November 2009 Archives
Monday, November 30, 2009
U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle aircraft from the 335th Fighter Squadron drop 2,000-pound joint direct attack munitions on a cave in eastern Afghanistan on Nov. 26, 2009. The 335th is deployed to Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C. DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Michael B. Keller, U.S. Air Force. (Released)
A Kuwaiti Muslim with an Israel-hating family discovers his real roots one day...a very interesting story [h/t: Bruce Kesler]: Mark Halawa: My Muslim background left me unprepared for this shocking discovery.
Growing up in Kuwait, I had the best of everything. My father owned a successful construction company, and provided us five children with amenities like piano lessons, swimming, calligraphy and trips all over the world. Although we were Muslims like everyone else, we were totally secular and my father always aimed to shield us from religious people whom he described as crazies.
I grew up being told that Israelis and Jews were the lowest type of creature in existence, put on Earth only to kill us Arabs. In math class the teacher would say, "If one rocket killed X number of Jews, how many would six rockets kill?"
My father was rabidly anti-Israel. He was a product of Nasser's school of thought: secular from a Muslim point of view, yet deeply dedicated to the idea of pan-Arab unity. Israel, he believed, was an American proxy in the post-colonial Middle East...
From Bruce Bawer, the man who's lived in Norway for over a decade: What Kind of People Could Give a Nobel Peace Prize to Obama?
...In an article published on this site at the time, Victor Davis Hanson answered this question very usefully. Thanks to its oil wealth, he explained, "Norway has the leisure to be utopian. ... So Norway loves to give award to all sorts of right-thinking frauds (Menchu), scoundrels (Elbaradei), terrorists (Arafat), Stalinists (Le Doc Tho), Elmer Gantrys (Jimmy Carter) and hucksters (Gore) -- as it sits in judgment of others from Lala land." Other, bigger countries are compelled to be realistic about the world; Norway can afford to serve up sanctimonious, more-virtuous-than-thou abstractions -- and to award "effort and intention, not achievement." Hanson suggested that the reader imagine Norway "as the son or daughter of a movie star, one who grew up in Malibu, and feels so terribly about it that he lectures the U.S. about everything from global warming to George Bush's assorted sins -- confident that he will never have to work at Ace Hardware, and never have to live near South Central L.A. That sums up Norway."
As someone who has lived in Norway for over ten years, I can testify that Hanson is right on the money. As Obama's big day in Oslo approaches, however, I feel compelled to add a footnote or two -- not to contradict Hanson, but rather to support and perhaps amplify his points. One key point, for example, is that it is impossible to underestimate the degree to which Norwegians have it drummed into their heads from infancy on that Norway is "the world's richest country" as well as "the world's best country to live in." There is no doubt in their minds that this is true, because, after all, the UN says so, and in no country on earth (this has, incidentally, been proven by a survey) do the people revere the UN more than they do in Norway...
...Anyway, it seems clear that all of this -- the indifference (and even hostility) to individual achievement in the schoolroom and beyond, the preference for empty peace-and-love rhetoric over tough, intelligent realpolitik, the prioritization of social-democratic communalism over personal responsibility, the readiness to bow and scrape to bullying tyrants in the name of "peace," and the pathetic eagerness to be seen by those bullying tyrants as a pretty little "butterfly" on the world stage -- all this makes far more comprehensible the Norwegian Nobel Committee's decision to hand one of their medals to a man who has snubbed America's democratic friends and eulogized its autocratic foes, who is all too eager to foist socialist solutions on a republic founded on individual liberty, and whose résumé, while light on real-world accomplishments, is heavy on high-minded yap about peace and dialogue. I suppose one can only be glad that the lepidoptera in Oslo don't also pass out the prizes for chemistry, physics, and medicine.
It's a European story.
A story on the creeping (?) Islamization of Gaza: Hamas Bans Women Dancers, Scooter Riders in Gaza Push
The Islamic Hamas movement banned girls last month from riding behind men on motor scooters and forbade women from dancing at the opening of a folk museum. Girls in some public schools must wear headscarves and cloaks.
Signs of Hamas's creeping Islamization are everywhere in Gaza, the Mediterranean coastal enclave that Hamas has run by itself since 2007. Gaza is already politically divided from the West Bank, the Palestinian territory administered by the secular Fatah movement.
"Ruling by itself, Hamas can stamp its ideas on everyone," said Mkhaimar Abusada, a political science professor at Gaza's al-Azhar University. "Islamizing society has always been part of Hamas strategy."...'
Read on at the link for some of the specifics. (But I hear they provide social services, so it's all OK.)
An Israeli reader sends the following photo of "Women in Gaza" along:
His comment: "...without the ak-47 and the hamas headband is something I see almost every day now in israel..."
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tom Friedman had a pretty good day yesterday. Worth reading: America vs. The Narrative
What should we make of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who apparently killed 13 innocent people at Fort Hood?
Here's my take: Major Hasan may have been mentally unbalanced -- I assume anyone who shoots up innocent people is. But the more you read about his support for Muslim suicide bombers, about how he showed up at a public-health seminar with a PowerPoint presentation titled "Why the War on Terror Is a War on Islam," and about his contacts with Anwar al-Awlaki, a Yemeni cleric famous for using the Web to support jihadist violence against America -- the more it seems that Major Hasan was just another angry jihadist spurred to action by "The Narrative."
What is scary is that even though he was born, raised and educated in America, The Narrative still got to him.
The Narrative is the cocktail of half-truths, propaganda and outright lies about America that have taken hold in the Arab-Muslim world since 9/11. Propagated by jihadist Web sites, mosque preachers, Arab intellectuals, satellite news stations and books -- and tacitly endorsed by some Arab regimes -- this narrative posits that America has declared war on Islam, as part of a grand "American-Crusader-Zionist conspiracy" to keep Muslims down...
[h/t: Sara S]
Very bad says Robin Shepherd: Is British anti-Semitism in danger of getting out of control?
Last week, Oliver Miles, Britain's former ambassador to Libya and a pillar of the country's foreign policy establishment, put his thinking cap on, put pen to paper and came up with the following thoughts in a column in the Independent newspaper about the presence of the esteemed historians Martin Gilbert and Lawrence Freedman on the board of the UK's latest Iraq Inquiry:
"Both Gilbert and Freedman are Jewish, and Gilbert at least has a record of active support for Zionism," he said. "...if and when the inquiry is accused of a whitewash, such handy ammunition will be available. Membership should not only be balanced; it should be seen to be balanced." (My italics)
In other words, Jews are an embarrassment. Ban them...
Read the rest.
[h/t: Citizen Wald]
A very interesting vote: Switzerland Approves Minaret Ban In Referendum
Swiss voters have approved a move to ban the construction of new minarets in the country.
Final results show that over 57 percent of voters backed the proposal in a referendum that was held today following an initiative by a right wing political party. Turnout was reported at about 55 percent.
Switzerland, home to some 400,000 Muslims, already has four minarets attached to mosques that will remain even after today's referendum.
The Swiss government had urged voters to reject the proposed ban on new minarets, saying it would violate religious freedom and human rights, as well as potentially provoking Islamist radicalism and harming Switzerland's image. But in a statement today, the government said it respects the decision of the voters.
"A majority of the Swiss people and the cantons have adopted the popular initiative against the construction of minarets. The Federal Council respects this decision," the statement said.
The controversial proposal to ban minarets was brought up by the right wing Swiss People's party, which says minarets are symbols of rising Muslim political and religious power that could eventually turn Switzerland into an Islamic nation.
Campaigners demanded the referendum to halt "political Islamization" by amending the Swiss constitution to add a clause stating "the construction of minarets is prohibited."...
A finger in the eye of the West:
The Iranian government approved a plan Sunday to build 10 new uranium enrichment facilities, a dramatic expansion in defiance of U.N. demands it halt the program.
The decision comes only two days after the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency censured Iran, demanding it immediately stop building a newly revealed enrichment facility near the holy city of Qom and freeze all uranium enrichment activities.
A Cabinet meeting headed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ordered the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to begin building five uranium enrichment sites that have already been studied and propose five other locations for future construction within two months.
In Vienna, spokeswoman Gillian Tudor said the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency would have no comment. But the announcement is likely to stoke already high tensions between Iran and the West over its controversial nuclear activities...
Alan Dershowitz debated an empty chair (reserved for Richard Goldstone) at Fordham University a week or so ago. His address and his handling of questions is well worth checking out, here.
[via: Noah Pollak]
St. Peter's Episcopal in Cambridge, MA becomes one in a long string of political churches turning religion into a temporal matter of campaigns for the fad of the moment.
Today, the first day of Advent, St. Peter's held a fund-raiser to send a congregant to the "Gaza Freedom March." This is yet another effort by radical Leftists and their Islamist allies to delegitimize Israel's efforts of self-defense and to enable the terrorist group Hamas. Informed readers will find the Statement of Context to be full of the usual utterly bizarre reading of reality, and the endorsers' list a predictable rogues gallery of liars, leftists, Israel and Jew haters.
Rachel Wyon made a presentation and soliciting funds at Sunday services. No doubt the context presented was anything but educational. Just when you imagine you've seen it all with regard to tendentious presentations, you must see the time line these people present for a history of the conflict in their press materials. Look here at page 9 of the linked PDF:
April 1918 - Muslim-Christian Societies were established in most major cities to challenge British and Zionist attempts to create sectarian rifts based on religion.
January 1919 - Muslim-Christian societies formed a more centralized organization, paving the way for the first Palestinian Arab Congress, which called for the education of youth, encouraging national development and protecting individual and national rights.
11 March, 1920 - Demonstrations were held in all major Palestinian cities against the Balfour Declaration. As the uprising spread, mass resignations, protests and strikes continued throughout the spring. During the 1920s Palestinians used the simplest and most basic nonviolent methods of protest and persuasion: testaments, declarations, petitions, manifestos, assemblies, delegations, processions, marches and motorcades.
1923 - The Palestine Communist Party was founded on a platform of coexistence and began organizing Arab and Jewish workers t o challenge political Zionism...
It goes on like that with what can only be described as one of the most selective presentations of history I've seen this side of Hamas TV. It's like a history of WW2 that describes nothing but various bandage-wrapping events and bake sales. Sadly, many of the congregants will get their only knowledge of the conflict from what's being spooned out to them right there in their church. And you know who the bad guys are in this re-telling.
Several efforts have been made to reach out to the Church Rector, Rev. François Trottier, but they have been rebuffed. Below, you can read two of those letters, and you can read Rev. Trottier's terse response:
Continue reading "Church Hall of Shame: St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Central Square, Cambridge (Protest Report)"Saturday, November 28, 2009
Much more of the same. Compare and contrast with the stories you hear.
It's not every day we get to highlight something good coming from the colleges out in Western Massachusetts, but there is a professor out there fighting the good fight, and he has a series of posts on the recent anti-Israel conference held at Hampshire College, as well as the "BDS" (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) "movement" generally.
Start here: Comparative Quackery: The Joke is on BDS:
Q: What's the difference between BDS and homeopathy?
A: Not much, actually. Both are frauds that are led by scoundrels, attract the naïve, and have yet to produce any verifiable result, much less, the promised benefit for suffering humanity...
And here: Whither BDS: A generation of giants--or delusions of grandeur?
...Much of the conference consisted (aside from a few pep-rally-type events) of, well, reports of various local efforts, without, well, any particular effects. It further consisted in promoting a mixture of Quixotic master goals (make universities and monster academic pension fund CREF divest; this, although the effort failed at Hampshire, which has practically no endowment at stake) and (more sub rosa) small-scale guerilla actions that fall somewhere between the juvenile and the illegal: e.g. "de-shelve" Israeli products ([1] [2]) in stores. Not exactly the stuff of which Che Guevara was made...
Then, BDS on Campus: A Generation of Giants Unleashes its Frightful Onslaught:
Evidently I spoke too soon when I gently suggested that the recent BDS conference at Hampshire this past weekend had been a tale of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
When I unsuspectingly arrived on campus on Monday, I was taken aback to see that these signs had sprouted, like dragon's teeth, overnight...
Click through to see the signs, for sure. Talk about a hostile work environment.
Finally, Professor Wald does a little deeper analysis on the BDS "Holocaust Industry" itself and its intersection with "traditional" antisemitism: You've Got (Hate) Mail! (and why this drivel isn't as far from mainstream discourse as you might hope). Too much there for a meaningful pull-quote.
Friday, November 27, 2009
You never lived to see
What you gave to me
One shining dream of hope and love
Life and liberty
With a host of brave unknown Soldiers
For your company, you will live forever
Here in our memory
In fields of sacrifice
Heroes paid the price
Young men who died for old men's wars
Gone to paradise
We are all one great band of brothers
And one day you'll see we can live together
When all the world is free
I wish you'd lived to see
All you gave to me
Your shining dream of hope and love
Life and liberty
We are all one great band of brothers
And one day you'll see - we can live together
When all the world is free
Bloomberg: Dubai Crisis May End in 'Major' Default, BofA Says
Dubai's debt woes may worsen to become a "major sovereign default" that roils developing nations and cuts off capital flows to emerging markets, Bank of America Corp. said.
"One cannot rule out -- as a tail risk -- a case where this would escalate into a major sovereign default problem, which would then resonate across global emerging markets in the same way that Argentina did in the early 2000s or Russia in the late 1990s," Bank of America strategists Benoit Anne and Daniel Tenengauzer wrote in a report.
A default would lead to a "sudden stop of capital flows into emerging markets" and be a "major step back" in the recovery from the global financial crisis, they wrote.
Emerging-market stocks around the world have slumped for two days on concern a debt restructuring by Dubai World, with $59 billion of liabilities, will add to the $1.72 trillion of losses and writedowns from the global credit freeze. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index fell 1.9 percent to 940.30 as of 1:55 p.m. in New York, extending this week's decline to 2.6 percent.
Dubai, which borrowed $80 billion in a four-year construction boom to transform its economy into a tourism and financial hub, suffered the world's steepest property slump in the recession. Home prices fell 50 percent from their 2008 peak, according to Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank AG...
Slave labor only takes you so far:
Do you know where your bailout money went? From back in March: US outrage over Citi loan to Dubai
The US public will be "outraged" by Citibank's $8 billion loan to Dubai just six weeks after the bank was bailed out, US House of Representatives domestic policy subcommittee chair-man has said. Dennis Kucinich commented on the Dubai loan and other US banking investments as a congressional panel released a report that strongly questioned Citibank's actions. The report, shown to 7DAYS, cites the Dubai loan as the largest of the "questionable transactions" by banks after the US government bailed them out. It notes that the loan to Dubai's public sector came on December 14, just six weeks after the US government gave Citibank a $25 billion bail-out.
The report quotes Win Bischoof, then chairman of Citi, as saying the bank agreed to the Dubai loan because "we continue to place the Gulf region among our globally most significant markets"...
It's a subtly important, and positive, statement:
Today's announcement by the Government of Israel helps move forward toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We believe that through good-faith negotiations the parties can mutually agree on an outcome which ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable state based on the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the Israeli goal of a Jewish state with secure and recognized borders that reflect subsequent developments and meet Israeli security requirements.
There's a lot to those bolded (my emphasis) parts, that may represent something of a sign of an Obama, if not awakening, at least a...stirring. Barry Rubin has an excellent analysis: Hillary's Bombshell: Obama Administration Subtly Launches Dramatic Policy Change on Peace Process
How about Cold Wars, where one country funds "NGO's" to undermine the other (and is it an NGO if they take government funding)? Do the Europeans even do this to countries like Iran, for instance? Gerald Steinberg takes on the idea of European funding for "Israeli" anti-Israel NGO's: Manipulating the marketplace of ideas
For over a decade, European governments have been major sources of funding for dozens of Israeli and Palestinian organizations claiming to promote human rights and similar moral causes. While these groups are known as "nongovernmental organizations," or NGOs, they are, in fact, selected and nurtured by foreign governments. And as seen in research to be discussed in a Knesset conference on December 1, their agendas are more political than moral.
This often hidden support helps pay for expensive newspaper advertisements, such as those recently announcing B'Tselem's 20th anniversary; the salaries of lawyers involved in dozens of High Court cases about the security barrier, treatment of Palestinian terrorists, etc.; the Geneva Initiative's conferences and booklets; and a flood of statements submitted to the United Nations condemning Israeli policies. Recipient NGOs have a major influence on many issues in our lives, and on the decisions of our democratically elected government.
Although foreign funding for Israeli NGOs is labeled as support for "civil society," this is false advertising. Organizations such as Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, B'Tselem, Hamoked Center for the Defense of the Individual, and many more, cannot claim to be rooted in Israeli civil society when they are funded both directly by the Swedish government, and indirectly through budgets provided by the same government to the Diakonia church organization. This process is repeated by another 15 governments (including Norway and Switzerland), as well as the European Commission, which between them fund more than 50 similar organizations.
The nature and scale of European influence is unique - in no other case do democratic countries use taxpayer money to support opposition groups in other democracies. Imagine the French response to U.S. government financing for radical NGO anti-abortion campaigns in Paris, or for promoting Corsican separatists under the guise of human rights. Would Spain tolerate foreign government funding of NGO campaigns involving the violent Basque conflict? But here, as in other areas, Israel is singled out and subject to different rules.
Taken together, the large sums provided to NGOS by European governments through secret processes constitute a major effort to manipulate the Israeli marketplace of ideas. This is inherently colonialistic, undermining the goals of Zionism and Jewish sovereign equality...
Nothing like those spiritual priorities on the road to Mecca: Iran pilgrims stage hajj protest
ARAFAT, Saudi Arabia (AFP) - Iranian hajj pilgrims carried out a peaceful protest without incident on Thursday as millions of Muslims amassed for the peak of the world's largest annual pilgrimage.
Ignoring Saudi warnings against political activity, the Iranians chanted for Muslim unity and against the "enemies" of the faith in their camp at Arafat outside of Mecca.
"Death to America, death to Israel," thousands of Iranians chanted inside a huge tent on the Arafat plain.
No Saudi security forces were evident as Ayatollah Muhammed Rishari, the representative of Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, led the Iranian delegation.
"We need to be purified from our wrongdoings in this hajj," he said in a statement...
You thought it was all about cleansing the soul, but really, it's all about community organizing, Iran style.
Meanwhile, Iran's nuclear program speeds ahead, such that event the feckless IAEA must take notice: U.N. Nuclear Agency Calls Iran Inquiry 'Dead End'
The director general of the United Nations nuclear watchdog declared in unusually blunt language on Thursday that Iran had stonewalled investigators about evidence that the country had worked on nuclear weapons design, and that his efforts to reveal the truth had "effectively reached a dead end."
The comments by the official, Mohamed ElBaradei, came four days before he is to leave office after 12 years at the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency. His remarks refocus attention on Iran's alleged work on weapons design at the moment that the West is debating how to respond after Tehran backed away from a commitment it made in early October to temporarily send much of its nuclear fuel abroad...
Also: Iran rebuked over nuclear 'cover-up' by UN watchdog
The UN nuclear watchdog's governing body has passed a resolution condemning Iran for developing a uranium enrichment site in secret.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also demanded that Iran freeze the project immediately.
The resolution, the first against Iran in nearly four years, was passed by a 25-3 margin with six abstentions...
No, Europeans just think that, and I'd say that even if I knew any Europeans, which I don't, or even knew where this thing called "Europe" was, which I don't, and don't care to quite frankly. But seriously, anyone over undergraduate age knew that nothing of substance was going to change with the Presidential changeover. The Euros and their quite understandable inferiority complex were going to remain the same nose in the air types long after they'd finished spending their ancestors' trust funds and the mice had chewed through the moldering orientals. There aren't enough apologies in Barack Obama's lumbago-ridden back to change one darn thing because it's all beside the point.
Where was I? Oh yeah, Carol Gould at PJM: Are Americans Uniquely Insular and Ill-Informed? Or do Britons and other Europeans just say that because they are uniquely anti-American?
I wonder how many times a day Britons hear something nasty said about them on American radio and television or written about them in the American press, and how many expatriate Britons living abroad are confronted by aggressive Brit-haters.
In the past month I have been making careful note of incidents I feel are anti-American; why, you may ask, am I "at it" yet again and why is this being published in Pajamas Media? I feel it is important for Americans to understand what they might encounter on a 2009 Christmas trip abroad in order to avoid what the former CNN London bureau chief Walt Rodgers describes in his excellent October 15 editorial in the Christian Science Monitor. He recounts an incident in which an American accent roused someone's ire and violence ensued. Also, it is important for Americans who do business abroad to appreciate that the accent is not a ticket to happiness or success even in the milieu of Euro-Obama euphoria. Furthermore, the extremely influential BBC television and radio programs Any Questions (I have been a panelist on this show several times and have tried to defend the honor of the United States of America) and Question Time often promulgate misconceptions about the United States and Israel that go uncorrected.
So what? Well, in order for people like myself who live here and who wish to avoid a heart attack, it is unfortunate that so much rubbish about America and Americans is stated as fact in the media and then one is relentlessly assaulted by an enraged Briton or European.
This happened in early November at London Mayor Boris Johnson's all-day conference on Olympics 2012 and the arts. At the end of the day I went to the reception and a tousle-haired young man came over to me and started asking me questions peppered with "Yeh?" His name is Tom and he is a cultural affairs aide to Mayor Johnson. I have no idea why, but he really laid into me...
Fellow travelers. CiF Watch delves in to the parallel comment threads again: The Parallel Universe of "Comment is Free" and Stormfront.
The latest Benny Morris thread provided a veritable collection of comments that underscore just why "Comment is Free" is a cesspit of antisemitic discourse...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! This is one of my favorites as it's generally a nice relaxing day, one of those full-on holidays where I don't have that internal debate over whether to open my office or not, like Presidents Day and the like. No one expects me to be there to answer the phone. Ah...inner peace.
And of course, the food. I loves the turkey. Cooked on the dry side, white meat only, with loads of cranberry sauce (the jelly kind is fine, no berries necessary). Gravy is...OK...but really for the mashed potatoes - on the lumpy side if you please, not whipped to the consistency of sour cream. Stuffing is great, and simple there as well, yes, StoveTop is fine. And candied yams! Loves the candied yams. And though I can live without it, some sort of vegetable is necessary for intestinal medicinal purposes.
