
February 2010 Archives

Sunday, February 28, 2010

[The following, by David Adler, is crossposted from Z Word.]

To find journalist-ideologue John Pilger ranting about "the criminality of the Israeli state" and "the murderous, racist toll of Zionism" is all too routine. (Hat tip Oliver Kamm.) What's new is this:

Pilger trots out "the expatriate Israeli musician Gilad Atzmon" as a representative good Jew, emblematic of "the heroes of Israel" and "the moral courage of Israeli dissidents." Either Pilger is fool enough to be unaware of Atzmon's vicious anti-Jewish bigotry, or he has consciously praised an apologist for the Third Reich, who has declared:

"One of the things that happened to us was that stupidly we interpreted the Nazi defeat as a vindication of the Jewish ideology and the Jewish people."


"Carpet bombing and total erasure of populated areas that is so trendy amongst Israeli military and politicians (as well as Anglo-Americans) has never been a Nazi tactic or strategy."

For more on Atzmon's record of Holocaust revisionism, here. I won't waste further time documenting Atzmon's hate, because he continues to document it for us time and again.

As for John Pilger's excuse, I'd love to hear it. And if Amy Goodman, who frequently greets Pilger as an eminence on her program Democracy Now!, weren't a hack posing as a toughminded media critic, she would ask Pilger about his high regard for Atzmon next time she has him on.

Continue reading "John Pilger and the Enabling of Antisemitism"

Forget the 1930's, it's sounding more like 1491: 'Anti-Semitism being taught in Spain schools'

Israel on Sunday lodged a formal complaint with Spain, charging that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are being instilled in elementary students across parts of the country.

The Israeli embassy in Madrid has received dozens of postcards addressed to the Israeli envoy - from students ages 5 and 6 - including hand-written messages such as "Jews kill for money," "Evacuate the country for Palestinians," and "Go to someplace where someone will be willing to accept you."

According to sources in the Foreign Ministry, this is an organized campaign by officials outside the education system in Spain that have been given permission to work with the students...

...The Spanish envoy explained that the postcards were a private initiative, and not one that is part of Spain's education ministry.

Gilon said Israel understands this is not a government policy, but stressed that these types of initiatives have no place in schools and that Israel requests action be taken to have the campaign stopped.

Also at YNet: Spanish children urge Israeli envoy to 'stop murdering Palestinians'

A couple more samples at Haaretz Hebrew.


Great story out of Poland about a Nazi skinhead (and his wife!) who discover their Jewish roots and experience a rather serious change of life: Changing Face in Poland: Skinhead Puts on Skullcap

WARSAW -- When Pawel looks into the mirror, he can still sometimes see a neo-Nazi skinhead staring back, the man he was before he covered his shaved head with a skullcap, traded his fascist ideology for the Torah and renounced violence and hatred in favor of God.

"I still struggle every day to discard my past ideas," said Pawel, a 33-year-old ultra-Orthodox Jew and former truck driver, noting with little irony that he had to stop hating Jews in order to become one. "When I look at an old picture of myself as a skinhead, I feel ashamed. Every day I try and do teshuvah," he said, using the Hebrew word for repentance. "Every minute of every day. There is a lot to make up for."

Pawel, who also uses his Hebrew name Pinchas, asked that his last name not be used for fear that his old neo-Nazi friends could harm him or his family.

Twenty years after the fall of Communism, Pawel is perhaps the most unlikely example of the Jewish revival under way in Poland, of a moment in which Jewish leaders here say the country is finally showing solid signs of shedding the rabid anti-Semitism of the past...[More.]

[Via Yaacov Lozowick.]

[The following, by Bataween, is crossposted from Point of No Return]


The rubbish is piled high amongst the blue and white dwellings of Hara Seghira, the Jewish quarter of the Tunisian island of Djerba, but the locals are not worried. The government will do a thorough clean-up just before the holiday of Lag Ba'omer. That's when thousands of visitors will flock to take part in the Hillula or pilgrimage in honour of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.

It may surprise outsiders to learn that the Hillula at the Al-Ghriba synagogue, which legend has it is over 2,000 years old, has been a fixture of the Djerba tourist calendar only for the last forty years. The Hillula was initiated by the Tunisian government and is a major revenue-earner.

Tourism is the mainstay of Tunisia, sandwiched between its oil and gas-producing neighbours Algeria and Libya. The al-Ghriba synagogue is the main attraction on Djerba, a must-see on every tourist's itinerary.

The 1,200 Jews who still live on the island around the synagogue and seven kilometres away in the Hara Kebira - the main Jewish ghetto with its 11 synagogues- are like highly-prized exhibits in the Tunisian shop window. A police station guards the entrance to the Hara Kebira. Keep the Jews safe and secure, so official thinking goes, and the thousands of German, French and even Israeli tourists to Djerba will keep on coming.

Continue reading "Kippa-wearing Jews feel safer in Djerba than Paris"

Power Line has been doing a great job following the going's on out in their neck of the woods, where the Muslim American Society is basically running a public school and the ACLU(!) has stepped in on the right side (for once): Not Your Parents' PTA

We've written a number of times about Minnesota's Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TiZA), a charter school that appears to be Muslim in all but name, and is closely affiliated with, if not an alter ego of, the radical Muslim American Society. The American Civil Liberties Union is engaged in litigation against TIZA, in which the ACLU alleges that the school unconstitutionally promotes religion at taxpayer expense. That litigation has gotten quite bitter.

Our friend Kathy Kersten has done more than anyone else to shed light on TIZA and its relationship with the Muslim American Society through her columns in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Now, relying on court records, she details allegations of threats made against those who have provided information about the school's operations...

Hit the link to get the story of the entirely predictable retribution that members of the Muslim community there who testify against the school are receiving. They follow with a good summary post here: The truth about TiZA

Here's a story, of diplomats who used their influence, including issuing fake papers, to save lives.

During the Holocaust, a few people including the Salvadoran diplomat George Mantello issued fake documents and otherwise intervened to help save the lives of threatened Jews. Unfortunately Mantello wasn't able to save his own parents, who were murdered by the Nazis.

From AP, by Claudia Torrens and Randy Herschaft, this moving tale:

NEW YORK - It took Ina Polak 35 years to discover the dusty piece of paper that probably saved her and her family in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

It wasn't until she was cleaning her mother's New York City apartment following her death in 1980 that she discovered the document listing her, her sister and parents. It was a Salvadoran citizenship certificate.

"My first reaction was 'Oh, now I understand!'" said Polak, who is 87.

She and her family were Dutch Jews, with nothing to connect them with the distant Central American country of El Salvador. Yet the certificate dated 1944 became their lifeline, thanks to a man named George Mantello.

Mantello, a Jew born in what is now Romania, was one of a handful of diplomats who during World War II saved thousands of Jews and others on the run from the Nazis by giving them visas or citizenships, often without their governments' knowledge.

They were men such as Hiram Bingham IV, a U.S. consular official in Marseille, France who issued visas and other travel documents that are credited with helping to rescue about 2,000 people; or Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese envoy in Lithuania, thought to have saved 3,500; or Dr. Feng Shan Ho, the Chinese consul in Vienna whose visas got 18,000 Jews to safety in Shanghai.

Best known of all is Raoul Wallenberg of Sweden, whose efforts probably contributed to saving 90,000 Jewish lives in Hungary before he vanished in what became an abiding mystery of the Holocaust...

Read the rest.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Haaretz has posted the extended must-read story of Mosab Hassan Yousef, the Hamas leader's son who converted to Christianity and also worked for Israeli Intelligence. (See previous: Hamas Leader's Son Was Shin Bet Mole):

Part 1, Part 2

This, by Sarah Honig, is excellent: Hitting the wrong target

The false-passport row denies Israel's right to act against those trying to destroy it.

FOR average Israelis, members of the silent majority (as distinct from the country's chattering cliquey elite), the false-passports brouhaha abroad is just another sideshow in the international community's theatre of the absurd.

In this global burlesque, everything can be turned upside down. The lie is granted equal standing with truth, and flagrant canards frequently gain the ascendancy and are paraded as fact. Values are devalued. Good and evil are interchangeable. Anything goes.

In this environment of intellectual anarchy, Israel's existential struggle stands no chance of being granted anything vaguely resembling a fair hearing.

The case of terror kingpin Mahmoud al-Mabhouh is instructive. After his body was discovered in a Dubai hotel, his own son, Abdel-Rauf, bragged on TV that the late lamented ''fought the Jews, hit the Jews, kidnapped and killed Israelis. He outfitted and dispatched suicide-bombers.'' That evidently made him an object for admiration. Killing Jews is a noble objective, one to take pride in, to revere.

Mabhouh co-founded the Hamas military wing and Hamas declared war on Israel. He was a self-confessed murderer.

Last year he boasted on al-Jazeera about his personal culpability in the separate 1989 kidnap-murders of Israeli soldiers Avi Sasportas and Ilan Sa'adon.

He crowed about smuggling into Gaza thousands of Iranian-made missiles for the sole purpose of making the lives of Israeli civilians hellish in the country's heartland, including Tel Aviv.

So when Israelis point to Mabhouh's gory record, it isn't just their biased say-so. It's hardly an unsubstantiated assertion, an excuse to justify assassination.

Accustomed and resigned as Israelis are to the world's double standards, they nevertheless watch with renewed amazement as Mabhouh's suspected killers are placed on Interpol's wanted list, where Mabhouh himself never appeared - soaked with blood as his hands were. Has anyone, incidentally, bothered inquiring which passport Mabhouh was travelling under and why he was allowed to enter Dubai on a gun-running mission?...

Read the rest.

I am quoted in this Boston Globe article about the aftermath of J Street's ill-fated Congressional trip -- cosponsored with CMEP -- to Israel: Delahunt's journey to Mideast upended - Canceled sessions stir debate among advocates for Israel. I spoke with reporter Farah Stockman for some time and it's always funny to see just what actually makes it into print (not much in a short article). I sense that Globe editors are virtually giddy over the idea that J Street is bringing a new definition to the term "pro-Israel" ("pressure-Israel" is more like it). That's my own impression based only on the fact that this article was assigned and not from anything Stockman told me, by the way.

At this point I'd simply be repeating myself again (again) by commenting on J Street and its false claim to deserving a place at the "pro-Israel" table with groups like AIPAC (see, for instance: J Street's Self Aggrandizement and Its Blind Eye For Terror).

...For decades, many American Jewish groups - including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a long-established and influential lobby - have been reluctant to second-guess the policies of Israel's elected government.

When they disagree with Israel, "they do it behind closed doors," said Martin Solomon, Boston-area blogger and businessman who writes the Israel-oriented blog Solomonia. "They don't want to give ammunition to people who mean to do real harm to the state."...

You can read the rest of the article for yourself. In spite of what Globe editors may intend, all continued coverage of this event is doing is adding another piece of evidence demonstrating how much trouble "pro-Israel" J Street has caused for the people they're supposed to be supporting. Besides, Hugo Chavez friend Delahunt has enough trouble of his own, and his quotes in the article aren't exactly removing the impression that he's hardly a friend of Israel.

JStreetJive is pretty direct: Boston Globe, in Typical Form, Provides its Readers with Little Background

Friday, February 26, 2010


U.S. Marine Sgt. Shane Hanley, a squad leader from Easy Company, 2-2 Marines, receives treatment by U.S. Army flight medic Sgt. Michael G. Patangan (left) while airborne in an army Task Force Pegasus medevac helicopter, shortly after Hanley was wounded, in Helmand province, southern Afghanistan on February 9th, 2010. Sgt. Hanley, of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, who agreed to have photos of himself published, sustained shrapnel injuries to the left side of his body, face and eye when an improvised explosive device detonated below him while he was on a foot patrol. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

A great collection from Afghanistan at The Big Picture.

Via JStreetJive, an excellent look at just who J Street considers the enemy by Erick Stakelbeck:

Have you ever heard of a supposedly "pro Israel" group that has issued more press releases condemning Christian Zionists than it has Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadenijad, Hezbollah and Syria combined? No? Then welcome to J Street, the self-described "pro Israel, pro peace" lobbying group that bends over backwards to insult Israel's friends and supporters, especially evangelical Christians, and makes a living off of criticizing Israeli government policies.

I've discussed J Street's naked anti-Christian bigotry before (see here and here) but since they are at it again (more on that in a bit), I felt compelled to undertake a little research project. I went to J Street's website and surveyed the group's press releases from the past year and a half. The results? To start, four press releases (including one from February 1, 2010) attacking John Hagee and Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Indeed, two of J Street's first four press releases were devoted to slamming Hagee. Talk about misguided priorities: a purportedly pro-Israel group using all of this ink on Hagee and evangelical supporters of Israel at a time when Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Syria are stockpiling increasingly lethal weapons and publicly calling for Israel's destruction. 

In those press releases, J Street essentially painted Hagee--a man Senator (and orthodox Jew) Joseph Lieberman once compared to Moses--as a closet anti-Semite and portrayed Christian supporters of Israel as some sort of wild-eyed, apocalyptic death cult (a strategy which this release by J Street's founder, Jeremy Ben-Ami, took to new extremes).  But what may be even more offensive is that J Street has come up with exactly one--one--press release condeming genocidal Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadenijad. And zero press releases condeming either Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah or Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, two others who regularly threaten Israel's demise. If J Street wants "end times" and "apocalyptic," then Ahmadenijad, Assad and Nasrallah--who all met yesterday in Damascus to plot further attacks against Israel--are certainly the real deal. So why the bizarre preoccupation with evangelical Christians, an extremely large and influential group that Israeli government officials of every political persuasion routinely hail as among the Jewish people's greatest friends and supporters?...[More.]

[The following, by Charles Jacobs, appears in this week's Jewish Advocate]

On Feb. 8, the Muslim Student Union (MSU) disrupted a speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren at the University of California-Irvine. It was done cleverly. A Muslim student from the audience stood up and began shouting during Oren's talk. After he was removed from the hall and the talk resumed, another Muslim student stood up and began to shout. This happened about a dozen times. Oren courageously and with eloquence finished his talk.

Though the Irvine disruption was not nearly as impressive as the 2002 Muslim victory in Montreal when students violently prevented Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from speaking at Concordia University, the California incident demonstrates the growing strength of the MSU; it also is a marker of Jewish political decline on American campuses.

For years, the Irvine campus has witnessed publicly funded anti-Israel and anti-Semitic speakers and programs; and, for years, the established Jewish community has failed to respond effectively. At Irvine, where Jews are sometimes frightened to openly identify themselves, only the stalwart Zionist Organization of America and the valiant grass-roots group Stand With Us have consistently challenged the university to fulfill its responsibility and protect the students and free speech. Hillel, the national Jewish campus organization, created in times of peace to ensure that Jewish boys meet Jewish girls, staffed with warm-fuzzy Kumbaya-niks, remains in denial - or worse.

Continue reading "Charles Jacobs: Time for a Jewish Tea Party?"

Via Rick in the comments, this ought to be very disturbing: York University discriminates against Christian and Jewish coalition ahead of Israel Apartheid Week

TORONTO - At the last minute, York University has cancelled events organized by a coalition of Canadian pro-Israel students and organizations due to "security" concerns. The events organized by the Imagine With Us coalition were scheduled for this week in anticipation of Israel Apartheid Week (IAW), which begins on March 1.

The Imagine With Us coalition - a "multi-faith, multi-political movement that is concerned with maintaining Canadian values and keeping our campuses safe from hatred, discrimination and radical incitement, particularly from those subscribing to radical Islam," explained Michael Mostyn, national director of public affairs for B'nai Brith Canada - is led by My Canada, a non-partisan organization of young adult Christians who are passionate about a variety of social justice issues, and B'nai Brith Canada.

On Monday and Thursday of this week, events were scheduled at York which included the participation of Middle East expert and political commentator Daniel Pipes, Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and political discourse Dr. Mordechai Kedar, former PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat, human right activist Rev. Majed El Shafie, social justice activist and founder of My Canada Faytene Kryskow, and B'nai Brith Canada CEO Frank Dimant. The events were scheduled to be streamed live to campuses across Canada and to be viewable online internationally.

On Monday morning, York University informed Imagine With Us campus partners Christians United for Israel (CUFI) that the university was cancelling the event due to the fact that Imagine With Us did not meet their requirements. York had required that the organizers include a formidable police and campus security presence paid for by the organizers, a list of all attendees in advance, a minute-by-minute synopsis of all speakers' talking points and a ban on public advertising of the event at York and on satellite campuses.

York University has said that the requirements were demanded of the event organizers due to the participation of individuals who they claim invite the animus of anti-Israel campus agitators...[More.]

Well yeah, that's kind of the idea, isn't it? What good is having a free society in theory if the thugs can shut it down in practice?

Very good related op-ed: The dark side of Israeli Apartheid Week

Beginning Monday, university campuses play host to an annual event known as Israeli Apartheid Week, where Israel is assigned the role of Jew among the nations -- singled-out, cursed and harassed.

Some Jewish students at Canadian universities will discreetly choose to stay home, to avoid having to answer for the Jewish state. The whiff of something medieval hangs over this March ritual.

This isn't about Jews, say the organizers. It's about Zionists. Problem is, the activist groups behind Israeli Apartheid Week are doing everything to erase the distinction...[Read the rest.]

The Knesset debated in the aftermath of the J Street/CMEP sponsored congressional jaunt and made the Foreign Ministry answer for the reception faced by Bill Delahunt, et. al... Far from being ashamed of the time they've wasted on behalf of a government they purport to support, they've posted a transcript and video of the debate: Ayalon Clarifies MFA Position Toward J Street, US Jewish Organizations. I enjoyed MK Arieh Eldad's statement:

Mr. Chairman, Mr. Deputy Minister, members of the Knesset. On the same day that the group of members of Congress visited Israel, and official parties did not want to meet them, another congressman also visited Israel. I took him on a tour with me and asked him what he thinks about not letting them meet the prime minister and the foreign minister. He said: them? That group has some of the biggest enemies of Israel in the US Congress.

When I try to think about J Street it depends whether I got up in a good mood or a bad mood. When I get up in a good mood I think about them: they are doing harm and wish to be rewarded. When I get up in a bad mood I remember what Rashi wrote in his Torah commentary about pig. Why do we hate it so much? Because the pig lays down and spreads its limbs and says "look how pure I am." What is my problem with that lobby? It is fine for there to be a lobby in Israel, in the US, wherever they want, that is in favor of establishing a Palestinian state in the middle of our country. I think it is a disaster for Israel, I think it is suicidal, I think it will destroy the Zionist enterprise. But it is perfectly legitimate. What is so infuriating about this lobby is the pure face they put on as a pro-Israeli lobby. So let everyone know. These are feathers they should not wear. Thank you.

I gotta say I really do enjoy reading some of these parliamentary exchanges. It's great when they start insulting each other.

[h/t: Citizen Wald]

...and demands Israel lift the "blockade." This is a logic puzzle: Martin urges Israel to lift Gaza blockade

FOREIGN Minister Micheal Martin yesterday pleaded with Israel to end the crippling blockade of Gaza on an historic trip to the occupied territory.

As he visited Gaza, Mr Martin said the blockade was choking ordinary people and helping to swell the ranks of the Islamic Hamas administration.

The minister visited UN-operated schools, a food distribution centre and met with business leaders to witness first-hand the hardships suffered by 1.5 million people. "I would appeal to the Israeli government and all concerned to lift this blockade," he said.

Mr Martin is the first EU foreign minister to enter the Gaza Strip in more than a year after repeated efforts by other states were refused by Israel, including an initial attempt by Ireland in December...

Finger B.jpg
Tired of the calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel that become more shrill the more BDS fails to win a single victory? Bored to tears as the Israel "dislikers" trot out the same dreary, hypocritical campaigns (like Israel Apartheid Week) year after year after year?

Well now you can do something about it. Becuase those Apartheid Week clowns have launched their annual hate-fest smack at the beginning of Buycott Israel Month!

Buycott Month is actually a little project cooked up by some local activists working together with the hugely successful Buycott Israel program in Canada. As you can see from the Success Stories section of the Buycott Month site, there's not been a single instance of boycott directed at Israeli products that didn't end up turning into a massive sellout of Israeli goods and an equally massive humiliation for the forces of BDS.

With Buycott Month, we decided to ratchet the fun level up another notch, asking people to send us their own stories of buying and enjoying Israeli products, breaking a boycott, making an investment or taking part in a counter-protest of Apartheid or BDS activity during the month of March. And tying these tales together will be the "Finger-B," (shown above) a gesture you can make to let the world know that you're not just enjoying what Israel has to offer, but giving BDS "The Fingers" in the process.

So let's teach the BDS crew to read between the lines. Stop by, act up, spread the word, send us your Buycott story - most of all - remember, always remember that we're not only right compared to the endless wrongs of BDS, but that we also know how to do our activists activities with panache.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

[Crossposted from JStreetJive]

iaw 2010 bookmark front FINAL.jpg

Use This Bookmark to Keep Your Place in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Rush down to your local college. It's that time of year again! Israel Apartheid Week. And it's the sixth annual! Every major American Jewish organization has put out a statement condemning Israel Apartheid Week - except one. Guess. That's right - Jeremy Ben Enemy & Co. - the ad nauseam, self-branded "Pro Israel" lobbyists. Now if silence is assent, we can only conclude that Jeremy and his patrons, chief among whom is George Soros, heartily approve this obscenity hurled at Israel and Jews. Even the often feckless ADL has declared:

"Past IAW events have featured extreme anti-Israel rhetoric, including accusations of Israeli racism and apartheid; calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns against Israel and Israeli institutions; and allegations that Israel is committing war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people. IAW events have taken place on college campus and at churches, community centers and elsewhere."

The American Jewish Committee, CAMERA, The David Project, Stand with Us have all condemned the thinly-disguised Jew-hatred in the form of BDS advocacy (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions). In its self-aggrandizing description, the group even refuses to identify Jerusalem by name - it is called Al Quds. Consisting of speeches, multi-media presentations and even bookmarks (just to make sure you don't lose your place when reading the Hamas Charter), the international, heavily financed campaign kicks off March 1st. Some of the venues for the blood libel are hardly surprising:

Ann Arbor
San Francisco

The obvious counter to this horror show would be to showcase the real apartheid regimes around the world - and they're almost all Arab and Muslim. Honor killings, de jure discriminatory laws for non-Muslims, extra-judicial torture and murder of not only minorities, but of other Muslims, genocidal military campaigns (Darfur), and the imposition of Shariah Law which inherently enshrines the horrors of Apartheid.

With all the pietistic, progressive preachings of J Street's constituent groups like Brit Tzedek v' Shalom and the New Israel Fund, you would think that the contemporary practices of actual Apartheid would raise the thinnest eyebrow. Forget it - J Street and its comrades are predictably silent.

Perhaps the most eloquent refutation of the blood libel was presented by Ishmael Khaldi, Israel's Deputy Consul based in San Francisco (you know, probably the only Arab never to be invited to a J Street function):

Continue reading "J Street Silent on Israel Apartheid Week. Surprised? [Hillel]"


A super rapid blooming chaff canister launches from the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu (LHA 5) during an antimissile defense drill off the coast of Southern California Feb. 23, 2010. Peleliu is under way conducting an integration training exercise in preparation for a scheduled 2010 deployment to the western Pacific Ocean. (DoD photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Foster Bamford, U.S. Navy/Released)

Entertainment. I don't know who this Nigel Farage is, but he sure has found a use for a useless political forum, annoying the members and entertaining the rest of us. Here is video as he "delivered another major tirade against EU President Herman van Rompuy and, along the way, severely insulted Belgium and Greece..." (per the YouTube info):

[Via Harry's]

(Yes, snuck is a word.)


Remarkable story: In 1944, Denis Avey swapped identities with a Jewish prisoner in Auschwitz. Now, at 91, he reveals why he did it

Denis Avey, even at the age of 91, cuts a formidable figure. More than 6ft tall, with a severe short back and sides and a piercing glare, he combines the pan-ache of Errol Flynn with the dignity of age. This is the former Desert Rat, who, in 1944, broke into -- yes, into -- Auschwitz, and he looks exactly as I expected. He removes his monocle for the camera, and one of his pupils slips sideways before realigning. It is a glass eye. I ask him about it. He tells me that in 1944, he cursed an SS officer who was beating a Jew in the camp. He received a blow with a pistol butt and his eye was knocked in.

If Avey's story is difficult to believe...

About that story...

...Avey was a troublesome prisoner. In the summer of 1943 he was deported to Auschwitz, in Poland, and interned in a small PoW camp on the periphery of the IG Farben factory. The main Jewish camps were several miles to the west. "I'd lost my liberty, but none of my spirit," he says. "I was still determined to give as good as I got."

But he knew immediately that this was a different order of prison. "The Stripeys -- that's what we called the Jewish prisoners -- were in a terrible state. Within months they were reduced to waifs and then they disappeared. The stench from the crematoria was appalling, civilians from as far away as Katowice were complaining. Everybody knew what was going on. Everybody knew."

Remarkably, Avey was able to think beyond the war. "I knew in my gut that these swine would eventually be held to account," he says. "Evidence would be vital. Of course, sneaking into the Jewish camp was a ludicrous idea. It was like breaking into Hell. But that's the sort of chap I was. Reckless."...

Yes, he sneaked in to the camp, and then out again. It's quite a story.

Khaled Abu Toameh reminds us that the corruption scandal exposed by Fahmi Shabaneh is more than just about sex. For instance:

Following are examples of some of how, according to Shabaneh, international aid to the Palestinians is being "hijacked" by "thieves and thugs in the inner circle of Mahmoud Abbas."

  • Thousands of civil servants whose names appear on the payroll of the Palestinian Authority either do not exist or have never reported for work. The Palestinian Authority has more than 150,000 registered civil servants whose salaries are paid by American, European and Arab governments. Shabaneh's investigations showed that senior officials in the president's office and the Palestinian Ministry of Finance have been "diverting" millions of dollars of these payments to their private bank accounts every month.
  • Just before the January 2006 parliamentary election, the US gave $3.2 million to help Fatah boost its image among Palestinians. The goal was to prevent Hamas from winning the vote back then. [Hamas did win in the end]. Shabaneh says that his investigations showed that the money was given to an advertisement company owned by Abbas's family and that most of the money had "vanished."
  • A former minister in the Palestinian Authority convinced Mahmoud Abbas and his predecessor, Yasser Arafat, to give him about $5 million of international aid so that he could purchase lands in Jerusalem before Jews lay their hands on them. Shabaneh's investigations showed that the minister deposited most of the money in his private bank account and had built a huge and luxurious villa on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
  • Shabaneh's inquires also found that Azzam al-Ahmed, a senior Abbas advisor and Fatah official, took about $1.5 million from Arafat and Abbas under the pretext that he, too, wanted to purchase land that would otherwise end up in the hands of Jews. Ahmed's brother, who served as the PLO's lawyer in Jordan, is also suspected, according to Shabaneh's files, of defrauding the Palestinian Authority into paying him millions of dollars for fictitious land deals.
  • Shabaneh discovered that a former Finance Minister in the Palestinian Authority had deposited $8 million in his private bank account. When Shabaneh demanded explanations, he was told to mind his own business.

The rest. It sort of makes all these ideas for building Arab civil society and economy that much more difficult, doesn't it?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


U.S. Marine Corps Pfc. Austin Natale applies camouflage face paint on a student during the 50th session of Saturday Scholars at Montclair Elementary School in Pensacola, Fla., Feb. 20, 2010. This is the twenty-fifth year the Center for Information Dominance Detachment at Corry Station, Fla., has hosted the program, making it the longest, continuously-running Saturday Scholars program in the Navy. (DoD photo by Gary Nichols, U.S. Navy/Released)

OK, so I signed the petition deploring the latest Presbyterian attack on Israel. I am deeply upset by this and by the prejudicial nature of their position.

Here's a link, which Sol had already posted.

