Tuesday, March 23, 2010
WTKK Talkmeister, Jimmy Myers
Jeff Klein, Once-a-Jew, Now Palestinian Die-Hard
If you're still doubting the impact of the recent CENTCOM briefing before the Senate and the Obama administration's incendiary attacks on settlements, listen to yesterday's Boston talk show with host Jimmy Myers - yes, his host station, WTKK, is a conservative media outlet.
Mr. Meyers' guest was a local agit-propper named Jeff Klein, self-described "former Jew", labor organizer, Pro Palestinian, Pro Hamas, George Galloway cheerleader who never saw an Arab atrocity against Jews he couldn't "understand." In the course of the half hour rant against Israel, Mr. Meyers crossed the line to thinly-veiled Jew hatred. Describing Jews as "arrogant", his rhetoric and fury were redolent of a Father Coughlin or a Gerald L.K. Smith of the 1930's and '40's. Listen, if you can stomach it:
Nappy occasionally tunes in to moonbat Myers for a little while until feeling nauseous, usually after about 5-15 minutes of his nonsensical, moronic drivel. It's not just his Israel-bashing that's so offensive.
A couple of weeks ago, this O-bot was plugging Obamacare and lambasting Sen. Scott Brown, who'd been in office barely a month for not having written any alternative legislation; Myers' theme was Brown should "put up or STFU!" Nappy couldn't help wondering what Myers' thought about our then junior Senator's incredibly thin legislative record after so many terms in office, especially when compared with the solid record of his opponent Sen. John McCain. Or the nonexistent record of the Obamessiah. Can you say convenient double-standard?
Fortunately, last Sunday, Nappy was otherwise occupied. Nappy is happy to have low blood pressure and would like to keep it that way. Thanks for the clip, Hillel, but no, thanks. Nappy can't stomach Myers on a good day. What you've said makes it pretty certain these clips would make Nappy hurl chunks.
Hey, thanks for re-publishing Stavis' photo of me -- one of my favorites!
Jimmy Myers' program segment on Israel/Palestine went on for 90 minutes, mostly about Jerusalem, but Stavis chose to post two snippets of 20 and 40-odd seconds. A longer, 15-minute excerpt from the show is available here:
The idea that Jimmy Myers was expressing "Jew hatred" is just a ridiculous smear. Listen to the longer segment and judge for yourself. At the end (no included in the posted segment) Jimmy invited a pro-Israel rabbi who called in to appear on his show.
There was no appreciable discussion of Gaza or Hamas, as far as I recall, but for the record, I am not "Pro Hamas" and never said I was. I do have enormous respect for the courage and committment of George Galloway, who has said many times that he doesn't support Hamas but does respect the democratic choice of the Palestinians. More power to him.
Galloway put his body and his own safety at risk to bring humanitarian relief to Gaza -- unlike Stavis and his band of video-cam warriors who wage their brave struggle from the front lines of Newton and Brookline.
For the record, I don't think Myers is a conscious antisemite. I just think he's a lefty boob.
Galloway is a Hamas supporter. He only says differently as a disclaimer to avoid legal trouble.
I, too, believe in respecting the democratic choices of the people of Gaza (so far as they have ever actually had a real opportunity to express such a will -- highly dubious in the first place, since you can't have a democratic choice without free and protected speech).
You are such a liar, Jeff. Galloway absolutely supports Hamas - he has said so many times and you can see it on Youtube. Do you really think we're that stupid, or are you just delusional?
Galloway has been filmed handing bags of cash to Hamas while clearly stating "This is not charity. This is political" (ie., don't use this to help Gazans, use it in support of 'resistence', ie. terrorism). In other words, he is encouraging Hamas operatives to commit more atrocities such as bashing in the head of a Jewish baby or shooting a Jewish two-year-old at point-blank range, after murdering the rest of her family the same way. Some 'courage' indeed!
And you're just as bad. Your support of Galloway and Viva Palestina has resulted in the murder of untold numbers of people, not even counting the fact that you admire and support a totalitarian, fundamentalist regime that oppresses women, murders Christians, murders political enemies and their entire families, steals money and humanitarian aid, threatens reporters, uses children and the elderly as human shields, keeps bombs in hospitals, schools, and mosques, and openly states its support of genocide.
Hope you enjoy your new 'friends'. Just don't turn your back on them.
Nappy I think that was Hezbollah.
But, I think you are right about Galloway, with respect to Jeff.
He was also a supporter of Saddam Hussein, who murdered so many of his own citizens. That just can't be right.
Nappy, I apologize if I'm incorrect here, I was thinking of Samir Kuntar:
Nappy not Happy.
Nappy admires Happy, but Happy not Nappy.
Sorry. More apologies. Sophia not see so good.
There are three great lies in the world:
1. Your check is in the mail
2. I did not have sex with THAT woman
3. I am not a Hamas supporter
Jeff(former Jew)Klein loves to parrot #3.
