
Sunday, January 24, 2010

The GRP folk are all abuzz! Happy days are at hand. A web poll from WGBB Fox6 in Springfield, MA is showing GRP perennial Jill Stein in a landslide!

Results so far:

Deval Patrick 8%
Charles Baker 8%
Tim Cahill 10%
Christy Mihos 4%
Jill Stein 61%
Other 9%

Call it now! Jill Stein is Number 1...all others are #2...or lower.

I've heard that while the GRP folk are taking great heart in this important indicator, they have had some difficulty in getting their people to figure out how to vote in the thing, so that may be a bit more of a signal as to GRP's ultimate chances.

Advice to Jill Stein: Quit while you're ahead. It's all downhill from here.


Still about the same numbers. Very unscientific poll, and they don't say what the sample size is. Safe bet that it's pretty small and Jill Stein's shockingly high score is due to an active "Vote early, vote often" initiative by a couple of moonbats. It's easy. Just clear cookies and vote again. Vote from different browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, ...) on the same computer or vote from different computers.

These loony-kazoonies, to use one of Nappy's favorite Sliwonics terms, would have no qualms about playing these games in real elections if they could.

You say nothing about Ms. Stein's politics, but I assume the worst of anyone running as a nominee of a party that offered us Cynthia McKinney for president in 2008.

Now, with Stein currently polling at 61%, naysayers should be able to wager at very favorable odds. Is there some way to bet real $$$ that she won't be MA's first woman governor? If there is, I would be delighted to donate whatever I won to causes that Ms. Stein probably would not favor.

No worry that Stein's views are almost wholly objectionable. Betting against her being elected Governor is about as sure a bet as possible to make if you can find anyone to take your action.

Hard to imagine the combination of so stupid as to believe she could be elected and with some money to wager on it. If there were to be a bet, it would have to be not on whether she will win/lose, but rather what % of the vote she will get. Could she get 10%, are MA voters so angry that a not insignificant number would waste their votes on "none of the above" or Stein to send a message? More importantly, could her presence in the race make a difference in the outcome by taking from the incumbent or from the challenger and changing things between them?

Does Stein have foreign policy positions, though governors have effectively no bearing on foreign policy? In particular, does she buy into the whole Cynthia McKinney shtick or just the "Green" part, whatever that may be? Not of much, if any consequence, but I just wonder how many progressive loonies are running around in MA, outside of Cambridge and some other enclaves. (I didn't know Newton was infected by that form of insanity until I read about the aldermen welcoming ex-Gitmo detainees to come reside in Newton. What would that do to property values there?)

Green Mass Group post on Saturday. VOTE for Jill Stein! Online Poll at News Site Bingo!

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