2009
Oh brother.
I hope this doesn't lead to widespread violence:
Violent clashes erupt at Jerusalem's holiest site
You've got to read the article to believe the attitudes toward Jews and Jerusalem. Our history apparently doesn't count to all the Muslims who think we have "crossed a red line" vis a vis the city we founded.
This is upsetting to me but more upsetting are the memories of Intifada II. So right now I am praying that people don't lose their minds again and try to solve problems by senseless violence.
And, is it too much to ask for a little tolerance and respect? People seem to forget that al Aqsa is built on top of our temple, just as both Christianity and Islam are built upon Judaism.
Isn't it kind of ridiculous when 57 Islamic nations, gathered together in an official group, attack the world's one Jewish state both verbally and militarity and declare it racist for wanting to be Jewish and react with outrage when Israeli police try to keep order at our holiest site?
Let's pray that reason prevails. Can any of us - Israeli or Palestinian, Muslim, Christian or Jew, afford another brutal intifada?
It's just too much, too costly and too pointless.
Most of all it's a slap in the face of the G*d whose laws, love and wisdom we all claim to respect, and whom we all worship at the Temple Mount.
On Friday, RIchard Goldstone appeared on Bill Moyers' show on PBS. Not surprisingly, as has been the pattern, the more Goldstone speaks, the more errors in analysis, evidence and legal principal we find. Here, Avi Bell, Professor of Law at Bar Ilan University and at University of San Diego Law School, responds, in substance let me emphasize, to some of the things said. Well worth the time of anyone trying to understand how the UNHRC's "Goldstone Report" is yet another attack, more politics than substance:
1. The Goldstone report draws its conclusions on the basis of 36 incidents it says it investigated. The report says that incidents are illustrative and therefore justify the broader conclusions made by the report. But Goldstone admits that the report lied in saying that the incidents are "illustrative" and in saying that the Mission worked according to its self-described neutral mandate rather than the official biased one. Goldstone says "We chose those 36 because they seemed to be, to represent the most serious, the highest death toll, the highest injury toll. And they appear to represent situations where there was little or no military justification for what happened." In other words, the Mission chose incidents that were seen as NOT ILLUSTRATIVE, and, rather, most likely to support a finding of war crimes.
2. Goldstone repeatedly misstates the law in the interview.
- Goldstone implicitly misstates the rule of distinction. Goldstone rightly says that the rule of distinction requires combatants to distinguish between "combatants and innocent civilians." But then, he "proves" that Israel violated the rule of distinction by saying "We found evidence in statements made by present and former political and military leaders, who said, quite openly, that there's going to be a disproportionate attack. They said that if rockets are going to continue, we're going to hit back disproportionately." Stating that a counter-attack will be disproportionate to the attack isn't a violation of the rule of distinction. The rule of distinction requires that Israel not aim its fire at civilians as such. It has nothing to do with how much fire Israel can aim at legitimate targets.
- Regarding the rules of distinction and proportionality, Moyers asks Goldstone, "Who is to say that? Who is to make that distinction?" Goldstone answers, "Well, that distinction must be made after the event." That is absolutely, positively, not the law. The law is that commanders must make judgments on the basis of knowledge they have at the time, not that one second-guesses them after the event and judges them guilty on the basis of knowledge they may not have had. Thus, for example, Newton testified "In order to properly assess a real proportionality assessment therefore, the relevant question is what did the commander know? What information was available to him?"
This is not an isolated misstatement by Goldstone. Throughout the interview, he keeps giving examples of judging after the fact. For example, he says: "We spoke to the owner of a home in Gaza City. He said he looked out of his window and he saw some militants, whether Hamas or other Palestinian groups, setting up their mortar launchers in his yard. He ran out and said, "Get out of here. I don't want you doing this here. You're going to endanger my family, because they going to bomb. Get out." And in fact, they left. Whether that was typical or atypical, I don't know, we didn't, obviously, cover the field. But assuming they had disobeyed them, assuming they had launched the rockets from over the objections of the household owner, and his family, they launched the rockets and disappeared. It would be a war crime, as I understand it, for Israel to have bombed the home of that innocent household, who didn't want this to happen." Goldstone again, is wrong. Even if the facts were as Goldstone stated them, and the owner was absolutely innocent, the launching point of rockets would still be a legitimate target, and it would be permissible to attack it if the collateral damage were proportionate to anticipated military advantage, notwithstanding the damage to an innocent owner.
Here's another example. Moyer prompts "so there was intention," meaning Israel deliberately violated the rule of distinction. Goldstone responds: "Well, certainly. You know, one thing one can't say about the Israel Defense Forces is that they make too many mistakes. They're very, a sophisticated army. And if they attack a mosque or attack a factory, and over 200 factories were bombed, there's just no basis to ascribe that to error. That must be intentional." Goldstone again is arguing that he can determine whether there was a crime by looking after the fact at what was destroyed, without any evidence of what the commander thought was the military advantage in attacking the site and what the commander thought would be the collateral damage. In Goldstone's favor, here he at least tries to provide an excuse for his misstatement of the law: his preposterous assumption of Israeli omniscience.
- Goldstone falsely states that the only legal way to fight in an urban area is with commando actions. Moyer asks him: "But when the terrorists, the militants, whatever one wants to call them, are known to be embedded in, as you say, those tight, complex, concentrated areas, what's the other army to do?" Goldstone says: "It's for example, to launch commando actions, to get at the militants and not the innocent civilians." This is clearly not in line with the practice of any other state in the world.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My nine-year-old daughter now has a GMail account. She's not allowed to access it without my wife or I watching. So my wife calls me from the other room where they are looking at the laptop and she's all concerned about this email that one of my daughter's friends forwarded her. I just read it and started laughing. Here it is:
Tonight at
12:00am, by Mickey Mouse. This is no joke. So don't think you can quickly get out of it and delete it now because Mickey Mouse will come to you if you do not send this on. He will slit your throat and your wrists and pull your
eyeballs out with a fork. And then hang your dead corpse in your bedroom
cupboard or put you under your bed. What's your parents going to do when
they find you dead? Won't be funny then, will it? Don't think this is a fake
and it's all put on to scare you because your wrong, so very wrong. Want to
hear of some of the sad, sad people who lost their lives or have been
seriously hurt by this email?
Annalise Richmond :She got this email. Rubbish she thought. She deleted it.
And now, Annalise dead.
LouiseWhitefield: She sent this to only 4 people and when she woke up in the
morning her wrists had deep lacerations on each. Luckily there was no pain
felt, though she is scarred for life.
Thomas Crowley: He sent this to 5 people. Big mistake. The night Thomas was
lying in his bed watching T.V. The clock shows '12:01am'. The T.V
misteriously flickered off and Thomas's bedroom lamp flashed on and off
several times. It went pitch black, Thomas looked to the left of him and
there he was, Mickey Mouse standing in white rags. Blood everywhere with a
knife in his hand then disappeared. The biggest fright of Thomas's life.
Warning... NEVER look in a mirror and repeat -'Mickey Mouse.Mickey Mouse.'
Mickey Mouse... I KILLED YOUR SON' Is it the end for you tonight! YOU ARE
NOW CURSED We strongly advise you to send this email on. It is seriously NO
JOKE. We don't want to see another life wasted. ITS YOUR CHOICE... WANNA DIE
TONIGHT? If you send this email to...
NO PEOPLE - Your going to die.
1-5 PEOPLE - Your going to either get hurt or get the biggest fright of your
5-15 PEOPLE - You will bring your family bad luck and someone close to you
will die.
15 -25 OR MORE PEOPLE - You are safe from Mickey Mouse
Curse spam for kids. My daughter's in big trouble since she only has one friend to email with. (Yes, we have explained to her that when she receives an email that says she has to forward it, you should NOT do so and not feel bad about it. If only some of the people who have my email address would take that advice.)
Maybe I'm being unfair. They must be starving, there's not an ounce of fat on them:
Palestinian men compete during a bodybuilding contest in Gaza City, Friday, Oct. 23, 2009. Approximately 20 men competed in the contest, and over 500 people attended the event. Although not the first of its kind to be held in the Gaza Strip, bodybuilding contests are rare in the Hamas controlled territory. (AP Photo/Ashraf Amra)
Here is a letter circulating from HRW founder Robert Bernstein rebutting HRW's response (linked here) to his New York Times op-ed criticizing the group he founded. This is devastating:
October 24 2009
In their October 21st letter to the editor, Jane Olson, current chair of Human Rights Watch and Jonathan Fanton, past chair wrote that they "were saddened to see Robert L. Bernstein argue that Israel should be judged by a different human rights standard than the rest of the world." This is not what I believe or what I wrote in my op-ed piece.
I believe that Israel should be judged by the highest possible standard and I have never argued anything else. What is more important than what I believe, or what Human Rights Watch believes, is that Israelis themselves believe they should be held to the highest standard.
That is why they have 80 Human Rights organizations challenging their government daily. Does any other country in the Middle East have anything remotely near that? That is why they have a vibrant free press. Does any other country in the Middle East have anything remotely near that? That is why they have a democratically elected government. That is why they have a judiciary that frequently rules against the government, a politically active academia, multiple political societies, etc etc etc.
I have argued that open societies , while far from perfect, have ways to correct themselves and that is particularly true in the case of Israel. Millions of Arabs, on the other hand, live in societies where there is little respect for or protection of human rights.
The current argument is whether Human Rights Watch's facts and judgments about the Gaza conflict are correct.That is certainly a necessary and legitimate discussion.
I should add that over the years I have had the highest regard for Human Rights Watch's work around the world and from what I know, with the notable exception of the Middle East, that is still the case.
Robert L. Bernstein
So reads the headline on Americans for Peace and Tolerance's fact sheet on the recent Boston-area terror arrests:
Father moves out of town weeks after son questioned by the FBI
- Media reports on the Boston terror arrest have named three individuals as conspirators in the plot to machine gun people in shopping malls and kill American officials.Two, Daniel Maldonado and Tareq Mehanna, are in custody. The third, however, Ahmad Abousamra, escaped to Syria after being questioned by the FBI in 2006.
- According to the complaint, it was Abousamra who introduced Maldonado and Mehanna to each other during an afternoon of watching "jihad videos" in which Islamic terrorists killed and mutilated American soldiers...
- ...Ahmad Abousamra is the oldest son of Abdul-Badi Abousamra, former vice president of the Boston branch of the Muslim American Society, which operates the largest Islamic center in the Northeast. The MAS has branches in 34 cities within 23 states.
- The Muslim American Society, according to Federal prosecutors, "was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America." The Muslim Brotherhood is considered to be the first truly modern Islamic supremacist movement. As such, it has spawned or aided most of the Islamic terrorist organizations functioning around the globe today, including Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Lashkar-e-Taibah.
- In December of 2006, Abdul-Badi Abousamra suddenly left Boston and moved to Detroit, just weeks after his son was questioned by the FBI.
- In the 1990s, Abdul-Badi Abousamra became the president of the Islamic Center of New England (ICNE)...
There's a lot more there in very readable bullet-point format. There are ties to various local Islamic groups, other Imams deported for immigration fraud and ties to Pakistani terror group Laskar-e-Taibah.
This all connects together (sometimes obliquely, but still in a very real way) with these other local issues, like the Immigration Imams. This is a tangled web, as we've been remarking for some time.
Miss Kelly is doing her usual thorough examination of the goings on, and she has the following posts that are well worth clicking through: Feds Arrest Tarek Mehanna of Sudbury, Reading Between the Lines - FBI Affadavit on Tarek Mehenna (lots of good detail there), and Mehanna Timeline / Boston Globe Notices Abousamra.
At PJM, Rusty Shackleford tries to answer the question of what's a nice kid like this doing plotting such horrible things? Boston Terror Suspect: Just Another 'Typical American Kid' with Terror Aspirations - "An exclusive report on the recent arrest of American Tarek Mehanna and the author's online monitoring of his jihadist activities..."
That's the title of a very nice op-ed Romney wrote for the Manchester (NH) Union Leader:
The world is fast becoming a more dangerous place. Liberty and peace are threatened in new and frightful ways. Russia is returning to its authoritarian ways, fueled by its energy stranglehold on Europe.
China has married the power of free enterprise with the oppression of Communist rule. Violent jihadists are fighting to crush people and nations across the globe.
And rogue nations with maniacal autocrats are recklessly pursuing nuclear capabilities that put the world in jeopardy. Left unchecked, a nuclear race will be joined by many, many others.
For all these reasons, America needs strong allies.
This is one reason why I am so very concerned by the current drift in our government's relationship with Israel. In pursuit of a peace process, the United States today has exerted substantial pressure on Israel while putting almost no pressure on the Palestinians and the Arab world...
Read it all. This via Jennifer Rubin, who calls it good politcs:
...It's telling that Romney chose to place this in a New Hampshire paper. The home of the first-in-the-nation primary still demands some attention. But it's also interesting that Romney, at least now, is choosing to make foreign policy and Israel specifically such prominent issues. One can argue that this is simply smart politics -- hitting the president where he's weak, demonstrating greater comfort with a subject his opponent dominated in the last presidential run, and appealing not only to Jewish Republicans (they may be a minority of Jewish voters but they play an active role in the party monetarily and otherwise) but also to evangelical Christians (whose affection for Israel is boundless)...
Eh. I'll be honest. I take issue with nothing Rubin says here, but is this approach -- a focus on the Middle East that many will read as bellicose -- the best bang for the buck, particularly amongst libertarian-minded New Hampshire conservatives? Probably not. It's still about the economy, and to the extent the great middle cares about Iran, for instance, you've got to make it very very clear what the direct tie to American interest is. I've talked to more than one Boston radio host who's informed me that while they'd love to talk about Israel, the Middle East and terrorism more often, whenever it comes up the phones go dead. And pandering to Jewish conservative votes? Good luck with that. Romney does do a decent job of bringing the issue home, however, and what I really like is that since there isn't a lot of payoff with a piece like this, and even some risk (witness the comments), it says to me this is what Mitt Romney really feels. That's a good thing.
Bjorn Lomborg writes from the impoverished island nation of .vu (Vanuatu), poster-boy for how big nations don't care if small nations literally sink into the sea: The View from Vanuatu on Climate Change. He doesn't quite spell it out, but for those who follow Lomborg the point is fairly straightforward, rather than spending trillions impoverishing everyone by instituting artificial caps on industry with taxes and regulation -- curbs likely to accomplish very little if anything at all -- continue to increase wealth and help the people of Vanuatu by...helping the people of Vanuatu, directly (or by helping them help themselves).
...Torethy's life would not be transformed by foreign countries making immediate carbon cuts.
What would change her life? Having a boat in the village to use for fishing, transporting goods to sell, and to get to hospital in emergencies. She doesn't want more aid money because, "there is too much corruption in the government and it goes in people's pockets," but she would like microfinance schemes instead. "Give the money directly to the people for businesses so we can support ourselves without having to rely on the government."
Vanuatu's politicians speak with a loud voice on the world stage. But the inhabitants of Vanuatu, like Torethy Frank, tell a very different story.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Busying myself with installing Windows 7 final. Just finished on my office machine. So far I like it. They've made some neat logical ergonomic changes to the desktop. That's the biggest superficial difference I see at this point. Seems pretty responsive so far as well. We'll see how it goes working on it. That'll be the big test.
Tonight I'll do the same on my home machine which will be a bigger test due to the amount of software I have on there. I'm also going to be RAIDing two of my hard drives which should be interesting. Keeping fingers crossed...
Update: Now this would be a nice purchase:
That's a WD Raptor hard drive on the left (Raptors are high-speed conventional drives, still probably faster than what most people have in their machines) and a Solid State Drive running on the right. Too bad SSD drives are still too pricey and low capacity right now. Visual proof that your hard disk is the single most performance-choking item in your desktop.
Update2: All is going well. Will be back up to full operations soon (though the reinstallation of software and restoration of data and tidying of shelves will be ongoing for some time).
In which Marty Peretz discusses:
1. The Fall of Human Rights Watch 2. The J Street Circle Jerk
"Ours is an age when the moral authority of accusers is at its height. Also the moral authority of accusations. There was a time when accusations had to be proven. That requirement has long since passed. After all, why would anyone bear false witness? So everybody is a witness, especially those with phantasmagoric tales to tell, especially those who yearn to testify against liberal societies which have established and proven processes to alert their own demos about evil. There are many of these foul witnesses: some ideologues, some ideological liars, some resentful, some haters. Like haters of Jews, of which in the arrested world of Islam there are more and more. As there are more and more among philo-Islamists, a cultural sickness in the West not yet fully gauged."...
Read it all.
Here's another piece on the Goldstone report, which was linked in the comments to the above article. It's by Harold Evans, appears (shock) in The Guardian CIF and is entitled, "A Moral Atrocity", with which who can argue.
Now if you're unfamiliar with Comment is Free you'll understand my surprise at seeing this article and sure enough the discussion thread is full of deleted comments. Go figure.
Nevertheless Mr. Evans has his say.
Maybe it will at least get some people thinking and maybe they'll even make the connection between The Holocaust, Holocaust Revisionism, the wars against Israel and now the attempted delegitimization of Israel.