I got this in response (my reply follows):

February 23, 2010

A statement from the Reverend Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) regarding the work of the General Assembly Middle East Study Team.

A human rights organization within the Jewish community has issued a statement about the report to the 219th General Assembly (2010) from the General Assembly committee to prepare a comprehensive study focused on Israel/Palestine. The statement says, "...we are deeply troubled that current moves underway in the Church radically depart from its 2008 commitment that its review of Middle East policies would be balanced and fair."

The Middle East Study Team's report, which will be released by Friday, March 5, 2010, contains a letter to the American Jewish community. The study team begins the letter by saying:

We want to be sure to say to you in no uncertain terms: We support the existence of Israel as a sovereign nation within secure and recognized borders. No "but," no "let's get this out of the way so we can say what we really want to say." We support Israel's existence as granted by the U.N. General Assembly. We support Israel's existence as a home for the Jewish people. We have said this before, and we say this again. We say it because we believe it; we say it because we want it to continue to be true.

The team, which engaged in intensive study, meetings, and travel to the Middle East since their appointment following the 218th General Assembly (2008), continues:

And, at the same time, we are distressed by the continued policies that surround the Occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights, in particular. Many of us come to this work out of a love for Israel. And it is because of this love that we continue to say the things we say about the excesses of Occupation, the settlement infrastructure, and the absolute death knell it is sounding for the hopes of a two-state solution, a solution that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has supported for more than sixty years.

Several previous General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have adopted statements about Israel/Palestine. Two excerpts:

In 2004: The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has approved numerous resolutions on Israel and Palestine, repeatedly affirming, clearly and unequivocally, Israel's right to exist within permanent, recognized, and "secure" borders (for example: 1969, 1974, 1977, 1983, 1989, etc.). It has deplored the cycle of escalating violence--carried out by both Palestinians and Israelis--which is rooted in Israel's continued occupation of Palestinian territories (cf. statements of successive assemblies since 1967). Presbyterians have continued to be concerned about the loss of so many innocent lives of Israelis and Palestinians (see "Resolution on the Middle East," approved in 1997, and "Resolution on Israel and Palestine: End the Occupation Now," approved in 2003)." GA Minutes, 2004, p. 66.

In 2006: We call upon the church..."To work through peaceful means with American and Israeli Jewish, American and Palestinian Muslim, and Palestinian Christian communities and their affiliated organizations towards the creation of a socially, economically, geographically, and politically viable and secure Palestinian state, alongside an equally viable and secure Israeli state, both of which have a right to exist." GA Minutes, 2006, p. 945.

I join the Middle East Study Team that will be reporting to this summer's General Assembly in asking all people to continue to pray, and work, for the peace of Jerusalem.

OK, I replied thus:

Continue reading "The Presbyterians Try to Clarify Their Position [Sophia]"

In his posting from Monday, Smear Intifada, Martin Kramer describes a scurrilous attack on his left flank by many of the usual suspects, beginning with Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada, and supported by MJ Rosenberg, and Juan Cole to name two. It looks like Kramer is attracting all the right opponents.

Kramer is...wait for it...being accused of advocating "genocide" in his Herzliya Conference speech. I kid you not. Cue Greg Gutfeld's standard tongue-in-cheek Gregalogue conclusion, "And if you disagree with me, you must be a racist." I believe falsely accusing someone of advocating genocide must be the International Relations (Foreign Affairs?) version of calling someone a racist in other contexts. Of course, there are people in Middle East openly advocating genocide, it's just that Martin Kramer isn't one of them. (In Abunimah's case the accusation is pure projection. Someone should inform he and his supporters that the "one-state solution" actually does fit the legal definition of advocating for genocide.) Click the link above to go to Kramer's full explanation, but here's the quote that's getting attention:

Aging populations reject radical agendas, and the Middle East is no different. Now eventually, this will happen among the Palestinians too, but it will happen faster if the West stops providing pro-natal subsidies for Palestinians with refugee status. Those subsidies are one reason why, in the ten years from 1997 to 2007, Gaza's population grew by an astonishing 40 percent. At that rate, Gaza's population will double by 2030, to three million. Israel's present sanctions on Gaza have a political aim -- undermine the Hamas regime -- but if they also break Gaza's runaway population growth -- and there is some evidence that they have -- that might begin to crack the culture of martyrdom which demands a constant supply of superfluous young men. That is rising to the real challenge of radical indoctrination, and treating it at its root.

Pretty pedestrian, right? Kramer explains:

I didn't propose that Israel take a single additional measure beyond the sanctions it now imposes with the political aim of undermining Hamas. And I didn't call on the West to "deliberately curb the births of Palestinians." I called on it to desist from deliberately encouraging births through pro-natal subsidies for Palestinian "refugees," which guarantee that Gazans will remain both radicalized and dependent. The Electronic Intifada claims that "neither the UN, nor any other agencies, provide Palestinians with specifically 'pro-natal subsidies.'" This is a lie: UNWRA assures that every child with "refugee" status will be fed and schooled regardless of the parents' own resources, and mandates that this "refugee" status be passed from generation to generation in perpetuity. Anywhere in the world, that would be called a deliberate pro-natal policy. Electronic Intifada: "Kramer appeared to be equating any humanitarian assistance at all with inducement for Palestinians to reproduce." Appears to whom? A pro-natal subsidy is a national or international promise to support the yet-unborn, not humanitarian assistance to the living. The pro-natal subsidy in Gaza is the unlimited promise of hereditary "refugee" status to future generations.

(Stopping pro-natal subsidies isn't an original idea, and I credit Gunnar Heinsohn for making a much more detailed case for it, in his January 2009 Wall Street Journal Europe article, "Ending the West's Proxy War Against Israel: Stop funding a Palestinian youth bulge, and the fighting will stop too." He also coined the phrase "superfluous young men.")

In fact, I linked to Heinsohn's article back in January '09. The word "genocide" never entered my mind. As I said over in this thread regarding the accusation (in slightly edited form):

Kramer's remarks are a rather non-controversial version of the typical complaint heard by many who campaign against the irresponsible application of welfare (in this case, the international welfare of aid payments) -- that it encourages child-bearing in people who shouldn't be having children because, without the welfare payments, they couldn't afford them and would make different choices. The same thing has been going on for years in Gaza and many people have been pointing it out. This is a common point of debate in the domestic political discourse of every country that has a welfare system, and no one has ever seriously called it a discussion of "genocide." You can have as many babies as you want, just don't ask other people to pay for it. But leave it to the "pro-Palestinian" activists to so stretch the language to their purposes that it loses all meaning.

There are people in the world suffering REAL genocide, they don't need people like Ali Abunimah to cheapen the language and thus their very real suffering.

The smear campaign has even extended to trying to force the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (WCFIA) at Harvard, where Kramer is a visiting scholar (so close by, Martin, and we've never met), to condemn his remarks (gee, I thought Cole and Rosenberg were always complaining about these sorts of muzzling tactics). Fortunately, the Weatherhead Center is standing firm:

...Accusations have been made that Martin Kramer's statements are genocidal. These accusations are baseless. Kramer's statements, available at, express dismay with the policy of agencies that provide aid to Palestinian refugees, and that tie aid entitlements to the size of refugee families. Kramer argues that this policy encourages population growth among refugee communities. While these views may be controversial, there is no way they can be regarded as genocidal.

Those who have called upon the Weatherhead Center to dissociate itself from Kramer's views, or to end Kramer's affiliation with the Center, appear not to understand the role of controversy in an academic setting...

While Abunimah, Cole, and Rosenberg beclown themselves once again (Abunimah is actually something worse than a clown, but we'll leave that for now), we can hope that the mini-controversy lends more attention to both Kramer's important remarks and the scholar that made them.

[The following, by bataween, is crossposted from Point of No Return.]

On Monday evening, Israel's parliament, the Knesset, quietly passed a bill that could change the Middle East agenda forever.

Up to a million Jews were forced to leave Arab countries and Iran in the decades following the foundation of the State of Israel in 1948, due to state-sanctioned persecution and violence. Today only some 4,000 Jews are left in the Arab world, bringing to an end a Jewish presence that in many cases pre-dated Islam and the Arab conquest by 1,000 years.

The bill has taken two years, since its initiation by MK Nissim Ze'ev of the Sephardi Orthodox Shas party, to become law. The new law aims to protect the rights of Jewish refugees from Arab countries and Iran in future peace negotiations in the Middle East. The bill defines a Jewish refugee as an Israeli citizen who left one of the Arab states, or Iran, following religious persecution. It stipulates that the Israeli government must include Jewish refugee rights, notably compensation, in all future peace talks.

Continue reading "Israel's Answer to the Palestinian 'Right of Return'"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Well, we've heard the amazing story of Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef's son, Mosab (Mus'ab) Hassan Yousef, before. (Hamas Leader's Son Turns State's Evidence -- Converts to Christianity, Return of the Son of the Hamas Terrorist: The Convert) Now the story becomes even more remarkable, and heroic: Haaretz exclusive: Hamas founder's son worked for Shin Bet for years

The son of a leading Hamas figure, who famously converted to Christianity, served for over a decade as the Shin Bet security service's most valuable source in the militant organization's leadership, Haaretz has learned.

Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder and one of its leaders in the West Bank. The intelligence he supplied Israel led to the exposure of a number of terrorist cells, and to the prevention of dozens of suicide bombings and assassination attempts on Israeli figures.

The exclusive story will appear in this Friday's Haaretz Magazine, and Yousef's memoir, "Son of Hamas" (written with Ron Brackin) will be released next week in the United States. Yousef, 32, became a devout Christian 10 years ago and now lives in California after fleeing the West Bank in 2007 and going public with his conversion.

Yousef was considered the Shin Bet's most reliable source in the Hamas leadership, earning himself the nickname "the Green Prince" - using the color of the Islamist group's flag, and "prince" because of his pedigree as the son of one of the movement's founders.

During the second intifada, intelligence Yousef supplied led to the arrests of a number of high-ranking Palestinian figures responsible for planning deadly suicide bombings. These included Ibrahim Hamid (a Hamas military commander in the West Bank, Marwan Barghouti (founder of the Fatah-linked Tanzim militia) and Abdullah Barghouti (a Hamas bomb-maker with no close relation to the Fatah figure). Yousef was also responsible for thwarting Israel's plan to assassinate his father.

"I wish I were in Gaza now," Yousef said by phone from California, "I would put on an army uniform and join Israel's special forces in order to liberate Gilad Shalit. If I were there, I could help. We wasted so many years with investigations and arrests to capture the very terrorists that they now want to release in return for Shalit. That must not be done."...

..."So many people owe him their life and don't even know it," said the handler, named in Yousef's book as Captain Loai. "People who did a lot less were awarded the Israel Security Prize. He certainly deserves it."...

Of course, not everyone at Haaretz (or the Kennedy School) probably thinks this guy is such a hero. One man's hero is another man's turncoat to the cause of death for Allah, after all.

BTW, he is not sanguine on the peace process:

...With his memoir, Yousef hopes to send a message of peace to Israelis. Still, he admits he is pessimistic over the prospect of Israel signing a peace agreement with the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, let alone Hamas.

"Hamas cannot make peace with the Israelis. That is against what their God tells them. It is impossible to make peace with infidels, only a cease-fire, and no one knows that better than I. The Hamas leadership is responsible for the killing of Palestinians, not Israelis," he said. "Palestinians! They do not hesitate to massacre people in a mosque or to throw people from the 15th or 17th floor of a building, as they did during the coup in Gaza. The Israelis would never do such things. I tell you with certainty that the Israelis care about the Palestinians far more than the Hamas or Fatah leadership does."

His book, Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices, will be released March 2.


U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Jesse Underwood engages enemy forces during Operation Moshtarak in Badula Qulp, Afghanistan, Feb. 19, 2010. The International Security Assistance Force operation is an offensive mission being conducted in areas of Afghanistan prevalent in drug-trafficking and Taliban insurgency. Underwood is from Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment. (DoD photo by Tech. Sgt. Efren Lopez, U.S. Air Force/Released)

At JTA, Ben Harris takes a look at some of the back and forth over the goings on at UC Irvine:

The current drama playing out at the University of California, Irvine is shaping up to be nearly note-for-note identical to the one we witnessed in 2008. Then, as now, harshly anti-Israel speakers sparked the Zionist Organization of America to issue condemnatory press releases and appeal to the United States government for an investigation (the results of which, it should be noted, determined no dereliction of duty on the part of the university). Students stood up and said the portrayal of their campus as an anti-Semitic inferno were overblown, which was followed by other students who said quite the opposite....

Read it all, but here's some meat, focusing on Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, who's busy making excuses:

...Chemerinsky is misleading about what Drake has done. He has denounced hate speech. He did it for me personally two years ago when I cornered him in a D.C. convention center. But so far as I'm aware, he has NOT done it "when anti-Jewish or anti-Israeli sentiments have been expressed." He has done it when critics demanded it. And he has not "expressly proclaimed the inappropriateness of such speech." He has expressed his opposition to hate-speech in general, without "expressly" referring to any speech in particular...

There's more reason to mistrust Chemerinsky's judgment of such things. Chemerinsky was the guy who represented Rachel Corrie's family against Caterpillar. For this alone I've heard him described as a "moral reprobate," which sounds about right. I certainly wouldn't be much interested in his ability to make sound judgments with regard to what's going on at Irvine. A Prohibition tale of government run amok:

...Doctors were accustomed to alcohol poisoning by then, the routine of life in the Prohibition era. The bootlegged whiskies and so-called gins often made people sick. The liquor produced in hidden stills frequently came tainted with metals and other impurities. But this outbreak was bizarrely different. The deaths, as investigators would shortly realize, came courtesy of the U.S. government.

Frustrated that people continued to consume so much alcohol even after it was banned, federal officials had decided to try a different kind of enforcement. They ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols manufactured in the United States, products regularly stolen by bootleggers and resold as drinkable spirits. The idea was to scare people into giving up illicit drinking. Instead, by the time Prohibition ended in 1933, the federal poisoning program, by some estimates, had killed at least 10,000 people...[The rest.]

[Via Mick.]

Joel Pollak, our friend and candidate for Congress in Illinois has written a good piece for the Jerusalem Post on the sticky wicket that coming up with a viable Iran policy has become: The Neda Doctrine

...THE US overcame the Soviet threat by making it clear that we would respond to an attack against an ally as if it were an attack against the US homeland. We also undermined the Soviet system from within by linking trade relations to progress in human rights. These two elements - a clear military commitment, and an emphasis on human rights - must form the core of a new, bold policy towards Iran as well: No tolerance for a nuclear Iran.

The US must commit to a military response in support of UN Security Council resolutions should Iran continue to flout them. The target should be not only Iran's nuclear facilities, but the main political institutions of the regime. We must force Teheran to hide its leaders as carefully as it has hidden its centrifuges, weakening the regime and giving strength to its many opponents.

Extend preemptive support to Israel. The US must commit to supporting Israel in the event that Israel decides to launch a preemptive strike against Iran, as it did against Iraq in 1981. Unlike a defense pact, which would allow Iran to attack before Israel or the US could respond, a preemptive guarantee would take the initiative away from Teheran and make it bear the full consequences of its present actions.

Develop human rights sanctions. Until now, sanctions have focused on the Iranian nuclear program. We need sanctions targeting Iran's abuses of human rights. The US must lead, because the UN Human Rights Council still refuses to act. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) have introduced legislation providing for human rights sanctions. Passage must become an urgent priority.

The US must assist Iranians in their struggle for freedom. We must help Iranians help themselves by providing alternative media platforms and developing technology that can frustrate the regime's attempts at censorship. We must deny the Iranian government any semblance of legitimacy in international forums, and speak out forcefully at every opportunity on behalf of Iranian freedom.

THESE FOUR steps together form what I call the Neda doctrine, which is a simple acronym that also honors the memory of Neda Agha-Soltan, who was murdered last June as she attempted to join protests against Iran's fraudulent presidential election. Her example reminds us that our greatest and most courageous allies against the Iranian regime are the Iranian people...[More.]

Ed Driscoll interviews Jennifer Burns, author of (one of) the new Ayn Rand biography, Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right:

Timely, as I've recently finished reading Rand's science fiction novel, Atlas Shrugged. I found it inspiring, brilliant, and well worth wide consideration...but simultaneously not so all-encompassing that one could build any sort of life or political philosophy solely out of what's contained therein. Rand certainly teases out a thread of the fabric of human experience and gives it a thorough going-over, but it is by no means the whole cloth. Still, the echoes with current events come frequently enough to give you more than one moment of "Hmmmm..."

Though the paperback version I have is the better part of 1100 pages it does read fast (seriously), and becomes quite skimmable after not too far in. She was certainly an author in search of an editor.

I highly recommend Whittaker Chambers' classic review, Big Sister Is Watching You from National Review, 1957, as well as the more recent piece by Anthony Daniels (aka Theodore Dalrymple): Ayn Rand: engineer of souls, for a couple of well-written pieces that explain, in effect, why you shouldn't get too carried away.

The only other Rand I've read are We the Living, and The Fountainhead. Both were worth the time.

Monday, February 22, 2010


U.S. Soldiers destroy an abandoned compound near Highway 1 in Hutal, Afghanistan, Feb. 18, 2010. The Soldiers are with 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division. (DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Dayton Mitchell, U.S. Air Force/Released)

The controversy over the front-running Republican candidate for Senate out in California continues. Here's a spirited (and I must say pretty convincing) defense of Campbell from David Frum: Is Campbell Bad on Israel? But Jennifer Rubin isn't giving much ground on the other side: Another Jab at Campbell

Well, it's news anyway. The pressure needs to be kept on:

The UC Irvine students who were arrested after protesting a Feb.8 speech by Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren have received disciplinary letters from the university office of judicial affairs.

UCI sent the letter to the eight Irvine student protesters early last week.

The UC Riverside's student conduct office is reviewing video footage and materials from the speech and demonstration but has yet to make a decision regarding the three UCR students who were arrested. Administrators have sent inquiry letters to the students in question.

According to Cathy Lawhon, UCI spokeswoman, the protesters had to respond to their disciplinary letters and make appointments with campus judicial affairs by Tuesday or holds would be placed on their registration and financial aid. The letters, outlining the initial complaint, are the first step in a six-week long disciplinary process; Lawhon did not know if the students answered the notices by the Feb. 16 due date.

Mohamed Abdelgany, president of UCI's Muslim Student Union and one of the eight Irvine student protesters, said that he responded to the letter and suspects that the university is threatening to pursue "very harsh punishments against (him) and his fellow students."

Abdelgany, who believes that the sanctions could be as serious as suspension or expulsion, has offered a suggestion to the administration.

"The best action for the university to take is to hear our grievances, and work to make all students and student groups feel included. That would be true leadership," said Abdelgany in an e-mail to the Register...

Yeah, right. Now check this out:

...Traher Herzallah, one of the three UC Riverside protesters, said that his protest followed in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks and added that "one would think that (UC Riverside) would... even support the students for exercising their First Amendment rights rather than reprimand them."...

Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks? Pornographic.

Update: StandWithUs has released a new video showing, contrary to student claims, the coordinated nature of the disruption:

Foiled. In the past, the Turkish army was the firewall between civil society and the return of Islamism to Turkey. Is it too late now? About 50 Turkish commanders held over coup plot

Turkish police detained about 50 military commanders Monday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the Islamic-rooted government.

The nationwide sweep highlighted the ongoing struggle between the secular establishment and the Islamic-oriented government -- and left many wondering if the military no longer called the shots in a nation accustomed to viewing it as the pillar of the secular state.

The detention of 49 senior military officers, according to CNN-Turk television -- including members of the elite class known as "Pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman times -- proved, at the very least, that such officials are no longer untouchable.

Turkey's secular military has ousted four governments since 1960, demonstrating its influence and place of power since Mustafa Kemal Ataturk created the republic from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire...

Ataturk once famously (and perhaps apocryphally) stopped his motorcade and knocked the fez off one of the ulama's heads. Can you imagine such a thing today?

More news on J Street's ill-conceived Congressional jaunt; Ayalon is pushing back: 'J Street lied about supposed Ayalon boycott, apology'

Foreign Ministry blasts group for 'premeditated public relations circus' on delegation visit to Israel.

The American "pro-Israel, pro-peace" lobby group J Street made "untrue assertions" about an alleged boycott of the congressional delegation it recently brought to Israel, and about Israel allegedly apologizing to the group for the slight, a senior Foreign Ministry official told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

"[Deputy Foreign Minister Danny] Ayalon did not prevent the delegation from meeting with senior Israeli officials," as claimed by J Street last week, said Barukh Binah, Foreign Ministry deputy director-general and head of its North America Division.

"Ayalon was never part of the delegation's schedule and talk of boycotting meetings with congressman has no basis in fact. On the contrary, the deputy foreign minister is always willing to meet with elected officials from any friendly country, especially the United States of America, and [with] Jewish organizations which represent a range of diverse views from across the political spectrum."

Binah also rejected the "subsequent assertion that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs apologized in hastily arranged meetings," which he said was simply not true.

A senior Foreign Ministry official who asked to remain anonymous blasted the group for "coming to the region with the intention of creating headlines, perhaps for fund-raising purposes. The media and the congressmen became unwilling participants in a premeditated public relations circus. It is extremely disappointing that a so-called pro-Israel organization would put self-aggrandizement ahead of the interests of the State of Israel."

Meanwhile, questions were raised in Israel about the pro-Israel credentials of the five-member congressional delegation brought by J Street, composed of California Democrats Lois Capps and Bob Filner, Massachusetts Democrat Bill Delahunt, New Jersey Democrat Donald Payne and Ohio Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy...[More.]

What I tell ya?

Related: Democratic Congressman Eliot Engel is also criticizing the group.

Ride on Richard Kemp: UK officer says views of Israeli forces 'anti-Semitic'

A former senior British army officer has said international media including the BBC are being exploited by "dark forces" who want to harm Israel.

Col Richard Kemp, who was a commander in Afghanistan, said some international criticism of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) was motivated by anti-Semitism.

He was speaking at a dinner in London hosted by a pro-Israel lobby group.

Col Kemp had defended the actions of the IDF at the UN Goldstone Hearings into the Gaza incursion of 2008...

...Col Kemp, who is now retired from the Army and makes a living from writing, said the advice he received from the Israeli armed forces on how to tackle Afghan suicide bombers had been invaluable, and formed the basis of official army guidelines used by soldiers on the ground there.

There were some "bad" soldiers in the IDF, Col Kemp acknowledged.

But he added that despite similarities between the IDF and British forces, UK soldiers did not have to deal with the same amount of criticism from the international community.

"When we go into battle we do not get the same knee-jerk, almost Pavlovian response from many, many elements of the international media and international groups, humanitarian groups and other international groups such as the United Nations which should know better... of utter automatic condemnation. We don't have to put up with that."...

Here's that famous video of Kemp on the BBC during Cast Lead. It continues to get a steady stream of comments, many of them from the sewers of the internet:

Related: Jeffrey Goldberg notes: NATO Kills 27 Civilians; Time to Call Judge Goldstone

[The following, by Professor Geoffrey Alderman, is cross-posted from CiF Watch]

CiF Watch aficionados may be aware that I am currently involved in a spat with CiF resulting from Matt Seaton's ultimatum to me, that if I write for CifWatch I shall be barred from writing for CiF, coupled with the sanction of "pre-moderation" that has apparently been imposed on me for allegedly comparing Palestinians to Nazis in a CiF thread dating from 22 January last.

Just for the record, I did no such thing. During the course of an online discussion on the balance to be struck between compassion for one's fellow human beings and the need to destroy an enemy intent on destroying oneself, I indicated that the fact that the Nazis were human beings did not deter the wartime allies from destroying the Nazi state. I might have added that the destruction of the Nazi state undoubtedly involved the killing of innocents - think of the children burnt alive during the RAF's attack on the port of Hamburg in 1943, or the deaths by drowning caused by "Operation Chastise" - the attack on the Ruhr dams (the famous "Dambusters" raid) the same year.[1]

Whether by accident or design, the CiF censors interpreted this analogy as a comparison, and (without giving me the right to defend myself first) summarily sentenced me to be "pre-moderated" - a sort of probationary status. Matt Seaton himself appears to have been unnerved by this, because as soon as the sentence had been imposed he emailed me "to say that our moderators report that they have had to place your posting in 'premod' because of a rather intemperate remark comparing Palestinians to Nazis ... I hope the mods will swiftly be able to restore you to full rights."

Well, Matt, they haven't - yet. But, be that as it may, just suppose, purely for the sake of argument, that I had compared Palestinians to Nazis. Would there have been any possible justification for such a statement? I think there might have been.

In his just-published history of Anti-Semitism in England Anthony Julius rightly points out that the Blood Libel - the absurd and false accusation that Jews murder Christians in order to use their blood for ritual purposes - originated in Christian England. So it did. Gentile hostility to Jews stems from Christian hostility to Judaism. But the Christian view of Jews is grounded in the writings of St Augustine, who preached that Jews should not be killed, but rather should survive in a wretched form to bear eternal witness to their status as Christ-killers. (It was on this point of principle, incidentally, that the Papacy parted company from the Nazis.)

Early Islam, by contrast, preached that Jews (along with Christians) should be put to death. This is because Islam was founded, in part, on an explicit anti-Jewish discourse. You don't have to take my word for this. The discourse is there, for all to read, in the Koran, whose view of the Jews was in turn derived from Mohammed's own quarrels with the Jews of Medina, who declined to accept him as the last of the prophets. Islam permits and preaches violence, specifically (but not only) against Jews. This explains why disaffected Palestinian Moslems living under the Mandate found it so easy, so natural, to ally themselves with Nazism. Again, you don't have to take my word for this. Simply read the history of Haj-Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti [Moslem religious head] of Jerusalem, who asked Hitler (personally) to exterminate the Jews of the Near East after he had exterminated them in Europe, and who infamously helped raise a battalion of the Waffen SS composed of Bosnian Muslims whom he recruited to assist in the round-up of Jews and other undesirables for the gas-chambers of Auschwitz.

Continue reading "Nazism and the Islamic Resistance Movement - aka Hamas"

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Motherly priorities. From Palestinian Media Watch: Mother celebrates son's Martyrdom death: "All mothers should sacrifice their child for Palestine"

Palestinian Authority TV news recently chose to feature a Palestinian mother promoting her son's death as a positive goal.

Upon learning of her son's death in an Israeli air strike, the mother explained that she had always hoped for her son's Shahada - death as a Martyr -- and recommended that other mothers likewise "sacrifice their child for Palestine."

The words of another woman, chosen by PA TV news for the pre-recorded news report, described how Palestinian society sees Martyrs as grooms. This is based on the Islamic tradition, promoted actively by the PA and Hamas, that Martyrs will marry 72 virgins in Paradise.

PA TV news report:

Mother upon news of son's death in an Israeli air strike: "We had always hoped for his [my son's] Martyrdom (Shahada), knowing he wanted to die as a Martyr (Shahid). Every time he went out, we would say to him, 'May Allah be with you.' We knew that he wanted to die as a Martyr. Praise to Allah, he sought Martyrdom, and he achieved it. My message to every mother is to sacrifice her child for Palestine." Second woman: "By Allah, we welcome every Martyr as if he were a groom among us." [PA TV (Fatah), Feb. 11, 2010]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that these two ideas -- that death is a higher value than life and that Martyrdom death leads to a wedding between the Martyr and the virgins of Paradise -- have been promoted actively by both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas for years...[More]

Update with video:

...and living well: Lockerbie bomber Megrahi living in luxury villa six months after being at 'death's door'

The man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing is living with his family in a luxury villa in Libya six months after he was released from jail on compassionate grounds because he had less than three months to live.

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, who is suffering from terminal prostate cancer, no longer receives hospital treatment after ending the course of chemotherapy that he had been given after returning to his homeland last August...