He never met a Jew hater he couldn't love (perhaps with the exception of David Irving). He adores the "democratic" election in Gaza that brought the genocidal, theo-fascist regime to power. He adores George Galloway, bagman for that regime. He toadies up to same when he visits Boston to collect
more dinars for terror.
And, oh yes, did you know that he is not a Hamas supporter? (you can get up off the floor now).
Regardless of whether Myers is 'consciously' antisemitic or not, his remarks about "arrogant" Jews and especially about Israel committing "genocide" are antisemitic. His "genocide" remark is absolutely disgusting - a desecration of the memory of all true victims of genocide, especially those who perished in the Shoah.
The station's number is 617-822-6850, email is at the bottom of their homepage (www.969bostontalks.com).
I listened to the Jimmy Myers show in its entirety. I thought Jimmy's guest was rational and showed a reasoned approach to the problem of Israel's aggressive campaign to steal theior lands and getto-ize Palestinians. If the rabid Zionists who populate the comments and are coached by AIPAC are unable to even hear an opposing viewpoint, let them turn the dial. I, for one, think viewpoints expressed by both sides are a valuable tool in seeking the truth. And, the more I learn, the more I am disheartened by the path Israel has taken. As a Jew, when I read about Israeli atrocities, my heart cries out: "Not in my name:.
Let's see. Where have I heard this before,
"Rapid Zionists coached by AIPAC," as if none us have a brain cell of our own and as if there are any Zionists running around with hydrophobia.
Ms. Asajew, if you want to communicate with people it would help to drop the invective. All that "not in my name" s*** is also an agitprop talking point.
Now. If you have something to communicate to us can you please couch it in language that assumes we're not a bunch of idiots?
If you even bother reading this board you'll find a wide range of opinion, so if you'd like you can talk to me. I'm on the Left and I am not too crazy about Hamas either. I think Galloway is the worst. He is a demogogue who is using various issues in an extremely destructive way. He is a carpetbagger from Scotland who used race and religion to get his seat in Parliament, rallying local Muslims against their (reportedly excellent) MP, Oona King, who was half black and half Jewish and also a woman. She was pelted with eggs by members of Galloway's "Respect" party which is linked to British extremists and some of the worst antisemites in the Western world.
You really should do some reading. Check Harry's Place. You might be shocked at what's going on in Britain.
Meanwhile, there are plenty of "rabid Zionists" who argue all the time for people not to be blind to Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims in general as human beings and to recognize in particular the imperative to realize the challenges confronting the Palestinian diaspora and also the utter frustration that must confront people seeking self-determination.
We also think Israelis have rights, Jews have rights, and we're scared to death of antisemitic agitprop.
Oddly enough, much of this is spread by people claiming to be Jews using the exact terms you do.
At least don't be a parrot.
So can you explain your position?
Please note it isn't Israelis who are keeping Palestinians in ghettos in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza. Israelis haven't evicted large groups of Palestinians en masse but Jordan, Kuwait and Libya have and also, you might want to check on citizenship rights in Arab states for people of "Palestinian" descent, although that term is pretty flexible considering that Yasser Arafat for example was born in Egypt and the UN requirements to be an "Arab refugee" in 1948 only demanded a residency in the Mandate region in question of 2 years, from 1946-1948.
These are otherwise known as "refugee camps". Refugee status for Palestinian Arabs is unique on this planet in that it is heriditary, it has its own UN agency which perpetuates the problem. Why is this?
Maybe if you read some history you might have broader idea of what's actually going on and has been going on for the last 100 years or so.
And also, if you want to discuss ghettos, how exactly do you think minorities are and have been treated in the Middle East? What about women, gays and dissidents, religious and ethnic minorities? Let me ask you - how many Jews live in the 22 Arab League Nations?
You think ISRAEL is oppressive? Get a grip.
Note, this doesn't mean I think Israel is off the hook here. I am opposed to the mistreatment of anybody including the Palestinians and there are examples of egregious behavior by some of the settlers for example and I am personally dismayed by the lack of interest many people evince in Arab culture. I just don't get it.
So nu?
Can you direct us to Muslims who DENOUNCE
- al qada
- rocket attacks
- bus bombings
- plane hijackings
- 9/11
- plane bombings like Pan Am 103
- suicide bombings
- islamofascism
- honor killing
- current day slavery in Sudan
- Muslim only cities
- racist dehumanization of Jews as sons of pigs and monkeys
- racist dehumanization of Hindus?
You know, a "Not in My Name" Muslim?
#11 Ellie:
There is nothing reasonable about describing the century of Arab rejectionism as
That's assault and moonbattery, plain and simple. You cry "Not in my name." Most who do that are ersatz Jews who and whose Jewishness consists of prefacing their libelous slander of Israel with "As a Jew," as if that licenses their antisemitic hate speech.The odds are you don't practice Judaism and aren't involved with the Jewish community (except through affinity groups for similarly ignorant, disaffected and alienated people of Jewish origin such as Jewish Voice for Peace and sometimes the Workmen's Circle (Some of their secular, Yiddishist stuff is OK, even if they come to their socialism from a misunderstanding of their traditions, but Michael Felson and the Boston chapter's attitudes about Israel are toxic.)
