
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Of course they always do these things on a Saturday with purpose (in this case it's both Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret).

There's yet another group cropping up the Boston area dedicated to crushing the Jewish State in the name of the international Jihad and People's Revolution: the American Association for Palestinian Equal Rights (AAPER). Don't be fooled by the name. If they got their way, some Palestinians would quickly be more equal than others. In any case, they will be holding a "silent rally" and march through Brookline down to Trinity Church in Boston: Silent March for Palestinian Equal Rights. Silent! Thank the Lord for small blessings:

When: Saturday, October 10, 2009, 1:00 [pm]
Where: Coolidge Corner to Copley

I am writing to some of you for the first time and to others with new information about the American Association for Palestinian Equal Rights (AAPER). They have asked me (along with Paige Austin of the Kennedy School at Harvard) to help coordinate a Silent March in Boston on October 10 to call attention to the injustices faced by the Palestinian people. We need all of the help we can get...and that means people who would commit to walking with us...

...Our proposed route will be from Coolidge Corner in Brookline to Copley Square, in front of Trinity Church, where we will conclude with a silent vigil. During and after the vigil, people may feel free to leave the group to engage in conversations with onlookers and to continue to distribute flyers supplied by AAPER. I have attached a flyer to this email so that you can review it. AAPER is advocating a silent march because silence often gets more attention from onlookers; marches throughout the country should have a unified and dignified appearance. By joining this march, you are not giving up your rights to make other types of protest actions on other days, wherever you like...

The participants are the usual collection of radical leftists, more radical leftists, extra radical leftists, a few Jihadis using the radical leftists, and outright anti-Semites. It has been endorsed by...wait for it...Code Pink Boston!

An email circulated by Code Pink organizer Sarah Roche-Mahdi reveals that the route, location and day of the week are chosen with intent...and glee:

FYI CODEPINK Greater Boston (the now official name for what was temporarily Code Pink Cambridge) is pleased as pink to announce that at its first meeting, September 23,it endorsed the AAPER Silent March October 10, after the eloquent presentation by Kathy Felgran, Paige Austin, and Roberta Koffman. GO KATHY! Righteous, vivacious Sister...

The effect of a silent march through the (mostly but not entirely) liberal Jewish neighborhood on the Sabbath with a banner saying Freedom and Equality for Palestine! should be strikng indeed...

What joy! What glee! You stick it to them Jews, sister pink! And don't worry, you'll look fine for your pictures in those pink blouses.

The good news is that there will be a counter-march (a "March for Truth") to coincide with the event, organized (as far as I know at this time) by local activists along with CJUI (Christians and Jews United for Israel) and perhaps other groups, so there will be friends inside, and outside as the goons pass the Brookline Synagogues. The AAPER/Code Pink creeps are requesting a $20 registration fee, but all you have to do is show up at the time and place above (actually, show a few minutes early) and look for friends if you'd like to participate.

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» Vanessa Redgrave Gets It...Almost Right? at the blog Solomonia

How annoying. But she and her co-signers of a letter to The New York Review of Books concerning the Toronto Film Festival gets quite a bit right: Israel critic Vanessa Redgrave slams Toronto Film Fest boycott British actress Vanessa Redgrave... Read More

Since this blog was mentioned in Kerry Hurwitz's letter to the Newton Tab (online at Wicked Local), I've placed the links to the information on the issues discussed in this one convenient post. There are many other postings that involve... Read More

Where Jews and their friends will gather, their enemies will follow. This past Sunday there was a commemoration for Holocaust Memorial Day in downtown Boston. The Boston Globe story is here: Holocaust lessons stated anew - Services emphasize preserving... Read More


Remind Code Stink of who shot Robert F. Kennedy.

The US keeps assassins in prison for life.

The vile UK(scotland) releases assassins on "compassionate grounds" AKA old contracts (literal blood for oil) and waves the saltaire (flag of scotland) at a joyous welcome home in lybia.

Ask Code Stink when they will end their occupation of Native American land in North America.

Don't those idiots realize that liberal Jews will all be at the supermarket or soccer games with their kids on Saturday?