...The latest disclosure will incense many of the relatives of those who died in the bomb blast in December 1988 when Pan Am Flight 103 exploded in mid air over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 243 passengers, 16 crew and 11 people on the ground...

...The Sunday Telegraph revealed last September that the Libyan government had paid for the medical evidence which helped Megrahi, 57, to be released. The Libyans had encouraged doctors to say he had only three months to live.

The life expectancy of Megrahi was crucial because, under Scottish rules, prisoners can be freed on compassionate grounds only if they are considered to have this amount of time, or less, to live.

Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Secretary, ruled last August that Megrahi should be freed. Megrahi's release came after Libyan leaders warned that lucrative oil and trade deals with Britain would be cancelled if the bomber died in jail.

One leading prostate cancer specialist cast serious doubt yesterday on the wisdom of predicting that Megrahi had only three months to live - when a patient still had to undergo chemotherapy. Dr Chris Parker said it was extremely difficult to give an accurate prognosis for individual patients. "Studies show experts are very poor at trying to predict how long an individual patient will live for," he warned.

Megrahi received the chemotherapy drug Docetaxel - trade name Taxotere - shortly after returning to Libya.

Dr Parker, who is with the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden Hospital, said: "The average prognosis for survival after Docetaxel would be 12 months....

[h/t: Fred]

I wanted to emphasize a few aspects of the J Street/CMEP (Churches for Middle East Peace) teamup, and do so in plain, direct English. (Previous posts: J Street Teams up With Leftist Christian Group to Cause Israel Diplomatic Trouble, J Street's Wheels Coming Off The Bus in Israel and 'Say Hello to My Leetle Friend').

First, the trip itself and J Street's part in it. To those who are blaming the Israeli Foreign Ministry for the diplomatic blowup, allow me to ask a few questions then present a conclusion...

Is J Street aware that they have some difficulty with the Israeli MFA? Yes. Did they know this before they planned a trip to Israel with a number of American legislators with what might be called an...attenuated...level of support for the Jewish State? Yes.

Knowing this, did they plan said meetings in advance to be sure that things would proceed with maximum of efficiency and to the benefit of Israel -- whose interests they are, at least nominally, supposed to value -- and the legislators involved. Apparently not.

If you were bringing some people to Israel to meet with Israeli officials and you knew the Israelis had some issues with you, might you not exercise some...sense? propriety? judgment? class? proper breeding?...and step aside at the first sign of friction? It's a simple thing. It goes like this, "Listen, the MFA has some issues with us, so at this point we're going to step aside and let your staff people handle the meetings. We'll give you the numbers to call to set things up and then we'll all meet up later."

That's what you would do isn't it? A simple thing. If, you were really a pro-Israel organization that is. In fact, J Street showed once again that their real priorities are J Street and Jeremy Ben-Ami personally (and not necessarily in that order). I mean, does Ben-Ami not know that the Israeli Foreign Ministry has enough things to worry about without J Street's help in finding new things to take up their time and make life even more interesting than it already is? This is the point Hillel was making in the post below. This was a despicable stunt aimed at aggrandizing J Street by trying to force themselves on an unwilling MFA at Israel's expense. J Street figured they'd be able to get in by glomming on to a Congressional delegation they thought the Israelis couldn't refuse. They didn't care the trouble they caused as long as it was good for them. Disgrace.

Now let's emphasize J Street's partner in crime, CMEP (see: J Street Teams up With Leftist Christian Group to Cause Israel Diplomatic Trouble). CMEP is a group that no serious "pro-Israel" group would partner with, and I want to emphasize an aspect that goes beyond simply disturbing -- the KAIROS document that CMEP is pushing. Harry's Place had an excellent post on this a few days ago. I highly recommend it: Palestinian Christians revoke 6th commandment. Here's a snip:

Just before Christmas, a ecumenical gathering of Palestinian Christians met in Bethlehem to launch the Kairos Palestine Document, which urges a boycott of Israel.

As option B, the document also approves "armed resistance" as carried out by "some political parties," clearly meaning Hamas and other terrorist groups. However, the document rejects the charge of terrorism, labelling armed attacks on Israelis as "legal resistance."

Such "resistance" has included a daily rain of rockets on the men, women and children of Sderot. It includes suicide bombings aboard buses and blowing up teenagers at a discotheque. It includes the assassination of parents and children in a pizza parlour and the mass murder of elderly Jews at a Passover Seder...[The rest.]

Here is the document [PDF], and here is a bit of the outrageous amongst the repugnant (emphasis mine):

...1.4 In the face of this reality, Israel justifies its actions as self-defence, including occupation, collective punishment and all other forms of reprisals against the Palestinians. In our opinion, this vision is a reversal of reality. Yes, there is Palestinian resistance to the occupation. However, if there were no occupation, there would be no resistance, no fear and no insecurity. This is our understanding of the situation. Therefore, we call on the Israelis to end the occupation. Then they will see a new world in which there is no fear, no threat but rather security, justice and peace.

1.5 The Palestinian response to this reality was diverse. Some responded through negotiations: that was the official position of the Palestinian Authority, but it did not advance the peace process. Some political parties followed the way of armed resistance. Israel used this as a pretext to accuse the Palestinians of being terrorists and was able to distort the real nature of the conflict, presenting it as an Israeli war against terror, rather than an Israeli occupation faced by Palestinian legal resistance aiming at ending it...

The Kairos document doesn't simply rehash the usual nonsense, that would be bad enough, it excuses terror as a legitimate, legal act!

Now again I ask, why would a supposedly pro-Israel group ally itself with an organization that not only pushes boycotts, divestment and sanctions, but actually justifies terror as legitimate and legal? There is no excuse.

This is great, though actually Blumenthal deserves much worse. He really is a creature. This is the guy who posted video of drunk idiot kids in Jerusalem saying racist things and tried to create a general smear from it (link not to be confused as an endorsement of Kampeas' opinion that Blumenthal has talent).

Power Line has the tale:

...Aaron Mannes elaborated on CAIR's Hamas connection a while back in "CAIR and Hamas: Implications and an illustration." Now an immigration judge in Dallas has ordered the deportation of Nabil Sadoun, a Dallas resident and former board member of CAIR; Sadoun was deported to Jordan, to which he had already hightailed it, after he failed to appear at his immigration hearing. The Dallas NBC affiliate reports that the immigration judge made vague references to the government's voluminous motion to deport Sadoun, including alleged involvement with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. According to the report, the judge concluded Sadoun lied on government forms when he denied he was a member.

The NBC affiliate sought comment from CAIR. CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said Sadoun left the organization several months ago. Asked the reason for his departure, Hooper responded: "Board members come on, [and] they leave."

Thanks, as always, for clearing that up. [More<.a>.]

Rushdie has become the latest to speak publicly about Amnesty's difficulties: Salman Rushdie: Amnesty International is morally bankrupt

THE Booker prize-winning author Salman Rushdie has accused Amnesty International of "moral bankruptcy" for working with a former terror suspect from Britain.

Rushdie, whose plight was championed by Amnesty when he was placed under a fatwa by the Iranian regime for his novel The Satanic Verses, said the charity had done "incalculable damage" to its reputation by collaborating with Moazzam Begg, a former inmate of Guantanamo Bay, and his organisation Cageprisoners.

His accusation follows the suspension this month of Gita Sahgal, a senior Amnesty official, who raised concerns about the organisation's links to Begg and Islamists.

"It looks very much as if Amnesty's leadership is suffering from a kind of moral bankruptcy and has lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong," said Rushdie.

Kate Allen, director of Amnesty UK, said it took criticism "seriously" but would continue to press for "universal respect" for human rights.

[Via Noah Pollak]

The statement in full is here:

Amnesty International has done its reputation incalculable damage by allying itself with Moazzam Begg and his group Cageprisoners, and holding them up as human rights advocates. It looks very much as if Amnesty's leadership is suffering from a kind of moral bankruptcy, and has lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong. It has greatly compounded its error by suspending the redoubtable Gita Sahgal for the crime of going public with her concerns. Gita Sahgal is a woman of immense integrity and distinction and I am personally grateful to her for the courageous stands she made at the time of the Khomeini fatwa against The Satanic Verses, as a leading member of the groups Southall Black Sisters and Women Against Fundamentalism. It is people like Gita Sahgal who are the true voices of the human rights movement; Amnesty and Begg have revealed, by their statements and actions, that they deserve our contempt.

"Contempt." Strong.

This excellent post by David Bellavia, author of the extremely well received, House to House: An Epic Memoir of War is making the rounds. It must be tough to take to see the very people who did all they could to prevent your success try to take credit for it in the end: Our Mission is Finally Accomplished... Anyone Care?

...The firefight ebbs. The mortar fire ceases. A few last stray rounds streak past. A cry from behind causes me to turn. Lying in the road is a young Iraqi woman. I run over to help. She's caught a round just below her temple. Her stunning beauty has been ruined forever.

She cries, "Paper! Paper" over and over until the ambulance arrives to take her away. An old lady emerges from the schoolhouse-turned voting site, sheets of blue paper in hand. She gives one to the wounded girl, who clutches it to her like a prized possession even as the ambulance carries her away.

The ballot was her voice. All she wanted was a chance to exercise it, just once, before she died...[More.]

[h/t: Barbara Ledeen]

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Buhbye. If this guy thinks he's so right he needs to spend more time trying to convince people and less time yelling at them, pushing people away, and just generally acting like a hateful dink. This guy (Ryan Sorba of YAF) not only wants to close the tent door behind him, he wants to pass gas in it.

Via HotAir:

...The One's agenda has vaulted fiscal conservatism to the top of the list of right-wing priorities; with even Darth Cheney sanguine about gay marriage, social issues simply don't have the same bite that they used to...thanks to the GOP's tilt towards libertarianism, that the big tent is a little bigger this year than it used to be...


[The following is crossposted from JStreetJive]

leetle friend.jpg

Like the skinny, coward who hires the intimidating bodyguard to hide around the corner, Jeremy Ben Ami continues his anti-Israel campaign - in Israel - secure in the knowledge that Barack Hussein Obama is the muscle around the corner. As BHO's fortunes go, so goes Ben Ami's. If Obama is down 20 points in the polls, J Street will distance itself ever so slightly from what is -up to now- a disastrous administration Middle East policy. If, unlikely as it seems, BHO's numbers soar, J Street will call on its Master to drag out the club.

Case in point: In the recent dust-up between Ben Ami and Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, Ben Ami's insurance policy was issued in the form of William (lame duck) Delahunt and Co. who probably spent more time in Ramallah and Amman than they did in Israel, bonding with the "victims" of Israeli "aggression". He claims the delegation met with "settlers" (aren't they Israelis as well? And are new Arab residents of Ramallah or Jenin "settlers" too?):

Ben Ami: We met..." families in Sderot, human rights activists, Gilad Shalit's father, and descendants of Palestinian refugees". (Guess which group evoked the most sympathy with the "Pro Israel" J Street?)

I would like to see the unedited dialogue between the "settlers" and the J Street delegation. Moreover, which "settlers" did they meet with and how were they chosen? If J Street uses the BBC and NPR rule, don't interview anyone articulate.

And let's look for the cynical use of Gilad Shalit's family who, no doubt, will fault the Netanyahu government's intransigience for obstructing the release of their son.

Never one to pass up a public relations opportunity, Ben Ami dashed off a "victimization" email blast, in effect, reminding everyone just how strong that guy around the corner is:

"...we were placed under a so-called "boycott" by Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon. On the heels of telling the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations that J Street should stop calling itself something it's not (i.e., "pro-Israel"), Ayalon leaked to Israeli media word of a boycott of the group, supposedly preventing us from meeting with Israeli officials."

Poor, marginalized Ben Ami. The cynical use of the "bodyguard" card may eventually come back to bite him. As the economy, soaring unemployment and misstep after misstep vis a vis Iran drive down Obama's approval ratings, Ben Ami will whistle for the muscle around the corner only to discover that he's nowhere to be found.

Krauthammer: Excuses for Obama's Failure to Lead

In the latter days of the Carter presidency, it became fashionable to say that the office had become unmanageable and was simply too big for one man. Some suggested a single, six-year presidential term. The president's own White House counsel suggested abolishing the separation of powers and going to a more parliamentary system of unitary executive control. America had become ungovernable.

Then came Ronald Reagan, and all that chatter disappeared...

Read the rest. Referring to American's "ungovernability," he concludes:

...That's not a structural defect. That's a textbook demonstration of popular will expressing itself -- despite the special interests -- through the existing structures. In other words, the system worked.

In other words, it's not a bug, it's a feature. Exactly right. America was made to be ungovernable, or, perhaps more exactly, unrulable. We are unruly. We have been from the start and we should always remain so. If your big ideas are so big that you can't implement them, that the push back makes it impossible to legislate in a two party state, then you need to come up with smaller ideas. Lord save us from some collegian's latest big idea. Well, the Lord may not do it, but the Constitution has a tendency to step in to the rescue.

[The following, by Evelyn, is crossposted from ModernityBlog]

"The Guardian and Comment is Free are known for their predilection for Israel-bashing and anti-Israel bias. This is usually most blatant on Comment is Free, but on 29th January 2010 the Guardian itself published an article as part of its "Child's Eye" series about the ongoing fears of two young Palestinian girls, as a result of their experiences during Cast Lead. My attention was first drawn to this article by CiF Watch. I was particularly interested in the short film within it.

The Child's Eye series is an interesting and heart rending one which at first sight appears to examine the suffering of children all over the world. A closer examination reveals that among the series are four articles about children in Gaza, but (not surprisingly given that this is the Guardian), none at all about the experiences of the children of Sderot or elsewhere in southern Israel as a result of eight years of shelling.

Medusa, the CiF Watch article's author, made this point and highlighted the lack of context for the children's suffering in that particular Guardian article and that there was no mention of the role of Hamas in exacerbating it. This lack of context is not unusual of course, but Medusa also noted how the film's subtitles translate the seated woman near the beginning of the video as saying "Israelis" when she is really saying "yahud," which means "Jew" in Arabic.

I decided to investigate further and found out that the film was made by Save the Children, published online by the Guardian without acknowledgement. You are invited to visit Save the Children's web page for an overview of where its sympathies lie. The suffering of children in Gaza extensively is indeed heart rending, but from my reading of its page, I could find scarcely a mention of the suffering of the children of Sderot.

Save the Children used the film I have referred to above for its fundraising. I believed when I first saw it that it was misleading but did not realise exactly how insidiously dishonest was the deliberate mistranslation of "Jew" into "Israeli", or how lacking in sensitivity was Save the Children to the offence it was causing until I had had the following exchange of emails with their Customer Service Adviser in their Supporter Innovation and Development Department.

Continue reading "Save the Children UK"

Thursday, February 18, 2010


U.S. Airmen with the 380th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron conduct preflight services on an RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle at an undisclosed base in Southwest Asia Feb. 12, 2010, prior to a combat mission. The UAVs are assigned to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing and are deployed from Beale Air Force Base, Calif. (DoD photo by Master Sgt. Scott T. Sturkol, U.S. Air Force/Released)

Here's the address that UC Irvine was deprived of hearing without adrenalin:

Here are a couple of links on the UC Irvine fallout: ZOA urges donors, students to forgo UC Irvine after tension with Muslim students

Erwin Chemerinsky: UC Irvine's free speech debate - "Students and others who disrupted an address by the Israeli ambassador to the U.S. can't claim 1st Amendment rights..." (From the Law School Dean)

We pay for it:

Palestinian Media Watch: UNRWA football tournament named after terrorist Abu Jihad

An UNRWA educational program in Ramallah has honored the terrorist Abu Jihad with a football tournament in his name. The tournament was organized by the Fatah Students' Youth Movement at UNRWA's Women's Training Center and Faculty of Educational Sciences in Ramallah:

"The Student Union Council and the Shabiba [Fatah] Students' Movement at UNRWA's Faculty of Educational Sciences has launched a football tournament under the name, 'The Shahid (Martyr) Abu Jihad Tournament.'" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 17, 2010]

Dedicating sports tournaments and summer camps for Palestinian youth to terrorists who have killed Israelis is Palestinian Authority policy. Palestinian Media Watch has regularly documented the PA's glorification of terrorists.

The fact that UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees) is hosting a tournament honoring a terrorist is not the first time that the UN has supported the PA's policy of honoring terrorists. In the past, the UN has supported summer camps named after terrorists, including a UNICEF-sponsored camp in 2003 named after "the Shahida (Martyr) Wafa Idris." For examples of camps named after terrorists, click here.

Abu Jihad was one of the founders of the Fatah Movement and the orchestrator of the organization's terror activities from the mid-1960s. Second in command to Yasser Arafat, he headed the military wing of the PLO and served as deputy supreme military commander of Fatah...[More.]

[This post is crossposted from JStreetJive.]


Two Sides of the Same Coin

The centuries old Islamic doctrine of "Al Taqiyya" or sacralized lying in order to further the interests of the ummah or community of believers has been remarkably taken up by the hard left group, J Street. Raymond Ibrahim (The Al Qaeda Reader) recently published an examination of this kind of "Holy Lying" here.

For two years, J Street and Jeremy Ben Ami have been lying to Americans in general and American Jews in particular by branding themselves - ad nauseam - as "Pro Israel." On bags, buttons, letterheads, websites, on television, in newspapers - everywhere - the label "Pro Israel" has become indelibly inked onto the brand.

In spite of the presence of virulent, anti-Israel groups and individuals in their midst and recipients of their George Soros-funded PAC money (like the CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood associated Keith Ellison of Minnesota), the lying has pretty much succeeded, especially among Congressmen who tend to give forth a Pavlovian drool when confronted with a putative Jewish group that chants "Pro Peace" from dawn until dusk.

But the latest taqiyya move by J Street is so blatant and disingenuous that it threatens to vaporize all the lies and all the hype.

J Street has teamed up with Churches for Middle East Peace (CAMERA exposes this other "Peace" group here and here) in bringing a select Congressional delegation to Israel. Select - in the sense that most of the traveling politicians (who footed the bill?) have a distinct record of anti-Israel statements or policies. And if they don't - Ben Ami will make certain that they will in the future.

Continue reading "J Street's Wheels Coming Off The Bus in Israel [Hillel]"

I'm worried.

The past few days we've been hearing open threats against Israel from Hezbollah but also Syria and Iran.

Here's a piece from UPI: Nasrallah throws down the gauntlet

There are plenty of others out there - all repeat the same things - here's Ahmadijenad, apparently advising Nasrallah to take Israel out once and for all: Iran's Ahmadinejad Warns Against Threats From Israel

Now these threats are all couched in the "if Israel attacks" mode.

This suggests to me that there will probably be an attack on Israel, to which it will be forced to respond, and all hell will break lose.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

J Street, in cooperation with anti-Israel Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), is hosting a delegation of Congressmen from the US to Israel. Who is this CMEP that the "pro-Israel" J Street is running with? NGO Monitor has a good rundown:

Analysis: Churches for Middle East Peace and the BDS Movement

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), which is J-Street's partner in sponsoring the visit of a US Congressional delegation to Israel, is a US-based political advocacy organization. Like many other such NGOs, CMEP's rhetoric and its activities are not always consistent, and some of its constituent groups are centrally involved in the political war against Israel.

A number of CMEP partners take an active role in promoting BDS - the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign - as part of the 2001 Durban NGO agenda which calls for the total international isolation of Israel. For example, Friends of Sabeel North America ( is a fundraising and publicity branch of the Palestinian NGO Sabeel. This organization, headed by Naim Ateek, is a leader of the church divestment campaign, and in his speaking tours around North America, Ateek employs antisemitic themes and imagery in sermons promoting his "Palestinian Liberation Theology." In promoting this agenda, his rhetoric includes references to "the Israeli government crucifixion system".

CMEP's website also features the "KAIROS Palestine Document", which was written by a group of Palestinian Christians, including Ateek. KAIROS Palestine calls for action designed to create "a system of economic sanctions and boycott [and divestment] to be applied against Israel," echoing Sabeel's efforts. CMEP also quotes Bishop Mark Hanson of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, referring to the document as "a word of hope in a time of pessimism that could lead to despair."

This adoption of the Palestinian narrative of victimization, perhaps a reflection of the close ties to Sabeel and other Palestinian groups, was also evident in a January 21, 2005 full-page New York Times ad sponsored by CMEP. The text read, in part, "With each news report of Palestinian suffering...popular support in Arab and Muslim countries for terrorism grows and the threat of attacks directed at the United States increases."

A number of CMEP's board members also reflect the goal of demonization, under the façade of promoting peace. For example, Helena Cobban, a fierce anti-Israel ideologue and member Human Rights Watch's Middle East board, sits on CMEP's Leadership Council.

Thus, while much of the media coverage of this delegation has focused on the involvement of J-Street angle, this is only half of the story. CMEP is an equal partner, and deserves equal scrutiny.

The fact that J Street would partner with a group like CMEP is simply and straightforwardly another nail in the coffin of J Street's pro-Israel bona fides. How out to lunch do you have to be to partner with this group and give them credibility before a group of Congressmen? Here, BTW, is a search on "CMEP" at CAMERA's site. Lots of material there.

J Street's handling of the event is already causing trouble, as the Foreign Ministry is refusing to meet the delegation with J Street as an intermediary: US congressman demands explanation for chilly reception in Israel

A visiting U.S. congressman lashed out at Israel's number two diplomat Wednesday, saying he was snubbed by the Foreign Ministry and demanding an official clarification.

Rep. William Delahunt, a Democrat from Massachusetts and a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, is heading a congressional delegation to the region. The trip is hosted by J Street, a liberal Jewish lobbying group that presents itself as an alternative to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee -- one of Washington's most powerful lobbies.

J Street, which supports President Barack Obama's push for a Palestinian state alongside Israel, says it sought a meeting for the U.S. representatives with Israeli diplomats but was turned down.

The Foreign Ministry dismissed the complaint, saying in response that it did not need mediators to set up meetings with U.S. officials.

The snub appeared aimed at J Street. Israel's government has been critical of the group's programs, which are more dovish than those of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hawkish government.

Speaking to reporters in Tel Aviv, Delahunt said he was surprised and disappointed to read an Israeli newspaper report that he was being boycotted by the Foreign Ministry for his affiliation with J Street and identified Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon as the culprit.

"We were puzzled that the Deputy Foreign Minister has apparently attempted to block our meetings with senior officials in the Prime Minister's office and Foreign Ministry -- questioning either our own support of Israel or that we would even consider traveling to the region with groups thatthe deputy foreign minister has so inaccurately described as 'anti-Israel'," Delahunt said.

"In our opinion this is an inappropriate way to treat elected representatives of Israel's closest ally who are visiting the country."

Delahunt asked the Israeli government "for a clarification of its stance toward this and future delegations."

Ayalon's office said the deputy minister was prepared to meet any elected officials, especially from the U.S. Congress, but he "didn't need mediators."...

...Four other U.S. representatives were traveling with Delahunt -- Democrats Donald Payne of New Jersey, Lois Capps of California, Bob Filner of California and Mary Jo Kilroy of Ohio...

All five of the Congresspeople now assisting J Street in redefining what it means to be "pro-Israel" were signatories to the Ellison/McDermott sponsored letter on the Gaza "siege."

Here's more on J Street's latest self-inflicted wound: J Street blasts Ayalon's 'boycott'.

This is what a pro-Israel group does? Partners with one of the worst of the anti-Israel Christian groups and causes a diplomatic incident with the government? Once again we see that J Street is more about leftist politics than about support for Israel. Leftism is the only thing a group trying to claim it was pro-Israel in any meaningful sense could possibly have in common with CMEP. They partner with CMEP yet denounce John Hagee. They bring Bill Delahunt on a trip to Israel and instigate a row putting Danny Ayalon on the spot, as though he doesn't have enough to worry about.

This is about Jeremy Ben-Ami's ego, fundraising and leftist politics. It has nothing to do with supporting Israel.

Update: See Hillel's post above for even more.

A few thoughts/links further to Sophia's below.

Dubai 99% sure Mossad killed Mabhouh - "Dubai police chief said he was 99 percent certain that the Mossad was responsible for the assassination of top Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh , Gulf News reported on Thursday..."

UK, Ireland envoys: 'Nothing to add' - "Britain questioned Israel's role in the slaying of a Hamas terrorist Thursday after asking Jerusalem's ambassador to the UK to attend a crisis meeting at the Foreign Office. Britain has said it will investigate how some suspects in the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh came to have British passports -- and how they might have been forged..."

6 more assassins added to Dubai wanted list - "Dubai police broadened an international hunt on Wednesday for the hit squad that killed senior Hamas operative Mahmoud al-Mabhouh to 17 individuals, adding six more suspects to the original wanted list..."

Anyway, so we have a case of stolen identities. That means that anyone could have done this. Israel is likely, but could also be the victim of a setup. Once you start speculating down the espionage path any story you can dream up gains some plausibility.

Let's leave that aside for the moment and assume Israel's responsibility. Apparently some people believe this is a bad thing, in spite of the fact that Mahbhouh was an active operative for a declared enemy. This is a guy who certainly deserved death. Dubai should be embarrassed that this guy was in their country doing arms deals far more than Israel should be embarrassed for bumping him off.

Isn't this exactly the type of activity people like Goldstone and others are always calling for? Go in and get the bad guy directly. No collateral damage whatsoever. I suppose they might complain they should have gone in and arrested him, but they'd hardly complain less if the guy were kidnapped, and Mabhouh would hardly respond to an Israeli arrest warrant by showing up at an Israeli police station to turn himself in.

The people who complain about Israel's actions in this event (if, indeed, it was the Mossad that carried it out) are really saying that Israel shouldn't be able to defend itself in any way. They can't carry out military action. They can't carry out direct action. What can they do? Die, apparently.

But that's not going to happen.

More links: Tom Gross: Is Israel the only suspect over Dubai death?

And JStreetJive has an excellent post here: Mastermind of Coventry Bombing Demises in Instanbul.

Update: Hamas official accused of helping Mossad hit squad - "A key security operative of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas was under arrest in Syria tonight on suspicion of having helped an alleged Israeli hit squad identify Mahmoud al-Mabhouh before he was assassinated in Dubai, the Guardian has learned..."

Update 2: Noah Pollak has it right on several counts: A Dubai Victory

Update 3: Robin Shepherd: Scandal over Mossad use of UK passports curiously fails to materialise with Britons awe struck at Israeli daring

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Or maybe, one should say, "l'affaire Dubai," because this is beginning to sound like a movie, in fact if it weren't so serious we'd be thinking Pink Panther here:

Sneaky Professional Hit Team, Numbering in the Teens At Least, Which Doesn't Make Sense In the First Place, Manages to Get Caught on Hotel Security Tape Doing An Impersonation Of White Guys In Tennis Gear.

Hello? Does this make any sense? The Mossad never heard of security cameras in hotels?

Seriously, it's wierd. I find it very hard to believe that the Mossad even if they are total incompetents would compromise Israeli olim, from Britain yet.

Also, it's strange that they would send practically half the population of Haifa which at the very least would compromise the sneaky aspect of the thing, and that the two people in custody in Dubai are Palestinian, which obviously means of course the Israelis did it.


Regardless this is turning into a diplomatic mess for Israel.

Also, the AP headline on this piece reads: Israelis convinced: Mossad behind Dubai hit

This is a bit of an overstatement to say the least.

So, what else is new.

Meanwhile, if the US or Britain thought they'd found a terrorist they would simply send a drone and maybe whack half the guy's village.