You think?
I knew the day of Holocaust 'debate' would come. Just not in my lifetime
Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian asks,
"Why is it left to the US to confront the Tories on an alliance with those who distort historical truth and defend Nazi collaborators?"
Today Hillary Clinton has a chance to do what the BBC, most British newspapers and the rest of the political class have singularly failed to do: she can confront the Conservative party over its noxious new alliances in Europe. When she meets William Hague in Washington she can ask him why the Tories now share a Brussels bed with far-right allies most Americans would consider beyond the pale.
As the Guardian reports today, pressure on the issue is building in the US. If only we could say the same here. Not that there's been a shortage of information on either Michal Kaminski, the Polish politician who leads the new Conservatives and Reformists grouping in which the Tories sit, or its Latvian affiliate, the For Fatherland and Freedom party. We have heard Kaminski first deny, and then admit, that he wore an infamous fascist and antisemitic symbol. We have heard him explain that Poles should apologise for the horrific 1941 pogrom at Jedwabne only once the Jews have apologised for all that they inflicted on the Poles. We know that he began his political journey in a neo-Nazi organisation.
As for Latvia, no one can claim not to know that the Tories' new allies are prime movers behind the annual parades which celebrate the Latvian legion of the Waffen-SS - a band of brothers that included men who roamed the country gunning down Jewish men, women and children in their tens of thousands. For Fatherland and Freedom admire the Waffen-SS so much, they tried to get its veterans rewarded with a military pension - a move too far even for Latvia's other nationalist parties.
We know all this, yet where is the outrage? Where is the revulsion at David Cameron becoming partners with men who cheer those who fought for Hitler and against Churchill? The Guardian, the Observer, the New Statesman and now the Jewish Chronicle have been shining a light in this dark corner, but from the rest of the media there has been little more than silence...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Cancellations, cancellations...J Street's Jeremy Ben-Ami caught on hidden camera:
Courtesy of J Street Jive: "Prior Committments"..."Scheduling Conflicts"...
They're dropping off like flies - and it's not because of the "vast, right wing conspiracy". Legislator after legislator has been quietly issuing excuses for not attending J Street's Israel-bashing gala next week. As more of J Street luminaries like Josh "hate Israel" Healey and Salam al Marayati have their cv's laid bare to the public, senators and congressmen are putting lots of daylight between themselves and Mr. Ben Ami's group. Here's the latest tally of dropouts...
The latest is John Kerry. He's been billed as the keynote, and in typical Kerry fashion wants to have things both ways by stating that he supports J Street's mission but, curiously, told J Street "weeks ago" that he had a scheduling conflict.
Once again, J Street is not an organization for supporting Israel, it is an organization for pressuring Israel. It is fundamentally anti-democratic. It is a fake.
When we first met Tarek Mehanna almost a year ago, it seemed that it was possibly just a matter of a foolish person covering for a friend: Massachusetts Blogger Arrested for Lying to the FBI in Terrorism Case. See that post for some very interesting background on the current case, because Mehanna is in the news again, and this time he's in even more trouble.
Prosecutors: Terror plotters discussed shopping mall assaults
A 27-year-old Sudbury man allegedly plotted to launch terrorist attacks on shopping malls in which he and his fellow conspirators would mow down civilians with automatic weapons, federal authorities said today as they announced his arrest.
Desiring to take "some kind of action in furtherance of jihad," Tarek Mehanna and his co-conspirators allegedly had multiple conversations about obtaining weapons and randomly shooting people in malls, including discussions of the logistics of the mall attacks, assaulting from different entrances, and attacking emergency responders, acting US Attorney Michael Loucks said this morning.
Federal authorities said Mehanna's arrest early this morning at his Sudbury residence had foiled plots to launch terrorist attacks both inside and outside the United States. Read the affidavit here.
Mehanna, who faces a charge of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, was ordered held without bail until an Oct. 30 detention hearing at his initial appearance this afternoon before US Magistrate Judge Leo Sorokin in Boston. He conspired with Ahmad Abousamra, who left the country for Syria several years ago, and others, Loucks said in a news conference today at his office in Boston.
Mehanna was first arrested and charged a year ago with lying to FBI agents in a terrorism investigation. "Today's arrest, done in conjunction with a search of his home, involves broader and more serious charges," Loucks said.
The conspirators also discussed attacking two members of the executive branch, Loucks said. Those people are no longer in the executive branch and "neither were in any danger at any time from Mehanna or his co-conspirators," he emphasized...
The search warrant is here and the DOJ press release is here. [via Miss Kelly]
Mehanna is a teacher at the Alhuda Academy Muslim school in Worcester.
See also: Terrorism suspect balks at standing up in Boston court, Highlights of the case against terror suspect, Sudbury neighbors shocked by terror suspect's arrest
There should be much more on the background and connections of this guy forthcoming shortly. This will have repercussions.
Well, not hornets so much as "the Juicebox Mafia"! Bwahahaha. We'll get to that in a moment. Sophia has already mentioned the reaction against Bernstein of someone named Matt Yglesias at Think Progress, and Andrew Sullivan has also chimed in. These two reactions have engendered some great responses I wanted to call your attention to.
First, Volokh's David Bernstein (no relation to the HRW guy) on Yglesias on Robert Bernstein and HRW. This is a great point:
...The answer is, apparently, "at least somewhat longer." Consider how Yglesias starts his piece yesterday on R. Bernstein: "It's certainly news that Human Rights Watch's critics were able to get a former HRW chairman to slam the organization for having the temerity to hold Israel to the same standards of international humanitarian law to which it holds every other country."
Yglesias provides no evidence that HRW's critics "got" R. Bernstein to do anything. HRW's harshest and most persistent critics are a motley collection of bloggers and tiny NGOs like CAMERA and NGO Monitor, who are in no position to influence a person of R. Bernstein's stature in any way, except of course through the force of their critiques. It seems beyond Yglesias to acknowledge that R. Bernstein is simply a long-time human rights activist who is sincerely troubled by the sharp left-wing, anti-Israel turn HRW has taken...
Indeed. Volokh's Bernstein also links to Meryl Yourish's look at HRW's press release records: The Human Rights Watch bias against Israel
I really love this one from Noah Pollak at Contentions, however: The Yglesias Award for Moral Equivalence
Andrew Sullivan, now a leading spokesman for the UN Human Rights Council approach to Israel, lists as his quote of the day the following inanity from the Bobby Bigwheel of the Juicebox Mafia, Matt Yglesias:
"If people want to say that the whole quest to articulate objective human rights standards and international humanitarian law is inherently futile or misguided, then fine. But an awful lot of people who claim not to believe that seem to want to turn around and reject the underlying premises of the endeavor when it turns out that Israel -- like its adversaries -- sometimes violates those standards," - Matt Yglesias.
It turns out that Hamas and Hezbollah sometimes violate human rights standards? The self-declared purpose of these groups is to destroy Israel and murder Jews everywhere through the use of terrorism. They sometimes violate human rights standards? Every moment of their existence is a violation of human rights standards.
This is where the Juiceboxers and their new playground chaperone repudiate one of the most important tenets of international legal and humanitarian traditions: the concept of jus ad bellum, which asks the question of whether instigating hostilities is legitimate. To put it simply, this is the moral distinction between killing an intruder who seeks to murder your family and being the intruder himself. In the former case, you have a right to open fire. In the latter case, you have no right to expect not to be on the receiving end of open fire.
Yet Yglesias and Sullivan do not acknowledge any such distinction. To them, there appears to be little or no moral difference between the al-Qassam Brigades and the Israeli army, because the intentions of these two fighting forces count for nothing...
Sorry for the extended quote, but I just didn't want to break it up. The rest is here.
Now on to Andrew Sullivan. Daled Amos takes him on here: Andrew Sullivan: Assault On The Written Word, and he also has a statement from Gerald Steinberg at NGO Monitor which notes importantly, in part:
...On the question of whether HRW focuses grossly disproportionate resources to target Israel, "helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state", simply counting publications from the Middle East division is very misleading. Some HRW statements are "fire and forget", while others (mainly when Israel is the target) are accompanied by major marketing campaigns. HRW issued four lengthy and largely fictitious "research reports" condemning Israel in six months -- each with a press conference at the American Colony Hotel (the hub of the Palestinian media campaign) in Jerusalem, numerous one-on-one press interviews, and meetings with diplomats. In contrast, most of the statements on the Saudi, Egypt, etc. are quickly buried, with no UN investigations , sanctions or ICC action. The token report on Hamas rocket attacks (HRW's artificial "balance" and involving no research) appeared six months after the war ended, with no mention of Iranian support and weapons. A week later, HRW held another press conference which generated far more attention via the sensational (and fabricated) charge that the IDF killed Palestinian civilians waving white flags. The Hamas rocket report, like HRW's criticism of Hezbollah in 2006, was immediately forgotten.
None of this means that violations by Israel and other democratic societies involved in dirty asymmetric warfare should be ignored. But this is far from the grossly disproportionate targeting of Israel by HRW's biased Middle East division, which, among other damage, is responsible for the total devaluation of universal human rights norms.
Finally, Noah Pollak takes apart HRW's own "pathetically weak and deceptive" response to Bernstein: Human Rights Watch's Non-Rebuttal Rebuttal:
...Nowhere did Bernstein argue that open societies should not be subject to scrutiny. What he said is that the amount of attention HRW pays to Israel is wildly out of proportion to Israel's violations, especially when Israel is compared with the Middle East's dozens of dictatorships. Misrepresenting the plain meaning of Bernstein's argument allows HRW to rebut an accusation that he never made...
Finally, Anne Herzberg asks: What ails Human Rights Watch?
...Perhaps HRW is trying to win over its prospective Saudi patrons who have routinely backed the Sudanese government led by ICC fugitive Omar al-Bashir. In addition to Saudi Arabia, HRW's support of Goldstone aligns it with such human rights stalwarts as Cuba, Libya, Iran, Malaysia, Venezuela, Egypt and Hamas, which have all vigorously advocated for Goldstone's adoption. In contrast, democratic countries like Canada, the US, Italy, Hungary and the Netherlands all refused to endorse the mission's mandate or its findings.
HRW's overzealous promotion of Goldstone and its siding with the world's worst regimes are further examples of why Elie Wiesel has called for a full and complete investigation of HRW, Irwin Cotler (former Canadian justice minister and attorney for Nelson Mandela) has remarked that Ken "Roth writes not like a lawyer - let alone a human rights lawyer - but as a propagandist," and now its own founder believes the group needs to "resurrect itself" and return to its "spirit of humility."...
OK, now I'm impressed.
Hamas authorities in Gaza should immediately launch a "credible investigation" into allegations of serious violations by its fighters during last winter's Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Wednesday.
The call came in a letter HRW sent on Tuesday to Ismail Haniyeh, prime minister of the de facto Hamas government in the Gaza Strip.
OK I am speechless for a change.
In the entire text? In fact, it goes out of its way to exculpate Hamas, and make any of its accusations generic. Elder of Ziyon has gone through it in detail: Goldstone Report does not condemn Hamas once. Not only does it not do so, but Goldstone himself has been running about lying about the fact. Hamas's Moussa Abu Marzouq is quite happy about this fact.
Jonathan Dohoah Halevy makes the same point at YNet: No wonder Hamas isn't scared - Despite his claims, Goldstone didn't hold Hamas accountable for terror
...Why aren't Hamas leaders worried by the report? The reason can be found in a speech Ismail Haniyeh made on October 14, 2009 to Palestinians wounded during the war. He said, "We bless the committee, we gave it everything it needed to investigate, as well as documents which helped publish it in its present form. Occasional comments here and there about the resistance (sic) and the right of the Palestinian people to defend itself do not mean that we do not support the Report."
In effect, he dismissed out of hand everything the report said about terrorist attacks and firing rockets into Israel, considering it lip service paid by the Committee and without practical importance for Hamas.
Reading the Goldstone Report shows that Ismail Haniyeh's interpretation was correct. The Hamas de-facto administration and its leaders are never accused of responsibility for terrorism and firing rockets. Rather, nebulous "Palestinian armed groups" are responsible. The theme is repeated in the report's few references to Palestinian terrorism. For example, Paragraph 1747, page 541, reads "In relation to the firing of rockets and mortars into Southern Israel by Palestinian armed groups operating in the Gaza Strip, the Mission finds that the Palestinian armed groups fail to distinguish between military targets and the civilian population and civilian objects in Southern Israel. The launching of rockets and mortars which cannot be aimed with sufficient precisions at military targets breaches the fundamental principle of distinction. Where there is no intended military target and the rockets and mortars are launched into civilian areas, they constitute a deliberate attack against the civilian population. These actions would constitute war crimes and may amount to crimes against humanity."...
Finally, this is a must-read from R. W. Johnson that goes back and shows that Goldstone has made a career of being a political-opportunist slime-ball since back in the South African apartheid (the real apartheid) days: Who Is Richard Goldstone?
Also related: Goldstone Backtracks to BBC
From Palestinian Media Watch: English is the language of the enemy
Hamas children's program, "Tomorrow's Pioneers", last week included a part in which children learned that it is important to know English because it is "the language of their enemy."
Following is the transcript:
Child host: "What do you want to be in the future, Allah willing?"
Child caller: "A teacher of the English language."
Host: "Why do you want to be specifically an English teacher?"
Child: "To teach children the language of their enemy." [Child host smiles.]
Host: "Very nice. A great field. It is not enough for us to know our own language... We also want to study the language of our enemies, to know how to have contacts with them, and so that we can convey the message of Palestinian children..."
Nassur: "Like me! Just like I know the Zionist enemy's language."
Host: "Really?"
Nassur: "Hebrew."
Host: "Okay, speak [in Hebrew]."
Nassur: "I can't." [laughing].
[Al-Aqsa (Hamas) TV, Oct. 16, 2009]
They know who their enemy is. Do we? The good news is, off college campuses, the answer is usually yes.
They're also making sure the next generation knows that Israel is the enemy as well: PA still teaches kids that all of Israel is occupied
Allah willing, the day will come when we'll return to Lod and all the areas they [Israel] have occupied." [PA TV (Fatah), Sept. 22, 2009]
PA TV continues to teach Palestinian children that all of Israel is "occupied Palestine." Despite continued pledges to change this message and to recognize Israel and its right to exist, the PA has not progressed.
Last month, the PA TV host Wallaa expressed the above wish at an outdoor broadcast of the weekly children's program "The Best Home."
The following is the transcript:
Child: "I'm from Palestine."
Host: "From where in Palestine? We're all from Palestine."
Child: "I'm from Lod [Israeli city]."
Host: "Oh, Lod is a very, very beautiful city. Anyone who goes there is so lucky! Do you really go in and out of Lod?" [from the PA to Israel]
Child: "But they [Israelis] have occupied it."
Host: "You mean you are from Lod, but you live here [in Ramallah]. Never mind, my dear. Allah willing, the day will come when we will return to Lod and to all the areas they have occupied."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ethan Bronner writes in the New York Times about an unfortunate fact of life in the Middle East - unlike diplomacy, which often seems to get people nowhere - force often works - even if only for a time.
Painful Mideast Truth: Force Trumps Diplomacy
He speaks not only of Israel's wars in pursuit of peace but also of the Palestinian violence which he claims, alone appears to have created some movement toward a two-state solution on the part of Israel.
I wonder if he's correct about this.
Would Israel have helped the Palestinians create a state back in the 1940's if it hadn't been for all the violence against the Yishuv and other Middle Eastern Jews?
What about the connections between the Palestinian Arab leader al Husseini and the Nazis? This wasn't a distant link either but a direct one. Wouldn't this have affected the Israeli point of view? What about the refusal of the Palestinian Arabs to help the Jews trying to flee Europe, even to allow them to remain in camps to escape the horror in Europe?
The refugee ships that docked at Haifa and were refused entry must have been a heartbreaking sight. Some were returned to the horrors of the Shoah. The Patria blew up right in front of a shocked and grieving crowd - a protest gone horriby awry. Other ships were sunk on the high seas and refugees drowned, hundreds of innocents trying to flee.
How many lives could have been saved?
Continue reading "Painful Mideast Truth: Force Trumps Diplomacy "The New Republic has a couple of pieces on the Bernstein article, both by Jonathan Chait:
Former Human Rights Watch Prez: Enough With the Israel Obsession
The second piece links to Mathew Iglesias' site, Think Progress, which takes a stance contrary to Bernstein's criticism of HRW.
Bernstein on Human Rights Watch
I disagree with him and also with the tone of the comment thread, which was in many cases both ignorant and nasty.
Therefore I responded (at length alas) (but I really think ignorance is a huge problem when it comes to Israel). I'm crossposting my opus here:
Many of the comments posted here reflect a lot of bias and very little knowledge, either about Israel, about the sufferings of its people or about the history of the region.
For example, was there really any necessity for the war against the Jews in the Middle East?
Somehow lost in the claims that "Israel stole the Palestinians' land" is the fact that that Israel was attacked by several Arab states the minute it became a state. The rhetoric was bloodcurdling and threats against all the people of Israel echo to this day.
