
Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Boston Globe (actually a Washington Post story) picks up the story of the destruction of one of the planet's oldest Jewish Communities: For Jews, Yemen no longer a place to call home

SANA, Yemen - The last remaining Jews in Yemen are vanishing, driven out by politics, war, and hatred. Once numbering 60,000, one of the oldest Jewish populations in the Arab world now has fewer than 350 members.

In recent months, persecution by Islamist extremists has intensified, accelerating Jews' flight from Yemen. Many are heading to the United States.

With the help of the US government and US-based Jewish organizations, 57 Yemeni Jews have been resettled in New York since July. At least 38 are expected to arrive soon and many more are eligible, American officials said. Others are seeking refuge in Israel and Europe.

In the capital, Sana, 65 Jews who fled their northern villages are living in a government compound under heavy security. Recently, police arrested two men suspected of planning to assassinate the community's rabbi, according to Yemeni news reports...

Imagine, if you will, an American public enraged by the lack of human rights in China, by their treatment of Tibet, Taiwan and their ethnic minorities. Imagine, for a moment, that the American people of non-Chinese decent turned on their fellow Chinese-Americans, so that local Chinatowns became armed camps and Americans of Chinese decent were forced in to massive waves of emigration by this persecution. Do you think that the BBC (and others) would blame China for this catastrophe? Don't be silly. But where Israel can be blamed...BBC historian blames Israel for Yemen Jews' demise

1 Comment


This is exactly like the attacks on Middle Eastern Jews back in the 1920's, '30's and '40's.

It was all because of the Jews. This had nothing to do maybe with the local bigots.

There is something fundamentally flawed about the British POV regarding Jews.

Gee I wonder what it could be.

But, at least they are consistent.

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