This is moral, whereas Israel is bad.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


A U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress aircraft from the 20th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron leads a formation of two F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft assigned to the 18th Aggressor Squadron, two Japanese Air Self-Defense Force F-2 attack fighters from the 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron, two U.S. Navy EA-6B Prowler aircraft from Electronic Attack Squadron 136 and a Japanese E-2C Hawkeye aircraft from 601st Squadron on a flight over Guam during exercise Cope North Feb. 15, 2010. The U.S. Air Force and the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force conduct Cope North annually at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, to increase combat readiness and interoperability, concentrating on coordination and evaluation of air tactics, techniques and procedures. (DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Jacob N. Bailey, U.S. Air Force/Released)

You can add the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) to the list of Muslim groups coming out in defense of the group of Muslim UC Irvine students who staged a coordinated interruption of Michael Oren's talk there: MPAC Calls on UC Irvine Chancellor to Investigate Arrest of 11 Students

Today, the Muslim Public Affairs Council sent a letter to UC Irvine Chancellor Michael Drake and UCI School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky calling for an investigation into the arrest of 11 students who protested during a speech given by Israel's Ambassador to U.S., Michael Oren, on Monday. UC Irvine police arrested the students after they stood up during Oren's speech and individually condemned Israel's practice of collective punishment towards Palestinians in the Gaza Strip...[More.]

The statement is more or less identical to the others, defending the students' outrageous actions as somehow a representation of free speech, rather than its diametric opposite.

You'll recall that the MPAC Executive Director is Salam Al-Marayati, an invitee to the big J Street party and a speaker there -- an invitation they stuck with in spite of all the controversy and warnings they received.

MPAC's statement shows not only that they truly are part of a fifth column themselves, but that J Street's critics were right in noting that at the very least, J Street is utterly reckless in who they give the stage (and thus legitimacy) to in what is supposed to be a "pro-Israel" venue.

In other embarrassing J Streeter news, execrable blogger Richard Silverstein is busy reminding everyone how it is he earns such disgust in a posting about the aftermath of the assassination of Hamas operative Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. There is a great deal of controversy over just who it was who did the deed, with most knee-jerk speculation pointing toward the Mossad, but the entire thing is devolving into a massive stolen-identity scam. Silverstein has no doubt, however, and he knows just what conclusion to draw:

...Not to mention that the next time Israel's soldiers are captured/kidnapped by Hamas or Hezbollah, I certainly will have very little sympathy considering the depredations by Mossad against their leaders. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

...Demonstrating once again that it's not necessarily Jews per se that the left hates, just Jews who fight back. His real emotional ire is reserved for Mossad agents fighting back against terrorist thugs. Beautiful. As JStreetJive reminds us, Silverstein and his panel of ambivalent to outright anti-Zionists were given space, logistical support and security enforcement -- including getting a J Street officer to eject someone Silverstein considered an enemy -- at the same J Street conference that saw Salam Al-Marayati as a speaker.

[The following, by Eamonn McDonagh, is crossposted from Z Word]

As readers of this blog know, Roger Cohen is not a wise man. His latest column in the New York Times gives further evidence of this.

Domestic U.S. politics constrain innovative thought - even open debate - on the process without end that is the peace search.

Open debate constrained, eh? Come on Roger, don't be a tease. You mean the evil and oh so long tentacles of the Israel lobby are reaching into campuses, news rooms and the very halls of Congress to prevent people saying what they really think, and you know, you're really sure, that what they'd say if the evil Zionist manipulators would only let them, bears a striking resemblance to what you think yourself.

Continue reading "Roger Cohen And Wishful Thinking, Part 974"

From Palestinian Media Watch: Arabs became refugees following leaders' promise: "A week, two weeks... and you'll return to Palestine"

An Arab refugee in Lebanon described in an interview on Palestinian Authority TV how he and other Arabs left for Lebanon from Israel during the 1948 war, after Arab leaders said their absence would be temporary:

"They [Arab leaders] said: 'A week, two weeks, approximately, and you'll return to Palestine,'" said Sadek Mufid.

This refugee's testimony is yet another example of how Palestinian leaders, writers and refugees themselves have begun to speak out in recent years and openly blame the Arab leadership for the creation of the Arab refugee problem. Mufid describes a large departure to Lebanon from Israel, which led to the creation of "11 or 15 refugee camps." He does not place the blame on Israel. As Palestinian Media Watch has previously reported, other recent Palestinian accounts likewise describe a deliberate exit from Israel under orders by Arab leaders, which contradicts the Palestinian leadership's charge that the hundreds of thousands of Arabs who left in 1948 were expelled by Israel.

Sadek Mufid, who left Dir Al-Qasi (Acre region) in 1948, was interviewed on PA TV's weekly program entitled Returning. Each program focuses on a different refugee camp...[More.]

[The following, by Israelinurse, is crossposted from CiF Watch]

When I first came to Britain in late 2006, aside from the practical reasons for our being here, one other thing I was rather hoping to get from our stay was a little respite from the tumult of the Middle East. A few months previously we had spent over four weeks under constant attack from Hizbollah rockets and prior to that of course there had been the traumatic years of the Second Intifada. I was looking forward to a 'time out' from being a target of aggression simply because I am Israeli, and there was in my mind no reason to think that I could not achieve that in the small, quiet English market town in which we had come to live, where the biggest crises seemed to relate to the local council's tardiness about collecting the recycling. It took about six weeks before I encountered my first ever meeting with antisemitism - a verbally abusive PSC campaigner blocking the exit from the supermarket - and I must confess that I was so shocked by this totally unexpected experience that I had no idea how to deal with it. What I did understand however was that just like back home, I had been a target of aggression simply because of what I am.

Reading Yoav Shamir's recent CiF article last month I could not help finding some of his statements very problematic precisely because I know exactly how insignificant a role antisemitism plays in day to day Israeli life. Because one does not experience it personally, even when hearing about an attack on Jews in France or reading an article about pre-war Germany, it is still very difficult to relate to it on a deep personal level. Until, of course, out of the blue, it happens to you too. But according to Yoav Shamir, we have only ourselves to blame. "[b]ut she is a reminder of the vicious cycle that Zionism became caught in - the state that was supposed to be a cure for what antisemitism started, as both Foxman and Finkelstein are actually saying, has ended up generating antisemitism."

Continue reading "The Occupation Industry"

By now you've heard all about the University of Alabama shooter, Amy Bishop, the shooting rampage, the old murder she got away with (the "cover-up" and the connection to now retiring Congressman Bill Delahunt), the letter bomb she likely sent...

Turns out I have a tenuous connection to this woman. You see she used to be the next door neighbor of a good friend of mine in Ipswich (a north shore Boston suburb) for a few years. At the time I used to hang out at his house quite a bit. This was one of those typical suburban neighborhoods with little traffic, lots of kids, smallish houses fairly close together without a lot of fences.

I remember when the previous neighbor moved out it wasn't long before my friend started complaining. He had a deck in the back of his place that was effectively on the second floor making it very visible to the neighbor's yard and house. So one day I go over to find that he had erected a wooden privacy fence on the side of the deck facing their yard -- and only on that side. So I'm like, "Uhh...isn't that a little uncomfortable. I mean it's obvious you put that there just to block only those people." He tells me he He doesn't want to look at them, and he doesn't want them to look. He hates them, as does the entire neighborhood. Here are some slightly edited reminiscences I just received:

They were there for 4 or 5 years and then moved to Alabama. When they left we all said "Those poor folks in Alabama"...


...She was such a trouble maker. I disengaged from them early on. I literally did not have any conversation or interaction with either her or her husband (also a nutball) for over 3 years. Nothing...

...She made a big stink about the kids playing basketball in the neighborhood. On the day they first moved into the house they drove their moving truck into the basketball post that was situated between our two driveways and under the streetlight. For years all the neighborhood kids played ball there (and so did some of the Dads). When they ran the post down we thought it was just a dumb-ass accident. We soon found out that they did it on purpose.

One of the other neighbors put up a new hoop on his property and she complained about the kids. It was a protracted fight that involved multiple calls to the police. The end result was that the kids in the neighborhood couldn't play ball after 7pm at night. She also complained about street hockey, skate boarding, tag, etc., etc...

Why move into a neighborhood if you don't want to hear kids playing??? That's the whole point of living in a neighborhood so kids have others to play with.

What pissed me off was the loony venom and fury that accompanied her attacks. She alleged that the basketball players were smoking pot at night and causing other trouble. Totally untrue. Look at the newspaper, the Ipswich Police were in the Globe today calling her a "regular customer". She complained about everything.

She nearly got into a fistfight one night with one of the Moms who was defending her son's right to play.

She complained so much the ice cream truck stopped driving through our street. If the kids wanted ice cream they had to go over to the next street and stop the truck.

Just this past Sunday morning as we were watching the news my son said, "Remember how she wouldn't let us have ice cream?" He was about 8 at the time and thought that it really sucked. All the kids knew that she was the cause.

There were a couple of neighborhood block parties in the last 2 years that she and her family weren't invited to because she had caused too many issues with people there. I remember there were probably 100 people at one party and they were the only ones not there. Everybody hated them. At one point someone let the air out of her tires.

The day they moved out I was getting home as their moving van pulled away and went up the street. I got out of my car and a bunch of the neighbors were outside and I yelled "Ding Dong the witch is dead!" and a cheer went up all around. Soon after the new people showed up to clean the house and move some things in and the whole street celebrated with a pizza party. We welcomed the new folks with open arms. It was like the sun finally came out again.

We're coming up on six months for a man released from prison to live out his final three: Six Months Later, Pan Am Bomber is Still Alive

The terrorist who helped bomb Pan Am flight 103 is still alive - and free - in Libya nearly six months after Scotland released the mass murderer from prison on 'compassionate' grounds.

Scottish officials had said Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi would die within three months from prostate cancer when they announced they would set him free. But nearly six months later, al-Megrahi is still calling in about twice a month from Libya to authorities in Scotland as part of the terms of his release.

"It has almost become comical," said Bert Ammerman who lost his brother in the bombing. "I have to laugh that he has to phone in that he is following his probation terms. This is a complete insult. Shame on Scotland. Shame on the White House."

Convicted terrorist Megrahi was set free back on August 21. He had been sentence to life in prison after being convicted in 2001. When he landed home in Libya, he was greeted by cheering crowds at the Tripoli airport, some waving Libyan and Scottish flags...

Not to worry, Megrahi has the horrid burden of having to check in by phone every couple weeks. Amusing op-ed at the Scottish Sun:

LET'S rewind to August.

And a moment during the Megrahi debate when you could actually hear the tumbleweed rolling through Kenny MacAskill's head.

It came when Labour MSP Ken Macintosh asked what happens if the Lockerbie bomber failed to show up for the monthly video conference that was part of his release terms.

The following silence felt like an Ice Age, before the Justice Secretary replied: "I have returned him to Libya to die."

There then followed a second silence, broken only by that tumbleweed rolling from ear to ear...

No need for anyone to worry that there's anyone left in officialdom to make a stink, though. All is getting back to normal: High profile US trade mission heading to Libya

[h/t: Fred]

Daniel Pipes has a very positive review of Lee Smith's new book, The Strong Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations: In Mideast, Bet on a Strong Horse

...Smith takes as his prooftext Osama bin Laden's comment in 2001, "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse." What Smith calls the strong-horse principle contains two banal elements: Seize power and then maintain it. This principle predominates because Arab public life has "no mechanism for peaceful transitions of authority or power sharing, and therefore [it] sees political conflict as a fight to the death between strong horses." Violence, Smith observes is "central to the politics, society, and culture of the Arabic-speaking Middle East." It also, more subtly, implies keeping a wary eye on the next strong horse, triangulating, and hedging bets.

Smith argues that the strong horse principle, not Western imperialism or Zionism, "has determined the fundamental character of the Arabic-speaking Middle East." The Islamic religion itself both fits into the ancient pattern of strong-horse assertiveness and then promulgates it. Muhammad, the Islamic prophet, was a strongman as well as a religious figure. Sunni Muslims have ruled over the centuries "by violence, repression, and coercion." Ibn Khaldun's famous theory of history amounts to a cycle of violence in which strong horses replace weak ones. The humiliation of dhimmis daily reminds non-Muslims who rules...

You'll notice I've been posting short excerpts from the book up in the top corner here. It's a terrific book that I also highly recommend. Smith is one of those unusual characters who survived studying the region and the language in college, traveling it extensively and establishing personal relationships there, yet still manages to emerge with his own core principles intact. It makes his very intelligently and flowingly written book all the more valuable since there's no reason while reading to sift through the author's "nativist" chaff/bias to get at the wheat. This book is pure nutrition.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Today I attended a talk at Temple Reyim in Newton sponsored by Christians and Jews United for Israel. Jeremy Gimpel is the host of Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem and The Singer & Gimpel Show on Israel National News.

The subject was "Modern Israel: America & the Middle East Crisis through the Prism of the Bible," and this is the video. Apologies for the audio. Though Jeremy is holding a microphone, it wasn't on. I think you'll find it quite listenable, though.

I enjoyed the talk a great deal. Though regulars know I take a basically secular approach to things, I think this viewpoint is extremely interesting and also very important. What is a Jewish State without Torah? Without Jerusalem? Lox, bagels, and self-deprecating jokes aren't enough. Gimpel's relation of scripture to current events was also very intriguing. Take it away:

Terrific video of Colonel Allen West answering a question in no-nonsense fashion from JStreetJive:

Colonel West was speaking at The Hudson Institute's Reclaim American Liberty Conference. He is a candidate for Congress in Florida.

Peace partners, and this with the 'great hope' Salam Fayyad. From Palestinian Media Watch: PA Prime Minister honors dead terrorist
with condolence visit

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has honored the terrorist who attempted to stab an Israeli soldier by paying a condolence call to his family. The terrorist was killed by Israeli soldiers after the attack Friday in Hebron.

Today's official PA daily carries a front-page picture of the terrorist, glorifying him with the title "Shahid" - a holy Islamic Martyr - together with the picture of Fayyad's visit. Becoming a Shahid represents the highest religious achievement that can be attained by a Muslim.

The following is the front page story of Prime Minister Fayyad's condolence visit as reported in the official PA daily. This article likewise glorifies the terrorist as a "Shahid":

"The [Palestinian Authority] Prime Minister [Salam Fayyad] paid condolences to the family of the Shahid (Martyr) Faiz Faraj, who was killed on Friday evening by the occupation forces (Israel), having been fired upon directly in the old Al-Shalala neighborhood in Hebron. Fayyad denounced in extremely harsh terms the actions of the occupation forces, carried out as part of the ongoing campaign to suppress the non-violent protests of residents in the various regions." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 14, 2010]

[The following, by AKUS, is crossposted from CiF Watch.]

A new variation on an old age tactic of antisemites is now surfacing. I refer, of course, to the demand that Israel be required to form commissions of inquiry to refute any accusation, no matter how vile and unfounded that is hurled against it. Similar to the well-known accusation: "Have you stopped beating your wife?" thrown at someone not even married, Israel now is being asked to clear its name for any number of deeds it never committed.

We have four recent examples to choose from, but, in the spirit of painting Israel as badly as possible, why choose at all? Three at least have become part of the accepted anti-Israel dialog, and the Tonge affair fits right in:

1. The Goldstone report. "Israelis kill Palestinian civilians a great deal".

This report, in the final analysis, created a long string of accusations against the IDF's conduct during the Cast Lead campaign which it could not justify except by referring to reports from Hamas and its selected "civilians". The idea that many of these "civilians" had moments earlier been dressed in Hamas uniforms was given no credence, nor that many were clearly used by Hamas as human shields.

Continue reading "'Of course, in Israel they do [all sorts of bad things] a great deal'"

[The following, by Israelinurse, is crossposted from CiF Watch.]

The Jenny Tonge affair is not yet cold and its details have been amply documented in the press and are still being discussed throughout the blogosphere. At the time of writing, Baroness Tonge has been dismissed from her role as Liberal Democrat spokesperson for health, but has not had the whip withdrawn, been dismissed from the party or removed from the House of Lords. In the interests of fairness, it must be observed that the latter two options, whilst not impossible, are relatively complicated courses of action.

The question which needs to be asked is 'does it matter?'  So what if a peer of the realm has made remarks more befitting of a medieval blood libel? There's certainly nothing new about Jenny Tonge making statements which are grossly offensive to most Jews. So what if the leader of Britain's third largest political party has given her a token slap on the wrist but has reneged on his previous promises to act if she made antisemitic remarks on his watch? Nothing very novel there; politicians make promises they have no intention of keeping all the time and after all, Tonge got to the elevated position in which she finds herself today after (and some may say, because of) a similar scandal in 2004. So what if Nick Clegg has pronounced the troublesome Baroness 'not anti-Semitic' despite the public outcry? Surely we are used by now to people telling us what we should or should not consider antisemitic even when it is quite clearly not their call to make. So what if a member of democratic Britain's highest lawmaking and governing institution is publicly promoting libels identical to those which have been broadcast by a corrupt hereditary third world dictatorship.

Well, what matters in my view is that by and large until now it was still feasible to say that antisemitism in the UK, although indisputably on the rise and increasingly threatening in the context of the daily lives of British Jews, was still a kind of antisemitism which for the most part came from below. In other words, it was a symptom of a malaise which afflicts some ordinary (albeit very loud) citizens rather than being something generally acceptable to those leading the country. The significance of the latest Tonge affair is that we now have indisputable evidence that a member of Britain's highest government institution sees nothing wrong in, and feels comfortable about, promoting an antisemitic blood libel. More importantly, neither her party leader nor the other members of the parliamentary body of which she is a member appear to comprehend the gravity of this fact. The lack of appropriate censure by either Clegg or the House of Lords can only convey to the average citizen living under the jurisdiction of that body that the crudest, most ancient type of antisemitic blood libel is nothing exceptional in the eyes of the leaders of 21st century Britain.

Whilst the number of true antisemites in the UK may still be thankfully relatively moderate, they gain strength and legitimacy from the silence of bystanders such as Nick Clegg who, instead of summoning the courage to stand up to antisemitism, try to dismiss it when it is obviously staring them in the face. What Clegg and the rest of the Liberal Democrat party, as well as the members of the House of Lords, need to remember is that the rising tide of antisemitism in the UK does not only poison the atmosphere for its Jewish minority; it is also the environment in which they are allowing their children to grow up. Do they have the courage to aspire to a better society than the one presently polluted by antisemitism or will they continue by their silence to acquiesce to antisemitic libel, as promoted by Jenny Tonge, being made a hallmark of British governing bodies? Yellow may be the Liberal Democrats' campaigning colour in these upcoming elections, but it doesn't have to be an adjective for British leadership.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hopefully this will wake a few more people up to the fifth column reality that is the Council on American Islamic Relations (and the National Lawyers Guild). After what we saw at UC Irvine, this email is both disgusting...and illuminating (emphasis mine):

CAIR, NLG Ask Calif. University, DA to Drop Charges Against 'Irvine 11'

University's action against protesters selectively and disproportionately penalizes students, harms free speech

(ANAHEIM, CA, 2/13/10) ­ The Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) and the Los Angeles office of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG-LA) sent a letter Friday to University of California, Irvine (UCI) Chancellor Michael V. Drake urging him to drop charges against 11 students who peacefully protested at a UCI-sponsored event. A letter was also sent today to the Orange County District Attorney's office by CAIR-LA.

Earlier this week, the students spoke out during the speech of the Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren at the event, which was also co-sponsored by the UCI School of Law and by the university's political science department. The students, since dubbed the "Irvine 11," left in a voluntary and peaceful manner and were then detained briefly and cited by UCI police officers.

VIDEO: Protesters Disrupt Israeli Ambassador Speech at UCI

In a letter sent to the university administration, CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush and NLG-LA Executive Director James Lafferty stated in part:

"the right to freely express one's opinions is a most sacred freedom protected by our Constitution, finding college campuses to be its most cultivating venue. Civil protest against government abuses is a time-honored tradition that has led to the end of apartheid and the birth of civil rights.

"The students voiced political views to shame the representative of a foreign government embroiled in controversy for its outrageous violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. Delivering this message in a loud and shocking manner expressed the gravity of the charges leveled against Israeli policies, and falls within the purview of protected speech."

In the letter to the district attorney's office, Ayloush stated in part:

"The selective application of laws by off-campus law enforcement agencies to students engaged in constitutionally-protected political speech will be viewed by the American Muslim community and those who value free speech as an attempt to repress legitimate student protest and will undermine this important First Amendment Right."

The letters to the university administration and the district attorney's office urged that the "charges and disciplinary actions against the students involved be dropped."

Representatives of CAIR-LA have been in touch with the students, their parents, and many community members who have expressed concerns that the university's actions amount to retribution against and intimidation of students for expressing dissenting political views. CAIR-LA has also been in touch with Chancellor Drake since Monday's incident to share the Muslim community's free speech concerns...

The First Amendment? Legitimate political views? This is dragging the Constitution through the muck. It's also the sort of lawfare typical of CAIR, the NLG and the ACLU. They intend to make it expensive for the university to do anything. Watch that video again and see what's being defended, even glorified.

Update 2/14: Power Line has a similar email from a group called ActLeft. Scott writes:

...The actions of the MSU supporters who disrupted Oren's speech were obviously intended to silence Oren. The ActLeft message cloaks the MSU supporters in the garb of "civil disobedience," but the actions of the MSU are both hateful and tyrannical. The actions are based on the proposition that the defense of Israel in speech is beyond the bounds of civilized discourse just as the defense of Israel in deed is illegitimate because Israel is illegitimate...

...The MSU is a chapter of the Muslim Student Association, which was itself founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. They seek the extinction of Israel. Resistance is required. If the spines of campus administrators need to be stiffened, it is not only supporters of the MSU from whom administrators should hear.

Upodate2: At Maggie's Farm, Bruce Kesler comments and links to the description of a presentation given by Oren at UC San Diego a few days later that went far better.

No surprise. Here's how Ha'aretz headlines the story about the imminent fuel problem at the Gaza power plant: Gaza sources: Sole power plant to halt over Israel fuel blockade.

There's one major problem. The Ma'an story they use as a source is here: Authorities: Gaza Power Plant to cease functioning within hours.

The Ma'an story says nothing about the "blockade" being the issue. The problem involves the ongoing issue of a cut in EU funding and an inability of the PA authorities to collect bills and pay for the fuel as the Ma'an story makes clear. I discussed this back here: A Gaza Power Crisis You Didn't See Vigils For. Haaretz has literally taken the issue and put a brand new self-destructive spin on it that even the Arab writers at Ma'an weren't suggesting.

Great title from Michael Tobin. The video is a hoot. From boner to bend over in the flick of a light switch:

[Edit: Since the video plays automatically, I've moved it below the fold. There's no sound, but it's still distracting (and hilarious).]

All the sordid details of the Palestinian sex tape scandal are rising to the surface the way scum does on a stagnant pond.

The allegations in the sex scandal itself read like a textbook sexual harassment or coercion case. The whistleblower provided the tape to Israel Channel 10 reporter Tzvi Yehezkeli and told him it starts with the Secretary General to the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Rafik Al Husseini is his name and he wanted to hire a second secretary. A woman applied. Yehezkeli says through a series of text messages and meetings, Al Husseini let the applicant know, if she wanted the office job, she needed to meet him in the bedroom for a little manual labor first.

She reported that to Palestinian intelligence, who set up cameras in her apartment. When Al Husseini showed up, allegedly to welcome the applicant to the work force in the most primitive way, tape was rolling. Shortly after Al Husseini got in his bureaucratic birthday suit, intelligence officers blew the mood by storming the boudoir. The allegation goes on to say Al Husseini apologized and offered them "anything" to make this story go away.

The whistleblower, Fahmi Shabaneh, is now on the run. He was the head of the anti-corruption unit in the Palestinian Authority. In addition to the sex tape, he has provided to Yehezkeli evidence of millions and millions of dollars leaking from government bank accounts to private ones.

A spokesman for the Palestinian Authority, Tayeb abdel Rahim,told reporters that Shabaneh's allegations are, "lies and unreal stories made by a former low ranking Palestinian officer." He said, "this officer was fired more than 2 years ago and he is a collaborator with the Israeli government." The Palestinian Authority issued an arrest warrant for Shabaneh alleging the following crimes: damaging the honor of the State, conspiracy to commit murder and real estate crimes. Shabaneh is no where to be found.

Continue reading "Video: Palestinian Sex Tape Plot Thickens"

Not nearly hard enough for my taste (dirty minds, dirty minds, do try to maintain your digestion), but at least there's some small consequence for her earlier idiocy: Baroness Tonge fired over outburst against Israeli soldiers in Haiti

Baroness Tonge, a Liberal Democrat frontbencher, has been sacked after calling for an inquiry into allegations that Israeli soldiers supporting the relief effort in Haiti had been involved with organ-trafficking.

Party leader Nick Clegg removed Lady Tonge as a Lib Dem health spokeswoman in the Lords on Friday, describing her remarks as ''wrong, distasteful and provocative''.

It is the second time she has been fired for making controversial comments about Israel.

The latest row followed accusations in the online Palestine Telegraph - of which Lady Tonge is a patron - that members of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) had been harvesting body parts in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake.

She subsequently told the Jewish Chronicle: ''To prevent allegations such as these - which have already been posted on You Tube - going any further, the IDF and the Israeli Medical Association should establish an independent inquiry immediately to clear the names of the team in Haiti.''

Fellow Lib Dems were said to have complained to Mr Clegg about her comments.

In a statement issued this evening, the leader said the peer ''apologises unreservedly''.

''Following discussions with the Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords, Lord McNally, I have decided that Jenny Tonge will stand down as Liberal Democrat health spokesperson in the Lords following her unacceptable comments suggesting an inquiry into highly offensive allegations against the IDF humanitarian operation in Haiti,'' Mr Clegg said.

''The comments were wrong, distasteful and provocative and I recognise the deep and understandable distress they have caused to the Jewish community.

''While I do not believe that Jenny Tonge is anti-semitic or racist, I regard her comments as wholly unacceptable. Jenny Tonge apologises unreservedly for the offence she has caused.''...

[h/t: Yisrael Medad]

At Harry's Place, an excellent post showing how many in the party are defending Tonge. See how deep the rot goes.

I was browsing about Jeffrey Goldberg's Atlantic blog last night and noted a few things I wanted to comment on. I generally like Goldberg's material, though his left-lean sometimes colors things in a way I don't agree with, he's well inside the "sensible" range and always well worth considering. First, I thought I'd repost this letter from a reader he received as a comment on the Sullivan/Wieseltier matter which I think stands on its own: Tetchiness: An Explanation

Contemporary Germany is sometimes criticized. No one is calling for its abolition. The Catholic Church is criticized quite a bit; does anyone seriously think one billion Catholics are imperiled? Likewise the Muslim world; there are many hundreds of millions of Arabs, and more than a billion Muslims worldwide; they are not going anywhere. We like to make fun of the French--but no one is saying France ought to eradicated, or that French people are murderers and should be eliminated. Black people are victims of perpetual racism, and yet black people are not going to disappear, and neither are the nations of sub-Saharan Africa, or the Caribbean, where people of African heritage form a majority. It's not to say they aren't victimized, or that they don't suffer tragedies. Only that they do not have cause for existential angst, for wondering if they will have descendants, posterity, a place in the future.

Now, as for the Jews: Our sole homeland, on our historic toothpick of land, is incessantly, loudly declared illegitimate. And Jews themselves are impugned, our character is impugned, our loyalty called into question in the Diaspora. And we constitute a tiny percentage of the world's population. And there have been numerous attempts to finish us off.

If you can't understand why we get a little tetchy about books, movie stars and bloggers arguing that we're the principal source of evil in the world, then you are not capable of empathy.

But a few posts up, we get this, in a post entitled, How the Likud's Agenda Alienates Americans:

...What Israel needs is a leader who will step forward and say, "Here is the way things should look," and then present an outline for the creation of a viable Palestine. The settlers will go nuts, but that's what they do. Hamas will go nuts, because that's what it does. But Hounshell is right: What is needed is a Rabin. I tend to think that Netanyahu has the potential to be this leader. Maybe it's more a hope than a reality at this point, but only someone from the right can bring the majority of Israelis to the painful compromises that are obviously necessary. And, to make the obvious point, one of the reasons this compromise is necessary is because American public opinion is one of Israel's most important battlegrounds.