There have been several wars and countless acts of terrorism since 1948 and before that, the bloodshed predates the First World War.
A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III aircraft flies over the pyramids of Giza in Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 15, 2009, during exercise Bright Star. Bright Star, a biennial multinational exercise conducted by U.S. Central Command, is designed to improve readiness and interoperability and strengthen the military and professional relationships among participating forces. This year's participants include Egypt, Kuwait, Pakistan, Germany, Jordan and the United States. The aircraft crew is from the 437th Airlift Wing out of Charleston Air Force Base, S.C. (DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Jacob N. Bailey, U.S. Air Force/Released)
Not directly Goldstone, but so closely related it belongs: Sophia already linked to Human Rights Watch founder Robert Bernstein's New York Times op-ed taking his own organization to task, but really, the significance of this can't be understated: Rights Watchdog, Lost in the Mideast. Bernstein confirms EXACTLY what so many of us have been saying for so long and, considering the source, it can't be ignored.
Melanie Phillips comments on Bernstein's piece: How 'human rights' have turned into inhuman wrongs = "Is the 'human rights' worm finally beginning to turn?..."
Richard Landes does a friendly fisking: HRW's Founder denounces the organization's obsession with Israel.
Back to Goldstone. Harold Evans, writing at The Guardian(!): A moral atrocity, Judge Goldstone has been suckered into letting war criminals use his name to pillory Israel - "Aren't the British sickened by the moral confusions of their government? First, we have the weasel words to justify the unjustifiable release of the Lockerbie bomber. Now we have the sickening spectacle of Britain failing to stand by Israel, the only democracy with an independent judiciary in the entire region..."
Elder of Ziyon notes: Islamic Jihad al-Quds Brigades endorses Goldstone - "...Terrorists really seem to be enamored of this report and of the "human rights" organizations that have pushed it..." As well they should. Embarrassing.
Continue reading "Tuesday Goldstone and More"We first noted a month ago about an effort in Amherst, MA to bring released Gitmo detainees to settle there: Amherst Citizens Cry, 'Send Us Your Tired, Your Poor, Your GTMO Detainees!".
Michael Graham notes that the effort is continuing apace: What's The Difference Between An Al Qaeda Camp And UMass Amherst?
...That's right: Amherst is ASKING the Obama administration to send them graduates of Gitmo High. Talk about an open admissions policy. And given the politics on campus, they'll fit right in at the School Of Middle Eastern Studies. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Harvard doesn't try to snatch them up, too. After all, it's a Sharia-friendly campus, and they've never turned down a dollar of terrorist blood money.
I also love the fact that the chairwoman's objection isn't "we don't want Al Qaeda in Amherst," but rather a technical issue. It must be comforting for every parent of a UMass-Amherst student to know that the town is so inviting to such a "diverse" community.
And besides, if the US military clears them, what could possibly go wrong?...
What indeed! (More at the link.)
Andy McCarthy picks it up over here: Amherst's Welcome Mat for Gitmo Detainees. He says, in part:
...It's idiotic, but of course that won't stop it from being enacted. However futile it may be, I feel obliged to point out that (a) there is nothing wrongful about detaining an enemy combatant without trial, let alone conviction, during wartime -- the U.S. has done it in millions of cases throughout our history and even the current Supreme Court reaffirmed combatant detention in 2004 (in fact, it has been federal law since 1798 that, in a declared war, the citizens of an enemy nation-state may be detained just because they are citzens of the enemy -- no requirement that they be soldiers or commit hostile acts); and (b) the main congressional provision that bars relocating Gitmo detainees in the U.S. is the REAL ID Act, which bars admission for aliens who have either (or both) been members of a foreign terrorist organization or (and) have received training in terrorist camps. Given that the idea is to prevent "hostile attacks against the U.S.," there is no requirement that the alien be shown to have committed such acts before the ban kicks in...
Here's a devastating article at Pajamas Media by Lenny Ben-David: Showdown on J Street:
...It's time to call out Jeremy Ben-Ami, J Street's director, to answer the following questions:
1: You served as Fenton Communications' senior vice president until you established J Street, launched in 2008. In early 2009, Fenton signed contracts with a Qatari foundation to lead an 18-month long anti-Israel campaign in the United States with a special focus on campuses. The actual text of the contract called for: "An international public opinion awareness campaign that advocates for the accountability of those who participated in attacks against schools in Gaza."
Did you sever your ties with Fenton when you began J Street? Do you retain any role or holdings in Fenton today? Did you play any role in introducing Fenton to the Qatari agents or play any role in facilitating the contract? Were you aware of the negotiations or the contract signed on March 12, 2009?
These questions are relevant because it's important to know if J Street's refusal to support Israel's anti-Hamas military campaign was influenced by your ties with Fenton, whose promotional material claims: "We only represent people and projects we believe in."
Were there discussions with Fenton prior to J Street's refusal to condemn the Goldstone Report on Gaza, a report that certainly serves the Fenton/Qatari interests? Were there communications with Fenton surrounding J Street's support for Rep. Donna Edwards who refused to sign a congressional resolution supporting Israeli actions in Gaza?
2: You were recently asked in an interview about funds J Street received from Palestinians, Arab-Americans, and Iranian-Americans, to which you answered: "J Street does have some Arab and Muslim donors -- about five. These are individuals, not organizations, corporations or foreign countries. Well over 90 percent of our money comes from Jewish Americans and Christians."
Did you really say J Street has only five Arab and Muslim donors? A partial listing quickly extracted from the U.S. Federal Election Commission shows more than 30 contributors, many with ties to Arab-American organizations...
There's a lot more. And when you're done, don' t forget to skip on over to JStreetJive for a look at Josh Healey's Communist heritage (seriously): Josh Healey, latest Victim of the J Street Blacklist.
And that's the truth of it in this bizarro-world of ours. You could not make confluences like this up. Helena Cobban has been appointed Executive Director of The Council for the National Interest (CNI/CNIF). CNI is the Israeli-hating home for old Arabist antisemites like Paul Findley and Eugene Bird. See their "issues" here. Get the picture?
Cobban, fresh off hyperventilating with glee at the Israel-bashing prospects of the recent Swedish Blood Libel, is excited as can be at starting in her new position. Note that this person is also on the Middle East Advisory Committee of Human Rights Watch. If HRW wanted to start to regain any of their lost credibility, one of the first things they'd do would be to dump transparent fools like Cobban. I'd say she's an antisemite, but I'm not sure she's smart enough to have the proper mens rea to get a conviction. This is a person who consistently purveys perhaps the absolutely most useless analysis of the Middle East available anywhere on the web (and I've been watching, more off than on, for some time).
Not to be outdone by CNI, Cobban will also be on a panel of fellow "anti-Zionists" at the J Street Conference. They are being careful to say they are not an official part of the conference, and that they do not speak for J Street in any way, nevertheless, J Street is happily providing the space: J Street blogger panel--next Monday!
J Street's big inaugural conference starts next Sunday evening... And at lunchtime on Monday, Oct. 26, there'll be a great affiliated event: a panel discussion involving a large number of pro-peace bloggers, including yours truly...
...I'm really excited because I'll get to meet, in real physical space, many bloggers whose work I have long admired but whom I have not yet actually met.
They include panel organizers Richard Silverstein of Tikkun Olam and Jerry Haber of the Magnes Zionist. Also Phil Weiss of Mondoweiss and Max Blumenthal, who blogs various various places-- and also does those famous videos.
Laila El-Haddad of Gaza Mom is coming, and Matt Duss of the Wonk Room, and a bunch of other great bloggers. I imagine the best way to keep updated on the participant list will be to check Richard's blog...
CNI...J Street...what's the difference? One's just more honest.
OK. Who wrote this - in the New York Times yet?
"AS the founder of Human Rights Watch, its active chairman for 20 years and now founding chairman emeritus, I must do something that I never anticipated: I must publicly join the group's critics. Human Rights Watch had as its original mission to pry open closed societies, advocate basic freedoms and support dissenters. But recently it has been issuing reports on the Israeli-Arab conflict that are helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state."
Monday, October 19, 2009
Now Iran says terrorists are unacceptable. Who knew.
Or maybe that's only terrorists who attack them?
Interestingly, this terrorist allegedly comes from a group called Jundallah, Soldiers of God.
Sounds kind of like Hezbollah (Party of God) doesn't it.
Go figure.
Of course the US and Britain have been blamed but the real news is that Pakistan is being held accountable.
Apart from the obvious dangers inherent in this scenario, and with respect for the human toll exacted by the terrorist - one wonders if Iran's reprisals will result in a war crimes trial, censure by the UN Human Rights Commission, negative attention from Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch?
The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival (SFJFF) is back in the news (here is a search for previous posts) with a devastating video that's been produced exposing what happened out there a few months back when they decided that showing a Rachel Corrie propaganda film and hosting Cindy Corrie in an event sponsored by two anti-Israel organizations were an appropriate use of donor funds. Here's the story: New video continues campaign against 'Rachel' programming. And here's the video:
[h/t: Fred]
This stuff is straight out of Mein Kampf and the Protocols. I know the election was rigged, but if even 10% of a population is influenced by this guy or people like him (and the real number was surely much higher), then we have problems that no amount of apologies, unclenched fists and half-hearted sanctions can possibly deal with. Click the picture for the video, click below for the transcript:
Following are excerpts from a speech delivered by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which aired on IRINN, September 18, 2009.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Even before World War I, there was some talk [about forming] a very vicious and twisted organization to take over the entire world. Using their experience from colonialist days, they planned to take over all the nations, along with the material and spiritual resources of the world.
After World War I, exploiting the lack of vigilance of the region's peoples and of the Muslims, they turned the land of Palestine into the mandate of the old colonialism - England. During that period, the organized criminal Zionists created an atmosphere that enabled them to invade the land of Palestine. Under the guise of purchasing farms, orchards, and lands, they plundered a vast part of the land, using weapons, slaughter, and terror. With the help of the English government, and with the support of the spearheads of the English government, they turned the people into refugees.
Before World War II, the talk intensified and the activities increased. In the European countries, the very twisted show of "anti-Semitism" began. Of course, some governments and their people always hated the Jews because of the ugly conduct of some of them. They wanted to drive the Jews out of Europe. But anti-Semitism was planned mainly by some European governments and politicians, and by the Zionist network. They made hundreds of films, wrote hundreds of books, spread rumors, and conducted psychological warfare, in order to drive them away, to the land of Palestine.
Four or five years after World War II, they suddenly claimed that during that war, the Holocaust affair had taken place. In other words, according to their claims, several million Jews were burned in the crematoria. They created two slogans. The first was about the injustice suffered by the Jewish people. By means of lies, very twisted propaganda, and psychological warfare, they created the notion that the Jews suffered injustice, and, secondly, that they needed a land and an independent state. They acted so effectively that some of the world's politicians and intellectuals were also deceived and influenced.
With regard to that false injustice...
The rest is at the link.
The continuation of some thoughts from Divest This on the excuses Israel-boycott activists use to explain away their human rights double standard...
In my last entry, I pointed out the various excuses the boycott-Israel crowd uses when forced to confront their clear double-standard on human rights stances (i.e., Israel deserves to be boycotted for building a separate fence to keep suicide bombers from its cities, but Syria and China should not be boycotted since they merely killed 50,000 or 70,000,000 of their own people).
As noted, most of these excuses have the distinction of being both transparently self serving and unbelievably lame. But one "reason," the one claiming that the call to boycott Israel wells up from Palestinian civil society and is thus unique, begs for a more careful review.
The claim that BDS is a response to boycott calls originating from people in the region is based on the 2004 Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (or PACBI). Whenever Naomi Klein or the UCU boycotters talk about a boycott call endorsed by over 200 Palestinian civic organizations, these are the organizations to which they refer.
Before getting to more meatier issues, allow me a couple of lawyer's points regarding the claim that PACBI represents the will of the Palestinian people to comprehensively boycott, divest from and sanction Israel.
First off, if you look this list over, between 10-15% of the signatories whose origins are identified are from outside Israel, the West Bank or Gaza, including over 20 organizations from surrounding countries (13 from Syria, 6 from Lebanon and 2 from Jordan) and another 9 from Europe or North America. Now it may be that some of these (as well as some of the organizations not identified by location) are refugee or Diaspora groups, but given the large Syrian contingent in PACBI's roster, the notion that we're talking entirely about un-coerced volunteers becomes shaky.
Second, as the name implies PACBI stands for an academic and cultural boycott (the least popular form of BDS, by the way), not for the wholesale economic isolation of the Jewish state. So those claiming that PACBI is the origin for all of their BDS activities may be putting words into the mouths of Palestinian agricultural, medical and industrial unions/organizations, many of whom may not be that excited about economic boycotts that punish them as well as Israel.
On more meatier matters, the first group that tops the list of "Unions, Associations, Campaigns" supporting the PACBI boycott call is the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine, a coalition that includes Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and some of the more violent sub-sets of Fatah. Call me crazy, but I suspect that it's much easier for this Council to get the Palestinian Dentist's Association to agree to its requests that vice versa.
The potential that the PACBI boycott call arises from coercion within Palestinian society (vs. being a consensus welling up from the grass roots) also points out an interesting paradox. The claim that Israel uniquely deserves the BDS treatment is, to a certain extent, based on Israel supposedly being exceptional with regard to its level of human rights abuses (vs. Iran, China, North Korea, etc.). And yet the members making up PACBI can only be seen as legitimately representing Palestinian civic society if Israel's "repression" does not extend to eliminating such civic space in both Israel and the West Bank.
Like the claim that Israel is inflicting a "Holocaust" on a Palestinian population that is simultaneously experiencing a population explosion, the very existence of PACBI demonstrates that the level of repression found in countries ignored by BDS activists (Sudan, Saudi Arabia, etc.) does not exist in Israel. And thus we are led back to the conclusion that the best way to avoid being a target of alleged "human rights" activists pushing boycott, divestment and sanction is to actually be a repressive dictatorship that crushes civic society rather than letting it exist to sign boycott petitions.
Finally, a note on dates. PACBI, as stated on their own Web site, made its "plea" for academic BDS in 2004, years after divestment programs originating at the 2001 Durban conference were well underway in North American and European universities, unions, churches and municipalities. In other words, the PACBI call was the result of the success BDS was seeing between 2001-2004, and being the result it could not have simultaneously been the cause.
Time travel underlies much of the BDS project, as is underlies much of what passes for analysis of the Middle East. My favorite example of this is the projection of today's US support for Israel (which didn't really kick into high gear until the 1970s) back to 1948 and beyond in hopes of finding a US-Zionist conspiracy going back to before the founding of the Jewish state.
If ignorance is bliss, then the folks behind the PACBI excuse for BDS are either the happiest people on earth, or at least the most manipulative.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
According to AP, a suicide bombing in Iran has killed several Revolutionary Guard leaders.
When I first saw the headline I was totally baffled. I wondered if this was action by a dissident group linked to the reform movement but it seemed totally unlike them - and sure enough it turns out to be the work apparently of Sunni Muslims rebelling against the government and against the Shi'a who constitute a very large majority in Iran.
I hadn't realized the insurgency in Iran was this serious. Maybe one should say "insurgencies" - one doesn't hear much about these problems because the press in Iran is anything but free.
I had read that al Jazeera was turned off there for awhile, the government blamed it for inciting Iranian Arab tribal groups. These are mainly located in Southwest Iran.
This bombing was carried out near the border with Pakistan, actually I think a region known as Baluchistan, and it sounds like the violence has as much to do with tribal and criminal motives as religion or politics. Drugs appear to be one motive.
But Baluchistan has also seen internal violence and rebellion against the Pakistani government and in that case ethnic and religious tensions are involved and I believe gas pipelines have been attacked.
A thought: suicide and other terrorist violence has been considered to be the right of Palestinians to attack Israelis, ie, "resistance". Hezbollah and/or Iran have also committed "resistance" against innocent Jews in South America and PLO and other Palestinian groups have terrorized Jews all over the map.
When the Achille Lauro was hijacked "resistance" took the form of throwing an elderly Jew in a wheelchair off the ship.
Some people even consider suicide attacks and other forms of terrorism "holy".
But if you look around you'll see this barbarous behavior has spread and it's now victimizing people throughout Muslim states as well as threatening people all over the world.
Maybe such "resistance" wasn't such a hot idea.
Those who continue to give it cover, and this includes the government of Iran, should be ashamed of themselves.
Now, maybe they'll reconsider?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Priceless stuff from Marty Peretz, who like me voted for Obama and strongly supported him but who is becoming disappointed and annoyed about certain matters - so I'll quote this bit from The New Republic - do read the rest:
"...Obama also likes to engage. Actually, engaging may be his favorite activity. He's engaged Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, the International Olympic Committee, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Palestinians, Skip Gates and that Cambridge cop ... Only with Skip and Sergeant Crowley did he reach some agreement, though it was lubricated by beer, which wouldn't have worked with the king. (You know which king). With every one of these others, save the professor and the policeman, he has flopped, and the American people are catching on. Oops, I just read that the administration is about to try a liaison with Sudan after not having tried anything real against Sudan. "Save Darfur." That was a fantasy. Another betrayal. What does my respected and intellectually meticulous human rights crusader Samantha Power say about this?"