Have a wonderful day! (And OK, that includes you non-American visitors as well.)
Judith Klinghoffer may be a bit unfair here: A Coward Called Nicholas Kristof, but there certainly is an elephant in the room in Kristof's column yesterday, and it's a Muslim elephant. Judaism and Christianity have had and are having their internal "wars" on a regular basis. Kristof couldn't touch Islam because that's a whole other question (and arguably the most important one). Two religions are evolving, one is having trouble.
Netanyahu has announced a partial "settlement" freeze: Statement by PM Netanyahu on the Cabinet Decision to suspend new construction in Judea and Samaria.
The Arabs have rejected it as not going far enough (of course!): Palestinians reject settlement construction freeze.
It's not enough, it's never enough, it can never be enough, because building a state is not what the endgame is. If it were they'd have built up to a long time ago. Instead, there's always an excuse, always a new demand. Someday history will simply have to move on.
Miss Kelly has some interesting observations and a link to a good Guardian column summing up "the strange case" of Aafia Siddiqui: Update on Aafia Siddiqui Story, Upcoming Trial Jan 2010. Siddiqui is a darling of the anti-Western Left and the Islamists, the supposed "Grey Lady of Bagram" whose cries of torture echoed through the CIA's "dungeons," though no proof has ever been offered, the entire American government denies it, and her ex-husband says it's not true, either. In any case, follow the link for an update.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Many of us were simultaneously touched and disturbed by the story a few days back of the Belgian man, Rom Houben, who, after what was thought to have been 23 years in a persistent vegetative state, was found to have been conscious, but paralyzed, the entire time. Shocking, right? There's a problem with the story, though. Apparently Mr. Houben is now communicating through something called Facilitated Communication. That is where a "trained" facilitator, a nurse, guides the disabled person's finger over the keys of a keyboard. FC is bunk. It is a fraud. It does not work. It is the equivalent of using a human Ouija board, and selling the type of false hope that charlatan psychics use to help grieving people "communicate" with lost loved ones.
Mick Hartley has a post with all the links: Doubting Mr Houben. Do watch the video Mick links to to see FC at work. Houben's entire body is out of commission, but the facilitator manages to move his finger deftly across the keyboard typing out the letters. This is fraud on video.
The story, if possible, just got sadder, or at least rather more pathetic.
Back to the local. They say they don't want damage to the "green space," but is that what they're really worried about? Menorah's and Christmas trees don't do a lot of damage do they?: Valley Patriot: North Andover Selectmen Deny Jewish Menorah, Christmas Trees on Town Common:
Some North Andover residents say The Board of Selectmen have hijacked the "Town Common" after a vote Monday night that sent shock waves through the town.
Each year Rabbi Bronstein of Chabad House in Andover requests permission from the Town of North Andover to display a Menorah on the Town Common for the eight days of Chanukah.
And each year, the Board of Selectmen in North Andover routinely approve the request without any problems or controversies.
But, when Rabbi Bronstein submitted the same request this year the Selectmen refused, saying a new policy passed by the board last month restricts the use of the common to one day only...
...Selectman Bill Grodon did make a motion to support the Rabbi and asked the board to make an exception to allow the menorah for eight days, but not one member of the board would even second the motion for a vote...
...Selectmen said that the new policy was enacted because they wanted to preserve the integrity of the common and avoid unnecessary damage to the green space with multi-day events and fairs.
However, one selectman said she doesn't believe having a menorah or Christmas tree on the common for eight days would damage the common and is not relevant to the intent of the policy and flies in the face of the founding fathers of the town...
Read more at The Valley Patriot. [H/t: Paula P]
Another guy who's had cause to have second thoughts over who he voted for last November. Via MarathonPundit, Clinton's former Ambassador to Israel had some interesting things to say on a recent trip through Omaha: Ex-ambassador gives Obama an 'F'
President Barack Obama gets an "F" for his initial effort to promote peace between Israelis and Palestinians, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel said Tuesday.
Martin Indyk, ambassador to Israel under President Bill Clinton, told an Omaha audience the current president is trying hard to re-ignite diplomacy in the Middle East -- trying, in fact, much harder than former President George W. Bush did.
But, he said, the growing mistrust between Israelis and Palestinians, the meddling influence of Iran, the Bush administration's neglect and the Obama administration's missteps have worsened the situation in the past year.
"It's clear that things are not going as he planned," Indyk said...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Fort Hood shooter's West Bank family claims the history of the family is "non-violent" he's interviewed in a room plastered with photos of Yassir Arafat [h/t: Dave]. See around :55 if you're impatient.
Now that the Hampshire BDS confab is over, I'm back to posting on Divest This which will be updated over the holiday with everything that's been appearing here over the last week.
I had the chance to swing by the Five College area last weekend when the Hampshire BDS conference was taking place. In addition to a quick run through the sleepy Hampshire campus (home of not just Hampshire Students for Justice in Palestine, but also the Eric Carle Museum), I had the chance to meet with a bunch of students who have been at the forefront of battling not just divestment, but a whole host of anti-Israel activities that take place on a regular basis throughout the Happy Valley.
As has been reported for the last decade or two, campus supporters of Israel have it pretty tough these days. While support for Israel across the country still ranges in the 70-80% range, a large part of that other 20-30% seems to be concentrated on college campuses. And in places like Amherst and Northampton, significant numbers of school anti-Israel organizations are supplemented by a community beyond the campus who share their views, creating a zeitgeist whereby hostility to the Jewish state is "in" and any other attitude is marginalized or shunned.
In certain locations (notably the Five College area and certain Californian and Canadian campuses), the situation has gotten so bad that threats, physical intimidation and even violence accompany social ostracism directed at those who may not share the Free Palestine/Israel Apartheid/BDS agenda. While the cops haven't been required to save Hampshire kids from threatening mobs yet, there have already been cases of students leaving Hampshire because of the toxic atmosphere created by militant hoaxers like Hampshire Students for Justice in Palestine.
Given a situation more unpleasant than anything I remember from my college days, I was curious as to learn how local Israel supporters were holding up, and was thrilled to find out that they are not only holding their own, but they have only begun to fight.
For example, I was surprised to discover that hostility to Israel has been allowed to pollute nearly every level of academic discourse. After dodging a SJP pat-down next to a cardboard "Apartheid Wall," one would think the classroom would serve as a refuge, but apparently tales of Israeli brutality (sans facts and context, of course) are regularly dragged into there as well.
But one student, who was clearly appalled at having to deal with ugly "aren't the Israelis behaving like the Nazi's" accusations (in a Holocaust history class no less), told how he took it upon himself to correct the record and fight the good fight whenever the Middle East conflict was dragged into yet another inappropriate venue. Asked how he felt about having to deal with such rubbish on a day-to-day basis, he simply proclaimed that he was ready to continue to fight for what's right until the day he died.
In addition to their courage in the face of hostile and aggressive critics, this group was also impressive in their humility and humanity. There are certainly some people I work with who have legitimate issues with interfaith and inter-community outreach (especially when it's designed to limit what Jewish groups can do on campus while leaving Israel defamers free to pursue BDS or any other agenda they like). But at the same time, it says something about the hearts of Israel's Happy Valley supporters that they choose not to grow bitter about what's been going on at Hampshire and elsewhere, but continue to combine their readiness to fight for the good with a willingness to reach out to others, even those uninterested in outreach (for now).
Do these young men and women have all the answers? Of course not. Do they need help (especially from those of us who are interested in listening to what they have to say, rather than just telling them what they should do)? Certainly.
But we should keep in mind that in addition to knowing who's who and what's what on their own campuses, these folks have already demonstrated that proud Jews and Zionists, friends and supporters of Israel cannot and have not been cowed by loud mobs with shriveled souls whose only offer false history, fake victories and hatred for the Jewish state masquerading as humanitarian concern for the Palestinians.
History is replete with tales of small armies defeating much larger ones. In fact, what is Jewish and Israeli history if not a tale of winning out over overwhelming odds? And unlike the opposition, the group of kids I met with isn't going to waste time celebrating their wonderfulness, and talking about being a generation of giants. Rather, they seem content with rolling along as happy warriors who, like David, are ready to bring giants to heel in the morning while praying for peace before they hit the sack (with, I hope, a fair amount of cold pizza and beer in between).
There must be more to this story. I mean...there must be... Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist
Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq -- the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told
The three, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment -- called an admiral's mast -- and have requested a trial by court-martial.
Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors -- and he had the bloody lip to prove it.
Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers...
Visions of the scene from Band of Brothers where Capt. Winters refuses to accept punishment and demands a Court Martial instead...a bloody lip? It must be more than that...must be. This guy planned and perpetrated an atrocity, and the Navy is worried he may have been roughed up a bit?
[h/t: Daled Amos]
Update: Start at about 3:00...
A dog rides in a U.S. Soldier's backpack at Combat Outpost Jeleran, Afghanistan, Nov. 20, 2009. The dog, named Cookie, is the unofficial mascot of 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment. (DoD photo by Tech. Sgt. Francisco V. Govea II, U.S. Air Force/Released)
And Democrat "mega-donor" Alan Solomont is in up to his neck. Looks like those tapas dinners in Spain are even farther away than even we first imagined. This story is starting to smell worse by the minute. Walpin was fired, contrary to law, it is widely believed, because of his "aggressive investigation of misuse of AmeriCorps funds by Kevin Johnson, the mayor of Sacramento, California who is a prominent political ally of President Obama." Byron York has an important update on the story: New documents: White House scrambled to justify AmeriCorps firing after the fact. Some snips, but read it all.
Just hours after Sen. Charles Grassley and Rep. Darrell Issa released a report Friday on their investigation into the abrupt firing of AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin, the Obama White House gave the lawmakers a trove of new, previously-withheld documents on the affair. It was a twist on the now-familiar White House late-Friday release of bad news; this time, the new evidence was put out not only at the start of a weekend but also hours too late for inclusion in the report.
The new documents support the Republican investigators' conclusion that the White House's explanation for Walpin's dismissal -- that it came after the board of the Corporation for National and Community Service, which oversees AmeriCorps, unanimously decided that Walpin must go -- was in fact a public story cobbled together after Walpin was fired, not before...
...Pressed for the reason Walpin was fired, Eisen told House and Senate aides that the White House conducted an "extensive review" of complaints about Walpin's performance before deciding to dismiss him. According to the new report, Eisen told Congress that "his investigation into the merits of removing Gerald Walpin involved contacting members of the Corporation for National and Community Service [CNCS] board to confirm the existence of a 'consensus' in favor of removal." But Republican investigators later discovered that during that "extensive review," the White House did not even seek the views of the corporation's board -- the very people whose "consensus" purportedly led to Walpin's firing.
Other than board chairman Alan Solomont, the Democratic mega-donor and Obama supporter who originally told the White House of his dissatisfaction with Walpin, "no member of the CNCS board had any substantive input about whether the removal of Gerald Walpin was appropriate," according to the report...
...The new documents show the White House scrambling, in the days after the controversy erupted, to put together a public explanation for the firing. On June 11, less than 24 hours after Walpin received the call from Eisen, the board held a conference call...
Update: Great take at JStreetJive (Solomont is also a big J Street backer): The (Poor) Judgment of Solomont
I'm shocked, shocked! The ADL reports that email list serv of the anti-Israel group Al Awda is rife with messages containing rank anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Not exactly earth-shattering news to most of us, in fact most of the listservs of similar groups are full to the gills with similar material. Al Awda is in the "mainstream of the fringe" of the anti-Israel sanctions movement. Their representatives give presentations in churches, schools (Mazin Qumsiyeh is one of their most infamous representatives) and write op-eds in newspapers. This is the poison they spread: Anti-Semitism and Conspiracy Theories Run Rampant on Al-Awda Listserve
Recent messages on an anti-Israel listserve run by Al-Awda have included expressions of anti-Semitism, denials of the Holocaust and wild conspiracy theories about Israel and Jews.
Supporters of Al-Awda, a Palestinian-American grassroots organization, use its various national and regional listserves to condemn Israel and organize events expressing opposition to Israel's policies. In recent weeks, several e-mails distributed to the listserve have featured particularly egregious comments alleging that Israel secretly orchestrates Palestinian suicide bombings against Israeli civilians, that Jews are guilty of engaging in organ trafficking and that it is sensible to "doubt" the veracity of the Holocaust.
Al-Awda's listserve has on occasion featured messages demonstrating support for terrorist groups, including the distribution of communiqués from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). But several of the recent messages, some of which appear below, reflect previously unseen expressions of anti-Semitism, slander about Jews and ludicrous conspiracy theories...
45% of the royalties from the Seeger-penned Byrds hit Turn! Turn! Turn! go to the execrable ICAHD. I'll never be able to hear it the same way again.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I wrote recently about events like the BDS conference at Hampshire College being primarily about the BDSers themselves, an event adding up to little more than a group hug during which the divestment crowd could sing their own praises and crow about their unquestionable virtue. While I've grown used to the self-important bombast that turns up whenever I give folks like Hampshire Students for Justice in Palestine a gentle ribbing (especially one that ends up taking up the bulk of the first page of Google search results for "Hampshire BDS"), nothing I could ever write would rival the near parody level self-congratulations of this piece.
A few Divest This operatives attended the Hampshire event last weekend (they were the girls wearing fake beards if anyone who attended is reading this) and gave me the skinny on what went on. Naturally, I was most curious about how the BDSers managed to spend an entire weekend ginning up the troops while having to work around the little detail that their Pinky and the Brain-type schemes have met with nothing but failure over the last eight years.
With zero colleges choosing to divest after all that time (and Hampshire providing an abject lesson to college administrators nationwide on what can happen if you give the BDS crowd the time of day), with churches running from their program, with "right wing" groups like J Street abandoning their squalid little project, how would they apply their innovative imaginations into spinning excrement into gold?
Envelope please!
It turns out that the utter lack of real BDS victories is more than made up for by the fact that AIPAC, J-Street, et al have been forced to react to their activities! In other words, condemnation from their enemies is proof positive of not just relevance, but unstoppable political momentum!
Come again? Can anyone play this game? Does the divestnista's endless harping on Israel and its supporters mean our success if finally getting to them? That we're now too unstoppable to ignore? Or is it only the BDSniks who get to demand we agree to the endlessly changing terms by which the success of their "movement" is to be judged?
In the past, I described BDS as resembling a lame pickup artist that highlights the sheer number of their unsuccessful advances as proof of their sexual prowess. But their latest interpretation take the metaphor one step further, whereby everyone in the bar asking them to keep their hands to themselves or get out is further proof that they must really be getting somewhere!
I'll return tomorrow with a description of some real heroes of the Happy Valley, not self-important, self-described "Giants," but simple happy warriors with their hearts in the right place.
Somehow I missed this must-read post from milblogger J.R. Salzman when it first went up two weeks ago: PTSD:
I'm more than a little angry right now. Yes, I'm irate that some sh-tbag Major ("sh-tbag" is often used as a technical term in the Army) opened fire on a group of his fellow Soldiers killing 12 and wounding 30. But that's not even what is under my skin right now. What is bothering me is the general reaction of our media and those stupid enough to think this was not an act of terrorism, but was caused by supposed PTSD caused at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
You want to know what PTSD is like? I'll tell you...
[via Rich Lowry]
Rumor has had it for a while now that there is a deal brewing for the release of Gilad Shalit -- another prisoner exchange where some prisoners that Israel holds will be released in exchange for the captured soldier. Despite Israel's reputation for not negotiating with terrorists, the truth is that these things have happened with some regularity. The exchange is always lopsided -- a whole bunch of Arab terrorists for a single soldier, sometimes just the soldier's corpse. Quite right too, as free societies always value their individuals at a large multiplier compared to their thug rivals, especially those thug societies that have repeatedly and openly declared that they love death as the other loves life.
It's a perfect argument in favor of the death penalty, which Israel does not use, even for those given 16 consecutive life sentences.
One of those prisoners being considered for release is the murderer of Malki Roth along with 14 others (see previous: 'That female is our child's murderer'). The Roth family is understandably upset and has sent an open letter to the Israeli cabinet. Here is a link to the letter on the Roth's web site, but I take the liberty of reproducing the letter in full below: On freeing a monster
Earlier today, we sent a letter to the cabinet members of the government of Israel. The following is an English translation of what we wrote to them.
Like the rest of the Jewish nation, we yearn to see Israeli hostage Gilad Shalit back home with his long-suffering parents as soon as possible [and we have written about this in the past.]
But it is with indescribable pain that we read about the impending mass release of the convicted murderers of Israeli civilians and soldiers. Those of us who still personally feel the agony of the terror attacks of the last few years have failed to motivate our leaders to free Gilad Shilat via alternative means.
Among the prisoners to be released will be the convicted mass murderer Ahlam Tamimi.
And among the victims whose sacrifices will be denigrated is our precious child, Malki.
Tamimi is unique in several ways. As such, she should be treated differently from other convicted murderers.
While she is a woman, and for this reason accorded relatively compassionate coverage by the media, Tamimi is a far more prolific murderer than most of the men she will accompany. She slaughtered seven men and women and eight babies and children in cold blood. Tamimi personally led the suicide-bomber, Al-Masri, right up to entrance of the target she herself selected, Jerusalem's Sbarro restaurant, made a hasty getaway to save her own skin, and then, in effect, "fired her weapon". Few of the prisoners on Hamas' demand list were so intimately involved in the terror attacks for which they were convicted and sentenced. Those who were, usually died in the attack.
Tamimi was sentenced to 16 consecutive life sentences, and has been in prison for five years. Few of the murderers Israel has agreed to release have spent so brief a period behind bars.
She has enjoyed the notoriously comfortable conditions that Israel lavishes on female Palestinian prisoners, including: the freedom to dress in clothes of her choice - she swapped her secular garb for Muslim fundamentalist scarf and robe; the opportunity to grant interviews to writers and to a documentary film-maker, thereby gaining widespread international media coverage and air-time for her hateful values; the unfettered opportunity to practice her religion to the fullest extent; the option of higher education - she was a university student and part-time journalist at the time of the murders; the time to socialize and politicize with her fellow terrorist-prisoners. Few male Palestinian murderers enjoy conditions as generous as Tamimi's.
Tamimi has declared unequivocally that she has no regrets about what she did. In one of her media interviews, permitted by the Israel Prison Service, she is quoted saying: "I am not sorry for what I did. I will get out of prison and I refuse to recognize Israel's existence... Discussions will only take place after Israel recognizes that this is Islamic land".
Several years ago, Tamimi spoke with Barbara Victor, author of "Army of Roses: Inside the World of Palestinian Women Suicide Bombers" (London; Constable & Robinson, 2004). In her book, Victor writes that Tamimi "didn't regret the deaths of all these children" and said "They should have returned to Poland, Russia or the United States, to the countries their parents came from".
Of the other convicted terrorists to be freed, none - as far as we know - has made such egregious and documented statements of un-repentance.
Abdullah Barghouti, another mass murderer who prepared the bomb that slaughtered the Sbarro victims and who is also slated to be released in the Gilad Shalit exchange, publicized his lack of regret as well. But he qualified this by saying: "I do not accept responsibility for their deaths. I feel pain, of course. They are little children. But the government of Israel is solely responsible."
When, during the filming of a documentary, Tamimi was informed that the number of children she had murdered was higher than she had herself presumed, she smiled with pleasure into the camera.
The Sbarro bombing remains one of the most horrific acts of terrorism that Israel has ever known. It decimated an entire family, the Schijveschuurders; the father, mother and three of their young children died instantly, leaving behind four orphans. It robbed a couple of their only child, pregnant with her first baby when Tamimi murdered her. It sent a young mother into a coma from which she has never emerged; her ravaged life is never included in the tally of Tamimi's victims.
The evil that Tamimi embodies is special, and deserves treatment distinct from that of the other terrorists.
We recognize, as many observers have pointed out, that Israel has probably bungled the handling of Shalit's return. The damage has been done and there is no turning back the clock. We are resigned to the fact that releasing terrorists for Gilad Shalit's return means that Hamas will commit fresh kidnappings.
We also fear that Israeli soldiers, sent by their commanders to risk their lives in the pursuit of suspected terrorists, will now wonder whether they should die just so that another name is added to the next prisoner-release list.
Removing Tamimi's name from the list will enable Israel to demonstrate some vestige of strength, conviction and morality. This is a message which needs to be heard by its citizens, its enemies and the world. Please support our efforts to bring this about.
Frimet and Arnold Roth
Influence buying, and it works well at our institutions of higher learning. Looks like Rutgers and Columbia (shock!) both got money from the Alavi Foundation which has recently been getting its assets seized by US government:
New York Post: Schools' Iran $$ pipeline
Anti-Israel, pro-Iran university professors are being funded by a shadowy multimillion-dollar Islamic charity based in Manhattan that the feds charge is an illegal front for the repressive Iranian regime.
The deep-pocketed Alavi Foundation has aggressively given away hundreds of thousands of dollars to Columbia University and Rutgers University for Middle Eastern and Persian studies programs that employ professors sympathetic to the Iranian dictatorship.
"We found evidence that the government of Iran really controlled everything about the foundation," said Adam Kaufmann, investigations chief at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office...
... In one of the biggest handouts, the controversial charity donated $100,000 to Columbia University after the Ivy League school agreed to host Iranian leader and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, according to the foundation's 2007 tax filings obtained by The Post.
Rutgers professor Hooshang Amirahmadi, former head of the school's Center for Middle Eastern Studies and president of the American-Iranian Council, a nonprofit advocacy group, unabashedly has touted Hezbollah and Hamas as legitimate organizations and not terrorists.
Between 2005 and 2007, the Alavi Foundation donated $351,600 to the Rutgers Persian language program, a spokesman for the school acknowledged. The university would not comment further...
...The Alavi Foundation -- a charity that law-enforcement officials believe is a front for the Iranian government -- has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund professorships at Columbia and Rutgers universities. These professors have been apologists for the Iranian government...