Which is odd, because just a couple of posts earlier he had already refuted this idea (discussing Sullivan again):

...And he doesn't recognize, at least from what I've read so far, that his analysis of the Middle East crisis is consistently and rather wildly one-sided. For instance, he recently wrote, "Without a permanent cessation of such (settlement) activity, there's no way to get the two sides together. But Israel simply refuses to cooperate, as it has refused for two decades in its land-grab." I'm opposed to all settlements, just as Andrew is, but it is silly to argue that for two decades Israel has simply refused to cooperate. By the end of the Camp David talks, Israel was ready to cede roughly 90 percent of the West Bank to the Palestinians. By the Taba round, more than 95 percent. Recently, the former prime minister, Ehud Olmert, made -- as an opening gambit -- an offer of 97 percent of the West Bank, plus land swaps. These offers were rejected by Israel's Palestinian interlocutors. And of course, Israel unilaterally reversed its land-grab in Gaza by forcibly evacuating eight thousand settlers there in 2005 (and it evacuated four West Bank settlements at the same time). But these are facts you will no longer learn on Andrew's blog.

That's right, and we've covered these offers many times on this blog (see here and here, for example). So can someone explain what Goldberg is talking about in blaming Israeli intransigence for slipping Israeli support, in spite of the fact that these pat offers have been made, and Sharon even withdrew from Gaza, all to little to no credit whatsoever for Israel's efforts? I have an idea. Goldberg, probably rightly, claims he's very knowledgeable with regard to internal Israeli (and Palestinian) politics. Perhaps so knowledgeable that he knows whose side he's on. And so he has a thing with crediting a Likud politician when Likud is in power, even though the facts are on that politician's side. If Netanyahu isn't making the same offer Olmert already made and had rejected out of hand, it couldn't possibly be that Netanyahu has learned from Olmert's experience can it?

A further indicator of this partisanship in place of analysis comes in his defense of the New Israel Fund: The Attacks on the New Israel Fund

The New Israel Fund, which does extraordinary work in Israel, has recently come under attack for supporting -- this is my interpretation -- anti-Likud NGOs...

Well, no. NIF has come under fire because they support NGO's that are fundamentally opposed to the Jewish character of the State and use abuse the Israeli courts and attack the State in the international arena to achieve their goals. Golderberg's inside-baseball view is completely lost in the realm of international opinion. Most people know nothing of Likud, Kadima, Labour, etc...some of the most blistering attacks on Israel's very existence came while non-Likud leader Olmert was making the most recent "generous offer" remarked on above. Goldberg misses the forest for the trees and needs to pull his camera back and take in the big picture that those of us who don't take particular sides among the parties tend to do. We understand it matters not at all what party is in charge and what the details are when the fundamental legitimacy of the State is being questioned -- and that is what is happening. The details are a distraction, a cover, to give an intellectual veneer on a fundamentally destructive movement. Leave the discussion of political parties to your Israeli friends. Outside the borders the discussion is always generalized.

Further on NIF:

...The New Israel Fund, of which I'm a supporter, advocates for civil liberties, minority rights, women's rights, gay rights and religious pluralism, and yes, it's a supporter of the idea that Israel should be a haven for Jews. I've had numerous arguments with its former director, my friend Larry Garber, about a few of the groups NIF has supported, those whose leaders argue for a repeal of the Law of Return, or for soft one-statism. I don't like those groups very much, but it is my impression that they represent only a small portion of the funding work of NIF. Mainly, the New Israel Fund supports groups that work to ensure that Israel remains a democracy, and it surely represents American Jewish values of tolerance, pluralism and diversity, as well as support for Israel as a Jewish state.

NIF's problems, and the tack some of its defenders have taken, remind me of an old joke. The joke takes many forms, but here's a typical example:

[A young man walks into a bar in Scotland and sees an old-timer sitting at the bar with a long face. "What's wrong old fella?" he asks.]

The Old Man says, "Lad, look out there to the field. Do ya see that fence? Look how well it's built. I built that fence stone by stone with me own two hands. I piled it for months."

"But do they call me McGreggor-the-Fence-Builder? Nooo..."

Then the old man gestured at the bar. "Look here at the bar. Do ya see how smooth and just it is? I planed that surface down by me own achin' back. I carved that wood with me own hard labour, for eight days."

"But do they call me McGreggor-the-Bar-builder? Nooo..."

Then the old man points out the window. "Eh, Laddy, look out to sea...Do ya see that pier that stretches out as far as the eye can see? I built that pier with the sweat off me back. I nailed it board by board."

"But do they call me McGreggor-the-Pier-Builder? Nooo..."

Then the old man looks around nervously, trying to make sure no one is paying attention.

"But ya fuck one goat..."

Get it? NIF fucked the goat. You may as well end the joke, "But you take Jewish money to support a group that wants to work against the Jewish nature of the State..." And it's not like they weren't warned. People have been talking about groups like Gisha and Adalah for a long time. NIF didn't listen because they didn't hear words coming out of "right wing" (Likudnik?) mouths. Big mistake.

I'll remind you of the case of Shamai Leibowitz, jailed for leaking FBI documents. Leibowitz was the dual Israeli-American citizen who managed a unique achievement. Most dual citizens are accused of being more loyal to one side of the equation than the other, but Leibowitz has managed to be a traitor to both nationalities -- a dubious accomplishment. While NIF eventually asked Leibowitz to leave the program he was working for, it came very late in the game, and long after they should have known better, as this comment relates:

Shamai Leibowitz was at American University on a full scholarship as a NIF Fellow at a time of his divestment activism in Somerville, MA. It was on NIF dime that Leibowitz traveled to Boston at that time and worked as a spokesperson for the Somerville Divestment Project.

During that period, Larry Garber, then new NIF director, had an appearance at Harvard University. During the Q&A period, he was specifically asked about Leibowitz' divestment activism in Somerville. Garber acknowledged his familiarity with Leibowitz' activities, but expressed not an iota of concern or a disagreement.

It was only much later, after the damage was already done, that NIF leadership changed its tune somewhat under the pressure from the Boston Jewish Community.

They were late off the block because they were blinded to recognizing (or didn't care) what kind of guy Leibowitz really was. As NGO Monitor has put it, they didn't set their red lines properly, and now they're, quite properly, paying for it.

Friday, February 12, 2010


From front, the amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2), Royal Thai Navy medium landing ship HTMS Surin (LST 722), South Korean navy tank landing ship Seongin Bong (LST 685), the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Shiloh (CG 67), the amphibious dock landing ship USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49) and the amphibious transport dock ship USS Denver (LPD 9) transit in formation in the Gulf of Thailand Feb. 8, 2010, during Cobra Gold 2010. Cobra Gold is an annual bilateral training exercise conducted between the Armed Forces of Thailand and the U.S. military in order to enhance military interoperability and improve communities through humanitarian assistance and civil action projects. This year's participants also include Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea. (DoD photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Taurean Alexander, U.S. Navy/Released)


MOTJ site: Every day, since the 1960's, hundreds of cars have parked in Jerusalem's municipal car park, which is the site given to the Simon Wiesenthal Center by the Israeli government to build the Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem. The gate (pictured forefront) leads to underground parking that accommodates an additional 350 cars. This photo was taken 1 week prior to the start of construction in 2004.
Photos distributed by Palestinian opponents showing that the MOTJ is being built on the adjacent Mamilla cemetery are false and without foundation.

Simon Wiesenthal's Rabbi Marvin Hier in the LA Times: A proper site for a Museum of Tolerance

Listening to the few vocal opponents of our Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem project -- among them the notorious Sheik Raed Salah, leader of the extremist Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel -- you would never know that the Israeli Supreme Court deliberated for almost three years before unanimously rejecting all their claims and authorizing the Wiesenthal Center to begin construction. Just six weeks ago, Chief Justice Dorit Beinish also rebuked those who re-petitioned the Supreme Court for an "abuse of court proceedings," ordering them to pay professional costs.

Still, our opponents would have you believe that in the name of tolerance, our bulldozers actually have invaded the adjacent Mamilla Cemetery, desecrating ancient Muslim tombstones and historic markers.

They don't want you to know the real facts. The museum is not being built on what can rightfully be called the Mamilla Cemetery, but on a three-acre site in the heart of West Jerusalem that, for more than half a century, served as the city's municipal car park. Each day, hundreds of people of all faiths parked in the three-level underground structure without any protest from Muslim religious or academic leaders or interest groups. Additionally, telephone and electrical cables and sewer lines were laid deep below ground in the early 1960s, again without any protest.

As the Supreme Court noted in its ruling, "for almost 50 years the compound has not been a part of the cemetery, both in the normative sense and in the practical sense, and it was used for various public purposes." It also noted: "During all those years no one raised any claim, on even one occasion, that the planning procedures violated the sanctity of the site, or that they were contrary to the law as a result of the historical and religious uniqueness of the site. . . . For decades this area was not regarded as a cemetery by the general public or by the Muslim community. . . . No one denied this position."...[More.]

Salah is basically an Israeli-Arab traitor and rabble rouser. The campaign against the museum is very typical of the pack of obvious and disprovable lies spread time after time whenever an Arab demagogue wants something.

[The following, here in full, appears in this week's Jewish Advocate]

Buffaloed in Buffalo
By Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov

Just last week we saw a Newsweek article describing a national "twinning project" that had brought together 100 American synagogues and mosques for interfaith programming. The writer was Rabbi Marc Schneier, whose Foundation for Ethnic Understanding runs the program.

As a prime example of his success, Rabbi Schneier presented the twinning program in Buffalo, N.Y. As it turns out, we have been working for months with community members there who fear that Jews are being deceived by Islamic radicals posing as "moderates." Unfortunately, our research shows that some Jewish leaders in Buffalo seem to have acted naively, substituting wishful thinking for fact-based judgment.

The Buffalo twinning was conceived and coordinated by doctors Robert Stall and Othman Shibly - a Jewish geriatrician and a Muslim dentist who had together attended a medical conference in Damascus, Syria. At a mosque there, Shibly introduced Stall to a Syrian cleric, Sheikh Rajab Deeb, who is a top disciple of the dentist's own spiritual mentor, the recently deceased Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro.

Stall promoted Shibly and his Syrian spiritual leaders to Buffalo Jews as moderate and peaceloving men of faith. Writing to a community member, Stall said, "Dr. Shibly's efforts to improve the world are ... to a large extent based on the teachings of Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro, a Syrian imam who was in many ways ahead of his time."

Buffalo's Jewish twinners must have been persuaded: They invited Sheikh Deeb to address the interfaith participants through an interpreter - via the Internet phone service Skype.

Unfortunately, nobody in Jewish leadership seems to have performed due diligence: While Sheikh Kuftaro's English-language Web sites are full of clichés about interfaith spirituality, the Arab-language sections reek with Jew-hatred.

Continue reading "Buffaloed in Buffalo: Multicultural Delusions"

O...M...G... Palestinian protesters pose as Na'vi from "Avatar"

Palestinian protesters have added a colorful twist to demonstrations against Israel's separation barrier, painting themselves blue and posing as characters from the hit film "Avatar."

The demonstrators also donned long hair and loincloths Friday for the weekly protest against the barrier near the village of Bilin.

They equated their struggle to the intergalactic one portrayed in the film...

...The "Avatar" protest comes a day after the Israeli government began rerouting the enclosure to eat up less of the Palestinian village.

Make your own comment. (I still haven't seen the movie.)

[h/t: Sophia]

Update: Great pic at Mere Rhetoric.

He knew he was going to have trouble. See: 'I have bought my cemetery plot' and Sex, Palestinians and Videotape. I suppose it's a step forward that all Abbas has done is issue a warrant for his arrest...for now. This is what you get when you try to clean things up in a maffia-statelet: PA issues arrest warrant for Shabaneh

The Palestinian Authority on Wednesday accused former intelligence official Fahmi Shabaneh of "collaboration" with Israel and issued a warrant for his arrest.

Shabaneh, who was in charge of the anti-corruption unit in the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, was forced to quit his job after revealing dozens of cases of financial, administrative and sexual corruption among PA President Mahmoud Abbas's inner circle.

In an exclusive interview with The Jerusalem Post two weeks ago, Shabaneh, 49, who lives in Jerusalem, accused Abbas of failing to act against senior PA and Fatah officials allegedly involved in the theft of public funds and in sex scandals.

Shabaneh showed the Post video footage of Rafik Husseini, the director of Abbas's bureau, lying naked in the bedroom of a Christian woman from Jerusalem who had sought work with the PA.

Shabaneh also presented the Post with hundreds of documents he had collected during his work implicating many of Abbas's close aides in embezzlement, land theft and fraud.

Shabaneh's revelations to the Post were the first of their kind by a senior Palestinian official who was in charge of investigating corruption in the PA.

Shabaneh said that he decided to talk to the Post after Palestinian, Arab and foreign media organizations refused to interview him out of fear of being "punished" by the PA.

"We don't have a free media in the Arab world," Shabaneh explained on Wednesday. "Al-Jazeera and other Arab media outlets told me that they are afraid to publish anything that angers the Palestinian Authority."

Shabaneh said that even some foreign journalists based in the country had refused to publish his statements, citing various pretexts, including fear of retribution by the PA.

"Some of the foreign journalists don't want to hear negative things about Fatah and Abbas," he said. "That's why they didn't want to cooperate with me and why I decided to go to the Post."...[More.]

They don't have a free press, we don't have a free press when dealing with them.

Regarding an earlier item concerning yet another purported incident against Jews at York University, Jewish Students Assaulted at York University, Canada, it appears that the incident may have been exaggerated: Security footage debunks assault allegations

...Surveillance footage made available to Excalibur shows no evidence of a physical brawl. While the footage lacks audio, it does clearly show that no one physically touched another person or invaded anyone's personal space in a threatening manner.

Body language is exuberant, at most, but never aggressive. No more than 20 to 30 people can be seen around the table in the video, including both parties and bystanders. Two visible handheld cameras can be seen on screen, none of which is smacked to the ground.

Nevertheless, Alex Bilyk, York's director of media relations, said that an investigation further probing this issue is underway, and any necessary action will be taken via the Student Code of Conduct...

Also, at ShalomLife:

In the wake of last week's incident involving Jewish students on its campus, York University has made available to the media a surveillance video documenting the incident, which took place in Vari Hall on the university's campus.

The video was taken using the closed circuit cameras which are installed on campus, and although there is no audio as the camera is placed in a high traffic area, it clearly shows the events which took place between 4pm and 5pm on Monday, February 1, the day in question. The table which was set up by the Hasbara group at York is visible, and no more than about 15 to 30 people are seen around the table at any given time. At one point, it can be seen that an argument may have taken place; however, at no point during the video is there any evidence of a brawl, nor can a shouting match be evident from the students' body language. At several points cameras are being used by the students, and at one point a female student who obviously does not take well to being on camera tries to reach for the camera, but the male student holding it lifts it up so it is out of her reach. No evidence of students being physically assaulted can be found during the video. York's security officers are seen towards the end of the video taking statements from students who were on scene...

Contrary to how some are characterizing things, it does not sound like a hoax, but the product of emotions and sensitivities running understandably high. If any York students are around, particularly the Habara group, I'd be interested to hear your perspective.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Following their journalistically negligent puff-piece on the Boston visit of George Galloway, the Allston-Brighton Tab has provided a space for Dexter to write a guest column, here in full: Galloway is not really a man of peace

Judging from last week's coverage of George Galloway's recent appearance at the Palestinian Cultural Center in Allston, it appears the British Member of Parliament successfully portrayed himself as a peace-loving truth-teller intent on alleviating the suffering of people in the Middle East.

It's an amazing feat for an apologist for murderers and dictators in the region.

Galloway has praised the leaders of both Hezbollah and Hamas, and has praised and defended Tariq Aziz, an official in Saddam Hussein's government convicted of crimes against humanity for his part in the summary executions of 42 merchants in Baghdad in and for his role in the displacement of the Kurds.

Galloway has mocked the reformist movement in Iran, stating the protesters were in the streets because the "cookie crumbled the wrong way" in the election that kept Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in office. These protesters are being murdered in the street by a tyrannical regime that by most accounts stole an election to stay in power, and yet Galloway mocks them, going so far as to suggest that "foreign hands" were responsible for the protests in Tehran.

In response, Diana Nammi, director of the Iranian and Kurdish Women's rights Organization, a British charity to protect women from the Middle East from honor killings and forced marriage, said "[Galloway] lives in a free country and is hurting that country. Galloway has never lived in Iran. He has never been beaten for criticizing the government. If he could live in Iran for a month, then he could say it is a democracy. He has freedom, but I don't think he lives on this earth. How is it that George Galloway cannot see what is going on?"

Galloway has a different attitude toward elected leaders in the West. In May 2006, he stated that it would be "morally justified" for a suicide bomber to kill British Prime Minister Tony Blair, qualifying his statement by stating, "I'm not calling for it."

And when a Hezbollah rocket in 2006 killed nine Israeli soldiers, Galloway gloated, stating, "They [Israelis] seem to be getting a bloody good hiding on the other half of the screen." (Galloway was being interviewed live by Sky News, which used a split screen to show the carnage from the rocket attack alongside the MP as he was being interviewed.)

During his presentation at the Palestinian Cultural Center for Peace in Allston last week, Galloway defended Hamas, suggesting the organization's only sin is that the U.S., Great Britain and Israel don't like it. Never mind that Hamas's anti-Semitic charter explicitly calls for Israel's destruction, and that its leaders have called for violence against the American people.

Hamas has launched thousands of rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip -- territory that Israel withdrew from in 2005 in hopes of achieving peace -- and murdered hundreds of civilians in suicide attacks. It is to this group that Galloway and his Viva Palestina organization brought a convoy of supplies and money.

As a resident of Brighton, I am deeply concerned that the leaders of the Palestinian Cultural Center for Peace allowed Galloway to bring his dishonest and hateful message to Allston. Galloway's message is not one of peace, but a message of hostility toward Israel, Great Britain and the United States.

Dexter Van Zile is Christian media analyst for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America. He is also a resident of Brighton.


Albayan, February 5, 2010 (United Arab Emirates)
Headline: "The Negotiation Flu"

For residents of Newton, MA, [Edit: I'm informed anyone, not just Newton residents, can sign.] Americans for Peace and Tolerance has posted a petition concerning the attempt to resettle Gitmo detainees in your community Newton, MA (see here and here). The petition is up at the APT site now:

We, the citizens of Newton, Massachusetts, ask for a public apology from Aldermen Stephen Linsky and Ted Hess-Mahan for proposing a resolution that would have the city welcome Aziz Abdul Naji, a Guantanamo Bay detainee, into the Newton community.

Mr. Naji is a self-confessed jihadist, according to declassified Department of Defense documents publicly available through the New York Times. Born in Algeria, in 1999 Mr. Naji joined Lashkar-e-Taibah, the terror organization responsible for the Mumbai Massacre. This brutal act of terror resulted in the murder of 173 people, including a Chabad Rabbi and his wife who were tortured prior to their murder.

The Islamic supremacist ideology that motivated Naji to join Lashkar-e-Taibah is explicitly committed to the destruction of India, Israel and America. All jihadists are fervent adherents to harsh, intolerant, and hateful Islamist beliefs about the treatment of women, homosexuals, and all non-Muslims, especially Jews, Christians, and Hindus.

By welcoming such a person to our city, the Aldermen displayed astounding ignorance about the ideology of radical Islam. In addition to an apology, we also believe that Aldermen Linsky and Hess-Mahan should seek to be educated about the threats of global Jihad and its intolerant ideology.

I believe our British friends would refer to Tonge as, at least, a "nutter." It would not be far off to say that she has been guilty on more than one occasion of making statements that a reasonable person would view as anti-Semitic. I would say she was one, and probably is, but then again I may instead maintain a level of charity and state that she may be simply to stupid to muster the necessary level of mens rea to be found guilty of the offense. Here's her latest idiocy: Tonge: Investigate IDF stealing organs in Haiti

Baroness Tonge, the Liberal peer, said this week that Israel should set up an inquiry to disprove allegations that its medical teams in Haiti "harvested" organs of earthquake victims for use in transplants.

Her call has been sharply criticised by fellow LibDems, but party leader Nick Clegg has refused to act against her.

The organ theft claims were published last week in the Palestine Telegraph, an online journal based in Gaza of which Baroness Tonge is a patron.

In a statement to the JC, she said the Israel Defence Forces were "to be commended for their fantastic response to the Haitian earthquake".

But she added: "To prevent allegations such as these -- which have already been posted on YouTube -- going any further, the IDF and the Israeli Medical Association should establish an independent inquiry immediately to clear the names of the team in Haiti."

Ed Fordham, the Lib Dem candidate for Hampstead and Kilburn, said: "It's abhorrent that anyone should suggest that something as perverse and sick as this should be investigated."...

The obvious logical response:

...Monroe Palmer, chairman of Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel, added: "Whilst I welcome Tonge's approval of Israeli actions in Haiti, she is misguided to call for any investigation. On this basis, there could be calls for an investigation to discover the 'truth' in the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."...

Indeed. In fact, The Times of London debunked the Protocols in 1921. We see how well that worked out.

We've seen the sewers from which these accusations of Israeli organ thefts have come, in this case from a "nutter" named Stephen Lendman, one of those peddling the myth created out of whole cloth and custom tailored to an underbelly of consumers anxious to imbibe it. Lendman has a "radio" show at Republic Broadcasting, an outlet that came on my radar when they linked to my posting of Scott Brown's supportive Israel positions -- something that clearly gave that same underbelly a sever case of cramps.

For more on this see: Harry's Place: Liberal With Hatred
Elder of Ziyon: Jenny Tonge asks Israel to investigate Haiti organ stealing
Yisrael Medad: Purim Is Coming: Could Baroness Tonge's Brain Been Stolen?

Update: New important web site: TongeLashing

Well, this is a thoughtful response to the TNR piece taking Andrew Sullivan to task for recent remarks about Israel and AIPAC and "neocons":

Something Much Sadder

The whole kerfuffle could have been avoided though with a little less stereotyping.

That shot at AIPAC and using Israel to attack Palin, Kristol and Cheney was unfair. It was stereotyping. It wrongly conflated supporters of Israel with supporters of Palin, which we may or may not be; and it specifically stated that the Israelis were attempting to deep-six Obama's Peace Plans without considering that protecting Israeli citizens from repeated rocket barrages was the reason for the attack on Gaza.

Now, here I feel I must insert the usual disclaimer: "This has nothing to do with Not Being Allowed To Criticize Israel And/Or Talk About The So-Called Israel Lobby."

It is however about unfair stereotypes about Israel, Jews, supporters of Israel and canards about Jews, Israel or AIPAC controlling the US government.

That said, even in this piece, the reason people fear Mearsheimer/Walt doesn't seem to register. Indeed Mr. Sullivan digs himself in deeper on that score. There's a lack of understanding on his part as to why conspiracy theories and dual-loyalty memes upset Jews enormously (and with reason).

And, given the way people misuse each and everything that can be tracked on Google, even to the point of deliberately misquoting famous people like Ben Gurion, or even simply making up quotes, bloggers do need to make balanced posts - especially famous ones.

They cannot rely on the fact that back in 2007 they posted a picture of an Ethiopian Jew as "Face of the Day" and conclude thereby that the author isn't a bigot.

For example - "I disagree with the architects of Cast Lead and think it was probably an overreaction. I believe that far too many people died, that violence may have been excessive. However, the rocket attacks were unconscionable and the people of Southern Israel were suffering intensely. We must all attempt to seek a peaceful solution rather than resort to the brutality of war. To that end the United Nations needs to be an effective arbiter and currently it is not, but enforces human rights violations selectively."

That's a far cry from what Andrew actually said. Admittedly also it isn't very punchy!

And maybe that's part of the problem. When you're trying to make a living writing, people want zing, don't they. But sometimes "zing" really hurts people. Look at all the outside agitation that's feeding the cycles of grievance and violence in the Middle East!

Here's what he actually said.

Is it just me or what?

Well obviously "or what" judging from the responses: this is a stunningly insensitive piece of work. It not only plays on antisemitic memes it reinforces them.

And even in his response to Leon's piece he stereotypes the settlers as "religious fanatics" when many - maybe most - are no such thing, and characterizes the whole nation of Israel as becoming something bad, without balancing the apparent drift to the Right with the facts of the Intifada, the war with Hezbollah, the terrorist attacks and the genocidal rhetoric.

Is antisemitism really something only Jews understand?

I'm beginning to wonder.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

When last we visited St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Cambridge, MA, they were gearing up for the Christmas season with a fund-raiser to send one of their congregants on the Hamas support mission known as the Gaza Freedom March (See Church Hall of Shame: St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Central Square, Cambridge (Protest Report) for the extensive background).

In the intervening weeks, the the church has been visited by a low-key informational picket (no signs, just a handouts), in an attempt to let the folks in the pews know what was going on.

Our own Happy and Proud was there this past Sunday to visit for the "report back" from Gaza. H&P made a day of it, saying hello to the local Quakers at their most recent hate meetup. Here's her report:

A Sunday Worship Tour of Cambridge, Massachusetts

It was an interesting day.

First stop was St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Cambridge, MA. We distributed literature and later attended a slide show by Rachel Wyon, who St. Peter's helped send on the "Gaza Freedom March". Ms. Wyons never actually made it to Gaza, but believes she is an expert on life there anyway. She informed us of many previously unknown "facts", such as:

  • 'Refugee camps' in PA-controlled territory, which exist because the PA and other Arab nation refuse to absorb their own citizens, are really all Israel's fault
  • No Hamas members were killed in the Gaza war; all casualties were civilian. (Israelis must be really bad shots - all that work and they didn't harm a single person who wasn't innocent!)
  • All Israeli "settlements" and new construction are illegal, no matter where they are
  • Many, many Jews (probably the majority) oppose the "occupation" and (unspecified) Israeli policies
  • Palestinian Arabs practice only non-violent resistance
  • Eight years of Gazan attacks on Israel had no connection to Operation Cast Lead
  • It is unreasonable for Israeli border control personnel to question or detain "internationals" entering the country from Gaza because they are "peace activists"
  • Zionism is not really connected with Judaism
  • Hedy Epstein is a real Holocaust survivor!
  • The GFM delivered vital humanitarian aid, all of it hand-carried on busses
  • Gazans have been forgotten by the world, no one every hears anything about them
  • No one need worry about Hamas stealing aid because no one has ever heard of such a thing
  • It is much more helpful to Gazans for 1,400 people to demonstrate in Cairo than to use the money spent on hotels and plane tickets for 'humanitarian aid' to this starving population
  • Even though Wyon spent most of her time touring in Egypt and Israel and never attended a single meeting or demonstration (see above), the true purpose of her trip was to help Gazans
  • No one need be concerned about any connection between the GFM and Hamas, especially not Ms. Wyon
  • No one has ever heard of any such connection anyway, especially not the pastor and warden at St. Peter's, as it is impossible to read information confirming the link with your eyes closed (I'm not making this up - the warden literally closed his eyes when I tried to show him photographs of GFM demonstrators holding Hamas flags and antisemitic signs)
  • 'Palestinians' are a warm, friendly, noble, thoughtful, and peaceful people; misunderstood and mistreated by the entire world, especially by Israel, and all of their problems are caused by others, especially Israelis

Next, it was on to a Quaker Meeting House, where we distributed information about 'Skip' Schiel, aka Ein Al-Nour, who was giving a presentation called "Gaza Steadfast". There I had the unique experience of being assaulted by a Quaker, who tried to rip materials from my hands and told me that the real problem in this country was the "Jewish lobby", which is an enemy of democracy and the American people. (I'm not making this up, I wish I were).

Later I was surrounded by several eerily grinning Stepford-like Quakers who wanted to "help" me with my "problem" of not seeing Schiel as the loving, gentle soul he really is. And he never said any of those things written in his blog about the "Jewish lobby" (seems to be a popular phrase among the 'Friends'), admiration of the "brave" 9/11 hijackers, desire to ride on a bus 'with a suicide bomber on his way to kill as many Jews as possible', or Israel being the possible cause of his being attacked by a pigeon in a dream (I really, truly am not making this up).