Well I too would like to know what Samantha Power thinks about all this. She won the Pulitzer Prize for her book about genocide or rather our apparent inability to stop genocide, and now it looks like we're washing our hands of Darfur. However we wish to "engage" with the UNHRC with its stellar track record of defending human rights as long as the supposed violator thereof is Israel.
If you're a victim of somebody else, forgetaboutit.
Now, UNHRC have been dealing with the Goldstone Report, which does in fact blame Hamas for deliberately attacking civilians and therefore possibly commiting Crimes Against Humanity, yet only the Israelis are condemned by the UN for said crimes even though as Goldstone himself says, the report proves nothing and Hamas indeed was accused.
But then who cares right?
This is video of the event I attended last Wednesday evening with Prof. Barry Rubin, Director of the Global Research for International Affairs (GLORIA) Center; editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal.
If you've been reading what Rubin has been writing, you know how indispensable he is, and his oral presentation is just as good as his written. I love a guy who can get up on stage and speak without notes, and that's what he does here. Audio quality should be passable. Part 1 is the main presentation, Part 2 the Q & A. You won't be able to hear most of the questions, but the answers should also be passable.
Rubin has a realist's view of events and antidotes where the word "realist" actually means something. This is well worth it.
Part 1:
Part 2 (Q&A):
Friday, October 16, 2009
I been collecting the links again! First, let's get this out of the way. Richard Goldstone is either the most naive or the dumbest man on the international scene today: UN body okays Goldstone Gaza report accusing Israel of war crimes
South African jurist Richard Goldstone, who headed a United Nations investigation into the conduct of Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas during Israel's offensive in Gaza last winter, criticized on Friday the United Nations Human Rights Council's decision to endorse the report his commission had compiled.
The council on Friday endorsed the report, which accused both Israel and the militant group Hamas of committing war crimes during the December-January conflict in Gaza.
Goldstone told the Swiss newspaper Le Temps before the vote that the wording of the resolution was unfortunate because it included only censure of Israel. He voiced hope that the Human Rights Council would alter the wording of the draft...
Yeah, that'll happen. Idiot.
Richard Landes tries to get into Goldstone's head: What's going on in Goldstone's head? Good luck getting through the skull.
Noah Pollak had already noted from a prior Goldstone quote: "...So let's get this straight: Judge Goldstone led a "fact-finding mission" to Gaza and then produced a 575-page report that contains "nothing" that could be "proven in a court of law." It may not contain facts, in other words. Despite his lack of confidence in his own claims, he insists that "the burden is now on Israel to counter these findings through its own probe" -- "these findings" being his charge that the IDF intentionally killed civilians and committed sundry war crimes..."
25 Yes, 11 Abstain, 6 No
Abstentions: Belgium, Bosnia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gabon, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Korea, Slovenia, Uruguay
No: Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Ukraine, USA
Countries that did not vote: United Kingdom, Madagascar, Kyrgyzstan, France, Angola
Yes: Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Cuba, Djbouti, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Mauritius, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Zambia
Barry Rubin is a must-read, as always: The Window of Opportunity is Now Closed and Locked Down: Passing Goldstone Resolution Marks End of Peace Process Era - "...Good-bye hope for peace. I now declare the window of opportunity that had seemed to open in the late 1980s, which met and failed the test of the Oslo process, and yet which continues to inspire false hope for many people to be fully and officially closed."
The Wall Street Journal editorializes: Britain's Terror Double Take - Help on Afghanistan, a moral disgrace on Gaza - "...By declaring Israel's war against Hamas possibly a "crime against humanity," the Goldstone report could make any other country think twice before engaging a terror group. By its reasoning, Winston Churchill may have been charged with ordering bombing raids on Germany that took civilian lives. For that matter, the current Prime Minister might find himself in the dock for civilians harmed in Britain's fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan's Helmand province. That's what's on the line in Geneva today."
At the JPost, Warren Goldstein notes that It looks like law, but it's just politics. Politics for some, Jihad for others.
UN Watch has the wonderful testimony issued by British Colonel Richard Kemp before the UNHRC. This will help keep you sane in an insane world (previous video of Kemp from during Cast Lead is here): Self-Defense is not a Crime of War
Transcript at the link.
Quite cool:
Footprints found under ancient mosaic
While they may not have been the markings of a pair of Naot sandals, Israel Antiquities Authority conservators discovered footprints over 1,700 years old in early October under the Lod mosaic and at least one print resembling a modern sandal.
Head of the Israel Antiquities Authority Art Conservation Branch Jacques Neguer said that when removing a section of a mosaic, it is customary to clean its bedding, and study the material from which it is made and the construction stages. It was during that process that they found the footprints under the mosaic.
"We look for drawings and sketches that the artists made in the plaster and marked where each of the tesserae will be placed," Neguer said...
...He said that similarities of the footprints of the sandals lie in the fact that sandals today are based on the footwear of the past.
"They're simple," Neguer said. "If it's comfortable, why change it...
It's The Jewish Advocate again. This time they've brought out their "unbiased" pen to their report on last Saturday's Israel Hater's march through Brookline (see: Sticking It To The Jews in Brookline: March and Counter-March This Saturday).
Here's the trouble. When you're dealing with people who lie about their motivations and themselves, and you just quote what they say, you're simply propagating lies, not reporting, not informing. Once again, you need to turn to the internet for something approaching truth. If you're reading "traditional" news sources alone, you don't know anything.
Case in point is the Advocate's report on the march: A war of words on Beacon Street - Palestinian and pro-Israel groups face off in Brookline. Unfortunately, the article requires paid subscription (don't). But let me give you a case in point. Here's how it starts:
It was supposed to be a silent protest against Israeli policies in Gaza and the West Bank.
But things got a bit noisy on the streets of Brookline Saturday when the Boston Palestinian Equal Rights Walk encountered marchers mobilized in a last-minute blitz by pro-Israel protestors. Some 40 people wearing matching T-shirts and keffiyehs and waving Palestinian flags carried on a moving shout fest with some 25 people holding small blue-and-white signs and waving Israeli flags.
The Palestinian group set off at 1 p.m. to walk from Coolidge Corner to Copley Square, passing Temple Ohabai Shalom on Beacon Street and the Chabad House of Greater Boston on Commonwealth Avenue.
The protest was in conjunction with others organized around the country by the American Association for Palestinian Equal Rights, a Washington D.C.-based non-profit organization.
"The whole point of it is to walk in silence and dignity," said local organizer Kathy Felgram of Watertown, who is Jewish. "We're trying to make people aware that the media here carries only the Israeli side of the story and that there are gross injustices on a daily basis."...
Did the reporter go online and see what the AAPER was really about (the whole "Right of Return" thing) despite their innocuous description of themselves? No. Did she check out Kathy Felgran, the "Jew?" No. Felgran is one of those people who discover their Jewishness only when bashing Jews and Israel, as a look at her Facebook page would show immediately: "Religious Views: Jewish by birth, Bahai by choice. I love and respect the prophets of all religions." We await her march to bring attention to the persecution of Iran's Bahai's.
As to the rest, Kerry Hurwitz, one of the organizers of the counter-march, and also quoted in the article, has an excellent comment posted at the Advocate site. I reproduce it here in full:
Continue reading "What's Become of the Jewish-Zionist Press? Part Deux."Roger Cohen states that Israel should be less exceptional and more normal because President Obama doesn't like double standards, Iran makes rational decisions, and even though Israel was created because of the Shoah it's time to stop worrying about it:
There's a lot wrong with this column, one of which is the falsehood that Israel is a child of the Holocaust; another is the assertion that the Shoah itself was exceptional.
In fact it was only one of many horrendous assaults on the Jewish people, one of the most effective, true, but far from the only one.
President Obama repeated the canard that Israel was created because of the Holocaust and not because Israel is our homeland. This canard also ignores the hard work and creativity and dedication of the people who built Israel as well as millenia of connection between the land and people of Israel, despite national destruction and diaspora.
Meanwhile the repetitive pattern of antisemitism hasn't just vanished like magic. The need for the Jewish people to have a safe and secure homeland hasn't changed, nor has the fact that Jews are a people just as Greeks or Irish or Native Americans are peoples - all requiring and all deserving respect and security.
Yet no other national group is accusing of being de facto racism. Native Americans aren't accused of being racist merely for asserting their identity nor are Greeks, nor are Arabs - just Jews and particularly Jewish Israelis.
By the same token, endless incitement of the Palestinians has resulted only in disaster for them as well as for Israel. Many remain in "refugee camps" even within Gaza and the West Bank - ie within the boundaries of what had been the western part of the Palestine Mandate prior to the creation of Israel.
This is true also in Lebanon and other nearby Arab states. That in itself is shameful.
But it speaks less of Israel than of the enduring rejection of her very existence and the way little people are used as pawns.
Religious and nationalistic bigotry play a huge and underestimated role in this. But so do big power and industrial politics. Israel and the Palestinians have both been used as Cold War proxies and both continue to be victims of other national and economic interests who gain by their misery.
Meanwhile the Jewish refugees from the Arab and other Islamic nations are rarely even acknowledged let alone supported by the UN. The UN itself is appallingly biased against Israel; yet Mr. Cohen urges us to accept the Goldstone report. Sadly, the UN's bias makes it nearly impossible for real human rights abuses on the part of Israel to be assessed honestly.
This is tragic because neither Jews here or elsewhere around the world, let alone Israeli Jews, want to commit human rights violations but they are an almost inevitable aspect of war. And the more the Israelis are accused of human rights violations including blood libels involving organ theft, the most likely war becomes. It's a vicious circle.
The charade that constitutes the UN's human rights "investigations" of Israel are so completely undermined by their bigotry against Israel that it's hard to take any of them seriously. By the same token the de facto acceptance of a Palestinian right to terrorize Israel's civilian population in the name of "resistance" perpetuates the war and makes human rights violations inevitable.
So, the UN itself deserves a great deal of blame here and so do so-called proPalestinian groups which distort the truth and reinforce myths, some of them slanderous and bizarre.
Meanwhile Mr. Cohen repeatedly asserts than Iran makes rational decisions. For awhile, after the election and the ensuing violence in Iran and his own exit from Iran, his columns in the NYT were quite brilliant. He deplored the brutality of the regime and it seemed the scales had fallen from his eyes concerning its true nature.
Now, regardless of the military parades, the sermons and speeches chanting Death to Israel, the obvious pursuit of military grade nuclear material and the abuse of Iranian dissidents, Mr. Cohen is back to reassuring us Jews, who suffer from "extermination psychosis", that it's ok to trust Iran.
This I gather goes for other players who have yet to even recognize Israel's right to exist and which continue the pursuit to delegitimize the state itself. If military action can't destroy it then it will be boycotted or demographically swamped.
What about this is normal?
On the subject of exceptionalism, I'd like to mention UNRWA, which recently celebrated its 60th birthday.
This in itself is rather shocking. No other group of people displaced by war has its own UN agency which actually competes with the PA for funds and authority. No other group of people remain "refugees" decades after displacement by war.
This in itself, considering the hundreds of millions of people who've suffered this way and who are expected to cope as best they can, and who are considered resettled after one generation, is exceptionalism.
Beyond that UNRWA depends for its very existence (and funding) on the idea that even internally displaced Arabs are refugees 60 years after 1948. When Israel acquired the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, attempts were made to build homes and otherwise improve conditions for the Palestinians living in the camps. This was forbidden and the camps remain.
I believe more than 10,000 Palestinians work directly for UNRWA and countless others derive funding from it.
This obviously perpetrates a conflict whose settlement would cost UNRWA and its employees and beneficiaries their funding and their jobs. It also perpetuates both the misery of the Palestinian people and the war against Israel.
So. I respectfully submit: Israel would love to be normal. Jews would love to be people among people and Israel a nation among nations.
But as far as I can tell we're not.
One further point: "Israeli exceptionalism" has gotten tied up with "American exceptionalism". The latter is roundly despised and resented especially by Europeans whom we've repeatedly rescued from their own barbarous wars.
Regardless, Israel and the US aren't in the same boat. And it's just wrong to link Israel's exceptional situation with American exceptionalism - period.
Here's the truth. You knew what the Obama world-view was. You've seen it on every campus from every wide-eyed freshman to their theory-bound professors. You know the drill: America is the great imperialist, the world (yes, including Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, etc...) has no agency or interest of their own in opposition to us, they are purely reactionary, and all we need to do is show them our good intentions and the stream of life and history will made to flow soft and mellow. You and I know that that's a nonsense destined for disaster, but a lot of people don't know that. So here we are, with the College One World Club president as our Commander in Chief and we're going to ride that river for all it's worth as far as it will take us. Much damage will follow, but we can only hope we'll have lessons learned that don't actually kill us.
About the only thing more comical than Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize was the reaction of those who deemed the award "premature," as if the brilliance of Obama's foreign policy is so self-evident and its success so assured that if only the Norway Five had waited a few years, his Nobel worthiness would have been universally acknowledged.
To believe this, you have to be a dreamy adolescent (preferably Scandinavian and a member of the Socialist International) or an indiscriminate imbiber of White House talking points. After all, this was precisely the spin on the president's various apology tours through Europe and the Middle East: National self-denigration -- excuse me, outreach and understanding -- is not meant to yield immediate results; it simply plants the seeds of good feeling from which foreign policy successes shall come.
Chauncey Gardiner could not have said it better. Well, at nine months, let's review.
What's come from Obama holding his tongue while Iranian demonstrators were being shot and from his recognizing the legitimacy of a thug regime illegitimately returned to power in a fraudulent election? Iran cracks down even more mercilessly on the opposition and races ahead with its nuclear program.
What's come from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton taking human rights off the table on a visit to China and from Obama's shameful refusal to see the Dalai Lama (a postponement, we are told)? China hasn't moved an inch on North Korea, Iran or human rights. Indeed, it's pushing with Russia to dethrone the dollar as the world's reserve currency...
Nice piece at Politico about our friend Joel Pollak and his run for Congress in Illinois: YouTube star vies for House
The former Harvard law student who won widespread notoriety for his videotaped clash with Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) now wants to join him in Congress.
Joel Pollak, 32, who gained national attention after his heated exchange with the House Financial Services Committee chairman hit YouTube and Fox News, is hoping to unseat Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky in Illinois's 9th District.
His bid caps a whirlwind six months that began in April when, after Frank's speech at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, Pollak asked the congressman if he acknowledged responsibility, if any, for the financial crisis.
Frank's peevish reaction -- and Pollak's cool responses to the fearsome debater -- turned Pollak into an instant conservative cult hero...
Read the rest to see how that clip spread and how it affected Joel's course. Remarkable. But Joel is no gimmick candidate. Having met him, heard him speak and read his writing, I can tell you Joel Pollak is a very sharp guy with a serious future. Win or lose (and let's hope for a win), this is a guy to keep an eye on.
OK, this is pretty great (NSFW):
Thursday, October 15, 2009
You could not make this stuff up. The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has chosen the issue of "decline of sovereignty by Palestinian Muslims over the Haram al-Sharif Mosque on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem" as this week's news focus. That's right, the Presbyterian peacemakers are pushing "the Jews are after the Temple Mount" death-conspiracy.
Earth to PC(USA): This is how people get killed. One of the first things Moshe Dayan did when Israel took Jerusalem in 1967 was turn the Temple Mount over to the Muslim Waqf, in spite of the fact that it is Judaism's holiest site and the Muslims had never, ever, shown any respect for Jews.
Tunneling under Al Aqsa? Yup. That's news to the PC(USA). News sources? Electronic Intifada, uruknet, Palestine News Network, The Palestinian Information Center, oh, and Al-Manar.
Yes, that's right, they're sending people to terror group Hizballah's own Jew Hating, Holocaust-denying, Israel-erasing TV station.
CAMERA's Dexter Van Zile has a more in-depth look: Presbyterian Peacemakers Promote Hezbollah Website and Anti-Israel Incitement. He is far too kind.
From Ace: WH Fox-Hating Flack Anita Dunn Discovered Telling HS Audience Her Favorite Philosophers are Mother Theresa... and Chairman Mao. Ace gives this one a flaming skull...yeah, I'd say that's about right:
A little background: Why the White House Picked Anita Dunn to Wage War With Fox
This weekend, after White House communications director Anita Dunn forthrightly declared war on Fox News, some people thought she might have gone a little too far in explaining a tacit understanding in the Obama administration that they didn't deal directly with the right-leaning network. One almost expected to see a clarification of the remarks afterward, as Fox anchors like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck gleefully ran with the story. But of course, Dunn's statements had been carefully scripted by the Obama team -- as is pretty much everything you hear from them, except things that are supposed to be off the record. And what's more, Dunn herself was selected to fire off the opening salvo for a specific reason: On a strategy team largely dominated by men, she's acknowledged to be the toughest member...
Well I guess now we know why.
Update 10-16-09: Hans von Spakovsky: Anita Dunn and Mao Zedong and Andy McCarthy: Re: Anita Dunn and Mao Zedong
Lamest excuse evah...