The article goes on to name: Gary Sick, professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia, Hooshang Amirahmadi, director, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Rutgers, and Hamid Dabashi, professor of Iranian studies and comparative literature, Columbia. It's all kind of funny, since it brings back the old saying, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"
See also: JPost: 'Iran backers funding US universities'
[h/t: Emailers]
Sunday, November 22, 2009
It has begun: Lawyer: 9/11 defendants want platform for views
The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty so that they can air their criticisms of U.S. foreign policy, the lawyer for one of the defendants said Sunday.
Scott Fenstermaker, the lawyer for accused terrorist Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, said the men would not deny their role in the 2001 attacks but "would explain what happened and why they did it."
The U.S. Justice Department announced earlier this month that Ali and four other men accused of murdering nearly 3,000 people in the deadliest terrorist attack in the U.S. will face a civilian federal trial just blocks from the site of the destroyed World Trade Center.
Ali, also known as Ammar al-Baluchi, is a nephew of professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Mohammed, Ali and the others will explain "their assessment of American foreign policy," Fenstermaker said.
"Their assessment is negative," he said...
Y'think? And now we get the spectacle of a trial, supposedly to showcase "our system" on the international stage, whose outcome and sentence is pre-determined, where the defendants will need to be muzzled to prevent them from using the stage for their own purposes, under circumstances that you or I would be horrified at the prospects of going through (the massive power of the highest levels of the Federal Government arrayed against us in a bizarre process only a specialist can understand) if we could even relate to it in the first place (which we can't because we're not mass murdering terrorists). What's the point of the exercise? Showtime!
[h/t: Graham]
Saturday, November 21, 2009
In honor of the World War II in High Definition series that's been airing on The History Channel (if you haven't been watching, you should), here's a triple feature of Oscar nominated documentaries from the period:
To the Shores of Iwo Jima (1945):
Continue reading "Saturday Night Movies: They Chased Us Off There Five Times. We Came Back Six"
Friday, November 20, 2009
Following a brief hiccup, we are happy to be four-square behind the ADL once again. Michael Goldfarb has a pair of must-reads here, starting with a report on J Street's going after Sarah Palin for, y'know, being too pro-Israel for their taste, and then getting a righteous smack-down from Abe Foxman as a result: ADL Blasts J Street: "Question Mark" About Pro-Israel Bona Fides
When Sarah Palin offered her unqualified support for the Israeli government's policy of settlement expansion in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the self-described "pro-Israel, pro-peace" J Street blasted her for "pandering to her right-wing base comes at the expense of the security of the State of Israel." The group added that "the majority of Israelis and pro-Israel Americans who view the growing settlement enterprise as a threat to Israel's very future as a Jewish democracy." So according to J Street, Palin's support for the official policy of the Israeli government raised questions about Palin's pro-Israel bona fides.
Anti-Defamation League chief Abe Foxman sees things differently...
He goes on to quote Foxman per JTA. Goldfarb goes on:
...J Street has explicitly worked to change the definition of what it means to be pro-Israel by pushing people like Palin out of the tent and letting self-described anti-Zionists in -- so is Ben-Ami the only one who gets to decide who is and who is not pro-Israel based on whether they agree with his views? Palin is without a doubt pro-Israel, and yet Ben-Ami blasted her -- why? Because she doesn't agree with his views, and because J Street is not a pro-Israel group but a partisan political organization that, in Ben-Ami's own words, seeks only to be Obama's "blocking back" in Congress...
Do read it all. Of course J Street, as a highly partisan group, will always be a marginal and controversial outfit, punching above its weight for no other reason than a hefty budget. When the real pro-Israel people I know get together and we hear that there are Jewish college students who have no interest in Israel, maybe aren't comfortable with a Jewish State at all, we think, "What can we do to change that?" When J Street hears it, they think, "There's our market!"
Goldfarb's other must-read concerns J Street's behind the scenes collaboration with the now besieged NIAC (the National Iranian American Council) to basically undermine the position of every other truly 'pro-Israel' group on the planet: J Street: Not Really So Concerned About Israel's Security
Well the Hampshire BDS conference begins tonight (be still my heart). Yet even as the divestment "juggernaut" keeps careening between defeat and hoax, the only thing that seems to be gaining momentum is the backlash against what will be discussed during the boycotter's upcoming Sabbath celebration.
Academic boycott seems to particularly strike a nerve here in the US with organizations like the 1.4 million-member American Federation of Teachers not only rejecting the notion in the US, but condemning fellow unions in other countries for even considering such an assault on academic freedom.
Think about San Francisco State College for a minute. Here is a school in which administration indifference has allowed Israel-hatred to reach such a fevered pitch that mobs hurling death threats against pro-Israel demonstrators are treated as free-speech practitioners. Yet even here, the President of SF State has seen fit to condemn BDS as "deeply wrong - and deeply dangerous." On the academic boycott in particular, she says: "An academic boycott is a wrongheaded tactic that diminishes any institution that would pursue it," Corrigan wrote. "It is antithetical to this University's values of inclusion and mutual respect ... An academic boycott is anathema to such civil discourse."
Disgust with BDS has even reached the corridors of J Street, a lobbying organization that has drawn considerable controversy for the distance between its self-proclaimed identity as "pro-Israel" and its political stances that many claim are at odds with the security needs of the Jewish state. J Street has protested Israel's actions in Gaza. It has lobbied against sanctions being placed on Iran. It has condemned the US Congress for its rejection of the Goldstone Report. Yet even J Street condemned BDS generally, and the upcoming Hampshire conference specifically.
Given the difficulty of characterizing SF State and J Street as "right-wing Zealots," these latest setbacks are likely to be ignored as the Hampshire SJPians begin their "March to Victory" weekend celebrations and poetry readings. But it is intriguing to think about why BDS is receiving such widespread rejection on the furthest edges of both ends of the political spectrum.
One possible explanation is that people are starting to realize that actual (vs. fantasy) divestment and boycott comes at a cost. Particularly in the case of academic boycott, a boycotting school would have to formally place itself outside of the consensus regarding the free exchange of ideas. Now it's one thing to stand back while a bunch of Jewish students get attacked by a mob on your campus, but to have your face plastered in the newspapers as supporting an end to academic dialog for political reasons is too much even for the leadership of San Francisco State.
There also seems to be a trend whereby controversial organizations (like J Street) use their condemnation of BDS to prove their pro-Israel bone fides. To a certain extent, this is meant to insulate them from criticism for their other activities, but it does say something that BDS is understood as being so loathsome that condemnation of boycott would be considered a safe choice for a political fig leaf.
The last possibility is reflected in a boldfaced line in the J Street condemnation against BDS: "we're all going to get burned unless we speak out now." Ever aware of the latest political barometric pressure readings, J Street understands that BDS is a big, fat loser, and rather than go down with the ship supporting a strategy that is not only loathsome but so bereft of victories that it has to invent some, they've taken the safe route of placing divestment beyond the pale.
A7 titles their report Austrians Mute Israeli Anthem at Fencing Tourney:
Young female athletes from Israel's fencing team swept top medals at a 28-nation European tournament held in Mödling, Austria last week - but faced an additional challenge when they stood on the winners' podium to receive their medals: the organizers did not play the recording of the Israeli national anthem, and the Israeli winners had to sing the anthem on their own, a capella style. The Israeli team's staff has no doubt that the incident was intentional.
Israel's Dana Strelnikov, 14, won the gold medal and Alona Kamarov won the bronze at the tournament, which hosted 120 fencers aged up to 17. Both Israeli medalists hail from the northern Israeli town of Ma'alot, whose fencing club has produced many of Israel's best young fencers. But as they stood on the podium and awaited the opening sounds of national anthem HaTikvah - they heard only silence. The girls and their trainers quickly understood what was happening and proceeded to sing the entire anthem on their own, with some scattered support from voices in the spectators' bleachers.
The Israeli national team's coach, Yaakov Friedman, told Arutz Sheva that the Israeli team faces constant political challenges on the international circuit. At a tournament in Göteborg, Sweden, in January this year, Israel won the silver medal and when the medalists were already on the podium the organizers informed Friedman that they do not have a recording of the Israeli anthem. The team sang the anthem without the help of the recording. It was understood by everyone, Friedman said, that the reason was Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, which had just ended...
The Austrians, however, claim they only had the "old version" of the anthem, whatever that is:
In the Mödling incident, Friedman said, the organizers approached him when the winners were on the podium and told him that "we do not have a recording of the new Israeli anthem, just the old one." Friedman informed them that to the best of his knowledge, Israel has only had one anthem - HaTikvah - since it was founded...
Thanks to Seva B for forwarding along translations from the Russian press and a few other links as well, though they all basically tell the same tale. The bottom line is that the Austrians claim it was just a SNAFU, but the Israelis, while saying everyone was very nice, aren't buying it as it's happened before. And let's face it, how hard is it to Google "Hatikva audio" to get a recording?
Well this is shaping up to be quite an event in the great climate debate. A hacker broke in to the computer system of the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit [Hadley CRU] and posted the emails and data they retrieved -- including the scientists' conniving over science and politics. Michelle Malkin has a good round-up: The global warming scandal of the century
Update: RealClimate says there's not really much there.
Three months ago today, the 'terminally ill' Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, was released from prison on 'compassionate grounds' and returned home to cheering throngs in Libya.
It was said he had three months to live. So...? I mean if Great Britain is going to prostitute itself for a few oleaginous ducats, and Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill is going to stand up before the entire world, remove his head, his heart, his honor and what's left of the backbone of Western Europe from his jacket, toss them on the floor, cover them in Ronsonol and set them ablaze, all the while bobbing up and down over the corpse like Jimi Hendrix live at the Monterey Pop Festival, the least the man could do would be to have the courtesy to die on schedule. Every day Megrahi lasts just adds to British and Scottish shame...if they had any shame to lose. Their pride's long since vanished, it's all in the red now, and getting redder every day Megrahi lives.
So consider this a reminder, Messrs. Brown and MacAskill, from your friends in America. MacBeth's wife couldn't scrub the stain from your hands, transferred to you from Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi the day you unlocked his cell door. You were hoping we'd forget, but we saw what you did, and we know what it makes you.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Free Tarek Mehanna Official Facebook Group (yes) has posted the 1ST LETTER FROM TARIQ!!. Sounds like he'll be taking the opportunity to get his Dawa on in jail:
...I was in the prison van yesterday on my way back from court and struck up a conversation with a guy next to me who was losing it. So, I calmed him down, and told him to stay positive, and use his time here to clean his heart and mind, get stronger, and learn more about himself and his purpose in life, and that way he could gain more from prison than he ever would outside. he just looked at me and said: "That's the first time anyone has said something like that to me since I got here," and my words were quite simply and easy...
He gets into some business from the Quran and all that -- understandable for a guy facing tough times in jail -- but considering he's being held for plotting mass murder, things take on a whole new complexion, eh? barely exists, but that's not preventing some in British media from demagoguing the issue for ratings and "balance's" sake. Robin Shepherd introduces the mainstream American audience to Britain's media sickness (previous: Britain's Secret) in the Wall Street Journal: Another Vast Jewish Conspiracy
British media and society are gripped by lies about a "secret" Israel lobby controlling foreign policy.
Here is a small selection of events that have taken place in Britain since the end of Israel's Operation Cast Lead in Gaza earlier this year.
The government has imposed a partial arms embargo on Israel and failed to vote against the Goldstone report in the U.N . The charities War on Want and Amnesty International U.K. have both promoted a book by the anti-Israeli firebrand Ben White, tellingly called "Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide." The Trades Union Congress at its annual conference has called for boycotts of Israeli products as well as a total arms embargo.
In the media, the Guardian newspaper has stepped up its already obsessive campaign against the Jewish state to the extent that the paper's flagship Comment is Free Web site frequently features two anti-Israeli polemics on one and the same day. The BBC continues to use its enormous influence over British public opinion to whitewash anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial in the Middle East. Its Web site, for example, features a profile of Hamas that makes no mention of the group's virulent hatred of Jews or its adherence to a "Protocols of Zion"-style belief in world-wide Jewish conspiracies.
Readers may be surprised to learn, therefore, that the British media and political establishment is apparently cowering under the sway of a secretive cabal of Zionist lobbyists who have all but extinguished critical opinions of Israel from the public domain...
Free speech for me but not for thee. So much for the elite universities. Phyllis Chesler has the story: Princeton, Columbia Cancel Free Speech: Darwish Silenced
...This time, Nonie, who is the founder of Arabs for Israel, was invited to speak at both Columbia and Princeton. The official invitation at Columbia came from the very distinguished CAMERA, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME), and from a new student organization there: Campus Media Watch, a group which is not yet quite up and running. Darwish flew from the West Coast, and was already all dressed up and ready to travel to Columbia when she got word that she'd been canceled...
Gaza charity offers $1.4 million for capture of IDF soldiers
A Gaza charity linked to the ruling Hamas militant group is offering $1.4 million to anybody who captures an Israeli soldier.
The Waad group sent an e-mail on Wednesday calling on people living in Israel to try take soldiers hostage.
The organization, which supports Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, is headed by Hamas' Interior Minister Fathi Hamad. He did not return calls seeking comment.
Waad's director, Usama Kahlout, says the offer is in response to an Israeli group's offer to pay Gazans for information on the whereabouts of Gilad Shalit, who has been held in captivity by Hamas for more than three years...
A yes, the Hamas version of "charity." The whole hostage thing has worked out so well so far. But the Israelis get blamed for the Palestinian Arabs' tough living conditions...
The highly objectionable video posted by The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) (see previous: The True Face of Presbyterian 'Peacemaking') has been pulled. See the update at the original PC(USA) posting: Video of the Week: I Am Israel
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We have removed the video "I am Israel" as it was not the message we wanted to send about peacemaking between Israelis and Palestinians. We regret posting it in the first place as its message was not one of reconciliation. The comments that were posted about it confirmed that it was offensive to our members as well as other readers. We regret this mistake.
Check the comments, not all of them were against the video. Also, the very interesting comment thread at the Naming His Grace blog continues.
Meanwhile, the IPMN for some reason thinks that the ADL's take on some newspaper op-ed or other concerning the financial crisis is interesting (apparently they thought one of Maureen Dowd's pieces had some issues): ADL covering up for crimes of financial elites. What the relevance of that post is to be the judge.
The agenda for this weekend's Hampshire BDS conference is up, and it's fair to say that they've put together a pretty comprehensive program. Given that this event (and similar ones on other campuses) is likely a spin off from the 8th annual national divestment meeting that took place in Chicago earlier this year, you can't say that the Israel-dislikers out there have not been putting time, money and resources into this tactic over the last decade.
Which begs the question as to why, after nearly ten years of effort, they have far less to show for themselves than they did even four years ago?
One explanation (the one BDS champions have used in the past) is that it takes time to build a movement, and that everything that's taken place over the last 8+ years are small steps that will culminate in their overall victory getting Israel branded as the successor to Apartheid South Africa. But if we are to measure progress by success, rather than noise level, at best BDS is a project that has had its ups and downs, but is generally trending southward in terms of actual institutional victories.
Another explanation is that the early victories of BDS (Presbyterians, British unions) and divestment hoaxes (Hampshire, TIAA-CREF) created countervailing forces in the form of activists such as myself, and awareness by those who would be involved with divestment decisions of the nastiness that underlies boycott, divestment and sanctions. In this way, the Presbyterian Church took one for Mainline Christianity by getting infected, healing and then spreading its antibodies around its fellow churches.
There is a third option (one that, admittedly, remains speculative) that BDS conferences like the one at Hampshire this weekend are ends in themselves. Under this interpretation, the purpose of these events is to make the participants feel like they are all part of a virtuous, all-seeing vanguard that understands the world in ways the masses who overwhelmingly support Israel and reject BDS do not.
Given the number of Israel=Apartheid events featuring posters with the world "Apartheid" misspelled, it's safe to say that current campus Boycott Israel participants are not propelled by experience or understanding of what the injustice of Apartheid was really like (beyond being a dirty word with emotional resonance). And given the speed at which BDSers turn their head and spin on their heels whenever they're confronted with their indifference to genuine human rights abuses committed by their political allies, it's safe to say that the distance between their virtuous self-image and reality remains as vast as ever.
Which gets us back to the notion that hate-fests like Israel-Apartheid Week and divestment hoax celebrations like this weekend's event at Hampshire may actually serve as a form of social bonding for the participants, rather than as a genuine form of political activity. After all, a truly political movement would have to put at least a few minutes into thinking through the consequences of their actions. And given how much worse the plight of the very Palestinians BDSers claim to care so much about has gotten with every year the divestment bandwagon marches on, serious political reflection is the one thing that won't be on the agenda at Hampshire this weekend.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Oh, I really enjoyed reading this profile of Hamas's girl at Harvard by Steven Plaut. How do people like this get permanent jobs at American universities in the first place? Well, you know: Collaborators in the War Against the Jews: Sara Roy
Sara Roy, who holds a non-tenured "research" position at Harvard's Center for Middle East Studies (CMES), claims to be a "political economist," although she apparently has no training in economics or political science. She also claims to be an expert in Middle East Studies, but has no degree in that either. Her PhD is in Education.
Roy claims to be an expert on the political economy of the Gaza Strip, but her real expertise is in anti-Israel leftist political propaganda. She worked on her doctoral dissertation in education part of the time while living for a while in the Gaza Strip, and got paid as a a research assistant by the West Bank Data Base Project, a propaganda project directed by anti-Israel radical Israeli non-academic leftists.
Roy's Middle East studies publications are by and large propaganda diatribes, and many appear in non-academic anti-Israel propaganda magazines, some of which appear in openly anti-Semitic web magazines, at least one having intimate ties to the PLO. Phyllis Chessler calls her one of "the most savage critics--of America and Israel." Roy is a prolific writer of newspaper op-eds and spends much of her time giving "expert" lectures about the Arab-Israel conflict.
Sara Roy was born Jewish, and she uses this circumstance as a lever to better support Israel's enemies. She refers frequently to something she calls a "Jewish ethical perspective" whenever bashing Israel and cites her "Jewish roots" when promoting the Hamas on anti-Semitic web sites such as the Neo-Stalinist Counterpunch.
Roy is, in fact, arguably the leading apologist for Hamas in American academia today...
Sorry, but I'm going to have to take a day off from exposing the Hampshire divestniks for what they are in order to cross post from Divest This my response to this hilarious posting from my old friends at Muzzlwatch.
Given that Muzzlewatch, a blog ostensibly created to remove barriers to conversation about the Middle East, no longer tolerates two-way dialog (after shutting down their comments section when the kitchen got too hot), this reply will have to suffice as a rejoinder to Cecilie Surasky's (the Muzzlewatch/Jewish Voice for Peace point person) hysterical response to a recent decision by the San Francisco Jewish Federation to stop underwriting the demonization of Israel.
The irony-challenged Ms. Surasky has to perform some pretty heavy contortions in order to fit the San Francisco story into a JVP narrative, so allow me to untangle the tale.
As regular readers know, infiltration is a theme I come back to again and again in my anti-divestment writing. Whenever BDS has posted a brief-lived "success" (such as with the Presbyterian Church or the British Teacher's Union), it's been because a small group of single-issue partisans have been willing to join an organization and use any means necessary (moral blackmail, parliamentary maneuvering, etc.) to tie an institution's "brand" to the BDS propaganda message of "Israel = Apartheid," regardless of the damage it might cause a church or other group in the process.
While many institutions have managed to avoid this type of manipulation, several have not. And the most recent victim was the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival which was hijacked and turned into a propaganda fest where the victimhood of Rachel Corrrie was trumpeted in film and lecture, while supporters of Israel were booed and jeered.
Unsurprisingly, this caused mayhem within the Film Festival organization and opened up enormous rifts within the San Francisco Jewish community. Once Israel's detractors (including Jewish Voices for Peace) got what they wanted (tying their message to a respected Jewish institution), they were - as usual - not the least bit concerned with the wreckages their reckless activities caused. But once the organized Jewish community (in the form of the local Federation) decided to respond to the matter, there was the same Jewish Voice for Peace using their Muzzlewatch mouthpiece to scream "foul!"
Now consider for a moment the argument being made in Surasky's piece. JVP is at the forefront of the US boycott, sanctions and divestment movement, which has attached itself at the hip to the goals of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI). In other words, their fondest dream is to see Israeli academics shunned by their international colleagues, their papers refused entry into journals, their invitations to conferences revoked, their students refused entry to US and European graduate programs.
Yet while JVP works tirelessly to see Israeli academics and artists censored, they also run Muzzlewatch which exists to accuse anyone of challenging JVP orthodoxy of censorship. In the case of San Francisco, Surasky's problem is not that the Federation is dragging anyone into court to get them to shut up (as JVP did in Boston). Nor are they hiding from criticism for their decisions (as Muzzlewatch did when they shut down their comments section). Rather, she is furious that the Federation has decided that defamers of Israel no longer have an automatic right to the community's money.
Normally, the wannabe censors of Muzzlewatch simply hurl their accusations of censorship at those who have the temerity to use their own free speech rights to criticize the political positions of Jewish Voice for Peace. But in this case, their rage rises to the highest pitch I've ever seen because another organization that does not share JVP's opinions refuses to write them checks, and refuses to tolerate a local Jewish film festival being subverted in order to accuse the Jewish state of murder.
At first I thought Surasky's piece could never sustain the hilarity it achieved when the author was comparing its heroes (Judith Butler the "true academic rock star," Ronnie Gilbert the former Weaver, and Aurora Levins Morales - both Latina and Jewish!) with the top-hat wearing, moustache-twirling, evil-doers of the Federation. But then she got to the threat (once again: Bogga! Bogga! Bogga!).
For you see it is we (meaning the SF Federation and other supporters of Israel) that are driving good and decent people into the arms of the boycott movement (not the tireless efforts of Jewish Voice for Peace who have been pushing BDS for close to a decade). And if we don't reconsider and start those checks coming again, we will only have ourselves to blame when JVP keeps doing what it was planning to do anyway.
It's been a couple of weeks since Halloween, but I can't help but conjure up the image of one of those ten year olds who decided to costume up by wearing their parents or grandparents clothes. (In this case, I've got an image stuck in my head of Surasky and her JVP colleagues dressed in oversize trenchcoats and fedoras, with beards drawn on their face in marker, pretending to be scary gangsters.) "You mind your place Mister Federation Fatcat," comes the real voice of Jewish Voice for Peace "or you'll be wearing concrete golashes!"
