
Friday, November 20, 2009

Well this is shaping up to be quite an event in the great climate debate. A hacker broke in to the computer system of the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit [Hadley CRU] and posted the emails and data they retrieved -- including the scientists' conniving over science and politics. Michelle Malkin has a good round-up: The global warming scandal of the century

Update: RealClimate says there's not really much there.


Actually, there is a *lot* to it. Follow what the Wall Street Journal has been saying: it's a disgrace and maybe the beginning of the end of this generation-long scandal.

We've known for over a decade that that "science" of the "hockey stick" was wrong, on many levels. Now we find out the motives behind the hysterical demonization of critics and attempts to obscure the truth. It isn't just a matter of some bad feelings, either, which is the way it's been reported in the MSM. The Hadley CRU and others have been actively trying to suppress the truth: the Earth isn't warming, there's no simple upward trend of temperatures, and no one knows how to predict the weather a decade or a century hence.

(Yes, it's Binah again, on a tiny break from an insane schedule :)

Here's some of the latest on the "hockey stick" scandal. It's not the science, which we've known for a decade was wrong. It's the motives and conspiracy, and the number of people and institutions involved.

The only problem is conceiving of the "hockey stick" as science that went into the IPCC and other reports. In fact, the IPCC and others had already decided on "global warming." The "hockey stick" was cooked up post-facto to justify what the would-be climate elite already believed.

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