They are attempting to refute the damning video released by the IDF that showed quite convincingly terrorist operatives clearing out the arms cache before UNIFIL and the Lebanese Army arrived: Hezbollah says blast footage shows door not rocket
...Footage released by Hezbollah's al-Manar television on Wednesday night showed UNIFIL peacekeepers watching as workers loaded a metal door onto a truck in daylight. Al Manar said the footage was taken in the nearby village of Deir Qanoun al-Nahr which it said was the location shown in the Israeli footage.
"Here are soldiers from UNIFIL and the Lebanese army. The place is empty except for the same truck and the alleged rocket. The surprise is that it is merely an iron garage door of the shop where the explosion occurred," a voice-over says during al-Manar's footage...
I have been forwarded a rather convincing response:
1. The hezbollah video was shot in broad daylight, whereas the IDF footage was taken at night, shortly after the blast occurred.
2. The position of the truck in the hezbollah version and the IDF video are not the same. in the hezbollah version the truck is backed up directly to the loading dock and there are two men shoving the debris into the back of the truck. in the IDF footage, the truck is parked a little bit away and there are at least 5 men carefully carrying the disputed object and loading it onto the truck.
3. In order for the Hezbollah video to disprove the IDF footage, their video has to be of the same event, which is impossible given points 1 and 2.
4. If it is not of the same event, and the Hezbollah video was shot the next day, then that does not disprove anything, since they could have shown up, and started clearing debris while filming themselves. This would also account for the presence of the Leb. Military and UNIFIL since Hezbollah gave them access to the explosion site several hours after the explosion, after they had removed various items.
5. The IDF video shot shortly after the explosion shows Hezbollah cordoning off the area, loading items which could be a missile onto a truck and then driving the trucks 4km away to a known Hezbollah arms depot in another village. After they were done clearing the house, they let UNIFIl and the Leb Military enter the area.
6. a couple of questions:
-If they were not clearing the area of weapons, why would they have sealed off the area?
-why would they have transfered the objects (whatever they may have been) to known weapons depot?
-and why would they have gone through the trouble of making this video when it is so blatantly proves nothing?
Unfortunately as of right now the mainstream sources are reporting it as a "he said she said" story, without actually looking at the two videos, comparing them and checking with the timeline of events (i.e. the fact that the explosion occurred at night).
What we have here is Hezbollah releasing a video of "garbage collectors" removing detritus from the bomb site, calling it proof that the IDF allegations are false, and the MSM reporting it as a credible refutation.
Jeff Jacoby has, as always, a must-read: Peace vs. the 'peace process'
...Unlike his recent predecessors, Obama has gone out of his way to signal a distinct coolness toward Israel and its interests. At a White House meeting with the leaders of American Jewish organizations in July, he suggested that because there had been "no daylight" between Israel and the United States when George W. Bush was president, there had been "no progress" toward peace.
In fact, there had often been "daylight" between Washington and Jerusalem during the Bush years. There had been plenty of movement too, from the adoption of the Roadmap to the Israeli "disengagement" from Gaza to the final-status negotiations that followed the Annapolis conference.
Still: Obama was right when he said there had been no progress toward Arab-Israeli peace under Bush. Nor had there been any under Clinton. Nor, as things stand now, will there be any under Obama...
...Diplomacy cannot settle the Arab-Israeli conflict until the Palestinians abandon their anti-Israel rejectionism. US policy should be focused, therefore, on getting them to abandon it. The Palestinians must be put "on notice that benefits will flow to them only after they prove their acceptance of Israel. Until then -- no diplomacy, no discussion of final status, no recognition as a state, and certainly no financial aid or weapons."...
Speaking of the peace process, last night I saw one of the other analysts who consistently churn out indispensable material, Barry Rubin. His theme was very similar to Jacoby's and I should have video shortly.
A different world...of hurt:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Yaakov Kirschen will be in the Boston area next Monday.
I thought I'd draw your attention to a few events upcoming that might be of interest to readers in the area. After a long summer of not much going on, there's a lot on the schedule for October all of a sudden. I try to keep the Event Calendar populated as I receive things. Here are a few highlights. There are more details on the calendar, and more events as well that I'm not mentioning. And, by the way, all the information is thought to be correct at the time of posting, but may change without notice. I also guess as to the end time most of the events, putting it at a point 2 hours after the start of most events if not noted in the event announcement. If you see something interesting, go track it down on the sponsor's site to confirm the details, especially if you have to travel far. I also realize the formatting isn't great, but you should be able to glean the necessary info.
Tomorrow, Oct. 14 at 7:45pm, the amazing Barry Rubin will be at Congregation Beth El - Atereth Israel, 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre with a talk entitled 'ISRAEL AND THE US: A NEW ERA? How Western Policies are Heading for Disaster in the Middle East'.
On Thursday the 15, Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor will be at Temple Israel, 477 Longwood Avenue Boston at 7:15pm and...
JoAnn Magnuson and Esther Levens will be at Ahavath Torah Congregation 1179 Central Street, Stoughton, discussing Building Christian-Jewish Understanding and Pro-Israel Partnerships, at 7:30pm.
This weekend, at The Head of the Charles, the Israeli Consulate will have a table. They send the following along (this is the only thing not on the event calendar because it's a weekend-long thing):
Please join us for Israel's first ever appearance at the "Head of the Charles" regatta where we'll be holding a raffle for a free trip to Israel, and giving away tons of free gifts! The "Head of the Charles" is the largest regatta in the world, drawing over 300,000 spectators including politicians, Olympic athletes, and celebrities. Don't miss this exciting opportunity!
We look forward to seeing you on October 17th and 18th.
A free trip to Israel! That might make me actually brave the crowds down at Harvard Square...OK, maybe not, but YMMV.
There are several great events on Sunday the 18th. Here are two:
Christians and Jews United for Israel will be holding their Genesis Awards at Temple Emeth, 194 Grove St., Chestnut Hill, MA starting at 3:30pm. Honorees include Esther Levens, Ron and Bev Gerstenberger, and Laliv Gal. Speakers include Pastor Ricardo Miranda, Charles Jacobs, Rev. William Adams, Pastor Scott Smith, and JoAnn Magnuson.
The Russian Jewish Community Federation will be holding their 5th Anniversary Charity Ball at Lombardo's in Randolph at 5:30pm. You can read all about this amazing event and their celebrity guests in this highly recommended Boston Globe article: Cry of liberty - Foundation will honor refuseniks whose 1970 attempted hijacking drew world attention to the Soviet Union's oppression of Jews
On Monday the 19th Yaakov Kirschen, Mr. Dry Bones, will be at Temple Emanuel, 385 Ward Street Newton, MA at 7pm.
I was alerted by a reader to a young Newton Congregation that might be of interest, Or Yisrael. They sound as though they are socially liberal, but perhaps not a "PAC for J Street and the Obama Administration," at least not in a knee-jerk way. They are also very pro-Israel (check the links on their site). They are having an open house Fri, October 23 at 7pm at The Meetinghouse at Andover Newton Theological School, 210 Herrick Road, Newton Centre (they don't have their own building). May be of interest to you Shul shoppers.
Finally, CJP is sponsoring a terrific-sounding event called "Israel in High Definition" on Sunday the 25th at the Florence & Chafetz Hillel House, Boston University, beginning at 12 and running until 7pm. The keynote is being done by Reverend Fumio Taku, President, Christians and Jews United for Israel, and there are breakout sessions being run by CAMERA, The David Project, the ZOA and many others.
More details on these and many other events on the Boston Event Calendar.
An open letter to Ambassador Michael Oren
Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street is complaining that Michael Oren won't be coming to J Street's conference next week. Poor thing.
Dear Mr. Ben-Ami,
Perhaps your plea would find more sympathy if your own group had not come on the scene with such sturm and drang, causing such fissures within the pro-Israel Jewish community. You couldn't have done a better job in causing splits among Israel supporters if you had tried. In fact, you did try. You came out swinging wildly, not caring what damage you did or who you hit. Your envy of AIPAC's success and funding couldn't have been more blatant, and your setting yourself up as "the AIPAC alternative" was a point of marketing you engaged in without regard to the damage your efforts would do to their important work. The community's pain was your profit.
Your aggressive self-promotion and sharp elbows for lobbying groups with far longer and more honorable track records has only been topped by the scandalous nature of your "we'll take money from anyone" fundraising efforts. The nature of your advisory board and their laughable pro-Israel bona fides are steadily being revealed in the press and on such sites as J Street Jive and elsewhere. Your conference will be keynoted by a long-time Israel foe. Your decision that Sarah Palin was a greater threat than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and to defend the staging of an anti-Semitic play call very seriously into question just how it is that you define "pro-Israel" and what serious place you think you play within the big tent of the Jewish Community.
And now, now, you have the audacity to whine that the Israeli Ambassador to the United States is going to be keeping his distance. That is rich. The Israeli government has made the difficult decision to do so because you and your reckless behavior have put them in this most difficult position.
You do not deserve a seat at the table with the rest of the community, and the Israeli Ambassador should not sit at yours.
SWAK - off.
Update: J Street Jive comes through with a mercilessly well done fisking: Let's Parse Ben Ami's Open Letter...
So good to know what the Europeans are funding:
...European Union Special Representative (EUSR) to the Middle East Peace Process Marc Otte explained as he toured an EU-funded police station in Bethlehem this week...
..."I know that a political solution include the resolution of other problems like refugees, Jerusalem, as east Jerusalem should become the capital of the Palestinian state. All that needs to be done...I think the honor of the police is to have started to be pioneer in creating the condition for that state," he continued...
Brazen and predictable. This is video related to the event yesterday concerning an explosion in southern Lebanon at a Hizballah arms cache. See the story: Lebanon: Shell caused blast at Hezbollah official's home. No, Hizballah is not supposed to have weapons anymore, guffawguffaw.
The IDF has posted video of the terrorist group trucking out the rest of the arms before UNIFIL and the Lebanese army arrive:
On October 12, 2009, there was an explosion at a Hezbollah weapons storehouse in Tayr Filsay, in southern Lebanon. This aerial footage, taken shortly after the explosion, shows Hezbollah operatives closing down the area around the warehouse, driving in two trucks and removing weaponry from the site. They then took the weapons to a known weapons storage facility in the center of the village of Dir a-Nahar about four kilometers away. Only after Hezbollah removed the weaponry did they allow UNIFIL and the Lebanese Army to enter the site of the explosion. The IDF has sumbitted the footage to UNIFIL to aid in their investigation of the incident.
Related: German Ship Transporting Arms for Iran [From Iran To Syria]
There's an excellent pair of posts by Adam Holland at Harry's Place concerning the glee with which Donald Bostrom's blood libel against the IDF which appeared in Sweden's Aftonbladet was greeted by certain members of the radical left/right like the odious Alison Weir, see: Blood Libel promoted by Counterpunch, Alison Weir and Alison Weir continues to promote blood libel. A fascinating read that really pulls the mask off the so-called "anti-Zionists," if you weren't already aware of what was underneath already.
Despair not. Laugh, yes, but despair? No.
The Nobel Committee has confirmed what you and I have been saying all along, that the United States of America is the indispensable nation.
We've always known it, but to have a group of anti-American European elite, effete leftists confirm it should bring a smile to our faces as it brings looks of shock and dismay to the other Euros not involved in the decision.
From their perspective, the Nobel Committee is exactly correct, in that the mere whimsy of the President of the United States can create a world with less tension. Think of the implications of such a view.
Imagine the POTUS, reclining in a chair, at an angle, behind a desk with a microphone sitting on it. Every few moments, he turns toward the mic and, without looking at it, nose slightly in the air, with a negligent wave of the hand makes a simple pronouncement before turning back toward the side wall...
"We respect the United Nations..."
"We will take a seat at the UN Human Rights Council..."
"We believe climate change is a grave threat..."
"We have been at times derisive toward Europe..."
"We are sorry..."
"We will push for peace in the Middle East and put more pressure on Israel than the Arabs..."
"We will stimy French belligerence toward Iran..."
"We are sorry again..."
"We will take the part of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro against Honduras..."
"We will re-configure missile defense in Eastern Europe..."
"We are still sorry..."
And on and on. Now, you and I can see that many of these things that place the concept if the international above our own national interest and experience actually pushes peace further away, but they don't see it that way. The Euros who voted for this thing worship in the halls of the international forum as a religious man enters a church. And like any church, it's the faith that matters. It's the ritual.
None of these things has born a lick of fruit one way or the other. There are no results, but it doesn't matter. Barack Obama, the indispensable man from the indispensable nation is reading from the hymnal, and that all that matters. Bingo, prize for him, sorrow and dismay from those anti-Americans who keep trying to tell themselves that America's place in the world is undeserved but who keep getting dragged back to reality by one thing or another.
And this time it was by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee! Perhaps the most unkindest cut of all.
Europe had an inferiority complex before George Bush, and it's still got one after George Bush, and this prize hasn't helped to heal THAT wound at all.
And don't worry about the prize itself. This award has done wonders to put before a wider audience what many of us have known for some time -- that the non-science prizes are a joke and a political gift, nothing more. Only now it's not just those of us on the right who know so! The others must necessarily have to either lose respect for the prize, or admit that the international order can't live without the United States. Brilliant!
So thank you Nobel Committee, and We're sorry about your #2 status.
Monday, October 12, 2009
At J Street Jive: J Street Dead in the Water. It makes it more difficult to make the pro-Israel case when the Israeli government itself doesn't accept your invitations.
And I love the sidebar feature over there "Meet the J Street Advisors." Quick, what J Street advisor said:
I can't help fearing that the Zionist enterprise will one day be seen to have done the Jewish people more harm than good. Our tenacious hold on this strip of homeland has become the scapegoat for the world's terrorism and this wouldn't be the case if we remained a people of the diaspora.
But don't hold it against me! Via Ed Morrissey (who also posts the transcript):
Either we're going to commit to doing the job right there, or we've got to wind the thing down as soon as possible. No matter which way you turn there are political consequences and unknown unknown risks that will cost lives and turn the wheel of history. George Bush faced it. Time for Mr. Obama to make a decision.
More at Hot Air.
Excellent piece from James Woolsey in the Wall Street Journal: The Ugly Premise of 'Settlement' Opponents - About 20% of Israel is Arab. Would it be a tragedy if 10% of future Palestine is Jewish?
At the Aspen Institute's Ideas Festival this past July, Salam Fayyad, acting prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, spoke enthusiastically about the rule of law in a future Palestine. I asked him whether the same rights would be available to Jewish citizens of a Palestinian state that are available to the over one million Arab citizens of Israel. Could they enjoy freedom of religion and speech, and be able to vote for real representatives in a real legislature? Most importantly, would they be able to sleep at night without worrying that someone might kick down the door and kill them?
Mr. Fayyad responded: "I'm not someone who will say that they would or should be treated differently than Israeli Arabs are treated in Israel. In fact, the kind of state that we want to have, that we aspire to have, is one that would definitely espouse high values of tolerance, coexistence, mutual respect and deference to all cultures, religions. No discrimination whatsoever, on any basis whatsoever. Jews, to the extent they choose to stay and live in the state of Palestine, will enjoy those rights and certainly will not enjoy any less rights than Israeli Arabs enjoy now in the state of Israel."
Such a policy would mark a substantial change from the Palestinian Authority's first law adopted in 1994: the death penalty for any Palestinian who sells land to Jews. Over 100 Palestinians have died, under sentence or extrajudicially, for such sales in the last 15 years, including one last May. The Fatah (Mr. Fayyad's party) charter foresees a Palestine that is free of Jews. And recently Fatah demanded that Israel give up all of Jerusalem before it would begin negotiations on a two-state solution.
But suppose Mr. Fayyad's statement marks a tentative turn away from these positions?
The Obama administration seems determined to discourage any such shift...
Read the rest. It's such a basic set of premises. Key phrase: "Defining deviancy down."
There's a little tidbit of information more about that military exercise Turkey canceled out on due to Israeli participation in the event in this article on the subject: Israel: Turkey calls off joint air force drill. It's a little tangled, but it looks like the event has been canceled outright as the US has declined to participate due to the Israeli disinvitation:
...Israeli defense officials said Ankara canceled the drill after the U.S. pulled out over the Turkish decision to exclude Israel. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter with the media...
Good for the US, but it's certainly an ominous signal from Turkey.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
There's an excellent new web site for understanding virtually all the issues behind the United Nations Human Rights Council's Goldstone Report: The Goldstone Report. The effort has been spearheaded by Richard Landes, but includes contributions from a wide variety of experts of various stripes (see the site for details) with analysis and links to commentary. It's under construction still, but looking pretty good. Spread it around.
Absolutely superb Krauthammer. He pegs it: Decline Is a Choice - The New Liberalism and the end of American ascendancy. He summarizes what so many of us are fighting against, just trying to get through these next four years before too much damage is done.
There's some great video of The Hudson Institute's event: U.S.-Israeli Relations at a Crossroads? Challenges to the Special Relationship. Click in the upper right corner for audio & video clips and watch Michael Oren's address, then watch the video for the panel "The War of Narratives." The panel features Aaron David Miller, Douglas Feith, Daniel Levy, and Robert Lieber. Watch the whole thing, but if you want to skip straight to the fireworks, watch Daniel Levy of the New America Foundation and pusher of the Geneva Accord, then watch Robert Lieber step out of character (the type of detached sort of demeanor people usually maintain on these things) and rip Daniel Levy a new one.