Fortunately this site still accepts comments, so any Muzzlewatchers are more than free to let me know if I missed anything.
Khaled Abu Toameh hits the nail on the head:
In recent years there has been a significant rise in the number of non-Palestinians who describe themselves as "pro-Palestinian" activists. These people can be found mostly on university campuses in North America and Europe.
What is striking is that many of these "pro-Palestinian" activists have never been to the Middle East, let alone the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. In most cases, they are not even Arabs or Muslims.
What makes them "pro-Palestinian"?
In their view, inciting against Israel on a university campus or publishing "anti-Zionist" material on the Internet is sufficient to earn them the title of "pro-Palestinian." But what these folks have not realized is that their actions and words often do little to advance the interests of the Palestinians. In some instances, these actions and words are even counterproductive.
It is hard to see how organizing events such as "Israel Apartheid Week" on a university campus could help the cause of the Palestinians. Isn't there already enough anti-Israel incitement that is being spewed out of Arab and Islamic media outlets?
If anyone is entitled to be called "pro-Palestinian," it is those who are publicly campaigning against financial corruption and abuse of human rights by Fatah and Hamas. Those who are trying to change the system from within belong to the real "pro-Palestinian" camp.
These are the brave people who are standing up to both Fatah and Hamas and calling on them to stop killing each other and start doing something that would improve the living conditions of their constituents...
A decent little report from CNN about some of the Bedouins serving with pride in the IDF:
Firefox (for me) doesn't seem to like the embed code, so here is the direct link.
[h/t: Matt H]
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Jews run it, apparently. Britain's Channel 4 aired a special "investigative report" on their own domestic "Lobby" (capital L) last night. Sounds like it was something even a Nazi would love. In fact, they did. I have often, privately, noted the timidity with which the British Jewish Community seems to operate, but the fact is the scene is completely different there, than here. It can't be a comfortable place, and they deal with a society stacked in a far different way than what we have here.
Here are some links on what went on. Sounds like it was quite a show:
Tom Gross: "Oh I forgot, the Jews have all the oil"
Jonathan Hoffman: Inside Channel 4's Conspiracy Factory
Melanie Phillips: Everything is now illuminated
Update: 11/18
The Jerusalem Post has some interesting background: British TV program to examine UK's 'powerful Israel lobby'
...The show producers also sent an e-mail to Simon Plosker, managing editor of media monitoring organization Honest Reporting, asking him to justify his work.
"We would like to ask you in an interview about your role as managing editor of Honest Reporting and its part in 'the battle for public opinion.' We would like to ask you about its targeting of the British media, in particular e-mail campaigns against the Guardian and BBC. We would also like to ask you about your previous roles at BICOM, NGO Monitor and your work for the IDF Spokesperson's Unit," the letter read.
"We will be in Jerusalem on Monday and hope you will welcome the opportunity to explain your role as managing editor of Honest Reporting," it concluded.
The e-mail was sent over Shabbat. The following Monday, the producers stormed into Honest Reporting's Jerusalem offices with cameras rolling, demanding to know where Plosker was.
"It was as if in an attempt to catch some sort of criminal activity. They demanded to know where I was, claimed that I was a 'major player in the UK' and asked whether I had something to hide," Plosker, who is currently in London, told the Post.
"Channel 4 has still failed to make clear why my professional background is of such interest to them," he went on. "I have nothing to hide, and aggressive actions such as bursting into my office with cameras rolling, pursuing me, can do nothing to dispel the suspicion that this documentary is nothing more than a cynical hatchet job aimed at the Anglo-Jewish community and supporters of Israel."
The letter was sent by the program's producer Ed Harriman, who also writes for the London Review of Books and was the first to review Walt and Mearsheimer's book The Israel Lobby in March 2006...
Honest Reporting responds at length, also providing the video of the program itself: Under Attack: HR Accused by UK TV Documentary
At least, they have the second lowest rate of "stunting" in the entire Arab Word. This is a statistic to remember next time someone pulls this out of the hat (every day). Elder takes a look (PalArab kids in better shape than other Arabs) at the UN's own stats (In Brief: Stunting not as bad as expected in Occupied Palestinian Territories).
Well, he was an arch-terrorist, and nothing has changed in the society he left behind, so what else would one expect? Just another essential view of Israel's peace partners. I know, let's give them more foreign aid. They're not feeling sufficiently loved:
Palestinian Media Watch: Kids' hate speech against Jews included in PA Arafat memorial
A televised memorial ceremony for Yasser Arafat included a video clip of Palestinian children delivering messages in honor of Arafat. It is noteworthy that even though this clip was prerecorded and edited, the organizers of the PA's official ceremony chose to include hate speech and libels that demonized Jews and glorified violence and Martyrdom.
Several of the chosen messages featured children repeating the ongoing Palestinian Authority libel that Arafat was poisoned by Jews. None of the children spoke about peace; in fact, the opposite was the case. One boy praised Arafat because he was a "fighter" who "did things through [violent] struggle," and who "did not make peace." The Martyrdom (Shahada) ideal was also selected as a message for the ceremony, with one boy quoting Arafat: "They want me dead, they want me prisoner but I say: Martyr, Martyr, Martyr!"
This children's section in the special memorial indicates the PA's success in transmitting to the next generation of Palestinian children hate libels that demonize Jews. Including these hate messages in the ceremony also shows that the PA approves of, and wants to publicize, the values of hatred, violence and Martyrdom that the children have adopted...
At CAMERA: A Formal Letter to Justice Goldstone. This is another sober fact and logic based response. Here's a bit, but do check out the rest:
At the debate, you mentioned the damage to a flour mill in Gaza (the al Bader flour mill) as one of the incidents that convinced you that civilians were intentionally targeted. The Report is more specific, stating that the mill was attacked "for the purposes of denying sustenance to the civilian population" - which it charges may constitute "a war crime."
A) How can you reconcile this imputed motive with Israel's act of transferring 14,208 tons of flour into Gaza during the war - an average of 618 tons/day which is not only significantly more flour than the 220 metric tons the Al Bader mill could have produced in a day; but well over the 450 tons/day that the UN and the World Food Programme says Gaza needs?
Clearly if Israel's intention was to deny flour to Palestinian civilians, it would not have facilitated the import of almost triple the amount produced by the mill that was damaged.
B) And more broadly, how can you reconcile the imputed motive of purposefully denying sustenance to the civilian population with Israel's implementation of a daily humanitarian recess during the war in order to facilitate the transfer of humanitarian supplies?
C) Why did the mission fail to investigate or mention the fact that Hamas repeatedly seized shipments of humanitarian goods that were sent into Gaza from Israel and interfered with their distribution to the point where UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon issued a demand to Hamas to release the goods? Why did the Mission avoid charging Hamas with "denying sustenance to the cvilian population"?...
I posted a piece earlier today on Divest This discussing the latest BDS trend: boycotting Israel peace activists. This original story highlights the strange mutations that a stalled boycott movement has birthed; in this case a set of NGOs allegedly committed to inter-community dialogs forcing local Palestinians to refuse Israelis entry to their cultural event lest they lose (mostly European) funding.
But the real story behind this perverse behavior is hardly Byzantine. As the divestment "project" enters its eighth year with nary a success to show for itself, there is still one group they can punish to demonstrate movement for their movement: friends and supporters.
This tendency to lash out at those with whom you mostly agree certainly has relevance with regard to Hampshire College. For this is Hampshire, after all, where political beliefs on the Middle East span a relatively constrained range. It's certainly not a campus where support for Israel would manifest itself in a large and budding membership of the Zionist Organization of America, much less Kahane Chai! Rather, it's a community where Israeli guilt and Palestinian pristine victimhood is taken for granted, as is the benefit for world peace that would flow from the creation of a Palestinian state.
And it is within this community that SJP has chosen to silence all dissent of those who waver from these tenets even a millimeter, especially if they do not full-throatedly endorse boycott, divestment and sanction as the wave of the future.
Crapping on the heads of friends and allies represents a time-worn behavior of political organizations of the L-O-S-E-R variety. After all, if you can't get your own college to divest (or can't convince people of your Hampshire divestment hoax), if you can't name any other college even thinking about divestment, if you can't point to any other institution (be it churches or cities) where divestment has less to show for itself than it did four years ago, well you can always kick your roommate around to make yourself feel better.
It's taken as given that any truly pro-Israel speaker who dares show up on campus would face the same kind of bullying shout downs that's been seen on other North American campuses. But the fact that Jewish students on campus, or anyone for that matter who does not subscribe to SJP orthodoxy, is under a cloud simply demonstrates how much easier it is to pummel those who actually possess the concern for human rights and free speech that SJP and its allies only feign.
Monday, November 16, 2009
It didn't sound right in the first place (see previous: Amnesty International and the American Red Cross Sponsor My Name Is Rachel Corrie Reading). It sounded like perhaps a local student chapter had gone off the reservation and was likely to be reigned in as soon as the home office found out. Turns out it wasn't even that.
Here's the lesson that everyone should have learned by now. The type of people who huckster plays like My Name is Rachel Corrie will do anything -- lie, manipulate, connive -- to make themselves look mainstream and get well-meaning but naive people to support them, or make it look like they do when they've done no such thing (witness the many lies of the divestment movement). Note that a representative of the Red Cross has posted a comment denying any intentional involvement in sponsoring the event. Here is the comment with formatting as in the original email that I was forwarded from another source. The revealing part is bolded:
Thank you for your inquiry about this issue. The improper use of the American Red Cross name was brought to my attention early last week and we have been working to correct the issue. The Red Cross Club at Stanford University was asked to sponsorship an event on human rights. When the Club said no, the organizers ask if they could list the Red Cross as an organization that supports human rights in order to give the Red Cross Club some visibility on campus. You can see there was some "miscommunication." We have already asked the producer to remove our name from all materials. We received this email confirmation:
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Michael Vang"
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2009 11:28:10 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: My Name is Rachel Corrie: Bio deadline tonight!
For all promotional material henceforward, American Red Cross will not be included in the cosponsorship list. We have contacted the person who is creating our programs to remove your name before it goes to press and I have contacted the Drama Department's media contact who has access to the site to remove your name from the co-sponsorship list. Your name has been removed from the facebook event and the eflyer as well. I hope this is satsifactory and I'm sorry that we weren't able to make a cosponsorship work.
Michael Vang
Producer, My Name is Rachel Corrie
The department website has already remove our name from their listing. See: We are working all get all the other departments and clubs promoting the reading to update their listings as well.
Best Regards,
Cynthia Shaw | Director of Communication, Marketing & Government Relations
American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter
Like that bold part? Anything to get to be able to say they had a legitimate organization sponsoring their event. Pure manipulation.
Note this from the drama department that claims the Red Cross at first was a sponsor but "pulled out":
The American Red Cross is not. They were and then pulled out. The printed posters had been printed so they still appear. Amnesty international at Stanford is the sponsor.
Patrice O'Dwyer
Stanford University
Department Administrator of Drama
Division of Dance
My money (and emailer Kerry agrees -- or rather, I agree with her) is on Red Cross's version of this being closer to the mark.
While I was hoping to do daily postings related to the upcoming Hampshire BDS conference, yesterday got tied up with my older kid's first Boy Scout overnight (which included the tail end of a tropical storm).
Which got me thinking... (Note to new readers: This is point where my regulars start fleeing the room, but if you stick with me for a couple of paragraphs, relevance to divestment should start to emerge.)
In documenting the interaction between BDS and civic society over the last five years, most of the organizations I've written about (the Presbyterian and Methodist churches, British trade unions, etc.) are alien enough to my personal experience that they required some research and outreach to understand.
The Boy Scouts, however, is not a stranger. I grew up in the movement and, as last weekend's overnight confirmed, it is just as dynamic as it was in the 1970s when I wore the khaki. More so, in fact, since I was at the tail end of a misguided attempt to reach inner-city kids by diluting the mix of outdoor skills and self reliance that formed the core of Scouting for most of the 20th century, a trend that was reversed once people realized that cutting wood, pitching tents, and building fires were exactly what urban boys (like all Scouts) wanted (and needed) to learn.
In an era when many of the planets problems are the result of (or fueled by) directionless, adolescent males, a movement designed to instill young men with a moral code, as well as a code of chivalry (in the form of the Scout Oath and Law) stands out as one of the most successful civic experiments of this or any other era. It's been a hundred years since Lord Baden Powell wrote Scouting for Boys, but I can draw a straight line between his first recruits at the turn of the last century, and the highly skilled, generous souls who welcomed my ten-year-old into their fold during last weekend's driving rainstorm.
Now I've written on the topic of civil society before, and I should stress that Scouting as an organization is fully inoculated from manipulation by political organizations like those pushing divestment. So in this case, I'm not talking about Boy Scouts as a civic institution at risk, but rather highlighting the difference between a movement dedicated to creation, and one committed to destruction.
This contrast became clear as I began to ask about what our side might want to do in order to tell our side of the story at Hampshire. This was generally met with shaking heads and grim laughter since the rule on the Hampshire campus seems to be: agree with SJP or suffer the consequences. And this bullying attitude seems to extend beyond just Hampshire to the entire Five College region where any speaker looking to share a pro-Israel point of view can expect to be harangued off the stage (all in the name of "disrupting the Zionist narrative," of course). In fact, one of the reasons it was so easy for SJP to broadcast the Hampshire Divestment hoax earlier this year was because of their success in pushing discussion of any "narrative" that did not fit their own point of view beyond the pale.
Now having been a Boy Scout, I know full well the institutions weaknesses, flaws and limitations, just as I am well aware of all of the many things that make Israel a hugely imperfect society. And yet, compare an organization that has taught generations of boys from around the world to link arms rather than swing fists, or a country that has turned Jews from a hundred lands into a nation, with the sour emptiness that underlies the BDS "movement."
Divestment does not welcome, it shuns anyone who refuses to tow the party line. It does not build, it seeks to destroy. It creates no civic space worthy of esteem, but rather attempts to piggyback on the reputation of organizations that actually stand for something.
One of Baden Powell's more well-known maxims says "If a scout were to break his honour by telling a lie . . . he would cease to be a scout--he loses his life." A bit dramatic, in a turn of the 20th century kind of way, but what a contrast with next week's the Hampshire divestment conference which -at the end of the day - is built on the knowing perpetuation of a fraud.
Great interview with the Czech President:
In retelling his experience of living through the Velvet Revolution, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the lifting of the Iron Curtain, Czech Republic president Václav Klaus offers his views on what students today need to understand about life under communism.
He also defends his opposition to the idea of a European superstate--"I do not consider the Lisbon Treaty to be a good thing for Europe, for the freedom of Europe, or for the Czech Republic"--and compares the ideology of environmentalism and global warming alarmism with the ideology of communism. Finally, he ponders the question of what lessons from history his grandchildren are learning.
Here's a great, lengthy, serious response to The Goldstone Report, written by Trevor Norwitz, a Columbia U law professor and a fellow South African, at Commentary: An Open Letter to Richard Goldstone. Too long for a meaningful pull-quote.
Also, Noah Pollak notes that those following Goldstone since the release of the report will notice that he has been busy undermining his own report: Judge Goldstone: I Participated in a Farce
Richard Goldstone seems to use interviews to chip away at the legitimacy of his own work. He told the Forward that nothing he uncovered in Gaza is credible enough to be admissible in court. And now he has admitted this to Haaretz...
You can see what he admitted and what Noah takes from it at the link.
And don't forget, the best place on the net for information about the Goldstone Report is here: Understanding the Goldstone Report.
Very interesting article about Einstein's relationship to the Zionist Movement, as well as a little inside glimpse of the fractures in the American version of the movement in the early 1920's. Readers will find much that is familiar. Read it all, but here are a couple of snips:
...Einstein's decision reflected a major transformation in his life. Until the completion of his general theory of relativity, he had dedicated himself almost totally to science. But the anti-Semitism that was oozing up around him in Berlin led him to reassert his identity as a Jew and to feel more committed to defending the culture and community of his people. "I am not keen on going to America, but am just doing it on behalf of the Zionists," he wrote to his French publisher. "I must serve as famed bigwig and decoy-bird ... I am doing whatever I can for my tribal brethren, who are being treated so vilely everywhere."...
...Thousands of spectators, along with the fife-and-drum corps of the Jewish Legion, were waiting in Battery Park when the mayor and other dignitaries brought Einstein ashore on a police tugboat. The crowd, waving blue-and-white flags, sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" and then the Zionist anthem, "Hatikvah." The Einsteins and the Weizmanns intended to head directly for the Hotel Commodore, in Midtown. Instead, their motorcade wound through the Jewish neighborhoods of the Lower East Side late into the evening. "Every car had its horn, and every horn was put in action," Weizmann recalled. "We reached the Commodore at about 11:30, tired, hungry, thirsty, and completely dazed."
One group was missing at most of the subsequent welcoming ceremonies and celebrations: the leaders of the Zionist Organization of America. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, who was its honorary president, did not even send pro forma official greetings or congratulations. Brandeis had traveled with Weizmann to Palestine in 1919, and the following year had gone to London to be with him at a Zionist convention. But shortly afterward they began to feud. Their fight partly stemmed from a few differences over policy; Brandeis wanted the Zionist organizations to focus on sending money to Jewish settlers in Palestine and not on agitating politically. It was also partly an old-fashioned power struggle; Brandeis wanted to install efficient managers and take power from Weizmann and his more ardent eastern European followers. But above all, it was a clash of personalities. Weizmann was born in Russia, emigrated to England, and shared Einstein's disdain for Jews who tried too hard to assimilate. Brandeis was born in Louisville, Kentucky, graduated from Harvard Law School, prospered as a prominent Boston lawyer, and was appointed by President Wilson to be the first Jewish justice on the Supreme Court. His crowd tended to look down on unrefined and unassimilated Jews from Russia and eastern Europe...
...two of Brandeis's closest associates expressed misgivings. His protégé Felix Frankfurter, then a professor at Harvard Law School, and Judge Julian Mack, the person Brandeis had tapped to be president of the Zionist Organization of America, argued that it would be better if Einstein's visit were cast primarily as a trip to lecture on physics, rather than one to raise money for Palestine...
The resistance to Einstein's mission came not only from the Brandeis camp of cautious and restrained American Zionists, but also from successful New York Reform Jews of German heritage, many of whom were opposed to Zionism. When Einstein invited 50 or so of New York's most prominent Jews to a private meeting in his hotel, many of them declined. Paul Warburg, who had served as his agent soliciting lecture fees, wrote:
My presence would be of no use; on the contrary, I fear that, if at all, its effect would be rather to cool things down. As I already told you on another occasion, I personally have the greatest doubts relating to the Zionist plans and anticipate their consequences with genuine consternation.
Other rejections came from Arthur Hays Sulzberger of The New York Times; the politically connected financier Bernard Baruch; the lawyer Irving Lehman; the first Jewish Cabinet secretary, Oscar Straus; the philanthropist Daniel Guggenheim; and the former Congressman Jefferson Levy.
On the other hand, Einstein and Weizmann were wildly embraced by less assimilated and more enthusiastic Jews, the ones who tended to live in Brooklyn or on the Lower East Side rather than on Park Avenue...
[h/t: Eric D.]
Sunday, November 15, 2009
How silly has fear of giving offense gotten? This silly:
...Red and green tissue paper to wrap presents was also crossed off the list because it looked too "Christmasy," McMillan said.
"One of the parents said, 'If we allow Santa, what do we say if a child brings in a swastika? Do we allow that too?' " McMillan said. "All I could think of was, are you kidding? You're comparing a Christmas ornament to a swastika? It seems as if reason is lost somewhere and I just hope we can find it again."...
Yeah. This is what happens when the grown-ups (and the lawyers) throw the ability to exercise judgment out the window. Absurdity is sure to follow.
Read Michael Graham: You Better Watch Out, Better Not Pout...
Pathology in Britain: Extremism and Anti-Semitism at London School of Economics
When introducing Israeli Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) at a recent lecture, Professor Michael Cox said the school invites such guests to critically engage and debate the perspectives of the speaker. And as a university in a democratic society, he said, the LSE must uphold the principles of free speech, tolerance, and pluralism.
However, the school's administration and student newspaper, the LSE Beaver, have collectively provided an environment that validates extreme, hateful views of Israel while failing to provide a competing perspective. This has provoked not a thoughtful debate on the Arab-Israeli conflict but instead a race to the bottom -- of who can slur Israel the most.
The LSE hosts hundreds of speakers every year from all political leanings and dispositions, but recently its record is questionable with regard to censorship. Last winter it uninvited conservative author Douglas Murray from chairing a debate on the grounds of security concerns, while in 2006 the school hosted members of al-Muhajiroun (who were later banned under the British Terrorism Act of 2006). And according to the Telegraph, in 1995 the school's Freshers' Fair featured extremist groups promoting an Islamic state in Britain.
But in this debate the school has not stifled freedom of expression. After all, it did not submit to the demands of professors who wrote to the Beaver saying they were "shocked" and "appalled" by the mere invitation of the deputy foreign minister to campus. The letter, signed by over two dozen LSE academics, scorns the university for giving "extraordinary prominence" to Mr. Ayalon by alerting members of the university community to the event via email. Another professor went so far as to call for an investigation to uncover who invited Mr. Ayalon. Fortunately, the school's commitment to free speech is greater than that of some of its distinguished professors...
Read the rest to find out just how bad it got and ask yourself once again just how bad things are over there.
There's someone from the Presbyterian Church(USA) quoted in this piece, but somehow nothing seems to show itself in the PC(USA)'s output.
Christians Suffer Under the Palestinian Authority
The American government refuses to acknowledge the medieval abuses of Christians at the hands of the Palestinian Authority.
Rev. Bill Harter is a charismatic and well-respected Presbyterian Church (USA) pastor who has taken forty church missions to Israel and the Palestinian Authority territories. On various occasions at meetings with State Department officials, Rev. Harter revealed to them that Christian Palestinians say one thing in public and the opposite in private.