Altogether a very interesting day, which I hope never to repeat.


Skip Schiel, photo pro.

Another victim of terrorist incitement and demonization has fallen. It takes a convinced sociopath to walk up to someone in cold blood and put a knife in their chest: 'Terrorist killer was a PA officer'

The terrorist who stabbed an IDF soldier to death at the Tapuah junction on Wednesday afternoon was a Palestinian Authority police officer from Yabed, according to IDF sources.

The IDF soldier was named as First-Sgt. Muhammad Ihab Khatib, 26, from the northern village of Marar. He served as a logistics non-commissioned officer in the Kfir Brigade.

Khatib was waiting in his Sufa jeep in a queue of traffic when he was stabbed in the chest through an open window.

In the soldier's attempt to speed away, the vehicle overturned.

The PA officer, identified as Mahmoud Hattib, was then run over and lightly hurt by a local security officer from the nearby settlement of Rehelim. He was then arrested by police. Defense officials assessed that Hattib worked alone...

Judging from his name, it sounds like the victim was a Muslim, probably a Druze. Note the lack of mention of this in the Israeli press. The guy have his life for the state. That's all that matters.

The IDF Spokesperson has more here and a photo of the victim here.

Update: H/T to Nappy for pointing out that this is right near that recent mosque burning incident and what's shown in this video...remember that nice Rabbi, Menachem Froman, who's been working for conciliation?

Also, I'm not sure if this was in the article earlier, but now it contains this:

...Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad denounced the attack and said it "conflicts with our national interests." He pledged to take steps to prevent such incidents in the future, while endorsing "peaceful resistance" against settlements and the security barrier...

What absolutely weak-ass crap.

[Crossposted from JStreetJive]

Here is Part 2 of one of the best presentations on classical Jihad and its application to the Jews:

Part 1 is here.

Sorry, I couldn't quite decide on which of Col. Travers' statements are the most outrageous. The fact that this guy was one of the four principals of the report betrays once again how wicked it was from the start. Here are some highlights: New Revelations About the UN Goldstone Report that Seriously Undermine its Credibility

Col. (ret.) Desmond Travers was one of the four members of the UN Fact Finding Mission that produced what is widely called the Goldstone Report. The Mission investigated Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009. Travers joined the Irish Defense Forces in 1961 and retired after forty years. As the only former officer who belonged to Justice Richard Goldstone's team, he was the senior figure responsible for the military analysis that provided the basis for condemning Israel for war crimes.

After following his repeated public appearances with the other mission members in July 2009, and especially in light of his most recent interviews, serious flaws have now become evident in the methodology he followed, in his collection and processing of data, and in the conclusions he draws. In the past, the flaws in the Goldstone report, and especially its lack of balance, have been criticized by the London Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the Economist, but the fundamental problems of its military analysis have not been fully addressed. In the material presented
here, this becomes evident in four specific ways:

1. A Fundamental Bias against the Israel Defense Forces

During the Mission's collection of testimonies from Palestinian psychologists in the Gaza Strip, Travers asked them straight out to explain how Israeli soldiers could kill Palestinian children in front of their parents. In an interview with Middle East Monitor, on February 2, 2010, he asserted that in the past Israeli soldiers had "taken out and deliberately shot" Irish peacekeeping forces in Southern Lebanon. Both of these statements by Travers are completely false. It should be stressed that one of the most vicious and unsubstantiated conclusions in the Goldstone Report is the suggestion that Israel deliberately killed Palestinian civilians...

...Travers comes up with a story that the IDF had unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's) that could obtain a "thermal signature" on a Gaza house and detect that there were large numbers of people inside. Incredibly, he then suggests that with this information that certain houses were "packed with people," the Israeli military would then deliberately order a missile strike on these populated homes. The primary technical problem with his theory is that Israel does not have UAV's that can see though houses and pick up a thermal signature. More importantly, Israel used UAV's to monitor that Palestinian civilians left houses that had received multiple warnings, precisely because Israel sought to minimize civilian casualties, a fact that Travers could not fathom, because of his own clear biases...

There's more, but here's the predictable:

...Travers most recent interview also had a disturbing additional element. When addressing the role of British officers in defending Israel's claims, Travers suddenly adds: "Britain's foreign policy interests in the Middle East seem to be influenced strongly by Jewish lobbyists." Travers implies that British Jews have interests that differ from Britain's own national interests and that Prime Minister Gordon Brown's government is influenced by these considerations. This statement, unless corrected, places Travers is a position in which his views are suspect of being motivated by anti-Semitic prejudices. Even without this last statement, he clearly emerges as an individual who is not qualified to take part in any serious fact-finding mission and the U.N. should not seek his services in the future...

Also see Haaretz: Goldstone co-author: Hamas fired 'something like two' rockets before Gaza war

Update: David Bernstein at Volokh: Goldstone Report Co-Author is a Nutter?

...Here's the full text of the interview [PDF] from which these quotes are derived.  All the quotes check out, but the quotes recounted above don't begin to illustrate Travers's hatred of Israel, unwillingness to credit anything Israel says or question any Hamas assertions, and general nuttiness.  To get the full sense of it, you have to read the whole thing.  For example, did you know that there is no evidence that Hamas used human shields or intimidated the civilian population?  In fact, according to Travers, any such allegations are likely an artifact of "Israeli combat troops specially trained to operate in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in civilian attire. They worked as 'franc-tireurs' (literally 'free shooters') and could have been in a position to cause confusion among the population."...

Continue reading "Goldstone Co-Author Desmond Travers...A Bit of a Loon (or worse)"

Japan Times: NGOs air concerns over strife in Gaza Strip

Japanese nongovernmental organizations and Diet members expressed serious concern Tuesday over the conflict-ravaged Gaza Strip, urging the government and the international community to be more proactive in working toward peace in the Middle East.

The event, cohosted by several human rights groups, including Amnesty International Japan and Human Rights Now, was held while Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was in Japan for meetings with Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada.

Kazuko Ito, secretary general of Human Rights Now, stressed that the International Human Rights Law may have been violated during fighting in the Gaza Strip between December 2008 and January 2009. According to the organizers, the conflict ended in the death of about 1,400 people, of whom only 13 were Israelis.

"It is said that out of the 1,400 casualties, many of them were women and children, innocent civilians," Ito said during the meeting. "There is suspicion that (the conflict) was a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions and a war crime. But despite the number of deaths, no one has been held responsible."...

Fortunately, even under Hatoyama (Japan's Obama), the Foreign Ministry shows simple sense:

...Foreign Ministry official Mitsuko Shino, who was also present at Tuesday's meeting, explained that while Tokyo was disappointed that the conflict in Gaza resulted in many casualties and echoed the necessity of finding out what really happened, she pointed out that the U.N. resolution had already pointed its finger at Israel.

"What we found to be a problem in the resolution was that even before the fact-finding mission went to investigate, it already hinted who was to blame," Shino argued.

Big, big untapped hasbara market, Japan.

Well the attempt to shanghai the name of James Cameron to promote a boycott of Israeli film students has hit the papers, and apparently those responsible for this lame attempted hoax "did not respond to repeated requests for comment from the Post" (imagine that).

Check out the Post story to understand the staggering level of lameness that now encompasses the Alpha and Omega of BDS. I have further thoughts on the matter at Divest This!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Campbell is leading the Republican race to face Barbara Boxer for US Senate in California. His positions on Israel as a Congressman has made him controversial. See Daniel Halper's post at The Weekly Standard, for instance: Tom Campbell's Israel Problem

Bruce Kesler has done some important footwork and asked Campbell some very specific questions. Well worth reading his answers: Tom Campbell Positions On Israel. I can't say that I see anything there to take issue with.

Now, that's not necessarily the final word. Some very anti-Israel people are perfectly capable of sounding reasonable in isolation, while singing at least in a different key when they're among friends. I don't know enough about Campbell to sort that. As I said, the answers and explanations Campbell offers Kesler sound perfectly fair.

As Benny Morris at Cambridge, as Michael Oren at UC Irvine, so too, Danny Ayalon at Oxford: Ayalon faces hostile academic crowd in UK

Deputy foreign minister remains calm while verbally attacked by students attending London lecture

Despite securing a promise by the UK's Foreign Office that he would not be arrested upon arrival there, Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon was not exempt from the rage of pro-Palestinian demonstrators waiting for him both outside and inside a lecture hall in London.

One protestor at the Oxford University hall, where Ayalon spoke Tuesday, waved the Palestinian flag and interrupted Ayalon's lecture for several long minutes, during which he did not stop yelling at the Israeli minister and called him a "racist" and "a war criminal."

Many in the crowd cheered the interruption, and applauded the demonstrator as he was escorted out of the lecture hall by security.

The incident was the unfortunate "highlight" of an already troubled lecture: While Ayalon's address began in a rather routine fashion, about 15 minutes into the lecture, while he was reviewing the challenges of the Middle East, one of the IISS' students stood up and began reading excerpts from the Goldstone Report aloud, ignoring her fellow students' requests to stop for several minutes.

Ayalon resumed his speech, but was soon interrupted again, this time by a student who declared herself Lebanese and began yelling anti-Israeli slogans. She remained standing the entire length of the lecture, repetitively interrupting Ayalon...[More.]

Video at the link. The Oxford Union will be issuing Ayalon an apology and has issued a statement [PDF] which reads, in part:

...This morning, the Union's President launched an investigation aimed at identifying the Members who disrupted the event. The Union will be taking disciplinary action against these Members, in accordance with the Society's rules...

...The Oxford Union will be apologising to Mr Ayalon for the actions of its Members and thank him for the professional way in which he handled the situation.

[h/t: Citizen Wald]

[Crossposted from JStreetJive]


For decades, Palestinian Arabs, following their leaders from the notorious Grand Mufti, Haj Amin al Husseini in the 1920's to Yasir Arafat and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, have resurrected the canard that the Jews are imminently trying to destroy the "farthest mosque", the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Built by the Umayyads in 705 CE following the invasion and colonization of Jewish Palestine in 638 CE on top of the Herodian temple complex, it has served as a symbol of domination over an indigenous people for centuries.

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a distinguished professor of Arabic literature and culture at Bar Ilan University, presents the history of Arab and Islamic views of this mosque in particular, and, a brilliant analysis of Islam in general - as it relates to its foundational texts and worldview. This talk is indispensable to understanding the current Israeli-Arab-Muslim conflict.

Today I am posting Part 1. Part 2 will follow tomorrow. In addition, check out Professor Kedar's memorable appearance on Al Jazeera a few years ago. Were the faithful of J Street to watch his presentation, I'm sure they would be instantly disabused of their fantasies. First, as a reminder, here is the Al Jazeera interview. Last night's presentation follows below it.

He recently appeared at Rabbi Jonathan Hausman's synagogue, Ahavath Torah, in Stoughton, MA. Rabbi Hausman has been singularly brilliant in his presentation of world class scholars and dissidents on the subject of Jihad.

I am writing this not as an enemy of Andrew Sullivan but actually as a person who thoroughly enjoys his blog (most of the time). I make a point of reading it and I think his Iran coverage in particular has been amazing. It's opened peoples' eyes to the humanity of Iran, to the suffering and aspirations of its people, and put a face on an increasingly defensive and even brutal regime.

However, he's written some stuff recently, much of it in relation to Sarah Palin for whom he has a strong dislike, and also Bill Kristol, that has really upset me.

Now, I am not a Palin supporter and I'm from the other end of the political spectrum from her and Kristol, mostly, as you probably know.

But, using Israel, AIPAC and other American Jews/supporters of Israel or nascent fears of Israel or Jews as a means of attacking ideological enemies is wrongheaded.

Mearscheimer and Walt have played on classical antisemitic tropes of conspiratorial Jews with too much power, who secretly control the government in order to serve a foreign power and/or their own ends, which is particularly potent given the age-old disease of antisemitism that's never very far below the surface in our culture.

This piece in particular, entitled, "What President Palin's Foreign Policy Would Look Like," really made me nuts.

Continue reading "Andrew Sullivan, Re: Israel and the Jews, Is Confusing Me [Sophia]"

Yes, some Israeli Arabs (not just the Druze) do serve, and this one's not bad lookin' either:

...My daughter, who's currently in basic training in Karkal - one of the few mixed men-women combat units - was home for Shabbat. In passing, I mentioned that a photographer friend thought it would be interesting to come down and do a story on the unit.


"Yes, Ma'ariv was here this week talking to Elinor," she said matter-of-factly, referring to one of the Hebrew tabloid daily papers. "I guess she's the first Arab girl to join a combat unit."

"What? You have an Arab girl in your unit?" I squeaked. "And you never told me? That's a great story."

"I guess it is - it's in Ma'ariv today," she told me, as we went online and saw the huge photo of Elinor Joseph in battle gear and camouflage.

The story described how Joseph, a Christian Arab living outside of Haifa, has excelled in the unit. She labels herself "Arab, Christian and Israeli" in that order, and received special permission from the IDF to take her uniform off and put on civilian clothes before reaching home, in case any of her neighbors don't share her allegiance to the state.

My daughter said that she's 'one of the guys' and is 'hamoodi' (cute), and aside from a slight accent in Hebrew, nobody would ever know that she wasn't one of the other Jewish Israelis in the unit...

Notable, that bold bit.

Video from the JPost: Oren heckled at US college

Eleven people were arrested as Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren was repeatedly interrupted while trying to deliver an address Monday night at the University of California, Irvine.

Oren was speaking about US-Israeli relations and was interrupted nearly a dozen times.

A young man began with the first outburst, yelling, "Michael Oren! Propagating murder is not an expression of free speech!" The man's yelling was followed by both heavy applause and objections.

The outburst closely resembled part of a statement released by the university's Muslim Student Union (MSU) prior to and against Oren's appearance, which said, "As people of conscience, we oppose Michael Oren's invitation to our campus. Propagating murder is not a responsible expression of free speech."...[More.]

Well, this one will get your blood going. The ultimate responsibility for this resides with the university which has done nothing to curb this already known problem. UC Irvine has been a disaster area for Jews and a seething pot of jihadism for a long time. Students should have been expelled and the Muslim Student Union de-certified (or the equivalent) long ago. What you see in the video is not free speech, but the signs of a growing minority who seek to drag us down to the level of the typical Middle Eastern third world hell-holes they so admire. Where are the grownups in the UC Irvine administration?

Update: Roz Rothstein from StandWithUs was there and is circulating the following statement:

Continue reading "Video: Michael Oren Shouted Down at UC Irvine (Updated)"

Hallelujah. Somebody comes up with the obvious idea (imo)! What to Do With the Settlements


There is one obvious solution for Israel's West Bank settlements that has been all but completely overlooked: Let the settlers continue living where they are, but in the state of Palestine.

As a conception, it's stunningly simple. Its very obviousness has rendered it invisible, like something in one's field of vision that goes unnoticed because it has been there all the time. If over one million Palestinian Arabs can live as they do in towns and villages all over Israel, why cannot a few hundred thousand Israeli Jews live, symmetrically, in a West Bank Palestinian state?...[More.]

Really interesting article, has a map etc.

What do you think?

Hat tip Martin Kramer.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The usual fare from Hamas for the kiddies, from Palestinian Media Watch: Palestinian child sings about victory over Israel and the US: "Daddy gave me a present, a machine gun and a rifle"

Violence is the ideal means to solve conflict. For years this has been the repeated message from both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas - from glorifying violence by honoring terrorists as role models to directly calling for the killing of Jews.

Israel, which is denied any legitimate right to any part of "Palestine," is presented along with the US as the arch-enemy against whom this violence should be directed.

Palestinian children have absorbed the message and know by heart how to sing praises to violence. In the latest episode of the weekly children's program Tomorrow's Pioneers on Hamas TV, a Palestinian boy chose to sing the following children's song...[snip transcript of above video]

...It is worth noting that the two hosts, the young girl Saraa and Nassur, an adult in a bear costume, approved of the boy's choice of song and let him sing it. Only when the boy cursed("Son of a bitch"), did the young girl cut him off, pointing out that the "program is a program for children, not for anything else." The objection was to the boy's cursing, not to the content of the song. The adult inside the puppet ended the exchange by defending the boy: "He didn't say anything else, Saraa. He said the truth."...[More.]

The incident itself took place about a week ago. The investigation is ongoing: JTA: University investigating assault on Jewish students

York University in Toronto is investigating allegations of assault against two Jewish students during a pro-Israel program.

The incident, which is alleged to have taken place Feb. 1, occurred when about 20 Jewish members of the on-campus group Hasbara Fellowships at York University gathered, with permission from the university, to raise awareness of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and terrorist acts committed by Hamas.

Tyler Golden, co-president of Hasbara Fellowships, told JTA that about 50 activists and protesters surrounded the Jewish students and began chanting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic slurs.

He said two Jewish students were slapped, one on the arm and the other across the face.

Two university security officers arrived on the scene. Toronto police were not called "because we wanted to give the university a chance to put its system into place," according to Golden.

Golden said a complaint was lodged with York's Student Conduct and Dispute Resolution Office...

...According to its Web site, the Jewish Defense League of Canada has offered a $500 reward "for the assailants [sic] identities, names, alias [sic], phone numbers and addresses."

A year ago, a group of Jewish students at York were barricaded in the Hillel lounge by a mob yelling anti-Semitic and anti-Israel slurs. Police had to escort the Jewish students out of the building. Two York students were reprimanded for the incident...

The other day, I quicklinked to the story of Amnesty International, the Taliban/Gitmo man, and the now-suspended whistle blower. Savor the irony of the NGO Amnesty, that has descended so far as to partner with and even sanctify a man like Moazzam Begg and a site like Cageprisoners and then suspend a whistle blowing employee for complaining about it publicly. How positively Stalinist. We need not over-season this dish in order to savor it. This whole thing is so tasty I half expect to see it on the Food Network.

It's all so well-deserved, and yet so unexpected. Our hats are off to whistle blower Gita Sahgal, without whom AI simply would have gone on and on without so much as a moment of self-examination and accountability. Here are some links for you...

Noah Pollak has a good one at Contentions: The Human-Rights Facade Is Beginning to Crumble

...There is a vital role for groups like HRW and Amnesty to play in the world. Properly understood, their mission is to use their moral authority to shame and condemn tyranny and those who wish to make the world a hospitable place for tyrants and terrorists. But moral authority requires moral clarity. HRW and Amnesty have been overtaken by activists who use their position to wage easy campaigns against open societies instead of taking on the more difficult, thankless, and sometimes dangerous struggle against closed ones.

For people who do not follow these issues closely, there have been a few recent moments that indicate beyond any doubt that something is rotten in the "human-rights community." One moment was when HRW went to Saudi Arabia to raise money. We have arrived at another such moment: a human-rights organization has suspended an employee for complaining about the organization's partnership with a terrorist. [More.]

Harry's Place has posted Gita Sahgal's statement and has a good round-up of blog reactions as well: Statement by Gita Sahgal on Amnesty International and Cageprisoners

Just Journalism has a new report out, quantifying the way in which BBC coverage of Gaza has shifted from giving responsibility for Gaza purely to Israel, to noting that the area has a border with a second country -- Egypt: BBC on the Gaza blockade: the roles of Israel and Egypt

Just Journalism has today published a study suggesting a shift in editorial policy at the BBC News website regarding the blockade of Gaza. 'BBC on the Gaza blockade: the roles of Israel and Egypt' shows that for most of 2009, the Gaza blockade was associated solely with Israel, rather than with Israel and Egypt. However, more recently, the Corporation's website has reflected more consistently the role of Egypt in enforcing the blockade at its shared border with Gaza.

A likely outcome of this development is that the BBC News website makes plainer to users that the Gaza blockade is upheld by two countries and not one. This would be an important step towards creating a more accurate picture of the factors currently impacting on the Gaza strip...

Well, that didn't last long. Yesterday, it sounded like a good start: Israel Kicks Down the Doors and Deports ISM Activists. Today, sadly, the lawyers have gotten to it: Court frees foreign activists, raps West Bank crackdown

The Supreme Court ordered two pro-Palestinian foreign activists released on bail on Monday, saying Israeli immigration officers overstepped their bounds by detaining them in the West Bank.

The activists' lawyer described their arrest as part of a campaign by Israel to choke off weekly demonstrations by Palestinians, left-wing Israelis and foreign activists against Israel's West Bank separation barrier as peace efforts remain at a stalemate.

Israeli soldiers raided the West Bank city of Ramallah on Sunday and detained Spaniard Ariadna Jove Marti and Australian Bridgette Chappell, handing them over to immigration officers overseen by Israel's Interior Ministry for possible deportation.

Both women belong to the International Solidarity Movement, which is at the forefront of anti-barrier demonstrations.

Palestinian authorities and the women's attorney called the entire operation illegal, arguing the military had no right to raid a city within an area designated by interim peace accords as being under Palestinian civil and security jurisdiction.

But the Supreme Court ordered Marti and Chappell released on other grounds, saying immigration officers - authorized only to operate inside Israel - had taken custody of the women from the military at a prison inside the West Bank...

I have no opinion about the court or their interpretation of the law, if that's the correct decision, then change the law if you don't like it. I recall, a long time ago on a BBS far, far away, having a...ahem..."discussion"...about Rachel Corrie, and trying to explain the ISM, and how the "activists" fake their way into the country and put themselves intentionally in dangerous situations. "So," I was asked, "why don't they just deport them?" Good question! Because Israel is a nation of laws, and when people set out to intentionally stretch and break the law, in word and spirit, and they have lawyers who set out to help them, then the law will never be adequate to address all situations. Ordinarily, we call this kind of person a "crook." The MSM and NGO establishment call them "activists."

I thought, since some of us seem to feel that only Sophia and a handful of J Street Jews believe the 2-state solution is necessary and desirable, that I would post this article by Yossi Verter in Ha'aretz:

Proponents of the Greater Land of Israel - including the recently established Land of Israel caucus in the Knesset, hawkish Likud members and other MKs - are deceiving the public because their dream cannot be fulfilled, Minister Michael Eitan (Likud) said over the weekend.

'You can't deceive all the time and speak about Greater Israel,' Eitan said at a Geneva Initiative conference in Dimona. 'It's a dream that will not be able to be fulfilled. The vast majority is willing to make significant concessions for peace. Everyone wants an agreement.'

The conference, which discussed solutions proposed by the figures behind the Geneva Initiative peace proposal, featured Yossi Beilin, one of the architects of the proposal, as well as former Palestinian minister Sufian Abu Zaida and Dimona Mayor Meir Cohen.

Eitan, the improvement of government services minister and one of the few Likud MKs who has not supported the Land of Israel caucus, said it had no place in today's politics.

'Last week the Land of Israel caucus was established in the Knesset. Neither I nor [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu can join it, even though in '92 I founded a similar caucus,' he said. 'To talk about Greater Israel now - that's deception.'...[The rest.]

Sorry, but I couldn't resist. From Divest This!

It almost escaped my notice that Feb 7 was the anniversary of the great Hampshire Divestment Hoax, that is until I discovered this stunningly self-aggrandizing announcement by the jesters who started it all: Hampshire's Students for Justice in Palestine (HSJP).

So I said to myself:"Self, how best to mark this important date?"

Should I Fisk the SJP's self-celebrating announcement, pointing out that their BDS "movement" actually began in 2001 and has not enjoyed a single success on any campus in the country despite nearly ten years of effort? (HSJP and the like-minded prefer to reset their project with the 2005 PACBI letter, thus flushing most of the last decade of BDS catastrophe down the memory hole.)

Or perhaps I should put their Frantz Fanon quote into context, which (in its original paragraph) reads:

"Anti-Semitism cuts me to the quick; I get upset; a frightful rage makes me anemic; they are denying me the right to be a man. I cannot associate myself from the fate reserved for my brother. Every one of my acts commits me as a man. Every instance of my reticence, every instance of my cowardice, manifests the man."

Now I could leverage this full Fanon quote to note that HSJP's friends the allies in the Middle East are the major manufacturers of the very anti-Semitic propaganda that cut Fanon "to the quick" (a Vesuvius of Jew hatred that even Israel's harshest critics don't deny emanates hourly from Tehran to Damascus to Gaza and beyond). But this presumes the members of HSJP actually know who Fanon is, beyond a source for quotes on Google.

But in the end, it seems best to mark the anniversary with some links to the various parodies I've done over the last year that seem to have gotten up the nose of those who still insist on pushing the Hampshire divestment fraud with all their might. And so...

Here's the parody that came to mind last February, once I discovered that the Hampshire divestment story running its course through the media was a hoax.

And here's a mock planning transcript for last November's BDS conference at Hampshire (some BDSers still get upset that half the Google links on a search for "Hampshire BDS" brings up this parody).

And finally, my epic time-waster: Hampshire and the Brain.

Paraphrasing William Shatner from Trouble with Tribbles: I take the issues of peace and justice in the Middle East extremely seriously. But Hampshire's SJP? Not so much.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

So how many people or groups beclowned themselves making overblown statements over what is, at root, whether you are pro or anti-choice, a really quite beautiful message and a simple and understated commercial (the final ad/s really just try to push you off to Focus on the Family's site)? Sally Jenkins had a terrific piece on the controversy in the Washington Post on Tuesday: Tebow's Super Bowl ad isn't intolerant; its critics are.

I'll tell you something else, if 1/2 of what they say about this Tebow guy are true -- and I'm most interested in the 1/2 that says he's "saving himself for marriage" -- then I am even more impressed. He must have girls throwing themselves at him, and yet he's denying himself? I have as much admiration for that as I do for a young priest who takes and keeps his vows -- the same sort of respect I have for soldiers, police and firefighters who have been tested. Think about the power you can have in life through the respect that you can earn by the simply factor of controlling your own behavior. Remarkable.

I'll post the ads when I find them embeddable with decent sound.

That's all that Hamas is good for. From Palestinian Media Watch: "A full life with Allah and 72 wives" Hamas TV sermon details Martyrs' rewards in Paradise

When dying as a Martyr for Allah, the Shahid is immediately forgiven his sins, he is crowned with honor and he marries 72 dark-eyed wives. These are among the rewards promised the Muslim believer who dies in battle for Allah.

Six privileges, or kindnesses, to be granted the holy Martyr are mentioned in a hadith (tradition attributed to the Prophet Muhammad in Islam) and were explained in a recent Friday sermon broadcast on Hamas TV.

The privileges that are bestowed upon the one who dies for Allah and mentioned in the hadith are:

1- The Shahid's sins are forgiven
2- He sees his place in Paradise and lives a full life of joy with Allah
3- He is protected from "the Great Shock" on Judgment Day
4- He is crowned with a crown of honor
5- He marries 72 dark-eyed wives
6- He will be able to intervene on behalf of 70 of his family members on Judgment Day, thereby ensuring them the reward of Afterlife

For years, both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have promoted the ideal of dying as a Martyr for Allah. The promotion has been successful...[More.]

More of this kind of thing, please. If the Corries were actually serious about making sure the same thing that happened to their daughter doesn't happen to anyone else, they'd be encouraging more of this:

Two Spanish, Australian women arrested early Sunday in Ramallah, handed over to Oz unit members. American national, who was with them in apartment, says '10 soldiers broke in, demanded our passports and then informed the two that they were arrested for not having a valid visa'

Two Spanish and Australian peace activists were arrested early Sunday after Israel Defense Forces soldiers raided the house they were staying in near the West Bank city of el-Bireh in the Ramallah area.

The two women were arrested on suspicion of staying in the area with an invalid visa. The two were taken to the Ofer Base and handed over to members of the Interior Ministry's Oz unit.

In the meantime, the two women petitioned the High Court of Justice, which decided to delay their deportation from Israel and scheduled an urgent discussion for Monday.

