Wednesday, February 10, 2010
When last we visited St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Cambridge, MA, they were gearing up for the Christmas season with a fund-raiser to send one of their congregants on the Hamas support mission known as the Gaza Freedom March (See Church Hall of Shame: St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Central Square, Cambridge (Protest Report) for the extensive background).
In the intervening weeks, the the church has been visited by a low-key informational picket (no signs, just a handouts), in an attempt to let the folks in the pews know what was going on.
Our own Happy and Proud was there this past Sunday to visit for the "report back" from Gaza. H&P made a day of it, saying hello to the local Quakers at their most recent hate meetup. Here's her report:
A Sunday Worship Tour of Cambridge, Massachusetts
It was an interesting day.
First stop was St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Cambridge, MA. We distributed literature and later attended a slide show by Rachel Wyon, who St. Peter's helped send on the "Gaza Freedom March". Ms. Wyons never actually made it to Gaza, but believes she is an expert on life there anyway. She informed us of many previously unknown "facts", such as:
- 'Refugee camps' in PA-controlled territory, which exist because the PA and other Arab nation refuse to absorb their own citizens, are really all Israel's fault
- No Hamas members were killed in the Gaza war; all casualties were civilian. (Israelis must be really bad shots - all that work and they didn't harm a single person who wasn't innocent!)
- All Israeli "settlements" and new construction are illegal, no matter where they are
- Many, many Jews (probably the majority) oppose the "occupation" and (unspecified) Israeli policies
- Palestinian Arabs practice only non-violent resistance
- Eight years of Gazan attacks on Israel had no connection to Operation Cast Lead
- It is unreasonable for Israeli border control personnel to question or detain "internationals" entering the country from Gaza because they are "peace activists"
- Zionism is not really connected with Judaism
- Hedy Epstein is a real Holocaust survivor!
- The GFM delivered vital humanitarian aid, all of it hand-carried on busses
- Gazans have been forgotten by the world, no one every hears anything about them
- No one need worry about Hamas stealing aid because no one has ever heard of such a thing
- It is much more helpful to Gazans for 1,400 people to demonstrate in Cairo than to use the money spent on hotels and plane tickets for 'humanitarian aid' to this starving population
- Even though Wyon spent most of her time touring in Egypt and Israel and never attended a single meeting or demonstration (see above), the true purpose of her trip was to help Gazans
- No one need be concerned about any connection between the GFM and Hamas, especially not Ms. Wyon
- No one has ever heard of any such connection anyway, especially not the pastor and warden at St. Peter's, as it is impossible to read information confirming the link with your eyes closed (I'm not making this up - the warden literally closed his eyes when I tried to show him photographs of GFM demonstrators holding Hamas flags and antisemitic signs)
- 'Palestinians' are a warm, friendly, noble, thoughtful, and peaceful people; misunderstood and mistreated by the entire world, especially by Israel, and all of their problems are caused by others, especially Israelis
Next, it was on to a Quaker Meeting House, where we distributed information about 'Skip' Schiel, aka Ein Al-Nour, who was giving a presentation called "Gaza Steadfast". There I had the unique experience of being assaulted by a Quaker, who tried to rip materials from my hands and told me that the real problem in this country was the "Jewish lobby", which is an enemy of democracy and the American people. (I'm not making this up, I wish I were).
Later I was surrounded by several eerily grinning Stepford-like Quakers who wanted to "help" me with my "problem" of not seeing Schiel as the loving, gentle soul he really is. And he never said any of those things written in his blog about the "Jewish lobby" (seems to be a popular phrase among the 'Friends'), admiration of the "brave" 9/11 hijackers, desire to ride on a bus 'with a suicide bomber on his way to kill as many Jews as possible', or Israel being the possible cause of his being attacked by a pigeon in a dream (I really, truly am not making this up).
Altogether a very interesting day, which I hope never to repeat.
Skip Schiel, photo pro.
Dang. I just heard Huwaida Arraf, ISM founder give the same talk 3,000 miles away. Its almost as though there were a great anti-Israel conspiracy coordinating what is said and done. Imagine that.
Thanks to "Happy and Proud" for enduring this absurdity. Just reading it is harrowing enough. We appreciate her sacrifice for the cause.
I hope another pigeon, a real one, drops a nice nakba on skippys head.
I am struggling here in the UK with trying to get across to Friends House in Euston the effect of their hosting rabidly antisemitic Islamist groups and it is the weirdest experience in meetings with them that we are speaking different languages on different planets. It is a case of metaphorically shutting their eyes to what I present to them, and now this attitude is graphically made literal with your account of their literally shutting their eyes!
'Refugee camps' in PA-controlled territory, which exist because the PA and other Arab nation refuse to absorb their own citizens, are really all Israel's fault
I suppose this does not help
Why Palestinians Still Live in Refugee Camps
amie, don't waste your time in the "uk". The "uk" is finished. No fact, no reasoning, no logic will deter the mental decay that has gripped the "uk".
My advice is LEAVE the "uk" for saner places.
Hopefully, one day, if you wish, after the inevitable bloodbath the the "uk" is heading to is over, you can return.
The "uk" doesn't want Jews, now it has millions of jihadi muslims.
Remember the VICTIMS of Pan Am 103.
Show COMPASSION for the VICTIMS of Pan Am 103.
Good heavens - here's another example - talk about incitement - Baroness Jenny Tonge is calling for an investigation - DO YOU BELIEVE THIS - into the Haiti blood libel:
She's an MP, being a "peer" and all.
Oh come on already!
Here you go:
Next time the Old South Church hosts a "We hate Israel" festival (i.e. "Sabeel") .... I'll meet you there.
Massachusetts Christians are more scary than the Palestinians back in Israel.
Massachusetts Christians are more scary than the Palestinians back in Israel. -- Michael Travis
Ill take a Southern Baptist any day.
Even in jest, it's important not to blame antisemitism on Christians; the disease cuts across all bounderies and affects Jews, Muslims, atheists, and others. The problem addressed here is institutionalized and personal antisemitism in the higher echelons of some churches and denominations, which lends legitimacy to racism and hate.
The last thing I want to do is blame all "Christians", members of these denominations, or members of these individual churches/meetings for this. I am sure that the vast majority of St. Peter's congregation are not antisemitic, the problem is that the pastor and some other officials are (I'm sure they would deny it, but there's no other way to describe supporting who commit terrorism against Jews and ironically, against Christians as well).
It's well known that many of Israel's most committed supporters are Christian, and there are Episcopalians and others who work tirelessly to promote fairness and fight anti-Israelism/antisemitism within their denominations and churches. It's vitally important to remember that the problem lies with a very small number of people who u their position as religious leaders to spread intolerance and hate. We cannot let our condemnation of these few to apply to the vast majority of Christians and others who cherish pluralism, democracy, and righteousness.
"There I had the unique experience of being assaulted by a Quaker, who tried to rip materials from my hands and told me that the real problem in this country was the "Jewish lobby", which is an enemy of democracy and the American people. (I'm not making this up, I wish I were)."
The "Fighting Quakers" -- I thought that was the University of Pennsylvania?
Keep up the good work; someday, people will be able to see what is right in front of them.