He requested that the State Department appoint a human rights officer and station him at the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem in order to monitor, record, and redress the abuses that Christian Palestinians are undergoing at the hands of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas-sponsored gangs.
Rev. Harter was told in whispers, in the privacy of Christian Palestinian families' homes, about the fears they have of remaining in their towns and living there under the control of a Palestinian state. During his earlier trips, members of the Arab Christian community had expressed great fear for their safety as Israel withdrew from the Bethlehem area and handed it over to Arafat and the Palestinian Authority (PA). According to Harter, Christians under PA control are intimidated into speaking out against Israel and are abused if they seem to accuse the PA of any wrongdoing...
...Article 5 of the draft constitution of the Palestinian Authority unequivocally declares: "In the State of Palestine Islam will be the official religion. ... Sharia Islamic law will be the primary source of legislation." Although that same article also "guarantees that monotheistic religions (Christianity and Judaism) will be respected and that the state will provide for freedom of worship," the best that Christians (Jews do not live under PA control) can expect from the PA is dhimmitude -- the discriminatory social and legal status "provided" to the Peoples of the Book...
What is this (How low will he go? Obama gives Japan's Emperor Akihito a wow bow, Obamateurism of the Day)? If you were thinking that it's OK, because in Japan they bow to each other like shaking hands, you are wrong. They do not do this. Heads of state do not do this to the Emperor. Even a Japanese garbage collector (absolutely no offense meant to the perfectly honorable and essential profession of Sanitation Engineering) would not bow this low to the Emperor. Past 45 degrees is too much. This is not the Edo Period. The fact that the President did this is not respectful. It shows he couldn't be bothered to get properly informed about the customs and that's not a sign of respect, that's a sign of disdain. Though certainly not intentional (the intended insult was certainly on us), that's how many Japanese will view it.
State must certainly have had protocol people on board who could, and certainly did, inform Obama about this, and he just as clearly overruled them and went with it. That's his final call as President, much as Ronald Reagan overruled his advisers and kept "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down this Wall!" in his now famous speech. The difference is that Reagan did it and created something great, Obama did it and once again showed himself the amateur that he is. There are forms here, forms developed in diplomatic circles over hundreds, even thousands of years, but this profoundly arrogant man believes history begins and ends with him.
State must also have told him that American heads of state don't bow...ever! 'Ever' means even before George Bush. Imagine! He has a reason for continuing to do this, and it goes right along with the world-wide apology tour and the constant pleading that American is "no longer" the arrogant swaggerer. He wants America to blend in to the background, to be just another nation among nations, even if it means abasing himself and the nation he's supposed to be leading. It won't work. It can't work, because it's never been the case. For our entire history America has been more than just one among many and it's far beyond Barack Obama's ability to change reality to that extent.
The President needs to leave the running around embarrassed and apologizing for America to the local campus creeps and realize there's more to being Presidential than walking around with your nose in the air. It's long past time to leave the self-abasement to us schlubs and maintain a little bit of the continuity of leadership he's inherited.
Update: Jake Tapper notes that Nixon did bow to the Emperor, but also this:
..."Obama's handshake/forward lurch was so jarring and inappropriate it recalls Bush's back-rub of Merkel.
"Kyodo News is running his appropriate and reciprocated nod and shake with the Empress, certainly to show the president as dignified, and not in the form of a first year English teacher trying to impress with Karate Kid-level knowledge of Japanese customs.
"The bow as he performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms....The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
In color, directed by William Wyler (Ben Hur, among many others), won the best documentary Oscar in 1945. Follow "The Fighting Lady" (USS Yorktown) as she steams across the Pacific, culminating in the "Marianas Turkey Shoot." Some great footage:
And they know just who to go to to find a willing audience for their "mean Jews" conspiracy theories...The Guardian: Israel 'personally attacking human rights group' after Gaza war criticism
Human Rights Watch denies having political agenda or seeking funds from Saudi Arabia
America's leading human rights organisation has accused Israel and its supporters of an "organised campaign" of false allegations and misinformation, including "extremely personal attacks" on its staff, in an attempt to discredit the group over its reports of war crimes in Gaza.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) ties the campaign - which has included accusations that the group's reports on the Jewish state are written by "anti-Israel ideologues" and that it has sought funds from Saudi Arabia - to a statement by a senior official in the Israeli prime minister's office in June pledging to "dedicate time and manpower to combating" human rights organisations.
The criticism began with Israeli pressure groups and rightwing blogs, but in recent weeks it has drawn the support of influential individuals such as Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust survivor and Nobel peace prize winner, and HRW's own founder, Robert Bernstein, who said the organisation's reports were "helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state". He called on HRW to focus more on abuses by Arab governments.
Iain Levine, HRW's programme director, said that while the organisation had long attracted criticism, in recent months there had been significant attempts to intimidate and discredit it.
"I really hesitate to use words like conspiracy, but there is a feeling that there is an organised campaign, and we're seeing from different places what would appear to be co-ordinated attacks ... from some of the language and arguments used it would seem as if there has been discussion," he said."We are having to spend a lot of time repudiating the lies, the falsehoods, the misinformation."...
Evidence of this conspiracy and who it involves (other than us right wing bloggers who do indeed swap emails on any number of subjects...why, a bunch of people and groups even collaborate on a very important web site...hint: that link goes to the About Us page) follows:
...NGO Monitor accused Whitson of attempting to raise money from Saudi officials by highlighting HRW's criticism of Israel, a charge also made in a comment piece for the Wall Street Journal online that was subsequently widely distributed by the most powerful of the pro-Israel lobby groups, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac). Shortly afterwards, the director of policy planning in the Israeli prime minister's office, Ron Dermer, denounced Human Rights Watch...
Some conspiracy! And Whitson, who was an anti-Israel activist even before going to HRW, DID go to Saudi Arabia and pander to their Israel-hate to raise funds. In fact, there are no lies or distortions noted. Where are they? Human Rights Watch is being hoisted by its own petard -- by its founder no less -- and they have no response of substance because there is none.
Update: Elder of Ziyon (part of the conspiracy...duh) has a great take on this: I'm part of the anti-NGO conspiracy! And Richard Landes goes in-depth: NGO's take criticism: "I really hesitate to use words like conspiracy..."
Unreal. It's pouring rain here in the Boston suburbs today, so keep that in mind as you read this description: 1st hand account of Burlington Flu Clinic, 11/14/2009
Took my 14 month old son to the clinic held at Burlington, MA's high school today. I got there a half hour before it opened, after sitting in a half hour of traffic on Rt 3A to get there. Police blocked the driveway, sending people to park at Simmons Park, about a half mile up the street.
I parked there and took my son in his stroller back through the pouring rain. When I got about half way up the school driveway, the woman whom I parked next to was coming back towards me with her infant. She said there wasn't enough vaccine of either seasonal or H1N1 for the number of people in line. She said 3800 people were already there, pushing and shoving. (I had heard that there were 500 H1N1, and 1500 season vaccinations planned for the clinic.)
The woman said there was little organization to the line. Another woman walking away was told she could stay but it would be like playing the lottery...
Does this sound like a scene from a disaster movie or what? It's like something from When Worlds Collide. Purell, people, Purell.
[via Universal Hub]
At Stanford. I'm not surprised by some of the names on the sponsorship list of the performance, but the Red Cross and Amnesty International jumped out (and you thought it was only Amnesty UK).
The announcement on the Stanford site doesn't mention the Red Cross sponsorship, but a commenter at the Muqata posts the text of an email that's circulating on campus:
The Stanford Department of Drama and the Stanford Theatre Activist Mobilization Project (STAMP) are proud to announce a staged reading - the San Francisco Bay Area premiere - of the thought-provoking play, My Name is Rachel Corrie.
The performances feature an impressive line-up of post-show discussion speakers including Rabbi Michael Lerner, Professor Joel Beinin, and Professor Tom Sheehan.
This event is Free & Open to the public. Please email to reserve tickets.
My Name is Rachel Corrie is Co-Sponsored by: American Red Cross, Amnesty International, Coalition for Justice in the Middle East, Emma Goldman Society for Queer Liberation, Jewish Voice for Peace, Muslim Student Awareness Network, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Physicians for Human Rights, Stanford Says No to War, Stanford University Students for UNICEF, and Students Confronting Apartheid by Israel.
I think the Red Cross in particular has some 'splaining to do.
For my review of the show when it was staged here in the Boston area, see: Earnest Ignorance: My Name is Rachel Corrie at the New Rep
[h/t: KerryH]
Update: The Red Cross has convincingly denied that they sponsored this event. See the comment below and the new post above.
When last we visited The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) they were promoting Temple Mount conspiracy theories and suggesting Hizballah's Al Manar as a legitimate news source: Presbyterian Church (USA) 'Peacemakers' Promote Anti-Semitic Terrorist 'News' and Conspiracy Theory. Well you're not going to believe what they're posting now: Video of the Week: I Am Israel. Here's how they introduce it:
The following video entitled I Am Israel is a powerful and tragically beautiful presentation of the triumphs of Israel as it emerged to become a powerful Middle Eastern state in the modern world of today; an emergence of a people from the tragedy of World War II. But it is also a powerful presentation of the tragedy of the Palestinian people on whose land powerful Israel now resides. It reminds us of the tragedy of two people, one living in Europe before the founding of Israel and the other in Palestine. When will the tragedy of these two people end and they become reconciled to each other and to their respective histories? Could it be when we of the West act on behalf of the well being of both peoples?
I figured this would be another one of those ignorant, if somewhat sappy and historically illiterate things that make you wince but at least have a veneer of humanitarianism slathered on the top -- you know, the kind of stuff marketed to well-meaning but naive consumers, produced by the real Jew-haters for their marks in the Western leftist churches. Well this is much worse. It's hard to make the case that this thing, which not only distorts history but goes off into "the Jews control America and the media"-land is anything but anti-Semitism. How they think this crap is useful for furthering anything called "peace" or "reconciliation" is absolutely beyond me. This shows how far out church leftists in the PC(USA) have gone -- what is really in their hearts -- and it is a dark, dark place.
The Naming His Grace blog has an excellent post on this: The Israel/Palestine Mission Network posts a film put together by those espousing radical Islamic views of Israel. UP-date. Be sure to read the comments, where the "filmmaker" himself shows up to justify his work. Revealing.
Picking up from where we left off, more transcript excerpts from a recent planning meeting for the Hampshire Student for Justice in Palestine conference next weekend...
Freddy: OK, we have our storyline. While we may not have won any actual "victories" in the campus BDS wars, that's just because of the stranglehold on discourse by the You-Know-Whos. And besides, it's just a matter of time before some Left Coast college goes our way. After all, look how successful we've been at San Francisco State where we get to shout our message from the rooftops as well as shout down (I mean disrupt the Zionist narrative) whenever any ZioNazis dare to express their point of view.
Carlos: Actually, the President of S.F. State just condemned BDS as a "campaign to limit other's free speech and reign in the free exchange of ideas [that] runs counter to everything S.F. State stands for."
Unidentified Male Student: Carlos, can you please stop being such a killjoy. As we just discussed, it doesn't matter if no colleges or universities actually divested. If a group of undergraduates like us just pretend they did, shouts loud enough and sends out enough press releases, then we can call it victory.
Yakov: Exactly. In fact, I just wrote a paper for my Physics and Class Conflict in the Middle East course entitled "Objective Reality is Whatever I Say it is" which clarifies this very topic. I brought some copies if anyone wants to read it now [sound of papers being pulled out of a knapsack].
Freddy: We'd better take that offline Comrade Yakov. We've still got a lot of ground to cover. OK, we have our storyline for declaring victory on campus, and - as usual - our friends at Sabeel have been working tirelessly to bring the Mainline Protestant churches in our camp.
Sven: Religion is the opiate of the masses!
Unidentified Female Student: That's true Sven, but we should keep that to ourselves, especially since the Presbyterians and Methodists are just about the only major organizations that have squarely come out in favor of divestment. Carlos - has anyone else been added to this list in the last couple of years? I heard that the United Church of Lasertag has been flirting with a BDS resolution.
Carlos: Can I go to the bathroom?
[Door slams.]
Freddy: OK Carlos, come clean. Before you can take a bio-break, what are you trying to avoid telling us?
Carlos: Well, it's just that...
Sven: Out with it.
Carlos: OK, the Presbyterians rejected their 2004 divestment vote in 2006. And they reiterated that choice in 2008, the same year that the Methodists rejected divestment unanimously. And with all due respect for our comrades at Sabeel, just this summer, the United Church of Canada voted down divestment, even after Sabeel made a passionate plea to stay on the BDS bandwagon. So basically, we've got nothing in the churches either.
[Long silence.]
All: Religion is the opiate of the masses!
Unidentified Female: To hell with those Bible thumping Presbyterian rednecks.
Freddy: OK, calm down everyone. Now we can't start next month's meeting just pretending that we've won on colleges that have rejected us, or shitting on the churches we were celebrating just two years ago. We've got to have some real victory to boast about, or everything will think we're a bunch of ineffectual losers holding celebratory meetings as a substitute for real wins.
Yakov: Well we can't talk about municipalities. Somerville and Seattle are the closest we ever got, and BDS was rejected unanimously in the former, and didn't even get onto the ballot on the latter.
Unidentified Female Student: And US unions are out, they're the most Zionist institution in the country outside of Evangelicals (unless you want to count the Lawyer's Guild).
Yakov: My Dad told me that the last member of the Lawyer's Guild just resigned.
Freddy: OK, scratch the Lawyer's Guild. But come on guys, we've got to have one victory to talk about, just one. Is that too much to ask for by a movement like ours which has been on the march and in the ascendency for the last eight years?
[More silence.]
Unidentified Female Student: Norway?
[More silence.]
Unidentified Male Student: How's this: Our brave Scandinavian comrades have boldly stood up to the Zionist pressure from the massive, all-powerful Norwegian Jewish lobby, creating a bold vanguard which will soon sweep that brave nation, and then the world!
[Sound of cheers, loud whoops and singing of Abba songs.]
Sven: Guys! Guys. First thing, Abba is Swedish. And second thing, I've got a little more bad news...
End of transcript.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The guy was planning on slaughtering people in a shopping mall before the FBI locked him up. He had another day in court yesterday, and 100-150 people showed up to support him. Here's a micro sneak-peak of what's in store for us with Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.
No bail for Tarek: Prosecutor argues Sudbury terror suspect too 'radicalized' for bail
A federal prosecutor argued today that a Sudbury man should not be released on bail while awaiting trial on terrorism charges because "he has radicalized himself'' and there are no conditions that would "short-circuit'' his thinking and prevent him from being a danger if he's freed from jail.
While other young people were getting together to watch "American Idol,'' Tarek Mehanna, 27, who is charged with providing material support to terrorists, gathered with his radical friends to watch videos of Americans being beheaded overseas, said Assistant US Attorney Aloke S. Chakravarty.
But Mehanna's lawyer, J. W. Carney Jr. argued that Mehanna, who earned a doctorate degree last year from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, is being prosecuted for unpopular views and statements that are protected by the First Amendment. He noted that some of the videos that the FBI says Mehanna had downloaded to his computer came from reports on major media outlets, including CNN and FOX TV.
"Listening to the prosecutors makes me afraid about where the First Amendment stands in the eyes of this government,'' Carney said...
...Dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit and wearing shackles, Mehanna was led into US District Court in Boston under heavy security. About 150 supporters gathered at the courthouse, but only about 20 of them, including Mehanna's family, were able to get into the small courtroom. He blew kisses to his parents and held one finger in the air as he nodded to supporters...
NECN report, with video: Terror suspect from Sudbury, Mass., in court for bail hearing
Boston Herald: Many rally for alleged terrorist
A jailed Sudbury terror suspect fighting to be put under house arrest yesterday drew more than 100 outraged supporters to federal court, where his lawyer disclosed the trained pharmacist was charged only after he refused to become an FBI informant.
As prosecutors argued Tarek Mehanna, 27, is too "radicalized" to be sprung from Plymouth County Correctional Center, his supporters, including children wearing "Justice for Tarek" T-shirts, insisted outside the packed courtroom that he did nothing wrong.
"We believe he's innocent and that the government is trying to create this Islamophobia," said Abdullah Tawheed, 27, of Brooklyn, N.Y., who was among those keeping vigil outside the packed courtroom during the hearing...
Oh, look who was there!:
Supporter David Rolde of Weston said he attended a session Sunday at the Islamic Center of Boston in Wayland where people discussed Mehanna's case and discrimination against Muslims.
Finally, at The Boston Globe: Lawyer says FBI sought terror suspect's help
Nice job by our friend Ilya Feoktistov, of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, for being quoted in all of these articles.
A friend from Northampton slipped me a transcript of a recent planning meeting for next weekend's divestment conference at Hampshire College. Apparently some of the original audio recording was garbled, so forgive any dead patches.
Freddy (Student for Justice in Palestine leader): OK gang, we've got to start this conference off with a bang. Now we're still hoping Omar Barghouti can give the opening speech addressing the compelling need for a comprehensive boycott of Israeli academia. But in case he's still taking his finals at Tel Aviv University, I thought we could begin with a stemwinder about the outstanding successes BDS has had this year.
Unknown Student (Female): Yeah! We could talk about the Norwegian government's decision to pull out of Elbit!
Unknown Student (Male): Norway! Give me a break. They've already got squishy on us, highlighting the fact that they continue to invest in over 40 Israeli companies. Besides, who gives a sh*t what Norway thinks. Whoever heard of Norway?
Sven: I have. I was born there.
Unknown Student (Male): You know what I mean.
Yakov: As I Jew, I understand where you're coming from. So why don't we skip Norway for now and focus on university divestment. After all, most of the attendees will be college undergrads, and many of them - like me - will be Jewish.
Freddy: Yakov's right. So who's got the list of colleges that have divested from the Zionist Entity? Carlos - you're head of the academic subcommittee of the action committee of the steering committee. What's the number of wins have we had on the college front?
Carlos: [Sound of shuffling papers]. Well, according my latest research and calculations, the number of schools that have heeded our call and divested from Israel stands at [coughs].
Unknown Student [Female]: What was that Carlos? I didn't hear you.
Carlos: [Coughs a few more times.] Well, zero actually.
Freddy: You mean after eight years of BDS committees working tirelessly on every college in the nation, not one school has actually divested a single dollar from the NaZionist Colonial Power?
Carlos: Well it sounds bad when you put it that way.
[Unintelligible arguing. Sounds of papers being thrown in the air and doors slamming.]
Freddy: OK, OK so we know what to say if the subject of academic divestment comes up. Here on the East Coast, we would have won a series of unending triumphs except for the ugly intervention of Lawrence Summers who tried to muzzle us at Harvard by calling us anti-Semites.
Sven: Actually, I am an anti-Semite.
Freddy: Sorry, Sven. I was just making a point. OK, so by invoking knee-jerk accusations of bigotry, that tired old misogynist "Sexism Summers" censored us by having the gall to state his opinion about what Harvard should or shouldn't do, just because he as the college's President at the time. And then his lackey Alan Dershowitz forced our own President here at Hampshire to say he'd never divest from Israel.
Carlos: Actually, the President of Hampshire said he'd never divest a year before Dershowitz showed up.
Freddy: That's beside the point. After all, who gets to decide the school's investment policies, the administration and investment managers, or us? Of course they're going to use the excuse that we're just a bunch of undergraduates who don't speak on behalf of the college. But do any of them even know how to Tweet?
Yakov: I've got to agree with Freddy's interpretation of events. While we may not have won any actual "victories," I think it's fair to say we've already won the war on campus. Oh, and did I mention I'm Jewish?
To be continued...
So says the JPost: Author of organ theft article has 'change of heart'
Journalist Donald Bostrom, whose August article in the Swedish publication Aftonbladet accused the IDF of harvesting the organs of Palestinians during Operation Cast Lead, has had an apparent change of heart, Army Radio reported on Thursday.
Sources close to Bostrom related that his visit to Israel and the fair dialogues he was involved in caused him to think twice about the whole story, according to the report.
While in Israel for the Dimona media conference, Bostrom was interviewed by multiple Israeli media outlets and heard serious criticism of his article andthe accounts of IDF organ theft. It was quickly revealed that Bostrom's account lacked hard facts and relied on accounts from bereaved Palestinian families.
Upon his return to Sweden, Bostrom decided to cancel his participation in the Beirut conference, the goal of which was to slander Israel, the radio station said...
...Ze'ev Feiner, head of the group that initiated Bostrom's visit, was pleased with the journalist's apparent change of opinion.
"It is no secret that many thought it was not right to invite Bostrom to the Dimona media conference last week. But we now see that the decision to bring him was right and an excellent one from a public relations perspective. It is just a shame that we did not bring him two weeks prior,"the radio station quoted Feiner as saying.
We'll see where it (he) goes from here. Wonder how his editor feels about it.
[h/t: Seva]
Oh, by the way, according the Swedish Justice Minister, there was No legal excuse for Swedish Foreign Minister Bildt to refrain from criticizing blood libel article in Aftonbladet.
You've heard the news by now: NYT: Key 9/11 Suspect to Be Tried in New York (Suspect!)
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-described mastermind of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and four other men accused in the plot will be prosecuted in federal court in New York City, a federal law enforcement official said early on Friday.
But the administration will prosecute another set of high-profile detainees -- Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who is accused of planning the 2000 bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen, and four other detainees -- at the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba before a military commission, the official said...
Uh oh, I sense an "unequal before the law" argument!
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is expected to announce those decisions 11 a.m. on Friday. The arrangements would mean that civilian prosecutors would handle those detainees accused of the 2001 terrorist attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania, while the 2000 attack against the Cole would remain within the military system. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the press conference has not yet taken place.
No detainee is being moved right away. Under a law Congress enacted earlier this year, lawmakers must be given 45 days notice before the executive branch moves any Guantanamo Bay detainee onto United States soil.
The decision marks a milestone in the administration's efforts to close the Guantanamo prison, something that President Obama announced shortly after taking office he would do within a year, but which has proven difficult to achieve because of uncertainty about what to do with the detainees housed there...
Gee, if only we'd known things like this would happen back in say...November. Oh wait, we did.