Levy is out there not only pushing discredited ideas (did these Geneva Accord people learn nothing from Oslo) and attacking far smarter people who disagree with them, but he's actively undermining Israeli democracy. Notice when he starts talking about the dysfunctional political system there and goes on about the need for America to force solutions on Israel. This is a guy whose political allies couldn't manage to convince a significant number of the Israeli voters to put them back into positions of power (NOT just the right fringe, but the mainstream of Israeli voters) and he just can't get over it, so, democracy having failed him, he goes abroad to get a great power to force his fellow citizens to what he wants. Daniel Levy is not a democrat.
A lovely day today at The Fair. My recommendation is always to get there early and get the hell out of there once the crowds start to really gather. In previous years I brought you racing pigs (sorry, the video doesn't work, I'll have to fix that). From my day today I bring you the high dive. This was actually pretty impressive. I don't think the picture does the height any justice. This is two photos strung together:
A close up: Note the flag, the wind was really blowing:
Let's go to the video tape (fairly low res):
The announcer dude kept calling this an "All American High Dive Team," but this dude was from Portugal. Figure that one out. I guess he's in America NOW.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
"Pilot for the Lone Ranger TV Series. September 15th 1949."
Remember when they wouldn't let Clayton Moore wear his mask? That worked out well.
Some pretty sweet footage:
Not a bad way to make a living.
This is from Harry's Place.
It is absolutely hysterical and discusses The Great Success of The Toronto Film Festival Boycott of Israel, which no doubt will discourage Jews from making movies and also laughing.
Of course right:)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sri Lanka still:
Economist: Sri Lanka's internally displaced - A view framed by barbed wire: "The fate of a quarter of a million interned Tamils is poisoning Sri Lanka's hopes of ethnic reconciliation"
The Human Rights Council back in May: An update on Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka last night scored a major propaganda coup when the UN human rights council praised its victory over the Tamil Tigers and refused calls to investigate allegations of war crimes by both sides in the final chapter of a bloody 25-year conflict. In a shock move, which dismayed western nations critical of Sri Lanka's approach, the island's diplomats succeeded in lobbying enough of its south Asian allies to pass a resolution describing the conflict as a "domestic matter that doesn't warrant outside interference".
Priorities. The continuing and growing irrelevance of international institutions continues apace.
[h/t: BL4I]
Haim Saban. It could happen. The Judaization of world media proceeds apace.
...If the President were a serious man...
Krauthammer, appropriately written on the day that Obama became Prince of the World: Young Hamlet's Agony
The genius of democracy is the rotation of power, which forces the opposition to be serious -- particularly about things like war, about which until Jan. 20 of this year Democrats were decidedly unserious.
When the Iraq war (which a majority of Senate Democrats voted for) ran into trouble and casualties began to mount, Democrats followed the shifting winds of public opinion and turned decidedly antiwar. But needing political cover because of their post-Vietnam reputation for weakness on national defense, they adopted Afghanistan as their pet war.
"I was part of the 2004 Kerry campaign, which elevated the idea of Afghanistan as 'the right war' to conventional Democratic wisdom," wrote Democratic consultant Bob Shrum shortly after President Obama was elected. "This was accurate as criticism of the Bush administration, but it was also reflexive and perhaps by now even misleading as policy."
Which is a clever way to say that championing victory in Afghanistan was a contrived and disingenuous policy in which Democrats never seriously believed, a convenient two-by-four with which to bash George Bush over Iraq -- while still appearing warlike enough to fend off the soft-on-defense stereotype.
Brilliantly crafted and perfectly cynical, the "Iraq war bad, Afghan war good" posture worked. Democrats first won Congress, then the White House. But now, unfortunately, they must govern...
Read it all, as they say...
The devolution of America into a dithering, Euro-weenian (new word), surrender-pot that's managed to put the weakness of democracy on full display by putting true politicians in charge of war fighting (it need not be so) proceeds apace.
You rock! Now you just need an entertainment center, selection of video gaming consoles and games to play on them, BluRay player and selection of discs. Just sayin'...
A busy day, so so many electrons have always been slaughtered in the name of International Peace, but where would I be without at least one post on this most remarkable of all subjects.
Personally, I heard someone say something on the radio this morning and go right to break. I thought it must be a joke, so I switched stations, figuring that if it were true then everyone would be talking about it. Sure enough, they were. So I thought, "For what?"
Apparently the answer is, For just being Him. It's a little bit embarrassing, isn't it? I mean, do you think the people in the White House are saying, "Hey Europe, don't do us any more favors for awhile, OK?" Eh, OK, probably not, but they should.
Twitter is abuzz with snappy one-liners, the ink is being spilled by the gallon...
Have fun with it, because everyone else is.
At least the science prizes still have some substance behind them...I think.
The Jimmy Carterization of Barack Obama continues apace...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Ari Shavit: Watch out for the Goldstoners: "...Nobody knows yet when the next war will break out. Maybe in a decade, maybe in a year, or maybe even next month. It is also not clear where the next war will erupt - perhaps on the Gaza border, perhaps the West Bank, or maybe in Jerusalem. But it is already clear what the next war's name will be - the Goldstone War. It will be the war brought upon us by the Goldstone report, Judge Goldstone and his Goldstoner followers..."
CAMERA: Is the Goldstone Report Escalating the Conflict?: "...The international media has been transfixed by the allegations made against Israel in the UN sponsored report. Its release comes at a time of increasing unrest, stoked by Israeli Arab and Palestinian leaders in the West Bank that has attracted little notice outside of Israel. In fact, in recent months, coverage of the situation in the West Bank has been cautiously upbeat reflecting optimistic reports by the World Bank and others of an improved economic and security situation..."
BUT, says Sever Plocker: Beware 'economic peace': "The statistics are clear and frightening: Every time the standard of living in the Palestinian parts of the West Bank reaches a new zenith, an Intifada breaks out and turns back the wheel. This was the case in 1987, this is what happened in 2000, and this may be happen now..."
BTW, is there any surprise that Sweden supports Goldstone report: "Sweden supports the Goldstone Commission's report into Operation Cast Lead, the country's foreign minister, Carl Bildt, said Thursday..."
On the general issue of the abuse of International Law to fight the war against Israel, Alan Dershowitz writes: The Hypocrisy of "Universal Jurisdiction": "...So let there be a legal proceeding -- a fair one in an objective forum -- in which Israel's policies are tested against those of other countries. The end result would be that Ehud Barak and Moshe Yaalon will be able to hold their heads up high and walk through the streets of any western city in the full knowledge that what they have done meets and indeed exceeds every standard of international law applicable to their conduct."
Finally, another must-read from Elder of Ziyon: Goldstone plays pretend to the Jewish press
How annoying. But she and her co-signers of a letter to The New York Review of Books concerning the Toronto Film Festival gets quite a bit right: Israel critic Vanessa Redgrave slams Toronto Film Fest boycott
British actress Vanessa Redgrave - a well-known critic of Israel - has joined the controversy surrounding the Toronto Film Festival's decision to showcase Tel Aviv, according to the Jewish Chronicle.
Only this time, she is on Israel's side.
In a letter to the New York Review of Books co-signed by artist Julian Schnabel and playwright Martin Sherman, Redgrave defends the festival's choice to spotlight Tel Aviv and denounces those who have called for a boycott.
"We oppose the current Israeli government, but it is a government," Redgrave and her co-signatories wrote in their letter, "Freely elected. Not a regime. Words matter."
Redgrave and her co-signatories went on to say in their letter that the films being showcase in Toronto deserved applause and encouragment, precisely because they were created by Israeli troubled by their own government's actions..
Well of course she says that. But she's right. The vigorous exercise of free expression in Israel does highlight what's right about Israel. If that ever actually bought them anything, people like me might not be so turned off to it. Instead the other side simply eats the self-criticism and demands more. ("See? We said you were evil.") If that didn't happen, things might be different.
Here's the letter. In which, another good point (ugg):
...In their letter the protesters say that "Tel Aviv is built on destroyed Palestinian villages." True. [Well,that's not true, but read on. They rescue the point.] Just as much of America is built on obliterated Indian property. Are they implying that Tel Aviv should not exist? At least not in its present form? Which would mean that the State of Israel (the original State of Israel, not including the occupied territories) should not exist. Thousands of Palestinians have died through the years because the Israeli government, military, and part of the population fervently believe that the Arab states and, indeed, much of the world do not want Israel to exist. How then are we halting this never-ending cycle of violence by promoting the very fears that cause it?...
That's right! That's exactly it. And just imagine, if instead of building a terror infrastructure, Palestinians had taught their kids coexistence and built a state? What if their Arab neighbors had engaged with Israel rather than constantly threatening and launching wars? How would history have been different? Maybe some of us "right wingers" wouldn't hew to the positions we do. Maybe much of all this would have all been irrelevant.
What if busy-body idiot activists abroad had, instead of constantly agitating under the sub-text of removing the Zionist Project and ushering in the great Socialist Worker's Utopia, actually and sincerely pressed for a peaceful resolution?
What if Vanessa Redgrave actually has a point...somewhere...in there...that we can unearth? The mind boggles.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Of course they always do these things on a Saturday with purpose (in this case it's both Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret).
There's yet another group cropping up the Boston area dedicated to crushing the Jewish State in the name of the international Jihad and People's Revolution: the American Association for Palestinian Equal Rights (AAPER). Don't be fooled by the name. If they got their way, some Palestinians would quickly be more equal than others. In any case, they will be holding a "silent rally" and march through Brookline down to Trinity Church in Boston: Silent March for Palestinian Equal Rights. Silent! Thank the Lord for small blessings:
When: Saturday, October 10, 2009, 1:00 [pm]
Where: Coolidge Corner to Copley
I am writing to some of you for the first time and to others with new information about the American Association for Palestinian Equal Rights (AAPER). They have asked me (along with Paige Austin of the Kennedy School at Harvard) to help coordinate a Silent March in Boston on October 10 to call attention to the injustices faced by the Palestinian people. We need all of the help we can get...and that means people who would commit to walking with us...
...Our proposed route will be from Coolidge Corner in Brookline to Copley Square, in front of Trinity Church, where we will conclude with a silent vigil. During and after the vigil, people may feel free to leave the group to engage in conversations with onlookers and to continue to distribute flyers supplied by AAPER. I have attached a flyer to this email so that you can review it. AAPER is advocating a silent march because silence often gets more attention from onlookers; marches throughout the country should have a unified and dignified appearance. By joining this march, you are not giving up your rights to make other types of protest actions on other days, wherever you like...
The participants are the usual collection of radical leftists, more radical leftists, extra radical leftists, a few Jihadis using the radical leftists, and outright anti-Semites. It has been endorsed by...wait for it...Code Pink Boston!
An email circulated by Code Pink organizer Sarah Roche-Mahdi reveals that the route, location and day of the week are chosen with intent...and glee:
FYI CODEPINK Greater Boston (the now official name for what was temporarily Code Pink Cambridge) is pleased as pink to announce that at its first meeting, September 23,it endorsed the AAPER Silent March October 10, after the eloquent presentation by Kathy Felgran, Paige Austin, and Roberta Koffman. GO KATHY! Righteous, vivacious Sister...
The effect of a silent march through the (mostly but not entirely) liberal Jewish neighborhood on the Sabbath with a banner saying Freedom and Equality for Palestine! should be strikng indeed...
What joy! What glee! You stick it to them Jews, sister pink! And don't worry, you'll look fine for your pictures in those pink blouses.
The good news is that there will be a counter-march (a "March for Truth") to coincide with the event, organized (as far as I know at this time) by local activists along with CJUI (Christians and Jews United for Israel) and perhaps other groups, so there will be friends inside, and outside as the goons pass the Brookline Synagogues. The AAPER/Code Pink creeps are requesting a $20 registration fee, but all you have to do is show up at the time and place above (actually, show a few minutes early) and look for friends if you'd like to participate.
A little announcement from our friends down in Stoughton:
Stoughton's Ahavath Torah Congregation will have a program featuring two veteran Zionist, one Christian and the other Jewish, activists
Thursday, October 15, 7:30 PM.
Ahavath Torah Congregation will host:
- JoAnn Magnuson, VP, Office of the National Director for Bridges for Peace in the USA, and
- Esther Levens, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI), a coalition of more than 200 organizations to educate Americans and others about Israel, the Middle East and radical Islam
on Thursday, October 15 at 7:30 PM. Their topic will be: Building Christian-Jewish Understanding and Pro-Israel Partnerships: The Nexus between the Holocaust and Israelphobia in today's world.
More information, including speaker bios, on the Events Calendar.
From Eye on the UN:
The UN Fact-finding Report on Gaza: 21st Century Blood Libel
The Goldstone Report was commissioned by the UN Human Rights Council following Israel's military action in Gaza. The Council's objective was the political defeat of Israel by gutting any lawful exercise of the country's right of self-defense.
The Council set a mandate to focus only on Israel and its predetermined violations of international law. The Council selected investigators who had already publicly expressed the view that Israel was guilty.
This video contains footage of the Council's consideration of the Goldstone report. Lining up to congratulate Goldstone are some of the world's leading human rights abusers. They understood the report as granting a license to declare Israel guilty of a "holocaust," "concentration camps," "genocide," and "crimes against humanity."
Also in the video are statements by Israel's accusers which illustrate the political agenda behind the Goldstone mission.
The video includes Anne Bayefsky's response to Goldstone during his "dialogue" with states and non-governmental organizations at the Council, and Goldstone's Israel/South African apartheid analogy as an answer to her cricitism. While the President of the Human Rights Council castigates Bayefsky for her remarks, he has no difficulty thanking Israel's attackers for their hate-filled demonization of the Jewish state.
Great concluding minute.
So says that story in the North Shore Jewish Journal: Consul General Reaches Out to Constituents After Memo Flap
The uproar over Israeli Consul General Nadav Tamir's leaked three-page memo in which he criticizes the Netanyahu government blew over more than a month ago, but the Consul General of New England is taking pains to make amends with his local constituents.
"It is unfortunate that a cable gets leaked," Tamir told the Journal in a recent interview. "It was supposed to be between us (diplomats) and our superiors. We have a lot of debates in order to improve our policies."...
...While the liberal Boston Jewish leadership defended and supported Tamir, conservatives blasted him. Boston's Russian Jewish community in a scathing letter printed in the Russian Jewish Telegraph requested that Tamir -- who was summoned back to Israel to answer to his superiors -- be recalled from Boston.
Tamir, who returned from Israel with his job intact, declared that he was never worried about being transferred out of Boston even though the controversy occupied the front pages of newspapers, TV stations and websites from Boston to Israel.
In his interview with the Jewish Journal, Tamir asserted that he respects both the conservative and liberal camps.
"I know they all care deeply about Israel. I want to reach out to Jews wherever they are in New England," including the Russian Jewish community, he said. "I still see myself as their Consul General and I serve them with love."...
For previous posts here on the flap, see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
I was also contacted by this reporter and spoke to her after she had posted the above.
For full disclosure, I had lunch with the Consul and a couple of his staff people about a week ago. He was perfectly diplomatic and pleasant and claimed he didn't want to discuss the matter of the leaked memo, though he did when I pushed it. He also claimed not to care if I wanted to criticize him in the future -- "We're a democracy. I can take criticism." So clearly he's trying to mend bridges since he's still got a job to do here. The left/right battle is a bitter one, made more bitter by the politicization of Americans' support for Israel by certain parties which some of us are not going to forget. Tamir stepped into the middle of it (intentionally or not), and there are still those not ready to forget that, either. I do salute his efforts, but I will continue to criticize his office's actions where appropriate.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
In its decades-long history of covering up for Palestinian, Islamist incitement, The New York Times has published what is, without doubt, its puffiest, puff piece in last week's Magazine section. Almost invariably, the Times authors have displayed Jewish names, but that's where the identification ends.
Deborah Sontag, the Times lead reporter for Israel and the Palestinian territories for nearly a decade, pushed story after story on Israeli perfidy in the 2000 Camp David negotiations. Feeding her his agenda and talking points was none other than Rob Malley, Palestinian partisan and erstwhile advisor to the Obama administration. It had been Malley's (and Sontag's) contention that the chief blame for the breakdown in those negotiations must be laid at the feet of Israel and Ehud Barak, the left wing Prime Minister at the time. Contradicted by President Clinton and his Middle East Envoy, Dennis Ross, who categorically dismissed Malley's charges, documenting Arafat's failure to even counter the incredibly generous offers by Israel at Camp David and later at Taba, the Times persisted in siding with Malley and the Palestinians.
The apotheosis of Sontag's biased reporting came in 2002 with her up-close-and-personal article on Hamas "militants" inside Gaza in which she essentially performed the function of that group's PR agent. Abandoning any semblance of investigative journalism, she parroted the hate-filled rhetoric of her fanatical subjects.