Ryan Olander, an International Solidarity Movement activist from the United States who shared an apartment with the two women and who was also arrested for the same allegations several weeks ago, told Ynet that "10 soldiers broke into the apartment, examined the passports and then informed Ariadna Jove Marti and Bridgette Chappell that they were under arrest on suspicion of not having a valid visa...

Some interesting thoughts on Arab economics: Palestine's 'economic miracle' - Immense amount of international donations inflate Palestinians' disposable income

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has been crowned as "the Palestinian Ben-Gurion at the recent Herzliya Conference. However, there is a great gap between the achievements attributed to him and his abilities in practice.

Fayyad is credited with changing the corrupt PA apparatus, but even in the financial realm where his expertise lies, his abilities are mostly manifested through the drafting of impressive documents as well as fundraising.

Meanwhile, the absurdity inherent in his statements regarding "Palestinian independence within two years" is clear to anyone familiar with the Palestinian economy. Fayyad is a former World Bank official, but even on the financial front his deeds are far from the image he has nurtured.

The Palestinian economy is the only place in the world where the per capita GDP is less than half the disposable income per capita. This is the result of three factors:

1. The Palestinians barely produce anything. Most of their GDP comes from government expenditures by the PA itself.

2. The Palestinians receive immense sums donated by the world.

3. Tax collection is almost unheard of, aside from the taxes collected (for Fayyad) by the Israeli government, which provides the PA with NIS 450 million (roughly $120 million) monthly; this comprises about 40% of the PA's budget.

The result is clear: Low GDP, but high disposable income. Indeed, it's an economic miracle.

Meanwhile, the situation is even more extreme in the Gaza Strip, where the PA spends 57% of its budget. Fayyad hands over salaries and allowances to 150,000 people, yet tens of thousands of them don't work, while others receive two salaries: One from Fayyad and another from Hamas. This is why the only industries active in Gaza are imports through smuggling tunnels and real estate - the surplus of cash in Gaza's banks prompts them to offer mortgages, and this results in a rise in real estate prices...

Comment #19 is good:

The economies of Gaza and the West Bank (Judea/Samaria) thrived in the first decades (1967-1987) of that so-called occupation. Aside from UNRWA, little outside aid entered the territories. Yet under Israel's security umbrella and open borders, the areas thrived.

Those who get their "history" from the Palestinians ignore how much Israel invested in their infrastructure - water and sewage lines, electricity, schools and medical facilities - all of which were neglected under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. Infant mortality went down, average lifespan went up, agricultural output and average incomes skyrocketed.

Then Palestinian "nationalism" came to the fore in the first intifada, but it took Arafat's arrival to really screw things up. The territories are now rife with welfare dependency, corruption and bloated non-productive bureaucracies.

Canada learned its lesson, cutting direct funding for UNRWA. Nothing here has changed: US to donate $40 million to UNRWA

The United States announced it will donate $40 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Thirty million dollars will be allocated to basic services that the agency provides to Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The remainder sum will be especially allocated to the West Bank and Gaza and will include food deliveries and a program to create work places.

Not just money down the drain, money that hurts.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

You've heard it going around. Here's that expletive-laced radio interview with Baltimore Orioles managing great, Earl Weaver:

What's the back story? Is it real? I really wish it had aired. Sadly...partially real: Weaver's prank tape is still ripe, decades after leaving tomato patch

...Yesterday, when Marr finished his morning show on WCBM-AM, he called me - "Let me tell you how it happened ... " - and popped the balloon.

"It never actually aired," Marr said. "It was never meant to air."

Marr said it was a prank. Marr and Weaver were pre-recording a segment from Seattle in 1982, when the pair flubbed a take of the Manager's Corner. They got to laughing and decided to record an entire fake segment and send it back to the station engineer as a joke.

The dialogue was all off-the-cuff and off-the-air. Weaver didn't have to try very hard to act like an old cuss. The engineer, of course, got a kick out of it, and the listeners heard a different, sanitized version of the segment before Sunday's ballgame.

The prank tape didn't die, though. It was kicked around Baltimore on audiocassette for years, and naturally, when YouTube was born, colorful Weaver made the jump into the digital age.

"It's been all around the world by now," Marr said. "Just grown like ivy."

Earl Weaver Baseball 1.5 was the best computer baseball game evah, btw.

Very interesting. I guess the New Israel Fund's Naomi Chazan is getting another lesson in accountability -- a difficult matter for her. If your lawyer sends your employer a threatening letter about what advertising they can accept...prepare to be bereft of some income: 'Post' stops Chazan column after threat

NIF and its president Chazan threatened legal action over ad in paper.

The Jerusalem Post has canceled Naomi Chazan's biweekly column, after she and the New Israel Fund of which she is president threatened legal action against the paper over a recent advertisement.

The decision was taken by Jerusalem Post management after a legal threat was received at the paper from the NIF and Chazan's lawyers.

Along with other publications, the Post last Sunday carried an advertisement criticizing Chazan and the New Israel Fund in the context of the Goldstone Report on Operation Cast Lead.

In Friday's paper, the Post carried an advertisement defending the NIF and Chazan against their critics.

Update: Shmuel Rosner -- no fan of the anti-NIF campaign -- says the decision is justified: I'd also eliminate Chazan's column. He also commented on the overall situation a week ago: Why the vicious attack on the New Israel Fund was inevitable. [h/t: Seva]

Well Israel Apartheid Week is just around the corner (be still my heart), and the theme of this year's festivity of hostility is (you guessed it): the ever-popular Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (or BDS)!

Anyone who's been following the BDS follies over the last year will recall how much of 2009 was made up of one BDS hoax after another: from Hampshire College's non-divestment in February, through failed attempts to portray normal business decisions by companies like TIAA-CREF and Motorola as political divestment decisions targeted at Israel.

Other than that, we were provided a cavalcade of boycott flops from Trader Joe's to the Toronto Film Festival that simply led to sellouts of Israeli products or massive lines to see Israeli films.

Well the folks who brought us the attempted Toronto film boycott have managed to merge both fraud and failure in what is looking like the most hilarious BDS hoax yet.

Earlier this month, a letter began circulating around North American film schools asking them to not partake in an Tel Aviv Student Film Fest that takes place this coming June. And, to demonstrate their depth of support, the letter writers included the names of supporters, including none other than James Cameron, the King of the World director of such spectacles as Titanic and Avatar.

The trouble was, Cameron never heard of this petition, has no idea of how his name became associated with this squalid little boycott project, and (at least according to one source) is pissed and demanding answers.

A preliminary report appears over at Divest This. Stay tuned as more details emerge.

Just saying. According to a new Pew poll [h/t: Citizen Wald], compared to other Arab populations, the number of Israeli Arabs who support Hamas or Hezbollah is lower...but "lower" is a relative term:

A survey conducted May 18 to June 16, 2009 by the Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project also finds limited support for the Lebanese Shia organization Hezbollah.1 While most Palestinians (61%) and about half of Jordanians (51%) have a favorable view of Hezbollah, elsewhere opinions are less positive, including Egypt (43%) and Lebanon (35%). As with many issues in Lebanon, views of Hezbollah are sharply divided along religious lines: nearly all of the country's Shia Muslims (97%) express a positive opinion of the organization, while only 18% of Christians and 2% of Sunni Muslims feel this way.

Meanwhile, Turks overwhelmingly reject both groups -- just 5% give Hamas a positive rating and only 3% say this about Hezbollah. There is also little support among Israel's Arab population for either Hamas (21% favorable) or Hezbollah (27%). Outside of the Middle East, many in Pakistan, Indonesia and Nigeria are unable to offer an opinion about these groups...

21%? I suppose you could describe that as "little"...if you wanted. Is it? So...about 1/5th of 1/5th of the population of a state supports the destruction of the state by an outside genocidal force. In American terms, that would be like 12 million people supporting Al Qaeda (and to get more of an equivalence, you have to imagine a far stronger more immediately threatening Al Qaeda, so there is in fact no exact corollary).

And yet they carry on with a vigorous, and often rancorous, democracy. Amazing.

[The following, by Joy Wolfe, is crossposted from CiF Watch, where a good comment thread is underway.]

So Ben White knows better than all the financial experts and Palestinian spokespeople when he claims that stories of the remarkable growth in the Palestinian Authority economy in the West Bank are false.

Yes, the same Ben White who is currently congratulating himself on being instrumental in a facebook campaign which resulted in the Cambridge University withdrawing an invitation to Benny Morris, calling him a racist.   Whatever happened to the hallowed concept of freedom of speech that is used to ensure terrorists, Hamas supporters and pro-Palestinian speakers who call for the destruction of Israel and "death to the Jews" to be welcome on campuses such as Birmingham and Manchester?

But back to the real subject in hand.

It is a well documented fact that the growth of the economy in the West Bank is nothing short of remarkable and said to be among the fastest growing economies in the world at the moment.

A British Trade Union fact finding group which recently returned from visiting the West Bank reported how surprised they were by the conditions there and the economic growth and potential.

What the Palestinians really need is for people like Ben White and others who devote their energies to demonising Israel, calling for boycotts which potentially damage the Palestinian economy, to put their efforts into improving the situation of the Palestinian people, and also to encourage them to get back to the peace negotiating table.

Continue reading "Promoting Hatred; Thwarting Peace"

Friday, February 5, 2010

[The following, by Eamonn McDonagh, is crossposted with permission from Z-Word]

I received an e-mail circular from B'Tselem today about Israel's policies towards Gaza. The first substantial argument offered is this:

"The siege of Gaza is causing enormous suffering among innocents, and it's hard to see how that deprivation can be justified," said Uri Zaki, B'Tselem's USA Director. "International law, as well as basic human and Israeli values, demands that Israel do its utmost to address its legitimate security concerns without inflicting unnecessary harm to the civilians of Gaza. The current policy doesn't come close to meeting that standard." Gazans' rights to minimal standards of food security, shelter, health, education and to travel are protected under international law. These needs should not be held hostage to security and political issues.

I could quibble about the adjective "enormous" but I won't. The argument is basically sound. To respond to it, the government of Israel would have to accept its premises, that is, it would have to say that the harm it's causing to Gazans is not unnecessary and/or that it's exaggerated and that in any case it's the only viable option for protecting its security. I'm not saying that any of this is true or false, just that the way B'Tselem sets out its arguments obliges the government of Israel to put its case in terms of human rights.

Now let's turn to the next set of arguments:

Israel's closure policy is designed to weaken Hamas' hostile leadership, to persuade Hamas to cease firing rockets at civilian targets in Israel, and to release Corporal Gilad Shalit. However, the closure has instead harmed Israel's security by strengthening Hamas and adding to tensions that threaten renewed violence.

If I was a member of the Israeli government I'd be much happier to respond to this kind of vulgar pragmatism. I'd just ask why, if Hamas is so much stronger now than before, it's acting to suppress rocket fire into Israel by smaller groups, I'd point out that such rocket fire is a fraction of what it was before Operation Cast Lead and that we have no way of knowing what, if any, effect Israel's broader policies towards Gaza are having on negotiations to release Shalit. Oh, and I'd probably die laughing at the stuff about tensions and future violence. It's not like Hamas's attitude to Israel has varied much over the years; not when Israel still occupied the Strip, not when it left, not when Gazans could travel in large numbers to Israel and not when they were stopped from doing so. What has changed is that Hamas's behavior towards Israel has notably softened over the last 12 months or so.

There's another severe problem with these arguments. They imply that if Israel's policies towards Gaza were achieving their political and security goals they would therefore be justified.

B'Tselem declares itself to be an organization that acts in favor of the protection of universal human rights. It should argue on that basis and stop dishing up half-baked political analysis that even the most obtuse Israeli politician wouldn't have much difficulty dealing with.

Here's some depressing news from Britain - antisemitic incidents and attacks have risen shockingly -

From Harry's: Depressing Report on Antisemitism

Also, more on the Haitian Blood Libel, promoted by our friends Jenny Tonge and Lauren Boothe, also from Harry's: The Haiti Libel

Now - it's obvious that much of this is coming from certain "Asians" - which isn't fair to Indians, Sikhs, Tibetans etc but oh well, that is how they refer to certain religious radicals in Britain.

But - there's another side to this - which a poster on Harry's, Thinking of England, pointed out - there's an antisemitic tradition in Britain which has made this sort of thinking acceptable there. When I found out that the panties bomber had gone to school in London I wasn't at all surprised. Some of the most dangerous, evil-minded people in the world find a ready platform in London and even have friends in high places.

And, the BBC and other British media outlets have been so anti-Israel since Day #1, since before Day #1, that the propaganda is finally resulting in outright and open hostility to Jews including physical attacks and vicious websites devoted to hatred.

This is bad news especially since Times Are Hard and we all know what happens to Jews when Times Are Hard.

Oh help.

Where is British leadership on these issues? The state-sponsored BBC won't even publish the Balen Report, about biased coverage of Israel.

I think they should be sued.

This is one of America's key allies yet I'm beginning to wonder if they are really at all in line with our philosophy and our interests.

When Prime Minister Brown came to see President Obama everybody was horrified when he didn't get a fancy present.

Well, I think I see the point. With all due respect to protocol, maybe we should be studying British history a little more carefully.

Let me add some notes to Hillel's post about yesterday's J Street launch.

Last week's Jewish Advocate had a profile of the local Boston head: J Street opens in Boston (requires paid subsciption)

The signpost is up: J Street is in Boston.

The left-of-center group - which bills itself as pro-Israel, pro-peace - has been welcomed with a seat at the Israel roundtable of local Jewish leaders, sponsored monthly by the Jewish Community Relations Council.

And Feb. 4, it will hold a kickoff event at Temple Ohabei Shalom in Brookline.

Janette Hillis-Jaffe started work as the New England regional political director for J Street on Jan. 1.

"I've met with folks from AIPAC and [the American Jewish Committee], and I felt very welcome," Hillis-Jaffe said. "There are no rivalries, and I don't think there will be any. The Boston Jewish community is known for being able to embrace a lot of different perspectives."...

...Now, people can choose among three ways to become involved: J Street U, which so far has a presence at Harvard, Brandeis and Tufts universities; J Street Local, for grassroots organizing and education; and J Street PAC, established as a separate entity to allow for political contributions.

Hillis-Jaffe said she would be working mainly with J Street PAC, which requires a minimum annual donation of $1,800 for membership.

"We get involved and take positions on political races," said Hillis- Jaffe. "A group like AIPAC doesn't." ...

Now that may be the most interesting part of the news. J Street, which now wants other groups to play nice with them, but came on the scene with the sharpest elbows possible and seeks to expand the definition of "pro-Israel" beyond all recognition is being welcomed at JCRC's table.

As far as I can see (correct me if I am wrong), I don't see any other partisan groups on the list. Do any of these groups get CJP money? I know that the excuse is that they maintain a separate entity for supporting candidates, which you are I know is pure bullshit designed to be eaten by idiots and IRS agents. The same guy is running things.

Here are some notes from someone else that was at the Boston event:

Continue reading "J Street's Big Launch"

In case you missed the reference in Hillel's post below, here's an article about Namoi Chazan's firing from the Jerusalem Post: Amid row over contentious ad, Jerusalem Post fires Naomi Chazan of New Israel Fund

The trouble with the NIF is not that they support groups that are simply critical of Israel out of love, they support groups that would like to see Israel fundamentally changed until the word had no meaning anymore, and it's good to see the matter finally getting the wide spread attention it deserves so people have all the facts before they decide to either give money or have the NIF at the table.

Also, see Caroline Glick: The New Israel Fund and the next war

It's been some time since we heard from Thomas Klocek, the DePaul University (yes, that was Finkelstein's last employer) adjunct who lost his job after an argument with Muslim students and who decided to sue the university as a result. His court case had been dismissed, but his attorneys are circulating the following statement:

Klocek Takes Fight Against DePaul to the Appellate Court

On January 19, 2010, attorneys for former DePaul University professor Thomas Klocek filed his opening brief in his appeal of the circuit court's decision to deny him a jury trial on the merits of his defamation case against DePaul.

Klocek's case began in June, 2005, after he saw his reputation and 14 year career at DePaul destroyed by numerous DePaul publications which falsely portrayed an academic discussion Klocek had had with representatives of the Students For Justice in Palestine and United Muslims Moving Ahead. The discussion centered around the conflict in the Middle East among other things. In the face of DePaul's motions to dismiss, Klocek's defamation claims were upheld in 2006 by Judge Nudelman and upheld again in 2007 by his replacement Judge Kelley.

However, in 2008, Judge Kelley was replaced by Judge Winkler who, in several orders just 21 days and less before the jury trial was to start on March 16, 2009, dismissed Klocek's entire case. The bulk of the dismissal came on motions to which Klocek was not even given an opportunity to respond.

Klocek is hopeful the Appellate Court will give him his day in court.

If you would like to read Klocek's brief, click here

Marathon Pundit has more, here.

[Crossposted from JStreetJive]

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Out of the spotlight for a number of months since its disastrous October 2009 national conference which went unattended by scores of congressmen including Senator John Kerry, J Street attempted to thrust itself back into media prominence last night by kicking off "J Street Local", a two hour convocation of the faithful in 21 cities around the U.S.. The highlight of the evening was The Leader himself streamed live from Philadelphia. Most of the local events featured the alliance between J Street and two other left wing groups: Brit Tzedek v'Shalom and The New Israel Fund (often referred to as The No Israel Fund). The timing couldn't have been worse for the self-anointed, "Pro Israel-Pro Peace" group.

Just two days ago, the head of the NIF in Israel, Naomi Chazan, was forced to cancel her trip to Australia over the growing scandal that groups funded by her organization provided dubious "evidence" of Israeli atrocities to the discredited Goldstone commission. Daniel Sokatch, the Director of the American NIF, assessed the situation and decided that attack was the best defense when he said the report - apparently confirmed - was "the worst kind of vicious hate speech." Another hard left Knesset member went even further dubbing the revelations a "show trial" (an odd choice of words, considering that the antecedents of his party, Meretz, were enthusiasts for the original Stalinist show trials of the 1930's).

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And now, this morning comes the news that Ms. Chazan has been fired from her position at The Jerusalem Post. According to an analysis by Im Tirtzu, the new grass roots, Israeli Zionist movment, the groups funded by the NIF supplied 92% of the negative references about the IDF to Goldstone "researchers." Needless to say, none of this important, breaking news was conveyed by either NIF staffers or Jeremy Ben Enemy to the faithful around the U.S. In fact, his constant invocation of that organization and its alliance with J Street may well come back to bite him. NIF's embarrassment, however, proved no deterrent to Israeli Consul, Nadav Tamir, embracing their regional director.

Ben Enemy's performance was more negative than upbeat. He sounded almost bitter that his prophecies weren't being taken as holy writ by the American Jewish community. The evening - at least in Boston - was more about process than substance. We heard all about building local constituencies, organizing university chapters and so on. Of course, substance had to be avoided, considering the moribund efforts and results of the Obama-Mitchell initiative that has produced exactly zero for Israelis and Palestinians. The Middle East peace process has obviously become a back burner issue for a beleaguered President facing the worst economic crisis in decades, not to mention the Scott Brown embarrassment.

At one point, The Leader let slip his frustration with Obama's apparent, unshared obsession with applying more pressure on Israeli Jews when he half-jokingly said "Well, Mr. President, with all due respect, we're going to hold you to that (Obama's commitment to resolve the conflict)..but expect us to press you to do more - a lot more. As a community organizer, you would expect no less from us." And there you have it: Israel's existence is really all about making American left wing Jews feel empowered through community organizing.

I recall a telling comment from Ben Enemy's colleague, Dan Sokatch of the New Israel Fund at the October conference. Commenting on the controversy at last summer's San Francisco Jewish Film Festival (the Festival decided to feature the intensely anti-Israel film, "Rachel") when he was CEO of the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation, Mr. Sokatch said that the forces critical of him were enemies of "community organizing." A bizarre accusation, but now fully understandable and revealing of his and J Street's primary, radical focus.

Departing from his upbeat style back in October, Ben Enemy decided to invoke the full array of "victim" imagery. If J Street was not being embraced by every American Jew as he had planned, then, clearly, it was a result of "enemies all around." He began his talk by a wave of the bloody shirt, claiming that his prophecy was being "demonized, ostracized and shut out" from the American Jewish dialogue. It was a bitter, angry speech designed to paint a picture of the faithful as victims of an oligarchic, censorious Jewish "right wing."

It was a classic of demagoguery - rallying the troops by pointing out the Zionist barbarians at the gates. After all, J Street has always been primarily about the perceived, existential, Left-Right struggle and less about Israel's survival. The assembled crowd looked more like an SDS or CPUSA reunion than the "Pro Israel" supporters they claim to be. This was really all about the struggle against the fanatics of the Right.

If one can characterize the outlook of the American Jewish Left in a single phrase, it's all about demolishing the colonialist notion of "The Other". Yet, how ironic this evening was which amounted to constructing,defining and labeling the Bad Jews -"Settlers" and the "Pro Settler Movement" - as "The Other." In spite of George Soros' millions (I presume, absent J Street's opaque refusal to disclose its major donors) it's a product that more and more Americans aren't buying.


U.S. Navy Seaman Apprentice Carlos M. Conyers reacts to oleoresin capsicum spray during Naval Security Forces sentry training in the lower vehicle storage area of the amphibious transport dock USS Denver (LPD 9) while under way in the Pacific Ocean Feb. 3, 2010. Denver is part of the Essex Amphibious Ready Group, which is conducting its spring patrol. (DoD photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Casey H. Kyhl, U.S. Navy/Released)

How awesome is it that our guys spray each other in the face with pepper spray? If they actually wanted anything out of him, this would be considered torture. Instead, he's just expected to take it and get tougher (presumably).

This should provide some entertainment: Tzipi Livni to visit London to test arrest warrant

In December Mrs Livni cancelled a trip to Britain after Westminster magistrates' court issued a warrant seeking her arrest in connection with alleged war crimes relating to Israel's Gaza offensive.

Hamas, the Palestinian group which is considered a terrorist organisation by Britain, was believed to have helped British lawyers secure the arrest warrant against Mrs Livni.

It sparked a diplomatic row and Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, expressed his regret over the incident saying that Mrs Livni was "most welcome in Britain any time".

The British government also said it would look at universal jurisdiction legislation and review how warrants were issued.

Yesterday Mrs Livni told the Jewish Chronicle: "I will do this not for me, not for provocation, but for the right of every Israeli to travel freely."...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Here is the final video from the filming session I had the other day (previous: Video: Dexter Van Zile on Richard Rubenstein's Jihad and Genocide, Video: Dexter Van Zile Discusses the Stephen Sizer Controversy) with Dexter Van Zile, CAMERA's Christian media analyst. As before, the videos are informally done and lightly edited.

Here is the Vatican document Dexter refers to in the video. In two parts:

So much for Hamas being any different than any other corrupt group vying for control: Haniyeh Buys $4 Million Property

A report in Palestinian Authority media appears to dent the reputation Hamas has enjoyed as an organization whose leaders lead austere lifestyles, as opposed to Fatah's corrupt leadership.

The report, in the independent Kafiyeh network, claims that Hamas Gaza kingpin Ismail Haniyeh has bought property worth $4 million in Gaza and apparently intends to build there. The purchase is reportedly registered in the name of one of his sons.

Haniyeh has reportedly purchased real estate for his family members as well, including an apartment for his wife...

How very Arafat of him.

Whatever the conclusion, at least the NIF is a controversial issue now, and they and their friends are not helping with the tactics they've used in their counterattack: Australian groups cancel Chazan appearances

Former Israeli lawmaker Naomi Chazan's visit to Australia was canceled following allegations that the organization she heads helped provide information for the Goldstone report.

Chazan, president of the New Israel Fund, was invited by the Union for Progressive Judaism -- the Australian equivalent of the Reform movement -- to address fund-raisers next week for the United Israel Appeal in Melbourne and Sydney .

But her invitation was withdrawn this week following a maelstrom over allegations by the right-wing student organization Im Tirzu that NIF had disbursed more than $7 million to 16 NGOs that had provided 92 percent of the negative information contained in the controversial United Nations report on last winter's Gaza war.

Dr. Danny Lamm, president of the Zionist Council of Victoria, which withdrew its decision to co-host Chazan at a function in Melbourne this weekend, told The Age newspaper that "Organizations that they have funded have done damage to Israel, and as a consequence we don't want to have anything to with the New Israel Fund."...

Progressive Judaism no less? Hardly the right wing's base.

[Crossposted from JStreetJive]

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The Kennedy School's Michal Ben-Josef Hirsch


Harvard's Dar al Bias

In its apparent never-ending cavalcade of visiting, hard- left Israeli scholars, Harvard's Kennedy School of Government rolled out its latest indictment of Israel in a lecture entitled: Until the Messiah Do Us Part: Israel, American Christian Zionism and the Israeli Palestinian Peace Process.

With the global body count exceeding two million at the hands of Sunni and Shia states and terrorist groups, The Kennedy School chooses to focus on the real source of global injustice: The Jewish State. Following Daniel Filc's attack on Israel via its health system, Michal Ben Josef Hirsch expanded Harvard's anti-Israel curriculum last week by a remarkable study pinning the blame for the "Peace Process's" failure on American Christian support for Israel. Let's see...the so-called "Peace Process" has been going on for nearly seventeen years with virtually nothing positive to show other than a tenuous treaty with Jordan. On the negative side, it can be argued, that the bitter fruit of the "Process" has produced thousands of dead, a genocidal Hamas regime in Gaza and an ever more powerful Iran soon to possess nuclear weapons. All of these gifts were courtesy of the Israeli Left and its precipitous drive to revive a moribund PLO in the person of Yasir Arafat. That's why Bibi Netanyahu is now PM.

Were you aware that Christian supporters of Israel harbor a dark, apocalyptic motive in materially supporting the survival of Jews in their homeland? If you weren't, Ms. Hirsch will enlighten you. According to her exhaustive study replete with illustrative graphs, many Christian Zionists believe (gasp!) that one day, their Messiah, Jesus Christ, will appear on earth, in part, due to the re-establishment of the Jewish homeland. Of course there are repugnant elements within the evangelical community, like the "Rapturists" who believe in the ultimate conversion of the Jews, but they are a small minority. Most evangelical supporters of Israel ask nothing and impose nothing on Israel's existence. Compare their support with the Twelver Shias in Tehran, who believe that the 9th century "occulted" boy imam (who lives in a well) will reappear as the Mahdi to liberate the world from non-Muslims (by the sword, of course). Nothing bizarre about that belief, is there? Strangely, Harvard has never hosted a talk on the subject of the threat and insanity of Iran's theocracy. Instead, they honor faux-reformers like Mohammed Khatami.

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American Christian Supporters of Israel


Professor Emeritus, Herbert Kelman

Harvard bears indirect responsibility for the debacle that masquerades as the "Peace Process". Herb Kelman, the Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of Social Ethics, Emeritus, working through the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (also based in Cambridge, MA) facilitated the initial meetings between the PLO and the clique of Israeli leftwing academics prior to the Oslo meetings in the early 1990's. Yair Hirschfeld, Ron Pundak, Joel Singer and Daniel Levy owe a lot to Mr. Kelman and Harvard - as did Yasir Arafat. Today, with the mounting existential threats to Israel and the rise of Jihadism that claims, in large part, that its growing popularity is due to the failure of the "Peace Process", Harvard has a lot to be proud of. One might suppose that given the manifest disaster of all this "Peacemaking", The Kennedy School gurus might have entertained some second thoughts. On the contrary; the anti-Israel events on the Charles- orchestrated, in part, by Mr. Kelman and his colleague and Hamas devotee, Sara Roy - keep on comin'.


Harvard's Sara Roy

In a rational world, the authors of "The War Process" would skulk away to a dark hole and take up new professions. I don't recall Neville Chamberlain embarking on a victory tour of England in 1940. Not so in adacemia. In this case, the JFK observation has been turned on its head: "Defeat has a thousand fathers."