Ask yourself this question: suppose that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's trial results in an acquittal or a hung jury. Would the Obama administration really let him go? If so, they are crazy. If not, why are they holding the trial?
If it's to appease leftist sensibilities...that our system is so great and all does it help, knowing what the outcome will be, to have what amounts to a show trial? Can a system of justice that knows the result possibly be just?
Just One Minute has a good run-down: So Now Khalid Sheikh Mohammad Is A 9/11 "Suspect"
Andy MCarthy delves in to the problems for national security: Holder's Hidden Agenda
...Nothing results in more disclosures of government intelligence than civilian trials. They are a banquet of information, not just at the discovery stage but in the trial process itself, where witnesses -- intelligence sources -- must expose themselves and their secrets...
...KSM has no defense. He was under American indictment for terrorism for years before there ever was a 9/11, and he can't help himself but brag about the atrocities he and his fellow barbarians have carried out.
So: We are now going to have a trial that never had to happen for defendants who have no defense. And when defendants have no defense for their own actions, there is only one thing for their lawyers to do: put the government on trial in hopes of getting the jury (and the media) spun up over government errors, abuses and incompetence. That is what is going to happen in the trial of KSM et al. It will be a soapbox for al-Qaeda's case against America. Since that will be their "defense," the defendants will demand every bit of information they can get about interrogations, renditions, secret prisons, undercover operations targeting Muslims and mosques, etc., and -- depending on what judge catches the case -- they are likely to be given a lot of it...
Here is a statement from Rudy Giuliani:
"Returning some of the Guantanamo detainees to New York City for trial, specifically Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, has now brought us full circle - we have regressed to a pre-9/11 mentality with respect to Islamic extremist terrorism. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed should be treated like the war criminal he is and tried in a military court. He is not just another murderer, or even a mass murderer. He murdered as part of a declared war against us - America.
"This is the same mistake we made with the 1993 terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center. We treated them like domestic criminals, when in fact they were terrorists. In the dangerous world we live in today, a nation unable to identify and properly define its enemies is a nation in danger."
We'll give him the last word.
...and an office building. Good start, and glad to see political correctness taking a back seat to sense: Feds move to seize 4 mosques, tower linked to Iran
Federal prosecutors took steps Thursday to seize four U.S. mosques and a Fifth Avenue skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization long suspected of being secretly controlled by the Iranian government.
In what could prove to be one of the biggest counterterrorism seizures in U.S. history, prosecutors filed a civil complaint in federal court against the Alavi Foundation, seeking the forfeiture of more than $500 million in assets.
The assets include bank accounts; Islamic centers consisting of schools and mosques in New York City, Maryland, California and Houston; more than 100 acres in Virginia; and a 36-story glass office tower in New York.
Confiscating the properties would be a sharp blow against Iran, which has been accused by the U.S. government of bankrolling terrorism and trying to build a nuclear bomb.
A telephone call and e-mail to Iran's U.N. Mission seeking comment were not immediately answered.
John D. Winter, the Alavi Foundation's lawyer, said it intends to litigate the case and prevail. He said the foundation has been cooperating with the government's investigation for the better part of a year.
"Obviously the foundation is disappointed that the government has decided to bring this action," Winter told The Associated Press.
It is extremely rare for U.S. law enforcement authorities to seize a house of worship, a step fraught with questions about the First Amendment right to freedom of religion...
Paging CAIR in 5, 4, 3...oh, here they are:
..."Whatever the details of the government's case against the owners of the mosques, as a civil rights organization we are concerned that the seizure of American houses of worship could have a chilling effect on the religious freedom of citizens of all faiths and may send a negative message to Muslims worldwide," said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations...
Michael Ledeen comments here: Feds Move Against Iranian Mosques; 1st Amendment Rears Its Head. The NEFA Foundation has background data, here.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates speaks with police Sgt. Kimberly Munley at a hospital in Fort Hood, Texas, Nov. 10, 2009. Munley, a first responder to the shooting rampage at the base's processing station Nov. 5, 2009, fired the shots that brought down the shooter responsible for the tragedy. Gates is in the area to attend a memorial ceremony honoring the 13 service members who were killed during the shooting. (DoD photo by Cherie Cullen/Released)
Unanimous against stupidity: Norway university won't boycott Israel
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) unanimously voted against an academic boycott of Israel at a meeting on Thursday.
Had the proposal passed, NTNU would have been the first Western university to sever ties with Israeli universities.
"As an academic institution, NTNU's mission is to stimulate the study of the causes of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and how it can be resolved. This means that the university is also dependent on being able to cooperate with Israeli academics and hear their views on the conflict," the 12 board members said in a statement released bythe university.
The meeting was attended by almost 50 members of the university community, a rare departure from the usual five attendees of board of governors meetings. The journalists, mostly from Norwegian publications, outnumbered the board members.
Each voting member made a statement explaining their position during a discussion prior to the vote. While many statements were critical of Israel, they concluded that an academic boycott would not be appropriate.
The discussion took less than half an hour, since no one argued in favor of the proposal...
So they're still somewhat dopey, but not suicidal yet.
[h/t: Seva]
I was going to celebrate Israel's fantastic October, during which the country attracted a phenomenal $1.25 billion in new foreign investment (not bad during an economic downturn).
And given that those pikers peddling their boycott, divestment and sanctions wares were able to convince themselves that TIAA-CREF selling a measly $250,000 in Israeli real-estate stock was a major vindication of their cause (even though CREF let it be known that their sale had nothing to do with politics), by following the BDS rulebook I guess I can claim that support for Israel (as demonstrated by investment levels) has outstripped hostility towards the Jewish state (as demonstrated by divestment "success" - even if only imagined) by a factor of 500,000%.
But why quibble with these statistics when anecdotes can suffice to demonstrate divestment's track record as an L-O-S-E-R of late?
After all, as I describe here and here, the BDS "juggernaut" can't even pull off tricking an LA teacher's union into swallowing their poison. And given that the only institution in America that rivals Evangelical Christians in their deep attachment to the Jewish state is the US Labor movement (which would explain why they keep that giant bronze statue of Golda Meir in the lobby of AFL-CIO headquarters), I'm not quite sure where all the excitement about "divestment ascendant" is coming from.
But I guess my favorite recent tale was about the failure of the usual suspects to get the New York Mets to cancel a fund raiser for the Jewish denizens of Hebron. I mean come on! A fund-raiser for the dreaded Settlers (Bogga! Bogga! Booga!) in the heart the most blue and green city in America, and the BDSniks can't even get the Mets to lend their cause anything beyond a "F*ck y*u very much for your concern" letter?! (Oh, for an interrobang.)
I've heard that aptly named "movement" (i.e., the divestment brigade) will be gathering at the scene of last February's hoax: Hampshire College for a weekend celebration of their wonderfulness. So what better time to highlight the failures of said movement over the next week here at my favoritist of all Web sites, Solomonia.
Stay tuned...
AI UK again. This from Harry's Place, where they note that the group invited noted Jew-baiters Kathleen and Bill Christison to headline an event recently. This from a few days ago, but well worth noting: Amnesty International UK: Going Out In The Cold
One might think that the UK arm of Amnesty International does not take kindly to anything to do with the CIA.
After all, Amnesty UK has participated in many events with Cage Prisoners, the Islamist agitation outfit of Moazzam Begg. Cage Prisoners supports al Qaeda preacher Anwar al Awlaki, calling him "inspirational", but hey, there's nothing worse than Guantanamo, right? So of course Cage Prisoners is an appropriate partner for human rights campaigners.
Still, some intelligence officers are better than others. Here's an Amnesty UK event scheduled for next month...
Read the rest at Harry's. They also follow up with more on this couple here: The Christisons and the Lib Dems
If it bashes Jews it's Human Rights today. How far the mighty have fallen.
[h/t: KerryH]
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Actually, I think at this point it would be quadrupling down. NGO Monitor: New HRW Middle East Board - Reinforcing the Bias
(Jerusalem) - In the face of intense criticism of its Middle East activities, Human Rights Watch has expanded its Middle East and North Africa (MENA) advisory board with the addition of ten members, largely based in the Middle East. While some are human rights activists in their own countries, (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc.), including women's rights, many also contribute significantly to targeting Israel through the language of human rights.
In particular, the addition of Ms. Asli Bali, and Aeyal Gross, who is known as an opponent of Israeli policies, will reinforce the political agenda of MENA heads Sara Leah Whitson and Joe Stork, as documented in NGO Monitor's detailed analysis, "Experts or Ideologues?". These changes reflect and strengthen what founder Robert Bernstein criticized as HRW's role in "turning Israel into a pariah state", as well as HRW's role in 'lawfare', including the intensive promotion of the Goldstone Report. (Goldstone is closely linked to HRW, and was a member of the board until after his appointment to head the UNHRC's "fact finding mission".)
Another point of interest is the inclusion of Ahmad Zuaiter, who is a portfolio manager at Soros Fund Management. Soros' Open Society Institute has become a major source of funding for HRW and for a number of other organizations that promote anti-Israel boycotts...
They then get into the details. The conclusion:
NGO Monitor's President Gerald Steinberg commented: "These additions to HRW's board serve different and contradictory goals. On the one hand, by including some Arab human rights activists, Kenneth Roth and Sarah Leah Whitson acknowledge Robert Bernstein's powerful criticism of having neglected campaigns against the despotic regimes in the Middle East. But a number of the individuals also add to HRW's agenda of 'turning Israel into a pariah state', as recognized by Bernstein. Like Whitson and Stork, and other board members such as Helena Cobban, the addition of Asli Bali, Aeyal Gross and others reflect the anti-Israel obsession that is incompatible with universal human rights. These appointments again demonstrate the need for a full and independent review if HRW is to recover relevance in the realm of human rights."
They made a useless CYA gesture and only made things worse.
Oxford University's Queen's College announced the establishment of "two generous gifts" in the form of graduate scholarships in philosophy, in the name of Neda Agha-Soltan, the young Iranian woman who was shot during the post-election protests in Iran and whose death was witnessed via the internet across the globe. The scholarships will cover the college tuition fees for the recipient. Though the scholarship is open for all applicants, preference will be given to students of Iranian ethnicity...
The Iranian regime is annoyed. Good.
[h/t: Banafsheh]
Here's a good local Boston event coming up next Tuesday if you're in the BU area.
Rock in the Red Zone: Meet Laura Bialis
Join us as we host Laura Bialis, filmmaker of "Sderot: Rock In The Red Zone". This documentary tells the story of the people and the music of Sderot -- a town in Southern Israel that for eight years has been under almost daily attack by Qassam rockets launched from Gaza.
Though thousands of rockets have been fired into Sderot, the town's suffering is largely unknown to the international community. But the voice of Sderot resonates through Israeli culture, as its years of anguish have bred a vibrant music scene that profoundly articulates the despair of a town in the crosshairs.
Told through the eyes of Sderot's talented and diverse young musicians, this documentary explores daily life in Sderot and the effects of living under the long-term stress of constant bombings.
The 12-minute trailer will be shown along with Bialis speaking about her journey in creating the film.
* Space for this event are limited and an RSVP to is required *
Fresh off their revealing poll comparing comments left on The Guardian's Comment is Free to postings on Stormfront's boards (the results are in, btw), CiF Watch is out with a new expose comparing what's stewing around in Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell's imagination with what's going on in the minds of Stormfront's posters: Does Steve Bell read Stormfront?
You know Steve Bell, he's the guy who draws (drew) all those charming cartoons of George Bush as monkey.
I don't think, btw, that the evidence is conclusive that Steve Bell reads Stormfront, there's so much cross-pollination of thought between the two places that he doesn't need to do so directly.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
It's far from the first solid evidence that Iran is directly responsible for dead Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan, but here is more visual proof of the connection. The arms seized on the Francop (see here and here) match up with those seized by Americans in Iraq in 2007. Bob Owens at Confederate Yankee blogged about that incident at the time, and has since been contacted by the Israeli Foreign Ministry concerning photos he posted. Good on both the blogger and the MFA: Iranian Rockets Captured by Israel Identical to Rockets Fired At U.S. Bases in Iraq
...I was contacted by the Israeli Foreign Ministry about a photo I had blogged about on July 15, 2007, regarding a Shiite rocket attack on U.S. forces in Iraq.
The rockets recovered by the Israeli Navy last week, bound for terrorists in Lebanon, are identical to those Iran provided to Shiite militias targeting American soldiers in Iraq. There are numerous similar reports of Iranian weapons being shipped to the Taliban in Afghanistan, including one cache uncovered just two months ago.
During the summer of 2007, the escalation of violence from Shiite militias peaked in Iraq, and the government of Iran was implicated for supplying late-model weapons directly to these groups. Some of the most damning evidence came in July 2007, when 34 Iranian rockets were recovered by elements of the U.S. Army's 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team on July 12 after an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) discovered 46 launchers. Twelve rockets from that location had been fired at Forward Operating Base Hammer one day before.
I asked for and obtained photos of the rockets and launchers from Multi-National Forces-Iraq (MNF-I) Public Affairs, and subsequently published a post to my personal blog.
Among the photos published on Confederate Yankee was this close-up photo of an Iranian 107mm rocket on a crude launcher, its markings plainly visible...
See the link for more, including the photos.
Update: Bob Owens (Confederate Yankee) discussing the issue with Bill Whittle on PJTV (video).
Elliot Abrams has an excellent run-down of the many mistakes and mis-measurements of American foreign policy over the past year: Dazed and Confused, The Israelis can't figure out U.S. policy. For that matter, who can?
When I visited Israel in late October, not long before the latest visits of U.S. envoy George Mitchell and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Israelis of all political hues confessed that they were amazed, perplexed, and confused by the policy those two diplomats and President Obama are following.
First came an instant attitude of hostility on the part of the Obama administration toward Israel's new prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, even before he had taken office on March 31 and despite his efforts to create a centrist coalition. Second came its obsession with a "settlement freeze," which in fact was a demand for something that no Israeli prime minister of any party could possibly agree to -- a complete and immediate freeze on construction not only in every settlement (including those Israel will obviously keep in any final-status agreement) but also in Israel's capital, Jerusalem. Third came the demand that Arab states reach out to Israel, a demand that the president himself delivered to the king of Saudi Arabia in a visit there in June and that, predictably, was rejected immediately...
Etc...(Read the rest.)
Meanwhile, despite earlier reports, Netanyahu is putting a very positive spin on Monday night's meeting at the White House. Now that's a meeting I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall at: PM on US talks: All will become clear
Although the details of Monday night's talks between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama continued to be shrouded in secrecy, speaking to reporters before boarding the plane to Paris from Washington on Tuesday night, the prime minister dismissed suggestions of a tense meeting and said the "importance of the visit will become clear in the future."
"Reports about a bad atmosphere are garbage," he said. "To put it mildly, they are grossly inaccurate and don't reflect the truth."
Netanyahu the atmosphere "was very open and very warm."
"The discussions dealt with the complex of issues vital for Israel's security and our joint efforts to advance the peace process. We discussed these issues in detail, in a practical way and out of friendship. I really appreciated the professional and positive approach I discovered," he said...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Interesting letter from an Israeli journalist on what dangers they face when the rumors start circulating in Jerusalem: Covering the Disturbances on the Temple Mount: Insights into the Intimidation of Journalists
...The shababs [young rioters] soon noticed me, and while other press were in the area, I could tell that a few of them had begun looking at me strangely. Suddenly, one of them ran up to me, his face shrouded in a t-shirt, and he grabbed me by the straps of my backpack.
"You're an undercover cop!" he screamed in Arabic, a rock in his right hand as he grabbed onto me with his left.
"No, I'm a journalist!" I answered back, caught off guard at by the sudden jolt.
"No you're not- you're an undercover cop!" he screamed back. "Prove to me that you're not an undercover cop!"
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my government-issued press card, thinking at the same moment that he would see the name of my publication, realize that it was an Israeli one, and my troubles would only grow.
But as he was scanning the card, another journalist, an Arab photographer, approached the both of us, and told the young man in Arabic that I was in fact a journalist.
"Enough, let him go," he told him. And the young man did as he said.
But as the shababs made their way past me - onward towards the officers - another Arab photographer, from an Arab news outlet, told me, "You should get out of here."...
The rest. Now imagine reporting from a hostile country where you can't simply retire to your own safe neighborhood at night. How might that affect your reporting?
Just one of those artsy-fartsy events, scattered around various locations locations througout Jerusalem. No big deal right? One catch: No Jews allowed. Peace without dialogue? Impossible
... last weekend I duly RSVP'd to a guests-only invitation to the Al-Quds Underground, touted as an unconventional festival with more than 150 small shows in private spaces in the Old City. Performances included music, storytelling, dancing, short acts and food. Locations were living rooms, a library, courtyards, gardens and more unique places. My expectation of a celebration of Jerusalem's diversity was dashed, however, when I arrived late Saturday afternoon at the Damascus Gate meeting point. Politely asked in English by Jamal Goseh, the director of the a-Nuzha Hakawati Theater near the American Colony Hotel, "Where do you live?" I responded in Arabic that I live in Jerusalem. From my accent and appearance, he discerned that I am an Israeli.
Al-Quds Underground's artistic director Merlijn Twaalfhoven of Amsterdam then told me, along with some Israeli peace activists who had arrived, that we were not welcome. My reply that I had been invited was to no avail, nor was my guarded threat to pen an expose of their racism.
And so here it is.
For the sake of fairness, I met Twaalfhoven the next day to allow him an opportunity to explain... or dig himself a deeper hole. (Goseh declined my request for an interview.) "We want to bring art to the world," he began. "I sometimes break through the boundaries between art and life. That is the core of my work."
A visionary creator of art happenings such as a dance performance at the Jalazoun refugee camp near Ramallah and the Long Distance Call concert on the rooftops of the Turkish half of the divided Cypriot city of Nicosia, Twaalfhoven said he had vaguely heard that the Arab League had chosen Jerusalem as Al-Quds 2009 Capital of Arab Culture and that the Israeli government had banned the festival as a political event forbidden under the Oslo Accords. "I don't know the details. I thought it was a good idea to bring people together."
Twaalfhoven then added, "The local people told me months ago that Israelis cannot go. Our team [of 12 Dutch activists and eight artists] had to promise that we would not allow peaceful Israelis to come."
Apologetic over what had happened, he then spilled the beans. The €50,000 project was funded by the European Union through the Dutch charity Cordaid and the Alexandria-based Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures. To have said no to racism would have meant to scuttle the budget.
Al-Quds Underground's no-Israelis rule is part of a larger policy set by the Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions National Committee. This BDS movement, founded in 2005, can take credit for the cancellation of Leonard Cohen's September concert at the Ramallah Cultural Palace...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
An AH-64D Longbow Apache helicopter lands during a combined arms demonstration as part of South Carolina National Guard Air & Ground Expo 2009 at McEntire Joint National Guard Base, S.C., Oct. 10, 2009. The helicopter is from the South Carolina Army National Guard's 59th Aviation Troop Command. (DoD photo by Sgt. Roberto Di Giovine, U.S. Army/Released)
Daniel Gordis articulates what many of us have expressed concern over. Some people are so focused on self-criticism that they don't weigh the consequences of their words, nor care who their audience is nor are they mindful of the nefarious ways in which their ideas will be taken and twisted. Well meaning self-criticism simply becomes part of the indictment: Anything you say can and will be used against you
...ON the other side of the divide is a growing group so insistent on dialogue that it's no longer clear to what they are most fundamentally committed. When a group of American rabbis visited Jerusalem last week, one of them remarked that it was unfortunate that Ramallah wasn't on the itinerary. "Why visit Ramallah?" another member of the group asked. "Because Ramallah is also part of our story," was the response. "More than Holon? Are you distressed that we're not visiting Holon?" was the question that followed. To that, the first rabbi had no response.
Why, indeed, should Ramallah matter to us more than Holon? And why hide our pro-Israel position (if that's really what we are) simply to appeal to more college students? Had Theodor Herzl adopted that stance with the sultan, or had Chaim Weizmann been bashful in London, would we have a state? Had Golda Meir been self-conscious about her convictions in the face of an American community not entirely certain that a Jewish state was a good idea, where would we be? One shudders to imagine.
Have we become so utterly addicted to dialogue with our enemies that we would rather visit their cities than our own? Have we lost the ability to say, "If you breathe new life into the age-old blood libel, we will shun you"? Would we invite Alfred Dreyfus's accusers here for dialogue, were they alive today? We have real enemies. Have we so lost sight of that that we forget that anything we say, to paraphrase Miranda, "can and will be used against us"?
If those who insist on silencing any critique of Israel fail us because their passion threatens to squelch the debate we desperately need, those passionately committed to open debate suffer from the opposite problem - they do not recognize that they are unwittingly playing right into the hands of those determined to destroy us...
[h/t: Fred]
The Guardian celebrates by printing the ravings of Bruni de la Motte, a woman nostalgic for the good old days of the Stasi. I kid you not: East Germans lost much in 1989
For many in the GDR, the fall of the Berlin Wall and unification meant the loss of jobs, homes, security and equality...
What the fall of the East meant to her:
...Since the demise of the GDR, many have come to recognise and regret that the genuine "social achievements" they enjoyed were dismantled: social and gender equality, full employment and lack of existential fears, as well as subsidised rents, public transport, culture and sports facilities. Unfortunately, the collapse of the GDR and "state socialism" came shortly before the collapse of the "free market" system in the west.
Ah yes, gotta love the social equality of state socialism (it's just that some animals were more equal than others). I'm not sure what collapse of the free market system she's talking about, aside from the one Barack Obama is trying to usher in, but I'll keep my freedoms and you can keep your subsidized rents.
A mild stomach relaxant might be the Wall Street Journal's Weekend Interview With Adam Michnik: From Solidarity to Democracy - A Polish dissident reflects on the liberation of Eastern Europe 20 years later
Saturday, November 7, 2009
One of my favorite monster movies as a kid: Godzilla's Revenge (aka All Monsters Attack). In which small kid learns to fight back against bullies after befriending Godzilla's son, Minilla (Minira, Miniya). Damn, did I want my own monster pal.
Minilla first appeared (in fact, came out of an egg) in Son of Godzilla. (Can't embed that one.)