I mean, it's not like they're marching in Crown Heights.

the fact that code pink chooses "jewish neighborhood" clearly shows that they are well aware that the war is waged against the jews. "israeli government policies" is just a PC antisemitism, legalised by the international left.

Sarah Roche-Mahdi - that name by itself is self-explanatory, I guess.

Any Brookline/Boston police reading this? If they don't have proper parade permits, you know what to do.

The only sane, and might I say, appropriately arch response would be to rampage through the silent march setting fires and screaming for the heads of liberals as this is all a massive racist insult upon all of Judaism. Durka Durka.

When will Jews and other people of conscience parade down the main streets of Quincy and Watertown
protesting Muslim intolerance and Arab aggression?

I think this Saturday event represents a serious issue for Israel supporters here in Boston.

Until now, the Israel haters have been pretty disorganized and, frankly, pretty lame. But looking over the AAPER materials, they seem to be doing a professional job. If AAPER's taking over from the local motley crew (you know who I'm talking about) and can get them to shut their months and stay on the approved message, we might face a real challenge.

I just noticed on the right side of this page,
under "Now Reading"

mein kampf
adolf hitler, Ralp...
Buy New $22.00
Buy from

Who owns the copyrights to that tome, who prints it, who publishes it?

I don't think the original German is under copyright, though various translations are of course. The edition I'm reading is the "Manheim" translation from the 40's published by Mariner, a division of Houghton Mifflin. There are also free etexts available:

I highly recommend to anyone that they read it (though don't buy it through Stormfront or the like, of course) once they're old enough to have sufficient grounding not to start reading his racial arguments and start nodding, "Yeah, that sounds right..." If you really want to know why Pat Buchanan is full of shit, you can't do better than to start there. Of course it's long, and some parts drag a bit (he really needed an editor).

I recommend reading the Hamas Charter from 1988. I doubt its changed from 1988.

To my surprise Hamas also hate Freemasons and the Lions and Rotary clubs! According to Hamas, the above are Zionists too.

I think shitler hated Freemasons.

Its pretty clear that current day islamofascists get inspiration from shitlerian ideology and even bless shitler. islamofascists gave shitler an arabic name - abu ali.

It must make islamofascists dizzy from seeing Israelis (the sons of pigs and apes) kick their islamofascist asses.

You mean 1pm, not 1am, right?

I'll be there with you on Saturday afternoon.

Yes! You know I originally saw that, laughed, and made a joke out of it. In the end, I still copy and pasted in. Doh!

I'd march along with signs that say "Equality for Palestinian Women! Stop Honor Killings" and Equality for Palestinian Christians. Stop torturing minorities".

As one of the organizers of the Oct. 10 Palestine Freedom Walk, I would like to respond to your rants, name-calling and accusations. How do you get "sticking it to the Jews" from a walk in favor of justice and equality for all people? Our expression of support for the dispossessed indigenous people of Palestine (Muslim and Christian) was also an expression of the glory of living in the U.S. where we have the right to peaceful protest and freedom of speech. It is a freedom that we seek for our brothers and sisters throughout the world. This is not a "Palestinian" is a group of individuals from all backgrounds, races and religions who believe that all humanity is one family and that they can live in harmony when they have equality.
I can tell you that the route was not selected because it was a Saturday, or a holiday, or because it passed by synagogues. That was an observation that was noted by Sarah Roche-Mahdi after the fact. I personally selected this route because it is a neighborhood that I am familiar with, in what I consider to be a liberal community, with easy T access, flat terrain and sidewalks. The proximity of the green line would also allow people who could not walk the entire route the option of hopping on the T for a few stops. If this expression of support for our fellow human beings was offensive to you, you could have ignored us and let us pass in peace. I would like to note here that Saturday is not everyone's sabbath and we don't need to close down the town because it is your sabbath. Yes, I was born and raised Jewish, but we were not observant. I later became a Bahai because it is a faith that is based on the unity of all humanity...not one that declares a "chosen people".