Even the Reform movement, which was once anti-Zionist, and still has a troubled relationship with Israel, now recognizes the centrality of Israel to Judaism. Just take a look inside their new siddur, Mishkan Tefila at what's been put back into the liturgy, including prayer for the restoration of Zion (e.g., in the blessings before the Sh'ma.)
When you speak against Israel, please don't say "As a Jew." You don't speak in my name or in the name of any respectable or self-respecting Jew. Certainly not for anyone who's happy and proud to be Jewish and to support Israel.
Not in my name, do you spew your nonsense.
If you take the time to listen to the 15 minute clip that Jeff Klein posted above or, God Forbid, the entire interview, you might actually learn something or at least hear an analysis that might cause you to re-think some things about the conflict in Palestine and Israel. Calling people names and and hiding behind accusations of anti-semetism is easy, but cheap and ultimately unconvincing. Yes, I am Jewish and was raised in a very traditional Jewish home, but what has that got to do with analysis of foreign policy issues that impact all of us as U.S. citizens. And, yes, I am involved in a wonderful organization, American Jews For Just Peace, www.ajjp.org and we try to raise the level of awareness and debate. Leave Jimmy alone or engage him in discussion, but stop the silly and facile attacks. Personally, I applaud his courage to engage this topic on his radio show.
I am Jimmy's Agent and long time friend. From 1970-90 I was a member of the National Legal Commission and the National Fact Finding Commission for the Anti Defamation League of B'nai Brith. I have committed my entire life to the fight against Anti Semitism. Although I vehemently disagree with the views of his guest, it is unfair to label Jimmy an anti semite because of the views of his guest. The first Amendment is something that every US citizens should respect. Those of us, who know Jimmy, know these comments about him are untrue.
Robertt A. Faneuil
This has nothing to do with the views of "Jimmy's" guest, it's about what "Jimmy" himself said. Disregarding all facts and the entire state of the world as it is, "Jimmy" ranted on about Jews being an arrogant people who were arrogantly dragging the U.S. into fighting a war for them, and that Americans would be dying for sake of the Jews.
Then he accused Israel of committing genocide, a hideous accusation and desecration of the memory of all true victims of genocide, especially those who perished in the Shoah.
Whatever you did 40 years ago, Robert Faneuil, doesn't excuse the words your client himself uttered. Howard and Ellie, I feel sorry for you. You're both pathetic.
The station's number is 617-822-6850, email is at the bottom of their homepage (www.969bostontalks.com).
Let's BDS WTKK's advertisers.
Although Jimmy Myers has said some very troubling things, Nappy doesn't call him antisemitic, just a dim-bulb with a big mouth. But that's the nature of talk radio; intelligent, thoughtful people don't make good talkers. In fact, Myers has some positive relationships with elements of Boston's J community; somewhere north of Boston, there's gym or athletic facility in his name (North Shore JCC in Marblehead?), and Nappy recalls seeing something a puff-piece in The Jewish Advocate when he moved to WTKK, which is when Nappy first heard of him.
That said, barking moonbat Jeff Klein is rabidly antisemitic.
Howard, whatever you may have done decades ago, no one is fooled by your smooth-talking snake oil taqiyya. The web site you recommend promotes pathological liars and Israel-bashers such as Electronic Intifada and Norman Finkelstein, and that's just from a cursory glance at the home page yesterday. Their tag line is "Justice is the key." Palestinianists and the apologists for terror don't talk about a two-state solution, in which the Palestinian Arabs would have to recognize that Israel is legitimately there by right, not sufferance. They talk instead about the right to resist (read:terror), "justice" and "a just resolution of the conflict," by which they make very clear, on digging a little deeper, that they mean the elimination of Israel—your basic "From the river to the sea" trope.
AJJP is just the vile JVP with a superficially more pleasant, less strident, more reasonable sounding presentation. AJJP and you promote the false, counter-factual and ahistoric "Palestinian narrative" that denies the Jewish connection to the land of Israel, the thousands of years of continuous Jewish communities and any notion of historic justice for the Jewish people.
Nappy, I think you're thinking of WRKO's Reese Hopkins who got the nice write-up in the Advocate (although Myers could have gotten one, too for all I know).
You're probably right. Nappy's memory is flaky; it's always dropping bits or scrambling them. Flaky is good only when it come so pie crusts.
Nappy was only half-right about the gym on the North Shore. Yes, there is indeed a Jimmy Myers Gymnasium at the JCC in Marblehead, but it's named after a different Jimmy Myers, somebody who apparently had been a Phys. Ed. dude there.