
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not quite a scream of "You lie!" but still a remarkable lapse in the restraint generally shown by non-legislators at last night's State of the Union: Alito's "Not True" Moment

At Reason: Alito's "Not True" Moment

Surber: Justice Alito's You Lie moment


Congratulations Obama, you just pissed off Anthony Kennedy.

Exit Question: Does this mean Sam Alito is a racist shades of Joe "You Lie" Wilson?

That moment was the capper in the awful SOTU. Is there a precedent for a such a slap in the face to the heads of the third, independent co-equal branch of government and such bullyish posturing by a POTUS.

Michael Gerson, formerly a speechwriter for W, says The One has lost his grip on reality.

The Trifecta guys thought it long and boring but very funny. Go figure. SPEECHLESS: Obama's State of the Union Leaves the Trifecta Team in Disbelief.

AP fact-checked and found ten big misstatements of fact. HotAir summarizes the ten whoppers.

And, of course, Chris Matthews' leg stopped tingling long enough for him to be enthralled and to forget Obama's skin color for just an hour. (If a commentator on Fox had said something like that, they'd be called racist.)

Nappy heard most of it on the car radio and was thus spared the sight of the Joe Biden bobble-head doll over Obama's right shoulder. The soundtrack alone was torture to listen to. As always, the speech was more about him than anything else. Nappy tried to ignore distraction of his hand banging on the podium but after a few minutes couldn't help cringing every time he said "I" or "me."

I was creeped out by seeing VP Biden, the genius who said that in 1929 President Roosevelt spoke to the nation on TV, VP Biden smiling, showing off his unnaturally white teeth, nodding, bobbing, a real distraction, and on the right side of the screen, Nancy Pelosi, also nodding, smiling, carefully adjusting her hair, ready for her stint on "The Apprentice".

Those two bookends reminded me of the morons who stand, wave, make faces, while standing behind a TV reporter.

This weeks SNL will probably open with a send-up of the SOTU.

Yeah, banging the podium again and again.

Demagoging the Supreme Court in the next breath after talking about bipartisanship and making Washington work was a masterpiece of Leftwing doublespeak.

Lies, damn lies, and Obama.

Chris Mathews projects his own deep seated prejudices onto other white people, methinks. That dude has issues.

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