Just an update of an old theme:
Paging Judge Goldstone: Saudis launches offensive against Yemen rebels
...The northern rebels, known as Hawthis, have been battling Yemeni government forces the past few months in the latest flare-up of a sporadic five-year conflict. They claim their needs are ignored by a Yemeni government that is increasingly allied with hard-line Sunni fundamentalists, who consider Shiites heretics.
The rebels said the Saudi airstrikes hit five areas in their northern stronghold Thursday but it was not possible to independently verify the reports. They said there were dead and wounded, and that homes were destroyed. The rebels' spokesman said people were afraid to get near the areas being bombed, making it difficult to count the casualties.
"Saudi jets dropped bombs on a crowded areas including a local market in the northern province of Saada," Hawthi spokesman Mohammed Abdel-Salam told The Associated Press. "They claim they are targeting al-Hawthis, but regrettably they are killing civilians like the government does."
He said the attacks were followed by hundreds of artillery shells from the border.
"So far, three killed have been pulled out of the rubble, including a woman and a child who perished when their houses were bombed and burned down," said Abdel-Salam...
Just sayin'. [h/t: Seva]
Let me just give a shout-out to The Boston Globe (or The Boston Globe-Democrat as Michael Graham would have it) for actually criticizing His Worship for his completely odd-ball introductory remarks yesterday. Did someone on the editorial board get a bad ice cube in the scotch and soda? It's the only explanation for this burst of lucidity. Obama's delayed empathy
IN TIMES of national tragedy, Americans expect their president to capture the mood and moment with the right blend of emotion, empathy, and urgency. It's a delicate act of timing and tone. And President Obama, despite his eloquence and dignity, has yet to master it, as illustrated by his awkward response to the deadly shootings at the Fort Hood Army Base in Texas.
Obama's initial remarks came shortly after 5 p.m. Thursday, while Americans were struggling to come to grips with the shocking rampage and its chaotic aftermath. The stage was set for the president to quickly and somberly address the tragedy. Instead, a serene-looking Obama offered light introductory comments, keyed to those attending a Tribal Nations Conference that was hosted by the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs. His introduction included a convivial "shout-out'' to one of the conference attendees.
Several minutes in, Obama finally called the Fort Hood shootings "a horrific outburst of violence.'' The words he spoke next were respectful and appropriate. But it took him too long to get to the point of delivering them...
It was a really weird moment. At first I thought he was thanking some of the responders or something...but no... This via Surber. Here's the video in case you missed it:
NIAC is a highly controversial group, reviled by many Iranian Freedom activists as just a front for the Mullahs. Ed Lasky explains at American Thinker: The New Iran Man at the State Department's Iran Desk
John Limbert will be the senior Iran official at the State Department, replacing Dennis Ross who has moved to the National Security Council (and who has not been heard of publicly since). Should America be concerned? Yes. Limbert is not a neutral arbiter; he serves on the advisory board of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), widely considered to be the de facto lobby for the Iranian regime in America.
What is the National Iranian American Council?
The Council serves as the blocking back for the Iranian regime in America, opposes sanctions on Iran, soft-peddles any controversial events in Iran, and counsels "patience" regarding Iran's stance towards its nuclear program; the NIAC has been at the forefront of lobbying against continued Congressional funding of the Voice of America Persia service; Radio Farad; and grants for Iranian civil society; the NIAC adamantly opposes any military attacks on Iran; and to top it off, the NIAC has reportedly received funding from anti-Israel advocate George Soros who, at the very least, was an honored guest and speaker at one its symposiums (he called for a more equitable Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and called for America to renounce regime change as a goal).
The NIAC adamantly opposes any military attacks on Iran. In other words, it all but serves as Iran's Embassy in Washington-though the NIAC vociferously dispute this characterization. However, there is very little sunlight between the views of the regime and the NIAC.
The NIAC is also headed by the controversial Trita Parsi. Who is Trita Parsi?...
See the original for embedded links and the rest. There's also this:
...One curious fact is that board members of the NIAC contribute to J Street, the anti-Israel lobby that tries to pass itself off as a "pro-peace" lobby that supports Israel (just as the NIAC tries to palm itself off as being pro-American and pro-peace). Not so co-incidentally, Trita Parsi himself was on a panel at the recent J Street conference. ..
Too funny. Some of the residents of the up-scale condos on Boston's waterfront are complaining about the USS Constitution's twice daily cannon blasts and national anthem playing...a tradition dating back to 1798. Crittenden: I say, Muffy, that deuced gunnery is flattening the bubbly!
Of course these people are easy to mock because...these people are easy to mock.
Crittenden takes the opportunity to stump for the Soldiers' Angels Project Valour-IT fundraiser. You know, the guys who get special voice-activated laptops and other related stuff for seriously wounded soldiers? Those guys. Great cause. Fully tax-deductible, and every cent goes to the purchases.
Only don't click Crittenden's link to donate. See that thing in the sidebar that looks like a thermometer? Click that! As this is a friendly competition to see who can raise the most money, I'm on Team Navy and every donation you make through that link will credit to our team. We're way behind the Army and Marines right now.
Now look, I don't want to go all Sarah Silverman on your ass, that would be stupid (like The Great Schlep...remember that?), but seriously, don't let this blog be the only one not to raise any cash for this great cause. You know what some people will say...Solomonia...he does a lot of Isssreeal stuff, and his readers are a lot of you-know-whoooo's...of cooourse they didn't raise anything. Seriously now, this one comes off your taxes. Don't embarrass my mother, you know? A few bucks. It's good, right?
This is a great cause. Clickin ze here (please).
More About Valour-IT
Project Valour-IT helps provide voice-controlled/adaptive laptop computers and other technology to support Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries. Items supplied include:
- Voice-controlled Laptops - Operated by speaking into a microphone or using other adaptive technologies, they allow the wounded to maintain connections with the rest of the world during recovery.
- Wii Video Game Systems - Whole-body game systems increase motivation and speed recovery when used under the guidance of physical therapists in therapy sessions (donated only to medical facilities).
- Personal GPS - Handheld GPS devices build self-confidence and independence by compensating for short-term memory loss and organizational challenges related to severe TBI and severe PTSD.
It was the first time I felt whole since I'd woken up wounded in Landstuhl.
-Major Charles "Chuck" Ziegenfuss, on using a voice-controlled laptop
Not to worry, though, he'll be beheaded first: Saudi Arabia bans crosses, but crucifixion is OK. In fact, there's one happening soon:
You can't display an image of the crucified Christ in Saudi Arabia, but if you are ghoulish enough to want to see a genuine crucifixion, then the Kingdom is planning to stage one soon.
Saudi's Court of Cassation has confirmed that it will crucify 22-year-old kidnapper and rapist Muhammad Basheer al-Ramaly, though it won't be following biblical precedent to the letter: he will be beheaded first, and his head will be stuck on a pole separately from his crucified torso...
It's not the death-penalty per se, it's the irony that counts.
Instapundit says, "Now if this were Sarah Palin's ex-stepcousin-in-law it would be real news . . . ": Barney Frank present during marijuana bust.
The fact is no one cares that much about weed these days, but the idea that he had no idea even what a marijuana plant looks like is laughable. It's the lie that's the thing. He doesn't pick boyfriends well does he? But then the voters of the MA 4th don't pick Congressmen that well, either.
Friday, November 6, 2009
An MV-22 Osprey aircraft assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 162 prepares to take off from the amphibious assault ship USS Nassau (LHA 4) Nov. 1, 2009, while under way in the Atlantic Ocean conducting a composite unit training exercise. (DoD photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Brien Aho, U.S. Navy/Released)
In real, functioning polities, when a leader decides not to seek office again, we give them a gold watch and say, "Thanks for your service." In a non-functional thug-state, life stops when Dear Leader moves on. It's a symptom of dysfunction. But that's not why I'm posting. Check out this absurd unsigned story (Dalia Nammari is listed as a contributor from Ramallah, West Bank) from AP (in The New York Times). It's all about The Narrative: Abbas' Move Reflects Deep Palestinian Despair
By saying he wants to step down as president, Mahmoud Abbas has highlighted a deep Palestinian despair rooted in decades of failed peace initiatives and fruitless violence.
Neither strategy has yielded a Palestinian state, and Israeli settlements still encroach on lands that would make up their would-be nation.
Stop right there. What rot. "Decades of failed peace initiatives and fruitless violence"? Can someone please hip me to a single peace initiative the Palestinians have ever put forward? One? Fruitless violence, yes. But have they ever pursued peace? The only thing they've ever done, under Arafat or Abbas, is throw bombs and demand gifts. Truth.
Facing a hawkish Israeli government and an Obama administration reluctant to put muscle behind its demands on Israel, many Palestinians say they see no hope at all. The rest is similar garbage. No need for further quote or commentary.
[h/t: Sara] the behest of the Palestinian observer, apparently. Outrageous. Sanity isn't just out of fashion at the UN, it's being criminalized. From Eye on the UN.:
[I keep telling Stavis he has to stop listening to NPR or go back on the blood pressure medication.-MS]
NPR Editor:
OK, we've got the bare bones of the story out of Fort Hood in Texas. It seems that a Major there opened fire at a Soldier Readiness Center for guys to be shipped out to Iraq and Afghanistan, killed 12 and wounded 30 others.
NPR Female Reporter:
Hey, wait a minute, were there any women there?
NPR Editor:
Sorry, by "guys" I meant both sexes, of course.
NPR Female Reporter:
NPR Editor:
Let me continue. Here's the way we're going to handle this story. As in the past, the focus will be the backlash, in other words, the fears among the American Muslim community over discrimination, physical violence, hate emails, threatening telephone calls, and so on. As for the victims, we'll find the minorities among them and go up close and personal.
NPR Male Reporter:
Who do we call first?
NPR Editor:
First call CAIR, you know, the Council on American Islamic Relations
NPR Female Reporter:
Weren't they a recent unindicted co-conspirator in a trial down in Texas that convicted a bunch of terrorist funders?
Continue reading "NPR Scrubs Up for Nidal Malik Hassan"
I watched the live feed from Brandeis last night. Those of you who follow me on Twitter will have seen my tweets while the event was ongoing. Overall, I thought Dore Gold did a superb job. You can always second guess these things, but if you are like me, watching Gold respond was extremely satisfying. I'll reproduce some of my tweets below.
One Jerusalem has video of the entire event here. The audio is ambient, but good enough to hear. Brandeis is supposed to have their own video up by Monday and I'll update this post with a link to it at that time. I expect the quality should be good.
Carl in Jerusalem was in Waltham and has several good posts up: Richard Goldstone v. Dore Gold Liveblog, What would you do?, and Goldstone v. Gold, the videos and more. One of Carl's commenters notes:
I was at the debate tonight too. The students who stood up were wearing signs with quotes from Spinoza, Chomsky, and a few others. Their black t-shirts were from Democracy Now.
Whenever anybody where I was sitting (front right) clapped for Dore Gold, the leftists began making hissing sounds as loud as they could. This stopped after one of the police officers came over and cursed out the middle-aged man behind me for doing it.
The minute I walked up and got in line, some schmuck named Alan looked at my kipah, asked if I supported Israel, and then informed me that "Hitler taught you Jews well about the master race.
The Boston Globe reports here: Goldstone defends UN report on Gaza
Soccer Dad has a number of comments here: Goldstone's telling remark
Meryl Yourish dishes here: Richard Goldstone: Utterly clueless
UN Watch comments on Goldstone's poor justification for Christine Chinkin, here: Brandeis debate: Did Goldstone admit UN colleague Chinkin was biased?
The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (Dore Gold's outfit) has posted all of the devastating a/v material Gold used in his presentation online: The Challenge of the UN Gaza Report
Here are some of my tweets from last night which might provide a fun and quick way of seeing some of my impressions. My comments added now are in brackets and I've alternately run things together and broken them into paragraphs to facilitate reading. Let's see how it goes:
Continue reading "The Gold/Goldstone Debate"Grand jury indicts Sudbury man in terror plot
Two weeks after a Sudbury man was arrested in an alleged terror plot to kill Americans in the US and overseas, federal authorities announced today an indictment of him and a former Mansfield man they say fled to Syria.
Tarek Mehanna, 27, of Sudbury, and Ahmad Abousamra, 28, who last lived in Mansfield, were charged in a 10-count indictment with providing and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to kill in a foreign country, and other charges.
Federal prosecutors in Boston also released two undated photographs of a Mehanna smiling at Ground Zero in New York City with friends, as well as excerpts of conversations he allegedly had with friends online in which he expressd his admiration for Al Qaeda, the 19 hijackers who participated in the 9/11 attacks, and Osama bin Laden.
"I look to him ... as being my real father, in a sense," he allegedly wrote in an online chat on April 28, 2006.
The following article, by Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov, appears in this week's Jewish Advocate. Here it is in full:
Home-grown terrorists?
Two weeks ago, a Sudbury resident, Tarek Mehanna was arrested on terrorism charges. According to the FBI, he and his friends had sought terrorist training in places like Pakistan, and together they plotted to machine gun random shoppers at a local shopping mall here in New England.
The images these reports evoke (blood, panic, screams at a mall near you) bring to mind scenes from last year's Mumbai massacre in India where other young men, trained and sent by the Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba terror group, gunned down innocents with automatic weapons in public places.
Apart from the method of murder, and the request for Pakistani training, could there possibly be any other connection between an arrest in Sudbury and the massacre in Mumbai? Why would a seemingly successful American teenager seek terrorist training in Pakistan?
Here are some updates on that illicit Iranian arms shipment. All material courtesy of the IDF:
The various weapons on board the intercepted ship 'Francop' include 20,000 fragmentary grenades, 9000 mortar shells, 3000 106 millimeter artillery shells, 2000 122 and 107 millimeter rockets and 600,000 7.62 millimeter rounds for AK47 assault rifles
Here is a slide show of the material:
Pictures Linking Weaponry Found on 'Francop' and Terrorism in Southern Lebanon
Following denials from Hezbollah, the Syrian government and others, regarding the destination of the weapons cargo onboard the 'Francop,' the IDF is releasing photos (attached) which prove this relationship. The photographs were taken during a rocket launching from Southern Lebanon at the Israeli Galilee region on Tuesday, 27 October 2009. The pictures clearly show that the rocket fired was a 107 millimeter rocket, the same types that were found on the 'Francop'.
The pictures also explicitly show that the rocket was fired from a residential property, placing the local civilians in danger and using them as human shields.
Only one rocket was fired during the incident, exploding in an open area of the Ezba Hagalil region in Northern Israel. The pictures show other rockets which have yet to be launched.
In the extended entry is the transcript from a press briefing given Wednesday:
Continue reading "Iranian Arms Shipment Update"Not if you care about what went on in the former Yugoslavia during the 1990's. Journalist Ed Vulliamy has a powerful open letter addressed to Amnesty UK regarding the outrage he feels concerning the invitation extended to Chomsky to address the group in Belfast. Vulliamy is no right-winger, as you'll sense from some of the things he says in his letter (with which we do not agree). For those of you wondering if AI was any better than HRW these days, here's a snip of the piece. They've all gone far-left and away from a true freedom and Human Rights agenda. Open Letter from Ed Vulliamy to Amnesty International:
...In an interview with the Guardian, Professor Chomsky paid me the kind compliment of calling me a good journalist, but added that on this occasion (the camps) I had "got it wrong". Got what wrong?!?! Got wrong what we saw that day, August 5th 1992 (I didn't see him there)? Got wrong the hundreds of thousands of families left bereaved, deported and scattered asunder? Got wrong the hundreds of testimonies I have gathered on murderous brutality? Got wrong the thousands whom I meet when I return to the commemorations? If I am making all this up, what are all the human remains found in mass graves around the camps and so painstakingly re-assembled by the International Commission for Missing Persons?
These people pretend neutrality over Bosnia, but are actually apologists for the Milosevic/Karadzic/Mladic plan, only too pathetic to admit it. And the one thing they never consider from their armchairs is the ghastly, searing, devastating impact of their game on the survivors and the bereaved. The pain they cause is immeasurable. This, along with the historical record, is my main concern. It is one thing to survive the camps, to lose one's family and friends - quite another to be told by a bunch of academics with a didactic agenda in support of the pogrom that those camps never existed. The LM/Novo/Chomsky argument that the story of the camps was somehow fake has been used in countless (unsuccessful) attempts to defend mass murderers in The Hague.
For decades I have lived under the impression that Amnesty International was opposed to everything these people stand for, and existed to defend exactly the kind of people who lost their lives, family and friends in the camps and at Srebrenica three years later, a massacre on which Chomsky has also cast doubt. I have clearly been deluded about Amnesty. For Amnesty International, of all people, to honour this man is to tear up whatever credibility they have estimably and admirably won over the decades, and to reduce all they say hitherto to didactic nonsense...
[h/t: Kerry]
Oh yes, the citizens of Amherst, MA are well on their way to serving as halfway house to the guests of Uncle Sam: Forget Cats: Amherst Needs A Three TERRORIST Limit.
Ruth Hooke of Pioneer Valley No More Guantanamos says she'd be delighted to have them come there. "They seem like fine guys." What could go wrong?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
U.S. Airmen conduct maintenance on a B-1B Lancer aircraft as another B-1 flies over head Nov. 2, 2009, at Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D. The B-1B can rapidly deliver massive quantities of precision and non-precision weapons against any adversary, anywhere in the world. (DoD photo by Airman 1st Class Joshua J. Seybert, U.S. Air Force/Released)
Sooner or later, every professional organization acquires a coterie of radical leftist obsessives and starts on the great loping mission-creep into politics. The latest victim is the Modern Language Association, a professional organization for language scholars.
There is a proposal on the table and currently up for vote. Know any members of the organization? This demands attention. This was actually put forward by a group within the MLA called...the Radical Caucus (presumably there are any number of interest groups within the MLA and this is one).
Here is the letter with the proposal and the call to vote [a few snips]:
Dear Colleague:
At its meeting during the 2008 convention in San Francisco, the Delegate Assembly took two actions that are subject to ratification by the MLA membership. First, it elected the Chinese novelist Mo Yan to honorary fellowship in the association. Second, the assembly approved the following resolution:
Whereas Palestinian literature and culture are legitimate subjects of study;Whereas the conditions in the occupied territories have been critical in shaping modern Arabic literature generally;
Whereas those teaching and writing about the occupation and about Middle East culture have regularly come under fire from anti-Palestinian groups on extra-academic grounds;
Whereas education at all levels in the occupied territories is being stifled by the occupation;
Be it resolved that the MLA endorse teaching and scholarship about Palestinian culture, support members who come under attack for pursuing such work, and express solidarity with scholars of Palestinian culture.
Members were asked to comment on this resolution during the month of October; you may review these comments before you cast your vote. Please note that the ratification ballot, which is now available in the members-only area of the MLA Web site, also contains a link to the comments... will find links to the ratification ballot on the MLA's home page. The deadline for submitting the ratification ballot is 12:00 midnight (EST) on 10 December.
To request a paper ratification ballot, please contact me at the MLA office. The last day for requesting a paper ballot is Friday, 20 November 2009.
Carol Zuses, Coordinator of Governance
The moderately informed (readers of this site), will recognize the clear political purpose behind this proposal, as well as the barely veiled subtexts, particularly revealed in the third and fourth "whereases". If you're not sure, just ask.
You need to have a login to read the comments. I've seen them, and if they are any indicator, the proposal is not destined for successful passage, but one never knows. I have snipped a number of the more interesting comments in the extended entry below:
Continue reading "Modern Language Association Proposes Anti-Israel Resolution"This is ten times the amount of weaponry that was on the Karin-A back in 2002. It's just one more example of how a rogue state like Iran can destabilize an entire region. Talks and agreements don't count for much. Things will change when the regime changes.
Here's video from the IDF:
The IDF Spokesperson reports: 500 Tons of Weapons for Hezbollah Intercepted by Israeli Navy, 4 Nov 2009
Massive Arms Shipment Intended for Hezbollah Intercepted by Israel Navy
Roughly 500 tons of weapons, rockets, and missiles was uncovered aboard the cargo vessel "Francop" flying an Antiguan flag, which was intercepted and brought to the Ashdod port. The Israel Navy force which intercepted the ship included naval commandos, missile boats, intelligence and explosive experts.
36 shipping containers with 500 tons of weaponry were found on the ship disguised as civilian cargo, and hidden among hundreds of other containers onboard.
Israel Naval and Engineering Corps forces are currently unloading the containers and are sorting through the various types of weaponry found aboard.
The naval commando force boarded the vessel and conducted an initial search. The search was conducted in accordance with the usual search protocols as dictated by International Law.
Following the initial search and after it became clear that the vessel was carrying weapons, the vessel was directed by the Israel Navy to dock at the Israeli Ashdod Naval base for additional searches and a detailed inspection of the hull's cargo. It should be emphasized that the captain of the ship agreed to the search. The Israel Navy conducted all activity without any force.
The weapons found onboard the ship originate from Iran, and were intended for the Hezbollah terror organization, for use against the State of Israel and its citizens. The weapons uncovered at sea last night constitute a harsh violation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1747 and 1701 that strictly forbid Iran from exporting or trading any form of weapons.
This is a well-known Iranian technique, taking advantage of cargo ships flying different flags in order to smuggle containers loaded with large amounts of highly volatile weaponry to terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah.
Following the necessary inspections of the boat, it is expected to be released...
They also provide this background: List of Past Iranian Attempts to Smuggle Weapons
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a report here: Israeli naval force intercepts Iranian weapon ship. At the end there's a list of the various UN Security Council resolutions Iran is in violation of.
The New York Times reports here. Syria is saying, "What? There were no weapons on that ship. Who are you going to believe, the Syrian Arab Republic or your lying eyes?"
Noah Pollak at Contentions asks the salient questions: The New Karine A
What will Obama say about all this? Being that evidence of Iranian-Syrian hostile intent complicates the administration's desire for "engagement," whatever that means anymore, the answer is: probably nothing.
