
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kentucky Fried Chicken is pushing its new line of grilled products! Will they now change the name to KGC? It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it? Horrible! And this...score:


KFC's Colonel Sanders tricks his way into UN to pose for 'official' photo

A man impersonating the Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Sanders managed to dupe his way into the UN headquarters in New York and shake hands with a senior official.

Dressed in the fast food icon's familiar white suit and black bow tie, the actor evaded tight security to gain access to the restricted areas of the complex. [He sprinkled around a few free extra-crispy buckets to the cops, no doubt...]

He even posed for a photograph with Ali Treki, the new president of the UN General Assembly, before the alarm was raised and he was ejected.

A spokeswoman for Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, yesterday said that an investigation had been launched into the security breach, which was dreamed up by KFC as a promotional stunt.

"It should not have happened - that I will stress, and very strongly," Michele Montas told Canwest News Service, the Canadian news agency.

"There was some lapse in security and the individual in question was, on the initiative of one security guard, taken into the UN." [What I tell ya? Anyway, they let Qaddafi in, but they wouldn't let a Kentucky Colonel in? I'm outraged as an American!]

As part of its campaign to promote a new menu range, KFC is "lobbying" the UN for the fictional Grilled Nation to be accepted as a member state.

The fast food giant has written to Mr Ki-moon personally asking for grilled chicken lovers to be be represented at the assembly, in a letter dismissed by Mrs Montas as "absolutely void". [Sharp, these UN-types.]

A spokesman for Dr Treki, a former Libyan foreign minister, [This is perhaps the most disturbing part of the entire report.] denied that he held a meeting with the Colonel Sanders impersonator, claiming that he only shook his hand out of courtesy during the incident on Thursday...

I completely agree with the decision not to recognize Grilled Nation as a member, btw...Extra Crispy Nation on the other they're good people.

In related news, did you know Google Street View blurs face of Colonel Sanders at every KFC?


Grilled Nation has as much legitimacy as perhaps one-half of the existing member states, methinks...

More! At least grilled is healthy for humans. The majority of UN nations otoh...

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