There is a certain frisson for a person with a Jewish name venturing into "enemy territory", especially into territory that is demonstrably anti-Semitic and that has proven to be fatal to nearly every Jew who has ventured there. To any Jew, that is, except one who carries a New York Times business card. What a thrill it must have been for Ms. Sontag to have been whisked into Gaza City with Hamas' full knowledge that the "Jewess" would accept any and all calumnies against the Jewish State and turn them into a laudatory story. And that's just what she did.
Enter Samantha M. Shapiro, yet another person with a Jewish name, ready willing and able to do the Times' bidding.
Her story: Can the Muppets Make Friends on the West Bank?, is a snow-job of a piece on the wonders and cuddliness of Palestinian TV.
Ms. Shapiro's CV was tailor-made for the New York Times. Endlessly critical of traditional Judaism in articles for leftist magazines like Slate and Mother Jones, she possessed all the requisite anti-Israel credentials for her future employer. In one of those articles she rakes the ADL over the coals for suggesting that a surge in anti-Semitism may be on the horizon (FBI hate crimes statistics for years report that American Jews are 5 times more likely to be the target of a religiously motivated hate crime than American Muslims). Inexplicably, that relevant data did not make it into her story. Shades of the memorable Nation magazine's 2003 cover story on "The Myth of the New Anti-Semitism."
Claiming Deborah Sontag's mantle, Samantha Shapiro has produced a carefully uninvestigative piece on Palestinian TV's adaptation of Sesame Street to the annihilationist goals of the Intifada. It amounts to another notch in the New York Times' pistol aimed at the heart of The Jewish State.
What could be more innocent and educational than Palestinian Arabs walking hand in hand with Kermit and Miss Piggy (oops, sorry no swine allowed here) through the benign streets of Ramallah? As she proceeds with her bowdlerizing tour of the Palestinian TV studio, she writes:
"...the Muppets Karim and Haneen would encounter (sad) Saleem while playing hide-and-seek. ...so they do funny things to make him forget he is sad."
How charming -- except, unlike the Israeli version of Sesame Street, whose thrust is to extol peaceful coexistence and tolerance for Arab culture -- the Palestinian version has banned Jewish children from its series. To her infinitesimal credit, Ms. Shapiro does acknowledge this fact but sugar-coats it by saying,
"The Palestinians didn't want to show Israel's flag or state colors or kids wearing yarmulkes."
The suggestion is clear -- Palestinians don't hate Jews, just their national colors.
Like her innumerable Times predecessors with Jewish names, she "understands" Palestinian "frustration" with Jewish checkpoints and "separation" barriers (as she calls the defensive fence and wall, never mentioning terrorism as the only reason for its construction).
There should be a new Columbia Journalism School Silver Baton Award for "Obfuscation, Omission and Advocacy" presented to "journalists" like Ms. Shapiro.
Unlike herself, she writes, "the Israeli production staff refused to travel to Ramallah even for informal visits -- they feared for their safety", implying a groundless fear obstructing cooperation with their Unitarian-like Palestinian counterparts. Forget about the scores of innocent Jews butchered for simply appearing in Palestinian areas. Perhaps they would be alive had they "refused" to go there.
Palestinian propagandists are no fools. They roll out the red carpet for that New York Times logo -- and they double its width if the reporter happens to have a Jewish name.
Perhaps the most disingenuous part of Shapiro's piece occurs when she writes of Palestinian children:
"But there is very little programming created with them in mind."
This assertion, while perfectly reasonable to loyal New York Times readers, becomes a howler for anyone who is aware of the decades of Palestinian TV aimed directly at children, advocating suicide bombings against Jews, Disney characters with genocide on their minds, happy mice who want to liberate Jerusalem with Jewish blood and smiling bees who are desirous of killing Jewish children. Rather than cite these blatantly anti-Semitic shows, she muffles the message by incorrectly attributing them to "Al Aqsa TV" and by only mentioning distasteful -- but, apparently, palatable ones to her readers:
"Why it is bad to speak English and good to memorize the whole Koran; how the Danes are infidels who should be killed. Occasionally an animal character will die as a martyr for Palestine."
To willfully omit these disgraceful and pervasive shows on PA TV should be enough to get Shapiro fired, but in the high advocacy world of the Times, she will probably get a raise.
All the Arabs she interviews could have stepped right out of an American Friends Service Committee pot luck dinner. She describes Daoub Kuttab, inveterate PLO leader, as "a big, gentle man whose suit pants are perpetually rumpled". Never mind that Kuttab is an advocate of a Palestinian unity movement embracing Hamas. What a gentle guy indeed.
The next time you tune in to Palestinian Sesame Street you might see Elmo planting a bomb next to Big Bird. But then again, as the Times piece says, "Kids have to dream."
Update 10-10-09 by Solomon: I received the following email from Times reporter Samantha Shapiro:
I read with interest your blog post on my recent article about Palestinian Sesaem Street. There are several factual errors in your summary of my work and I am wondering if you could please correct them:
1. I have never written about Judaism or Israel for Mother Jones Magazine.
2. In Slate magazine, I didn't write a piece criticizing traditional Judaism; rather I wrote a piece explaining the woes that had befallen Conservative Judaism, which is considered a liberal denomination of Judaism.
3. It seems innaccurate to say that I have been "endlessly critical" of traditional Judaism. Here are two examples of pieces I have written about tradtional Judaism:
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Stavis responds:
Correction: In her articles Samantha M. Shapiro has written for Slate and Mother Jones she has not "endlessly" criticized traditional Judaism. I apologize for the mischaracterization.
It's from an Arab news source via Al Jazeera, but it sounds extremely plausible: Video led to PA stance on Goldstone
A videotape is behind the decision by the Palestinian Authority to delay the vote on a UN report accusing Israel of war crimes during its offensive on the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian news agency has reported.
Quoting what it called reliable sources, Shahab news agency said on Tuesady that PA representatives at a meeting in Washington had initially rejected Israel's request not to endorse the report and were determined to stick to this position.
But, the agency added, Brigadier Eli Avraham played a videotape showing a meeting between Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, and Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister. The meeting was also attended by Tzipi Livni, Israel's former foreign minister.
The video showed Abbas trying to convince Barak to continue the war on Gaza, while Barak looked hesitant, although Livni appeared to be in support of the plan, Shahab quoted its sources as saying....
...Shahab also reported that Avraham played an audiotape of a telephone call between Dov Weissglas, the director of the Israeli chief of staff bureau, and al-Tayyib Abdul Rahim, secretary-general of the Palestinian presidency.
In the conversation, Abdul Rahim says that circumstances were suitable for entry of the Israeli army into Jabalya and al-Shatea refugee camps, and adds that the fall of these two camps would end Hamas's rule in Gaza Strip, Shahab says.
Weissglas then told Abdul Rahim that this operation would lead to the death of thousands of civilians, but, according to Shahab, Abdul Rahim said: "They have all elected Hamas, so they are the ones who have chosen their fate, not us."
Shehab says that the Israeli delegation threatened the PA representatives that it would present the recorded material to the UN and news organisations, forcing the delegation to accept Israel's request to delay the vote on the report...
Very plausible, given that the Arabs have often played Israel against each other, and the West has played Israel against the Arabs and everyone denies they put Israel up to anything. You think Israel arrests all those Hamas guys without coordination from the other side?
It's too bad that this comes out now, since the leverage goes away when the secret is out, but it sure is interesting.
Carl in Jerusalem has an interesting letter from someone in South Africa about the situation for Jews in Judge Goldstone's homeland: The South African Jewish Community in the post-Goldstone era. Very interesting anecdotal material as you feel the push to either the ghetto or the dhimmi afraid to take one's own part in an argument.
It's appeasement all the way and the "realists" have come home to roost in a leftist administration. Who would have believed it, but standing up for American values in the international arena seems to have become a "neocon" exclusive product. I'm sure they'd be willing to share the patent if Obama would be willing to buy.
The Administration has [Cut] Off Funding for Iranian Human-Rights Documentation:
I've got to say, even for the Obama administration, this is a real shocker.
The Clinton State Department has decided to cut off all funding for the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC), which was compiling lists of protestors imprisoned in this summer's unrest, as well as those who were killed in the crackdown.
IHRDC is what human-rights advocates should be: methodical, precise, and apolitical in their work. And yet, the Obama administration has, without explanation, cut off all federal funding to the group which has consistently fulfilled its mandate...
Of course in the power calculation of an oppressive regime and its oppressed citizens, the math says make nice with the regime and screw the citizens. Math is a soulless science, but politics isn't, and neither are interest politics when they involve a nation, like the United States, that actually stands for something.
Ed Morrissey says "It's a setup for appeasement." It's more than a setup.
And Glenn says They're planning a sellout, and data on what the Iranians are doing to their protesters would make it more embarrassing.. He links Bret Stephens' future history in today's Wall Street Journal. It's plausible.
Dozens of times, in fact. Why Judge Richard Goldstone doesn't know this is beyond me. Elder also takes apart some of Goldstone's other foolish answers. See the link.
Via Five Feet of Extremely Vigorous Anger, I highly recommend the video of Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant testifying before the Canadian Parliament's Justice and Human Rights Committee concerning their experience with the infamous Section 13 matter both of them have been persecuted under. This is a cautionary tale for Americans to understand so that we can avoid the sort of free speech defiling regulations that anti "hate speech" legislation inevitably becomes. You can watch the entire testimony of these two extremely articulate men at Levant's blog, here.
What's also interesting is the feeling one gets that these MP's they're testifying before are really all about preserving their own jobs, power and relevance and that these hazy regulations give something for they, and their family members who may also draw salaries serving on the various commissions, to hang their hats and draw their salaries from. Preserving useless regulations are part of preserving their own relevance.
Monday, October 5, 2009
A surface-to-air intercept missile fires from a Rolling Airframe Missile launcher aboard USS Green Bay (LPD 20) Sept. 29, 2009, while off the coast of Hawaii. Green Bay is conducting combat system ship qualification trials, which are a series of at-sea tests to evaluate combat readiness. (DoD photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Larry Carlson, U.S. Navy/Released)
So says the JPost. How will they pull this one off?
...John Ging, UNRWA's director of operations in the Strip, said any human rights course would be incomplete without a discussion of the Holocaust.
"No human-rights curriculum is complete without the inclusion of the facts of the Holocaust, and its lessons," Ging told Britain's The Independent. He said he was "confident and determined" the Holocaust would be included in the new curriculum. But it will only be a part of the lessons, which will touch on genocide in Rwanda, the apartheid regime in South Africa, ethnic cleansing in the Balkans and the "Nakba," or Palestinian "day of catastrophe."...
Of course! Using the Holocaust to perpetuate a sense of Arab grievance. Perfect.
Worry not, Gaza, I have absolute faith in John Ging and UNRWA's ability to absolutely pinch the Jewish particularity, the deep content, the historical significance, the moral weight and the cosmic significance out of the Holocaust like a duck going through a French press.
And quite right. They had a fundraising event for George Galloway's Viva Palestina Hamas-support show at UCI back in May, and the Zionist Organization of America has gotten law enforcement involved: Responding To ZOA Complaints, UC Irvine Refers Muslim Student Group's Troubling Activities To Law Enforcement Officials And Begins Internal Investigation. Well worth reading for those who want to see how a Zionist organization that fights, works.
They did the same thing around here back in July. See previous: Tonight at Andala Cafe in Cambridge: Flirting With a Material Support for Terror Charge? They also had a public rally and leafleting event in downtown Boston: Egyptian Impediments To Gaza Aid Convoy Draws Criticism From Boston Activists. I'm sure the UCI event was far more fun and interesting. The stuff around here featured all the usual suspects, mostly aging pinkos and semi-professional leftists. Here are a few photos from that event:
Well it was too good to be true.
Meir Javedanfar, writing at The Guardian, says many of the supporting facts just aren't true as stated, and it sounds pretty convincing (as convincing as the original evidence at least): Ahmadinejad has no Jewish roots
...Professor David Yeroshalmi, author of The Jews of Iran in the 19th century and an expert on Iranian Jewish communities, disputes the validity of this argument. "There is no such meaning for the word 'sabour' in any of the Persian Jewish dialects, nor does it mean Jewish prayer shawl in Persian. Also, the name Sabourjian is not a well-known Jewish name," he stated in a recent interview. In fact, Iranian Jews use the Hebrew word "tzitzit" to describe the Jewish prayer shawl. Yeroshalmi, a scholar at Tel Aviv University's Center for Iranian Studies, also went on to dispute the article's findings that the "-jian" ending to the name specifically showed the family had been practising Jews. "This ending is in no way sufficient to judge whether someone has a Jewish background. Many Muslim surnames have the same ending," he stated.
Upon closer inspection, a completely different interpretation of "Sabourjian" emerges. According to Robert Tait, a Guardian correspondent who travelled to Ahmadinejad's native village in 2005, the name "derives from thread painter - sabor in Farsi - a once common and humble occupation in the carpet industry in Semnan province, where Aradan is situated". This is confirmed by Kasra Naji, who also wrote a biography of Ahmadinejad and met his family in his native village. Carpet weaving or colouring carpet threads are not professions associated with Jews in Iran.
According to both Naji and Tait, Ahmadinejad's father Ahmad was in fact a religious Shia, who taught the Quran before and after Ahmadinejad's birth and their move to Tehran. So religious was Ahmad Sabourjian that he bought a house near a Hosseinieh, a religious club that he frequented during the holy month of Moharram to mourn the martyrdom of Imam Hossein...
Hey, it was fun while it lasted.
James Taranto jokes:
...Meir Javedanfar argues in London's Guardian that the claim is a myth, and we must confess we are a bit skeptical. Sabourjian sounds to us like an Armenian name to us. This revelation may end up complicating Tehran's relations with Ankara.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I've posted links to the ALG/NBC "Bite Me Jew Boy" email fracas twice now, here and here. It's been clear since the start that a data forensics expert could pretty easily get into the server logs and determine to a reasonable certainty who's telling the truth here, so long as everyone cooperates. Whoever doesn't cooperate has something to hide.
It's starting to look, sadly, that it's ALG that isn't interested in going any farther with the matter, and that doesn't smell good. There is a person's reputation at stake.
I suggest reading Scott Graves' post here: ALG Leveled a Serious Charge. Now it's Time to Prove it. I think he nails it and I agree with the scenarios he laid out. [via Politico]
Saturday, October 3, 2009
They knew how to do TV in those days. The Rifleman:
This video will come as a surprise for many of you in other parts of the country, especially for those who are always asking, "How the hell can you people up there in Massachusetts keep voting for people like Ted Kennedy?" I guess "surprise" isn't quite the right word...shock that this is how someone runs for a state wide office in Mass is more like. Yes, Mike Capuano is running as a Ted Kennedy 2 and promising to spend ALL your money and engineer ALL your social relationships. Massachusetts needs an intervention:
Just a little gaming-geek news side note. Actually, Third Wire posted them about a month ago, which maybe means the game (an update to the Wings Over Israel) may be coming close to release? We can hope!
Actually, they're on their Facebook fan page, here. Everyone's on Facebook, right?
Things sure have come a long way since subLogic's Flight Simulator on the TRS-80. Yikes.
He's not young any more, but Kevin Hermening was at the time a young Marine guard held for 444 days as a "guest of the Ayatollahs." Michael Ledeen interviews him in three parts at PJTV starting here: Held Hostage in Iran, A Firsthand Account of the 1979 Hostage Crisis, Part 1. Here are Part 2 and Part 3, also accessible below the video.
No, not a joke. The Telegraph sounds pretty sure, actually. If true, the great Jew-hater of our generation is as Jewish as Karl Marx and a lot of other such people whose parents converted out of the faith -- actually more Jewish than Marx, since Mahmoud was actually born a Jew. As the article says, this explains much: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad revealed to have Jewish past
A photograph of the Iranian president holding up his identity card during elections in March 2008 clearly shows his family has Jewish roots.
A close-up of the document reveals he was previously known as Sabourjian - a Jewish name meaning cloth weaver.
The short note scrawled on the card suggests his family changed its name to Ahmadinejad when they converted to embrace Islam after his birth.
The Sabourjians traditionally hail from Aradan, Mr Ahmadinejad's birthplace, and the name derives from "weaver of the Sabour", the name for the Jewish Tallit shawl in Persia. The name is even on the list of reserved names for Iranian Jews compiled by Iran's Ministry of the Interior.
Experts last night suggested Mr Ahmadinejad's track record for hate-filled attacks on Jews could be an overcompensation to hide his past...
...A London-based expert on Iranian Jewry said that "jian" ending to the name specifically showed the family had been practising Jews.
"He has changed his name for religious reasons, or at least his parents had," said the Iranian-born Jew living in London. "Sabourjian is well known Jewish name in Iran."...
...The Iranian leader has not denied his name was changed when his family moved to Tehran in the 1950s. But he has never revealed what it was change from or directly addressed the reason for the switch.
Relatives have previously said a mixture of religious reasons and economic pressures forced his blacksmith father Ahmad to change when Mr Ahmadinejad was aged four...
...During this year's presidential debate on television he was goaded to admit that his name had changed but he ignored the jibe.
