
Thursday, January 21, 2010

So says the Newton Tab: Residents demand apology, threaten recall. So Newton isn't quite as far gone as Amherst yet...

In an anticlimax to a week of outrage, Newton aldermen unanimously voted to take no action on a controversial resolution to welcome a Guantanamo detainee to the city.

At a meeting of the full board Tuesday night, the Programs and Services Committee substituted their original approval of the resolution with the No Action Necessary designation. The switch was greeted with applause from the approximately 80 people in the audience, as was the vote of the full board that killed the proposal without an up or down vote. The matter was disposed of in ten minutes.

But while attendees were happy the resolution was no longer on the table, they were still upset at the aldermen who proposed and approved it.

"It's outrageous to even bring this question before the board ... all of us in Newton are ashamed now," said Mikhail Gershteyn after the meeting. "Every official who brought it should be recalled."

The resolution, docketed by Aldermen Stephen Linsky and Ted Hess-Mahan, called for the city to ask Congress to allow Guantanamo detainees into the country and for the city to specifically welcome Abdul Aziz Naji, a 34-year-old Algerian, to Newton should he be cleared to enter the United States. Two Newton attorneys, Doris Tennant and Ellen Lubell, have been working pro bono for Naji while he's been held in Guantanamo...

As promised, Americans for Peace and Tolerance was there:

...Charles Jacobs, a columnist for the Jewish Advocate and the main organizer of the turnout Tuesday night, was not satisfied with the measure merely disappearing from the aldermen's docket.

"We deserve an apology," Jacobs said. "If they do not apologize, we should think very seriously about a recall."

The city charter does not allow ballot initiatives to recall elected officials.


(Previous: Newton Looks to Welcome GTMO Terrorist Update: Residents Meet with Alderman)

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Brazen. In spite of the Gaza Freedom March's well recorded acquaintance with Hamas, their demonstrated lack of ability or will to keep their deliveries out of the hands of the terrorist group, and the fact that there are other perfectly... Read More


Disgraceful ... the aldermen who proposed this should be voted out!

I would have preferred a vote on the resolution, and its resounding defeat. At least we can move on from this embarrassment. We are progressive, but not Moon Bats.

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