What will the human-rights hustlers say? Where is Judge Goldstone? Where is the flurry of outraged press releases from Human Rights Watch? These weapons are intended for one purpose only -- to terrorize Israeli civilians and drag the region into war. Isn't this the kind of thing that should outrage peace-loving human-rights activists? HRW has condemned Israel for violating international law over the way it funds public schools. I would bet a large sum that HRW will say nothing about the 500 tons of arms Iran just tried to send to Hezbollah. Priorities, you see.
And where is the UN Security Council? The arms ship violates numerous UNSC resolutions banning Iran from exporting weapons and forbidding the arming of Hezbollah. Don't expect any leadership from the Obama administration on this score, either; to make a big deal out of Iranian bad faith would be tantamount to admitting that the engagement policy is the stuff of fantasy.
From a local reader:
Dear Sir:
I was recently surprised, and I must add, embarrassed, to learn that you were one forty-four members of Congress who attended the recent "J-Street" extravaganza. "J-Street" claims to be a pro-Israel, pro-peace lobbying group that represents the interests of the majority of American Jews. In point of fact, it is none of these things.
"J-Street" is not pro-Israel It openly opposes taking any action to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, which is why Iranian lobbyists in the United States support "J-Street." Iran has declared its intention to "wipe Israel off the map;" one leader speculated that even one nuclear bomb would be enough to achieve that goal. But a nuclear Iran isn't just a threat to Israel, it is also a threat to the United States. Iran is known to be considering using nuclear weapons in an electromagnetic pulse attack, which might enable that country to destroy the United States as a functioning society with as few as three or four weapons.
Nor do "J-Street's" policies promote peace. They advocate applying American pressure on Israel to accept the "two-state" solution and the Clinton parameters proposed in 2000. But when President Clinton offered them, Israel accepted them and the Palestinians rejected them, preferring instead to raise the level of violence. How will pressure on Israel change this in any way? "J-Street" doesn't say because establishing a viable peace isn't its objective.
"J-Street" has endorsed the notion of "tough love" for Israel, basically bullying that country to fulfill the demands of Arab leaders in exchange for nothing, thereby raising the likelihood of a major and devastating war. President Obama may already have learned that this approach is counter-productive; by beginning his quest for peace with a demand for a total settlement freeze, he appears to have set back the peace talks by anywhere from two to four years. Let's hope the delay isn't a lot longer.
American Jews haven't been fooled. They overwhelmingly support the "two-state" solution, but according to a recent poll, 94% realize that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians continues because the Palestinians refuse to accept a viable Jewish state as a neighbor. How can "J-Street" claim to represent the interests of American Jews when at least 94% of them reject "J-Street's" understanding of the conflict?
Lastly, "J-Street" isn't a lobby as is commonly understood. Lobbies represent the interests of constituency groups to governmental entities, the Congress or the Executive Branch. "J-Street" appears to function in exactly the opposite way, to present government policies to the targeted constituency. In doing so, it functions as a front group, enabling the Obama Administration to claim support for its policies that really doesn't exist.
The use of front groups has a long and dangerous history; they are a dependable presence in a dictatorship.
In your capacity as a member of the Judiciary Committee, perhaps you could undertake hearings to determine the extent to which "J-Street" is the creation of the Obama Administration's political personnel and/or financial backers. If it is, then there may be more serious issues the House will need to consider.
Yale Zussman
Weymouth, MA
Well said throughout.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
UN Watch has the breakdowns: US Congress condemns UN Goldstone Report, 344 to 36; full text & voting breakdown
CAMERA comments here: Daily Show Duo Spread Lies About Israel.
Jon Stewart, host of Comedy Central's ever-popular Daily Show, has won a wide audience for his skillful use of satiric comedy to cut to the essence of serious political issues. But on October 27, 2009, he waded into a deeply contentious issue and got in over his head. In a segment dealing with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Stewart hosted Palestinian politician Mustafa Barghouti and anti-Israel agitator Anna Baltzer. Barghouti presented a familiar narrative of Palestinian grievances of the kind often heard. But it was the pairing with Baltzer that sparked indignation among many viewers. Fortunately, the segment's producers edited out much of Baltzer's misinformation about Israel, making the version actually broadcast substantially less objectionable...
When I heard these two creeps were going to be on The Daily Show I almost couldn't believe it (almost). I still haven't watched the video, nor do I have any interest in it. Two of the most radical voices possible got a shot at putting their faces in front of a mainstream audience -- the worst news I've seen in a long time. I wonder who on Stewart's staff thought that was a good idea, or was it Jon Stewart himself?
Some thoughts on recent Canadian product boycotts from Divest This!
I've not talked a lot about consumer product boycotts directed against Israel, perhaps because those have not been a major component of BDS in the US.
Up in Canada, however, consumer boycotts seem to be more popular. I suspect that some of reason behind the phenomena is geographical. The concentration of population and media in certain Canadian cities means boycott activities are more likely to gain volunteers and get the attention of the national press in places like Toronto or Montreal.
The culture of anti-Israel organizations may also play a role since these groups tend to be fragmented, with each "doing their own thing" with regard to B, D or S. A lack of institutions with global name recognition (a la Harvard or the Presbyterian Church) to be subverted may also make boycott a more appealing strategy than divestment in the Great White North.
Whatever the reason, consumer boycotts have some serious limitations. First off, contemporary consumer culture (with its constant bombardment of marketing messages) makes it very difficult for someone "selling" the notion of not buying this or that (for whatever reason) to rise above the din. And even when someone does manage to pull off a boycott-related protest, they face the challenge that a counter-boycott does not require their opponents to do anything other than go shopping (often for products they would have bought anyway).
The inherent risk of a boycott strategy is laid bare in this video which shows what happened when a bunch of Canadian BDS-niks decided it would be a great idea to protest in front of a store selling Israeli wines.
Toronto Wine Boycott Flops - Part 1
Toronto Wine Boycott Flops - Part 2
Toronto Wine Boycott Flops - Part 3
Toronto Wine Boycott Flops - Part 4
As that story unfolded (and you should really watch all parts), the dozen or so protestors were met by hundreds of Israel supporters who bought out the store's Israeli wine supply and proceeded to party in the streets while the boycotters slunk off in humiliation.
That was obviously a sweet moment, but not unique. If you recall last year's Trader Joe's "deshelving" floperoo, the Israel-dislikers, after declaring that Trader Joes across the country would face their wrath for not ending their distribution of Israeli couscous, barely managed to make a nuisance of themselves in a single store. And the only thing their efforts resulted in was a sellout of Israeli food products (which continues to this day), acclamations for Trader Joes for standing up to the BDS bullies, and an example created for the entire retail world regarding the benefits that accrue to companies that tell boycotters to take a long walk on a short pier.
Most recently, an attempt to boycott the Israeli cosmetics firm Ahava (again in Canada) led to a wild sell off of Ahava goods across the Commonwealth (helped along by the marvelous new anti-boycott site Buycott Israel). Add to that the sell-out performances of Israeli films targeted at this summer's Toronto Film Fest and you're left with a situation where marketing directors for Israeli companies are likely salivating at the prospect of being boycotted by cretins like those who keep coming back to the boycott well for another dunking.
You've got to hand it to him. Sweden's most prominent anti-Semite, Donald Bostrom (he of the modern Blood Libel fame), did have show his face in Israel. Imagine him appearing in Gaza after writing similar things about Hamas? Anyway, sounds like it was quite a show (there's also some video at the link): Swedish 'body parts' reporter defends article
Swedish journalist Donald Bostrom was given a cold greeting in Dimona, where he attended the city's annual International Conference on Communications on Monday.
Bostrom, who has been severely criticized for an article he wrote in the Swedish daily Aftonbladet alleging that Israeli soldiers had stolen body parts from dead Palestinians during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, was greeted by a throng of protesters upon his entrance to the hall where the conference was held, and his keynote address was disrupted by catcalls from the audience.
During an interview with journalist and talk show host Yair Lapid, Bostrom defended his article, claiming everything he wrote was backed by evidence. He also said that he understood the anger Israelis felt towards him, but that he thought people had blown the article out of proportion. Bostrom told Lapid that he thought the allegations, passed on to him by Palestinian families, should be seriously investigated...
My apologies for being late in publicly thanking bataween of the Point of No Return blog for naming Solomonia as one of her favorite (or "favourite," as it were) blogs in her Normblog profile. Very gratifying.
Point of No Return is a blog that focuses on the plight of the forgotten refugees of the Middle East, the Jewish refugees:
In just 50 years, almost a million Jews, whose communities stretch back up to 3,000 years, have been 'ethnically cleansed' from Arab countries. These refugees outnumber the Palestinian refugees two to one, but their narrative has all but been ignored. Unlike Palestinian refugees, they fled not war, but systematic persecution. Seen in this light, Israel, which absorbed most of these Jewish refugees, is the legitimate expression of the self-determination of an oppressed indigenous, Middle Eastern people. This website is dedicated to preserving the memory of the near-extinct Jewish communities, which can never return to what they once were. It will attempt to pass on the stories of the Jewish refugees and their current struggle for recognition and restitution. Awareness of the injustice done to these Jews can only advance the cause of peace and reconciliation.
(Iran: once an ally of Israel, Iran is now an implacable enemy and numbers of Iranian Jews have fallen drastically from 80,000 to 20,000 since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Their plight - and that of all other communities threatened by Islamism - does therefore fall within the scope of this blog.)
Check her out.
Palestinian Media Watch notes that Israel's peace partners have been up to their old tricks, revising history for convenience' sake. These guys tell absolute whoppers because it plays well at home, and no one in the foreign press ever calls them on it: PATV: Jews have no history in Land of Israel
A Palestinian historian and a senior PLO official have denied that the Jewish nation has any historical connection to the Land of Israel, thus continuing the Palestinian Authority's ongoing historical revision.
In an interview on official PA television, historian Nabil Alqam first denied thousands of years of documented Jewish history in Israel, then replaced it with "4,000 to 5,000 years" of fictitious Palestinian history.
Israel has publicized many archeological finds in recent years, including coins with Hebrew writing and even stamps [bullas] with names of biblical figures. It is possible that Alqam was responding to these numerous finds when he went on to accuse Israel of creating "artificial Israeli symbols."...
There's more, including video, at the link. What's more, here's Jeremy Sharon at The Guardian (! -- don't get excited, this is tokenism): Writing Jews out of Jerusalem's history - "The whipping up of unrest around the Temple Mount is part of an insidious campaign to cast Jewish people as modern interlopers..."
You don't have to care about religion to care about this issue. The issue actually involves freedom of belief, respect for others, politics, and the fact that Arab Islam, where it becomes strong, is simply not one that shows respect for non-Muslim belief.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Well this is interesting: J Street Adviser Morton Halperin Goes to Work for Goldstone. My apologies to Michael Goldfarb for the full quote, but this one's tough to encapsulate. Looks like J Street and George Soros have been doing Goldstone's homework for him:
THE WEEKLY STANDARD has obtained a document authored by Judge Richard Goldstone that is now being circulated on Capitol Hill. The document was written in response to HR 867 -- the resolution sponsored by Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Howard Berman condemning Goldstone's report on Israeli war crimes in Operation Cast Lead. Goldstone explains in the document that he sends his "comments on this resolution in an effort to correct factual errors."
Spencer Ackerman reported today that J Street would oppose the resolution in the House, but J Street chief Jeremy Ben-Ami has also said his organization "refuses to embrace" the Goldstone report. But it seems that certain elements of J Street have indeed embraced Goldstone and his report. Upon further inspection of the Goldstone letter, the actual author seems to be Morton H. Halperin, who serves on the J Street advisory council and is a senior adviser at George Soros's Open Society Institute. The original document can be downloaded here. (A check of the file's "properties" reveals the author as Morton H. Halperin.)
Individuals with official ties to J Street are not just embracing the Goldstone report, they are involved in efforts on behalf of Goldstone himself to scuttle opposition to the report in Congress. It's just another example of the disconnect between J Street's official positions and the actions of those who are connected to the organization.
Speaking of Goldstone, isn't it remarkable how much politicking this guy is doing for someone who was supposed to just be running a fact-finding mission?
Very, very interesting. Elder of Ziyon also comments, here.
[Update: Via Carl, on the substance of the letter, Congressman Howard Berman has a devastating fisking of Goldstone's letter: Berman's Response to Goldstone on House Gaza War-Crimes Resolution]
Meanwhile, J Street Jive has started a post-conference series of posts, beginning with a focus on a presentation given by Haaretz's Akiva Eldar: The J Street Conference You Won't See on J Street's Website.
Via JR Telegraph, the blockbuster event of the year. My only question is does Sheik al-Qaradawi get an executive producer credit? I'm thinking that if your goal is to "educate people about the true meaning of Islam," then I don't know that Qaradawi is your guy. On the other hand, maybe he is (if we get the whole story)...
Matrix producer plans Muhammad biopic
Producer Barrie Osborne cast Keanu Reeves as the messiah in The Matrix and helped defeat the dark lord Sauron in his record-breaking Lord of the Rings trilogy. Now the Oscar-winning American film-maker is set to embark on his most perilous quest to date: making a big-screen biopic of the prophet Muhammad.
Budgeted at around $150m (£91.5m), the film will chart Muhammad's life and examine his teachings. Osborne told Reuters that he envisages it as "an international epic production aimed at bridging cultures. The film will educate people about the true meaning of Islam".
Osborne's production will reportedly feature English-speaking Muslim actors. It is backed by the Qatar-based production company Alnoor Holdings, who have installed the Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to oversee all aspects of the shoot. In accordance with Islamic law, the prophet will not actually be depicted on screen.
"The film will shed light on the Prophet's life since before his birth to his death," Ahmed Abdullah Al-Mustafa, Alnoor's chairman, told al-Jazeera. "It will highlight the humanity of Prophet Muhammad."
The as-yet-untitled picture is due to go before the cameras in 2011. It remains to be seen, however, whether it will be beaten to cinemas by another Muhammad-themed drama. Late last year, producer Oscar Zoghbi announced plans to remake The Message, his controversial 1976 drama that sparked a fatal siege by protesters in Washington DC. The new version, entitled The Messenger of Peace, is currently still in development.
Oh goodie. I can't wait for the Oscar nominations.
A very thorough description of how the strike happened at Der Spiegel: How Israel Destroyed Syria's Al Kibar Nuclear Reactor. They're a bit rosy at the end about a thaw in Syria-West relations, but who knows? The strike itself was certainly remarkable for how silent it was in the aftermath. The Syrians got caught and knew it. Game over.
Well, this is pretty straightforward: The Worst Bill Ever - Epic new spending and taxes, pricier insurance, rationed care, dishonest accounting: The Pelosi health bill has it all.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has reportedly told fellow Democrats that she's prepared to lose seats in 2010 if that's what it takes to pass ObamaCare, and little wonder. The health bill she unwrapped last Thursday, which President Obama hailed as a "critical milestone," may well be the worst piece of post-New Deal legislation ever introduced.
In a rational political world, this 1,990-page runaway train would have been derailed months ago. With spending and debt already at record peacetime levels, the bill creates a new and probably unrepealable middle-class entitlement that is designed to expand over time. Taxes will need to rise precipitously, even as ObamaCare so dramatically expands government control of health care that eventually all medicine will be rationed via politics.
Yet at this point, Democrats have dumped any pretense of genuine bipartisan "reform" and moved into the realm of pure power politics as they race against the unpopularity of their own agenda. The goal is to ram through whatever income-redistribution scheme they can claim to be "universal coverage." The result will be destructive on every level--for the health-care system, for the country's fiscal condition, and ultimately for American freedom and prosperity...
...All of this is intentional, even if it isn't explicitly acknowledged. The overriding liberal ambition is to finish the work began decades ago as the Great Society of converting health care into a government responsibility. Mr. Obama's own Medicare actuaries estimate that the federal share of U.S. health dollars will quickly climb beyond 60% from 46% today. One reason Mrs. Pelosi has fought so ferociously against her own Blue Dog colleagues to include at least a scaled-back "public option" entitlement program is so that the architecture is in place for future Congresses to expand this share even further.
As Congress's balance sheet drowns in trillions of dollars in new obligations, the political system will have no choice but to start making cost-minded decisions about which treatments patients are allowed to receive. Democrats can't regulate their way out of the reality that we live in a world of finite resources and infinite wants. Once health care is nationalized, or mostly nationalized, medical rationing is inevitable--especially for the innovative high-cost technologies and drugs that are the future of medicine.
Mr. Obama rode into office on a wave of "change," but we doubt most voters realized that the change Democrats had in mind was making health care even more expensive and rigid than the status quo. Critics will say we are exaggerating, but we believe it is no stretch to say that Mrs. Pelosi's handiwork ranks with the Smoot-Hawley tariff and FDR's National Industrial Recovery Act as among the worst bills Congress has ever seriously contemplated.
I snipped out the details in the middle. Go ahead and read them. No one in Washington could possibly have read this monster of a bill -- the biggest, most out of control power grab in the history of the United States. This nightmare is a game changer, and the Democrats know it.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
[There was a considerable controversy over Michael Oren's refusal to either appear or speak at the national J Street conference. Many of J Street's detractors felt Oren should have gone to the conference and in effect read J Street the riot act. Here is one such imagined address. This was written by Yitzhak Sokoloff, founder of Keshet: The Center for Educational Tourism in Israel. (h/t to Fred for pointing Yitzhak in this direction.)]
The Speech The Ambassador Might Have Given at J Street
by Yitzhak Sokoloff
Michael Oren, the Israeli ambassador to the United States, chose to stay away from the J Street conference currently going on in Washington. He had good reasons not to attend; J Street was created to oppose the policies of the Israeli government and to lobby against them in Washington. Nevertheless, we are entitled to wonder what would have happened had the ambassador ignored the diplomatic niceties and instead elected to take on the true believers of J Street forthrightly, challenging directly the belief systems of those who automatically equate peace with Israeli territorial concessions, and whose use of the mantra "pro-peace" actually masks a dogmatic belief system that consistently disregards the strategic threats to Israel's existence. What follows is a suggestion for that speech.
"Good evening. I know that as the ambassador of the State of Israel I am among friends. But as a friend, it is incumbent for me to speak frankly. Anything less would be a betrayal of that friendship. The State of Israel is a proud democratic society. It is open to Jews from all over the world who wish to make it their home and to take an active part in determining the identity and policies of its government. The State of Israel also recognizes the right- and even the responsibility- of Jews all over the world to engage in intensive dialogue on its policies, principles and values. We have no interest in dictating our views to anyone, and it is not the place of an Israeli ambassador to tell you what you must believe. Nevertheless, it is my place to speak out against political activity that is intended to undermine the sovereign will of the citizens of Israel, no matter who undertakes it. We are a government that believes deeply in the value of achieving peace with our neighbors, and one willing to make significant concessions in order to do so. Peace is a fundamental interest of Israel. However in the turbulent and unpredictable realities of the Middle East and the international political arena we ignore the threats to our survival only at our peril. A border that is nine miles wide, a capital city surrounded on three sides by a hostile power, a near neighbor controlled by forces dedicated implacably to our destruction and a more distant neighbor grasped in the throes of religious fanaticism and in possession of nuclear arms all constitute grave threats to our national survival which at this point in our history is still not guaranteed.
Despite its many declarations of support, J Street has adopted an ideological position advocating an Israeli withdrawal to the ceasefire lines of 1949, those lines once described by Abba Eban as the borders of Auschwitz. This position certainly reflects a heartfelt desire for peace, but it also strategic error of enormous dimension. Believe me that the government and citizens of Israel want want peace no less than anyone in this room, and no less than anyone in this country. But we are charged to make peace with a deep sense of awareness of the dangers involved and responsibility for the decisions that we make. These decision can only be made on the streets of Israel, and with all due respect, they cannot be made in New York or even in Washington.
A second example of the problematic path chosen by J Street is the position it has taken on sanctions against Iran. I must believe that those who oppose such sanctions believe that this is the proper route to pursue the end of a non-nuclear Iran, but for the life of me I cannot understand why. The present government of Iran, according to all the information available to us, is resolutely set on a path of developing nuclear weapons with the purpose of terrorizing its neighbors, the State of Israel and the world at large. There are two ways available to prevent such a calamitous event from taking place- either by the Iranians agreeing on their own to stand down following economic and political pressure or for them to be forced to do so by military action. As no one here, I'm sure, believes that a military attack on Iranian nuclear facilities is the preferred option, I can only conclude that the threat of economic and political sanctions are the only other way of bringing about the same result. The cost of miscalculation is perhaps too great to be imagined, for the world and in particular for the citizens of Israel. And yet on this issue as well this organization has taken upon itself to undermine years of diplomatic efforts whose purpose is to prevent an Iranian nuclear device. The success of J Street in this endeavor would only bring us closer to the very military confrontation that no sane person could prefer to a diplomatic solution.
Last February the citizens of Israel elected a government with very clear positions regarding these two most critical issues on the agenda of our national security- future borders with the Palestinians and Iran. It is not the place of anyone who describes him or herself as a supporter of Israel to act against the sovereign will of its people. Of course there are Israelis who believe that we would be better off having lost the Six Day War, or at least not winning it. There may also be Israelis who believe that the Iranians will be less likely to pursue nuclearization if the international community were to take sanctions off the table- although I don't know any. We are a democracy and the expression of such views is completely legitimate. Those who hold them know the risks that we face if their ideas prove wrong and they will share those risks with other citizens of the State of Israel if advocates of these ideas win power through democratic means and adopt such policies. For those who do not share the risks I counsel a modicum of humility, based on the assumption that Israelis should have the right to chart their own course in the exceedingly dangerous waters of the Middle East.
Not Banned:
Yeah, that's right. No hats allowed, except, know. You'd think they'd make as exception for students in military uniform but...must have rules after all. Graham is all over it: One Of These Is Banned At A NH High School
...To deal with dummies who submitted dopey photos for the formal section of the yearbook, Merrimack High put some basic rules in place. Among the rules: You can't cover your head. Except when you can...
...We ALL know what "the difference" is. One student joined an organization known for its discipline and professionalism, the US military. The other is a member of a group whose members have been declared a protected minority by American liberals. Is the soon-to-be-deployed soldier going to file a lawsuit? Probably not? But the gang at CAIR (Council for Angry Islamic Radicals American Islamic Relations)? They've got the lawyers standing by...