It was not necessary for you to walk so closely in front of us to try to impede our progress or risk us stepping on your heels. It was not necessary for you to kick one of our walkers as he knelt down to adjust a painful shoe. It was not necessary to shout in our faces or call us names. It was not necessary for you to break and separate our group by shoving into our midst. There was another sidewalk on the other side of the street on which you could have mounted your own walk to express your views. That would have satisfied your right to free speech. We were not looking for a "Jew-free" sidewalk, as you asserted in your blog, any more than we like the idea of "Jews-only" bypass roads in the W. Bank.

Our walk was meant to be a peaceful and silent walk. It was when you tried to cover our banner with a very large Israeli flag and tried to pull our banner from our hands, that a young man lashed out to stop you. He didn't touch you...I was watching. And our hands, the hands of the other AAPER walkers, grabbed at his hand to stop him. So, if we didn't reach our goal of total silence, it was a human reaction to name calling and harrassment that came from you.

Contrary to the tone of your article, we were not advocating any violence toward Israel. We were not saying that Israel should be destroyed. We were not condoning violence at any time or any place. We were walking for equal treatment for all people in Palestine/Israel. We were walking for justice for people who are citizens of Israel who do not have equal rights or an equal voice because they are not of the Jewish faith. We were walking for ending the siege of Gaza which deprives people of food, water, medical supplies, housing and the building materials they need to rebuild their lives, their homes, and their economy. We were walking for the 1.5 million human beings in the tiny area of the Gaza Strip who are living in misery after a devastating collective punishment of civilians for the actions of a group of people who lash out in desperate (mostly ineffective) violence in an effort to throw off the shackles of oppression against a state that imprisons them. But we at AAPER do not condone any violence.

I am a Jew who grew up collecting money to plant trees in Israel. We thought we were making the desert bloom. Can you imagine how appalled I was when I found out that those trees were planted to cover the ruins of the towns and villages of people who had been living on the land for generations? I grew up with the myth of a "people without a land for a land without people". And now I know that the myth was successful because most of those American Jews who told the myth believed it in their hearts. But it was not a land without people. It was a land that was lived in, and farmed, and loved. It was a place where families lived, and raised their children, and had every human emotion that is common to all people.

Now I have educated myself. Now I know that the State of Israel was founded on the misery of the Palestinian people. That their cities and towns were destroyed in an effort to create a totally Jewish state and they were forced into living under Israeli domination or expulsion. I know that Israel is a democracy only if you are a Jew. I know that the Irgun and the Stern Gang were terrorists. I know that when Hamas sends crude rockets into Southern Israel they are doing only what the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto did to defy those who would do them harm. I know that the Holocaust was an outrageous crime against innocents, but not a free pass to dominate and destroy another culture. And I educated myself by reading only what has been written by Jews, mostly Israeli born or those who made Aliyah and became disillusioned with the reality they found.
I can look at a map and see that the "Separation Wall" does not follow the Green line border; it weaves deeply into the West Bank and steals more land and natural resources, including fresh water, from the people who live there. I know it cuts farmers off from their own fields, from olive trees planted by their ancestors, separates families, and makes daily living a misery. I know this because I went there and saw this with my own eyes. It is not about security. It is about taking land from the rightful owners.
God must be see the oppressed become the oppressors. This is a shonda.
I walk for Palestinian equal rights because without equality and justice, there can never be peace. I walk because I do not want any more mothers, Jewish, Muslim or Christian to lose their children to this insanity. I walk because it is criminal to put 18 year olds in a volatile situation, give them control over checkpoints, and hand them machine guns. I walk because I will not stand by silently while others suffer daily misery and humiliation. I walk because I must be like the Righteous Gentiles, who saw evil and did everything they could to save lives. I walk because there is enough land to be shared, a new Palestinian state to thrive beside a Jewish one, and there is hope if we are not afraid to work for it.
By your actions and the actions of the Israeli government, it is clear that you do not want peace. You want to keep up the cycle of violence and inequality that can never lead to peace. Today the Israeli government is demolishing Palestinian neighborhoods, both Christian and Muslim in East Jerusalem as further provocation for violence. They have just announced 56 days of the year that Muslims will be kept from praying at Al Aqusa Mosque. They have escalated the frenzy of building 14,000 more housing units in sprawling settlements in the West Bank that will further take not only the land but the rights of the Palestinian people. Is this a roadmap to peace or a “bypass road” to hell?
As for the Code Pink members, I count myself fortunate to stand beside them. They are people of courage who work tirelessly for peace and for the rights of all people. Without organizations of conscience and courage to fight for justice throughout the years, women would not enjoy the right to vote, our black brothers and sisters would still be sitting in the back of the bus, and we would have lost many more young men in the Viet Nam war.
So, do not call us Fascists, do not call us goons, anti-semites or other hateful epithets. We were walking for something good, pure, and peaceful. You were the ones walking against.
Let's see if you print this.