However Mehdi Khazali, an internet blogger, who called for an investigation of Mr Ahmadinejad's roots was arrested this summer...
So the Sabourjians changed their religion and their name under pressure to pass, and young "Mahmoud" has been overcompensating ever since. Amazing. He couldn't just get a nose job and a little plastic surgery? (Let's face it, the guy's a mess.)
The phenomenon of Jews denouncing other Jews and being their own worst critics (and I do mean worst) is a well known one, in history down to the present day -- whether it's those who profess to still identify with the faith, as with some members of Jewish Voice for Peace (most have long since substituted Marxism for their religion and simply live off genetics), those whose parents converted (as with Marx), or those who converted out themselves and now prove their bona fides by trashing their former co-religionists.
One thing's for sure, this is just more proof that there's something about those Jews -- always prime movers on every side of world-historical events and movements. In fact, maybe that's it! Ahmadinejad (nee Sabourjian) is just a ZIonist under deep cover, agitating for a war to bring about Iran's ultimate defeat and the massive expansion of Greater Israel's borders. Think about it, fever swampers.
The title of course refers to the fact that Adolf Hitler's name was almost "Schickelgruber" -- a far less marketable one than "Hitler." How might history have been different? "Heil Schickelgruber" just doesn't have that ring. Of course, Sabourjian is actually a lot easier on Western ears and tongues than is Ahmadinejad...
Oh, and Telegraph, about this part, "Mr Ahmadinejad has been consistently outspoken about the Nazi attempt to wipe out the Jewish race." You might actually want to put scare quotes around that "race" bit since there actually isn't any single Jewish one. That was just one of the many things Herr Schickelgruber had wrong.
Update: Here's a scan of the Telegraph print edition which has a closer-up view of the document:
This Birthright video has suddenly became highly topical:
Update: Welcome Power Line readers! Scott says, "If true, it's a shandah!"
Update: Hot Air (and others) note that the name change issue has been around for awhile, but wonders why the heck no one made a big noise about this connection before.
Iranian freedom activist Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi emails the same remark, and also notes:
...Ahmadinejad isn't the only covert from Judaism. THE most dangerous bloodthirsty psychopath, Habibollah Asgaroladi, the head of the Motalefeh party and his deputy Elias Eliasi are also newly Jewish converts to Islam...to say...they converted 35 years ago...
Snoopy also notes that there has been speculation for a time on this.
Crittenden says it's another line for Adam Sandler's Hannukah Song!
Update: Meir Javedanfar, writing at The Guardian, says it isn't true, and presents some pretty convincing-sounding evidence.
Friday, October 2, 2009
From The New Republic, here's a piece about a gynecologist from Ashkelon who was brutally wounded along with 100 other people when a rocket hit her clinic.
Notably she treated all people including many from Gaza.
How much weight did her testimony receive?
Read it and weep:
Accusing Judge Goldstone. The Accuser is a Facially Disfigured Gynecologist From Ashkelon.
Gaza is often compared to the Warsaw Ghetto by apologists for Palestinian violence.
This is both absurd and insulting, as well as deeply hurtful to the Jewish people or indeed any people with a sense of history, fairness and balance.
Amidst the controversy in the wake of the Goldstone report and its assumptions that Israel intended to punish the Palestinian people as a whole (despite the thousands of rocket and other terror attacks against Israeli civilians and contrary to all the evidence of warnings to the civilian population about the encroaching military action), perhaps it's well to read about the REAL Warsaw Ghetto and what happened to the people there.
Unlike the population of Gaza, which is growing rapidly, the Warsaw Ghetto was totally destroyed. Only a few people survived. Resistance against the Nazis wasn't "resistance".
It was literally a war for survival against a killing machine bent on the liquidation of entire peoples and the enslavement of a whole planet. It was a losing battle but the people were doomed anyway.
This is hardly the case with Gaza, indeed the proposed victims of liquidation are the Jews and the state of Israel.
Facts do matter. Facts are more important in the long run than "narratives" and regardless of all the Jew haters who are showing up on the Yahoo blog to complain about this article and propose that Israel should be destroyed and the land given to the Arabs, I think people should read this and hopefully get a grip:
Well if that don't just beat all. I mean, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. J Street certainly is redefining what it means to be "pro Israel" aren't they?
He's been praised by CAIR, and questioned by both the National Review and the National Jewish DEMOCRATIC Council. The Zionist Organization of America is less than thrilled with him. A mini-scandal erupted when rumor had it he was being considered as Obama's DefSec.
Shmuel Rosner notes that when there was speculation of an Independent Bloomberg-Hagel ticket, a HAARETZ panel concluded:
But what about Hagel? Here the answer is clear: if Bloomberg takes Hagel with him, the panel will no longer think he is a candidate favorable to Israel. Five of the panelists said such move will make them very uneasy with Bloomberg. Three of the panelists said it would not matter - but not one said it would make Bloomberg more appealing.
THIS GUY is the keynote speaker?
Ed Lasky has a lot of meat to dish on Hagel in this piece he wrote at American Thinker at the time of the SecDef rumors, including:
...Senator Hagel often appears before Arab-American groups to air his views regarding the Middle East. Among the gems of wisdom: support for Israel shouldn't be automatic.
He has also joined a chorus of people surrounding Barack Obama who have made derogatory remarks about the so-called Jewish Lobby.
Says Hagel: "The political reality is that... the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here." This audio should be heard to truly gauge his own feelings.
Google "Chuck Hagel and Israel" for a history of his views.
Note his use of the term "Jewish Lobby". There are many millions of Americans who are not Jewish, who are also active in supporting the American-Israel relationship...
J Street Jive takes note, and even has an (imagined) invitation: Was That Paul Findley I Spotted Near the Buffet Table?
Take note of the Congressional guest list. Don't forget it.
Oh, and speaking of ZOA, Morton Klein says: J Street should rescind its invitation to Al-Marayati
Oh, did I mention John Kerry is one of the other keynotes?
The only video known to exist, in fact:
July 22 1941. The girl next door is getting married. Anne Frank is leaning out of the window of her house in Amsterdam to get a good look at the bride and groom. It is the only time Anne Frank has ever been captured on film. At the time of her wedding, the bride lived on the second floor at Merwedeplein 39. The Frank family lived at number 37, also on the second floor. The Anne Frank House can offer you this film footage thanks to the cooperation of the couple.
Amazing that you can recognize her there most clearly. A few seconds. Remarkable and emotional.
[via Shawarma Mayor]
Boston's venerable Jewish Advocate again. Who's editing this thing now? Who's writing? A second page story about the two Israeli traitors who are touring the country making a living on undermining Israeli democracy abroad: Israeli women war resisters to speak at Brandeis (requires subscription -- and, yeah, don't get me started on Brandeis)
Maya Wind and Netta Mishly went to jail rather than serve in the Israeli Defense Forces. They will explain why Oct. 5 when they visit Brandeis University as part of a nationwide tour of college campuses.
Wind, a Jerusalem native, spent 40 days in military prison and Mishly, a Tel Aviv native, spent 20 days in jail.
"At first, like many other Israeli citizens, I too could not bring myself to confront or criticize the Israeli military's immoral actions," said Wind in a statement before going to jail. "I realize that this difficulty originated from my sense of identification with soldiers my own age. ... Today it is precisely this realization that leads me to refuse to serve. I cannot recognize the humanity of Israelis but not that of Palestinians."
The two women, both 19, were invited to campus by the Brandeis Students for Justice in Palestine. The same day the women will also appear at Harvard and Northeastern universities...
Am I imagining that at one time two such people, brought to campus by such a group, would have been treated as a shameful matter? That perhaps a paper like The JEWISH Advocate would have provided the context for readers to understand this, rather than giving them a straight-up second page bit of publicity? Is shame dead? Are we supposed to admire these girls for standing up for the wrong values and spreading lies? Or have we no values any longer? Can we no longer call a lie for what it is?
And look how this supposed Zionist newspaper treats anti-American and anti-Israeli leftist groups Code Pink and Jewish Voice for Peace:
...The resisters' appearance is cosponsored by Code Pink, a women's anti-war organization, and Jewish Voice for Peace, a human rights organization dedicated to stopping the conflict in the Middle East.
Sydney Levy, the campaign director for the San Francisco-based Jewish Voice for Peace, said Wind and Mishly were politicized by early experiences with violence. Wind attended school with rightwing settlers and witnessed a bus explosion.
"They came to conclusions that took me years of my life to come to at a very early age, and they are willing to pay a very heavy price," Levy said of the women.
That's where it ends. Code Pink and JVP couldn't have written it any better. Hey Jewish Advocate, you write about anti-Zionism like it's just another flavor of ice cream.
Australian General Jim Molan takes the tack that you would expect any real-world commander to take, pointing out the unreality (my word) that international law experts like Richard Goldstone inhabit. Read it all, but here's crux: UN's bias binds Gaza
...The Goldstone report is an opinion by one group of people putting forward their judgments, with limited access to the facts, and reflecting their own prejudices. The difference in tone and attitude in the report when discussing Israeli and Hamas actions is surprising.
I probably do not need to state for most readers that as a soldier who has run a war against an opponent not dissimilar to Hamas, facing problems perhaps similar to those faced by Israeli commanders, my sympathies tend to lie with the Israelis. I can hold and openly declare those prejudices even while I acknowledge that within institutions that may be overall just and moral, there can be individuals or small groups who act outside the law. They must be dealt with, and in my war, they were.
But having stated my prejudice, I think I may be more honest than Goldstone, who seems to pass off his prejudices in a report that cannot be based on fact, and uses judicial language and credibility to do so. It comes down to equality of scepticism: if you refuse to believe anything the Israelis say, then you have no right to unquestioningly accept what Hamas says.
Goldstone is a former chief prosecutor for war-crime tribunals on Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. Perhaps it is easier to come to a judicial decision with some integrity in such circumstances, than it is to examine the Israeli and Hamas roles in the last Gaza war. This kind of report, with all its biases, is one of the reasons why the US did not subject its military to the International Criminal Court. But Australia did.
As George Walden recently wrote in Britain's The Times, "Morality minus practicality is pious grandstanding, something best left to pop stars and theatre folk." And perhaps to the UN.
Since I live in the real world, and not the abstract one of a UN or university desk, whose side should I be on?
At least that's something. It does appear the young soldier is -- if not exactly carrying a lot of extra weight -- at least still alive. Our thoughts are with his family at this time.
Update: Switched to video with English subtitles. It makes you a little angrier understanding what they made the guy say, even though it's the usual predictable crap. [h/t: David Ohayon]
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Creative title, I know.
The incomparable Maurice Ostroff writes,
Carl in Jerusalem explains Why we won't listen to Goldstone by having an in-depth look at the portion of the report that discusses the Abu Halima family: "Sounds like Mr. Goldstone didn't get his homework right." At the Adelson Institute, Yossi Klein Halevi discusses The Goldstone Factor: "The Israeli reactions to the Goldstone report on the Gaza war of January 2009 have focused, understandably, on its outrageous omissions and distortions and one-sided judgments, as well as on the moral corruption of the report's sponsor, the UN's Human Rights Commission. But the far-reaching strategic implications of the Goldstone report require no less urgent consideration..." Here is an edited version of the speech Israel's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Aharon Leshno Yaar, made before the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday. B'Tselem's Jessica Montell is seemingly backing away from previous quotes by crying that it's not too late for Israelis to blame themselves: A time for soul-searching NGO Monitor continues tearing off the Goldstone mask, by exposing who's really behind the report: House of Cards: NGOs and the Goldstone Report and Made in Europe: How government funded NGOs shaped the Goldstone report. Elder of Ziyon: Goldstone report inaccuracies part 17: ...So, although Goldstone did not find any direct corroboration for the terrible stories he tells of heartless IDF soldiers consistently picking out and shooting women and children from close range, he felt that "Ram"'s supposed testimony to the Rabin Academy acts as a reasonable proof of the Palestinian Arab testimony. The problem is that after Ha'aretz published the Rabin Academy talks, the other Israeli newspapers went to great lengths to find out whether the stories told were true. This specific incident was especially heinous and one of the soldiers that recounted the incident was tracked down by Israel's Channel Two, and he told the reporter that he did not witness the incident and in fact was not even in Gaza!... At National Review, Brett Joshpe writes, Goldstone, Are You God?: "Goldstone is an accomplished and respected legal practitioner. As such, he is very familiar with the difference between conclusions of fact and conclusions of law. The UNHRC's mandate to the Goldstone mission was to engage in fact finding. In a court of law, that's what a jury does. Instead, Goldstone decided to become jury, judge, and executioner." Finally, CAMERA's Dexter Van Zile explains that the Jesuits are getting into the act: America Magazine Invokes Goldstone Report and Mishnah Torah to Indict Israel Finally, finally, in the good news, Netanyahu is exactly right: Netanyahu nixes call for Israeli inquiry into Gaza war Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has nixed the idea of setting up an inquiry committee into alleged Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip as a means of dealing with the Goldstone Commission's report. ...Netanyahu, who held two meetings on the subject on Wednesday, believes a more effective way of blocking the report would be to make it clear to the international community that referral to the ICC would sound the death knell of the peace process... ...The prime minister, they explained, fears that setting up an inquiry commission would imply that the probes now being conducted by the Israel Defense Forces are untrustworthy. In contrast, Foreign Ministry sources said Israeli representatives overseas have been flooded with messages from friendly governments urging the establishment of an inquiry commission as the best way to block the report. The defense minister's office said the government will therefore try to find some kind of compromise mechanism, headed by a senior legal figure such as Aharon Barak, that would show the international community Israel has stepped up its efforts to investigate the allegations. From Israel's perspective, the best decision the Human Rights Council could make is to continue dealing with the matter itself, while the worst would be referral to either the General Assembly or the Security Council, and thence, perhaps, the ICC. Jerusalem and Washington are coordinating closely on diplomatic efforts to achieve the former result, and are currently focusing on trying to win over the European Union, whose member states have yet to reach a consensus on the matter. In a briefing held Wednesday for ambassadors from the Asia-Pacific region, Netanyahu warned that referral to the ICC would deal a mortal blow to the peace process - as well as to democratic states' ability to fight terror...
From Divest This!
The Forward published a piece recently highlighting the divestment "movement's" hypocrisy in demanding the world boycott Israeli universities while simultaneously demanding that boycotters who teach or attend these schools continue to enjoy the privileges of a subsidized education or tenure.
Ha'aretz had an equally entertaining piece on the BDS crowd's willingness to latch onto and wreck the work of others (such as the organizers of the Toronto Film Festival) just to score political points (which they never notice they lose when people flock to Israeli movies or buy out Israeli goods).
I know a familiar tactic to counter BDS is to point out the host of Israeli- or Jewish-created goods and services surrounding the divestnik's life (Intel processors, cell phones, instant messaging, Wassermann tests) and show what they'd have to give up in order to truly live by their creed. But as I've stated before, objective reality has nothing to do with the motivation behind BDS.
If I could definitively prove that their actions would lead directly and inexorably to the death of millions of innocents (even better, millions of Palestinians - whose lives they claim as their moral loadstone), they would not budget one millimeter in their trajectory. For Palestinians, like Israelis, like Americans, like virtually everyone in the world are simply props to their storyline, a story that casts them as the avenging revolutionary: aging, paunchy perhaps, but still on the vanguard of some great and noble battle.
I've commented on this type of fantasy politics before, and while I prefer papers like the Forward having fun at the divestor's expense (vs. falling for and disseminating their hoaxes), they miss a couple of more troubling points.
First off, fantasy politics is not something to be shrugged off because of the inconsistencies it invariable generates. Rather, people being able to commit deeds ranging from inconsiderate to pure evil while convincing themselves of their unquestionable virtue is the bane of our civilization, and the driver behind history's darkest moments. The worst acts of brutality ever committed were not performed by people who saw themselves as wicked or sinful. Rather, they were committed by people who knew in their heart of hearts that all goodness resided in them (which made stamping out what they considered "evil" to be a moral imperative, no matter what the cost). Consider that the next time you watch a BDSer turn their head with indifference to the suffering of anyone in the world that does not serve their political purposes.
On a more practical matter, there is an increasing tendency to let the marginalization of BDS justify any attack on Israel that does not include a boycott or divestment component. In the month of Goldstone, we've already seen sentiments along the line of "of course Israel is guilty of x, y and z..." (x, y and z being a series of increasingly unverified and unfounded accusations of criminality and brutality), "...but we should not boycott them (at least for now)."
While I'm happy to see that many Israeli bashers recognize that something exists (in this case boycott) that are still beyond the pale, I would prefer that they (as well as the general public) recognize that divestment is not the bastard cousin of the "Israel is guilty! What was the charge?" crowd, but simply the purest expression of a sentiment they have let loose in the world.
The language of human rights and international law, the alleged defenders of those principles like the UN and Amnesty International, well-meaning civic institutions such as the Mainline Protestant Churches or British trade union movement have all been corrupted, their principles sacrificed in order to create a world where Israel will be perpetually in the dock. Even if none of this ends up in real (vs. fraudulent) boycott, divestment or sanctions (at least today), BDS should provide a warning smell of the rot spreading through the very institutions meant to protect those who need protection the most.