Ms. Ben- Josef Hirsch concludes that the array of American Christian Zionists has played the role of "spoiler" in the Peace Process. Finally, we have identified the villains in the Middle East conflict. Forget about Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, or The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade - it's Pastor John Hagee! He and his Christian colleagues have "spoiled" an otherwise magnificent and productive process. Silly and offensive comments on gays and the Holocaust from many Christian evangelicals notwithstanding, the physical survival of Israel has been no more strongly supported by any other group around the world. And yet, in spite of her hypothesis of "spoiler", Ms. Ben- Josef Hirsch appeared open to modifications of her premise during the Q & A. When challenged on the influence of actors like Hamas, Iran and American Muslim groups, she seemed
willing to include them in her "spoiler" definition.

Almost without exception, those Israeli scholars who are invited to lecture or work at American Universities are of one political hue. For institutions that proclaim diversity, they have exhibited anything but for the past few decades. In a previous paper entitled, "From Taboo to the Negotiable: The Israeli New Historians and the Changing Representation of the Palestinian Refugee Problem", Ms. Hirsch hewed to that hue. Among those she thanked for their suggestions and help with her paper were Naomi Chazan (now the Director of the New Israel Fund in Israel) and Daniel Levy, J Street supporter and Geneva Initiative architect. But don't blame Harvard entirely - she's a post doctoral fellow at Brandeis University as well.

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The Beginning of the Never-Ending

Great catch over at the Jawa Report: Daughter of top CAIR official joined HAMAS caravan, met with HAMAS leaders with father's support and approval. Here are a couple of snips to get the relevant names in (includes the return of Salah Soltan), but see the post for the details:

...We can reveal that "Jenna Daoud" is actually Jana Al-Akhras, daughter of CAIR national vice chairman Ahmad Al-Akhras. In fact, after Al-Akhras was interviewed by Al-Jazeera, she bragged about the interview on her Facebook page:...

...The participation of Jana Al-Akhras is also confirmed by a list of US participants in a trip alert published on the Viva Palestina website (the page still exists, but has been scrubbed of any names). Al-Akhras was joined by three others from the terror-riddled Columbus area: Mohammed Soltan (president of the Ohio State Muslim Student Association and son of international terror sheikh Salah Soltan), Kareem El-Hennawy, and Ammar Zahar. According to the list, the elder Soltan himself also participated in the convoy...

...Apparently the proud papa, CAIR vice chairman Ahmed Al-Akhras forwarded update messages to the local Muslim community from his daughter updating them on their progress. The local CAIR chapter in Columbus also published these email updates from Al-Akhras and the parents of the other local convoy members. The Central Ohio Muslim community held a fundraiser featuring Galloway himself last April to raise money for the Hamas terrorist group, sponsored by the Ohio State Muslim Student Association and the Noor Islamic Cultural Center (yes, the very same mosque involved in the Rifqa Bary case).

During their travels, the convoy members, including Al-Akhras and her Ohio co-conspirators, met with a number of Hamas officials, including several designated terrorists...[More.]

Our fifth column.

The New Republic's Jeffrey Herf reviews a new book on antisemitism, focusing primarily on the last few decades although the title implies focus on a broader span of time.

Regardless, the book apparently confirms our deepest fears - the sense that hatred of Jews didn't die with Hitler but rages on, taking new forms, with a dangerous new focal point in the Middle East.

A snippet of the review:

Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad by Robert S. Wistrich Random House, 1200 pp., $40

Robert Wistrich's vast and important book is the most comprehensive account in print of the history of anti-Semitism since 1945 in Europe, the Middle East, and Iran. The reference to antiquity in the title is unfortunate: its treatment of its dark subject before 1945 is very brief; 810 of its 938 pages and twenty-three of its twenty-five chapters deal with the past seven decades. Wistrich is one of the world's leading historians of the subject, particularly of the continuities and discontinuities in the history of this lethal prejudice, in Europe but also beyond it, particularly in the Arab and Muslim world.

A Lethal Obsession is an encyclopedic--and genuinely alarming--compendium of the new anti-Semitism. Wistrich gathers a massive amount of evidence to drive home the point that we are witnessing yet another significant chapter in the history of anti-Semitism, one that the conventional focus on the history of anti-Semitism before and during Nazism and the Holocaust does not address. Every historian must decide what the proper balance is between argument and evidence. No one can criticize Wistrich for paucity of evidence. The examples are plentiful, overwhelming, at times excessive. And the plenitude of scholarship here is more than is necessary to make Wistrich's argument, which is that the history of radical and potentially genocidal anti-Semitism did not end with the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.

Hitlerism, understood as hatred of the Jews and of liberal modernity, persisted beyond the destruction of Hitler, in Wistrich's account, and acquired new political, cultural, religious, ideological, and geographical coordinates. The terminology of the new post-1945 Jew-hatred was no longer predominantly Christian, fascist, or racist. Instead it draws on neo-Marxist, Islamic, or anti-globalist ideologies. Unreconstructed neo-Nazi groups persisted, to be sure, but largely on the margins of European politics, and they ceased to be the most important source of radical anti-Semitism. Instead, the anti-Semitism after Hitler consisted of a mixture of the "old anti-Semitism" with "the new anti-Zionism." It was expressed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, by the radical left since the 1960s, and above all in the mix of secular and Islamist politics of the Middle East and Iran.While the rallying cry of the old anti-Semitism was the attack on "world Jewry," the core of anti-Semitism has been the attack on "international Zionism" and on the state of Israel...

It's precisely this shift of emphasis, from Jews per se to Israel and "Zionists" per se that make antisemitism in our time so difficult to combat. Racism in general isn't fashionable any more - we've made enormous strides in that direction and I think the West is genuinely progressing toward a greater acceptance of people who are "the other" -- at least in public.

But Jews remain targets -- regardless of the assertion that anti-Zionism comes from these other sources, traditional Western antisemitism lurks below the surface and it's easy to arouse -- that's why you'll see British and American "progressives" overlapping with KKK or traditional neonazi tropes -- and "anti-Zionism" creates a perfect mask. It combines deniability with examples of less than perfect behavior by an admittedly embattled state -- which just so happens to be the world's only Jewish state -- and which receives a media, UN, NGO and university focus vastly out of proportion either to its tiny size or to the (so far) relatively manageable nature of the Arab/Israeli conflict.

Simply by pre-emptively stating, "We are not antisemitic because we want to criticize Israel," antisemites then feel free to attack.

Jews and other supporters of Israel are constantly on the defensive - realizing of course that not all criticism of Israel is antisemitic and much is warranted and plenty comes from inside Israel, nevertheless the criticism is often vicious and over the top. It appears in state media so biased it's hard to believe that official TV and press outlets, the respectable press, would be so lacking in objectivity, so shameless.

Even in the case of Haiti, where Israelis performed real miracles, in which Jews would like to take pride, Israel was bashed for having helped. And all of a sudden, the truly horrible situation in Haiti, where probably 200,000 will be dead and countless others homeless, maimed and bereaved, becomes equivalent to Gaza just as horrible wars in Sudan, Congo, around the world somehow vanish -- no human rights are violated except by Israel, nobody suffers except the Palestinians... Gaza becomes the Warsaw Ghetto -- Jews become Nazis. Arabs become Jews, just as "Israel" has vanished in the eyes of the Church -- the true Israel is the Church and G*d has abandoned Jews because they remain -- Jews.

Thus Israeli imperfections attain the stature of violent acts of nature, huge, awesome and unprovoked -- while real genocides are just ignored -- at the same time people like Mearscheimer and Walt blithely assure the world that the mighty powers of the West are stage managed by "The Israel Lobby" and heads of state and religious leaders clamor for Israel's destruction. Thus "criticism of "Israel" morphs back into straight up judenhaas.

In the Middle East, it isn't even hidden. Der Sturmer type cartoons and TV shows promoting blood libels and even The Protocols are popular. This is reinforced by imagery of actual warfare, thus reinforcing myth with the loss of real lives -- and to this toxic mixture incitement comes from the West and even places where there are no Jews -- like Malaysia. Naturally this results in yet more war.

Hatred of Jews has once again taken on a religious dimension as well as a political aspect; right-thinking people obviously must destroy Jews who are clearly evil, and Israel -- clearly misbegotten, must vanish.

This isn't "criticism". It's antisemitism.

What can we do about it? I confess I'm baffled. We see it all the time, from the Left, from the Right - from Muslims, from Christians, even sometimes from Jews - we see if from students and from powerful professors and we hear it from heads of state.

This really doesn't make sense.

Has it ever?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Here is the second video from the filming session I had the other day (previous: Video: Dexter Van Zile on Richard Rubenstein's Jihad and Genocide) with Dexter Van Zile, CAMERA's Christian media analyst. The videos are informally done and lightly edited. Here he discusses the controversy involving Anglican Priest Stephen Sizer and blogger "Seismic Shock." (Previously here, here, here, and here.)

I wouldn't ordinarily post this, but there was quite a bit of interest in the fact that terror supporter George Galloway was in town Monday night raising money at the Palestinian Cultural Center for Peace in Allston. I wouldn't ordinarily post it because the piece, written by Jillian T. for the Allston-Brighton Tab, is so full of nonsense it would be irresponsible of a blog to post it without a full point by point fisking -- something I don't have the time, or more to the point, the stomach to do. What the author did was simply give Galloway and his supporters the "mic" while she acted as a completely credulous stenographer for every claim -- from her portrayal of the Gaza conflict (no, most of the casualties were not civilians) to the absurdly repeated claim, easily debunked on film, that Galloway does not support Hamas. There are five cursory sentences of response from the Israeli Consulate, while there's not a word from the significant number of protesters outside.

Here's the article: British MP tells Allston audience its time end to Gaza Strip blockade.

Of course! Pakistani Scientist Convicted of Attempted Murder

A Pakistani neuroscientist was convicted on Wednesday of attempted murder for trying to kill American soldiers and F.B.I. agents in Afghanistan.

Federal prosecutors said the neuroscientist, Aafia Siddiqui, 37, grabbed an M4 rifle in a police station in the city of Ghazni, Afghanistan, on July 18, 2008, and fired on American officers and federal agents.

After slightly more than two days of deliberations, a jury in Federal District Court in Manhattan found her guilty.

As the jurors began leaving the courtroom, Ms. Siddiqui, who studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brandeis University, turned in her chair to face them.

"This is a verdict coming from Israel and not from America," she said, holding her right index finger in the air. "That's where the anger belongs. I can testify to this, and I have proof."

Ms. Siddiqui was then led out of the courtroom while the judge and lawyers for both sides discussed a sentencing date...

Note the comments proclaiming her innocence and this a miscarriage of justice. Yet we expect civilian trials to impress someone? They don't sound impressed.

Talk about indiscriminate attacks, war pledge to float more bombs toward Israel

Palestinian militants said Tuesday they had launched a large number of floating explosives into the Mediterranean Sea to avenge the death of a top Hamas commander, a day after two bomb-laden barrels washed up on Israel's coastline.

Israeli authorities launched an intensive search for new bombs, closing miles of beaches, deploying robotic bomb squads and ordering surfers out of the wintry waters.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed Hamas and hinted at retaliation.

Abu Saed, a spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees, a Gaza faction with close ties to Hamas, said the attack was meant to avenge the killing last month of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a veteran Hamas operative who Israeli defense officials say was involved in smuggling rockets into Gaza [Some are saying he was assassinated by Arabs, not Israelis. -MS]...

..."We confirm that there are still many of these charges in the ocean, and they haven't exploded yet," Abu Saed said, standing alongside five other gunmen in military fatigues.

In Jerusalem, Netanyahu accused Hamas, which rules Gaza, of being behind the operation, with support from Iran and Syria.

"We view with great severity the Hamas operation near the Gaza beach, and we will respond accordingly," he said, without elaborating.

On Monday afternoon, a barrel bomb washed up on the beach of Ashkelon, about nine miles (15 kilometers) north of Gaza. A few hours later, another one was found at Ashdod, six miles (10 kilometers) farther north.

Each had about 22 pounds (10 kilograms ) of explosives, police said. They said bombs of that size could cripple small civilian vessels but not Israeli warships...

The following piece by Ben-Dror Yemini first appeared in Maariv Hebrew, here. Here is the English translation that's circulating:


by Ben-Dror Yemini, Ma'ariv, 2.2.10

The New Israel Fund is part of the global deception campaign. It does not deal with human rights but with denying one people's right to self-determination.

The New Israel Fund is angry. It thinks that it is correct to spread false testimony about the State of Israel. It thinks that it is OK to participate in the demonization campaign of groups whose goal is to eliminate Israel. It thinks that it is OK to cooperate with the Goldstone Commission, even though it was established by the automatic majority of dark countries that controls the "UN Human Rights Council." It thinks that it is OK for Israel to cooperate with the Commission even though no country in the free world supported its establishment. It is certainly legitimate, in a democratic country, to do all these things.

But there is something else that is also legitimate: Expose the truth about the Fund and the groups that falsely carry the description "human rights." If most of the political groups that are supported by the Fund do not recognize the State of Israel's right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state - do not say human rights. Tell the truth: Denial of rights only for Jews. The Palestinians have the right to a state, a national state, of their own, just as the Croats, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks and other peoples do - but not the Jews.

For example, the New Israel Fund supports the Zochrot non-profit association, which openly aspires to eliminate the State of Israel via the realization of the "right of return." Not that there is any such right and not that there has been even one precedent of a mass "return" after post-war population exchanges - but this does not bother the Fund. It always jumps at the slogan "human rights."

None of this is to say that Israel is exempt from criticism. Among the hundreds of claims, there are those that have merit. But many sane people abhor the human rights bodies, not because they abhor human rights, on the contrary. It is because most sane people are fed up that human rights have become a weapon for dark forces.

The New Israel Fund has turned itself into yet another body, one among many in the world, that are party to global deception. There are a million and one attacks on human life and human rights in the world. Israel, as a state in the midst of conflict, makes fewer attacks than any other element. This has been verified. This is anchored in numbers. But it is Israel that absorbs most of the criticism. This is called demonization, delegitimization and obsession.

There is no defense of human rights here but rather an orchestrated campaign in the service of Iran and Hamas. This is not the Fund's intention but this is the result. Things should be called by their name. Most of the groups supported by the Fund deal in the delegitimization of Israel. But the Fund rolls its eyes and whines: What is wrong with human rights? There is nothing wrong. There is something wrong with those who clearly aspire to deny the Jews' right to exist in the only place where they have sovereignty, in order to turn Israel into a "state of all its citizens," in which the majority will be Hamas supporters. There is something wrong with those who want to perpetrate politicide on only one people in the world. There is something wrong with those who collaborate with dark forces and try to sell the lie that it is all about "human rights."

How is it that so many people, mainly Jews, support the Fund? How is it they facilitate this systematic campaign that masquerades as humanitarian and is, in effect, demonic? They are not anti-Semites. They are people with good intentions. Their rhetoric deals with human rights and minorities. Jews are sensitive to this and good for them. Most are simply unaware. Most truly and innocently want Israel to be more enlightened and more progressive, and stricter about human life and human rights. But they do not know that the money goes to other goals.

Even Professor Naomi Chazan, who heads the Fund, does not hate Israel. But what has happened to countless bodies that deal with "the rights talk" has happened to them. In the end, they serve the agenda of Iran and Hamas.

Human rights groups can restore the confidence in themselves. They need to support human rights, not groups that deal in denying Israel's right to exist. In the meantime, these groups, including the New Israel Fund, are the major enemy, not only of Israel but of the free world and human rights.

In related news, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) has responded to the smears against it (ironically by people who claim they are being smeared and demonized) by taking a high-road and self-critical approach: CUFI objects to ad by group it funds

Christians United for Israel objected to an advertisement run by a group it funds that depicted the president of the New Israel Fund wearing a horn.

"Although we are often demonized by our critics, CUFI never demonizes those with whom we disagree, and we object when anyone does," CUFI spokesman Ari Morgenstern told JTA...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

On some moonbat mailing list somewhere on planet Xenu, the former head of the Cambridge (Massachusetts) Peace Commission, Cathy Hoffman, suggests in response to an email about a planning meeting to honor the great Zinn:

I am not available at that time, but keep me posted. I am thinking the ship for Viva Palestina from the US ought to be the USS Howard Zinn.

"I know, let's name the next idiot ship after him!" Too perfect.

The NIF has been circulating what can only be called one of the whinier emails I've read by a major group in response to Im Tirzu's expose of the types of groups they've been funding and the use that funding has been put to. [h/t: Seva] An Urgent Message from the New Israel Fund

When a right-wing group with a destructive agenda and a lot of money taps into the Israeli public's anger, the results are usually not pretty.

That's what happened last week when a new organization made a big splash in Israel by accusing the New Israel Fund and its grantees of being behind the Goldstone Report. Timed to capitalize on the anger many Israelis feel about the Goldstone conclusions, andpersonalized with a particularly despicable attack on NIF President Naomi Chazan, the attack was the latest salvo in a coordinated attempt to de-legitimize civil society, repress the activities of the human rights community and weaken Israeli democracy. It comes as no surprise to discover that this new group is funded by the same abundant money that flows to extremist settlers' organizations, including a sizable contribution from John Hagee's "Christians United for Israel" - a group that once stated that Hitler was carrying out God's will."...

What a disgusting inference. Snip a bunch of other victim stuff, then:

...The ugly language and personal threats against NIF and our President are all too reminiscent of the atmosphere of incitement and hatred that preceded the Rabin assassination. Sadly, these vicious attacks are being launched against the very organizations that protect Israel and its international reputation as a vibrant democracy...

Puh-lease. Draaama. Sounds like the NIF just can't take some very well deserved criticism. For NIF & Co., it's OK to demonize anyone to the right of Rosa Luxemburg...Christians, "settlers"... but heaven forfend someone should look in to what they've been up to...

And speaking of criticism, it sounds like NIF's friends can dish it out, but they sure can't take it. NGO Monitor has a must-read: On Free Speech and Informed Public Debate: An Open Letter to NIF and Affiliated NGOs

To ACRI, Bimkom, B'Tselem, Gisha, PCATI, Yesh Din, HaMoked, PHR-I, Rabbis for Human Rights, and New Israel Fund (NIF):

The recent attacks directed against NGO Monitor's detailed research represent a dangerous attempt to prevent free speech and informed public debate on the political role of some NGOs. In particular, in your February 1, 2010 letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu, you tendentiously referred to NGO Monitor as an "extreme group" that "unleashed an unrestrained and inflammatory [attack]," and implied that we are the "rotten fruits" of Israeli democracy; B'Tselem's US representative, Mitchell Plitnick, labeled us "extremists" and "right wing"; and, a few months ago, an NIF employee posted an indecent graphic on his blog (which was later removed) to illustrate his opinion of NGO Monitor's publications.

These characterizations are inconsistent with claims to uphold the mantle of human rights and democracy in Israel. Contrary to the implications of your letter, NGO Monitor has never contested the right of civil society organizations to exist or to criticize. And if your rhetoric about upholding free speech in Israel were matched by your policies, you would uphold our right as an independent research organization, and the rights of NGOs that do not share your political views, to do the same...[The rest.]

Here's that graphic by an NIF employee:



France 2's execrable Enderlin keeps digging and digging, this time with a response to a critical Haaretz op-ed. Who better to dig through Enderlin's many obfuscations than Richard Landes: Enderlin hits bottom, keeps digging.

Last night, Israeli historian Benny Morris, previously a darling of the anti-Israel left, was scheduled to give a talk at Cambridge University:

benny morris-4.jpg

Benny Morris - next week!

Professor Benny Morris will be in Cambridge next week to talk on "1948 Revisited" and answer your questions...

Oops. Unfortunately, Benny Morris has shown he not only can write a book, but he also has a brain, and his statements over the past few years have un-endeared him to his former allies, and you can guess that someone who doesn't toe the line on Israel was not quite welcome at a British University. A protest was ignited: Cambridge protests Islamophobia on campus. Yeah, that's right, Benny Morris..."Islamophobe." Gutlessly, the Israel Society (of all things), caved:

Event Change: Thursday 4th February

We will be screening "Promises" (below) this Thursday instead of Professor Benny Morris' presentation on "1948 Revisited."

We understand that whilst Professor Benny Morris' contribution to history is highly respectable and significant, his personal views are, regrettably, deeply offensive to many.

We want to clarify that the intention of the Israel Society was never to give racism a platform. We had hoped to listen to a historical presentation on "1948" followed by a Q&A - a space for anyone, including those with grievances, to challenge Morris.

Ultimately, we place respect for those who have been offended above the importance of hosting this speaker. As such, in response to complaints about this speaker, we have cancelled this proposed event, and apologise for any unintended offence.

We do still hope to see you on Thursday!

Oh please! We surrender! Just don't hurt us! Gosh, we didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. So Benny Morris was fine as long as he was politically correct, but now that he's no longer useful... Way to fight, guys. Instead the group is showing a milquetoast film. This is the full on sacrifice of exposing students to a good and interesting speaker for the sake of political correctness. One wonders how sensitive the Israel haters on campus are to the concerns of Jewish students. Care to bet the answer is "not very?"

Update: Story in the local Cambridge press: 'Islamophobic' Talk Cancelled

Wow. I've been reading about this but wasn't sure of the extent of it: Jordan pulls citizenship from Palestinians: US rights group

"AMMAN (AFP) - Jordan has revoked citizenship from nearly 3,000 Jordanians of Palestinian origin and should put an end to the practice, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on Monday.

HRW said 2,732 Palestinians were stripped of their Jordanian nationality between 2004 and 2008.

"Jordan is playing politics with the basic rights of thousands of its citizens," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director of the US-based group that released the 60-page report at a news conference in Amman.

"Officials are denying entire families the ability to lead normal lives with the sense of security that most citizens of a country take for granted," the report said.

The practice continued in 2009, denying many people basic citizenship rights such as access to education and health care, HRW said.

"We believe the total and actual number of those who have been stripped of their nationality is much bigger," Christoph Wilcke, a HRW researcher, told reporters...[More.]

This really puts people, ordinary people, in a pickle.

It's as if the US were to take naturalized citizens or maybe even people who were born here and decide they aren't Americans anymore. It's really pretty outrageous when you think about it.

In this case, people had considered themselves Jordanian for decades, now they are stateless - one wonders actually how many really self-identify as "Palestinian;" or are they once again being used as pawns?

The corrolary to this is the refusal of Lebanon to naturalize people who have been living there in "refugee camps" for 60 sixty years, even though generations have been born in Lebanon.

Even the children of Lebanese women and Palestinian men aren't Lebanese, although the children of Lebanese men can be citizens of Lebanon.

Meanwhile the non-Lebanese, although they're Sunni Muslim and hail originally from only a few miles away, have few rights and often live in poverty.

I fail to see how any of this "helps" the Palestinians or how it can do anything but contribute to poverty, personal and regional insecurity and probably violence.

Monday, February 1, 2010

[Update: The protest is over! Scroll down for more, including video.]

Previous posts: George Galloway is Coming to Boston and More on Galloway and Viva Palestina's Terrorist Ties.

A protest is being held. This reminder just in from Americans for Peace and Tolerance:

Christians and Jews United for Israel and APT are co-sponsoring a protest against a fundraiser for George Galloway's radical organization at the Palestinian Cultural Center, 41 Quint Ave., Allston, MA on Monday, February 1st at 6:00 p.m.

George Galloway, who is banned from entering Canada and was recently deported from Egypt, has entered the U.S. to raise money for his Hamas-connected organization. The Palestinian Center is hosting him for a talk and a $1,000-per-plate dinner.

Please join us outside the Center at 6:00; signs and other materials will be provided. Let them know we want Hamas Out of Boston!

Michael Graham did a great job with this on his show today. He writes about Galloway here: Massachusetts Is For Terrorists?

Update 10pm: I've heard a good crowd of 30-40 people were there to greet Galloway! Here's some video sent in by Hillel Stavis:

The other day, I sat down with Dexter Van Zile, CAMERA's Christian media analyst, to make a few informal videos on some subjects that Dexter wanted to get down. In this first, Dexter discusses Richard L. Rubenstein's Jihad and Genocide:

Peace partners:

Palestinian Media Watch: PATV sermon: "Jews are enemies of Allah and humanity - Kill them"

PA TV Sermon: "Jews are the enemies of Allah and humanity" "The Prophet says: 'Kill the Jews'"

"Even if donkeys would cease to bray, dogs cease to bark, wolves cease to howl and snakes to bite, the Jews would not cease to harbor hatred towards Muslims."

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

A sermon calling for the genocide of Jews was broadcast Friday by PA TV, which is under the control of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. The speech called the Jews the enemies of God and humanity, and compared Jews to Nazis.

In a recent interview with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Abbas proudly declared that there is no more incitement in the mosques:

"They [Israel] said there is a problem with incitement in speeches in mosques during Friday prayers. Today there is no more incitement at any mosque," he [Abbas] said." [Haaretz, Dec. 16, 2009]

The following is the transcript of excerpts of the hate speech in a mosque broadcast on PA TV:

"The loathsome occupation in Palestine - its land and its holy places - by these new Mongols and what they are perpetrating upon this holy, blessed and pure land - killing, assassination, destruction, confiscation, Judaization, harassment and splitting the homeland - are clear proof of [unintelligible word - Ed.] hostility, of incomparable racism, and of Nazism of the 20th century. The Jews, the enemies of Allah and of His Messenger, the enemies of Allah and of His Messenger! Enemies of humanity in general, and of Palestinians in particular - they wage war against us using all kinds of crimes, and as you see - even the mosques are not spared their racism...

"Oh Muslims! The Jews are the Jews. The Jews are the Jews. Even if donkeys would cease to bray, dogs cease to bark, wolves cease to howl and snakes to bite, the Jews would not cease to harbor hatred towards Muslims. The Prophet said that if two Jews would be alone with a Muslim, they would think only of killing him. Oh Muslims! This land will be liberated, these holy places and these mosques will be liberated, only by means of a return to the Quran and when all Muslims will be willing to be Jihad Fighters for the sake of Allah and for the sake of supporting Palestine, the Palestinian people, the Palestinian land, and the holy places in Palestine. The Prophet says: 'You shall fight the Jews and kill them, until the tree and the stone will speak and say: 'Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah' - the tree and the stone will not say, 'Oh Arab,' they will say, 'Oh Muslim'. And they will not say, 'Where are the millions?' and will not say, 'Where is the Arab nation?' Rather, they will say, 'Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah - there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' Except for the Gharqad tree [tree mentioned in the Quran - Ed.], which is the tree of the Jews. Thus, this land will be liberated only by means of Jihad..." [PA TV (Fatah), Jan. 29, 2010]

Emphasis: This is official Palestinian Authority television.

PA TV news report: Child vows to "liberate Palestine" with weapons

An official Palestinian Authority TV news report recently included a short clip of a young child vowing to "liberate Palestine" - "with our weapons."

"Palestine is the heart of our nation," said a boy of about 10 who was featured in the news report about a Fatah event in Cairo earlier this month.

"We will liberate it with our own hands, with our weapons or our stones. We will liberate Palestine! We will liberate Palestine!" [PA TV (Fatah), Jan. 14, 2010]

The significance is not that the young boy said this but that PA TV news chose to broadcast it.

The decision to include a child's pledge of violence in a PA TV news report is just the latest example of the PA under Mahmoud Abbas actively glorifying violence against Israel and teaching children to see violence as the means to conflict resolution.

To view more examples from the PMW web site of the PA's promotion of violence, click here.

Here's a sensitive little piece by Anthony Julius in the Times: The Outsiders. Julius was Deborah Lipstadt's lawyer, as well as Princess Diana's divorce attorney (or whatever they call it there in the UK). Always an interesting guy, here he discusses two of the faces Britain shows to its Jews (as well as giving us a few details of what Lady Di was really like for those into that). To long for a quote. Recommended.

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