How sad for you that you blame the Jewish State for the misery passed onto the Palestinian Arabs by the 57 Muslim States. Please educate yourself, here is a great starting point:

No way home: The tragedy of the Palestinian diaspora
You might think Palestinian refugees would be welcomed by their Arab neighbours, yet they are denied basic rights and citizenship ...


Gaza shares a border w Egypt, did you even know that basic geographic fact?

Bahai? great... do you know how the Muslim world treats your fellow Bahai's?

Have you ever marched for the Bahai's, oppressed brutally in Iran?


it's easier to "cleanse" yourself from having be a Jew...

Justice? Nope... it ain't about justice for you, deary... It's about fleeing from your parents' people, now under siege...

A brief analysis of Kathy Felgran's comment (which may have been published elsewhere) is revealing. Can anyone guess which word appears most frequently in her reply to Sol's story? You might guess it to be "peace," or "Jew" or "Palestinian," (which, by some strange coincidence each appear exactly six times).

But no, none of these words holds even the smallest candle to her use of the word "I" which appears no less than 36 times throughout her missive. "I am a Jew...", "I walk because...", "I know," "I see," "I am". I, I, I, I, I...

Which, at the end of the day, says what needs to be said about not just Kathy but many of those who took part in the AAPER walk without a single concern about how marching through a Jewish neighborhood on the Sabbath might be seen by the neighbors. Why are other people's opinions relevent when even the Palestinian people in whose name we are allegedly marching, indeed everyone else in the world takes a back seat to the holy "I".

As "I" have long suspected, the key motivation behind many of those who declare their Jewishness only when marching lock-step with those who hate the fact that the Jews occupy a state is not peace, justice or any of the lofty principles they claim to champion. It's not about Jews, or Arabs (Palestininans or otherwise). Nope, the main motivator is internal. What can "I" do to make "me" feel good about "myself." And if countless people suffer because of what "I" do in this endeavor, what of it? For at the end of the day, there is only one audienece member for this type of psychodrama.

In truth, it's hard to tell someone who clearly sees herself as the most self-sacrificing, moral individual in human history that she is, in fact, the most selfish person I've ever met in my life.

Indeed. It's no accident that the world headquarters of Baha'i is in Haifa. There was only country in the region who opened its doors and gave them refuge from persecution.

Islam has been particularly brutal to its offshoots (Baha'i, Sikh) and to non-mainstream branches that focus on sprituality and reject the political agenda of Sunni and Shi'a Islam to conquer and dominate non-Muslims.

Israel is the only middle eastern country with freedom of religion and tolerance and respect for diversity. In fact, it is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population has grown since 1948. Given her animus toward Zionism, I'd be curious to know how Kathy Felgran accounts for different treatment of Baha'is and Christians in Israel as against every other country in the Middle East.

There is much in what Kathy Felgran writes that is specious propaganda without a grain of truth in it. It's fashionable now to claim that the Jews of the Yishuv built their communities on the ruins of Arab villages, even Tel Aviv, which was built on sand dunes near Jaffa. Her drivel includes lots of statements that are simply counterfactual.

Charles' diagnosis is spot on when he suggests that Katy Felgran is still caught up in (belated) adolescent rage against her parents.

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